public function show($segments) { extract($_POST); if (!isset($username)) { $username = $segments[1]; } $entry = DB::query('select id,username,title,location,bio,avatar from users where username = \'' . $username . '\'', 1); $entry['activity'] = DB::query('select count(*) as activity from feed where user_id = \'' . $entry['id'] . '\'', 2, 'activity'); if (!is_file(PATH_UPLOAD . 'profile/' . $entry['avatar'])) { $entry['avatar'] = 'default.png'; } $feed = array(); $feedraw = DB::query('select * from feed where user_id = ' . $entry['id'] . ' and privacy_id = 1 order by id desc limit 20', 0); foreach ($feedraw as $i => $row) { $feed[$i] = $row; $feed[$i]['status'] = Feed::parse_status($row['status']); $feed[$i]['files'] = Feed::get_files($row['id'], 'th'); if (isset($row['created_ts'])) { $feed[$i]['timespan'] = timespan($row['created_ts']); } } $follow_btn = ""; if ($entry['id'] != $_SESSION['user_id']) { $following = DB::query('select id from follows where user_id = ' . $_SESSION['user_id'] . ' and user2_id = ' . $entry['id'], 1); if ($following) { $follow_btn = '<button class="btn btn-success follow" data-id="' . $entry['id'] . '"><i class="ion-checkmark-round"></i> ' . _l('Following') . ' </button>'; } else { $follow_btn = '<button class="btn btn-info follow" data-id="' . $entry['id'] . '"><i class="ion-ios-bolt"></i> ' . _l('Follow') . ' </button>'; } } return array('view' => "account", 'follow_btn' => $follow_btn, 'entry' => $entry, 'feed' => $feed); }
/** * Массовое обновление статуса на все продукты, * в соответствии с их активными товарными предложениями и активными торговыми акциями */ public static function massUpdateProductsStatuses() { $sql = "update " . Product::TABLE_NAME . " set status = 0"; \DB::update($sql); $sql = "update " . Product::TABLE_NAME . " p\n join products_offers po on = po.product_id\n join catalogs ct on = po.catalog_id\n set p.status = 1\n where ct.status = 1 and po.status = 1"; \DB::update($sql); }
static function get_files($id, $type = 'th') { $data = DB::query('select filename from files where feed_id = ' . $id, 4, 'filename'); $files = array(); foreach ($data as $value) { if (file_exists(PATH_UPLOAD . 'feed/' . $type . '-' . $value)) { $files[] = $value; } } return $files; }
public function add() { $email = $_REQUEST['email']; $exists = DB::query("select * from suscribers where email = '" . $email . "'", 1); $json = "already_suscribed"; if (!$exists) { DB::write("insert into suscribers set email = '" . $email . "'"); $json = "success"; } return array('result' => $json); }
public function add_cam_code() { $webcams = DB::query('select * from webcams', 0); foreach ($webcams as $cam) { if ($cam['code'] == '') { $code = substr(md5(uniqid(mt_rand(), true)), 0, 12); DB::write('update webcams set code = \'' . $code . '\' where id = ' . $cam['id']); } } return []; }
public function login() { extract($_REQUEST); $data = DB::query("select * from users \n\t\t\twhere email = '" . $email . "' and pass = '******' \n\t\t\tor username = '******' and pass = '******'", 1); DB::write('update users set lastlogin_ts = ' . time() . ' where id = ' . $data['id']); $json = 0; if ($data) { $json = 1; AuthController::add_session($data); } return array('result' => $json); }
public function register_preview() { extract($_REQUEST); $exists = DB::query("select * from users where email = '" . $email . "'", 1); $json = "email_not_evailable"; $id = 0; if (!$exists) { $id = DB::write("insert into suscribers set \n\t\t\t\t\ttitle = '" . $title . "',\n\t\t\t\t\temail = '" . $email . "',\n\t\t\t\t\tusername = '******'"); $json = "email_evailable"; } return array('result' => $json, 'id' => $id); }
public function user_username() { extract($_REQUEST); $exists = DB::query("select * from users where username = '******'", 1); $ion = "alert-circled"; $status = "danger"; $message = 'username_not_available'; if (!$exists) { $ion = "checkmark-round"; $status = "success"; $message = 'username_available'; } return array('ion' => $ion, 'status' => $status, 'message' => $message); }
public function upload() { $ds = DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR; //1 $storeFolder = PATH_UPLOAD . 'feed/'; //2 extract($_POST); if (!empty($_FILES)) { $feedid = DB::update('feed', $feed_id, '*'); $filename = Str::sanitize($_FILES['file']['name']); if (copy($_FILES['file']['tmp_name'], $storeFolder . $filename)) { $data = array('filename' => $filename, 'feed_id' => $feedid, 'user_id' => $_SESSION['user_id']); $fileid = DB::update('files', 0, '*', $data); Image::resize_group($storeFolder, $filename); return array('success' => true, 'id' => $fileid, 'feed_id' => $feedid); } return array("error" => "Could not write to fs"); } }
public function add() { extract($_REQUEST); $now = time(); $lastid = DB::update('feed', $id, '*'); /* preg_match_all('/(#\w+)/', $status, $matches); foreach ($matches[0] as $hashtag) echo $hashtag . ' '; */ preg_match_all("/(@\\w+)/", $status, $matches); foreach ($matches[0] as $mentiontag) { $user_id = DB::query('select id from users where username = \'' . str_replace('@', '', $mentiontag) . '\'', '2', 'id'); if ($user_id) { DB::write('insert into mentions set user_id = ' . $_SESSION['user_id'] . ', user2_id = ' . $user_id . ', feed_id = ' . $lastid . ', created_ts = ' . $now); } } $entry = feedController::status($lastid); return array('entry' => $entry); }
public static function getIsoBeginningDowDate($timeCardHoursWorkedId) { $data = \DB::table('time_card_hours_worked')->join('time_card', 'time_card_hours_worked.time_card_id', '=', '')->where('', $timeCardHoursWorkedId)->select('time_card.iso_beginning_dow_date')->first(); return $data->iso_beginning_dow_date; }
public function update() { $_POST['user_id'] = $_SESSION['user_id']; return DB::update('webcams', $_POST['id'], '*', $_POST); }
public function index() { $count = DB::query('select count(*) from users', 2, 'count(*)'); return array('count' => $count); }
public function index() { $entry = DB::query('select * from users where id = ' . $_SESSION['user_id'], 1); return array('entry' => $entry); }
private function keep_online() { DB::write('update users set last_ts = ' . time() . ' where id = ' . $_SESSION['user_id']); }
if (count($_POST)) { debug('POST ' . json_encode(array($_POST))); } if (count($_GET)) { debug('GET ' . json_encode(array($_GET))); } } else { if (!is_file('views' . $request_uri . '.html')) { header('Content-Type: application/json', true); echo json_encode(array('view' => "missing")); } } } else { if (!is_file($request_uri)) { include $missing_page; } } } else { if (isset($segments[0]) && $segments[0] == 'api') { $link = DB::connect(); include 'app/controllers/ApiController.php'; header('Content-Type: application/json', true); $obj = "App\\Controllers\\ApiController"; $method = strstr($segments[1], '?', true); $c = new $obj(); echo call_method($c, $method, $segments); } else { include "../app/index.php"; } } http_response_code(200);