function execute()
     $this->set_title('Statistics Center');
     $this->tree('Statistics Center');
     if (!extension_loaded('gd')) {
         return $this->message('JpGraph Error', 'You need to install the correct GD libraries to run the Statistics centre (GD Libraries were not detected)');
     include '../lib/jpgraph/jpgraph.php';
     include '../lib/jpgraph/jpgraph_bar.php';
     if (!defined('IMG_PNG')) {
         return $this->message('JpGraph Error', 'This PHP installation is not configured with PNG support. Please recompile PHP with GD and JPEG support to run JpGraph. (Constant IMG_PNG does not exist)');
      * Posts
     $query = $this->db->query("\r\n\t\tSELECT\r\n\t\t    COUNT(post_id) AS posts,\r\n\t\t    FROM_UNIXTIME(post_time, '%b %y') AS month\r\n\t\tFROM {$this->pre}posts\r\n\t\tGROUP BY month\r\n\t\tORDER BY post_time");
     $data = array();
     while ($item = $this->db->nqfetch($query)) {
         $data[$item['month']] = $item['posts'];
     if (!$data) {
         $data = array(0, 0);
     $graph = new Graph(400, 300, 'auto');
     $graph->title->Set('Posts by Month');
     $temp = array_values($data);
     $barplot = new BarPlot($temp);
      * Registrations
     $query = $this->db->query("\r\n\t\tSELECT\r\n\t\t    COUNT(user_id) AS users,\r\n\t\t    FROM_UNIXTIME(user_joined, '%b %y') AS month\r\n\t\tFROM {$this->pre}users\r\n\t\tWHERE user_joined != 0\r\n\t\tGROUP BY month\r\n\t\tORDER BY user_joined");
     $data = array();
     while ($item = $this->db->nqfetch($query)) {
         $data[$item['month']] = $item['users'];
     $graph = new Graph(400, 300, 'auto');
     $graph->title->Set('Registrations by Month');
     $temp = array_values($data);
     $barplot = new BarPlot($temp);
     return $this->message('Statistics Center', "<img src='{$this->time}1.png' alt='Posts by Month' /><br /><br />\r\n\t\t<img src='{$this->time}2.png' alt='Registrations by Month' />");
Exemple #2
 function execute()
     include '../lib/jpgraph/jpgraph.php';
     include '../lib/jpgraph/jpgraph_bar.php';
     if (!defined('IMG_PNG')) {
         JpGraphError::Raise("This PHP installation is not configured with PNG support. Please recompile PHP with GD and JPEG support to run JpGraph. (Constant IMG_PNG does not exist)");
      * Posts
     $query = $this->db->query("SELECT COUNT(post_id) AS posts, FROM_UNIXTIME(post_time, '%%b %%y') AS month\n\t\t\tFROM %pposts GROUP BY month\tORDER BY post_time");
     $data = array();
     while ($item = $this->db->nqfetch($query)) {
         $data[$item['month']] = $item['posts'];
     if (!$data) {
         $data = array(0, 0);
     $graph = new Graph(400, 300, 'auto');
     $temp = array_values($data);
     $barplot = new BarPlot($temp);
      * Registrations
     $query = $this->db->query("SELECT COUNT(user_id) AS users, FROM_UNIXTIME(user_joined, '%%b %%y') AS month\n\t\t\tFROM %pusers\n\t\t\tWHERE user_joined != 0\n\t\t\tGROUP BY month\n\t\t\tORDER BY user_joined");
     $data = array();
     while ($item = $this->db->nqfetch($query)) {
         $data[$item['month']] = $item['users'];
     $graph = new Graph(400, 300, 'auto');
     $temp = array_values($data);
     $barplot = new BarPlot($temp);
     return $this->message($this->lang->stats, "<img src='../stats/{$this->time}1.png' alt='{$this->lang->stats_post_by_month}' /><br /><br />\n\t\t<img src='../stats/{$this->time}2.png' alt='{$this->lang->stats_reg_by_month}' />");
Exemple #3
 function execute()
     include '../lib/jpgraph/jpgraph.php';
     include '../lib/jpgraph/jpgraph_bar.php';
      * Posts
     $query = $this->db->query("\n\t\tSELECT\n\t\t    COUNT(post_id) AS posts,\n\t\t    FROM_UNIXTIME(post_time, '%b %y') AS month\n\t\tFROM {$this->pre}posts\n\t\tGROUP BY month\n\t\tORDER BY post_time");
     $data = array();
     while ($item = $this->db->nqfetch($query)) {
         $data[$item['month']] = $item['posts'];
     if (!$data) {
         $data = array(0, 0);
     $graph = new Graph(400, 300, 'auto');
     $barplot = new BarPlot(array_values($data));
      * Registrations
     $query = $this->db->query("\n\t\tSELECT\n\t\t    COUNT(user_id) AS users,\n\t\t    FROM_UNIXTIME(user_joined, '%b %y') AS month\n\t\tFROM {$this->pre}users\n\t\tWHERE user_joined != 0\n\t\tGROUP BY month\n\t\tORDER BY user_joined");
     $data = array();
     while ($item = $this->db->nqfetch($query)) {
         $data[$item['month']] = $item['users'];
     $graph = new Graph(400, 300, 'auto');
     $barplot = new BarPlot(array_values($data));
     return $this->message($this->lang->stats, "<img src='{$this->time}1.png' alt='{$this->lang->stats_post_by_month}' /><br /><br />\n\t\t<img src='{$this->time}2.png' alt='{$this->lang->stats_reg_by_month}' />");
Exemple #4
include "../../../include/network.php";
$nt = new NetworkTable("IA_RWIS");
$cities = $nt->table;
// Create the graph. These two calls are always required
$graph = new Graph(650, 550, "example1");
$graph->img->SetMargin(40, 55, 105, 105);
$graph->yaxis->SetTitle("Average Speed [mph]");
$graph->yaxis->title->SetFont(FF_FONT1, FS_BOLD, 12);
$graph->xaxis->SetTitle("Time Period: " . date('Y-m-d h:i A', $times[0][0]) . " thru " . date('Y-m-d h:i A', max($times[0])));
$graph->xaxis->title->SetFont(FF_VERA, FS_BOLD, 12);
$graph->xaxis->SetLabelFormatString("M-j h A", true);
$graph->legend->Pos(0.01, 0.01);
$colors = array(0 => "green", 1 => "black", 2 => "blue", 3 => "red", 4 => "purple", 5 => "tan", 6 => "pink", 7 => "lavendar");
while (list($k, $v) = each($times)) {
    // Create the linear plot
    $lineplot = new LinePlot($avg_speed[$k], $times[$k]);
	 * 		Build a graph onto disk using Artichow library
	 *    	@param      file    Image file name on disk
	function draw_artichow($file)
		dol_syslog("DolGraph.class::draw_artichow this->type=".$this->type);

		if (! defined('SHADOW_RIGHT_TOP'))  define('SHADOW_RIGHT_TOP',3);
		if (! defined('LEGEND_BACKGROUND')) define('LEGEND_BACKGROUND',2);
		if (! defined('LEGEND_LINE'))       define('LEGEND_LINE',1);

		// Create graph
		if ($this->type == 'bars')  $classname='BarPlot';
		if ($this->type == 'lines') $classname='LinePlot';
		include_once DOL_DOCUMENT_ROOT."/includes/artichow/".$classname.".class.php";

		// Definition de couleurs
		$bgcolor=new Color($this->bgcolor[0],$this->bgcolor[1],$this->bgcolor[2]);
		$bgcolorgrid=new Color($this->bgcolorgrid[0],$this->bgcolorgrid[1],$this->bgcolorgrid[2]);
		$colortrans=new Color(0,0,0,100);
		$colorsemitrans=new Color(255,255,255,60);
		$colorgradient= new LinearGradient(new Color(235, 235, 235),new Color(255, 255, 255),0);
		$colorwhite=new Color(255,255,255);

