  * Genera la imagen
  * @param string $path path completo de la imagen a generar
 function imagen__generar($path)
     if (!isset($this->canvas)) {
         throw new toba_error("Generación de imágen: No hay ningún canvas seteado");
     // escribimos la imagen a un archivo
Exemple #2
 static function graphs($name, $close)
     // Setup the graph
     $graph = new Graph(1000, 653, 'auto');
     $theme_class = new UniversalTheme();
     $graph->title->SetFont(FF_FONT2, FS_BOLD, 20);
     $graph->title->Set("Stock Performance History for " . $name);
     $graph->yaxis->HideTicks(false, false);
     $graph->yaxis->title->SetFont(FF_FONT2, FS_BOLD, 20);
     $graph->yaxis->title->Set('Close Price');
     $graph->xaxis->SetTickPositions(array(0, 20, 40, 61, 82, 103, 124, 143));
     $graph->xaxis->SetTickLabels(array('Nov 2014', 'Dec 2014', 'Jan 2015', 'Feb 2015', 'March 2015', 'April 2015', 'May 2015', 'June 2015'));
     $graph->xaxis->title->SetFont(FF_FONT2, FS_BOLD, 20);
     // Create the first line
     $p1 = new LinePlot($close);
     // Output line
 public function graficofecha($gestion)
     if (Conectar::con()) {
         $objetoanalisis = new classAnalisis();
         $anio = $gestion;
         for ($i = 0; $i < 12; $i++) {
             $dat[] = $objetoanalisis->ventamensual($anio, $i);
         $datos = $dat;
         //$datos =array('1','4','3','3','5');
         $grafico = new Graph(400, 300, "auto");
         $grafico->title->Set("Resumen de ventas por gestion");
         // Un gradiente Horizontal de rojo a azul
         // 25 pixeles de ancho para cada barra
         $lineplot = new LinePlot($datos);
         return $grafico->Stroke();
 public function build()
     $path = APPPATH;
     require_once $path . 'libraries/jpgraph/src/jpgraph.php';
     require_once $path . 'libraries/jpgraph/src/jpgraph_bar.php';
     //        $datay = array(62, 105, 85, 50);
     $datay = $this->parameters;
     // Create the graph. These two calls are always required
     //        $graph = new Graph(350, 220, 'auto');
     $graph = new Graph(350, 220, 'auto');
     //$graph->SetTheme(new $theme_class());
     // set major and minor tick positions manually
     $graph->yaxis->SetTickPositions(array(0, 30, 60, 90, 120, 150), array(15, 45, 75, 105, 135));
     $graph->xaxis->SetTickLabels(array('A', 'B', 'C', 'D'));
     $graph->yaxis->HideTicks(false, false);
     // Create the bar plots
     //        $b1plot = new BarPlot($datay);
     $b1plot = new BarPlot($datay);
     // ...and add it to the graPH
     $b1plot->SetFillGradient("#4B0082", "white", GRAD_LEFT_REFLECTION);
     $graph->title->Set("Bar Gradient(Left reflection)");
     // Display the graph
     $d['grafica'] = $graph->Stroke("jacobo.png");
     $d['path'] = $path;
     return $d;
Exemple #5
 function plot($pid)
     $graph = new Graph(600, 400);
     $graph->img->SetMargin(60, 95, 40, 40);
     $colors = array("yellow", "green", "blue", "red");
     for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($this->_data); $i++) {
         $bplot[$i] = new BarPlot($this->_data[$i]);
         $color = $colors[$i];
     $gbplot = new GroupBarPlot($bplot);
     $graph->title->Set("# of Visited Articles per Language (log scale)");
     $graph->ygrid->Show(true, true);
Exemple #6
function showimg($value, $clock, $key)
    $datay1 = $value;
    $graph = new Graph(1000, 400);
    $graph->img->SetMargin(100, 20, 20, 60);
    $graph->yaxis->HideTicks(false, false);
    // Create the first line
    $p1 = new LinePlot($datay1);
    // Output line
 function plot($pid)
     $graph = new Graph(600, 400);
     $graph->img->SetMargin(60, 95, 40, 40);
     $colors = array("hotpink", "green", "blue", "gold", "blueviolet", "deepskyblue", "brown", "cadetblue", "darksalmon", "cornflowerblue", "darkslateblue", "limegreen", "yellow", "navy", "slategray");
     for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($this->_data); $i++) {
         $bplot[$i] = new BarPlot($this->_data[$i]);
         if ($i < sizeof($colors)) {
             $color = $colors[$i];
         } else {
             $r = rand(0, 255);
             $g = rand(0, 255);
             $b = rand(0, 255);
             $color = array($r, $g, $b);
     $gbplot = new GroupBarPlot($bplot);
     $graph->title->Set("# of Visited Articles per Month (log scale)");
     $graph->ygrid->Show(true, true);
Exemple #8
 public function executeGetFunctionGraph(sfWebRequest $request)
     $this->fct_id = $request->getParameter('function_id');
     $this->fct_ref = $request->getParameter('function_ref');
     //récupération du nom pour les affichages.
