static function delete_item_physical($id) { $item = Item::get_item($id); if ($item && (User::is_admin() || $item['user_id'] == User::id())) { // xoa comment DB::update('item_image', array("item_id" => 0), "item_id={$id} AND root_id=0"); //Cập nhật các ảnh gốc DB::delete('item_image', "item_id={$id} AND root_id>0"); //Xoá các ảnh ko fải ảnh gốc DB::delete('item', 'id=' . $id); //Loại item khỏi Memcache Item::get_item($id, 1); } }
function ItemRelate($row) { Module::Module($row); if (Item::$id == -1) { Item::$id = (int) Url::get('id', 0); Item::$item = Item::get_item(Item::$id); } AZLib::checkItem(); if (Item::$item) { if (Item::$item['display']) { require_once 'forms/ItemRelate.php'; $this->add_form(new ItemRelateForm()); } } }
function ItemDetail($row) { Module::Module($row); require_once 'core/se.php'; if (Item::$id == -1) { Item::$id = (int) Url::get('id', 0); Item::$item = Item::get_item(Item::$id); } AZLib::checkItem(); if (Item::$item) { if (Item::$item['display']) { if (REWRITE_ON) { //tuannk add 2010.07.28 fix redirect 301 với các url link sai $nice_name1 = ''; if (Item::$item['category_id'] && isset(CGlobal::$allCategories[Item::$item['category_id']]) && CGlobal::$allCategories[Item::$item['category_id']]) { $nice_name1 = CGlobal::$allCategories[Item::$item['category_id']]['nice_name']; } $url_detail = WEB_DIR . $nice_name1 . "/p" . Item::$item['id'] . "/" . AZLib::safe_title(Item::$item['name']) . ".html"; if ($nice_name1 != '' && strpos($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], $url_detail) !== 0) { Url::redirect_url($url_detail, 301); } } CGlobal::$website_title = Item::$item['name']; CGlobal::$website_title .= ' - ' . AZLib::titlePath(Item::$item['category_id']); if (Item::$item['status'] == 2) { if (User::have_permit(ADMIN_ITEM)) { CGlobal::$website_title = 'Tin đang ẩn'; } else { Item::$item['display'] = 0; } } Item::update_read_count(); } } require_once 'forms/ItemDetail.php'; $this->add_form(new ItemDetailForm()); }
function draw() { global $display; AZLib::getCats(); $this->beginForm(); $item = Item::get_item($this->booking_vip['item_id']); if (!$item || $item && $item['status'] == -1) { $this->setFormError("item_id", "Tin không tồn tại!"); } else { $display->add('item_name', stripslashes($item['name'])); $display->add('item_link', Url::build('item_detail', array('id' => $item['id'], 'ebname' => AZLib::safe_title($item['name'])))); } $top_catid = $item['level_1_catid']; $cat_id = $item['category_id']; $display->add('msg', $this->showFormErrorMessages(1)); $display->add('item_id', $this->booking_vip['item_id']); if ($this->booking_vip['top_cat']) { $display->add('category', 1); } else { if ($this->booking_vip['cat_id']) { $display->add('category', 2); } } $display->add('num_contract', $this->booking_vip['num_contract']); $display->add('top_cat_name', CGlobal::$allCategories[$top_catid]['name']); $display->add('cat_name', CGlobal::$allCategories[$cat_id]['name']); $display->add('note', stripslashes(Url::get("note", $this->booking_vip['note']))); $display->add('time_start', Url::get("time_start", date('d-m-Y', $this->booking_vip['time_start']))); if ($this->booking_vip['time_end']) { $display->add('time_end', Url::get("time_end", date('d-m-Y', $this->booking_vip['time_end']))); } else { $display->add('time_end', Url::get("time_end", '')); } $display->output('EditBookingVip'); $this->endForm(); }
function ManageBookingVip($row) { Module::Module($row); if (User::have_permit(ADMIN_VIP_ITEM) || User::have_permit(ADMICRO_BOOKING_VIP)) { $cmd = Url::get('cmd'); switch ($cmd) { case '': require_once 'forms/ManageBookingVip.php'; $this->add_form(new ManageBookingVipForm()); break; case 'add': require_once 'forms/AddBookingVip.php'; $this->add_form(new AddBookingVipForm()); break; case 'active': if (User::have_permit(ADMIN_VIP_ITEM)) { $id = (int) Url::get("id", 0); if ($id) { $booking_vip = DB::select("bookings_vip", "id={$id}"); } $booking_vip['top_cat'] != 0 ? $cat_id = $booking_vip['top_cat'] : ($cat_id = $booking_vip['cat_id']); $item_vip = DB::select_all('item_vip', "(catid = {$cat_id} OR level_1_catid = {$cat_id}) AND status = 1"); $i = 0; $sa = $booking_vip['time_start']; $ea = $booking_vip['time_end']; foreach ($item_vip as $itemv) { if ($sa > $itemv['time_start'] && $sa < $itemv['time_end']) { $i++; } elseif ($ea > $itemv['time_start'] && $ea < $itemv['time_end']) { $i++; } elseif ($sa < $itemv['time_start'] && $ea > $itemv['time_end']) { $i++; } } $priority = 1; $arrItemVip = array('item_id' => $booking_vip['item_id'], 'note' => "Add từ bảng booking vip cho [{$booking_vip['user_add']}]", 'time_start' => $booking_vip['time_start'], 'time_end' => $booking_vip['time_end'], 'time_add' => TIME_NOW, 'user_add' => User::user_name(), 'time_modify' => TIME_NOW, 'user_modify' => User::user_name(), 'catid' => $booking_vip['cat_id'], 'level_1_catid' => $booking_vip['top_cat'], 'num_contract' => $booking_vip['num_contract'], 'priority' => $priority); //insert $idVip = DB::insert("item_vip", $arrItemVip); if ($idVip) { $item_id = $booking_vip['item_id']; $item = Item::get_item($item_id); if ($booking_vip['time_start'] >= TIME_NOW || $booking_vip['time_end'] <= TIME_NOW) { $priority = 0; } DB::update("item", array("sticky" => $priority), "id={$item_id}"); if (MEMCACHE_ON) { $item['sticky'] = $priority; AZMemcache::do_put("item:{$item_id}", $item); AZMemcache::do_remove("id_vip:{$item['category_id']}"); AZMemcache::do_remove("id_vip:{$item['level_1_catid']}"); } } //update status DB::update('bookings_vip', array("status" => 1, "time_update_status" => TIME_NOW, "user_update_status" => User::user_name()), "id={$id}"); } Url::redirect_current(); break; case 'update_status': if (User::have_permit(ADMIN_VIP_ITEM)) { $id = (int) Url::get("id", 0); DB::update('bookings_vip', array("status" => 1, "time_update_status" => TIME_NOW, "user_update_status" => User::user_name()), "id={$id}"); } Url::redirect_current(); break; case 'edit': require_once 'forms/EditBookingVip.php'; $this->add_form(new EditBookingVipForm()); break; case 'delete': $id = (int) Url::get("id", 0); $booking_vip = array(); if ($id) { $booking_vip = DB::select("bookings_vip", "id={$id}"); } if ($booking_vip && $booking_vip['status'] != 1) { if (User::user_name() == $booking_vip['user_add'] || User::have_permit(ADMIN_VIP_ITEM)) { DB::update('bookings_vip', array("status" => -1, "time_del" => TIME_NOW, "user_del" => User::user_name()), "id={$id}"); } } Url::redirect_current(); break; default: Url::redirect_current(); break; } } else { Url::access_denied(); } }
