Exemple #1
 public function actionInventory($id)
     if ($this->getFConfig('db_driver') == 'sqlsrv') {
         $query = "DECLARE @items varbinary(max);SET @items = (SELECT Inventory FROM Character WHERE Name='{$id}');Select @items";
         $getI = Yii::app()->db->createCommand($query)->queryScalar();
         $getItem = $getI;
     } else {
         $getI = Character::model()->find(array('select' => 'Inventory', 'condition' => 'Name=:Name', 'params' => array(':Name' => $id)));
         $getItem = strtoupper(bin2hex($getI->Inventory));
     $i = -1;
     while ($i < 11) {
         $itemCode[$i] = substr($getItem, $this->getFConfig('versionBit') * $i, $this->getFConfig('versionBit'));
         if ($itemCode[$i] != $this->getVersionBit()) {
             $itemInfo[$i] = Item::getItem(substr($getItem, $this->getFConfig('versionBit') * $i, $this->getFConfig('versionBit')));
             if ($itemInfo[$i] == NULL) {
                 $itemInfo[$i]['thumb'] = "images/items/no.png";
                 $itemDesc[$i] = '';
             } else {
                 $itemDesc[$i] = $itemInfo[$i]['info'];
     $model = Character::model()->find(array('select' => 'AccountID,Strength,Dexterity,Vitality,Energy,Leadership,Life,Mana,PkLevel,PkCount,Name,cLevel,Money,MapNumber,MapPosX,MapPosY,Class,' . $this->getFConfig('reset_col') . ',' . $this->getFConfig('greset_col') . '', 'condition' => 'Name=:Name', 'params' => array(':Name' => $id)));
     $getChars = Character::model()->findAll(array('select' => 'AccountID,Name,cLevel,Class,' . $this->getFConfig('reset_col') . ',' . $this->getFConfig('greset_col') . '', 'condition' => 'AccountID=:AccountID', 'params' => array(':AccountID' => $model->AccountID)));
     $this->renderPartial('cpage', array('item' => $itemInfo, 'itemDesc' => $itemDesc, 'model' => $model, 'chars' => $getChars));
Exemple #2
if (isset($_SESSION['levelError'])) {
    print $_SESSION['levelError'];
if (isset($_SESSION['dailyBonus'])) {
    $message = "You found \$" . $_SESSION['dailyBonus'] . " cash as daily bonus.";
    bonuses('Daily Bonus', $message);
} else {
    if (isset($_SESSION['weeklyBonus'])) {
        $item = Item::getItem($_SESSION['weeklyBonus']);
        $message = "For playing the last 7 days, you received one " . $item->getName() . "!";
        bonuses('Weekly Bonus', $message);
function bonuses($bonusType, $message)
        $(document).ready(function() {
            $('#inline1').html('<h5 class="popupweaponheader"><?php 
    echo $bonusType;
</h5><br/><p> <?php 
    echo $message;
$type_el = 0;
//$sel = myquery("SELECT *  FROM game_items WHERE priznak=4 AND user_id=$user_id AND item_id IN (SELECT id FROM game_items_factsheet WHERE type=13)");
if ($sel != false and mysql_num_rows($sel) > 0) {
    while ($hran = mysql_fetch_array($sel)) {
        echo '
		<table border="1" cellpadding="0" style="border-collapse: collapse" width="98%" bordercolor="777777" bgcolor="223344"><table border="1" cellpadding="0" style="border-collapse: collapse" width="98%" bordercolor="777777" bgcolor="223344" align=center><tr><td>';
        echo '<table width="100%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0"><tr><td width=100 align="center">';
        $Item = new Item($hran['id']);
        $Item->hint(0, 0, '<a ');
        echo '<img src="http://' . img_domain . '/item/' . $Item->getFact('img') . '.gif" border="0" alt=""></a>';
        //echo'<br><font color="#ffff00">'.$Item->getFact('name').'</font>';
        echo '</td><td valign="top" width="220">
		<div align="left">';
        QuoteTable('open', '100%');
        echo '<center><b>' . $Item->getFact('name') . '</b></center><br>';
        if ($Item->fact['curse'] != '') {
            $str = $Item->fact['curse'];
