public function test_strlen()
     // test the native method
     $this->assert_equal(MultiByte::strlen($this->test_strings['lowercase']), 12);
     // it's 12 bytes long, each character is 2-bytes wide
     $this->assert_equal(MultiByte::strlen('abcd'), 4);
	 * Respond to Javascript callbacks
	 * The name of this method is action_ajax_ followed by what you passed to the context parameter above.
	public function action_ajax_auto_tags( $handler )
		$selected = array();
		if( isset( $handler->handler_vars['selected'] ) ) {
			$selected = Utils::single_array( $handler->handler_vars['selected'] );
		if( isset( $handler->handler_vars['term'] ) && MultiByte::strlen( $handler->handler_vars['term'] ) ) {
			$search = $handler->handler_vars['term'] . '%';
			$tags = new Terms( DB::get_results( "SELECT * FROM {terms} WHERE vocabulary_id = :vid and LOWER(term_display) LIKE LOWER(:crit) ORDER BY term_display ASC", array( 'vid' => Tags::vocabulary()->id, 'crit' => $search ), 'Term' ) );
		else {
			$tags = Tags::vocabulary()->get_tree( 'term_display ASC' );

		$resp = array();
		foreach ( $tags as $tag ) {
			$resp[] = MultiByte::strpos( $tag->term_display, ',' ) === false ? $tag->term_display : $tag->tag_text_searchable;

		if( count( $selected ) ) {
			$resp = array_diff($resp, $selected );
		// Send the response
//		$ar = new AjaxResponse();
//		$ar->data = $resp;
//		$ar->out();
		echo json_encode( $resp );
 function test_strlen()
     $this->assert_equal(MultiByte::strlen(self::$test_str), mb_strlen(self::$test_str, mb_detect_encoding(self::$test_str)));
     printf("Test string: %s <br>", self::$test_str);
     printf("MultiByte string length: %d <br>", MultiByte::strlen(self::$test_str));
     printf("mbstring string length without detecting encoding: %d <br>", mb_strlen(self::$test_str));
     printf("mbstring string length with detecting encoding: %d <br>", mb_strlen(self::$test_str, mb_detect_encoding(self::$test_str)));
Exemple #4
  * Trims longer phrases to shorter ones with elipsis in the middle
  * @param string $str The string to truncate
  * @param integer $len The length of the returned string
  * @param bool $middle Whether to place the ellipsis in the middle (true) or at the end (false)
  * @return string The truncated string
 public static function truncate($str, $len = 10, $middle = true)
     // make sure $len is a positive integer
     if (!is_numeric($len) || 0 > $len) {
         return $str;
     // if the string is less than the length specified, bail out
     if (MultiByte::strlen($str) <= $len) {
         return $str;
     // okay.  Shuold we place the ellipse in the middle?
     if ($middle) {
         // yes, so compute the size of each half of the string
         $len = round(($len - 3) / 2);
         // and place an ellipse in between the pieces
         return MultiByte::substr($str, 0, $len) . '&hellip;' . MultiByte::substr($str, -$len);
     } else {
         // no, the ellipse goes at the end
         $len = $len - 3;
         return MultiByte::substr($str, 0, $len) . '&hellip;';
	 * get_url returns a fully-qualified URL
	 *	'host' returns
	 *	'habari' returns, if you
	 *		have Habari installed into a /habari/ sub-directory
	 *	'user' returns one of the following:
	 *	'theme' returns one of the following:
	 *	'admin' returns
	 *	'admin_theme' returns
	 *	'system' returns
	 *	'scripts' returns
	 *	'3rdparty' returns
	 *	'hostname' returns
	 * @param string the name of the URL to return
	 * @param bool whether to include a trailing slash.  Default: No
	 * @return string URL
	public static function get_url( $name, $trail = false )
		$url = '';

