/** * @covers NetworkPort::prepareInputForAdd * @covers NetworkPort::post_addItem */ public function testAddCompleteNetworkPort() { $this->Login(); $computer1 = getItemByTypeName('Computer', '_test_pc01'); // Do some installations $ins = new NetworkPort(); // Be sure added $nb_log = countElementsInTable('glpi_logs'); $this->assertGreaterThan(0, $ins->add(['items_id' => $computer1->getID(), 'itemtype' => 'Computer', 'entities_id' => $computer1->fields['entities_id'], 'is_recursive' => 0, 'logical_number' => 3, 'mac' => '00:24:81:eb:c6:d2', 'instantiation_type' => 'NetworkPortEthernet', 'name' => 'em3', 'comment' => 'Comment me!', 'netpoints_id' => 0, 'items_devicenetworkcards_id' => 0, 'type' => 'T', 'speed' => 1000, 'speed_other_value' => '', 'NetworkName_name' => 'test1.me', 'NetworkName_fqdns_id' => 0, 'NetworkName__ipaddresses' => ['-1' => '']])); $this->assertGreaterThan($nb_log, countElementsInTable('glpi_logs')); // be sure added and have no logs $nb_log = countElementsInTable('glpi_logs'); $this->assertGreaterThan(0, $ins->add(['items_id' => $computer1->getID(), 'itemtype' => 'Computer', 'entities_id' => $computer1->fields['entities_id'], 'is_recursive' => 0, 'logical_number' => 4, 'mac' => '00:24:81:eb:c6:d4', 'instantiation_type' => 'NetworkPortEthernet', 'name' => 'em4', 'comment' => 'Comment me!', 'netpoints_id' => 0, 'items_devicenetworkcards_id' => 0, 'type' => 'T', 'speed' => 1000, 'speed_other_value' => '', 'NetworkName_name' => 'test2.me', 'NetworkName_fqdns_id' => 0, 'NetworkName__ipaddresses' => ['-1' => '']], [], false)); $this->assertEquals($nb_log, countElementsInTable('glpi_logs')); }
/** * @test */ public function ImportNetworkEquipment() { global $DB; self::restore_database(); // Load session rights $_SESSION['glpidefault_entity'] = 0; Session::initEntityProfiles(2); Session::changeProfile(4); $pfUnmanaged = new PluginFusioninventoryUnmanaged(); $networkEquipment = new NetworkEquipment(); $networkPort = new NetworkPort(); $networkName = new NetworkName(); $iPAddress = new IPAddress(); $input = array('name' => 'switch', 'entities_id' => 0, 'item_type' => 'NetworkEquipment', 'sysdescr' => 'Cisco machin chose', 'locations_id' => 1, 'is_dynamic' => 1, 'serial' => 'XXS6BEF3', 'comment' => 'this is a comment', 'plugin_fusioninventory_configsecurities_id' => 1); $unmanageds_id = $pfUnmanaged->add($input); // * Add networkport $input = array(); $input['itemtype'] = 'PluginFusioninventoryUnmanaged'; $input['items_id'] = $unmanageds_id; $input['instantiation_type'] = 'NetworkPortEthernet'; $input['name'] = 'general'; $input['mac'] = '00:00:00:43:ae:0f'; $input['is_dynamic'] = 1; $networkports_id = $networkPort->add($input); $input = array(); $input['items_id'] = $networkports_id; $input['itemtype'] = 'NetworkPort'; $input['name'] = ''; $input['is_dynamic'] = 1; $networknames_id = $networkName->add($input); $input = array(); $input['entities_id'] = 0; $input['itemtype'] = 'NetworkName'; $input['items_id'] = $networknames_id; $input['name'] = ''; $input['is_dynamic'] = 1; $iPAddress->add($input); $pfUnmanaged->import($unmanageds_id); $cnt = countElementsInTable("glpi_networkequipments"); $this->assertEquals(1, $cnt, "May have network equipment added"); $cnt = countElementsInTable("glpi_plugin_fusioninventory_unmanageds"); $this->assertEquals(0, $cnt, "Unknown device may be deleted"); $networkEquipment->getFromDB(1); $this->assertEquals('XXS6BEF3', $networkEquipment->fields['serial'], "Serial"); $this->assertEquals('switch', $networkEquipment->fields['name'], "Name"); $this->assertEquals(1, $networkEquipment->fields['is_dynamic'], "is_dynamic"); $this->assertEquals(1, $networkEquipment->fields['locations_id'], "locations_id"); $this->assertEquals('this is a comment', $networkEquipment->fields['comment'], "comment"); $networkPort->getFromDB(1); $a_reference = array('name' => 'general', 'id' => '1', 'items_id' => '1', 'itemtype' => 'NetworkEquipment', 'entities_id' => '0', 'is_recursive' => '0', 'logical_number' => '0', 'instantiation_type' => 'NetworkPortEthernet', 'mac' => '00:00:00:43:ae:0f', 'comment' => '', 'is_deleted' => '0', 'is_dynamic' => '1'); $this->assertEquals($a_reference, $networkPort->fields, "Networkport"); $networkName->getFromDB(1); $a_reference = array('id' => '1', 'entities_id' => '0', 'items_id' => '1', 'itemtype' => 'NetworkPort', 'comment' => NULL, 'fqdns_id' => '0', 'is_deleted' => '0', 'is_dynamic' => '1', 'name' => ''); $this->assertEquals($a_reference, $networkName->fields, "Networkname"); $iPAddress->getFromDB(1); $a_reference = array('name' => '', 'id' => '1', 'entities_id' => '0', 'items_id' => '1', 'itemtype' => 'NetworkName', 'version' => '4', 'binary_0' => '0', 'binary_1' => '0', 'binary_2' => '65535', 'binary_3' => '3232240641', 'is_deleted' => '0', 'is_dynamic' => '1', 'mainitems_id' => '1', 'mainitemtype' => 'NetworkEquipment'); $this->assertEquals($a_reference, $iPAddress->fields, "IPAddress"); }
/** * @covers NetworkPort::prepareInputForAdd * @covers NetworkPort::post_addItem */ public function testAddCompleteNetworkPort() { $this->Login(); $computer1 = getItemByTypeName('Computer', '_test_pc01'); // Do some installations $networkport = new NetworkPort(); // Be sure added $nb_log = countElementsInTable('glpi_logs'); $new_id = $networkport->add(['items_id' => $computer1->getID(), 'itemtype' => 'Computer', 'entities_id' => $computer1->fields['entities_id'], 'is_recursive' => 0, 'logical_number' => 3, 'mac' => '00:24:81:eb:c6:d2', 'instantiation_type' => 'NetworkPortEthernet', 'name' => 'em3', 'comment' => 'Comment me!', 'netpoints_id' => 0, 'items_devicenetworkcards_id' => 0, 'type' => 'T', 'speed' => 1000, 'speed_other_value' => '', 'NetworkName_name' => 'test1', 'NetworkName_comment' => 'test1 comment', 'NetworkName_fqdns_id' => 0, 'NetworkName__ipaddresses' => ['-1' => ''], '_create_children' => true]); $this->assertGreaterThan(0, $new_id); $this->assertGreaterThan($nb_log, countElementsInTable('glpi_logs')); // check data in db // 1 -> NetworkPortEthernet $all_netportethernets = getAllDatasFromTable('glpi_networkportethernets', '', false, 'id'); $networkportethernet = end($all_netportethernets); unset($networkportethernet['id']); unset($networkportethernet['date_mod']); unset($networkportethernet['date_creation']); $expected = ['networkports_id' => $new_id, 'items_devicenetworkcards_id' => '0', 'netpoints_id' => '0', 'type' => 'T', 'speed' => '1000']; $this->assertEquals($expected, $networkportethernet); // 2 -> NetworkName $all_networknames = getAllDatasFromTable('glpi_networknames', '', false, 'id'); $networkname = end($all_networknames); $networknames_id = $networkname['id']; unset($networkname['id']); unset($networkname['date_mod']); unset($networkname['date_creation']); $expected = ['entities_id' => $computer1->fields['entities_id'], 'items_id' => $new_id, 'itemtype' => 'NetworkPort', 'name' => 'test1', 'comment' => 'test1 comment', 'fqdns_id' => 0, 'is_deleted' => 0, 'is_dynamic' => 0]; $this->assertEquals($expected, $networkname); // 3 -> IPAddress $all_ipadresses = getAllDatasFromTable('glpi_ipaddresses', '', false, 'id'); $ipadress = end($all_ipadresses); unset($ipadress['id']); unset($ipadress['date_mod']); unset($ipadress['date_creation']); $expected = ['entities_id' => $computer1->fields['entities_id'], 'items_id' => $networknames_id, 'itemtype' => 'NetworkName', 'version' => '4', 'name' => '', 'binary_0' => '0', 'binary_1' => '0', 'binary_2' => '65535', 'binary_3' => '3232240641', 'is_deleted' => '0', 'is_dynamic' => '0', 'mainitems_id' => $computer1->getID(), 'mainitemtype' => 'Computer']; $this->assertEquals($expected, $ipadress); // be sure added and have no logs $nb_log = countElementsInTable('glpi_logs'); $new_id = $networkport->add(['items_id' => $computer1->getID(), 'itemtype' => 'Computer', 'entities_id' => $computer1->fields['entities_id'], 'is_recursive' => 0, 'logical_number' => 4, 'mac' => '00:24:81:eb:c6:d4', 'instantiation_type' => 'NetworkPortEthernet', 'name' => 'em4', 'comment' => 'Comment me!', 'netpoints_id' => 0, 'items_devicenetworkcards_id' => 0, 'type' => 'T', 'speed' => 1000, 'speed_other_value' => '', 'NetworkName_name' => 'test2', 'NetworkName_fqdns_id' => 0, 'NetworkName__ipaddresses' => ['-1' => '']], [], false); $this->assertGreaterThan(0, $new_id); $this->assertEquals($nb_log, countElementsInTable('glpi_logs')); }