function show_log_up_item() { $item_id = (int) Url::get('item_id', 0); if ($item_id > 0 && User::is_login() && !User::is_block()) { $log_ups = array(); $item = Item::get_item($item_id); if ($item) { if (User::id() == $item['user_id']) { global $display; $re = DB::query("SELECT * FROM up_item_log WHERE item_id={$item_id} ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 200"); if ($re) { $stt = 1; while ($log_up = mysql_fetch_assoc($re)) { $log_up['stt'] = $stt++; $log_up['up_time'] = date('d.m.Y H\\hi:s', $log_up['up_time']); if ($log_up['up_id']) { $log_up['type'] = '<font color=green><b>Up tự động</b></font>'; } else { $log_up['type'] = 'Thành viên up'; } $arr = explode(' ', $log_up['run_order']); $log_up['run_order'] = $arr[0]; if ($log_up['status'] == 0) { $log_up['status'] = '<font color="orange">Chưa kích hoạt</font>'; } elseif ($log_up['status'] == 1) { $log_up['status'] = '<font color="green">Hoạt động</font>'; } elseif ($log_up['status'] == 2) { $log_up['status'] = '<font color="brown">Hết lượt up</font>'; } elseif ($log_up['status'] == 3) { $log_up['status'] = '<span title="Tạm ngừng do tin bị xoá hoặc kiểm duyệt"><font color="red">Tạm ngừng</font></span>'; } $log_up['del_link'] = Url::build_current(array('cmd' => 'del_log', 'log_id' => $log_up['id'])); $log_up['href'] = '?page=item_detail&id=' . $log_up['item_id']; $log_up['item_c_time'] = ''; $log_up['item_up_time'] = ''; $log_ups[] = $log_up; } } if ($log_ups) { $display->add('item_id', $item['id']); $display->add('item_name', $item['name']); $display->add('post_time', date('H\\hi d.m.Y', $item['created_time'])); $display->add('up_time', date('H\\hi d.m.Y', $item['up_time'])); $display->add('item_url', Url::build('item_detail', array('id' => $item['id'], 'ebname' => AZLib::safe_title($item['name'])))); $display->add('log_ups', $log_ups); $display->output('UpTinLog', false, 'Personal'); System::halt(); } } } } echo 'no_log'; exit; }
function mark_label() { $user_id = (int) Url::get('user_id'); $item_id = (int) Url::get('item_id'); $check_ids = Url::get('check_ids'); $uncheck_ids = Url::get('uncheck_ids'); if (!User::is_login() || !$user_id) { echo "not_login"; exit; } if (!$item_id || !$user_id || !User::is_admin() && (User::is_block() || User::id() != $user_id)) { echo "not_permit"; exit; } $user = User::getUser($user_id); $item = Item::get_item($item_id); if (!$user || !$item || $item && $item['user_id'] != $user_id) { echo "not_permit"; exit; } if ($uncheck_ids != '') { DB::delete("label_item", "user_id={$user_id} AND label_id IN({$uncheck_ids}) AND item_id = {$item_id}"); } if ($check_ids != '') { $label_id_arr = explode(',', $check_ids); $label_id_arr = $label_id_arr ? array_unique($label_id_arr) : $label_id_arr; if ($label_id_arr) { $insert_sql = ''; foreach ($label_id_arr as $label_id) { $insert_sql .= ($insert_sql != '' ? ',' : '') . "({$label_id},{$item_id},{$user_id},'{$user['user_name']}')"; } if ($insert_sql != '') { $insert_sql = "REPLACE INTO label_item (label_id, item_id, user_id, user_name) VALUES {$insert_sql}"; DB::query($insert_sql); } } } echo "success"; exit; }
function rate_item() { if (User::is_login()) { $item_id = Url::get('id', 0); $num_stars = Url::get('num_stars', 0); $type = Url::get('type', 0); $user_id = User::id(); if ($type != 0 && $type != 1 && $type != 2) { $type = 0; } if ($item_id && $user_id) { $item = Item::get_item($item_id); if ($item && $item['status'] == 1 && (User::have_permit(ADMIN_ITEM) || !DB::select("item_rating", "type=" + $type + " AND user_id=" . $user_id . " AND item_id=" . $item_id))) { $rank = ($item['rank'] * $item['rate_num'] + $num_stars) / ($item['rate_num'] + 1); if ($type == 0) { $f_rank = ($item['f_rank'] * $item['f_rate_num'] + $num_stars) / ($item['f_rate_num'] + 1); $update_sql = "f_rank= {$f_rank}, f_rate_num=f_rate_num+1"; } elseif ($type == 1) { $d_rank = ($item['d_rank'] * $item['d_rate_num'] + $num_stars) / ($item['d_rate_num'] + 1); $update_sql = "d_rank= '{$d_rank}', d_rate_num=d_rate_num+1"; } else { $u_rank = ($item['u_rank'] * $item['u_rate_num'] + $num_stars) / ($item['u_rate_num'] + 1); $update_sql = "u_rank= '{$u_rank}', u_rate_num=u_rate_num+1"; } if (!User::have_permit(ADMIN_ITEM)) { DB::insert("item_rating", array('user_id' => $user_id, 'item_id' => $item_id, 'rank' => $num_stars, 'type' => $type, 'time' => TIME_NOW)); } DB::query("UPDATE item SET `rank`= '" . $rank . "', `rate_num`=rate_num+1, " . $update_sql . " WHERE id=" . $item_id); Item::get_item($item_id, 1); } exit; } } else { echo 'not_login'; exit; } echo 'no_perm'; exit; }
function ManageItem($row) { if (User::have_permit(array(ADMIN_ITEM, ADMIN_DEL_ITEM))) { Module::Module($row); $cmd = Url::get('cmd'); switch ($cmd) { case 'delete': $id = (int) Url::get('id', 0); if ($id) { $item = Item::get_item($id); Item::delete_item($id); } Url::redirect_url(Url::build_all(array('selected_ids', 'cmd', 'id', 'product_item'))); break; case 'del_cache': $id = (int) Url::get('id', 0); if ($id) { Item::get_item($id, 1); } Url::redirect_url(Url::build_all(array('selected_ids', 'cmd', 'id', 'product_item'))); break; case 'del_forever': if (User::have_permit(ADMIN_DEL_ITEM)) { $id = (int) Url::get('id', 0); if ($id) { Item::delete_item_physical($id); } } Url::redirect_url(Url::build_all(array('selected_ids', 'cmd', 'id', 'product_item'))); break; case 'show': case 're_post': $id = (int) Url::get('id', 0); if ($id) { if (MEMCACHE_ON) { $item_memcache = Item::get_item($id); $item_memcache['status'] = 1; $item_memcache['modify_user_name'] = User::user_name(); $item_memcache['modify_time'] = TIME_NOW; AZMemcache::do_put("item:{$id}", $item_memcache); } DB::update('item', array('status' => 1, 'modify_user_name' => User::user_name(), 'modify_time' => TIME_NOW), 'id=' . $id); } Url::redirect_url(Url::build_all(array('selected_ids', 'cmd', 'id', 'product_item'))); break; case 'hide': $id = (int) Url::get('id', 0); if ($id) { if (MEMCACHE_ON) { $item_memcache = Item::get_item($id); $item_memcache['status'] = 2; $item_memcache['modify_user_name'] = User::user_name(); $item_memcache['modify_time'] = TIME_NOW; AZMemcache::do_put("item:{$id}", $item_memcache); } DB::update('item', array('status' => 2, 'modify_user_name' => User::user_name(), 'modify_time' => TIME_NOW), 'id=' . $id); } Url::redirect_url(Url::build_all(array('selected_ids', 'cmd', 'id', 'product_item'))); break; default: require_once 'forms/ManageItem.php'; $this->add_form(new ManageItemForm()); break; } } else { Url::redirect('sign_in'); } }
function Build($row) { Module::Module($row); ################################################################################################## $build_catids = @CGlobal::$configs['BuildCatIDs']['conf_val']; if ($build_catids != '') { $arr = explode(',', $build_catids); $build_catids = ''; $last = 0; if ($arr) { foreach ($arr as $catid) { if (isset(CGlobal::$allCategories[$catid]) && CGlobal::$allCategories[$catid]['status'] != 'HIDE') { $build_catids .= ($build_catids != '' ? ',' : '') . $catid; Build::$cats[$catid] = array('id' => $catid, 'name' => CGlobal::$allCategories[$catid]['name'], 'recomend' => str_replace(chr(13) . chr(10), "<br />", CGlobal::$allCategories[$catid]['recomend']), 'img' => AZLib::getImageThumb("category/{$catid}.gif", 40, 40, 0, 0), 'item_id' => 0, 'item_name' => '', 'item_url' => '', 'item_price' => '', 'item_warranty' => '', 'list_brief' => ''); if ($last) { Build::$cats[$last]['next_id'] = $catid; } $last = $catid; } } } } self::$bcatid = (int) Url::get('bcatid'); if (self::$bcatid) { if (isset(Build::$cats[self::$bcatid])) { self::$bcat = Build::$cats[self::$bcatid]; } else { Url::redirect_current(array('mode')); } } else { self::$bcat = reset(Build::$cats); if (self::$bcat) { self::$bcatid = (int) self::$bcat['id']; } } ################################################################################################## $item_ids = ''; $build_ids = isset($_SESSION['build_ids']) ? $_SESSION['build_ids'] : ''; $build_price = 0; if ($build_ids != '') { $items = array(); $re = DB::query("SELECT * FROM item WHERE id IN(" . $build_ids . ") AND status=1 AND price>0 AND quantity>0 ORDER BY find_in_set(category_id,'" . $build_catids . "')"); if ($re) { while ($item = mysql_fetch_assoc($re)) { if (isset(Build::$cats[$item['category_id']]) && Build::$cats[$item['category_id']]['item_id'] == 0) { Build::$price += $item['price']; $item_ids .