	 * Receive a Pingback via XMLRPC
	 * @param array $params An array of XMLRPC parameters from the remote call
	 * @return string The success state of the pingback
	public function xmlrpc_pingback__ping( $params )
		try {
			list( $source_uri, $target_uri )= $params;

			// This should really be done by an Habari core function
			$target_parse = InputFilter::parse_url( $target_uri );
			$target_stub = $target_parse['path'];
			$base_url = Site::get_path( 'base', true );

			if ( '/' != $base_url) {
				$target_stub = str_replace( $base_url, '', $target_stub );

			$target_stub = trim( $target_stub, '/' );

			if ( strpos( $target_stub, '?' ) !== false ) {
				list( $target_stub, $query_string )= explode( '?', $target_stub );

			// Can this be used as a target?
			$target_slug = URL::parse( $target_stub )->named_arg_values['slug'];

			if ( $target_slug === false ) {
				throw new XMLRPCException( 33 );

			// Does the target exist?
			$target_post = Post::get( array( 'slug' => $target_slug ) );

			if ( $target_post === false ) {
				throw new XMLRPCException( 32 );

			// Is comment allowed?
			if ( $target_post->info->comments_disabled ) {
				throw new XMLRPCException( 33 );

			// Is this Pingback already registered?
			if ( Comments::get( array( 'post_id' => $target_post->id, 'url' => $source_uri, 'type' => Comment::PINGBACK ) )->count() > 0 ) {
				throw new XMLRPCException( 48 );

			// Retrieve source contents
			try {
				$rr = new RemoteRequest( $source_uri );
				if ( ! $rr->executed() ) {
					throw new XMLRPCException( 16 );
				$source_contents = $rr->get_response_body();
				$headers = $rr->get_response_headers();
			catch ( XMLRPCException $e ) {
				// catch our special type of exception and re-throw it
				throw $e;
			catch ( Exception $e ) {
				throw new XMLRPCException( -32300 );

			// Encoding is converted into internal encoding.
			// First, detect the source string's encoding
			$habari_encoding = strtoupper( MultiByte::hab_encoding() );
			$source_encoding = 'Windows-1252';
			// Is the charset in the headers?
			if ( isset( $headers['Content-Type'] ) && strpos( $headers['Content-Type'], 'charset' ) !== false ) {
				// This regex should be changed to meet the HTTP spec at some point
				if ( preg_match("/charset[\x09\x0A\x0C\x0D\x20]*=[\x09\x0A\x0C\x0D\x20]*('?)([A-Za-z0-9\-\_]+)\1/i", $headers['Content-Type'], $matches ) ) {
					$source_encoding = strtoupper( $matches[2] );
			// Can we tell the charset from the stream itself?
			else if ( ( $enc = MultiByte::detect_bom_encoding( $source_contents ) ) !== false ) {
				$source_encoding = $enc;
			// Is the charset in a meta tag?
			else if ( preg_match( "/<meta[^>]+charset[\x09\x0A\x0C\x0D\x20]*=[\x09\x0A\x0C\x0D\x20]*([\"']?)([A-Za-z0-9\-\_]+)\1/i", $source_contents, $matches ) ) {
				$source_encoding = strtoupper( $matches[2] );
				if (in_array($source_encoding, array("UTF-16", "UTF-16BE", "UTF-16LE"))) {
					$source_encoding = "UTF-8";
			// Then, convert the string
			$ret = MultiByte::convert_encoding( $source_contents, $habari_encoding, $source_encoding );
			if ( $ret !== false ) {
				$source_contents = $ret;

			// Find the page's title
			preg_match( '/<title>(.*)<\/title>/is', $source_contents, $matches );
			$source_title = $matches[1];

			// Find the reciprocal links and their context
			preg_match( '/<body[^>]*>(.+)<\/body>/is', $source_contents, $matches );
			$source_contents_filtered = preg_replace( '/\s{2,}/is', ' ', strip_tags( $matches[1], '<a>' ) );

			// Get rid of all the non-recriprocal links
			$ht = new HTMLTokenizer( trim( $source_contents_filtered ) );
			$set = $ht->parse();
			$all_links = $set->slice( 'a', array() );
			$keep_links = $set->slice( 'a', array( 'href' => $target_uri ) );
			$bad_links = array_diff( $all_links, $keep_links );
			foreach( $bad_links as $link ) {
				$link->tokenize_replace( '' );
				$set->replace_slice( $link );
			$source_contents_filtered = (string)$set;

			// Get the excerpt
			if ( !preg_match( '%.{0,100}?<a[^>]*?href\\s*=\\s*("|\'|)' . $target_uri . '\\1[^>]*?'.'>(.+?)</a>.{0,100}%s', $source_contents_filtered, $source_excerpt ) ) {
				throw new XMLRPCException( 17 );

			/** Sanitize Data */
			$source_excerpt = '&hellip;' . InputFilter::filter( $source_excerpt[0] ) . '&hellip;';
			$source_title = InputFilter::filter($source_title);
			$source_uri = InputFilter::filter($source_uri);

			/* Sanitize the URL */
			if (!empty($source_uri)) {
				$parsed = InputFilter::parse_url( $source_uri );
				if ( $parsed['is_relative'] ) {
					// guess if they meant to use an absolute link
					$parsed = InputFilter::parse_url( 'http://' . $source_uri );
					if ( ! $parsed['is_error'] ) {
						$source_uri = InputFilter::glue_url( $parsed );
					else {
						// disallow relative URLs
						$source_uri = '';
				if ( $parsed['is_pseudo'] || ( $parsed['scheme'] !== 'http' && $parsed['scheme'] !== 'https' ) ) {
					// allow only http(s) URLs
					$source_uri = '';
				else {
					// reconstruct the URL from the error-tolerant parsing
					// http:moeffju.net/blog/ -> http://moeffju.net/blog/
					$source_uri = InputFilter::glue_url( $parsed );

			// Add a new pingback comment
			$pingback = new Comment( array(
				'post_id'	=>	$target_post->id,
				'name'		=>	$source_title,
				'email'		=>	'',
				'url'		=>	$source_uri,
				'ip'		=>	Utils::get_ip(),
				'content'	=>	$source_excerpt,
				'status'	=>	Comment::STATUS_UNAPPROVED,
				'date'		=>	HabariDateTime::date_create(),
				'type' 		=> 	Comment::PINGBACK,
				) );


			// Respond to the Pingback
			return 'The pingback has been registered';
		catch ( XMLRPCException $e ) {