            $order = array("\r\n", "\n", "\r");
            $replace = '<br />';
            $newstr = str_replace($order, $replace, $str);
            echo $newstr . '<br>';
        echo 'Вес эликсира: ' . $Item->getItem('weight') . '<br>';
        echo '<div>Количество эликсиров: <font color="#FF8080"><b>' . $Item->getItem('count_item') . '</b></font>';
        echo '</td><td style="text-align:right;padding-right:10px;width:130px;"><input type="button" value="Взять эликсир" onClick=location.replace("town.php?option=' . $option . '&town_id=' . $town . '&get=' . $hran['id'] . '&part4&add=' . $build_id . '")>';
        echo '</td></tr></table></td></tr></table>';
            echo '<table border="0" cellpadding="1"><tr><td></td></tr></table><table border="1" cellpadding="0" style="border-collapse: collapse" width="98%" bordercolor="777777" bgcolor="223344"><tr><td width=70 align=center><a href=town.php?option=' . $option . '&hran=' . $row["id"] . '&part4&dom><img src="http://' . img_domain . '/item/' . $row["img"] . '.gif" border="0"></a></td><td><a href=town.php?option=' . $option . '&hran=' . $row["id"] . '&part4&dom>' . $row["name"] . '</a></td></tr></table>';
        echo 'Нажми на рисунок, чтобы положить предмет в хранилище';
    } else {
        echo '<br />В хранилище больше нет свободных мест!<br />';
} elseif (isset($_GET['get'])) {
    $Item = new Item($_GET['get']);
    if ($Item->getItem('user_id') == $user_id and $Item->getItem('priznak') == 4 and $Item->getFact('weight') <= $char['CC'] - $char['CW']) {
        $Item->move_item_to_user(0, $user_id);
} elseif (isset($_GET['hran'])) {
    if ($free > 0) {
        $Item = new Item($_GET['hran']);
        if ($Item->getItem('user_id') == $user_id and $Item->getFact('type') < 90 and $Item->getFact('type') != 13 and $Item->getItem('item_for_quest') == 0 and ($Item->getItem('ref_id') == 0 or $Item->getFact('type') == 12 or $Item->getFact('type') == 14) and $Item->getItem('priznak') == 0 and $Item->getItem('used') == 0) {
            $Item->move_item_to_market($town, 0, 0, 0, 4);
echo '<strong>Хранилище предметов (максимум ' . $templ['min_value'] . ' предметов)</strong><br /><br />';
echo 'Сейчас свободно <b><font color=red>' . $free . '</font></b> мест для хранения предметов.<br />';
echo "В инвентаре свободно место для <b><font color=red>" . max(0, $char['CC'] - $char['CW']) . "</font></b> кг.<br><br>";
echo '<a href="?option=' . $option . '&town_id=' . $town . '&part4&dom&sel_hran">Положить предметы в хранилище</a><br /><br />';
echo '<SCRIPT language=javascript src="../js/info.js"></SCRIPT><DIV id=hint  style="Z-INDEX: 0; LEFT: 0px; VISIBILITY: hidden; POSITION: absolute; TOP: 0px"></DIV>';
QuoteTable('open', '100%');
$sel = myquery("SELECT * FROM game_items WHERE priznak=4 AND user_id={$user_id} AND town={$town} AND item_id NOT IN (SELECT id FROM game_items_factsheet WHERE type=13)");
if ($sel != false and mysql_num_rows($sel) > 0) {
    while ($hran = mysql_fetch_array($sel)) {
Exemple #5
        echo 'Комплект успешно удалён!';
//Используем предмет
if (isset($_GET['option']) and $_GET['option'] == 'eliksir' and isset($_GET['id']) and $_GET['id'] > 0 and !$from_house and !$from_craft) {
    $Item = new Item();
    echo $Item->message;
//Заряжаем артефакт
if (isset($_GET['option']) and $_GET['option'] == 'charge' and !$from_house and !$from_craft and isset($_GET['id']) and $_GET['id'] > 0) {
    $Item = new Item($_GET['id']);
    $zar = $Item->getFact('item_uselife') - $Item->getItem('count_item');
    if ($Item->getFact('type') == 3 and $zar > 0) {
        $sel_last_event = myquery("SELECT timestamp FROM game_users_event WHERE user_id={$user_id} AND event=1");