= ($item_ids != '' ? ',' : '') . $item['id']; if (isset(CGlobal::$allCategories[$item['category_id']])) { $item_url = WEB_DIR . CGlobal::$allCategories[$item['category_id']]['nice_name'] . "/p{$item['id']}/" . AZLib::safe_title($item['name']) . ".html"; } else { $item_url = WEB_DIR . "p{$item['id']}/" . AZLib::safe_title($item['name']) . ".html"; } if ($item['list_brief'] == '') { $item['list_brief'] = $item['brief']; } $item['list_brief'] = preg_replace("/\\[([\\s]*[0-9]{1,2}[\\s]*)\\]/eis", " ", $item['list_brief']); $item['list_brief'] = str_replace(array("'", "\""), array("", " "), $item['list_brief']); $item['list_brief'] = AZLib::word_limit($item['list_brief'], 50, ''); Build::$items[$item['id']] = $item; Build::$cats[$item['category_id']]['item_id'] = $item['id']; Build::$cats[$item['category_id']]['item_name'] = $item['name']; Build::$cats[$item['category_id']]['item_url'] = $item_url; Build::$cats[$item['category_id']]['item_price'] = number_format($item['price'], 0, ',', '.') . " VNĐ"; Build::$cats[$item['category_id']]['item_warranty'] = $item['warranty']; Build::$cats[$item['category_id']]['list_brief'] = $item['list_brief']; } } } } $item_id = (int) Url::get('item_id'); $bcatid = (int) Url::get('bcatid'); if ($item_id && $bcatid) { $item = Item::get_item($item_id); if ($item && $item['status'] == 1 && $item['price'] > 0 && $item['quantity'] > 0 && isset(Build::$cats[$item['category_id']])) { if (!isset(Build::$items[$item['id']])) { if (Build::$cats[$item['category_id']]['item_id'] > 0) { unset(Build::$items[Build::$cats[$item['category_id']]['item_id']]); } Build::$items[$item['id']] = $item; //$item_ids .= ($item_ids!='' ? ',' : '') . $item['id']; $item_ids = implode(',', array_keys(Build::$items)); $_SESSION['build_ids'] = "{$item_ids}"; $last = 0; foreach (array_keys(Build::$cats) as $catid) { if ($last == self::$bcatid) { Url::redirect_current(array('mode', 'bcatid' => $catid), '#select_item'); } $last = $catid; } } } Url::redirect_current(array('mode', 'bcatid')); } $_SESSION['build_ids'] = "{$item_ids}"; $cmd = Url::get('cmd'); switch ($cmd) { case 'success': require_once 'forms/BuildSuccess.php'; $this->add_form(new BuildSuccessForm()); break; case 'reset': $_SESSION['build_ids'] = ""; Url::redirect_current(); break; case 'order': if ($item_ids != '') { $cart_item_ids = isset($_COOKIE['cart_items']) ? $_COOKIE['cart_items'] : ''; if ($cart_item_ids != '') { $buil_item_arr = explode(',', $item_ids); $item_ids = $cart_item_ids; $cat_item_arr = explode(',', $cart_item_ids); foreach ($buil_item_arr as $item_id) { if (!in_array($item_id, $cat_item_arr)) { $item_ids .= ($item_ids != '' ? ',' : '') . $item_id; } } } if ($item_ids != $cart_item_ids) { AZLib::my_setcookie('cart_items', $item_ids, time() + 3600 * 24 * 365); } $_SESSION['build_ids'] = ""; Url::redirect('cart'); } Url::redirect_current(); break; case '': default: require_once 'forms/Build.php'; $this->add_form(new BuildForm()); break; } }
function invalid_item() { if (!User::is_login()) { echo "not_login"; exit; } else { $item_id = (int) Url::get('id'); $item_type = (int) Url::get('type', 2); if ($item_id) { $item = Item::get_item($item_id); $item_memcache = $item; } else { $item = array(); } if ($item && (User::have_permit(ADMIN_ITEM) || User::have_cat_permit($item['category_id']))) { $type = 2; } elseif (!User::have_permit(ADMIN_ITEM) && User::is_low_mod()) { $type = 3; } if (!User::have_permit(ADMIN_ITEM) && User::is_low_mod() && DB::count('bad_content', 'id_item =' . $item_id . ' AND type = 3 AND user_id = ' . User::id())) { echo "dup_invalid"; exit; } $reason = EClassApi::getParam('reason'); if (User::is_low_mod() && !$reason) { echo "empty"; exit; } $reason = $reason ? $reason : "Tin đang bị kiểm duyệt"; $arr_data = array('type' => $type, 'id_item' => $item_id, 'user_id' => User::id(), 'user_name' => User::user_name(), 'reason' => $reason, 'time_post' => TIME_NOW); if (!User::have_permit(ADMIN_ITEM) && User::is_low_mod() && DB::insert('bad_content', $arr_data)) { echo "success_invalid"; exit; } if ($item && (User::have_permit(ADMIN_ITEM) || User::have_cat_permit($item['category_id'])) && DB::insert('bad_content', $arr_data)) { EClassApi::getCats(); $link_help = ''; /*if (CGlobal::$allCategories[$item['category_id']]['link_help']){ $link_help = CGlobal::$allCategories[$item['category_id']]['link_help']; } elseif (isset(CGlobal::$allCategories[$item['category_id']]['parent_id']) && CGlobal::$allCategories[CGlobal::$allCategories[$item['category_id']]['parent_id']]['link_help']) { $link_help = CGlobal::$allCategories[CGlobal::$allCategories[$item['category_id']]['parent_id']]['link_help']; }*/ switch ($item['level_1_category_id']) { case "30": case "1": case "31": case "107": case "78": case "51": //$link_help = ''; $link_help = ''; break; case "451": case "105": case "592": case "447": case "100": //$link_help = ''; $link_help = ''; break; case "83": case "541": //$link_help = ''; $link_help = ''; break; case "104": //$link_help = ''; $link_help = ''; break; case "331": case "332": case "335": case "337": //$link_help = ''; $link_help = ''; break; case "79": //$link_help = ''; $link_help = ''; break; case "103": case "579": case "571": $link_help = ''; break; case "514": case "521": $link_help = ''; break; case "109": case "101": $link_help = ''; break; } DB::query("DELETE FROM bad_content WHERE type = 3 AND id_item = " . $item_id); DB::query("UPDATE item SET status = " . $item_type . " , valid_time=" . TIME_NOW . ', valid_user="******" WHERE id = ' . $item_id); if (SORL_FILTER_ON) { $solr = new Solr_Search(); $solr->doUpdateItem($item_id); } if (MEMCACHE_ON) { $item_memcache['status'] = $item_type; $item_memcache['valid_time'] = TIME_NOW; $item_memcache['valid_user'] = User::user_name(); eb_memcache::do_put("item:{$item_id}", $item_memcache); } $receiver_user_id = (int) Url::get('receiver_user_id'); $receiver_user = DB::select('account', 'id = ' . $receiver_user_id); $title_pm = 'Thông báo từ EClass'; /**Hoặc [url=][b] vào đây [/b][/url] để xem hướng dẫn đăng tin*/ /*WEB_ROOT.ECRewrite::formatUrl('?page=item_detail&id='.$item_id.'&ebname='.EClassApi::safe_title($item['name'])).']'.$item['name']*/ $urlItem = Url::build('item_detail', array('id' => $item_id, 'ebname' => EClassApi::safe_title($item['name']))); $content_pm = 'Tin [url=' . $urlItem . '][b] ' . $item['name'] . ' [b][/url] của bạn đã bị kiểm duyệt với lý do: ' . $reason . ' Bạn click [url=' . $link_help . '][b]vào đây[/b][/url] để xem quy định đăng tin! Đề nghị bạn hãy sửa lại tin này cho hợp lệ. Xin cảm ơn bạn. Vui lòng không trả lời tin nhắn này!'; if (User::$current->data['signature']) { $content_pm .= '<br /><hr /><br />Mọi thắc mắc vui lòng liên hệ theo số ĐT: 04.39743410 - Số máy lẻ: ' . User::$current->data['signature']; } $id_mess = EClassApi::Send_pm(User::id(), User::user_name(), $receiver_user, $title_pm, $content_pm, TRUE); $from = EClassApi::getParam('from'); if ($from == 'admin') { echo EClassApi::getParam('receiver_user_id') . '_' . $item_id; } else { echo $item_id; } } else { echo "fail"; } } exit; }