		// Graph
		$graph = new Graph($this->width, $this->height);
		if (isset($this->title))
			$graph->title->setFont(new Tuffy(10));

		if (is_array($this->bgcolor)) $graph->setBackgroundColor($bgcolor);
		else $graph->setBackgroundGradient($colorgradient);

		$group = new PlotGroup;
		//$group->setSpace(5, 5, 0, 0);

		if ($strl > 6) $paddleft += ($strln * 4);
		$group->setPadding($paddleft, $paddright);		// Width on left and right for Y axis values

		if (is_array($this->bgcolorgrid)) $group->grid->setBackgroundColor($bgcolorgrid);
		else $group->grid->setBackgroundColor($colortrans);

		if ($this->hideXGrid)	$group->grid->hideVertical(true);
		if ($this->hideYGrid)	$group->grid->hideHorizontal(true);

		// On boucle sur chaque lot de donnees

		while ($i < $nblot)
			foreach($this->data as $key => $valarray)
				$legends[$j] = $valarray[0];
				$values[$j]  = $valarray[$i+1];

			// Artichow ne gere pas les valeurs inconnues
			// Donc si inconnu, on la fixe a null
			foreach($values as $val)
				$newvalues[]=(is_numeric($val) ? $val : null);

			if ($this->type == 'bars')
				//print "Lot de donnees $i<br>";
				//print '<br>';

				$color=new Color($this->datacolor[$i][0],$this->datacolor[$i][1],$this->datacolor[$i][2],20);
				$colorbis=new Color(min($this->datacolor[$i][0]+50,255),min($this->datacolor[$i][1]+50,255),min($this->datacolor[$i][2]+50,255),50);

				$colorgrey=new Color(100,100,100);
				$colorborder=new Color($this->datacolor[$i][0],$this->datacolor[$i][1],$this->datacolor[$i][2]);

				if ($this->mode == 'side')  $plot = new BarPlot($newvalues, $i+1, $nblot);
				if ($this->mode == 'depth') $plot = new BarPlot($newvalues, 1, 1, ($nblot-$i-1)*5);

				$plot->setBarGradient( new LinearGradient($colorbis, $color, 90) );

				if ($this->mode == 'side')  $plot->setBarPadding(0.1, 0.1);
				if ($this->mode == 'depth') $plot->setBarPadding(0.1, 0.4);
				if ($this->mode == 'side')  $plot->setBarSpace(5);
				if ($this->mode == 'depth') $plot->setBarSpace(2);

				$plot->barShadow->setColor(new Color(160, 160, 160, 50));
				//$plot->setSize(1, 0.96);
				//$plot->setCenter(0.5, 0.52);

				// Le mode automatique est plus efficace

			if ($this->type == 'lines')
				$color=new Color($this->datacolor[$i][0],$this->datacolor[$i][1],$this->datacolor[$i][2],20);
				$colorbis=new Color(min($this->datacolor[$i][0]+20,255),min($this->datacolor[$i][1]+20,255),min($this->datacolor[$i][2]+20,255),60);
				$colorter=new Color(min($this->datacolor[$i][0]+50,255),min($this->datacolor[$i][1]+50,255),min($this->datacolor[$i][2]+50,255),90);

				$plot = new LinePlot($newvalues);
				//$plot->setSize(1, 0.96);
				//$plot->setCenter(0.5, 0.52);


				// Set line background gradient
				$plot->setFillGradient( new LinearGradient($colorter, $colorbis, 90) );


				// Le mode automatique est plus efficace

			//$plot->reduce(80);		// Evite temps d'affichage trop long et nombre de ticks absisce satures

			$group->legend->setTextFont(new Tuffy(10)); // This is to force Artichow to use awFileFontDriver to
														// solve a bug in Artichow with UTF8
			if (sizeof($this->Legend))
				if ($this->type == 'bars')  $group->legend->add($plot, $this->Legend[$i], LEGEND_BACKGROUND);
				if ($this->type == 'lines') $group->legend->add($plot, $this->Legend[$i], LEGEND_LINE);


		$group->axis->bottom->label->setFont(new Tuffy(7));

		//print $group->axis->bottom->getLabelNumber();
		if ($this->labelInterval > 0) $group->axis->bottom->setLabelInterval($this->labelInterval);


		// Generate file
 protected function getImage_p($id)
     require_once "./protected/pages/components/velopark/artichow/Pie.class.php";
     $sql = "SELECT id, area,filling, name FROM  hr_vp_parking ";
     $cmd = $this->db->createCommand($sql);
     $data = $cmd->query();
     $data = $data->read();
     $graph = new Graph(500, 300);
     $graph->setBackgroundGradient(new LinearGradient(new White(), new VeryLightGray(40), 0));
     $graph->title->set(Prado::localize("Service {name}", array("name" => utf8_decode($data['name']))));
     $graph->shadow->setColor(new DarkGray());
     $values = array($data['filling'], $data['area'] - $data['filling'] + 1.0E-9);
     //$values = array(22.0,0.000000001);
     $colors = array(new LightRed(), new LightGreen());
     $plot = new Pie($values, $colors);
     $plot->setCenter(0.42, 0.55);
     $plot->setSize(0.7, 0.7);
       $plot->explode(array(1 => 10));*/
     $plot->setLegend(array(utf8_decode(Prado::localize('Used')), utf8_decode(Prado::localize('Free'))));
     $plot->legend->setBackgroundColor(new VeryLightGray(30));
 * Creative Commons, 559 Nathan Abbott Way, Stanford, California 94305, USA.
require_once "../../LinePlot.class.php";
function color($a = NULL)
    if ($a === NULL) {
        $a = mt_rand(20, 80);
    return new Color(mt_rand(20, 180), mt_rand(20, 180), mt_rand(20, 180), $a);
$graph = new Graph(400, 400, "Abel", time() + 5);
$x = array();
for ($i = 0; $i < 10; $i++) {
    $x[] = mt_rand(0, 100);
$plot = new LinePlot($x);
$plot->setFillGradient(new LinearGradient(color(), color(), 0));
$plot->setYMin(mt_rand(-20, 0));
$plot->yAxis->setLabelNumber(mt_rand(0, 10));
$plot->xAxis->setNumberByTick('minor', 'major', 2);
$plot->setXAxisZero((bool) mt_rand(0, 1));
Exemple #8
    $trendline = new LinePlot($avg, $xdata);
if ($starttime > strtotime('-13 months', $endtime)) {
    for ($i = 0; $i < count($xdata); $i++) {
        $rtime = $xdata[$i];
        //get start time of this day
        $start = mktime(0, 0, 0, date('n', $rtime), date('j', $rtime), date('Y', $rtime));
        if (date('w', $rtime) == 6) {
            $end = $start + 60 * 60 * 24 * 2;
            $band = new PlotBand(VERTICAL, BAND_SOLID, $start, $end, 'lightgray@0.7');
        $year = date('Y', $rtime);
        $holidays['nieuwjaarsdag'] = strtotime('1 January ' . $year);
        $holidays['nieuwjaarsdag2'] = strtotime('2 January ' . $year);
        $holidays['pasen'] = easter_date($year);
        $holidays['paasmaandag'] = strtotime('+1 day', $holidays['pasen']);
        $holidays['olhhemelvaart'] = strtotime('+39 days', $holidays['pasen']);
        $holidays['olhhemelvaart2'] = strtotime('+1day', $holidays['olhhemelvaart']);
        $holidays['pinksteren'] = strtotime('+49 days', $holidays['pasen']);
        $holidays['pinkstermaandag'] = strtotime('+1 day', $holidays['pinksteren']);
        $holidays['guldensporenslag'] = strtotime('11 July ' . $year);
        $holidays['nationale_feestdag'] = strtotime('21 July ' . $year);
        $holidays['allerheiligen'] = strtotime('1 November ' . $year);
        $holidays['allerzielen'] = strtotime('2 November ' . $year);
        $holidays['wapenstilstand'] = strtotime('11 November ' . $year);
Exemple #9
		// remplacer 1.0.9 par setBorderColor
		// $pie->setBorder(new Black());
	$pie->setBorderColor(new Black());
	// mode 3D du camembert
	// couleur de fond du camembert
	//$pie->setBackgroundColor(new White(0));
	// part à séparer ?