		switch ( strtolower( $name ) ) {
			case 'host':
				$protocol = 'http';
				// If we're running on a port other than 80, i
				// add the port number to the value returned
				// from host_url
				$port = 80; // Default in case not set.
				if ( isset( $_SERVER['SERVER_PORT'] ) ) {
					$port = $_SERVER['SERVER_PORT'];
				$portpart = '';
				$host = Site::get_url( 'hostname' );
				// if the port isn't a standard port, and isn't part of $host already, add it
				if ( ( $port != 80 ) && ( $port != 443 ) && ( MultiByte::substr( $host, MultiByte::strlen( $host ) - strlen( $port ) ) != $port ) ) {
					$portpart = ':' . $port;
				if ( isset( $_SERVER['HTTPS'] ) && $_SERVER['HTTPS'] != 'off' ) {
					$protocol = 'https';
				$url = $protocol . '://' . $host . $portpart;
			case 'habari':
				if ( null !== self::$habari_url ) {
					$url = self::$habari_url;
				else {
					$url = Site::get_url( 'host' );
					$path = trim( dirname( Site::script_name() ), '/\\' );
					if ( '' != $path ) {
						$url .= '/' . $path;
					self::$habari_url = $url;
			case 'user':
				$url = Site::get_url( 'host' ) . Site::get_path( 'base', true ) . Site::get_path( 'user' );
			case 'theme':
				$theme = Themes::get_theme_dir();
				if ( file_exists( Site::get_dir( 'config' ) . '/themes/' . $theme ) ) {
					$url = Site::get_url( 'user' ) .  '/themes/' . $theme;
				elseif ( file_exists( HABARI_PATH . '/user/themes/' . $theme ) ) {
					$url = Site::get_url( 'habari' ) . '/user/themes/' . $theme;
				elseif ( file_exists( HABARI_PATH . '/3rdparty/themes/' . $theme ) ) {
					$url = Site::get_url( 'habari' ) . '/3rdparty/themes/' . $theme;
				else {
					$url = Site::get_url( 'habari' ) . '/system/themes/' . $theme;
			case 'admin':
				$url = Site::get_url( 'habari' ) . '/admin';
			case 'admin_theme':
				$url = Site::get_url( 'habari' ) . '/system/admin';
			case 'login':
				$url = Site::get_url( 'habari' ) . '/auth/login';
			case 'logout':
				$url = Site::get_url( 'habari' ) . '/auth/logout';
			case 'system':
				$url = Site::get_url( 'habari' ) . '/system';
			case 'vendor':
			case 'scripts':
				$url = Site::get_url( 'system' ) . '/vendor';
			case '3rdparty':
				// this should be removed at a later date as it will cause problems
				// once 'vendor' is adopted, dump the condition!
				if ( file_exists( HABARI_PATH . '/3rdparty' ) ) {
					$url = Site::get_url( 'habari' ) . '/3rdparty';
				else {
					$url = Site::get_url( 'vendor' );
			case 'hostname':
				// HTTP_HOST is not set for HTTP/1.0 requests
				$url = ( $_SERVER['SERVER_PROTOCOL'] == 'HTTP/1.0' || !isset( $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] ) ) ? $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'] : $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'];
		$url .= Utils::trail( $trail );
		$url = Plugins::filter( 'site_url_' . $name, $url );
		return $url;
 private static function save($xml, $type)
     $timestamp = HabariDateTime::date_create('now');
     $result = Cache::set('exportsnapshot__' . $timestamp->int, $xml, 0, true);
     // 0s expiration, but keep it forever
     if ($result) {
         $snapshots = Options::get('exportsnapshot__snapshots', array());
         $snapshots[$timestamp->int] = array('size' => MultiByte::strlen($xml), 'type' => $type, 'ts' => $timestamp->int);
         Options::set('exportsnapshot__snapshots', $snapshots);
         return true;
     } else {
         return false;
Exemple #7
	 * Stores the list of plugins that are present (not necessarily active) in
	 * the Options table for future comparison.
	public static function set_present()
		$plugin_files = Plugins::list_all();
		// strip base path
		foreach ( $plugin_files as $plugin_file ) {
			$plugin_file = MultiByte::substr( $file, MultiByte::strlen( HABARI_PATH ) );