function on_submit() { $item_id = (int) Url::get("item_id", 0); $category = (int) Url::get("category", 0); $num_contract = Url::get("num_contract", ''); $time_s = Url::get("time_start", ''); $time_e = Url::get("time_end", ''); if ($item_id <= 0) { $this->setFormError('item_id', 'Bạn chưa nhập vào ID tin!'); return; } $item = Item::get_item($item_id); if (!$item || $item && $item['status'] == -1) { $this->setFormError('item_id', 'Tin bạn nhập vào không tồn tại!'); return; } if (!$this->errNum) { $time_start = 0; if ($time_s != '') { $arr = explode('-', $time_s); if (count($arr) == 3) { $time_start = mktime(0, 0, 0, $arr[1], $arr[0], $arr[2]); } } if (!$time_start) { $time_start = mktime(0, 0, 0, date('m', TIME_NOW), date('d', TIME_NOW), date('Y', TIME_NOW)); } $time_end = 0; if ($time_e != '') { $arr = explode('-', $time_e); if (count($arr) == 3) { $time_end = mktime(23, 59, 59, $arr[1], $arr[0], $arr[2]); } } if (!$time_end) { $this->setFormError('time_end', 'Bạn chưa nhập vào thời gian kết thúc!'); return; } if ($time_end < $time_start) { $this->setFormError('time_end', 'Thời gian kết thúc phải lớn hơn thời gian bắt đầu!'); return; } // xac dinh xem co hien thi o danh muc cha khong $top_cat = 0; $cat_id = 0; if ($category == 1) { $top_cat = $item['level_1_catid']; } else { if ($category == 2) { $cat_id = $item['category_id']; } } $id = DB::insert("bookings_vip", array('item_id' => $item_id, 'cat_id' => $cat_id, 'top_cat' => $top_cat, 'note' => AZLib::getParam('note'), 'time_start' => $time_start, 'time_end' => $time_end, 'time_add' => TIME_NOW, 'user_add' => User::user_name(), 'time_edit' => TIME_NOW, 'user_edit' => User::user_name(), 'num_contract' => $num_contract)); if ($id) { $content_email = "Có tin vip mới, id={$id}"; $email_managa_vip = '*****@*****.**'; if (System::sendEBEmail($email_managa_vip, 'Có booking vip mới', $content_email)) { // DB::update('bookings_vip', array('note' => 'Gửi mail thành công'), "id=$id"); } } Url::redirect_current(); } }
function display_feedback() { global $display; $show_all = Url::get('show_all', 0); Item::$id = (int) Url::get('id', 0); Item::$item = Item::get_item(Item::$id); if (Item::$item) { if (!isset(Item::$item['display'])) { Item::$item['display'] = 1; if (isset(Item::$item['id'])) { //Check trạng thái tin và quyền thao tác: if (Item::$item['status'] != 1) { //Tin không được kiểm duyệt //Nếu tin chưa được kiểm duyệt ,chỉ admin hoặc chủ tin được xem! if (Item::$item['status'] == 2) { if (User::id() != Item::$item['user_id'] && !User::have_permit(ADMIN_ITEM) && !User::have_cat_permit(Item::$item['category_id'])) { Item::$item['display'] = 0; } } else { //Nếu tin ở trạng thái xóa if (Item::$item['status'] == -1) { if (!User::have_permit(ADMIN_ITEM)) { Item::$item['display'] = 0; //Url::access_denied(); } } } //Nếu tin bị ẩn ,chỉ admin được xem! if (Item::$item['status'] == 0) { if (!User::is_admin()) { Item::$item['display'] = 0; //Url::access_denied(); } } } } } if (Item::$item['display']) { if ($show_all) { $this->get_all_comment(); } else { if (StaticCache::notExistCache('fb_' . Item::$id, 0)) { StaticCache::startCache(); $this->get_all_comment(); StaticCache::endCache(); } } } } }
function fn_del_item_reason() { if (!User::is_login()) { echo "not_login"; exit; } if (!User::have_permit(ADMIN_ITEM) && !User::is_mod()) { echo "no_perm"; exit; } $id = (int) Url::get('id', 0); if ($id) { $item = Item::get_item($id); $item_memcache = $item; } else { $item = array(); } if ($item && (User::have_permit(ADMIN_ITEM) || User::have_cat_permit($item['category_id']))) { Item::delete_item($id); AZLib::del_reason_mod($id); echo $id; exit; } else { echo "no_perm"; exit; } echo "unsuccess"; exit; }
function finish_edit_item_id() { $json = array('error' => ''); if (!User::is_login()) { $json['error'] = "not_login"; echo json_encode($json); exit; } if (User::is_block()) { $json['error'] = "no_permission"; echo json_encode($json); exit; } $user = User::$current->data; $item_id = Url::get('item_id', 0); $bidding_id = Url::get('bidding_id', 0); if ($item_id) { $item = Item::get_item($item_id); } if ($item) { //Check trạng thái tin và quyền thao tác: if ($item['status'] != 1) { if (in_array($item['status'], array(0, 2, 3, 5))) { $data['error'] = 'item_invalid'; echo json_encode($data); exit; } elseif ($item['status'] == -1 && !User::have_permit(ADMIN_ITEM)) { //Nếu tin ở trạng thái xóa $json['error'] = "item_not_exist"; echo json_encode($json); exit; } } else { $bidding_info = DB::select('bidding', "id={$bidding_id}"); if ($user['id'] != $bidding_info['user_id']) { $json['error'] = "wrong_user"; echo json_encode($json); exit; } if ($item['category_id'] != $bidding_info['cat_id']) { $json['error'] = "wrong_item_id"; echo json_encode($json); exit; } } if (DB::query("UPDATE bidding SET item_id = {$item_id} WHERE id={$bidding_id}")) { $json['error'] = "success"; echo json_encode($json); exit; } else { $json['error'] = "error_update"; echo json_encode($json); exit; } } else { $json['error'] = "item_not_exist"; echo json_encode($json); exit; } }
function action_reply_item_comment() { $act_ = Url::get('act_'); $comment_id = (int) Url::get('re_c_item_id', 0); $content = ''; $json = ""; if (!User::is_login()) { $json = '({"msg":"no_login"})'; echo $json; exit; } if (User::is_block() || !$comment_id || $act_ != 'skip' && $act_ != 'reply') { $json = '({"msg":"no_perm"})'; echo $json; exit; } $comment_row = DB::select('comment', "id={$comment_id}"); if (!$comment_row || $comment_row && $comment_row['replied_user_id'] != User::id()) { $json = '({"msg":"no_perm"})'; echo $json; exit; } //if($comment_row['receiver_user_id'] == User::id() || $comment_row['sender_user_id'] == User::id() || ($act_=='reply' && $comment_row['replied_status']==1)){//Không được trả lời cho chính mình! hoặc trả lời phản hồi đã đc trả lời rồi! if ($comment_row['receiver_user_id'] == User::id() || $comment_row['sender_user_id'] == User::id()) { //Không được trả lời cho chính mình! $json = '({"msg":"success"})'; echo $json; exit; } $item_id = $comment_row['item_id']; $item = Item::get_item($item_id); $item_memcache = $item; if (!$item || $item && $item == -1) { $json = '({"msg":"no_perm"})'; echo $json; exit; } if ($item["state"] == 1 && !User::have_permit(ADMIN_ITEM)) { $json = '({"msg":"no_perm"})'; echo $json; exit; } $json = '({"msg":"success"'; if ($act_ == 'reply') { $content = trim(AZLib::getParam('content')); if (!