/** * @test */ public function PrinterToInventoryWithoutIP() { self::restore_database(); $printer = new Printer(); $networkport = new NetworkPort(); $networkName = new NetworkName(); $pfPrinter = new PluginFusioninventoryPrinter(); $pfTask = new PluginFusioninventoryTask(); $pfTaskjob = new PluginFusioninventoryTaskjob(); $computer = new Computer(); $pfAgent = new PluginFusioninventoryAgent(); $communication = new PluginFusioninventoryCommunication(); // Create computers + agents $input = array('entities_id' => 0, 'name' => 'computer1'); $computers_id = $computer->add($input); $input = array('entities_id' => 0, 'name' => 'computer1', 'version' => '{"INVENTORY":"v2.3.11"}', 'device_id' => 'computer1', 'useragent' => 'FusionInventory-Agent_v2.3.11', 'computers_id' => $computers_id); $pfAgent->add($input); // Create printer $input = array('name' => 'printer 001', 'entities_id' => 0); $printers_id = $printer->add($input); // Add port $networkports_id = $networkport->add(array('itemtype' => 'Printer', 'instantiation_type' => 'NetworkPortEthernet', 'items_id' => $printers_id, 'entities_id' => 0)); $networknames_id = $networkName->add(array('entities_id' => 0, 'itemtype' => 'NetworkPort', 'items_id' => $networkports_id)); $input = array('printers_id' => 1, 'plugin_fusioninventory_configsecurities_id' => 2); $pfPrinter->add($input); // Add task // create task $input = array('entities_id' => 0, 'name' => 'network inventory', 'is_active' => 1); $tasks_id = $pfTask->add($input); // create taskjob $input = array('plugin_fusioninventory_tasks_id' => $tasks_id, 'entities_id' => 0, 'name' => 'inventory', 'method' => 'networkinventory', 'targets' => '[{"Printer":"' . $printers_id . '"}]', 'actors' => '[{"PluginFusioninventoryAgent":"1"}]'); $pfTaskjob->add($input); PluginFusioninventoryTask::cronTaskscheduler(); $data = $pfTask->getJoblogs(array(1)); // Task is prepared // Agent will get data $communication->getTaskAgent(1); $message = $communication->getMessage(); $json = json_encode($message); $array = json_decode($json, TRUE); $ref = array(); $this->assertEquals($ref, $array, 'XML of SNMP inventory task'); }
/** * @test */ public function Cisco2Switch() { global $DB; $DB->connect(); self::restore_database(); $a_lldp = array('ifdescr' => 'ge-0/0/1.0', 'logical_number' => '504', 'sysdescr' => 'Juniper Networks, Inc. ex2200-24t-4g , version 10.1R1.8 Build date: 2010-02-12 16:59:31 UTC ', 'model' => '', 'ip' => '', 'mac' => '2c:6b:f5:98:f9:70', 'name' => 'juniperswitch3'); $pfINetworkEquipmentLib = new PluginFusioninventoryInventoryNetworkEquipmentLib(); $networkEquipment = new NetworkEquipment(); $networkport = new NetworkPort(); $pfNetworkPort = new PluginFusioninventoryNetworkPort(); // Cisco switch $networkequipments_id = $networkEquipment->add(array('name' => 'cisco2', 'entities_id' => 0)); $networkports_id = $networkport->add(array('itemtype' => 'NetworkEquipment', 'items_id' => $networkequipments_id, 'entities_id' => 0)); // Another switch $networkequipments_other_id = $networkEquipment->add(array('name' => 'juniperswitch3', 'entities_id' => 0)); // Port ge-0/0/1.0 $networkports_other_id = $networkport->add(array('itemtype' => 'NetworkEquipment', 'items_id' => $networkequipments_other_id, 'entities_id' => 0, 'mac' => '2c:6b:f5:98:f9:70', 'logical_number' => 504)); $pfNetworkPort->add(array('networkports_id' => $networkports_other_id, 'ifdescr' => 'ge-0/0/1.0')); $pfINetworkEquipmentLib->importConnectionLLDP($a_lldp, $networkports_id); $a_portslinks = getAllDatasFromTable('glpi_networkports_networkports'); $this->assertEquals(1, count($a_portslinks), 'May have 1 connection between 2 network ports'); $a_networkports = getAllDatasFromTable('glpi_networkports'); $this->assertEquals(2, count($a_networkports), 'May have 2 network ports (' . print_r($a_networkports, TRUE) . ')'); $a_ref = array('id' => 1, 'networkports_id_1' => $networkports_id, 'networkports_id_2' => $networkports_other_id); $this->assertEquals($a_ref, current($a_portslinks), 'Link port'); }
$npv = new NetworkPort_Vlan(); if (!isset($_GET["id"])) { $_GET["id"] = ""; } if (isset($_POST["add"])) { // Is a preselected mac adress selected ? if (isset($_POST['pre_mac'])) { if (!empty($_POST['pre_mac'])) { $_POST['mac'] = $_POST['pre_mac']; } unset($_POST['pre_mac']); } if (!isset($_POST["several"])) { $np->check(-1, 'w', $_POST); $np->splitInputForElements($_POST); $newID = $np->add($_POST); $np->updateDependencies(1); Event::log($newID, "networkport", 5, "inventory", sprintf(__('%s adds an item'), $_SESSION["glpiname"])); Html::back(); } else { Session::checkRight("networking", "w"); $input = $_POST; unset($input['several']); unset($input['from_logical_number']); unset($input['to_logical_number']); for ($i = $_POST["from_logical_number"]; $i <= $_POST["to_logical_number"]; $i++) { $add = ""; if ($i < 10) { $add = "0"; } $input["logical_number"] = $i;
function getPortIDfromSysmacandPortnumber($sysmac, $ifnumber, $params = array()) { global $DB; $PortID = ''; $queryPort = "SELECT *\n FROM `glpi_networkports`\n WHERE `mac`='" . $sysmac . "'\n AND `itemtype`='NetworkEquipment'\n AND `logical_number`='" . $ifnumber . "'\n LIMIT 1"; $resultPort = $DB->query($queryPort); if ($DB->numrows($resultPort) == "1") { $dataPort = $DB->fetch_assoc($resultPort); $PortID = $dataPort['id']; } if ($PortID == '') { // case where mac is of switch and not of the port (like Procurve) $queryPort = "SELECT *\n FROM `glpi_plugin_fusioninventory_networkports`\n LEFT JOIN `glpi_networkports`\n ON `glpi_plugin_fusioninventory_networkports`.`networkports_id`=\n `glpi_networkports`.`id`\n LEFT JOIN `glpi_networkequipments`\n ON `glpi_networkports`.`items_id`=\n `glpi_networkequipments`.`id`\n WHERE `glpi_networkports`.`mac`='" . $sysmac . "'\n AND `glpi_networkports`.`itemtype`='NetworkEquipment'\n AND `logical_number`='" . $ifnumber . "'\n LIMIT 1"; $resultPort = $DB->query($queryPort); $dataPort = $DB->fetch_assoc($resultPort); if ($DB->numrows($resultPort) == "1") { $PortID = $dataPort['networkports_id']; } } // In case of mac is mac of switch, not a port if ($PortID == '') { $queryPort = "SELECT *\n FROM `glpi_networkports`\n WHERE `logical_number`='" . $ifnumber . "'\n AND `itemtype`='NetworkEquipment'\n AND `items_id` IN\n (SELECT `items_id`\n FROM `glpi_networkports`\n WHERE `instantiation_type`='NetworkPortAggregate'\n AND `mac`='" . $sysmac . "')\n LIMIT 1"; $resultPort = $DB->query($queryPort); $dataPort = $DB->fetch_assoc($resultPort); if (isset($dataPort['id'])) { $PortID = $dataPort['id']; } } if ($PortID == "") { $NetworkPort = new NetworkPort(); $PluginFusioninventoryUnmanaged = new PluginFusioninventoryUnmanaged(); $query = "SELECT *\n FROM `glpi_networkports`\n WHERE `itemtype`='PluginFusioninventoryUnmanaged'\n AND `mac`='" . $sysmac . "'\n LIMIT 1"; $result = $DB->query($query); if ($DB->numrows($result) == "1") { $data = $DB->fetch_assoc($result); return $data['id']; } // Add unmanaged device because not find device $input = array(); $input['mac'] = $sysmac; if (isset($params['sysname'])) { $input['name'] = $params['sysname']; } if (isset($_SESSION["plugin_fusioninventory_entity"])) { $input['entities_id'] = $_SESSION["plugin_fusioninventory_entity"]; } if (isset($params['sysdescr'])) { $input['sysdescr'] = $params['sysdescr']; } $unkonwn_id = $PluginFusioninventoryUnmanaged->add($input); // Add port $input = array(); $input['items_id'] = $unkonwn_id; $input['itemtype'] = 'PluginFusioninventoryUnmanaged'; $input['mac'] = $sysmac; if (isset($params['ifdescr'])) { $input['name'] = $params['ifdescr']; } $input['instantiation_type'] = 'NetworkPortEthernet'; $PortID = $NetworkPort->add($input); return $PortID; } return $PortID; }
function _updateNetworkInfo($arrayinventory, $item_type, $id, $instanciation_type, $check_addresses) { $NetworkPort = new NetworkPort(); $port = current($NetworkPort->find("`itemtype`='{$item_type}' AND `items_id`='{$id}'" . " AND `instantiation_type`='{$instanciation_type}'", "", 1)); $port_id = 0; if (isset($port['id'])) { if (isset($arrayinventory['MAC']) and !empty($arrayinventory['MAC'])) { $input = array(); $input['id'] = $port['id']; $input['mac'] = $arrayinventory['MAC']; $NetworkPort->update($input); } $port_id = $port['id']; } else { $input = array(); $input['itemtype'] = $item_type; $input['items_id'] = $id; $input['instantiation_type'] = $instanciation_type; $input['name'] = "management"; if (isset($arrayinventory['MAC']) && !empty($arrayinventory['MAC'])) { $input['mac'] = $arrayinventory['MAC']; } $port_id = $NetworkPort->add($input); } $NetworkName = new NetworkName(); $name = current($NetworkName->find("`itemtype`='NetworkPort' AND `items_id`='" . $port_id . "'", "", 1)); $name_id = 0; if (isset($name['id'])) { $name_id = $name['id']; } else { $input = array(); $input['itemtype'] = 'NetworkPort'; $input['items_id'] = $port_id; $name_id = $NetworkName->add($input); } if (isset($arrayinventory['IP'])) { $IPAddress = new IPAddress(); if ($check_addresses) { $addresses = $IPAddress->find("`itemtype`='NetworkName'\n AND `items_id`='" . $name_id . "'", '', 1); } else { // Case of NetworkEquipment $a_ips = $IPAddress->find("`itemtype`='NetworkName'\n AND `items_id`='" . $name_id . "'\n AND `name`='" . $arrayinventory['IP'] . "'", '', 1); if (count($a_ips) > 0) { $addresses = $a_ips; } else { $addresses = array(); } } if (count($addresses) == 0) { $input = array(); $input['itemtype'] = 'NetworkName'; $input['items_id'] = $name_id; $input['name'] = $arrayinventory['IP']; $IPAddress->add($input); } else { $address = current($addresses); if ($address['name'] != $arrayinventory['IP']) { $input = array(); $input['id'] = $address['id']; $input['name'] = $arrayinventory['IP']; $IPAddress->update($input); } } } }
