echo 'UD: ' . $sql_update . '<br />';
            } else {
                echo 'EX: ' . $sql_update . '<br />';
        } else {
            mysql_query($sql) or die(mysql_error());
            if (mysql_affected_rows() == 1) {
                echo 'OK: ' . $sql . '<br />';
            } else {
                echo 'FD: ' . $sql . '<br />';
$i = new Install();
// The River Oceanus
//$i->vxSetupSectionExtra('theriveroceanus', '海神之河');
$i->vxSetupBoard('creditcard', '信用卡', 452, 452, 1, 2, '', '');
$i->vxSetupBoard('stock', '股票', 452, 452, 1, 2, '', '股票 | 证券 | Stock');
$i->vxSetupRelatedByName('stock', '', '证券之星');
$i->vxSetupRelatedByName('stock', '', '广发证券');
$i->vxSetupRelatedByName('stock', '', '金融界');
$i->vxSetupRelatedByName('stock', '', '和讯');
$i->vxSetupBoard('stockindexfutures', '股指期货', 452, 452, 1, 2, '', '股指期货 | Stock Index Futures');
$i->vxSetupBoard('nyse', 'New York Stock Exchange', 452, 452, 1, 2, '', '');
$i->vxSetupBoard('amex', 'American Stock and Options Exchange', 452, 452, 1, 2, '', '');
$i->vxSetupBoard('nasdaq', 'NASDAQ', 452, 452, 1, 2, '', '');
$i->vxSetupBoard('forex', '外汇', 452, 452, 1, 2, '', '外汇 | Forex');
$i->vxSetupRelatedByName('forex', '', 'FOREX');
$i->vxSetupRelatedByName('forex', '', 'DailyFX');