$content) { $json = '({"msg":"short_content"})'; echo $json; exit; } if (AZLib::checkBadWord($content)) { $json = '({"msg":"bad_word"})'; echo $json; exit; } $content = preg_replace("/\n/", "<br />", $content); $content = str_replace('<br /><br />', ' ', $content); if ($comment_row['parent_id']) { $parent_id = $comment_row['parent_id']; if ($comment_row['sender_user_id']) { $content = '@<a href="' . WEB_DIR . $comment_row['sender_user_name'] . '" class="fast_reply_link" title="' . $comment_row['sender_user_name'] . '">' . $comment_row['sender_user_name'] . '</a>: ' . $content; } else { $content = '<font color="#999">@<span style="text-decoration:underline">' . $comment_row['sender_user_name'] . '</span> </font>: ' . $content; } } else { $parent_id = $comment_row['id']; } $comment = array('content' => $content, 'item_id' => $item['id'], 'time' => time(), 'order_time' => time(), 'post_ip' => AZLib::ip(), 'parent_id' => $parent_id, 'receiver_user_id' => $item['user_id'], 'receiver_user_name' => $item['user_name'], 'display' => 1, 'status' => 0); $comment['sender_user_id'] = User::id(); $comment['sender_user_name'] = User::user_name(); if ($comment_row['sender_user_id']) { $comment['replied_user_id'] = $comment_row['sender_user_id']; $comment['replied_user_name'] = $comment_row['sender_user_name']; } if ($comment_row['sender_user_id'] == $item['user_id']) { $comment['replied_status'] = 1; } $id = DB::insert('comment', $comment); if ($id) { $re = DB::query("SELECT id FROM comment WHERE parent_id = {$parent_id} AND display = 1 ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 3,1"); if ($re) { if ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($re)) { if ($row) { DB::query("UPDATE comment SET display = 0 WHERE parent_id = {$parent_id} AND display = 1 AND id<={$row['id']}"); } } } if ($comment_id == $parent_id) { DB::query("UPDATE comment SET replied_status = 1,have_child = have_child + 1, order_time = " . time() . " WHERE id = {$comment_id}"); } else { DB::query("UPDATE comment SET have_child = have_child + 1, order_time = " . time() . " WHERE id = {$parent_id}"); DB::query("UPDATE comment SET replied_status = 1 WHERE id = {$comment_id}"); } //Cập nhật đã đọc - trả lời cho feed DB::query("UPDATE feed SET status=1 WHERE ref_id = {$comment_id} AND type=2"); DB::query('UPDATE user SET total_new_comment = total_new_comment + 1 WHERE id=' . $item['user_id']); User::getUser($item['user_id'], 0, 1); if ($comment_row['sender_user_id'] && $comment_row['sender_user_id'] != $item['user_id']) { DB::query('UPDATE user SET total_new_comment = total_new_comment + 1 WHERE id=' . $comment_row['sender_user_id']); User::getUser($comment_row['sender_user_id'], 0, 1); } } $total_feedback = DB::count('comment', 'item_id="' . $item['id'] . '"'); DB::update_id('item', array('reply_count' => $total_feedback), $item['id']); if (MEMCACHE_ON) { $item_memcache['reply_count'] = $total_feedback; AZMemcache::do_put("item:{$item['id']}", $item_memcache); } $receiver_user = User::getUser($item['user_id'], 1); //Cập nhật cron job if ($receiver_user && $receiver_user['email'] && $receiver_user['email_alert']) { $link = WEB_ROOT . AZRewrite::formatUrl('?page=item_detail&id=' . $item['id'] . '&ebname=' . AZLib::safe_title($item['name'])); $link = AZRewrite::formatUrl($link); $title = "<a href='{$link}' target='_blank' style='text-decoration:none;color:#003399;'><font color='#003399'>{$item['name']}</font></a>"; AZLib::addCronJob('item_comment', AZLib::parseBBCode($content, true), $receiver_user['id'], User::user_name(), '', $item['id'], $title, $link); } } else { if ($comment_row['replied_status'] == 0) { DB::query("UPDATE comment SET replied_status = 1 WHERE id = {$comment_id}"); } //Cập nhật đã đọc - trả lời cho feed DB::query("UPDATE feed set status=1 WHERE ref_id = {$comment_id} AND type=2"); } DB::query('UPDATE user SET total_new_comment = total_new_comment - 1 WHERE id=' . User::id() . ' AND total_new_comment>0'); User::getUser(User::id(), 0, 1); $json .= "})"; echo $json; exit; }
function payment_vip_finish() { if (!User::is_login()) { echo "not_login"; exit; } if (User::is_block()) { echo "no_permission"; exit; } $user = User::$current->data; $item_id = (int) Url::get('item_id', 0); $vip_day = Url::get('vip_day', ''); $cat_id = (int) Url::get('cat_id', 0); $full_name = Url::get('full_name'); $mobile = Url::get('mobile'); $item = false; //get item info if ($item_id) { $item = Item::get_item($item_id); } if ($item) { //Check trạng thái tin và quyền thao tác: if ($item['status'] != 1) { if (in_array($item['status'], array(0, 2, 3, 5))) { echo "item_invalid"; exit; } elseif ($item['status'] == -1 && !User::have_permit(ADMIN_ITEM)) { //Nếu tin ở trạng thái xóa echo "item_not_exist"; exit; } } } else { echo "item_not_exist"; exit; } if (!$cat_id) { echo "catid_not_exist"; exit; } if (!$full_name || !$mobile) { //Phải nhập tên và số điện thoại liên hệ echo "error_info"; exit; } $countItemVip = DB::count('item_vip', "item_id={$item_id} AND status=1 AND time_end > " . TIME_NOW); if ($countItemVip) { echo "vip_exist"; exit; } foreach (SohaPay::$vip as $key => $val) { if (strpos(',' . $val['ids'] . ',', ',' . $cat_id . ',') !== false) { $price = $val['price']; $type = $val['type']; $service_code = $key; } } $return_url = WEB_ROOT . "payment_vip_complete.html?item_id={$item_id}&cat_id={$cat_id}&mobile={$mobile}&vip_day={$vip_day}"; $transaction_info = "{$full_name} [ {$user['user_name']} ] Thanh toán Dịch vụ mua tin vip trị giá " . number_format($price, 0, '', '.') . " VNĐ) vào ngày {$vip_day} cho tin có ID {$item_id} của {$item['user_name']}, số ĐT liên hệ: {$mobile}"; $order_email = $user['email']; $payment_ebp = array("item_id" => $item_id, "log_id" => 0, "vip_config" => $cat_id . "," . $vip_day, "user_id" => $user['id'], "user_name" => $user['user_name'], "service_type" => $type, "service_code" => $service_code, "payment_info" => $transaction_info, "order_code" => '', "price" => $price, "time" => TIME_NOW, "payment_time" => 0, "error_text" => '', "payment_status" => 0, "sent_mail" => 0, "mobile" => $this->check_mobile($mobile)); $payid = DB::insert("payment_ebp", $payment_ebp); if ($payid) { $order_code = "{$service_code}_{$payid}"; if (DB::update("payment_ebp", array("order_code" => $order_code), "id={$payid}")) { //Tạo link thanh toán đến Soha Payment $url = SohaPay::buildCheckoutUrl($return_url, $transaction_info, $order_code, $price, $order_email, VIP_MERCHANT_SITE_CODE, VIP_SECURE_CODE); echo $url; exit; } } }