/** Generate bigdump : Create networkport ethernet * * @since version 0.84 * * @param $itemtype item type * @param $items_id item ID * @param $entities_id item entity ID * @param $locations_id ID of the location trying to link with network equipment (default 0) **/ function addNetworkEthernetPort($itemtype, $items_id, $entities_id, $locations_id=0) { global $NET_LOC, $NET_PORT, $MAX, $VLAN_LOC; // Add networking ports $newIP = getNextIP(); $newMAC = getNextMAC(); if (($itemtype == 'NetworkEquipment') && $locations_id) { // Find father locations_id; $loc = new Location(); if ($loc->getFromDB($locations_id)) { $locations_id = $loc->getField('locations_id'); } else { $locations_id = 0; } } //insert netpoint $netpoint = new NetPoint(); $netpointID = $netpoint->add(toolbox::addslashes_deep( array('entities_id' => $entities_id, 'locations_id' => $locations_id, 'name' => getNextNETPOINT(), 'comment' => "comment 'netpoint $locations_id"))); if ($locations_id && !isset($VLAN_LOC[$locations_id])) { $vlanID = mt_rand(1,$MAX["vlan"]); $VLAN_LOC[$locations_id] = $vlanID; } if (!isset($NET_PORT[$itemtype][$items_id])) { $NET_PORT[$itemtype][$items_id]=0; } $np = new NetworkPort(); $nv = new NetworkPort_Vlan(); $newportname = "port of $itemtype-$items_id"; $refportID = 0; if ($locations_id && isset($NET_LOC[$locations_id]) && $NET_LOC[$locations_id]) { $refportname = "link 'port to $itemtype-$items_id"; $newportname .= " link to 'NetworkEquipment' -".$NET_LOC[$locations_id]; $newMAC2 = getNextMAC(); $newIP2 = getNextIP(); // Create new port on ref item $param = toolbox::addslashes_deep( array('itemtype' => 'NetworkEquipment', 'items_id' => $NET_LOC[$locations_id], 'entities_id' => $entities_id, 'logical_number' => $NET_PORT['NetworkEquipment'][$NET_LOC[$locations_id]]++, 'name' => "name '$refportname", 'instantiation_type' => 'NetworkPortEthernet', 'mac' => $newMAC2, 'comment' => "comment '$refportname", 'netpoints_id' => $netpointID, 'NetworkName_name' => "NetworkEquipment$itemtype-$items_id-$entities_id", 'NetworkName__ipaddresses' => array(-100 => $newIP2['ip']), )); $np->splitInputForElements($param); $refportID = $np->add($param); $np->updateDependencies(1); if (isset($VLAN_LOC[$locations_id]) && $refportID) { $nv->add(array('networkports_id' => $refportID, 'vlans_id' => $VLAN_LOC[$locations_id])); } } // $query = "INSERT INTO `glpi_networkports` // VALUES (NULL, '$netwID', 'NetworkEquipment', '$ID_entity', '0', // '".$NET_PORT['NetworkEquipment'][$netwID]++."', // 'link port to netw ".$NET_LOC[$data['locations_id']]."', // '".$newIP['ip']."', '$newMAC', '$iface', '$netpointID', // '".$newIP['netwmask']."', '".$newIP['gateway']."', // '".$newIP['subnet']."','comment')"; // $DB->query($query) or die("PB REQUETE ".$query); $param = toolbox::addslashes_deep( array('itemtype' => $itemtype, 'items_id' => $items_id, 'entities_id' => $entities_id, 'logical_number' => $NET_PORT[$itemtype][$items_id]++, 'name' => "name '$newportname", 'instantiation_type' => 'NetworkPortEthernet', 'mac' => $newMAC, 'comment' => "comment '$newportname", 'netpoints_id' => $netpointID, 'NetworkName_name' => "$itemtype-$items_id-$entities_id", 'NetworkName__ipaddresses' => array(-100 => $newIP['ip']), )); $np->splitInputForElements($param); $newportID = $np->add($param); $np->updateDependencies(1); if (isset($VLAN_LOC[$locations_id]) && $newportID) { $nv->add(array('networkports_id' => $newportID, 'vlans_id' => $VLAN_LOC[$locations_id])); } if ($locations_id && $refportID && $newportID) { // link ports $nn = new Networkport_Networkport(); $nn->add(array('networkports_id_1' => $refportID, 'networkports_id_2' => $newportID,)); } else { if ($locations_id) { } } }
$nn = new NetworkPort_NetworkPort(); $npv = new NetworkPort_Vlan(); if (!isset($_GET["id"])) { $_GET["id"] = ""; } if (isset($_POST["add"])) { // Is a preselected mac adress selected ? if (isset($_POST['pre_mac'])) { if (!empty($_POST['pre_mac'])) { $_POST['mac'] = $_POST['pre_mac']; } unset($_POST['pre_mac']); } if (!isset($_POST["several"])) { $np->check(-1, 'w', $_POST); $np->add($_POST); Event::log(0, "networkport", 5, "inventory", $_SESSION["glpiname"] . " " . $LANG['log'][70]); glpi_header($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']); } else { checkRight("networking", "w"); $input = $_POST; unset($input['several']); unset($input['from_logical_number']); unset($input['to_logical_number']); for ($i = $_POST["from_logical_number"]; $i <= $_POST["to_logical_number"]; $i++) { $add = ""; if ($i < 10) { $add = "0"; } $input["logical_number"] = $i; $input["name"] = $_POST["name"] . $add . $i;
/** * @param $values * @param $add (true by default) * @param $rights array */ function processAfterInsertOrUpdate($values, $add = true, $rights = array()) { if (isset($values['NetworkEquipment']['nb_ports'])) { for ($i = 1; $i <= $values['NetworkEquipment']['nb_ports']; $i++) { $input = array(); $netport = new NetworkPort(); $add = ""; if ($i < 10) { $add = "0"; } $input["logical_number"] = $i; $input["name"] = $add . $i; $input["items_id"] = $values['NetworkEquipment']['id']; $input["itemtype"] = 'NetworkEquipment'; $input["entities_id"] = $values['NetworkEquipment']['entities_id']; $netport->add($input); } } }
function importPortAggregate($a_ports, $networkports_id, $networkequipments_id) { $networkPort = new NetworkPort(); $networkPortAggregate = new NetworkPortAggregate(); $a_aggregates = $networkPortAggregate->find("`networkports_id`='" . $networkports_id . "'", "", 1); $input = array(); if (count($a_aggregates) == 1) { $input = current($a_aggregates); } else { $input['networkports_id'] = $networkports_id; $input['networkports_id_list'] = exportArrayToDB(array()); $input['id'] = $networkPortAggregate->add($input); } $a_ports_db_tmp = array(); foreach ($a_ports as $logical_number) { $a_networkports_DB = current($networkPort->find("`itemtype`='NetworkEquipment'\n AND `items_id`='" . $networkequipments_id . "'\n AND `instantiation_type`='NetworkPortEthernet'\n AND `logical_number` = '" . $logical_number . "'", '', 1)); if (!isset($a_networkports_DB['id'])) { // Add port $a_port['instantiation_type'] = 'NetworkPortEthernet'; $a_port['items_id'] = $networkequipments_id; $a_port['itemtype'] = 'NetworkEquipment'; $a_port['logical_number'] = $logical_number; $networkports_id = $networkPort->add($a_port); } else { $networkports_id = $a_networkports_DB['id']; } $a_ports_db_tmp[] = $networkports_id; } $input['networkports_id_list'] = $a_ports_db_tmp; $networkPortAggregate->update($input); }
/** * import ipdiscover object * @param type $ipDiscoveryObject array * @param type $plugin_ocsinventoryng_ocsservers_id integer * @param $subnet * @return array */ static function importIpDiscover($ipDiscoveryObject, $plugin_ocsinventoryng_ocsservers_id, $subnet) { global $DB; $id = null; $identify = false; $cfg_ocs = PluginOcsinventoryngOcsServer::getConfig($plugin_ocsinventoryng_ocsservers_id); if (isset($ipDiscoveryObject["ocsItemType"]) && $ipDiscoveryObject["ocsItemType"] == Dropdown::EMPTY_VALUE) { return array('status' => PluginOcsinventoryngOcsServer::IPDISCOVER_FAILED_IMPORT); } if ($ipDiscoveryObject["itemDescription"] == '') { return array('status' => PluginOcsinventoryngOcsServer::IPDISCOVER_FAILED_IMPORT); } if ($ipDiscoveryObject["itemName"] == "") { $ipDiscoveryObject["itemName"] = $ipDiscoveryObject["itemDescription"]; } switch ($ipDiscoveryObject["glpiItemType"]) { //empty dropdown value case '0': return array('status' => PluginOcsinventoryngOcsServer::IPDISCOVER_FAILED_IMPORT); } if (isset($ipDiscoveryObject["ocsItemType"])) { $identify = true; } $mac = $ipDiscoveryObject["macAdress"]; $netPort = new NetworkPort(); $netPort->getFromDBByQuery("WHERE `mac` = '{$mac}' "); if (count($netPort->fields) < 1) { $input = array('is_dynamic' => 1, 'locations_id' => 0, 'domains_id' => 0, 'entities_id' => $ipDiscoveryObject["entity"], 'name' => $ipDiscoveryObject["itemName"], 'comment' => $ipDiscoveryObject["itemDescription"]); $device = new $ipDiscoveryObject["glpiItemType"](); $id = $device->add($input, array(), $cfg_ocs['history_devices']); //ipdiscover link $date = date("Y-m-d H:i:s"); $glpiType = $ipDiscoveryObject["glpiItemType"]; $ip = $ipDiscoveryObject["itemIp"]; $glpiQuery = "INSERT INTO `glpi_plugin_ocsinventoryng_ipdiscoverocslinks`\n (`items_id`,`itemtype`,`macaddress`,`last_update`,`subnet`,`plugin_ocsinventoryng_ocsservers_id`)\n VALUES('{$id}','{$glpiType}','{$mac}','{$date}','{$subnet}','{$plugin_ocsinventoryng_ocsservers_id}')"; $DB->query($glpiQuery); //add port $port_input = array('name' => $ipDiscoveryObject["itemName"] . "-" . $ip, 'mac' => $mac, 'items_id' => $id, 'itemtype' => $glpiType, 'instantiation_type' => "NetworkPortEthernet", "entities_id" => $ipDiscoveryObject["entity"], "NetworkName__ipaddresses" => array("-100" => $ip), '_create_children' => 1, 'is_deleted' => 0); $netPort->add($port_input, array(), $cfg_ocs['history_network']); /* $netPortInput = array( "itemtype" => $glpiType, "items_id" => $id, 'entities_id' => $ipDiscoveryObject["entity"], "name" => $ipDiscoveryObject["itemName"] . "-" . $ip, "instantiation_type" => "NetworkPortEthernet", "mac" => $mac ); $netPort->splitInputForElements($netPortInput); $NewNetPortId = $netPort->add($netPortInput); $netPort->updateDependencies(1); //make link to IPAdress manualy //add ipAdress $networkName= new NetworkName(); $networkNameId=$networkName->add(array("items_id"=>$NewNetPortId,"itemtype"=>"NetworkPort")); $ipAdresses = new IPAddress(); $input = array('name' => $ip, 'itemtype' => 'NetworkName', 'items_id' => $networkNameId, 'is_deleted' => 0, 'mainitems_id'=>$id, 'mainitemtype'=>$glpiType); $ipAdresses->add($input);*/ } if ($id && $identify) { //identify object //WAS IS DAS ? CHMA $userId = Session::getLoginUserID(); $query = "SELECT `glpi_users`.`name` \n FROM `glpi_users`\n WHERE glpi_users.id like '{$userId}'"; $queryResult = $DB->query($query); $userAssoc = $DB->fetch_assoc($queryResult); if ($userAssoc) { $ocsClient = new PluginOcsinventoryngOcsServer(); $DBOCS = $ocsClient->getDBocs($plugin_ocsinventoryng_ocsservers_id)->getDB(); $ocsType = $ipDiscoveryObject["ocsItemType"]; $description = $ipDiscoveryObject["itemDescription"]; $user = $userAssoc["name"]; $ocsQuery = "INSERT INTO `network_devices` (`description`,`type`,`macaddr`,`user`)\n VALUES('{$description}','{$ocsType}','{$mac}','{$user}')"; $DBOCS->query($ocsQuery); } } if ($id) { return array('status' => PluginOcsinventoryngOcsServer::IPDISCOVER_IMPORTED); } else { Session::addMessageAfterRedirect($mac . " : " . __('Unable to add. an object with same MAC address already exists.', 'ocsinventoryng'), false, ERROR); return array('status' => PluginOcsinventoryngOcsServer::IPDISCOVER_FAILED_IMPORT); } }
/** * @param $mac * @param $name * @param $computers_id * @param $instantiation_type * @param $inst_input * @param $ips * @param $check_name * @param $dohistory * @param $already_known_ports * @return ID */ private static function updateNetworkPort($mac, $name, $computers_id, $instantiation_type, $inst_input, $ips, $check_name, $dohistory, $already_known_ports) { global $DB; $network_port = new NetworkPort(); // Then, find or create the base NetworkPort $query = "SELECT `id`, `is_dynamic`\n FROM `glpi_networkports`\n WHERE `itemtype` = 'Computer'\n AND `items_id` = '{$computers_id}'\n AND `mac` = '{$mac}'"; // If there is virtual ports, then, filter by port's name if ($check_name) { $query .= " AND `name` = '{$name}'"; } if (count($already_known_ports) > 0) { $query .= " AND `id` NOT IN (" . implode(',', $already_known_ports) . ")"; } // We order by is_dynamic to be sure to get the static ones first ! $query .= " ORDER BY `is_dynamic`, `id`"; $ports = $DB->request($query); if ($ports->numrows() == 0) { $port_input = array('name' => $name, 'mac' => $mac, 'items_id' => $computers_id, 'itemtype' => 'Computer', '_no_history' => !$dohistory, 'instantiation_type' => $instantiation_type, '_create_children' => 1, 'is_dynamic' => 1, 'is_deleted' => 0); $networkports_id = $network_port->add($port_input, array(), $dohistory); if ($networkports_id === false) { return -1; } $inst_input['networkports_id'] = $networkports_id; $instantiation = $network_port->getInstantiation(); $instantiation->update($inst_input); unset($instantiation); } else { $line = $ports->next(); $networkports_id = $line['id']; $network_port->getFromDB($networkports_id); if (!$check_name && $network_port->fields['name'] != $name) { $port_input = array('id' => $network_port->getID(), 'name' => $name, 'is_dynamic' => 1); $network_port->update($port_input); } if ($network_port->fields['instantiation_type'] != $instantiation_type && $network_port->fields['is_dynamic'] == 1) { $network_port->switchInstantiationType($instantiation_type); $inst_input['networkports_id'] = $network_port->getID(); $instantiation = $network_port->getInstantiation(); $instantiation->add($inst_input); unset($instantiation); } if ($network_port->fields['instantiation_type'] == $instantiation_type) { $instantiation = $network_port->getInstantiation(); $inst_input['id'] = $instantiation->getID(); $inst_input['networkports_id'] = $network_port->getID(); $instantiation->update($inst_input); unset($instantiation); } } if ($network_port->isNewItem()) { return -1; } $network_name = new NetworkName(); $query = "SELECT `id`, `is_dynamic`\n FROM `glpi_networknames`\n WHERE `itemtype` = 'NetworkPort'\n AND `items_id` = '{$networkports_id}'\n ORDER BY `is_dynamic`"; if (!$ips || count($ips) == 0) { foreach ($DB->request($query) as $line) { if ($line['is_dynamic']) { $network_name->delete($line, true, $dohistory); } } } else { $names = $DB->request($query); if ($names->numrows() == 0) { $name_input = array('itemtype' => 'NetworkPort', 'items_id' => $networkports_id, 'is_dynamic' => 1, 'is_deleted' => 0, '_no_history' => !$dohistory, 'name' => 'OCS-INVENTORY-NG'); $networknames_id = $network_name->add($name_input); } else { $line = $names->next(); $networknames_id = $line['id']; foreach ($names as $line) { if ($line['is_dynamic'] == 1 && $line['id'] != $networknames_id) { $network_port->delete($line, true, $dohistory); } } } $ip_address = new IPAddress(); $already_known_addresses = array(); $query = "SELECT `id`, `name`, `is_dynamic`, `mainitems_id`\n FROM `glpi_ipaddresses`\n WHERE `itemtype` = 'NetworkName'\n AND `items_id` = '{$networknames_id}'\n ORDER BY `is_dynamic`"; foreach ($DB->request($query) as $line) { if (in_array($line['name'], $ips) && !empty($line['mainitems_id'])) { $already_known_addresses[] = $line['id']; $ips = array_diff($ips, array($line['name'])); } elseif ($line['is_dynamic'] == 1) { $ip_address->delete($line, true, $dohistory); } } } if ($ips) { foreach ($ips as $ip) { $ip_input = array('name' => $ip, 'itemtype' => 'NetworkName', 'items_id' => $networknames_id, '_no_history' => !$dohistory, 'is_dynamic' => 1, 'is_deleted' => 0); $ip_address->add($ip_input); } } return $network_port->getID(); }
/** * @param $plugin_ocsinventoryng_ocsservers_id * @param $itemtype * @param int $ID * @param $ocsSnmp * @param $loc_id * @param $dom_id * @param $action * @param bool $linked * @return int */ static function addOrUpdateOther($plugin_ocsinventoryng_ocsservers_id, $itemtype, $ID = 0, $ocsSnmp, $loc_id, $dom_id, $action, $linked = false) { $snmpDevice = new $itemtype(); $cfg_ocs = PluginOcsinventoryngOcsServer::getConfig($plugin_ocsinventoryng_ocsservers_id); $input = array("is_dynamic" => 1, "entities_id" => isset($_SESSION['glpiactive_entity']) ? $_SESSION['glpiactive_entity'] : 0); if ($cfg_ocs['importsnmp_name'] && $action == "add" || $cfg_ocs['linksnmp_name'] && $linked || $action == "update" && $cfg_ocs['importsnmp_name'] && !$linked || $action == "update" && $cfg_ocs['linksnmp_name'] && $linked) { $input["name"] = $ocsSnmp['META']['NAME']; } if ($cfg_ocs['importsnmp_contact'] && $action == "add" || $cfg_ocs['linksnmp_contact'] && $linked || $action == "update" && $cfg_ocs['importsnmp_name'] && !$linked || $action == "update" && $cfg_ocs['linksnmp_name'] && $linked) { $input["contact"] = $ocsSnmp['META']['CONTACT']; } if ($cfg_ocs['importsnmp_comment'] && $action == "add" || $cfg_ocs['linksnmp_comment'] && $linked || $action == "update" && $cfg_ocs['importsnmp_name'] && !$linked || $action == "update" && $cfg_ocs['linksnmp_name'] && $linked) { $input["comment"] = $ocsSnmp['META']['DESCRIPTION']; } if ($loc_id > 0) { $input["locations_id"] = $loc_id; } if ($dom_id > 0 && $itemtype != "Phone") { $input["domains_id"] = $dom_id; } $id_item = 0; if ($action == "add") { $id_item = $snmpDevice->add($input, array('unicity_error_message' => true), $cfg_ocs['history_hardware']); } else { $input["id"] = $ID; $id_item = $ID; if ($snmpDevice->getFromDB($id_item)) { $input["entities_id"] = $snmpDevice->fields['entities_id']; } $snmpDevice->update($input, $cfg_ocs['history_hardware'], array('unicity_error_message' => false, '_no_history' => !$cfg_ocs['history_hardware'])); } if ($id_item > 0 && ($cfg_ocs['importsnmp_createport'] && $action == "add" || $cfg_ocs['linksnmp_createport'] && $linked || $action == "update" && $cfg_ocs['importsnmp_createport'] && !$linked || $action == "update" && $cfg_ocs['linksnmp_createport'] && $linked)) { //Add network port $ip = $ocsSnmp['META']['IPADDR']; $mac = $ocsSnmp['META']['MACADDR']; $np = new NetworkPort(); $np->getFromDBByQuery("WHERE `mac` LIKE '{$mac}' AND `items_id` = '{$id_item}' AND `itemtype` LIKE '{$itemtype}' "); if (count($np->fields) < 1) { $item = new $itemtype(); $entity = isset($_SESSION['glpiactive_entity']) ? $_SESSION['glpiactive_entity'] : 0; if ($item->getFromDB($id_item)) { $entity = $item->fields['entities_id']; } $port_input = array('name' => $ocsSnmp['META']['NAME'], 'mac' => $mac, 'items_id' => $id_item, 'itemtype' => $itemtype, 'instantiation_type' => "NetworkPortEthernet", "entities_id" => $entity, "NetworkName__ipaddresses" => array("-100" => $ip), '_create_children' => 1, 'is_deleted' => 0); $np->add($port_input, array(), $cfg_ocs['history_network']); } } return $id_item; }