// le titre
	// le texte du titre
	// emplacement du titre
	$pie->title->move(10, -20);
	// police de caractère du titre
	$pie->title->setFont(new TuffyBold(10));
	// le fond de couleur du titre
	$pie->title->setBackgroundColor(new White(50));
	// les espacement dans le cadre du titre
	$pie->title->setPadding(5, 5, 2, 2);
	// encadrement du titre
	$pie->title->border->setColor(new Black());


if ( $export_pdf === 'oui' ) { $graph->draw('../../documents/aa.png'); }
  else { $graph->draw(); }


require "../../includes.php";
$result = array(&$count, &$date, &$product_id);
$stmt = $db->prepare_full("\n\tSELECT\n\t\tSUM(`transaction_contents`.`count`),\n\t\tDATE(`transactions`.`timestamp`) as d,\n\t\tproduct_id\n\tFROM\n\t\t`transaction_contents` JOIN\n\t\t`transactions` ON (`transaction_contents`.`transaction_id` = `transactions`.`transaction_id`)\n\tWHERE\n\t\t`transactions`.`timestamp` > ? AND\n\t\t`transaction_contents`.`product_id` in (?)\n\tGROUP BY\n\t\tDATE(`transactions`.`timestamp`), product_id\n\tORDER BY\n\t\tproduct_id,\n\t\td", $result, 'si', date('Y') - 1 . date('-m-d'), ClientData::request('id'));
$image = new Graph();
$image->slide = 7;
$image->period = 365;
$image->height = 200;
$image->width = 730;
$image->vertical_lable = 5;
$start = gregoriantojd(date('m'), date('d'), date('Y') - 1);
$old_product_id = null;
while ($stmt->fetch()) {
    if ($old_product_id != $product_id) {
        $product = Product::from_id($product_id);
    $s_date = explode('-', $date);
    $image->add($count, gregoriantojd($s_date[1], $s_date[2], $s_date[0]) - $start, $product->name);
Exemple #11
 public function generateLog($winner = false)
     $gameid = strtotime('now');
     $template = file_get_contents('data/log.html');
     $fp = fopen(sprintf('logs/log_%d.html', $gameid), 'a');
     $htplayers = array();
     foreach ($this->players as $pl) {
         $htplayers[] = sprintf('<li>%s</li>', htmlspecialchars(parent::playerName($pl)));
     $players = implode("\n", $htplayers);
     if ($winner) {
         $data = sprintf("After %d hands played, the player <strong>%s</strong> won the total pot of <strong>\$%0.2f</strong>", $this->game, parent::playerName($winner), $winner->money);
     } else {
         $htplayers = array();
         foreach ($this->players as $pl) {
             $htplayers[] = sprintf('<li>%s ($%0.2f)</li>', htmlspecialchars(parent::playerName($pl)), $pl->money);
         $htplayers = implode("\n", $htplayers);
         $data = sprintf("After %d hands no winner was determined a summary of each individual player's money follows:<ol>%s</ol>", $this->game, $htplayers);
     $template = str_replace("{players}", $players, $template);
     $template = str_replace("{gameid}", $gameid, $template);
     $template = str_replace("{winner}", $data, $template);
     $template = str_replace("{version}", parent::$version, $template);
     $template = str_replace("{date}", date('d-m-Y h:i', $gameid), $template);
     $template = str_replace("{startmoney}", sprintf('%0.2f', $this->playermoney), $template);
     $template = str_replace("{bigblind}", sprintf('%0.2f', $this->bigblind), $template);
     $template = str_replace("{smallblind}", sprintf('%0.2f', $this->smallblind), $template);
     $template = str_replace("{maxgames}", $this->totalgames, $template);
     $template = str_replace("{winner}", $data, $template, $template);
     fputs($fp, $template);
     require_once 'data/jpgraph.php';
     require_once 'data/jpgraph_line.php';
     $width = 900;
     $height = 300;
     $graph = new Graph($width, $height);
     $graph->img->SetMargin(40, 40, 40, 40);
     $graph->title->Set('Amount of money per player, per hand');
     foreach ($this->moneylog as $id => $data) {
         $p = $this->players[$id];
         $lineplot = new LinePlot($data);
     $graph->stroke(sprintf('logs/playermoney_%d.jpg', $gameid));
     // Pie graph, showing checks, folds, bets, wins, calls and raises
     require_once "data/jpgraph_pie.php";
     // Create the Pie Graph.
     $height = ceil(count($this->players) / 2) * 440;
     $graph = new PieGraph($width, $height);
     // Set A title for the plot
     $graph->title->Set("Moves per user");
     // Create plots
     $size = 0.2;
     $x = array(0.25, 0.75);
     $y = 220;
     $i = 1;
     $legend = array("Check", "Call", "Bet", "Raise", "Fold");
     foreach ($this->players as $id => $player) {
         $plot = new PiePlot(array($player->checks, $player->calls, $player->bets, $player->raises, $player->folds));
         if ($player->id == 1) {
         $plot->SetCenter($x[$i - 1], $y);
         if ($i == 2) {
             $i = 0;
             $y += 420;
     $graph->stroke(sprintf('logs/playermoves_%d.jpg', $gameid));
     // Bargraph containing each player's wins
     $height = 70 * count($this->players);
     require_once "data/jpgraph_bar.php";
     $graph = new Graph($width, $height);
     $lbl = array();
     $data = array();
     foreach ($this->players as $pl) {
         $lbl[] = parent::PlayerName($pl);
         $data[] = $pl->wins;
     $top = 60;
     $bottom = 30;
     $left = 80;
     $right = 30;
     $graph->Set90AndMargin($left, $right, $top, $bottom);
     $graph->xaxis->SetLabelAlign('right', 'center', 'right');
     $graph->yaxis->SetLabelAlign('center', 'bottom');
     $graph->title->Set('Amount of hands won by individual players');
     $bplot = new BarPlot($data);
     $bplot->SetFillGradient("navy", "lightsteelblue", GRAD_HOR);
     $graph->Stroke(sprintf('logs/playerwins_%d.jpg', $gameid));
     $this->newgame = false;
     // Remove the clients from the server
     $this->broadcast("[SERVER] Thank you for playing Texas Hold`em (LIMIT)\n[SERVER] If you want to play another game, just reconnect to the server!");
     $this->return = true;
     foreach ($this->players as $player) {
     $this->return = true;
  * Collects and renders visitor/week report data
 public function visitor_week()
     $myConfig = $this->getConfig();
     $oDb = oxDb::getDb();
     $aDataX = array();
     $aDataY = array();
     $sTimeTo = $oDb->quote(date("Y-m-d H:i:s", strtotime(oxRegistry::getConfig()->getRequestParameter("time_to"))));
     $sTimeFrom = $oDb->quote(date("Y-m-d H:i:s", strtotime(oxRegistry::getConfig()->getRequestParameter("time_from"))));
     $sSQL = "select oxtime, count(*) as nrof from oxlogs where oxtime >= {$sTimeFrom} and oxtime <= {$sTimeTo} group by oxsessid order by oxtime";
     $aTemp = array();
     $rs = $oDb->execute($sSQL);
     if ($rs != false && $rs->recordCount() > 0) {
         while (!$rs->EOF) {
             //$aTemp[date( "W", strtotime( $rs->fields[0]))]++;
             $aTemp[oxRegistry::get("oxUtilsDate")->getWeekNumber($myConfig->getConfigParam('iFirstWeekDay'), strtotime($rs->fields[0]))]++;
     // initializing
     list($iFrom, $iTo) = $this->getWeekRange();
     for ($i = $iFrom; $i < $iTo; $i++) {
         $aDataX[$i] = 0;
         $aDataX2[$i] = 0;
         $aDataX3[$i] = 0;
         $aDataY[] = "KW " . $i;
     foreach ($aTemp as $key => $value) {
         $aDataX[$key] = $value;
         $aDataX2[$key] = 0;
         $aDataX3[$key] = 0;
         $aDataY[] = "KW " . $key;
     // buyer
     $sSQL = "select oxorderdate from oxorder where oxorderdate >= {$sTimeFrom} and oxorderdate <= {$sTimeTo} order by oxorderdate";
     $aTemp = array();
     $rs = $oDb->execute($sSQL);
     if ($rs != false && $rs->recordCount() > 0) {
         while (!$rs->EOF) {
             //$aTemp[date( "W", strtotime( $rs->fields[0]))]++;
             $aTemp[oxRegistry::get("oxUtilsDate")->getWeekNumber($myConfig->getConfigParam('iFirstWeekDay'), strtotime($rs->fields[0]))]++;
     foreach ($aTemp as $key => $value) {
         $aDataX2[$key] = $value;
     // newcustomer
     $sSQL = "select oxcreate from oxuser where oxcreate >= {$sTimeFrom} and oxcreate <= {$sTimeTo} order by oxcreate";
