Exemple #1
function tbxAboutShow()
    $output = array();
    $link_removal = LIC_POWEREDBY == 'true' ? 'Not Purchased' : 'Purchased';
    $product = LIC_PRODUCT;
    $licensee = LIC_LICENSEE;
    $domain = LIC_DOMAIN;
    $output['html'] = <<<STUFF
    <div id="dialog-header" class="ui-widget-header ui-corner-all">
      <div id="dialog-close"></div>
      About {$product}

    <div id="dialog-panel">
      <div style="padding: 8px;">
        <span style="font-size: 130%; font-weight: bold;">
          This is {$product} version 1.0.1 released on August 4th, 2013

        <div class="field">
          <span class="text-container">All</span>

        <div class="field">
          <label>Licensed Domain:</label>
          <span class="text-container">{$domain}</span>

        <div class="field">
          <label>Link Removal:</label>
          <span class="text-container">Yes</span>


    <div id="dialog-buttons">
      <input type="button" id="dialog-button-cancel" value="Close" style="margin-left: 10px;" />
Exemple #2
function tbxGenericSearch()
    $DB = GetDB();
    $schema = GetDBSchema();
    $_REQUEST['per_page'] = isset($_REQUEST['per_page']) && $_REQUEST['per_page'] > 0 ? $_REQUEST['per_page'] : 20;
    $_REQUEST['page'] = isset($_REQUEST['page']) && $_REQUEST['page'] > 0 ? $_REQUEST['page'] : 1;
    // Sanity checking
    $table = Request::GetSafe('table');
    $xtable = $schema->el('//table[name="' . $table . '"]');
    if (empty($xtable)) {
        throw new BaseException('The supplied database table does not exist', $table);
    // Get custom and merge tables
    $custom_table = $xtable->custom->val();
    $merge_tables = empty($custom_table) ? array() : array($custom_table);
    foreach ($xtable->xpath('./merge') as $xmerge) {
        $merge_tables[] = $xmerge->val();
    // Start building the SQL query
    $s = new SQL_SelectBuilder($table);
    // Fulltext searches
    if (isset($_REQUEST['text_search']) && !String::IsEmpty($_REQUEST['text_search'])) {
        $columns = array();
        foreach ($xtable->xpath('.//fulltext[1]/column') as $xcolumn) {
            $columns[] = $table . '.' . $xcolumn->val();
        $s->AddFulltextWhere($columns, $_REQUEST['text_search_type'], $_REQUEST['text_search']);
        if ($_REQUEST['text_search_type'] == SQL::FULLTEXT) {
            $_REQUEST['sort_field'] = array();
    // Standard search fields
    for ($i = 0; $i < count($_REQUEST['search_field']); $i++) {
        $s->AddWhere($_REQUEST['search_field'][$i], $_REQUEST['search_operator'][$i], $_REQUEST['search_term'][$i], $_REQUEST['search_connector'][$i], true);
    // Sort fields
    for ($i = 0; $i < count($_REQUEST['sort_field']); $i++) {
        $s->AddOrder($_REQUEST['sort_field'][$i], $_REQUEST['sort_direction'][$i]);
    $primary_key = $xtable->columns->primaryKey->val();
    $result = $DB->QueryWithPagination($s->Generate(), $s->Binds(), $_REQUEST['page'], $_REQUEST['per_page'], $primary_key);
    if ($result['handle']) {
        $global_item_include_file = File::Sanitize('cp-' . $xtable->naming->type . '-search-item-global.php', 'php');
        $item_include_file = File::Sanitize('cp-' . $xtable->naming->type . '-search-item.php', 'php');
        if (!is_file("includes/{$item_include_file}")) {
            throw new BaseException('The required include file could not be found', $item_include_file);
        if (is_file("includes/{$global_item_include_file}")) {
            include $global_item_include_file;
        while ($original = $DB->NextRow($result['handle'])) {
            foreach ($merge_tables as $merge_table) {
                $row = $DB->Row('SELECT * FROM # WHERE #=?', array($merge_table, $primary_key, $original[$primary_key]));
                if (is_array($row)) {
                    $original = array_merge($row, $original);
            $item = String::HtmlSpecialChars($original);
            include $item_include_file;
        $result['html'] = ob_get_clean();
Exemple #3
function _xChangeLogin()
    $v =& Validator::Get();
    list($username, $password) = explode('|', file_first_line(FILE_CP_USER));
    $v->Register($_REQUEST['username'], VT_NOT_EMPTY, 'The Username field is required');
    $v->Register($_REQUEST['password'], VT_NOT_EMPTY, 'The Password field is required');
    $v->Register(sha1($_REQUEST['old_password']), VT_EQUALS, 'The Old Password is invalid', $password);
    $v->Register($_REQUEST['username'] . $_REQUEST['password'], VT_NOT_CONTAINS, 'The | character is not allowed in your username or password', '|');
    $v->Register(FILE_CP_USER, VT_FILE_IS_WRITEABLE, 'The ' . FILE_CP_USER . ' file has incorrect permissions; change them to 666');
    if (!$v->Validate()) {
        return JSON::Warning(array(JSON_KEY_MESSAGE => 'Login information could not be updated; please fix the following items', JSON_KEY_WARNINGS => $v->GetErrors()));
    file_write(FILE_CP_USER, $_REQUEST['username'] . '|' . sha1($_REQUEST['password']));
    JSON::Success(array(JSON_KEY_MESSAGE => 'Control panel login has been successfully updated', JSON_KEY_DIALOG => _xIncludeCapture('change-login.php')));