/** * Transfer network links * * @param $itemtype original type of transfered item * @param $ID original ID of the item * @param $newID new ID of the item **/ function transferNetworkLink($itemtype, $ID, $newID) { global $DB; /// TODO manage with new network system $np = new NetworkPort(); $nn = new NetworkPort_NetworkPort(); $query = "SELECT `glpi_networkports`.*, `glpi_networkportethernets`.`netpoints_id`\n FROM `glpi_networkports`\n LEFT JOIN `glpi_networkportethernets`\n ON (`glpi_networkports`.`id` = `glpi_networkportethernets`.`networkports_id`)\n WHERE `glpi_networkports`.`items_id` = '{$ID}'\n AND `glpi_networkports`.`itemtype` = '{$itemtype}'"; if ($result = $DB->query($query)) { if ($DB->numrows($result) != 0) { switch ($this->options['keep_networklink']) { // Delete netport case 0: // Not a copy -> delete if ($ID == $newID) { while ($data = $DB->fetch_assoc($result)) { $np->delete(array('id' => $data['id'])); } } // Copy -> do nothing break; // Disconnect // Disconnect case 1: // Not a copy -> disconnect if ($ID == $newID) { while ($data = $DB->fetch_assoc($result)) { if ($nn->getFromDBForNetworkPort($data['id'])) { $nn->delete($data); } if ($data['netpoints_id']) { $netpointID = $this->transferDropdownNetpoint($data['netpoints_id']); $input['id'] = $data['id']; $input['netpoints_id'] = $netpointID; $np->update($input); } } } else { // Copy -> copy netports while ($data = $DB->fetch_assoc($result)) { $data = Toolbox::addslashes_deep($data); unset($data['id']); $data['items_id'] = $newID; $data['netpoints_id'] = $this->transferDropdownNetpoint($data['netpoints_id']); unset($np->fields); $np->add(toolbox::addslashes_deep($data)); } } break; // Keep network links // Keep network links default: // Copy -> Copy netpoints (do not keep links) if ($ID != $newID) { while ($data = $DB->fetch_assoc($result)) { unset($data['id']); $data['items_id'] = $newID; $data['netpoints_id'] = $this->transferDropdownNetpoint($data['netpoints_id']); unset($np->fields); $np->add(toolbox::addslashes_deep($data)); } } else { while ($data = $DB->fetch_assoc($result)) { // Not a copy -> only update netpoint if ($data['netpoints_id']) { $netpointID = $this->transferDropdownNetpoint($data['netpoints_id']); $input['id'] = $data['id']; $input['netpoints_id'] = $netpointID; $np->update($input); } } } } } } }
function manageNetworkPort($inventory_networkports, $computers_id, $no_history) { global $DB; $networkPort = new NetworkPort(); $networkName = new NetworkName(); $iPAddress = new IPAddress(); $iPNetwork = new IPNetwork(); $networkPortEthernet = new NetworkPortEthernet(); $item_DeviceNetworkCard = new Item_DeviceNetworkCard(); foreach ($inventory_networkports as $a_networkport) { if ($a_networkport['mac'] != '') { $a_networkports = $networkPort->find("`mac`='" . $a_networkport['mac'] . "'\n AND `itemtype`='PluginFusioninventoryUnmanaged'", "", 1); if (count($a_networkports) > 0) { $input = current($a_networkports); $unmanageds_id = $input['items_id']; $input['logical_number'] = $a_networkport['logical_number']; $input['itemtype'] = 'Computer'; $input['items_id'] = $computers_id; $input['is_dynamic'] = 1; $input['name'] = $a_networkport['name']; $networkPort->update($input, !$no_history); $pfUnmanaged = new PluginFusioninventoryUnmanaged(); $pfUnmanaged->delete(array('id' => $unmanageds_id), 1); } } } // end get port from unknwon device $db_networkport = array(); if ($no_history === FALSE) { $query = "SELECT `id`, `name`, `mac`, `instantiation_type`, `logical_number`\n FROM `glpi_networkports`\n WHERE `items_id` = '{$computers_id}'\n AND `itemtype`='Computer'\n AND `is_dynamic`='1'"; $result = $DB->query($query); while ($data = $DB->fetch_assoc($result)) { $idtmp = $data['id']; unset($data['id']); if (is_null($data['mac'])) { $data['mac'] = ''; } if (preg_match("/[^a-zA-Z0-9 \\-_\\(\\)]+/", $data['name'])) { $data['name'] = Toolbox::addslashes_deep($data['name']); } $db_networkport[$idtmp] = array_map('strtolower', $data); } } $simplenetworkport = array(); foreach ($inventory_networkports as $key => $a_networkport) { // Add ipnetwork if not exist if ($a_networkport['gateway'] != '' && $a_networkport['netmask'] != '' && $a_networkport['subnet'] != '') { if (countElementsInTable('glpi_ipnetworks', "`address`='" . $a_networkport['subnet'] . "'\n AND `netmask`='" . $a_networkport['netmask'] . "'\n AND `gateway`='" . $a_networkport['gateway'] . "'\n AND `entities_id`='" . $_SESSION["plugin_fusioninventory_entity"] . "'") == 0) { $input_ipanetwork = array('name' => $a_networkport['subnet'] . '/' . $a_networkport['netmask'] . ' - ' . $a_networkport['gateway'], 'network' => $a_networkport['subnet'] . ' / ' . $a_networkport['netmask'], 'gateway' => $a_networkport['gateway'], 'entities_id' => $_SESSION["plugin_fusioninventory_entity"]); $iPNetwork->add($input_ipanetwork, array(), !$no_history); } } // End add ipnetwork $a_field = array('name', 'mac', 'instantiation_type'); foreach ($a_field as $field) { if (isset($a_networkport[$field])) { $simplenetworkport[$key][$field] = $a_networkport[$field]; } } } foreach ($simplenetworkport as $key => $arrays) { $arrayslower = array_map('strtolower', $arrays); foreach ($db_networkport as $keydb => $arraydb) { $logical_number = $arraydb['logical_number']; unset($arraydb['logical_number']); if ($arrayslower == $arraydb) { if ($inventory_networkports[$key]['logical_number'] != $logical_number) { $input = array(); $input['id'] = $keydb; $input['logical_number'] = $inventory_networkports[$key]['logical_number']; $networkPort->update($input, !$no_history); } // Add / update instantiation_type if (isset($inventory_networkports[$key]['instantiation_type'])) { if ($inventory_networkports[$key]['instantiation_type'] == 'NetworkPortEthernet') { $portsethernet = $networkPortEthernet->find("`networkports_id`='" . $keydb . "'", '', 1); if (count($portsethernet) == 1) { $portethernet = current($portsethernet); $input = $portethernet; } else { $input = array('networkports_id' => $keydb); } if (isset($inventory_networkports[$key]['speed'])) { $input['speed'] = $inventory_networkports[$key]['speed']; $input['speed_other_value'] = $inventory_networkports[$key]['speed']; } if (isset($inventory_networkports[$key]['mac'])) { $networkcards = $item_DeviceNetworkCard->find("`mac`='" . $inventory_networkports[$key]['mac'] . "' " . " AND `itemtype`='Computer'" . " AND `items_id`='" . $computers_id . "'", '', 1); if (count($networkcards) == 1) { $networkcard = current($networkcards); $input['items_devicenetworkcards_id'] = $networkcard['id']; } } $input['_no_history'] = $no_history; if (isset($input['id'])) { $networkPortEthernet->update($input); } else { $networkPortEthernet->add($input); } } } // Get networkname $a_networknames_find = current($networkName->find("`items_id`='" . $keydb . "'\n AND `itemtype`='NetworkPort'", "", 1)); if (!isset($a_networknames_find['id'])) { $a_networkport['entities_id'] = $_SESSION["plugin_fusioninventory_entity"]; $a_networkport['items_id'] = $computers_id; $a_networkport['itemtype'] = "Computer"; $a_networkport['is_dynamic'] = 1; $a_networkport['_no_history'] = $no_history; $a_networkport['items_id'] = $keydb; unset($a_networkport['_no_history']); $a_networkport['is_recursive'] = 0; $a_networkport['itemtype'] = 'NetworkPort'; unset($a_networkport['name']); $a_networkport['_no_history'] = $no_history; $a_networknames_id = $networkName->add($a_networkport, array(), !