     $aTemp = array();
     $rs = $oDb->execute($sSQL);
     if ($rs != false && $rs->recordCount() > 0) {
         while (!$rs->EOF) {
             //$aTemp[date( "W", strtotime( $rs->fields[0]))]++;
             $aTemp[oxRegistry::get("oxUtilsDate")->getWeekNumber($myConfig->getConfigParam('iFirstWeekDay'), strtotime($rs->fields[0]))]++;
     foreach ($aTemp as $key => $value) {
         $aDataX3[$key] = $value;
     header("Content-type: image/png");
     // New graph with a drop shadow
     $graph = new Graph(max(800, count($aDataX) * 80), 600);
     $graph->setBackgroundImage($myConfig->getImageDir(true) . "/reportbgrnd.jpg", BGIMG_FILLFRAME);
     // Use a "text" X-scale
     // Label align for X-axis
     $graph->xaxis->setLabelAlign('center', 'top', 'right');
     // Label align for Y-axis
     $graph->yaxis->setLabelAlign('right', 'bottom');
     // Description
     // Set title and subtitle
     // Use built in font
     $graph->title->setFont(FF_FONT1, FS_BOLD);
     $aDataFinalX = array();
     foreach ($aDataX as $dData) {
         $aDataFinalX[] = $dData;
     // Create the bar plot
     $bplot = new BarPlot($aDataFinalX);
     $bplot->setFillGradient("navy", "lightsteelblue", GRAD_VER);
     $aDataFinalX2 = array();
     foreach ($aDataX2 as $dData) {
         $aDataFinalX2[] = $dData;
     // Create the bar plot
     $bplot2 = new BarPlot($aDataFinalX2);
     $aDataFinalX3 = array();
     foreach ($aDataX3 as $dData) {
         $aDataFinalX3[] = $dData;
     // Create the bar plot
     $bplot3 = new BarPlot($aDataFinalX3);
     // Create the grouped bar plot
     $gbplot = new groupBarPlot(array($bplot, $bplot2, $bplot3));
     // Finally output the  image
function _stats_build_graph($data, $labels, $filename, $stat, $width, $height, $vars)
    if (file_exists($filename)) {
    $data_orig = $data;
    foreach ($data as $key => $val) {
        if (!is_numeric($val)) {
            $data[$key] = 0;
    // $vars["color_tab_black"]
    $bg_grey = _stats_color($vars["bg_grey"], 0);
    $bg_light_blue = _stats_color($vars["bg_light_blue"], 25);
    $graph = new Graph($width, $height);
    $group = new PlotGroup();
    $group->setSpace(2, 2);
    $group->setPadding(30, 10, 25, 20);
    $graph->title->setFont(new Tuffy(10));
    $plot = new BarPlot($data, 1, 1, 0);
    $plot->label->move(0, -5);
Exemple #14
$xdata = range(0, $numDates - 1);
//echo "<pre>";print_r($values);print_r($xdata);echo "</pre>";
$colorIndex = 0;
foreach ($values as $currentAccountId => $currentValues) {
    $line = new LinePlot(array_values($currentValues), $xdata);
    if ($showTickMarks) {
        $line->SetCSIMTargets(array_values($valueTargets[$currentAccountId]), array_values($valueNames[$currentAccountId]));
        $line->mark->SetColor($chartColors[$colorIndex % count($chartColors)]);
        $line->mark->SetFillColor($chartColors[$colorIndex % count($chartColors)]);
    $line->SetColor($chartColors[$colorIndex % count($chartColors)]);
$tickLabels = array();
foreach ($totals as $key => $currentAmount) {
    $date = new Date($key);
    $tickLabels[] = $date->getFormatted();
if (count($values) > 1) {
    $data = array();
    $dataTargets = array();
    $dataNames = array();
    $previousAmount = null;
    foreach ($totals as $key => $currentAmount) {
        $data[] = is_null($previousAmount) || $currentAmount->compare($previousAmount) != 0 || $key == $displayEndDate->getTime() ? $currentAmount->get() : '-';
        $date = new Date($key);
        if ($showTickMarks) {
            $targets[$currentCategoryId][] = '';
$colorIndex = 0;
$bars = array();
foreach ($labels as $currentCategoryId => $currentLabel) {
    $bar = new BarPlot($data[$currentCategoryId]);
    $bar->SetFillColor($chartColors[$colorIndex % count($chartColors)]);
    $bar->SetCSIMTargets($targets[$currentCategoryId], $dataNames[$currentCategoryId]);
    $bars[] = $bar;
$groupBar = new GroupBarPlot($bars);
$graph->xaxis->SetFont(FF_VERA, FS_BOLD);
$graph->xaxis->SetColor('black', 'green');
$interval = $numDatas / MAX_LABELS;
if ($interval < 1) {
    $interval = 1;
//echo "numDatas: $numDatas; interval: $interval";
$graph->legend->Pos(0.5, 0.03, 'center', 'top');
$graph->SetMargin(80, 20, 60, 20);
  * Runs the phpOpenTracker API call.
  * @param  array $parameters
  * @return mixed
  * @access public
 function run($parameters)
     global $c;
     $parameters['interval'] = isset($parameters['interval']) ? $parameters['interval'] : false;
     $parameters['month_names'] = isset($parameters['month_names']) ? $parameters['month_names'] : false;
     if (!$parameters['month_names']) {
         $parameters['month_names'] = array('January', 'February', 'March', 'April', 'May', 'June', 'July', 'August', 'September', 'October', 'November', 'December');
     $timestamp = time();
     $steps = array('hour' => 3600, 'day' => 86400, 'week' => 604800, 'month' => 2592000, 'year' => 31536000);
     $starttitle = '';
     $endtitle = '';
     switch ($parameters['interval']) {
         case 'hour':
             $starthour = $hour = date('H', $parameters['start']);
             $endhour = date('H', $parameters['end']);
             $starttitle .= $starthour . ':00h  ';
             $endtitle .= $endhour . ':59h  ';
         case 'day':
             $startday = $day = date('d', $parameters['start']);
             $endday = date('d', $parameters['end']);
             $starttitle .= $startday . '. ';
             $endtitle .= $endday . '. ';
         case 'week':
             $week = date('W', $parameters['start']) + 2;
         case 'month':
             $startmonth = $month = date('m', $parameters['start']);
             $endmonth = date('m', $parameters['end']);
             $starttitle .= $parameters['month_names'][$startmonth - 1] . ' ';
             $endtitle .= $parameters['month_names'][$endmonth - 1] . ' ';
         case 'year':
             $startyear = $year = date('Y', $parameters['start']);
             $endyear = date('Y', $parameters['end']);
             $starttitle .= $startyear;
             $endtitle .= $endyear;
     $title = $starttitle . '   -   ' . $endtitle . ' in ' . $parameters['interval'] . "s.";
     $disp = true;
     $correct = 0;
     if ($parameters['interval'] == 'week') {
         $correct = 86400;
     for ($start = $parameters['start']; $start < $parameters['end']; $start += $steps[$parameters['interval']]) {
         if ($parameters['interval'] == 'month') {
             $steps['month'] = $steps['day'] * date('t', $_start);
         $end = $start + $steps[$parameters['interval']] - 1;
         if ($start <= $timestamp) {
             $apiCallParameters = array('client_id' => $parameters['client_id'], 'start' => $start + $correct, 'end' => $end + $correct, 'constraints' => $parameters['constraints'], 'interval' => '');
             for ($j = 0; $j < count($parameters["what"]); $j++) {
                 $y[$j][] = phpOpenTracker::get(array_merge(array('api_call' => $parameters["what"][$j]), $apiCallParameters));
         } else {
             for ($j = 0; $j < count($parameters["what"]); $j++) {
                 $y[$j][] = 0;
         switch ($parameters['interval']) {
             case 'hour':
                 $x_label[] = date('H', mktime($hour, 0, 0, $startmonth, $startday, $startyear)) . ':00';
                 $disp = !$disp;
             case 'week':
                 $x_label[] = date('W', mktime(0, 0, 0, 1, ($week - 2) * 7, $startyear));
             case 'day':
                 $x_label[] = date('d', mktime(0, 0, 0, $startmonth, $day, $startyear));
             case 'month':
                 $x_label[] = date('m', mktime(0, 0, 0, $month, 1, $startyear));
             case 'year':
                 $x_label[] = date('Y', mktime(0, 0, 0, 1, 1, $year));
     if ($y == null) {