function on_submit() { $start_row = 6; //$start_row = 4; if (isset($_FILES['file_excel']) && $_FILES['file_excel']['error'] == 0) { $file_ext = AZLib::getExtension($_FILES['file_excel']['name']); if ($file_ext == '.xls') { require_once 'includes/excel/PHPExcel_1.7.6/PHPExcel/IOFactory.php'; try { $objPHPExcel = PHPExcel_IOFactory::load($_FILES['file_excel']['tmp_name']); } catch (Exception $e) { $this->setFormError('', 'File bạn nhập không đúng định dạng'); } } else { $this->setFormError('', 'File bạn nhập không đúng định dạng'); } } else { $this->setFormError('', "Bạn chưa chọn file Excel!"); } $sku_arr = array(); //B Col 1 $category_id_arr = array(); //C Col 2 $brand_arr = array(); //D Col 3 $name_arr = array(); //E Col 4 $quantity_arr = array(); //F Col 5 - Số lượng $made_in_arr = array(); //G Col 6 $warranty_arr = array(); //H Col 7 $price_arr = array(); //I Col 8 $price_out_arr = array(); //J Col 9 $currency_id_arr = array(); //Q Col 16 $offer_arr = array(); //R Col 17 $status_arr = array(); //S Col 18 $list_brief_arr = array(); //T Col 19 $description_arr = array(); //U Col 20 $brief_arr = array(); //V Col 21 ########################################################################################################## #Check lỗi: $error = ''; $worksheet = $objPHPExcel->getSheetByName('Sản phẩm'); if (!$worksheet) { $this->setFormError('', 'Tên sheet gốc đã bị thay đổi, hãy đổi lại tên sheet thành "Sản phẩm"'); } $brand_name_ars = array(); $not_allow_update = array(); $not_allow_insert = array(); if (!$this->errNum) { if ($worksheet->getCell("Z1")->getValue() != 2) { $this->setFormError('', 'File excel không đúng phiên bản, đề nghị <a href="import_excel.html?cmd=download" style="color:#0000FF"><b>Tải về file Excel mẫu</b></a> mới nhất và cập nhật lại!'); return; } $max_rows = $worksheet->getHighestRow(); for ($i = $start_row; $i <= $max_rows; $i++) { $sku = trim(str_replace(array("'", "\""), '', $worksheet->getCell("B{$i}")->getValue())); if ($sku == '') { //$error .= "<b>SKU</b> tại Cell <font color='#f00'>B$i</font> không được để trống<br/>"; $not_allow_update[$i] = $i; //Không cho update $not_allow_insert[$i] = $i; //Không cho insert } else { $sku_arr[$i] = $sku; $catid = trim($worksheet->getCell("C{$i}")->getValue()); if ($catid) { if (!isset(CGlobal::$allCategories[$catid])) { //$error .= "<b>ID Danh mục</b> tại Cell <font color='#f00'>C$i</font> không tồn tại<br/>"; $not_allow_update[$i] = $i; //Không cho update $not_allow_insert[$i] = $i; //Không cho insert } } $category_id_arr[$i] = $catid; $brand_arr[$i] = trim($worksheet->getCell("D{$i}")->getValue()); if ($brand_arr[$i] != '') { $brand_name_ars[strtolower($brand_arr[$i])] = str_replace(array("'", "\""), '', $brand_arr[$i]); } $name_arr[$i] = trim($worksheet->getCell("E{$i}")->getValue()); if ($name_arr[$i] == '') { //$error .= "<b>Tên sản phẩm</b> tại Cell <font color='#f00'>C$i</font> không được để trống<br/>"; $not_allow_insert[$i] = $i; //Không cho insert } elseif (strlen($name_arr[$i]) < 2) { //$error .= "<b>Tên sản phẩm</b> tại Cell <font color='#f00'>C$i</font> không được để trống<br/>"; $not_allow_update[$i] = $i; //Không cho update $not_allow_insert[$i] = $i; //Không cho insert } $quantity_arr[$i] = abs($worksheet->getCell("F{$i}")->getValue()); $made_in_arr[$i] = $worksheet->getCell("G{$i}")->getValue(); $warranty_arr[$i] = $worksheet->getCell("H{$i}")->getValue(); $price_arr[$i] = abs($worksheet->getCell("I{$i}")->getValue()); $price_out_arr[$i] = abs($worksheet->getCell("J{$i}")->getValue()); if ($price_out_arr[$i] && $price_out_arr[$i] < $price_arr[$i]) { //$error .= "<b>Giá thị trường</b> tại Cell <font color='#f00'>J$i</font> phải lớn hơn hoặc bằng <b>Giá niêm yết</b> tại Cell <font color='#f00'>I$i</font><br/>"; $not_allow_update[$i] = $i; //Không cho update $not_allow_insert[$i] = $i; //Không cho insert } $currency_id_arr[$i] = strtolower($worksheet->getCell("Q{$i}")->getValue()) == 'usd' ? 2 : 1; $offer_arr[$i] = $worksheet->getCell("R{$i}")->getValue(); /*$list_brief_arr[$i] = str_replace("/","<br />",$worksheet->getCell("S$i")->getValue()); $brief_arr[$i] = str_replace("/","<br />",$worksheet->getCell("T$i")->getValue()); $description_arr[$i] = str_replace("/","<br />",$worksheet->getCell("U$i")->getValue()); */ $list_brief_arr[$i] = trim($worksheet->getCell("T{$i}")->getValue()); $description_arr[$i] = trim($worksheet->getCell("U{$i}")->getValue()); $brief_arr[$i] = trim($worksheet->getCell("V{$i}")->getValue()); if ($list_brief_arr[$i] == '') { //$error .= "<b>Thông số tóm tắt</b> tại Cell <font color='#f00'>S$i</font> không được để trống!<br/>"; $not_allow_insert[$i] = $i; //Không cho insert } elseif (strlen($list_brief_arr[$i]) < 2) { $not_allow_update[$i] = $i; //Không cho update $not_allow_insert[$i] = $i; //Không cho insert } if ($description_arr[$i] == '') { //$error .= "<b>Thông số tóm tắt</b> tại Cell <font color='#f00'>S$i</font> không được để trống!<br/>"; $not_allow_insert[$i] = $i; //Không cho insert } elseif (strlen($description_arr[$i]) < 2) { $not_allow_update[$i] = $i; //Không cho update $not_allow_insert[$i] = $i; //Không cho insert } if ($brief_arr[$i] == '') { //$error .= "<b>Thông số tóm tắt</b> tại Cell <font color='#f00'>S$i</font> không được để trống!<br/>"; $not_allow_insert[$i] = $i; //Không cho insert } elseif (strlen($brief_arr[$i]) < 2) { $not_allow_update[$i] = $i; //Không cho update $not_allow_insert[$i] = $i; //Không cho insert } /* if($brief_arr[$i] == '') { $brief_arr[$i] = $list_brief_arr[$i]; } if($description_arr[$i] == '') { $description_arr[$i] = $brief_arr[$i]; } */ $status_arr[$i] = trim($worksheet->getCell("S{$i}")->getValue()); if ($status_arr[$i] != '') { if (in_array($status_arr[$i], array(-1, 1, 2))) { $status_arr[$i] = 1; } } } } #Check lỗi ########################################################################################################## $success = ''; if (!$name_arr) { $this->setFormError('', "Bạn chưa nhập thông tin sản phẩm nào!"); return; } $all_sku_items = array(); $sku_str = "'" . implode("','", $sku_arr) . "'"; $re = DB::query("SELECT id, sku FROM item WHERE sku IN({$sku_str})"); if ($re) { while ($item = mysql_fetch_assoc($re)) { $all_sku_items[$item['sku']] = $item['id']; } } $all_rands = array(); if ($brand_name_ars) { $brand_str = "'" . implode("','", $brand_name_ars) . "'"; $re = DB::query("SELECT * FROM brand WHERE name IN({$brand_str})"); if ($re) { while ($brand = mysql_fetch_assoc($re)) { $all_rands[strtolower(trim($brand['name']))] = $brand['id']; } } } $total_update = 0; $total_add = 0; $total_skip = 0; foreach ($name_arr as $key => $nam) { if (!isset($not_allow_update[$key], $not_allow_insert[$key])) { if (isset($all_sku_items[$sku_arr[$key]])) { if (!isset($not_allow_update[$key])) { $item_update_row = array('status' => 1, 'modify_time' => TIME_NOW, 'modify_user_name' => User::user_name()); if ($category_id_arr[$key] != '') { $catid = $category_id_arr[$key]; $cattopid = $catid; $catl2id = $catid; $cat = CGlobal::$allCategories[$catid]; if ($cat) { if ($cat['parent_id'] && isset(CGlobal::$allCategories[$cat['parent_id']])) { $pcat = CGlobal::$allCategories[$cat['parent_id']]; if ($pcat['parent_id'] && isset(CGlobal::$allCategories[$pcat['parent_id']])) { $cattopid = $pcat['parent_id']; $catl2id = $pcat['id']; } else { //Cấp 2 $cattopid = $cat['parent_id']; $catl2id = $cat['id']; } } else { $cattopid = $catid; $catl2id = 0; } } $item_update_row['level_1_catid'] = $cattopid; $item_update_row['level_2_catid'] = $catl2id; $item_update_row['category_id'] = $catid; } if ($brand_arr[$key] != '') { $brand_id = 0; if (isset($all_rands[strtolower($brand_arr[$key])])) { $brand_id = $all_rands[strtolower($brand_arr[$key])]; } elseif ($brand_arr[$key] != '-') { $brand_id = DB::insert('brand', array('name' => $brand_arr[$key])); $all_rands[strtolower($brand_arr[$key])] = $brand_id; } $item_update_row['brand_id'] = $brand_id; } if ($name_arr[$key] != '') { $item_update_row['name'] = $name_arr[$key]; } if ($list_brief_arr[$key] != '') { $item_update_row['list_brief'] = $list_brief_arr[$key]; } if ($brief_arr[$key] != '') { $item_update_row['brief'] = $brief_arr[$key]; } if ($description_arr[$key] != '') { $item_update_row['description'] = $description_arr[$key]; } if ($quantity_arr[$key] != '') { $item_update_row['quantity'] = (int) $quantity_arr[$key]; } if ($made_in_arr[$key] != '') { if ($made_in_arr[$key] == '-') { $item_update_row['made_in'] = ''; } else { $item_update_row['made_in'] = (int) $made_in_arr[$key]; } } if ($warranty_arr[$key] != '') { if ($warranty_arr[$key] == '-') { $item_update_row['warranty'] = ''; } else { $item_update_row['warranty'] = (int) $warranty_arr[$key]; } } if ($price_arr[$key] != '') { if ($price_arr[$key] == '-') { $item_update_row['price'] = 0; } else { $item_update_row['price'] = (int) $price_arr[$key]; } } if ($price_out_arr[$key] != '') { if ($price_out_arr[$key] == '-') { $item_update_row['price_out'] = 0; } else { $item_update_row['price_out'] = (int) $price_out_arr[$key]; } } if ($currency_id_arr[$key] != '') { if ($currency_id_arr[$key] == '-') { $item_update_row['currency_id'] = 1; } else { $item_update_row['currency_id'] = (int) $currency_id_arr[$key]; } } if ($offer_arr[$key] != '') { if ($offer_arr[$key] == '-') { $item_update_row['offer'] = ''; } else { $item_update_row['offer'] = $offer_arr[$key]; } } if ($status_arr[$key] != '') { if ($status_arr[$key] == '-') { $item_update_row['status'] = 1; } else { $item_update_row['status'] = (int) $status_arr[$key]; } } $id = $all_sku_items[$sku_arr[$key]]; DB::update('item', $item_update_row, "id={$id}"); Item::get_item($id, 1); $total_update++; $success .= "<a href='p{$id}.html' target='_blank'>[ ID: {$id} ]</a> Cập nhật thành công sp ở dòng thứ {$key}<br />"; } else { $total_skip++; } } else { if (!isset($not_allow_insert[$key])) { $catid = $category_id_arr[$key]; $cattopid = $catid; $catl2id = $catid; $cat = CGlobal::$allCategories[$catid]; if ($cat) { if ($cat['parent_id'] && isset(CGlobal::$allCategories[$cat['parent_id']])) { $pcat = CGlobal::$allCategories[$cat['parent_id']]; if ($pcat['parent_id'] && isset(CGlobal::$allCategories[$pcat['parent_id']])) { $cattopid = $pcat['parent_id']; $catl2id = $pcat['id']; } else { //Cấp 2 $cattopid = $cat['parent_id']; $catl2id = $cat['id']; } } else { $cattopid = $catid; $catl2id = 0; } } $brand_id = 0; if ($brand_arr[$key] != '') { if (isset($all_rands[strtolower($brand_arr[$key])])) { $brand_id = $all_rands[strtolower($brand_arr[$key])]; } elseif ($brand_arr[$key] != '-') { $brand_id = DB::insert('brand', array('name' => $brand_arr[$key])); $all_rands[strtolower($brand_arr[$key])] = $brand_id; } } if ($status_arr[$key] == '') { $status_arr[$key] = 1; } $item_insert_row = array('sku' => $sku_arr[$key], 'category_id' => $catid, 'level_1_catid' => $cattopid, 'level_2_catid' => $catl2id, 'brand_id' => $brand_id, 'name' => $name_arr[$key], 'list_brief' => $list_brief_arr[$key], 'brief' => $brief_arr[$key], 'description' => $description_arr[$key], 'quantity' => $quantity_arr[$key], 'made_in' => $made_in_arr[$key], 'warranty' => $warranty_arr[$key], 'price' => $price_arr[$key], 'price_out' => $price_out_arr[$key], 'currency_id' => $currency_id_arr[$key], 'offer' => $offer_arr[$key], 'offer' => $offer_arr[$key], 'status' => $status_arr[$key], 'created_time' => TIME_NOW, 'user_id' => ser::id(), 'user_name' => ser::user_name(), 'modify_time' => TIME_NOW, 'modify_user_name' => User::user_name()); $id = DB::insert('item', $item_insert_row); $total_add++; $success .= "<a href='p{$id}.html' target='_blank'><font color=red>[ ID: {$id} ]</font></a> Thêm mới thành công sp ở dòng thứ {$key}<br />"; } else { $total_skip++; } } } else { $total_skip++; } } if ($success != '') { $success = "Tạo mới: {$total_add}, Cập nhật: {$total_update}, Bỏ qua: {$total_skip}.<br /><br />" . $success; $this->setFormSucces('', $success); } } }
function display_feedback_thoitrang() { global $display; $show_all = Url::get('show_all', 1); Item::$id = (int) Url::get('id', 0); Item::$item = Item::get_item(Item::$id); /* if($show_all) {*/ $this->get_all_comment_thoitrang(); /* } else{ if(StaticCache::notExistCache('fb_'.Item::$id,0)){ StaticCache::startCache(); $this->get_all_comment_thoitrang(); StaticCache::endCache(); } }*/ }
function __construct($row) { Module::Module($row); require_once 'forms/header.php'; if (AZNet::$page['name'] == 'zone') { $zone_id = (int) Url::get("zone_id"); if (!$zone_id || $zone_id && !isset(CGlobal::$allZones[$zone_id])) { //Url::access_denied(); Url::redirect('home'); } } if (AZNet::$page['name'] == 'item_detail') { $item_id = (int) Url::get('id', 0); if (Item::$id == -1) { Item::$id = $item_id; Item::$item = Item::get_item($item_id); AZLib::checkItem(); if (Item::$item && Item::$item['display']) { CGlobal::$curCategory = Item::$item['category_id']; } } } $curCategory = false; if (CGlobal::$curCategory && isset(CGlobal::$allCategories[CGlobal::$curCategory])) { $curCategory = CGlobal::$allCategories[CGlobal::$curCategory]; } $str_keywords = ''; $str_catSub = ''; $meta_desc = ''; if ($curCategory) { if ($curCategory['parent_id'] && isset(CGlobal::$allCategories[$curCategory['parent_id']])) { $parent_cat = CGlobal::$allCategories[$curCategory['parent_id']]; CGlobal::$curMainCat = CGlobal::$allCategories[$curCategory['parent_id']]; CGlobal::$curLevel2Cat = $curCategory; } else { CGlobal::$curMainCat = $curCategory; } } if (CGlobal::$curMainCat && isset(CGlobal::$curMainCat['zones'])) { foreach (CGlobal::$curMainCat['zones'] as $zid) { if ($zid && isset(CGlobal::$allZones[$zid])) { CGlobal::$curZone = CGlobal::$allZones[$zid]; if (CGlobal::$curMainCat['id'] != 100) { break; } } } } if (!CGlobal::$curZone) { $zid = (int) Url::get("zone_id", 0); if ($zid && isset(CGlobal::$allZones[$zid])) { CGlobal::$curZone = CGlobal::$allZones[$zid]; } } if (AZNet::$page['name'] == 'zone') { if (REWRITE_ON) { //tuannk add 2010.07.28 fix redirect 301 với các url link sai $ebname = CGlobal::$curZone['ebname']; $eburl = WEB_DIR . "z" . CGlobal::$curZone['id'] . "/{$ebname}.html"; if ($ebname != '' && strpos($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], $eburl) !== 0) { Url::redirect_url($eburl, 301); } } ########################################## #For SEO if (isset(CGlobal::$curZone['cats'])) { foreach (CGlobal::$curZone['cats'] as $catid) { if (isset(CGlobal::$allCategories[$catid])) { $str_catSub .= ($str_catSub ? ', ' : '') . CGlobal::$allCategories[$catid]['name']; if (CGlobal::$allCategories[$catid]['keywords']) { $str_keywords .= ($str_keywords ? ', ' : '') . CGlobal::$allCategories[$catid]['keywords']; } if (CGlobal::$allCategories[$catid]['description']) { $meta_desc .= ($meta_desc ? ', ' : '') . CGlobal::$allCategories[$catid]['description']; } } } } if (!