     $this->node = Doctrine_Core::getTable('EiTree')->findOneByRefObjAndObjIdAndType($this->fct_ref, $this->fct_id, 'Function');
     //récupération des temps d'execution
     $this->times = Doctrine_Core::getTable('EiFonction')->getTimeStats($this->project_id, $this->project_ref, $this->fct_id, $this->fct_ref);
     // Width and height of the graph
     $width = 700;
     $height = 300;
     // Create a graph instance
     $graph = new Graph($width, $height);
     $graph->title->Set($this->node->getName() . " 's execution time evolution.");
     $graph->yaxis->title->Set('Time (ms)');
     $exec = array();
     //récupération des durées uniquement
     foreach ($this->times as $t => $time) {
         $exec[] = $time['l_duree'];
     $lineplot = new LinePlot($exec);
     return sfView::NONE;
Exemple #9
function graficarBarras()
    require_once "jpgraph/src/jpgraph.php";
    require_once "jpgraph/src/jpgraph_bar.php";
    $datos = array($_GET['pos'], $_GET['neg']);
    //Instancia del objeto del tipo Graph en donde como parametro
    // se le pasan los valore de ancho y altura
    $grafica = new Graph(400, 300);
    //Nombre de las columnas
    $columnas = array($_GET['lab1'], $_GET['lab2']);
    //Objeto del tipo BarPlot que se le enviara a la grafica y el cual
    //recibe como parametros los datos a graficar
    $barras = new BarPlot($datos);
    //Color de los bordes
    //Color de borde de las barras
    //Color de relleno de las barras
    //Ancho de las barras
    // $grafica->title->Set("Gráfica de Barras");
    $grafica->title->SetFont(FF_TIMES, FS_ITALIC, 18);
 public function renderGraph()
     require_once 'libs/jpgraph/jpgraph.php';
     require_once 'libs/jpgraph/jpgraph_bar.php';
     $graph = new Graph($this->_controllerAction->getRequest()->getParam('type') == 'month' ? 400 : 300, 200, 'auto');
     $graph->img->SetMargin(0, 30, 20, 40);
     $graph->ygrid->SetFill(true, '#EFEFEF@0.5', '#BBCCFF@0.5');
     $labelsy = array();
     $datay = array();
     switch ($this->_controllerAction->getRequest()->getParam('type')) {
         case 'month':
             $this->_populateMonthData($labelsy, $datay);
         case 'year':
             $this->_populateYearData($labelsy, $datay);
             $this->_populateWeekData($labelsy, $datay);
     $bplot = new BarPlot($datay);
     $bplot->SetFillGradient("navy", "lightsteelblue", GRAD_WIDE_MIDVER);
 function execute()
     $this->set_title('Statistics Center');
     $this->tree('Statistics Center');
     if (!extension_loaded('gd')) {
         return $this->message('JpGraph Error', 'You need to install the correct GD libraries to run the Statistics centre (GD Libraries were not detected)');
     include '../lib/jpgraph/jpgraph.php';
     include '../lib/jpgraph/jpgraph_bar.php';
     if (!defined('IMG_PNG')) {
         return $this->message('JpGraph Error', 'This PHP installation is not configured with PNG support. Please recompile PHP with GD and JPEG support to run JpGraph. (Constant IMG_PNG does not exist)');
      * Posts
     $query = $this->db->query("\r\n\t\tSELECT\r\n\t\t    COUNT(post_id) AS posts,\r\n\t\t    FROM_UNIXTIME(post_time, '%b %y') AS month\r\n\t\tFROM {$this->pre}posts\r\n\t\tGROUP BY month\r\n\t\tORDER BY post_time");