$no_history); $a_networknames_find['id'] = $a_networknames_id; } // Same networkport, verify ipaddresses $db_addresses = array(); $query = "SELECT `id`, `name` FROM `glpi_ipaddresses`\n WHERE `items_id` = '" . $a_networknames_find['id'] . "'\n AND `itemtype`='NetworkName'"; $result = $DB->query($query); while ($data = $DB->fetch_assoc($result)) { $db_addresses[$data['id']] = $data['name']; } $a_computerinventory_ipaddress = $inventory_networkports[$key]['ipaddress']; foreach ($a_computerinventory_ipaddress as $key2 => $arrays2) { foreach ($db_addresses as $keydb2 => $arraydb2) { if ($arrays2 == $arraydb2) { unset($a_computerinventory_ipaddress[$key2]); unset($db_addresses[$keydb2]); break; } } } if (count($a_computerinventory_ipaddress) == 0 and count($db_addresses) == 0) { // Nothing to do } else { if (count($db_addresses) != 0) { // Delete ip address in DB foreach (array_keys($db_addresses) as $idtmp) { $iPAddress->delete(array('id' => $idtmp), 1); } } if (count($a_computerinventory_ipaddress) != 0) { foreach ($a_computerinventory_ipaddress as $ip) { $input = array(); $input['items_id'] = $a_networknames_find['id']; $input['itemtype'] = 'NetworkName'; $input['name'] = $ip; $input['is_dynamic'] = 1; $iPAddress->add($input, array(), !$no_history); } } } unset($db_networkport[$keydb]); unset($simplenetworkport[$key]); unset($inventory_networkports[$key]); break; } } } if (count($inventory_networkports) == 0 and count($db_networkport) == 0) { // Nothing to do } else { if (count($db_networkport) != 0) { // Delete networkport in DB foreach ($db_networkport as $idtmp => $data) { $networkPort->delete(array('id' => $idtmp), 1); } } if (count($inventory_networkports) != 0) { foreach ($inventory_networkports as $a_networkport) { $a_networkport['entities_id'] = $_SESSION["plugin_fusioninventory_entity"]; $a_networkport['items_id'] = $computers_id; $a_networkport['itemtype'] = "Computer"; $a_networkport['is_dynamic'] = 1; $a_networkport['_no_history'] = $no_history; $a_networkport['items_id'] = $networkPort->add($a_networkport, array(), !$no_history); unset($a_networkport['_no_history']); $a_networkport['is_recursive'] = 0; $a_networkport['itemtype'] = 'NetworkPort'; unset($a_networkport['name']); $a_networkport['_no_history'] = $no_history; $a_networknames_id = $networkName->add($a_networkport, array(), !$no_history); foreach ($a_networkport['ipaddress'] as $ip) { $input = array(); $input['items_id'] = $a_networknames_id; $input['itemtype'] = 'NetworkName'; $input['name'] = $ip; $input['is_dynamic'] = 1; $input['_no_history'] = $no_history; $iPAddress->add($input, array(), !$no_history); } if (isset($a_networkport['instantiation_type'])) { if ($a_networkport['instantiation_type'] == 'NetworkPortEthernet') { $input = array('networkports_id' => $a_networkport['items_id']); if (isset($a_networkport['speed'])) { $input['speed'] = $a_networkport['speed']; $input['speed_other_value'] = $a_networkport['speed']; } if (isset($a_networkport['mac'])) { $networkcards = $item_DeviceNetworkCard->find("`mac`='" . $a_networkport['mac'] . "' " . " AND `itemtype`='Computer'" . " AND `items_id`='" . $computers_id . "'", '', 1); if (count($networkcards) == 1) { $networkcard = current($networkcards); $input['items_devicenetworkcards_id'] = $networkcard['id']; } } $input['_no_history'] = $no_history; $networkPortEthernet->add($input); } } } } } }
function importPorts($a_inventory, $items_id) { $networkPort = new NetworkPort(); $pfNetworkPort = new PluginFusioninventoryNetworkPort(); $networkports_id = 0; foreach ($a_inventory['networkport'] as $a_port) { $a_ports_DB = current($networkPort->find("`itemtype`='Printer'\n AND `items_id`='" . $items_id . "'\n AND `instantiation_type`='NetworkPortEthernet'\n AND `logical_number` = '" . $a_port['logical_number'] . "'", '', 1)); if (!isset($a_ports_DB['id'])) { // Add port $a_port['instantiation_type'] = 'NetworkPortEthernet'; $a_port['items_id'] = $items_id; $a_port['itemtype'] = 'Printer'; $networkports_id = $networkPort->add($a_port); unset($a_port['id']); $a_pfnetworkport_DB = current($pfNetworkPort->find("`networkports_id`='" . $networkports_id . "'", '', 1)); $a_port['id'] = $a_pfnetworkport_DB['id']; $pfNetworkPort->update($a_port); } else { // Update port $networkports_id = $a_ports_DB['id']; $a_port['id'] = $a_ports_DB['id']; $networkPort->update($a_port); unset($a_port['id']); // Check if pfnetworkport exist. $a_pfnetworkport_DB = current($pfNetworkPort->find("`networkports_id`='" . $networkports_id . "'", '', 1)); $a_port['networkports_id'] = $networkports_id; if (isset($a_pfnetworkport_DB['id'])) { $a_port['id'] = $a_pfnetworkport_DB['id']; $pfNetworkPort->update($a_port); } else { $a_port['networkports_id'] = $networkports_id; $pfNetworkPort->add($a_port); } } } }
/** * Creation of a hub * * @param $pfNetworkport object Informations of the network port * * @return id of the hub (unmanageddevice) * **/ function createHub($pfNetworkport, $a_mac) { $Netport = new NetworkPort(); $nn = new NetworkPort_NetworkPort(); //$pfAgentsProcesses = new PluginFusionInventoryAgentsProcesses; // Find in the mac connected to the if they are in hub without link port connected foreach ($a_mac as $ifmac) { $a_ports = $Netport->find("`mac`='" . $ifmac . "'"); foreach ($a_ports as $data) { $ID = $nn->getOppositeContact($pfNetworkport->getNetworkPorts_id()); if ($ID) { $Netport->getFromDB($ID); if ($Netport->fields["itemtype"] == $this->getType()) { if ($this->fields["hub"] == "1") { $a_portLink = $Netport->find("`name`='Link'\n AND `items_id`='" . $this->fields['id'] . "'\n AND `itemtype`='" . $this->getType() . "'"); foreach ($a_portLink as $dataLink) { if ($nn->getOppositeContact($dataLink['id'])) { } else { // We have founded a hub orphelin $this->disconnectDB($pfNetworkport->fields['networkports_id']); $this->disconnectDB($dataLink['id']); $nn->add(array('networkports_id_1' => $pfNetworkport->fields['networkports_id'], 'networkports_id_2' => $dataLink['id'])); $this->releaseHub($this->fields['id'], $pfNetworkport, $a_mac); return $this->fields['id']; } } } } } } } // Not found, creation hub and link port $input = array(); $input['hub'] = "1"; $input['name'] = "hub"; if (isset($_SESSION["plugin_fusioninventory_entity"])) { $input['entities_id'] = $_SESSION["plugin_fusioninventory_entity"]; } $hub_id = $this->add($input); $input = array(); $input["items_id"] = $hub_id; $input["itemtype"] = $this->getType(); $input["name"] = "Link"; $input['instantiation_type'] = "NetworkPortEthernet"; $port_id = $Netport->add($input); $this->disconnectDB($pfNetworkport->fields['networkports_id']); $this->disconnectDB($port_id); if ($nn->add(array('networkports_id_1' => $pfNetworkport->fields['networkports_id'], 'networkports_id_2' => $port_id))) { } return $hub_id; }
/** * Transfer network links * * @param $itemtype original type of transfered item * @param $ID original ID of the item * @param $newID new ID of the item * @param $ocs_computer if computer type OCS ID of the item if available **/ function transferNetworkLink($itemtype, $ID, $newID, $ocs_computer = false) { global $DB; $np = new NetworkPort(); $nn = new NetworkPort_NetworkPort(); $query = "SELECT *\n FROM `glpi_networkports`\n WHERE `items_id` = '{$ID}'\n AND `itemtype` = '{$itemtype}'"; if ($result = $DB->query($query)) { if ($DB->numrows($result) != 0) { switch ($this->options['keep_networklink']) { // Delete netport case 0: // Not a copy -> delete if ($ID == $newID) { while ($data = $DB->fetch_array($result)) { $np->delete(array('id' => $data['id'])); } // Only case of ocs link update is needed (if netports are keep nothing to do) if ($ocs_computer) { $query = "UPDATE `glpi_ocslinks`\n SET `import_ip` = NULL\n WHERE `computers_id` = '{$ID}'"; $DB->query($query); } } // Copy -> do nothing break; // Disconnect // Disconnect case 1: // Not a copy -> disconnect if ($ID == $newID) { while ($data = $DB->fetch_array($result)) { if ($nn->getFromDBForNetworkPort($data['id'])) { $nn->delete($data); } if ($data['netpoints_id']) { $netpointID = $this->transferDropdownNetpoint($data['netpoints_id']); $input['id'] = $data['id']; $input['netpoints_id'] = $netpointID; $np->update($input); } } } else { // Copy -> copy netports while ($data = $DB->fetch_array($result)) { $data = addslashes_deep($data); unset($data['id']); $data['items_id'] = $newID; $data['netpoints_id'] = $this->transferDropdownNetpoint($data['netpoints_id']); unset($np->fields); $np->add($data); } } break; // Keep network links // Keep network links default: // Copy -> Copy netpoints (do not keep links) if ($ID != $newID) { while ($data = $DB->fetch_array($result)) { unset($data['id']); $data['items_id'] = $newID; $data['netpoints_id'] = $this->transferDropdownNetpoint($data['netpoints_id']); unset($np->fields); $np->add($data); } } else { while ($data = $DB->fetch_array($result)) { // Not a copy -> only update netpoint if ($data['netpoints_id']) { $netpointID = $this->transferDropdownNetpoint($data['netpoints_id']); $input['id'] = $data['id']; $input['netpoints_id'] = $netpointID; $np->update($input); } } } } } } }
