Exemple #1
 *	Script to install database
/* functions */
require dirname(__FILE__) . '/../../functions/functions.php';
# initialize user object
$Database = new Database_PDO();
$Install = new Install($Database);
$Tools = new Tools($Database);
$Result = new Result();
# make sure it is properly requested
if ($_SERVER['HTTP_X_REQUESTED_WITH'] != "XMLHttpRequest") {
    $Result->show("danger", _("Invalid request"), true);
# if already installed ignore!
if ($Install->check_table("widgets", false) && @$_POST['dropdb'] != "on") {
    # check for possible errors
    if (sizeof($errors = $Tools->verify_database()) > 0) {
    } else {
        $Result->show("danger", _("Database already installed"), true);
# get possible advanced options
$dropdb = @$_POST['dropdb'] == "on" ? true : false;
$createdb = @$_POST['createdb'] == "on" ? true : false;
$creategrants = @$_POST['creategrants'] == "on" ? true : false;
# try to install new database */
if ($Install->install_database($_POST['mysqlrootuser'], $_POST['mysqlrootpass'], $dropdb, $createdb, $creategrants)) {
    $Result->show("success alert-block", 'Database installed successfully! <a href="?page=install&section=install_automatic&subnetId=configure" class="btn btn-sm btn-default">Continue</a>', true);