		$plugin_data = array_map( create_function( '$a', 'return array( "file" => $a, "checksum" => md5_file( $a ) );' ), $plugin_files );
		Options::set( 'plugins_present', $plugin_data );
Exemple #8
 public static function substr($str, $begin, $len = null, $use_enc = null)
     $ret = false;
     $enc = self::$hab_enc;
     if ($use_enc !== null) {
         $enc = $use_enc;
     if (self::$use_library == self::USE_MBSTRING) {
         if (!isset($len)) {
             $len = MultiByte::strlen($str) - $begin;
         $ret = mb_substr($str, $begin, $len, $enc);
     } else {
         $ret = substr($str, $begin, $len);
     return $ret;
Exemple #9
	public function testStrlen()
		$this->assertEquals( MultiByte::strlen( $this->test_strings['lowercase'] ), 6 );
		$this->assertEquals( MultiByte::strlen( $this->test_strings['ucfirst'] ), 6 );
		$this->assertEquals( MultiByte::strlen( $this->test_strings['international'] ), 39 );
		// and perform a single test with an ascii string for code coverage
		$this->assertEquals( MultiByte::strlen( 'abcd', 'ascii' ), 4 );
Exemple #10
  * Get a fully-qualified URL from a filesystem path
  * @param string $path The filesystem path
  * @param string|bool $trail If true, include a trailing slash.  If string, append this to the requested url.  Default: Add nothing.
  * @param bool $preserve_file If true, leave the filename on the URL.  Default: Remove filename.
  * @return string URL
 public static function get_from_filesystem($path, $trail = false, $preserve_file = false)
     if (!$preserve_file) {
         $path = dirname($path);
     $url = Site::get_url('habari') . MultiByte::substr($path, MultiByte::strlen(HABARI_PATH));
     // Replace windows paths with forward slashes
     $url = str_replace('\\', '/', $url);
     $url .= Utils::trail($trail);
     return $url;
Exemple #11
	 * Returns a truncated version of post content when the post isn't being displayed on its own.
	 * Posts are split either at the comment <!--more--> or at the specified maximums.
	 * Use only after applying autop or other paragrpah styling methods.
	 * Apply to posts using:
	 * <code>Format::apply_with_hook_params( 'more', 'post_content_out' );</code>
	 * @param string $content The post content
	 * @param Post $post The Post object of the post
	 * @param string $more_text The text to use in the "read more" link.
	 * @param integer $max_words null or the maximum number of words to use before showing the more link
	 * @param integer $max_paragraphs null or the maximum number of paragraphs to use before showing the more link
	 * @return string The post content, suitable for display
	public static function more( $content, $post, $properties = array() )
		// If the post requested is the post under consideration, always return the full post
		if ( $post->slug == Controller::get_var( 'slug' ) ) {
			return $content;
		elseif ( is_string( $properties ) ) {
			$args = func_get_args();
			$more_text = $properties;
			$max_words = ( isset( $args[3] ) ? $args[3] : null );
			$max_paragraphs = ( isset( $args[4] ) ? $args[4] : null );
			$paramstring = "";
		else {
			$paramstring = "";
			$paramarray = Utils::get_params( $properties );

			$more_text = ( isset( $paramarray['more_text'] ) ? $paramarray['more_text'] : 'Read More' );
			$max_words = ( isset( $paramarray['max_words'] ) ? $paramarray['max_words'] : null );
			$max_paragraphs = ( isset( $paramarray['max_paragraphs'] ) ? $paramarray['max_paragraphs'] : null );

			if ( isset( $paramarray['title:before'] ) || isset( $paramarray['title'] ) || isset( $paramarray['title:after'] ) ) {
				$paramstring .= 'title="';

				if ( isset( $paramarray['title:before'] ) ) {
					$paramstring .= $paramarray['title:before'];
				if ( isset( $paramarray['title'] ) ) {
					$paramstring .= $post->title;
				if ( isset( $paramarray['title:after'] ) ) {
					$paramstring .= $paramarray['title:after'];
				$paramstring .= '" ';
			if ( isset( $paramarray['class'] ) ) {
				$paramstring .= 'class="' . $paramarray['class'] . '" ';