/** * Import the devices for a computer * * @param $devicetype integer : device type * @param $computers_id integer : glpi computer id. * @param $ocsid integer : ocs computer id (ID). * @param $ocsservers_id integer : ocs server id * @param $cfg_ocs array : ocs config * @param $import_device array : already imported devices * @param $import_ip array : already imported ip * @param $dohistory boolean : log changes ? * * @return Nothing (void). **/ static function updateDevices($devicetype, $computers_id, $ocsid, $ocsservers_id, $cfg_ocs, $import_device, $import_ip, $dohistory) { global $DBocs, $DB; $prevalue = $devicetype . self::FIELD_SEPARATOR; self::checkOCSconnection($ocsservers_id); $types = Computer_Device::getDeviceTypes(); $CompDevice = new Computer_Device($types[$devicetype]); $do_clean = false; switch ($devicetype) { case self::RAM_DEVICE: //Memoire if ($cfg_ocs["import_device_memory"]) { $do_clean = true; $query2 = "SELECT *\n FROM `memories`\n WHERE `HARDWARE_ID` = '{$ocsid}'\n ORDER BY `ID`"; $result2 = $DBocs->query($query2); if ($DBocs->numrows($result2) > 0) { // Drop all memories and force no history if (!in_array(self::IMPORT_TAG_078, $import_device)) { self::addToOcsArray($computers_id, array(0 => self::IMPORT_TAG_078), "import_device"); // Clean memories for this computer if (count($import_device)) { $dohistory = false; foreach ($import_device as $key => $val) { $tmp = explode(self::FIELD_SEPARATOR, $key); if (isset($tmp[1]) && $tmp[0] == self::RAM_DEVICE) { $CompDevice->delete(array('id' => $tmp[1], '_no_history' => true, '_itemtype' => 'DeviceMemory')); self::deleteInOcsArray($computers_id, $key, "import_device"); unset($import_device[$key]); } } } } while ($line2 = $DBocs->fetch_array($result2)) { $line2 = clean_cross_side_scripting_deep(addslashes_deep($line2)); if (!empty($line2["CAPACITY"]) && $line2["CAPACITY"] != "No") { $ram["designation"] = ""; if ($line2["TYPE"] != "Empty Slot" && $line2["TYPE"] != "Unknown") { $ram["designation"] = $line2["TYPE"]; } if ($line2["DESCRIPTION"]) { if (!empty($ram["designation"])) { $ram["designation"] .= " - "; } $ram["designation"] .= $line2["DESCRIPTION"]; } if (!is_numeric($line2["CAPACITY"])) { $line2["CAPACITY"] = 0; } $ram["specif_default"] = $line2["CAPACITY"]; if (!in_array(stripslashes($prevalue . $ram["designation"]), $import_device)) { $ram["frequence"] = $line2["SPEED"]; $ram["devicememorytypes_id"] = Dropdown::importExternal('DeviceMemoryType', $line2["TYPE"]); $DeviceMemory = new DeviceMemory(); $ram_id = $DeviceMemory->import($ram); if ($ram_id) { $devID = $CompDevice->add(array('computers_id' => $computers_id, '_itemtype' => 'DeviceMemory', 'devicememories_id' => $ram_id, 'specificity' => $line2["CAPACITY"], '_no_history' => !$dohistory)); self::addToOcsArray($computers_id, array($prevalue . $devID => $prevalue . $ram["designation"]), "import_device"); } } else { $tmp = array_search(stripslashes($prevalue . $ram["designation"]), $import_device); list($type, $id) = explode(self::FIELD_SEPARATOR, $tmp); $CompDevice->update(array('id' => $id, 'specificity' => $line2["CAPACITY"], '_itemtype' => 'DeviceMemory')); unset($import_device[$tmp]); } } } } } break; case self::HDD_DEVICE: //Disque Dur if ($cfg_ocs["import_device_hdd"]) { $do_clean = true; $query2 = "SELECT *\n FROM `storages`\n WHERE `HARDWARE_ID` = '{$ocsid}'\n ORDER BY `ID`"; $result2 = $DBocs->query($query2); if ($DBocs->numrows($result2) > 0) { while ($line2 = $DBocs->fetch_array($result2)) { $line2 = clean_cross_side_scripting_deep(addslashes_deep($line2)); if (!empty($line2["DISKSIZE"]) && preg_match("/disk|spare\\sdrive/i", $line2["TYPE"])) { if ($line2["NAME"]) { $dd["designation"] = $line2["NAME"]; } else { if ($line2["MODEL"]) { $dd["designation"] = $line2["MODEL"]; } else { $dd["designation"] = "Unknown"; } } if (!is_numeric($line2["DISKSIZE"])) { $line2["DISKSIZE"] = 0; } if (!in_array(stripslashes($prevalue . $dd["designation"]), $import_device)) { $dd["specif_default"] = $line2["DISKSIZE"]; $DeviceHardDrive = new DeviceHardDrive(); $dd_id = $DeviceHardDrive->import($dd); if ($dd_id) { $devID = $CompDevice->add(array('computers_id' => $computers_id, '_itemtype' => 'DeviceHardDrive', 'deviceharddrives_id' => $dd_id, 'specificity' => $line2["DISKSIZE"], '_no_history' => !$dohistory)); self::addToOcsArray($computers_id, array($prevalue . $devID => $prevalue . $dd["designation"]), "import_device"); } } else { $tmp = array_search(stripslashes($prevalue . $dd["designation"]), $import_device); list($type, $id) = explode(self::FIELD_SEPARATOR, $tmp); $CompDevice->update(array('id' => $id, 'specificity' => $line2["DISKSIZE"], '_itemtype' => 'DeviceHardDrive')); unset($import_device[$tmp]); } } } } } break; case self::DRIVE_DEVICE: //lecteurs if ($cfg_ocs["import_device_drive"]) { $do_clean = true; $query2 = "SELECT *\n FROM `storages`\n WHERE `HARDWARE_ID` = '{$ocsid}'\n ORDER BY `ID`"; $result2 = $DBocs->query($query2); if ($DBocs->numrows($result2) > 0) { while ($line2 = $DBocs->fetch_array($result2)) { $line2 = clean_cross_side_scripting_deep(addslashes_deep($line2)); if (empty($line2["DISKSIZE"]) || !preg_match("/disk/i", $line2["TYPE"])) { if ($line2["NAME"]) { $stor["designation"] = $line2["NAME"]; } else { if ($line2["MODEL"]) { $stor["designation"] = $line2["MODEL"]; } else { $stor["designation"] = "Unknown"; } } if (!in_array(stripslashes($prevalue . $stor["designation"]), $import_device)) { $stor["specif_default"] = $line2["DISKSIZE"]; $DeviceDrive = new DeviceDrive(); $stor_id = $DeviceDrive->import($stor); if ($stor_id) { $devID = $CompDevice->add(array('computers_id' => $computers_id, '_itemtype' => 'DeviceDrive', 'devicedrives_id' => $stor_id, '_no_history' => !$dohistory)); self::addToOcsArray($computers_id, array($prevalue . $devID => $prevalue . $stor["designation"]), "import_device"); } } else { $tmp = array_search(stripslashes($prevalue . $stor["designation"]), $import_device); unset($import_device[$tmp]); } } } } } break; case self::PCI_DEVICE: //Modems if ($cfg_ocs["import_device_modem"]) { $do_clean = true; $query2 = "SELECT *\n FROM `modems`\n WHERE `HARDWARE_ID` = '{$ocsid}'\n ORDER BY `ID`"; $result2 = $DBocs->query($query2); if ($DBocs->numrows($result2) > 0) { while ($line2 = $DBocs->fetch_array($result2)) { $line2 = clean_cross_side_scripting_deep(addslashes_deep($line2)); $mdm["designation"] = $line2["NAME"]; if (!in_array(stripslashes($prevalue . $mdm["designation"]), $import_device)) { if (!empty($line2["DESCRIPTION"])) { $mdm["comment"] = $line2["TYPE"] . "\r\n" . $line2["DESCRIPTION"]; } $DevicePci = new DevicePci(); $mdm_id = $DevicePci->import($mdm); if ($mdm_id) { $devID = $CompDevice->add(array('computers_id' => $computers_id, '_itemtype' => 'DevicePci', 'devicepcis_id' => $mdm_id, '_no_history' => !$dohistory)); self::addToOcsArray($computers_id, array($prevalue . $devID => $prevalue . $mdm["designation"]), "import_device"); } } else { $tmp = array_search(stripslashes($prevalue . $mdm["designation"]), $import_device); unset($import_device[$tmp]); } } } } //Ports if ($cfg_ocs["import_device_port"]) { $query2 = "SELECT *\n FROM `ports`\n WHERE `HARDWARE_ID` = '{$ocsid}'\n ORDER BY `ID`"; $result2 = $DBocs->query($query2); if ($DBocs->numrows($result2) > 0) { while ($line2 = $DBocs->fetch_array($result2)) { $line2 = clean_cross_side_scripting_deep(addslashes_deep($line2)); $port["designation"] = ""; if ($line2["TYPE"] != "Other") { $port["designation"] .= $line2["TYPE"]; } if ($line2["NAME"] != "Not Specified") { $port["designation"] .= " " . $line2["NAME"]; } else { if ($line2["CAPTION"] != "None") { $port["designation"] .= " " . $line2["CAPTION"]; } } if (!empty($port["designation"])) { if (!in_array(stripslashes($prevalue . $port["designation"]), $import_device)) { if (!empty($line2["DESCRIPTION"]) && $line2["DESCRIPTION"] != "None") { $port["comment"] = $line2["DESCRIPTION"]; } $DevicePci = new DevicePci(); $port_id = $DevicePci->import($port); if ($port_id) { $devID = $CompDevice->add(array('computers_id' => $computers_id, '_itemtype' => 'DevicePci', 'devicepcis_id' => $port_id, '_no_history' => !$dohistory)); self::addToOcsArray($computers_id, array($prevalue . $devID => $prevalue . $port["designation"]), "import_device"); } } else { $tmp = array_search(stripslashes($prevalue . $port["designation"]), $import_device); unset($import_device[$tmp]); } } } } } break; case self::PROCESSOR_DEVICE: //Processeurs : if ($cfg_ocs["import_device_processor"]) { $do_clean = true; $query = "SELECT *\n FROM `hardware`\n WHERE `ID` = '{$ocsid}'\n ORDER BY `ID`"; $result = $DBocs->query($query); if ($DBocs->numrows($result) == 1) { $line = $DBocs->fetch_array($result); $line = clean_cross_side_scripting_deep(addslashes_deep($line)); for ($i = 0; $i < $line["PROCESSORN"]; $i++) { $processor = array(); $processor["designation"] = $line["PROCESSORT"]; if (!is_numeric($line["PROCESSORS"])) { $line["PROCESSORS"] = 0; } $processor["specif_default"] = $line["PROCESSORS"]; if (!in_array(stripslashes($prevalue . $processor["designation"]), $import_device)) { $DeviceProcessor = new DeviceProcessor(); $proc_id = $DeviceProcessor->import($processor); if ($proc_id) { $devID = $CompDevice->add(array('computers_id' => $computers_id, '_itemtype' => 'DeviceProcessor', 'deviceprocessors_id' => $proc_id, 'specificity' => $line["PROCESSORS"], '_no_history' => !