public function autocomplete(IlluminateRequest $request) { $suggestions = array(); $query = Request::input('query'); // We could add similar functionality here for searching by other fields and result sets (i.e. "What movies were shot here?") $titles = FilmingLocation::select('title', 'location')->where('title', 'LIKE', "%{$query}%")->orWhere('location', 'LIKE', "%{$query}%")->groupBy('title')->get(); $autocompleteResponse = new AutocompleteResponse($titles->toArray()); return response()->json($autocompleteResponse->getStructuredResponse()); }
/** * Execute the console command. * * @return mixed */ public function handle() { FilmingLocation::chunk(200, function ($locations) { foreach ($locations as $location) { if ($location->google_geocoding_cache_id == null) { $event = new NewLocationAdded($location); Event::fire($event); } } }); }
/** * Execute the console command. * * @return mixed */ public function handle() { $dataFile = fopen($this->argument('data-file'), "r"); if ($dataFile) { $rowCounter = 0; while (($rowData = fgetcsv($dataFile, 0, ",")) !== FALSE) { if (0 === $rowCounter) { $headerRecord = $rowData; } else { $location = new FilmingLocation(); foreach ($rowData as $key => $value) { $attribute = $headerRecord[$key]; $location->{$attribute} = $value; } $location->save(); $this->info("Record for {$location->location} added to database."); } $rowCounter++; } fclose($dataFile); } }