         $apiCallParameters = array('client_id' => $parameters['client_id'], 'start' => $start, 'end' => $end, 'constraints' => $parameters['constraints']);
         for ($j = 0; $j < count($parameters["what"]); $j++) {
             $y[$j][] = phpOpenTracker::get(array_merge(array('api_call' => $parameters["what"][$j]), $apiCallParameters));
         $x_label[] = '';
         $title = "Total";
     if ($parameters['interval'] == 'hour') {
         $angle = 50;
     } else {
         $angle = 0;
     $x_label = $this->clearLabels($x_label, $parameters);
     $graph = new Graph($parameters['width'], $parameters['height'], 'auto');
     $graph->img->SetMargin(40, 10, 20, 10);
     for ($j = 0; $j < count($parameters["what"]); $j++) {
         $plot[$j] = new BarPlot($y[$j]);
     $gbarplot = new GroupBarPlot($plot);
     if ($c["usettf"]) {
     if ($c["usettf"]) {
         $graph->xaxis->SetFont(FF_ARIAL, FS_NORMAL, 8);
     if ($c["usettf"]) {
         $graph->xaxis->title->SetFont(FF_ARIAL, FS_NORMAL, 8);
     if ($c["usettf"]) {
         $graph->yaxis->SetFont(FF_ARIAL, FS_NORMAL, 8);
     if ($c["usettf"]) {
         $graph->yaxis->title->SetFont(FF_ARIAL, FS_NORMAL, 8);
     if ($c["usettf"]) {
         $graph->title->SetFont(FF_ARIAL, FS_NORMAL, 8);
  * Runs the phpOpenTracker API call.
  * @param  array $parameters
  * @return mixed
  * @access public
 function run($parameters)
     global $lang, $c;
     $parameters['result_format'] = 'separate_result_arrays';
     // hour or weeday analysis
     $apc = "weekdays";
     if ($parameters['api_call'] == "nxhours") {
         $apc = "hours";
     $apicall = array('api_call' => $apc, 'what' => $parameters["what"], 'start' => $parameters["start"], 'end' => $parameters["end"]);
     $queryValues = phpOpenTracker::get($apicall);
     for ($i = 0; $i < count($queryValues); $i++) {
         $y[$i] = $queryValues[$i]["value"];
     $title = 'Analyse ';
     switch ($parameters['what']) {
         case 'visits':
             $title .= 'Visits';
         case 'pi':
             $title .= 'Page Impressions';
         case 'avg_clickstream':
             $title .= 'Average Clickstream';
         case 'avg_time':
             $title .= 'Average Online Time';
     if ($apc == "hours") {
         for ($i = 0; $i < 24; $i++) {
             $x_label[$i] = sprintf("%02d", $i);
         $angle = 50;
     } else {
         $x_label = array("Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday", "Thursday", "Friday", "Saturday", "Sunday");
         $angle = 30;
     $graph = new Graph($parameters['width'], $parameters['height'], 'auto');
     $graph->img->SetMargin(40, 10, 20, 50);
     $plot[0] = new BarPlot($y);
     $gbarplot = new GroupBarPlot($plot);
     if ($c["usettf"]) {
     if ($c["usettf"]) {
         $graph->xaxis->SetFont(FF_ARIAL, FS_NORMAL, 8);
     if ($c["usettf"]) {
         $graph->xaxis->title->SetFont(FF_ARIAL, FS_NORMAL, 8);
     if ($c["usettf"]) {
         $graph->yaxis->SetFont(FF_ARIAL, FS_NORMAL, 8);
     if ($c["usettf"]) {
         $graph->yaxis->title->SetFont(FF_ARIAL, FS_NORMAL, 8);
     if ($c["usettf"]) {
         $graph->title->SetFont(FF_ARIAL, FS_NORMAL, 8);
  * Current week top search strings report
 public function graph1()
     $myConfig = $this->getConfig();
     $oDb = oxDb::getDb();
     $aDataX = array();
     $aDataY = array();
     $sTimeFrom = $oDb->quote(date("Y-m-d H:i:s", strtotime(oxRegistry::getConfig()->getRequestParameter("time_from"))));
     $sTimeTo = $oDb->quote(date("Y-m-d H:i:s", strtotime(oxRegistry::getConfig()->getRequestParameter("time_to"))));
     $sSQL = "select count(*) as nrof, oxparameter from oxlogs where oxclass = 'search' and oxtime >= {$sTimeFrom} and oxtime <= {$sTimeTo} group by oxparameter order by nrof desc";
     $rs = $oDb->execute($sSQL);
     if ($rs != false && $rs->recordCount() > 0) {
         while (!$rs->EOF) {
             if ($rs->fields[1]) {
                 $aDataX[] = $rs->fields[0];
                 $aDataY[] = $rs->fields[1];
     header("Content-type: image/png");
     // New graph with a drop shadow
     $graph = new Graph(800, max(640, 20 * count($aDataX)));
     $graph->setBackgroundImage($myConfig->getImageDir(true) . "/reportbgrnd.jpg", BGIMG_FILLFRAME);
     // Use a "text" X-scale
     $top = 60;
     $bottom = 30;
     $left = 80;
     $right = 30;
     $graph->set90AndMargin($left, $right, $top, $bottom);
     // Label align for X-axis
     $graph->xaxis->setLabelAlign('right', 'center', 'right');
     // Label align for Y-axis
     $graph->yaxis->setLabelAlign('center', 'bottom');
     // Description
     // Set title and subtitle
     // Use built in font
     $graph->title->setFont(FF_FONT1, FS_BOLD);
     // Create the bar plot
     $bplot = new BarPlot($aDataX);
     $bplot->setFillGradient("navy", "lightsteelblue", GRAD_VER);
     // Finally output the  image
 public function draw($format = false)
     /* Make sure we have GD support. */
     if (!function_exists('imagecreatefromjpeg')) {
     if ($format === false) {
         $format = IMG_JPEG;
     $graph = new Graph($this->width, $this->height);
     $graph->setBackgroundColor(new Color(0xf4, 0xf4, 0xf4));
     $graph->title->setFont(new Tuffy(48));
     $graph->title->setColor(new Color(0x0, 0x0, 0x8b));
     $graph->border->setColor(new Color(187, 187, 187, 15));
     $plot = new BarPlotPipeline($this->xValues, 1, 1, 0, $this->totalValue, false);
     $plot->setPadding(40, 40, 15, 45);
     $plot->setBarColor(new DarkGreen());
     $plot->arrayBarBackground = $this->colorArray;
     $plot->xAxis->label->setFont(new Tuffy(24));
     $plot->yAxis->label->setFont(new Tuffy(18));
Exemple #20
* Формирование графика.
* Функция формирует, а затем записывает в файл ($File) изображение графика по
* переданным пользователем данным($Lines). Данная функция может рисовать как одиночные,
* так и многолинейные графики.Исходными данными является массив, элементы которого также
* является массивами исходных данных для соответствующих графиков (данная структура
* сохраняется и для одиночных графиков!). Цвет каждой линии передается в массиве
* $Colors, ключи которого совпадают с ключами массива исходных данных. Цвет задается
* шестнадцатиричным кодом цвета (например, 0x000000 для черного цвета).
* @param string  <заголовок диаграммы>
* @param string  <полный путь с именем файла-результата>
* @param array   <исходные данные>
* @param array   <подписи к оси Ox>
* @param array   <цвета линий>
function Artichow_Line($Name, $File, $Lines, $Labels, $Colors)
    $Graph = new Graph(1000, 300);
    $Graph->title->setFont(new Tuffy(15));
    $Graph->title->move(0, -5);
    if (Count($Lines) > 1) {
        $Group = new PlotGroup();
        $Group->setPadding(40, 40);
        $Group->setBackgroundColor(new Color(240, 240, 240));
    $IsSetLabel = FALSE;
    foreach ($Lines as $LineID => $Line) {
        $Plot = new LinePlot($Line);
        $Color = Color_RGB_Explode($Colors[$LineID]);
        $Plot->setColor(new Color($Color['R'], $Color['G'], $Color['B']));
        $Plot->setBackgroundGradient(new LinearGradient(new Color(240, 240, 240), new Color(255, 255, 255), 0));
        $Plot->setFillGradient(new LinearGradient(new LightOrange(10), new VeryLightOrange(90), 90));
        $Plot->setPadding(50, 50, 50, 50);
        $Plot->label->move(0, -15);
        $Plot->label->setBackgroundGradient(new LinearGradient(new Color(250, 250, 250, 10), new Color(255, 200, 200, 30), 0));
        $Plot->label->border->setColor(new Color(20, 20, 20, 20));
        $Plot->label->setPadding(2, 2, 2, 2);
        if (Count($Lines) < 2) {
        } else {
            if (!$IsSetLabel) {
                $IsSetLabel = TRUE;
        if (Count($Lines) > 1) {
        if (Count($Lines) > 1) {
        } else {
    return TRUE;
Exemple #21
function dis_chart_bar_multiple($chart) {
  global $chart_colors;