$dohistory)); self::addToOcsArray($computers_id, array($prevalue . $devID => $prevalue . $processor["designation"]), "import_device"); } } else { $tmp = array_search(stripslashes($prevalue . $processor["designation"]), $import_device); list($type, $id) = explode(self::FIELD_SEPARATOR, $tmp); $CompDevice->update(array('id' => $id, 'specificity' => $line["PROCESSORS"], '_itemtype' => 'DeviceProcessor')); unset($import_device[$tmp]); } } } } break; case self::NETWORK_DEVICE: //Carte reseau if ($cfg_ocs["import_device_iface"] || $cfg_ocs["import_ip"]) { $do_clean = true; //If import_ip doesn't contain _VERSION_072_, then migrate it to the new architecture if (!in_array(self::IMPORT_TAG_072, $import_ip)) { $import_ip = self::migrateImportIP($computers_id, $import_ip); } $query2 = "SELECT *\n FROM `networks`\n WHERE `HARDWARE_ID` = '{$ocsid}'\n ORDER BY `ID`"; $result2 = $DBocs->query($query2); $i = 0; $manually_link = false; //Count old ip in GLPI $count_ip = count($import_ip); // Add network device if ($DBocs->numrows($result2) > 0) { $mac_already_imported = array(); while ($line2 = $DBocs->fetch_array($result2)) { $line2 = clean_cross_side_scripting_deep(addslashes_deep($line2)); if ($cfg_ocs["import_device_iface"]) { $network["designation"] = $line2["DESCRIPTION"]; if (!in_array($line2["MACADDR"], $mac_already_imported)) { $mac_already_imported[] = $line2["MACADDR"]; if (!in_array(stripslashes($prevalue . $network["designation"]), $import_device)) { if (!empty($line2["SPEED"])) { $network["bandwidth"] = $line2["SPEED"]; } $DeviceNetworkCard = new DeviceNetworkCard(); $net_id = $DeviceNetworkCard->import($network); if ($net_id) { $devID = $CompDevice->add(array('computers_id' => $computers_id, '_itemtype' => 'DeviceNetworkCard', 'devicenetworkcards_id' => $net_id, 'specificity' => $line2["MACADDR"], '_no_history' => !$dohistory)); self::addToOcsArray($computers_id, array($prevalue . $devID > $prevalue . $network["designation"]), "import_device"); } } else { $tmp = array_search(stripslashes($prevalue . $network["designation"]), $import_device); list($type, $id) = explode(self::FIELD_SEPARATOR, $tmp); $CompDevice->update(array('id' => $id, 'specificity' => $line2["MACADDR"], '_itemtype' => 'DeviceNetworkCard')); unset($import_device[$tmp]); } } } if (!empty($line2["IPADDRESS"]) && $cfg_ocs["import_ip"]) { $ocs_ips = explode(",", $line2["IPADDRESS"]); $ocs_ips = array_unique($ocs_ips); sort($ocs_ips); //if never imported (only 0.72 tag in array), check if existing ones match if ($count_ip == 1) { //get old IP in DB $querySelectIDandIP = "SELECT `id`, `ip`\n FROM `glpi_networkports`\n WHERE `itemtype` = 'Computer'\n AND `items_id` = '{$computers_id}'\n AND `mac` = '" . $line2["MACADDR"] . "'\n AND `name` = '" . $line2["DESCRIPTION"] . "'"; $result = $DB->query($querySelectIDandIP); if ($DB->numrows($result) > 0) { while ($data = $DB->fetch_array($result)) { //Upate import_ip column and import_ip array self::addToOcsArray($computers_id, array($data["id"] => $data["ip"] . self::FIELD_SEPARATOR . $line2["MACADDR"]), "import_ip"); $import_ip[$data["id"]] = $data["ip"] . self::FIELD_SEPARATOR . $line2["MACADDR"]; } } } $netport = array(); $netport["mac"] = $line2["MACADDR"]; $netport["networkinterfaces_id"] = Dropdown::importExternal('NetworkInterface', $line2["TYPE"]); $netport["name"] = $line2["DESCRIPTION"]; $netport["items_id"] = $computers_id; $netport["itemtype"] = 'Computer'; $netport["netmask"] = $line2["IPMASK"]; $netport["gateway"] = $line2["IPGATEWAY"]; $netport["subnet"] = $line2["IPSUBNET"]; $np = new NetworkPort(); for ($j = 0; $j < count($ocs_ips); $j++) { //First search : look for the same port (same IP and same MAC) $id_ip = array_search($ocs_ips[$j] . self::FIELD_SEPARATOR . $line2["MACADDR"], $import_ip); //Second search : IP may have change, so look only for mac address if (!$id_ip) { //Browse the whole import_ip array foreach ($import_ip as $ID => $ip) { if ($ID > 0) { $tmp = explode(self::FIELD_SEPARATOR, $ip); //Port was found by looking at the mac address if (isset($tmp[1]) && $tmp[1] == $line2["MACADDR"]) { //Remove port in import_ip self::deleteInOcsArray($computers_id, $ID, "import_ip"); self::addToOcsArray($computers_id, array($ID => $ocs_ips[$j] . self::FIELD_SEPARATOR . $line2["MACADDR"]), "import_ip"); $import_ip[$ID] = $ocs_ips[$j] . self::FIELD_SEPARATOR . $line2["MACADDR"]; $id_ip = $ID; break; } } } } $netport['_no_history'] = !$dohistory; //Update already in DB if ($id_ip > 0) { $netport["ip"] = $ocs_ips[$j]; $netport["logical_number"] = $j; $netport["id"] = $id_ip; $np->update($netport); unset($import_ip[$id_ip]); $count_ip++; } else { //If new IP found unset($np->fields["netpoints_id"]); unset($netport["id"]); unset($np->fields["id"]); $netport["ip"] = $ocs_ips[$j]; $netport["logical_number"] = $j; $newID = $np->add($netport); //ADD to array self::addToOcsArray($computers_id, array($newID => $ocs_ips[$j] . self::FIELD_SEPARATOR . $line2["MACADDR"]), "import_ip"); $count_ip++; } } } } } } break; case self::GFX_DEVICE: //carte graphique if ($cfg_ocs["import_device_gfxcard"]) { $do_clean = true; $query2 = "SELECT DISTINCT(`NAME`) AS NAME,\n `MEMORY`\n FROM `videos`\n WHERE `HARDWARE_ID` = '{$ocsid}'\n AND `NAME` != ''\n ORDER BY `ID`"; $result2 = $DBocs->query($query2); if ($DBocs->numrows($result2) > 0) { while ($line2 = $DBocs->fetch_array($result2)) { $line2 = clean_cross_side_scripting_deep(addslashes_deep($line2)); $video["designation"] = $line2["NAME"]; if (!is_numeric($line2["MEMORY"])) { $line2["MEMORY"] = 0; } if (!in_array(stripslashes($prevalue . $video["designation"]), $import_device)) { $video["specif_default"] = $line2["MEMORY"]; $DeviceGraphicCard = new DeviceGraphicCard(); $video_id = $DeviceGraphicCard->import($video); if ($video_id) { $devID = $CompDevice->add(array('computers_id' => $computers_id, '_itemtype' => 'DeviceGraphicCard', 'devicegraphiccards_id' => $video_id, 'specificity' => $line2["MEMORY"], '_no_history' => !$dohistory)); self::addToOcsArray($computers_id, array($prevalue . $devID => $prevalue . $video["designation"]), "import_device"); } } else { $tmp = array_search(stripslashes($prevalue . $video["designation"]), $import_device); list($type, $id) = explode(self::FIELD_SEPARATOR, $tmp); $CompDevice->update(array('id' => $id, 'specificity' => $line2["MEMORY"], '_itemtype' => 'DeviceGraphicCard')); unset($import_device[$tmp]); } } } } break; case self::SND_DEVICE: //carte son if ($cfg_ocs["import_device_sound"]) { $do_clean = true; $query2 = "SELECT DISTINCT(`NAME`) AS NAME,\n `DESCRIPTION`\n FROM `sounds`\n WHERE `HARDWARE_ID` = '{$ocsid}'\n AND `NAME` != ''\n ORDER BY `ID`"; $result2 = $DBocs->query($query2); if ($DBocs->numrows($result2) > 0) { while ($line2 = $DBocs->fetch_array($result2)) { $line2 = clean_cross_side_scripting_deep(addslashes_deep($line2)); if (!$cfg_ocs["ocs_db_utf8"] && !seems_utf8($line2["NAME"])) { $line2["NAME"] = encodeInUtf8($line2["NAME"]); } $snd["designation"] = $line2["NAME"]; if (!in_array(stripslashes($prevalue . $snd["designation"]), $import_device)) { if (!empty($line2["DESCRIPTION"])) { $snd["comment"] = $line2["DESCRIPTION"]; } $DeviceSoundCard = new DeviceSoundCard(); $snd_id = $DeviceSoundCard->import($snd); if ($snd_id) { $devID = $CompDevice->add(array('computers_id' => $computers_id, '_itemtype' => 'DeviceSoundCard', 'devicesoundcards_id' => $snd_id, '_no_history' => !$dohistory)); self::addToOcsArray($computers_id, array($prevalue . $devID => $prevalue . $snd["designation"]), "import_device"); } } else { $id = array_search(stripslashes($prevalue . $snd["designation"]), $import_device); unset($import_device[$id]); } } } } break; } // Delete Unexisting Items not found in OCS if ($do_clean && count($import_device)) { foreach ($import_device as $key => $val) { if (!(strpos($key, $devicetype . '$$') === false)) { list($type, $id) = explode(self::FIELD_SEPARATOR, $key); $CompDevice->delete(array('id' => $id, '_itemtype' => $types[$devicetype], '_no_history' => !$dohistory)); self::deleteInOcsArray($computers_id, $key, "import_device"); } } } if ($do_clean && count($import_ip) && $devicetype == self::NETWORK_DEVICE) { foreach ($import_ip as $key => $val) { if ($key > 0) { $netport = new NetworkPort(); $netport->delete(array('id' => $key)); self::deleteInOcsArray($computers_id, $key, "import_ip"); } } } //Alimentation //Carte mere }