     $data = array();
     while ($item = $this->db->nqfetch($query)) {
         $data[$item['month']] = $item['posts'];
     if (!$data) {
         $data = array(0, 0);
     $graph = new Graph(400, 300, 'auto');
     $graph->title->Set('Posts by Month');
     $temp = array_values($data);
     $barplot = new BarPlot($temp);
      * Registrations
     $query = $this->db->query("\r\n\t\tSELECT\r\n\t\t    COUNT(user_id) AS users,\r\n\t\t    FROM_UNIXTIME(user_joined, '%b %y') AS month\r\n\t\tFROM {$this->pre}users\r\n\t\tWHERE user_joined != 0\r\n\t\tGROUP BY month\r\n\t\tORDER BY user_joined");
     $data = array();
     while ($item = $this->db->nqfetch($query)) {
         $data[$item['month']] = $item['users'];
     $graph = new Graph(400, 300, 'auto');
     $graph->title->Set('Registrations by Month');
     $temp = array_values($data);
     $barplot = new BarPlot($temp);
     return $this->message('Statistics Center', "<img src='{$this->time}1.png' alt='Posts by Month' /><br /><br />\r\n\t\t<img src='{$this->time}2.png' alt='Registrations by Month' />");
Exemple #12
 function execute()
     include '../lib/jpgraph/jpgraph.php';
     include '../lib/jpgraph/jpgraph_bar.php';
     if (!defined('IMG_PNG')) {
         JpGraphError::Raise("This PHP installation is not configured with PNG support. Please recompile PHP with GD and JPEG support to run JpGraph. (Constant IMG_PNG does not exist)");
      * Posts
     $query = $this->db->query("SELECT COUNT(post_id) AS posts, FROM_UNIXTIME(post_time, '%%b %%y') AS month\n\t\t\tFROM %pposts GROUP BY month\tORDER BY post_time");
     $data = array();
     while ($item = $this->db->nqfetch($query)) {
         $data[$item['month']] = $item['posts'];
     if (!$data) {
         $data = array(0, 0);
     $graph = new Graph(400, 300, 'auto');
     $temp = array_values($data);
     $barplot = new BarPlot($temp);
      * Registrations
     $query = $this->db->query("SELECT COUNT(user_id) AS users, FROM_UNIXTIME(user_joined, '%%b %%y') AS month\n\t\t\tFROM %pusers\n\t\t\tWHERE user_joined != 0\n\t\t\tGROUP BY month\n\t\t\tORDER BY user_joined");
     $data = array();
     while ($item = $this->db->nqfetch($query)) {
         $data[$item['month']] = $item['users'];
     $graph = new Graph(400, 300, 'auto');
     $temp = array_values($data);
     $barplot = new BarPlot($temp);
     return $this->message($this->lang->stats, "<img src='../stats/{$this->time}1.png' alt='{$this->lang->stats_post_by_month}' /><br /><br />\n\t\t<img src='../stats/{$this->time}2.png' alt='{$this->lang->stats_reg_by_month}' />");
function makeGraph($x_data, $y_data, $num_results, $title = "Statistics", $graph_type = "bar", $graph_scale = "textint")
    // default graph info
    $width = 600;
    $height = 500;
    $top = 60;
    $bottom = 30;
    $left = 80;
    $right = 30;
    if ($graph_type != 'csv' && $num_results == 0) {
        header('Content-type: image/png');
        readfile($GLOBALS['BASE_DIR'] . '/images/no-calls.png');
    // Set the basic parameters of the graph
    switch ($graph_type) {
        case "line":
            //do line graph here
            // not really a graph, returns comma seperated values
        // not really a graph, returns comma seperated values
        case "csv":