  $title = $chart["title"];
  $xlabels = $chart["xlabels"];
  $values = $chart["plots"]["values"];
  $labels = $chart["plots"]["labels"];
  $legends = $chart["plots"]["legends"];
  $new_bar = $chart["plots"]["new_bar"];

  $graph = new Graph(600, 250);
  $graph->setBackgroundColor(new Color(240, 240, 240));
  $group = new PlotGroup;
  $group->setPadding(45, 22 ,30, 40);
  $group->setSpace(3, 3, NULL, NULL);
  $group->legend->setAlign(NULL, LEGEND_TOP);

  // X axis Labels infos
  $xlabel = new Label($xlabels);

  // Title infos
  if ($title != "") {

  $num = 0;
  $nb_bars = array_sum($new_bar);
  $num_bar = 0;

  // $num_plot is the plot number
  // $num_bar is the bar number (1 bar can cumul more than one plot)
  foreach ($values as $num_plot => $plot_values) {
    // Chart infos : colors, size, shadow
    if ($new_bar[$num_plot] == 1) {
    $plot = new BarPlot($plot_values, $num_bar, $nb_bars);
    $plot->setBarColor(new Color($chart_colors[$num_plot][0], $chart_colors[$num_plot][1], $chart_colors[$num_plot][2]));
    if ($new_bar[$num_plot] == 1) {
      // Labels infos
      $label = new Label($labels[$num_plot]);
      $label->setFont(new Tuffy(8));
      $label->setAlign(NULL, LABEL_TOP);
      $plot->label = $label;
    $group->legend->add($plot, utf8_decode($legends[$num_plot]), LEGEND_BACKGROUND);