        if ($sel_last_event != false and mysql_num_rows($sel_last_event) > 0) {
            list($last_event) = mysql_fetch_array($sel_last_event);
        } else {
            $last_event = 0;
        if ($last_event + $Item->getFact('cooldown') < time()) {
            if ($Item->item['item_uselife_max'] > 1 or $Item->fact['breakdown'] == 0) {
                //формула зарядки артефакта - 10 маны и 5 энергии на 1 заряд
                if ($char['STM_MAX'] > $char['MP_MAX']) {
                    $mp = 10;
                    $stm = 5;
                } else {
                    $mp = 5;
function displayMissionInfo($mission, $playerLevel, $cityRank)
    if (missionIsLocked($mission, $playerLevel)) {
        print "<b>LOCKED</b> <br>";
    $missionID = $mission->getID();
		Title: <?php 
    echo $mission->getName();
		City: <?php 
    echo ucfirst(getCityNameFromCityID($mission->getCityID()));
    $userMissionData = UserMissionData::getUserMissionData($_SESSION['userID'], $mission->getID());
    if ($cityRank == 4) {
        $completionPercent = 100;
        $cityRank = 3;
    } else {
        $userTimesMissionDoneInThisRank = 0;
        if ($userMissionData) {
            $userTimesMissionDoneInThisRank = $userMissionData->getRankTimes($cityRank);
        $missionTimesToMasterRank = $mission->getRankReqTimes($cityRank);
        if ($userTimesMissionDoneInThisRank >= $missionTimesToMasterRank) {
            $completionPercent = 100;
        } else {
            $completionPercent = number_format($userTimesMissionDoneInThisRank / $missionTimesToMasterRank, 2) * 100;
    echo $completionPercent;
% R<?php 
    echo $cityRank;
	Description: <?php 
    echo $mission->getDescription();
	Minimum level: <?php 
    echo $mission->getMinLevel();
	Cost: <?php 
    echo $mission->getEnergyCost();
	Will Gain: <?php 
    echo $mission->getExpGained();
	Will Gain <?php 
    echo $mission->getMinCashGained();
    echo $mission->getMaxCashGained();
	Chance of getting loot: <?php 
    echo $mission->getChanceOfLoot();
    $lootItemID = $mission->getLootItemID();
    if ($lootItemID) {
        $lootItem = Item::getItem($lootItemID);
			You're not supposed to know this but the item you might get is the <?php 
        echo $lootItem->getName();
			didnt put in agency or item requirements too lazy but they work<br>
    print "Item Requirements:<br>";
    $itemIDsToQuantity = Mission::getMissionRequiredItemsIDsToQuantity($missionID);
    $itemIDsToItems = Item::getItemIDsToItems(array_keys($itemIDsToQuantity));
    foreach ($itemIDsToQuantity as $key => $value) {
        $item = $itemIDsToItems[$key];
        print $value . "x " . $item->getName() . "<br>";
    if (!missionIsLocked($mission, $playerLevel)) {
			<form action='backend/domission.php' method='post'>
			<input type='hidden' name='missionID' value='<?php 
        echo $mission->getID();
' />
			<input type='hidden' name='currentMissionCity' value='<?php 
        echo $_SESSION['currentMissionCity'];
' />
			<input type='submit' value='Do It' />
    print "<br><br>";
 case 'purchase':
     $it = (int) $_GET['it'];
     $Item = new Item($it);
     if ($Item->item['town'] != $town) {
     if ($dostup_clan == 2 and $Item->item['user_id'] != $user_id) {
         echo 'Хотели купить неположенный предмет? Ну-ну!';
     $ar = $Item->buy_market();
     if ($ar[0] > 0) {
         $town_select = myquery("select rustown from game_gorod where town='{$town}'");
         list($rustown) = mysql_fetch_array($town_select);
         $userid = $Item->getItem('user_id');
         $selname = myquery("SELECT name FROM game_users WHERE user_id={$userid}");
         if (!mysql_num_rows($selname)) {
