public function handle($stanza, $parent = false) { $message = $stanza->forwarded->message; $jid = explode('/', (string) $message->attributes()->from); $to = current(explode('/', (string) $message->attributes()->to)); if ($message->composing) { $this->event('composing', array($jid[0], $to)); } if ($message->paused) { $this->event('paused', array($jid[0], $to)); } if ($message->gone) { $this->event('gone', array($jid[0], $to)); } if ($message->body || $message->subject) { $m = new \Modl\Message(); $m->set($message, $stanza->forwarded); if (!preg_match('#^\\?OTR#', $m->body)) { $md = new \Modl\MessageDAO(); $md->set($m); $this->pack($m); $this->deliver(); } } }
public function handle($stanza, $parent = false) { $jid = explode('/', (string) $stanza->attributes()->from); $to = current(explode('/', (string) $stanza->attributes()->to)); if ($stanza->composing) { $this->event('composing', array($jid[0], $to)); } if ($stanza->paused) { $this->event('paused', array($jid[0], $to)); } if ($stanza->gone) { $this->event('gone', array($jid[0], $to)); } if ($stanza->body || $stanza->subject) { if ($stanza->request) { $from = (string) $stanza->attributes()->from; $id = (string) $stanza->attributes()->id; \Moxl\Stanza\Message::receipt($from, $id); } $m = new \Modl\Message(); $m->set($stanza, $parent); if (!preg_match('#^\\?OTR#', $m->body)) { $md = new \Modl\MessageDAO(); $md->set($m); $this->pack($m); $this->deliver(); } } }
public function handle($stanza, $parent = false) { if ($stanza->forwarded->delay) { $m = new \Modl\Message(); $m->set($stanza->forwarded->message, $stanza->forwarded); if (!preg_match('#^\\?OTR#', $m->body)) { $md = new \Modl\MessageDAO(); $md->set($m); $this->pack($m); $this->deliver(); } } }
/** * @brief Send a message * * @param string $to * @param string $message * @return void */ function ajaxSendMessage($to, $message, $muc = false, $resource = false, $replace = false) { $body = trim(rawurldecode($message)); if ($body == '' || $body == '/me') { return; } $m = new \Modl\Message(); $m->session = $this->user->getLogin(); $m->jidto = echapJid($to); $m->jidfrom = $this->user->getLogin(); if ($replace != false) { $m->newid = Uuid::uuid4(); $m->id = $replace->id; $m->edited = true; $m->published = $replace->published; $m->delivered = $replace->delivered; } else { $m->id = Uuid::uuid4(); $m->published = gmdate('Y-m-d H:i:s'); } $session = \Session::start(); $m->type = 'chat'; $m->resource = $session->get('resource'); if ($muc) { $m->type = 'groupchat'; $m->resource = $session->get('username'); $m->jidfrom = $to; } $m->body = $body; $m->checkPicture(); //$m->html = prepareString($m->body, false, true); if ($resource != false) { $to = $to . '/' . $resource; } // We decode URL codes to send the correct message to the XMPP server $p = new Publish(); $p->setTo($to); //$p->setHTML($m->html); $p->setContent($m->body); if ($replace != false) { $p->setId($m->newid); $p->setReplace($m->id); } else { $p->setId($m->id); } if ($muc) { $p->setMuc(); } $p->request(); /* Is it really clean ? */ if (!$p->getMuc()) { if (!preg_match('#^\\?OTR#', $m->body)) { $md = new \Modl\MessageDAO(); $md->set($m); } $packet = new Moxl\Xec\Payload\Packet(); $packet->content = $m; $this->onMessage($packet); } }