  * Collects and renders visitor/week report data
 public function visitor_week()
     $myConfig = $this->getConfig();
     $oDb = oxDb::getDb();
     $aDataX = array();
     $aDataX2 = array();
     $aDataX3 = array();
     $aDataY = array();
     $sTimeTo = $oDb->quote(date("Y-m-d H:i:s", strtotime(oxRegistry::getConfig()->getRequestParameter("time_to"))));
     $sTimeFrom = $oDb->quote(date("Y-m-d H:i:s", strtotime(oxRegistry::getConfig()->getRequestParameter("time_from"))));
     $sSQL = "select oxtime, count(*) as nrof from oxlogs where oxtime >= {$sTimeFrom} and oxtime <= {$sTimeTo} group by oxsessid order by oxtime";
     $aTemp = array();
     $rs = $oDb->execute($sSQL);
     if ($rs != false && $rs->recordCount() > 0) {
         while (!$rs->EOF) {
             //$aTemp[date( "W", strtotime( $rs->fields[0]))]++;
             $aTemp[oxRegistry::get("oxUtilsDate")->getWeekNumber($myConfig->getConfigParam('iFirstWeekDay'), strtotime($rs->fields[0]))]++;
     // initializing
     list($iFrom, $iTo) = $this->getWeekRange();
     for ($i = $iFrom; $i < $iTo; $i++) {
         $aDataX[$i] = 0;
         $aDataX2[$i] = 0;
         $aDataX3[$i] = 0;
         $aDataY[] = "KW " . $i;
     foreach ($aTemp as $key => $value) {
         $aDataX[$key] = $value;
         $aDataX2[$key] = 0;
         $aDataX3[$key] = 0;
         $aDataY[] = "KW " . $key;
     // buyer
     $sSQL = "select oxorderdate from oxorder where oxorderdate >= {$sTimeFrom} and oxorderdate <= {$sTimeTo} order by oxorderdate";
     $rs = $oDb->execute($sSQL);
     if ($rs != false && $rs->recordCount() > 0) {
         while (!$rs->EOF) {
             $sKey = oxRegistry::get("oxUtilsDate")->getWeekNumber($myConfig->getConfigParam('iFirstWeekDay'), strtotime($rs->fields[0]));
             if (isset($aDataX2[$sKey])) {
     // newcustomer
     $sSQL = "select oxtime, oxsessid from oxlogs where oxtime >= {$sTimeFrom} and oxtime <= {$sTimeTo} group by oxsessid order by oxtime";
     $rs = $oDb->execute($sSQL);
     if ($rs != false && $rs->recordCount() > 0) {
         while (!$rs->EOF) {
             $sKey = oxRegistry::get("oxUtilsDate")->getWeekNumber($myConfig->getConfigParam('iFirstWeekDay'), strtotime($rs->fields[0]));
             if (isset($aDataX3[$sKey])) {
     header("Content-type: image/png");
     // New graph with a drop shadow
     $graph = new Graph(max(800, count($aDataX) * 80), 600);
     $graph->setBackgroundImage($myConfig->getImageDir(true) . "/reportbgrnd.jpg", BGIMG_FILLFRAME);
     // Use a "text" X-scale
     // Label align for X-axis
     $graph->xaxis->setLabelAlign('center', 'top', 'right');
     // Label align for Y-axis
     $graph->yaxis->setLabelAlign('right', 'bottom');
     // Description
     // Set title and subtitle
     // Use built in font
     $graph->title->setFont(FF_FONT1, FS_BOLD);
     $aDataFinalX = array();
     foreach ($aDataX as $dData) {
         $aDataFinalX[] = $dData;
     // Create the bar plot
     $l2plot = new LinePlot($aDataFinalX);
     $l2plot->value->setFormat('% d');
     $aDataFinalX2 = array();
     foreach ($aDataX2 as $dData) {
         $aDataFinalX2[] = $dData;
     // Create the bar plot
     $l3plot = new LinePlot($aDataFinalX2);
     $l3plot->value->setFormat('% d');
     //conversion rate graph
     $l1datay = array();
     for ($iCtr = 0; $iCtr < count($aDataFinalX); $iCtr++) {
         if ($aDataFinalX[$iCtr] != 0 && $aDataFinalX2[$iCtr] != 0) {
             $l1datay[] = 100 / ($aDataFinalX[$iCtr] / $aDataFinalX2[$iCtr]);
         } else {
             $l1datay[] = 0;
     $l1plot = new LinePlot($l1datay);
     $l1plot->setLegend("Conversion rate (%)");
     $l1plot->value->setFormat('% 0.4f%%');
     // Create the grouped bar plot
     // Finally output the  image
Exemple #23
    $plot = new ScatterPlot(array_values($val_ytd), array_values($xkeys));
    $plot->link(TRUE, make_color('ytd_color', '40FFFF'));
    $plot->mark->setSize(make_num('ytd_mark', 10));
    $plot->mark->setFill(make_color('ytd_markcolor', 'F0F0F0'));
    $plot->setThickness(make_num('ytd_thick', 5));
$grp->axis->bottom->setLabelText(array('Jan', 'Feb', 'Mar', 'Apr', 'May', 'Jun', 'Jul', 'Aug', 'Sep', 'Oct', 'Nov', 'Dec'));
set_font($grp->axis->bottom->label, 'x_font');
set_font($grp->axis->left->label, 'y_font');
set_font($grp->axis->right->label, 'y_font');
$grp->setBackgroundColor(make_color('bg_color', 'FFFFFF'));
$grp->grid->setBackgroundColor(make_color('bg_plot_color', 'FFFFFF'));
// # Transpose array ($foo['baz']['bar'] --> $foo['bar']['baz'])
function a_t($array)
    $r = array();
    foreach ($array as $k1 => $ia) {
        foreach ($ia as $k2 => $v) {
            $r[$k2][$k1] = $v;
    return $r;
$plot = new LinePlot($x);
$plot->setColor(new Orange());
$plot->setFillColor(new LightOrange(80));
$plot->mark->setFill(new MidRed());
$group->legend->add($plot, "John", LEGEND_MARK);
$x = array(NULL, NULL, NULL, 10, 12, 14, 18, 26, 42);
$plot = new LinePlot($x);
$plot->setColor(new Color(120, 120, 30, 10));
$plot->setFillColor(new Color(120, 120, 60, 90));
$plot->mark->setFill(new DarkGreen());
function setYear($value)
    return $value + 2000;
function setK($value)
    return round($value) . 'K';
$group->legend->add($plot, "George", LEGEND_MARK);
$group->legend->setPosition(0.45, 0.25);
Exemple #25
  * Add a triple to the current graph, and keep count of the number of triples
  * @ignore
 protected function addTriple($resource, $property, $value)
     $count = $this->graph->add($resource, $property, $value);
     $this->tripleCount += $count;
     return $count;
Exemple #26
function CreeGraphClassementZoom($fichier)
    // Initialement, ces variables étaient passés dans la session
    // $G_listeJeux=$_SESSION['G_listeJeuxZoom'];
    // $G_listeJoueurs=$_SESSION['G_listeJoueursZoom'];
    // $G_listeResultats=$_SESSION['G_listeResultatsZoom'];
    // $G_MesCouleurs=$_SESSION['G_mesCouleurs'];
    global $G_ListeJeuxZoom;
    global $G_MesCouleurs;
    global $G_ListeResultatsMoyensZoom;
    global $G_ListeJoueurs;
    // Le niveau de transparence est définit à 95%
    // Ici, le graphique mesurera 620 x 700 pixels.
    $graph = new Graph(620, 700);
    // L'anti-aliasing permet d'afficher des courbes plus naturelles,
    // mais cette option consomme beaucoup de ressources sur le serveur.
    // Titre du graphe !
    $graph->title->set("Zoom sur les quatre dernières moyennes");
    // L'objet group permet de gérer plusieurs courbes sur un même grpahiques
    $group = new PlotGroup();
    // Le style des lignes des courbes est dashed
    // La marge gauche est fixée à 40px du bord, droite à 20, haut à 40px et basse à 120px
    $group->setPadding(40, 20, 40, 120);
    // Le titre sur les absisses est : % Réussite
    $group->axis->left->title->set("% Reussite");
    // Les libellés sur les absisses sont inclinés de 45%
    // Affiche 10 marques entre 2 marques majeures
    $group->axis->left->setNumberByTick('minor', 'major', 10);
    // Titre des ordonnées
    // La légende est affiché en bas du graphe
    // Position de la légénde par rapport au graphe
    $group->legend->setPosition(NULL, 0.9);
    // Nb de colonnes
    // On créé autant de courbes qu'il y a de joueurs !
    for ($j = 0; $j < sizeof($G_ListeJoueurs); $j++) {
        // Recherche des résultats du joueur $j
        $G_ResultatJoueur = array();
        for ($k = 0; $k < sizeof($G_ListeJeuxZoom); $k++) {
            if (isset($G_ListeResultatsMoyensZoom[$k][$j])) {
                $G_ResultatJoueur[$k] = $G_ListeResultatsMoyensZoom[$k][$j];
            } else {
                $G_ResultatJoueur[$k] = null;
        // Création d'une courbe pour ce joueur
        $plot = new LinePlot($G_ResultatJoueur);
        $plot->setColor(new Color($G_MesCouleurs[$j][0], $G_MesCouleurs[$j][1], $G_MesCouleurs[$j][2]));
        $plot->setFillColor(new Color($G_MesCouleurs[$j][0], $G_MesCouleurs[$j][1], $G_MesCouleurs[$j][2], NIVEAU_TRANSPARENCE));
        if ($j % 3 == 0) {
        if ($j % 4 == 0) {
        $plot->mark->setFill(new Color($G_MesCouleurs[$j][0], $G_MesCouleurs[$j][1], $G_MesCouleurs[$j][2]));