             $selname = myquery("SELECT name FROM game_users_archive WHERE user_id={$userid}");
         list($name) = mysql_fetch_array($selname);
         myquery("INSERT INTO game_pm (komu, otkogo, theme, post, view, time, folder) VALUES ('{$user_id}', '0', 'Рынок: Ты " . echo_sex('купил', 'купила') . " предмет " . mysql_real_escape_string($ar[1]) . " у игрока " . mysql_real_escape_string($name) . "', 'Ты " . echo_sex('купил', 'купила') . " предмет " . mysql_real_escape_string($ar[1]) . " выставленный на продажу на рынке в " . mysql_real_escape_string($rustown) . " у игрока " . mysql_real_escape_string($name) . " за " . $ar[0] . " " . pluralForm($ar[0], 'монету', 'монеты', 'монет') . ". Комментарий к предмету - " . mysql_real_escape_string($ar[2]) . "','0','" . time() . "',4)");
         if ($user_id != $userid) {
             myquery("INSERT INTO game_pm (komu, otkogo, theme, post, view, time, folder) VALUES ('{$userid}', '0', 'Рынок: Твоя вещь " . mysql_real_escape_string($ar[1]) . " куплена игроком " . mysql_real_escape_string($char['name']) . "', 'Твоя вещь " . mysql_real_escape_string($ar[1]) . ", выставленная на продажу на рынке в " . mysql_real_escape_string($rustown) . ", куплена " . mysql_real_escape_string($char['name']) . " за " . $ar[0] . " " . pluralForm($ar[0], 'монету', 'монеты', 'монет') . ". Комментарий к предмету - " . mysql_real_escape_string($ar[2]) . "','0','" . time() . "',4)");
         save_stat($user_id, '', $town, 9, '', $ar[1], $userid, $ar[0], '', '', '', '');
         echo '<br /><br /><font color="#FFFF00">Предмет <b>' . $Item->fact['name'] . '</b> куплен</font>';
     if ($dostup_clan == 2) {
         $str_query = "SELECT DISTINCT game_items_factsheet.type FROM game_items,game_items_factsheet where game_items.user_id={$user_id} and game_items.priznak=1 and game_items.town='{$town}' and game_items_factsheet.type<=97 and game_items.sell_time>'{$time_for_check}' AND game_items.post_to=0 AND game_items.item_id = game_items_factsheet.id and game_items_factsheet.type=" . $Item->fact['type'] . "";
     } else {

ini_set('display_errors', 1);
include '../autoloader.php';
echo "<p> ading to log item 1 add  at time: " . date('Y-m-d H:i:s', time());
echo "<p> ading to log item 1 remove at time: " . date('Y-m-d H:i:s', time());
EventLog::logItemCheckedOut(1, NULL);
echo "<p> ading to log item 1 checked out no loan at time: " . date('Y-m-d H:i:s', time());
EventLog::logItemCheckedIn(1, NULL);
echo "<p> ading to log item 1 checked in no loan at time: " . date('Y-m-d H:i:s', time());
EventLog::logItemCheckedOut(1, 1);
echo "<p> ading to log item 1 checked out loan 1 at time: " . date('Y-m-d H:i:s', time());
EventLog::logItemCheckedIn(1, 1);
echo "<p> ading to log item 1 checked in loan 1 at time: " . date('Y-m-d H:i:s', time());
echo "<p> ading to log item 1 update at time: " . date('Y-m-d H:i:s', time());
echo "<p> ading to log item 1 unavailable at time: " . date('Y-m-d H:i:s', time());
echo "<p> ading to log item 1 unavailable at time: " . date('Y-m-d H:i:s', time());
$testItem = Item::getItem(1);
$results = $testItem->getHistory();
Exemple #9
include_once "../classes/Item.php";
include_once '../classes/common_functions.php';
$SELL_RATIO = 0.6;
$fn = new common_functions();
$actionToDo = $_GET['actionToDo'];
if (isset($_GET['itemID'])) {
    $itemID = $_GET['itemID'];
if (isset($_GET['storePrice'])) {
    $storePrice = $_GET['storePrice'];
$user = User::getUser($_SESSION['userID']);
if (isset($itemID)) {
    $item_details = Item::getItem($itemID);
$status = "success";
if (isset($_GET['oldUserQuantity'])) {
    $owned_quantity = $_GET['oldUserQuantity'];
if (isset($_GET['request_quantity'])) {
    $request_quantity = $_GET['request_quantity'];