		$matches = preg_split( '/<!--\s*more\s*-->/isu', $content, 2, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY );
		if ( count( $matches ) > 1 ) {
			return ( $more_text != '' ) ? reset( $matches ) . ' <a ' . $paramstring . 'href="' . $post->permalink . '">' . $more_text . '</a>' : reset( $matches );
		elseif ( isset( $max_words ) || isset( $max_paragraphs ) ) {
			$max_words = empty( $max_words ) ? 9999999 : intval( $max_words );
			$max_paragraphs = empty( $max_paragraphs ) ? 9999999 : intval( $max_paragraphs );
			$summary = Format::summarize( $content, $max_words, $max_paragraphs );
			if ( MultiByte::strlen( $summary ) >= MultiByte::strlen( $content ) ) {
				return $content;
			else {
				if ( strlen( $more_text  ) ) {
					// Tokenize the summary and link
					$ht = new HTMLTokenizer( $summary );
					$summary_set = $ht->parse();
					$ht = new HTMLTokenizer( '<a ' . $paramstring . ' href="' . $post->permalink . '">' . $more_text . '</a>' );
					$link_set= $ht->parse();
					// Find out where to put the link
					$end = $summary_set->end();
					$key = $summary_set->key();
					// Inject the link
					$summary_set->insert( $link_set, $key );

					return (string)$summary_set;
				else {
					return $summary;

