function handle(&$params)
     $app =& Dataface_Application::getInstance();
     if (!@$_POST['-valuelist']) {
         echo JSON::error("No valuelist specified.");
     $valuelist = $_POST['-valuelist'];
     $query =& $app->getQuery();
     $table =& Dataface_Table::loadTable($query['-table']);
     if (!@$_POST['-value']) {
         echo JSON::error("No value was provided to be appended to the valuelist.");
     $value = $_POST['-value'];
     if (@$_POST['-key']) {
         $key = $_POST['-key'];
     } else {
         $key = null;
     $vt =& Dataface_ValuelistTool::getInstance();
     $res = $vt->addValueToValuelist($table, $valuelist, $value, $key, true);
     if (PEAR::isError($res)) {
         echo JSON::error($res->getMessage());
     echo JSON::json(array('success' => 1, 'value' => array('key' => $res['key'], 'value' => $res['value'])));
 public static function throwRateError($retryAfter = null, $error = 'Rate limit exceeded')
     header('HTTP/1.1 429 Too Many Requests');
     if ($retryAfter) {
         header("Retry-After: {$retryAfter}");
         $error .= ", retry after {$retryAfter} seconds";

namespace Gatekeeper;

$Endpoint = $_EVENT['request']->getEndpoint();
if ($Endpoint->DeprecationDate && $Endpoint->DeprecationDate < $_EVENT['request']->getStartTime()) {
    header('HTTP/1.1 410 Gone');
    \JSON::error('This endpoint+version has been deprecated');
Exemple #4

namespace Gatekeeper;

use Gatekeeper\Keys\Key;
use Gatekeeper\Keys\InvalidKeyException;
// load key if present
try {
    if ($Key = Key::getFromRequest()) {
} catch (InvalidKeyException $e) {
    \JSON::error('provided gatekeeper key is invalid', 401);

namespace Gatekeeper;

$Key = $_EVENT['request']->getKey();
if ($Key && $Key->ExpirationDate && $Key->ExpirationDate < $_EVENT['request']->getStartTime()) {
    \JSON::error('provided gatekeeper key is expired', 403);

$requestData = JSON::getRequestData();
if (!is_array($requestData['nodes'])) {
    JSON::error('Expecting array under nodes key');
// TODO: something more elegant to prevent non-specified classes from being inherited?
Site::$autoPull = true;
$succeeded = array();
$failed = array();
foreach ($requestData['nodes'] as $updateData) {
    $Node = Site::resolvePath($updateData['path']);
    if ($Node->Collection->Site == 'Local') {
        $failed[] = array('path' => $updateData['path'], 'error' => 'CURRENT_IS_LOCAL', 'message' => 'Current node is local and blocks any remote updates');
    if ($Node->SHA1 != $updateData['localSHA1']) {
        $failed[] = array('path' => $updateData['path'], 'error' => 'LOCAL_SHA1_MISMATCH', 'message' => 'Current node\'s SHA1 hash does not match that which this update was requested for');
    if (empty($updateData['remoteSHA1'])) {
    } else {
        $NewNode = Emergence::resolveFileFromParent($Node->Collection, $Node->Handle, true);
        if (!$NewNode) {
            $failed[] = array('path' => $updateData['path'], 'error' => 'DOWNLOAD_FAILED', 'message' => 'The remote file failed to download');
        if ($NewNode->SHA1 != $updateData['remoteSHA1']) {

namespace Gatekeeper;

$Key = $_EVENT['request']->getKey();
if ($Key && $Key->Status == 'revoked') {
    \JSON::error('provided gatekeeper key is revoked', 403);

namespace Gatekeeper;

$Endpoint = $_EVENT['request']->getEndpoint();
$Key = $_EVENT['request']->getKey();
if ($Endpoint->KeyRequired) {
    if (!$Key) {
        $realm = Gatekeeper::$authRealm;
        if ($Endpoint) {
            $realm .= '/';
        header(sprintf('WWW-Authenticate: %s/%s', Gatekeeper::$authRealm, $Endpoint->Path));
        \JSON::error('gatekeeper key required for this endpoint but not provided', 401);
    if (!$Key->canAccessEndpoint($Endpoint)) {
        \JSON::error('provided gatekeeper key does not grant access to this endpoint', 403);

namespace Gatekeeper;

use Gatekeeper\Bans\Ban;
$Key = $_EVENT['request']->getKey();
if ($Key && Ban::isKeyBanned($Key)) {
    \JSON::error('Your API key is currently banned from using this service', 403);
// add keywords query
if (!empty($_GET['q'])) {
    $where = array_merge($where, ASAPSearch::getKeywordConditions($_GET['q']));
// add ASAP clubs filter
if (!empty($_GET['clubs'])) {
    $clubs = is_array($_GET['clubs']) ? $_GET['clubs'] : [$_GET['clubs']];
    $where = array_merge($where, ASAPSearch::getClubConditions($clubs));
// add distance calculation / order
if (!empty($_GET['near'])) {
    if (!is_array($_GET['near']) || empty($_GET['near']['lat']) || empty($_GET['near']['lon'])) {
        JSON::error('near must be provided as an array with keys lat and lon');
    if (!is_numeric($_GET['near']['lat']) || !is_numeric($_GET['near']['lon'])) {
        JSON::error('lat and lon must be numeric');
    $selectFields[] = sprintf('ROUND(((ACOS( SIN(%1$f * PI()/180 ) * SIN(SiteLat * PI()/180 ) + COS(%1$f * PI()/180 ) * COS(SiteLat * PI()/180 ) * COS((%2$f - SiteLong) * PI()/180))*180/PI())*60*1.1515),%3$u) AS distance', $_GET['near']['lat'], $_GET['near']['lon'], 2);
    $order = 'distance';
} else {
    $order = 'SiteZip, SiteName';
// add grades filter
if (!empty($_GET['grades'])) {
    $validGrades = ['Pre_k', 'K_5', '6_8', '9_12', 'Other'];
    $grades = is_array($_GET['grades']) ? $_GET['grades'] : [$_GET['grades']];
    foreach ($validGrades as $validGrade) {
        if (in_array($validGrade, $grades)) {
            $where[] = "SiteGrade_{$validGrade} = 1";

namespace Gatekeeper;

use Gatekeeper\Bans\Ban;
if (Ban::isIPAddressBanned($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'])) {
    header('HTTP/1.1 403 Forbidden');
    \JSON::error('Your IP address is currently banned from using this service');