    $required_money = $storePrice * $request_quantity;
    if ($user->getCash() < $required_money) {
        if (isset($_GET['cityID'])) {
            $_SESSION['missionEquipmentBought'] = 'false';
            $_SESSION['missionEquipmentBoughtDesc'] = 'You don\'t have enough money to buy that.';
            header("Location: {$serverRoot}choosemission.php?cityID=" . $_GET['cityID']);

$access_item = false;
if (isset($read_access) && $read_access) {
include_once $_SERVER["FRAMEWORK_PATH"] . "/config/init.php";
$query = new Query();
$IC = new Item();
print '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>';

<urlset xmlns="http://www.sitemaps.org/schemas/sitemap/0.9">
$item = $IC->getItem(array("tags" => "page:front"));
echo SITE_URL;
echo date("Y-m-d", strtotime($item["modified_at"]));
     echo '<br><br><input type="submit" name="delete_items" value="Удалить отмеченные предметы игрока">';
     echo '<br><br><input type="submit" name="take_items" value="Удалить отмеченные предметы игрока c возвратом денег">';
     echo '</form>';
 } elseif (isset($_POST['delete_items']) or isset($_POST['take_items'])) {
     if (isset($_REQUEST['array_items'])) {
         $ar_it = $_REQUEST['array_items'];
         for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($ar_it); $i++) {
             $deleteitem = $ar_it[$i];
             $Item = new Item($deleteitem);
             echo '<br>Предмет <b>' . $Item->getFact('name') . '</b> успешно удален';
             if (isset($_POST['take_items'])) {
                 $item_cost = $Item->getFact('item_cost');
                 myquery("UPDATE game_users SET GP=GP+{$item_cost},CW=CW+" . $item_cost * money_weight . " WHERE user_id=" . $Item->getItem('user_id') . "");
                 myquery("UPDATE game_users_archive SET GP=GP+{$item_cost},CW=CW+" . $item_cost * money_weight . " WHERE user_id=" . $Item->getItem('user_id') . "");
                 setGP($Item->getItem('user_id'), $item_cost, 19);
                 $da = getdate();
                 $log = myquery("INSERT INTO game_log_adm (adm,dei,cur_time,day,month,year)\n\t\t\t\t\t\t VALUES (\n\t\t\t\t\t\t '" . $char['name'] . "',\n\t\t\t\t\t\t 'Удалил предмет: <b>" . $Item->getFact('name') . "</b> у игрока " . $Item->getItem('user_id') . "',\n\t\t\t\t\t\t '" . time() . "',\n\t\t\t\t\t\t '" . $da['mday'] . "',\n\t\t\t\t\t\t '" . $da['mon'] . "',\n\t\t\t\t\t\t '" . $da['year'] . "')") or die(mysql_error());
     if (isset($_REQUEST['array_ress'])) {
         $ar_it = $_REQUEST['array_ress'];
         for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($ar_it); $i++) {
             $selit = myquery("SELECT * FROM craft_resource_user WHERE id = " . $ar_it[$i] . "");
             $it = mysql_fetch_array($selit);
             $ress = mysql_fetch_array(myquery("SELECT * FROM craft_resource WHERE id=" . $it['res_id'] . ""));
             $col = (int) $_REQUEST['array_ress_col_' . $ress['id']];
             if ($col > 0) {
Exemple #12
function displayMissionInfo($mission, $playerLevel, $cityRank, $currentCityID, $serverRoot, $requiredItemsPopupHTML)
    $isMissionLocked = false;
    if (missionIsLocked($mission, $playerLevel)) {
        $isMissionLocked = true;
    $missionID = $mission->getID();
    if ($isMissionLocked) {
        <div class="lockedupgeneric">
        echo $mission->getName();
		<p>Unlock at LVL <?php 
        echo $mission->getMinLevel();
    } else {
    <div class="mission">
        <table class="topmission">
        echo $mission->getName() . $isMissionLocked;
        $userMissionData = UserMissionData::getUserMissionData($_SESSION['userID'], $mission->getID());
        if ($cityRank == 4) {
            $completionPercent = 100;
            $cityRank = 3;