$str_keywords) { if ($str_catSub) { $str_keywords = $str_catSub; } else { $str_keywords = CGlobal::$curZone['name']; } } if (!$meta_desc) { if ($str_catSub) { $meta_desc = $str_catSub; } else { $meta_desc = CGlobal::$curZone['name']; } } CGlobal::$keywords = $str_keywords; CGlobal::$meta_desc = $meta_desc; CGlobal::$website_title = CGlobal::$curZone['name']; #For SEO ########################################## } else { $catid = CGlobal::$curCategory; if (isset(CGlobal::$allCategories[$catid]) && CGlobal::$allCategories[$catid]['ref_id']) { //redirected $ref_id = CGlobal::$allCategories[$catid]['ref_id']; $ebname = ''; if (isset(CGlobal::$allCategories[$ref_id])) { $ebname = CGlobal::$allCategories[$ref_id]['ebname']; if (CGlobal::$allCategories[$ref_id]['parent_id']) { //DM cấp 2 hoặc 3 $pid = CGlobal::$allCategories[$ref_id]['parent_id']; if (isset(CGlobal::$allCategories[$pid])) { $pcat = CGlobal::$allCategories[$pid]; $ebname = "{$pcat['ebname']}-" . CGlobal::$allCategories[$ref_id]['ebname']; if (CGlobal::$allCategories[$pid]['parent_id']) { //DM cấp 3 $ppid = CGlobal::$allCategories[$pid]['parent_id']; if (isset(CGlobal::$allCategories[$ppid])) { $ppcat = CGlobal::$allCategories[$ppid]; $ebname = "{$ppcat['ebname']}-{$pcat['ebname']}-" . CGlobal::$allCategories[$ref_id]['ebname']; } } } } Url::redirect_url(WEB_DIR . "c{$ref_id}/{$ebname}", 301); } } if (AZNet::$page['name'] == 'list_detail' && REWRITE_ON) { //tuannk add 2010.07.28 fix redirect 301 với các url link sai $ebname_req = Url::get("ebname"); $page_no = (int) Url::get("page_no", 1); if ($page_no <= 1) { $page_no = 0; } $ebname = ''; $eburl = ''; if (CGlobal::$curMainCat) { $ebname = CGlobal::$curMainCat['ebname']; if (CGlobal::$curLevel2Cat) { $ebname .= "-" . CGlobal::$curLevel2Cat['ebname']; $eburl = WEB_DIR . "c" . CGlobal::$curLevel2Cat['id'] . "/" . $ebname; } else { $eburl = WEB_DIR . "c" . CGlobal::$curMainCat['id'] . "/" . $ebname; } } if ($ebname != '') { if ($page_no) { $eburl .= "/page-{$page_no}"; } if (strpos($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], $eburl) !== 0 || $ebname_req != $ebname || isset($_GET['page_no']) && $page_no <= 1) { Url::redirect_url($eburl, 301); } } } if (CGlobal::$curLevel2Cat) { //Nếu có cả 2 cấp $str_catSub = CGlobal::$curLevel2Cat['name'] . ', ' . CGlobal::$curMainCat['name']; //Cho subcat if (CGlobal::$curLevel2Cat['keywords']) { CGlobal::$keywords = CGlobal::$curLevel2Cat['keywords']; } if (CGlobal::$curLevel2Cat['description']) { $meta_desc = CGlobal::$curLevel2Cat['description']; } //End Cho subcat if (CGlobal::$curMainCat['description']) { $meta_desc .= ($meta_desc ? ', ' : '') . CGlobal::$curMainCat['description']; } //End Cho maincat } elseif (CGlobal::$curMainCat) { //Nếu chỉ có 1 cấp if (isset(CGlobal::$allCategories[CGlobal::$curMainCat['id']]) && isset(CGlobal::$subCategories[CGlobal::$curMainCat['id']])) { $subCats = CGlobal::$subCategories[CGlobal::$curMainCat['id']]; foreach ($subCats as $catSub) { if ($catSub['name']) { $str_catSub .= ($str_catSub ? ', ' : '') . $catSub['name']; } if ($catSub['description']) { $meta_desc .= ($meta_desc ? ', ' : '') . $catSub['description']; } } } $str_catSub .= ($str_catSub ? ', ' : '') . CGlobal::$curMainCat['name']; if (CGlobal::$curMainCat['keywords']) { CGlobal::$keywords = CGlobal::$curMainCat['keywords']; } if (CGlobal::$curMainCat['description']) { $meta_desc .= ($meta_desc ? ', ' : '') . CGlobal::$curMainCat['description']; } } //CGlobal::$curCategory if (AZNet::$page['name'] == 'item_detail') { if (Item::$item && Item::$item['status'] == 1) { CGlobal::$meta_desc = AZLib::word_limit(AZLib::descriptionText(Item::$item['brief'] . ' ' . Item::$item['description']), 30, ''); } elseif ($meta_desc) { CGlobal::$meta_desc = $meta_desc; } } elseif ($meta_desc) { CGlobal::$meta_desc = $meta_desc; } } //limit character description and keyword CGlobal::$keywords = AZLib::word_limit(CGlobal::$keywords, 20, ''); CGlobal::$meta_desc = AZLib::word_limit(CGlobal::$meta_desc, 250, ''); //Gán title cho các trang trong! $page_title_arr = array(); $page_title_arr['post_item'] = "Đăng sản phẩm"; $page_title_arr['sign_in'] = "Đăng nhập - Đăng ký thành viên"; if (isset($page_title_arr[AZNet::$page['name']])) { CGlobal::$website_title = $page_title_arr[AZNet::$page['name']] . ' | ' . CGlobal::$website_title; } $this->add_form(new HeaderForm()); }
function item_history() { $itemids = Url::get('itemids'); $item_history = array(); if ($itemids) { $itemids = explode(',', $itemids); if (is_array($itemids)) { foreach ($itemids as $key) { $item = Item::get_item($key); if ($item) { unset($item['description'], $item['post_ip'], $item['created_time']); $item_['item_id'] = $item['id']; $item_['item_url'] = "p" . $item['id'] . "/" . EClassApi::safe_title($item['name']) . ".html"; $item_['item_title'] = ucfirst(EnbacLib::remove_4_js($item['name'])); $item_['price'] = $item['price'] ? number_format(EClassApi::convertCurrency($item['price'], $item['currency_id']), 0, ',', '.') : 'Liên hệ'; $item_['item_image'] = $item['original_image_url'] ? EClassApi::getImageThumb($item['original_image_url'], 120, 105, 0, $item['img_server']) : ''; $item_history[] = $item_; unset($item); } } } /* $re = DB::query("SELECT id, name, price, currency_id, original_image_url, img_server, status, state FROM item WHERE id IN($itemids) ORDER BY find_in_set(id, '$itemids')"); if ($re) { while ($fitem = mysql_fetch_assoc($re)) { if ($fitem['status'] == 1 && $fitem['state'] == 0) { $item['item_id'] = $fitem['id']; $item['item_url'] = "p" . $fitem['id'] . "/" . EClassApi::safe_title($fitem['name']) . ".html"; $item['item_title'] = ucfirst(EnbacLib::remove_4_js($fitem['name'])); // $item['price'] = $fitem['price']?number_format($fitem['price'],0,',','.'):'Liên hệ'; $item['price'] = $fitem['price'] ? number_format(EClassApi::convertCurrency($fitem['price'], $fitem['currency_id']), 0, ',', '.') : 'Liên hệ'; //$item['item_image'] = ($fitem['original_image_url']) ? EClassApi::getImageThumbIn($fitem['original_image_url'],150,120,$fitem['img_server']) : ''; $item['item_image'] = ($fitem['original_image_url']) ? EClassApi::getImageThumb($fitem['original_image_url'], 120, 105, 0, $fitem['img_server']) : ''; $item_history[] = $item; } } }*/ } echo json_encode($item_history); }
function insert_sub_image_payment_new() { $img_id = Url::get('item_id'); $code_emb = Url::get('code_emb'); $main_item_id = Url::get('main_item_id'); if (empty($code_emb) || $code_emb == "undefined") { $code_emb = ""; DB::query("UPDATE `item_sub` SET script_pay = '' WHERE id={$img_id}"); } else { if (strlen(strstr($code_emb, '<a href="')) > 0 && strlen(strstr($code_emb, '<img')) > 0) { $str_start = strpos($code_emb, '<a href="'); $main_str = substr($code_emb, $str_start); $sub_str = split("</a>", $main_str); $code_emb = $sub_str[0] . "</a>"; $patt = '<a href="'; $res = DB::select('item_sub', "id={$img_id}"); $str = split($patt, $res['script_pay']); $des_new = $str[0] . $code_emb; DB::query("UPDATE `item_sub` SET script_pay = '{$des_new}' WHERE id={$img_id}"); } else { DB::query("UPDATE `item_sub` SET script_pay = '' WHERE id={$img_id}"); } } Item::get_item($main_item_id, 1); }