	return $content;
Exemple #12
 public static function substr($str, $begin, $len = null, $use_enc = null)
     $ret = FALSE;
     $enc = self::$hab_enc;
     if ($use_enc !== null) {
         $enc = $use_enc;
     if (self::$use_library == self::USE_MBSTRING) {
         if (extension_loaded('mbstring')) {
             if (!isset($len)) {
                 $len = MultiByte::strlen($str) - $begin;
             $ret = mb_substr($str, $begin, $len, $enc);
     return $ret;
Exemple #13
  * Returns a truncated version of post content when the post isn't being displayed on its own.
  * Posts are split either at the comment <!--more--> or at the specified maximums.
  * Use only after applying autop or other paragrpah styling methods.
  * Apply to posts using:
  * <code>Format::apply_with_hook_params( 'more', 'post_content_out' );</code>
  * @param string $content The post content
  * @param Post $post The Post object of the post
  * @param string $more_text The text to use in the "read more" link.
  * @param integer $max_words null or the maximum number of words to use before showing the more link
  * @param integer $max_paragraphs null or the maximum number of paragraphs to use before showing the more link
  * @param boolean $inside_last Should the link be placed inside the last element, or not? Default: true
  * @return string The post content, suitable for display
 public static function more($content, $post, $properties = array())
     // If the post requested is the post under consideration, always return the full post
     if ($post->slug == Controller::get_var('slug')) {
         return $content;
     } elseif (is_string($properties)) {
         $args = func_get_args();
         $more_text = $properties;
         $max_words = isset($args[3]) ? $args[3] : null;
         $max_paragraphs = isset($args[4]) ? $args[4] : null;
         $inside_last = isset($args[5]) ? $args[5] : true;
         $paramstring = "";
     } else {
         $paramstring = "";
         $paramarray = Utils::get_params($properties);
         $more_text = isset($paramarray['more_text']) ? $paramarray['more_text'] : 'Read More';
         $max_words = isset($paramarray['max_words']) ? $paramarray['max_words'] : null;
         $max_paragraphs = isset($paramarray['max_paragraphs']) ? $paramarray['max_paragraphs'] : null;
         $inside_last = isset($paramarray['inside_last']) ? $paramarray['inside_last'] : true;
         if (isset($paramarray['title:before']) || isset($paramarray['title']) || isset($paramarray['title:after'])) {
             $paramstring .= 'title="';
             if (isset($paramarray['title:before'])) {
                 $paramstring .= $paramarray['title:before'];
             if (isset($paramarray['title'])) {
                 $paramstring .= $post->title;
             if (isset($paramarray['title:after'])) {
                 $paramstring .= $paramarray['title:after'];
             $paramstring .= '" ';
         if (isset($paramarray['class'])) {
             $paramstring .= 'class="' . $paramarray['class'] . '" ';
     $link_text = '<a ' . $paramstring . ' href="' . $post->permalink . '">' . $more_text . '</a>';
     // if we want it inside the last element, make sure there's a space before the link
     if ($inside_last) {
         $link_text = ' ' . $link_text;
     // check for a <!--more--> link, which sets exactly where we should split
     $matches = preg_split('/<!--\\s*more\\s*-->/isu', $content, 2, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY);
     if (count($matches) > 1) {
         $summary = reset($matches);
     } else {
         // otherwise, we need to summarize it automagically
         $max_words = empty($max_words) ? 9999999 : intval($max_words);
         $max_paragraphs = empty($max_paragraphs) ? 9999999 : intval($max_paragraphs);
         $summary = Format::summarize($content, $max_words, $max_paragraphs);
     // if the summary is equal to the length of the content (or somehow greater??), there's no need to add a link, just return the content
     if (MultiByte::strlen($summary) >= MultiByte::strlen($content)) {
         return $content;
     } else {
         // make sure there's actually text to append before we waste our time
         if (strlen($more_text)) {
             // parse out the summary and stick in our linky goodness
             // tokenize the summary
             $ht = new HTMLTokenizer($summary);
             $summary_set = $ht->parse();
             // tokenize the link we're adding
             $ht = new HTMLTokenizer($link_text);
             $link_set = $ht->parse();
             // find out where to put the link by bumping the iterator to the last element
             $end = $summary_set->end();
             // and what index is that?
             $key = $summary_set->key();
             // if we want it inside the last element, we're good to go - if we want it outside, we need to add it as the *next* element
             if ($inside_last == false) {
             // if the element is a text node, there were no tags; probably not autop'ed yet, just add link as new line
             if ($end['type'] == HTMLTokenizer::NODE_TYPE_TEXT) {
                 $summary_set->insert($link_set, $key + 1);
             } else {
                 // inject it, whereever we decided it should go
                 $summary_set->insert($link_set, $key);
             // and return a stringified version
             return (string) $summary_set;
         } else {
             // no text to append? just return the summary
             return $summary;
     return $content;
Exemple #14
  * Stores the list of plugins that are present (not necessarily active) in
  * the Options table for future comparison.
 public static function set_present()
     $plugin_files = Plugins::list_all();
     // strip base path
     foreach ($plugin_files as $plugin_file) {
         $plugin_file = MultiByte::substr($plugin_file, MultiByte::strlen(HABARI_PATH));
     $plugin_data = array_map(function ($a) {
         return array('file' => $a, 'checksum' => md5_file($a));
     }, $plugin_files);
     Options::set('plugins_present', $plugin_data);
Exemple #15
    echo $log->ip;
		<span class="module pct10 minor"><span><?php 
    echo $log->module;
		<span class="type pct10 minor"><span><?php 
    echo $log->type;
		<span class="severity pct10 minor"><span><?php 
    echo $log->severity;
		<span class="message pct25 minor<?php 
    if (MultiByte::strlen($log->message) > 40) {
        echo ' less';
    echo Utils::truncate(Utils::htmlspecialchars($log->message), 40, false);
		<span class="message pct25 minor more"><span><?php 
    echo Utils::htmlspecialchars($log->message);
 public function testStrlen()
     $this->assertEquals(MultiByte::strlen(self::$test_str), mb_strlen(self::$test_str, mb_detect_encoding(self::$test_str)));