        } else {
            $userTimesMissionDoneInThisRank = 0;
            if ($userMissionData) {
                $userTimesMissionDoneInThisRank = $userMissionData->getRankTimes($cityRank);
            $missionTimesToMasterRank = $mission->getRankReqTimes($cityRank);
            if ($userTimesMissionDoneInThisRank >= $missionTimesToMasterRank) {
                $completionPercent = 100;
            } else {
                $completionPercent = number_format($userTimesMissionDoneInThisRank / $missionTimesToMasterRank, 2) * 100;
                <div class="missionrank">
                        <img src="img/percentimage4.png"
                                 style="background-position: <?php 
        echo 100 - $completionPercent;
% 0pt;" />
        echo $completionPercent;
% Rank <?php 
        echo $cityRank;
        <div class="missioninfo">
                <li><strong>+ $<?php 
        echo $mission->getMinCashGained();
 - $<?php 
        echo $mission->getMaxCashGained();
                <li>+ <?php 
        echo $mission->getExpGained();

        $lootItemID = $mission->getLootItemID();
        if ($lootItemID) {
            $lootItem = Item::getItem($lootItemID);
                    <li><em> Chance of Loot</em></li>

        $itemIDsToQuantity = Mission::getMissionRequiredItemsIDsToQuantity($missionID);
        $itemIDsToItems = Item::getItemIDsToItems(array_keys($itemIDsToQuantity));
        $userItemsdetails = User::getUsersItemsIDsToQuantity($_SESSION['userID']);
        $requiredItemsHTML = '';
        foreach ($itemIDsToQuantity as $key => $value) {
            $item = $itemIDsToItems[$key];
            if (isset($userItemsdetails[$item->getID()]) && $userItemsdetails[$item->getID()] >= $value) {
                $requiredItemsHTML .= '<li><img src="' . $item->getImage() . '">x' . $value . ' </li>';
            } else {
                $requiredItemsHTML .= '<li><a class="inlinecontent" href="#inline' . $item->getID() . $value . '-' . $mission->getCityID() . '"><img src="' . $item->getImage() . '"><span>x' . $value . '</span></a></li>';
                itemRequiredPopUp($item, $value, $requiredItemsPopupHTML, $serverRoot, $mission->getCityID(), $playerLevel);
        if (!missionIsLocked($mission, $playerLevel)) {
            $url = $serverRoot . 'backend/domission.php?missionID=' . $mission->getID() . '&currentMissionCity=' . $currentCityID . '&cityID=' . $currentCityID . '&energyRequired=' . $mission->getEnergyCost();
                <div class="domission">
                    <a href="<?php 
            echo $url;
                        Do Mission</a>

        <div class="missionreq">
            <h5>Required <em><?php 
        echo $mission->getEnergyCost();
            <ul class="reqitems">
        echo $requiredItemsHTML;
 public function setItem(Item $item)
     $this->item = $item;
     $this->id_item = $item->getItem()->getId();
     return true;
     } elseif (!$check_time and $done) {
     } else {
 case 7:
     $Item = new Item();
     $find = $Item->find_item($quest_user['par1_value']);
     if ($find == 0) {
         $done = 0;
     } else {
         $done = 1;
     if ($find != 0) {
         $used = $Item->getItem('used');
     } else {
         $used = 0;
     if ($used != 0) {
         echo '<tr><td align="center">';
         echo '<font color=#F0F0F0>Сначала снимите предмет, чтобы я мог его осмотреть.';
         //echo '<BR><BR><BR>';
         /*cho '</tr></td></table><br><br><hr size=2 width=85%><br></tr></td><tr><td><center>';*/
         echo '<br><br><hr size=2 width=85%><br></tr></td><tr><td><center>';
         /*echo '<BR><BR><center>';
         echo '<font color=#F0F0F0><a href ="?done=1">1) Сей момент</a><br>';