        // $plot->xAxis->label->setAngle(45);
        $plot->setPadding(10, 10, 10, 10);
        // Ajoute d'une légende pour cette courbe et ce joueur
        $group->legend->add($plot, $G_ListeJoueurs[$j], LEGEND_MARK);
        // Ajoute cette courbe au group
    // Fonction qui retourne les Abscisses
    function setAbscisseZoom($value)
        global $G_ListeJeuxZoom;
        return $G_ListeJeuxZoom[$value];
    // Fonction qui retourne les Ordonnés
    function setOrdonneZoom($value)
        return round($value);
    // Ajout de ce groupe au graphique
Exemple #27
if ($z == 2) {
    $omimai = " 熊本地震の被災地の皆様に、心よりお見舞い申し上げます。\n";
} elseif ($z == 1) {
    $omimai = "東日本大震災の被災地の皆様に、心よりお見舞い申し上げます。\n";
} elseif ($z == 0) {
    $omimai = "鳥取県中部地震の被災地の皆様に、心よりお見舞い申し上げます。\n";
$omimai .= " 一日も早く、復興が出来ますように、お祈り申し上げます。\n";
$omimai .= "                           " . $data_time . "更新";
$graph->xaxis->title->SetFont(FF_GOTHIC, FS_NORMAL, 10);
$graph->Set90AndMargin(312, 89, 90, 90);
$graph->SetBackgroundGradient('white', 'green:1.5', GRAD_HOR, BGRAD_PLOT);
$txt = new Text($data_w);
$txt->SetPos(686, -16);
$data_XXX = $xml->pref[10]->time_x;
$url = "" . $data_XXX;
$holiday_status = file_get_contents($url);
if ($holiday_status == "holiday") {
} else {
if ($data_w == "土") {
$txt->SetFont(FF_GOTHIC, FS_NORMAL, 10);
Exemple #28
  * Build a graph onto disk using Artichow library
  * @param	string	$file    	Image file name to use if we save onto disk
  * @param	string	$fileurl	Url path to show image if saved onto disk
  * @return	void
 private function draw_artichow($file, $fileurl)
     global $artichow_defaultfont;
     dol_syslog(get_class($this) . "::draw_artichow this->type=" . join(',', $this->type));
     if (!defined('SHADOW_RIGHT_TOP')) {
         define('SHADOW_RIGHT_TOP', 3);
     if (!defined('LEGEND_BACKGROUND')) {
         define('LEGEND_BACKGROUND', 2);
     if (!defined('LEGEND_LINE')) {
         define('LEGEND_LINE', 1);
     // Create graph
     $classname = '';
     if (!isset($this->type[0]) || $this->type[0] == 'bars') {
         $classname = 'BarPlot';
     } else {
         if ($this->type[0] == 'lines') {
             $classname = 'LinePlot';
         } else {
             $classname = 'TypeUnknown';
     include_once ARTICHOW_PATH . $classname . '.class.php';
     // Definition de couleurs
     $bgcolor = new Color($this->bgcolor[0], $this->bgcolor[1], $this->bgcolor[2]);
     $bgcolorgrid = new Color($this->bgcolorgrid[0], $this->bgcolorgrid[1], $this->bgcolorgrid[2]);
     $colortrans = new Color(0, 0, 0, 100);
     $colorsemitrans = new Color(255, 255, 255, 60);
     $colorgradient = new LinearGradient(new Color(235, 235, 235), new Color(255, 255, 255), 0);
     $colorwhite = new Color(255, 255, 255);
     // Graph
     $graph = new Graph($this->width, $this->height);
     if (isset($this->title)) {
         //print $artichow_defaultfont;exit;
         $graph->title->setFont(new $artichow_defaultfont(10));
     if (is_array($this->bgcolor)) {
     } else {
     $group = new PlotGroup();
     //$group->setSpace(5, 5, 0, 0);
     $paddleft = 50;
     $paddright = 10;
     $strl = dol_strlen(max(abs($this->MaxValue), abs($this->MinValue)));
     if ($strl > 6) {
         $paddleft += $strl * 4;
     $group->setPadding($paddleft, $paddright);
     // Width on left and right for Y axis values
     $group->legend->setPadding(2, 2, 2, 2);
     $group->legend->setPosition(NULL, 0.1);
     if (is_array($this->bgcolorgrid)) {
     } else {
     if ($this->hideXGrid) {
     if ($this->hideYGrid) {
     // On boucle sur chaque lot de donnees
     $legends = array();
     $i = 0;
     $nblot = count($this->data[0]) - 1;
     while ($i < $nblot) {
         $x = 0;
         $values = array();
         foreach ($this->data as $key => $valarray) {
             $legends[$x] = $valarray[0];
             $values[$x] = $valarray[$i + 1];
         // We fix unknown values to null
         $newvalues = array();
         foreach ($values as $val) {
             $newvalues[] = is_numeric($val) ? $val : null;
         if ($this->type[0] == 'bars') {
             //print "Lot de donnees $i<br>";
             //print '<br>';
             $color = new Color($this->datacolor[$i][0], $this->datacolor[$i][1], $this->datacolor[$i][2], 20);
             $colorbis = new Color(min($this->datacolor[$i][0] + 50, 255), min($this->datacolor[$i][1] + 50, 255), min($this->datacolor[$i][2] + 50, 255), 50);
             $colorgrey = new Color(100, 100, 100);
             $colorborder = new Color($this->datacolor[$i][0], $this->datacolor[$i][1], $this->datacolor[$i][2]);
             if ($this->mode == 'side') {
                 $plot = new BarPlot($newvalues, $i + 1, $nblot);
             if ($this->mode == 'depth') {
                 $plot = new BarPlot($newvalues, 1, 1, ($nblot - $i - 1) * 5);
             $plot->setBarGradient(new LinearGradient($colorbis, $color, 90));
             if ($this->mode == 'side') {
                 $plot->setBarPadding(0.1, 0.1);
             if ($this->mode == 'depth') {
                 $plot->setBarPadding(0.1, 0.4);
             if ($this->mode == 'side') {
             if ($this->mode == 'depth') {
             $plot->barShadow->setColor(new Color(160, 160, 160, 50));
             //$plot->setSize(1, 0.96);
             //$plot->setCenter(0.5, 0.52);
             // Le mode automatique est plus efficace
         if ($this->type[0] == 'lines') {
             $color = new Color($this->datacolor[$i][0], $this->datacolor[$i][1], $this->datacolor[$i][2], 20);
             $colorbis = new Color(min($this->datacolor[$i][0] + 20, 255), min($this->datacolor[$i][1] + 20, 255), min($this->datacolor[$i][2] + 20, 255), 60);
             $colorter = new Color(min($this->datacolor[$i][0] + 50, 255), min($this->datacolor[$i][1] + 50, 255), min($this->datacolor[$i][2] + 50, 255), 90);
             $plot = new LinePlot($newvalues);
             //$plot->setSize(1, 0.96);
             //$plot->setCenter(0.5, 0.52);
             // Set line background gradient
             $plot->setFillGradient(new LinearGradient($colorter, $colorbis, 90));
             // Le mode automatique est plus efficace
         //$plot->reduce(80);		// Evite temps d'affichage trop long et nombre de ticks absisce satures
         $group->legend->setTextFont(new $artichow_defaultfont(10));
         // This is to force Artichow to use awFileFontDriver to
         // solve a bug in Artichow with UTF8
         if (count($this->Legend)) {
             if ($this->type[0] == 'bars') {
                 $group->legend->add($plot, $this->Legend[$i], LEGEND_BACKGROUND);
             if ($this->type[0] == 'lines') {
                 $group->legend->add($plot, $this->Legend[$i], LEGEND_LINE);
     $group->axis->bottom->label->setFont(new $artichow_defaultfont(7));
     //print $group->axis->bottom->getLabelNumber();
     if ($this->labelInterval > 0) {
     // Generate file
     $this->_stringtoshow = '<!-- Build using ' . $this->_library . ' --><img src="' . $fileurl . '" title="' . dol_escape_htmltag($this->title ? $this->title : $this->YLabel) . '" alt="' . dol_escape_htmltag($this->title ? $this->title : $this->YLabel) . '">';
Exemple #29

DEFINE("TTF_DIR", "./");
require_once "jpgraph/jpgraph.php";
require_once "jpgraph/jpgraph_line.php";
require_once "jpgraph/jpgraph_date.php";
require_once "fonction.php";
$link = connect();
$query = "SELECT * FROM `humidity` ORDER BY `index` ASC";
$res = requete($query, $link);
$i = 0;
while ($tab = mysql_fetch_array($res)) {
    $data[] = $tab['val'];
    $xdata[] = strtotime($tab['date']);
#$data1 = array(12,23,9,58,23,26,57,48,12);
//// Initialisation du graphique
$graphe = new Graph(480, 280);
$graphe->SetMargin(40, 10, 10, 80);
$graphe->setScale("datlin", 0, 800);
$graphe->xaxis->SetFont(FF_VERA, FS_NORMAL, 8);
// Creation de l'histogramme
$line1 = new LinePlot($data, $xdata);
// Ajout de l'histogramme au graphique
// Ajout du titre du graphique
//$graphe->title->set("Courbe d'humidite");
// Affichage du graphique