            header("content-type: text/csv");
            header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="statistics.csv"');
            $columns = implode(',', $x_data);
            $rows = implode(',', $y_data);
            echo $columns . "\n" . $rows;
        case "bar":
            // bar is default
            $graph = new Graph($width, 90 + 10 * $num_results, 'auto');
            // Nice shadow
            $graph->Set90AndMargin($left, $right, $top, $bottom);
            // Setup labels
            // Label align for X-axis
            $graph->xaxis->SetLabelAlign('right', 'center', 'right');
            // Label align for Y-axis
            $graph->yaxis->SetLabelAlign('center', 'bottom');
            // Create a bar pot
            $bplot = new BarPlot($y_data);
 public function summary($id)
     //try {
     $project = Project::findOrFail($id);
     $iterations = Iterations::where('projectid', '=', $id)->get();
     //foreach($iterations as $var){
     //  $iterationAux = $iterationAux . var_dump($var);
     //}catch (Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\ModelNotFoundException $e) {
     $datay = array(20, 30, 50, 80);
     $datay2 = array(30, 95, 70, 40);
     $datazero = array(0, 0, 0, 0);
     // Create the graph.
     $graph = new Graph(800, 500);
     $graph->title->Set('Example with 2 scale bars : ' . $project->name . ' : ' . $id . ' : ' . sizeof($iterations));
     // Setup Y and Y2 scales with some "grace"
     $graph->ygrid->SetColor('gray', 'lightgray@0.5');
     // Setup graph colors
     // Create the "dummy" 0 bplot
     $bplotzero = new BarPlot($datazero);
     // Create the "Y" axis group
     $ybplot1 = new BarPlot($datay);
     $ybplot = new GroupBarPlot(array($ybplot1, $bplotzero));
     // Create the "Y2" axis group
     $ybplot2 = new BarPlot($datay2);
     $y2bplot = new GroupBarPlot(array($bplotzero, $ybplot2));
     // Add the grouped bar plots to the graph
     $datax = array('A', 'B', 'C', 'D');
     // .. and finally stroke the image back to browser
Exemple #15
 function execute()
     include '../lib/jpgraph/jpgraph.php';
     include '../lib/jpgraph/jpgraph_bar.php';
      * Posts
     $query = $this->db->query("\n\t\tSELECT\n\t\t    COUNT(post_id) AS posts,\n\t\t    FROM_UNIXTIME(post_time, '%b %y') AS month\n\t\tFROM {$this->pre}posts\n\t\tGROUP BY month\n\t\tORDER BY post_time");
     $data = array();
     while ($item = $this->db->nqfetch($query)) {
         $data[$item['month']] = $item['posts'];
     if (!$data) {
         $data = array(0, 0);
     $graph = new Graph(400, 300, 'auto');
     $barplot = new BarPlot(array_values($data));
      * Registrations
     $query = $this->db->query("\n\t\tSELECT\n\t\t    COUNT(user_id) AS users,\n\t\t    FROM_UNIXTIME(user_joined, '%b %y') AS month\n\t\tFROM {$this->pre}users\n\t\tWHERE user_joined != 0\n\t\tGROUP BY month\n\t\tORDER BY user_joined");
     $data = array();
     while ($item = $this->db->nqfetch($query)) {
         $data[$item['month']] = $item['users'];
     $graph = new Graph(400, 300, 'auto');
     $barplot = new BarPlot(array_values($data));
     return $this->message($this->lang->stats, "<img src='{$this->time}1.png' alt='{$this->lang->stats_post_by_month}' /><br /><br />\n\t\t<img src='{$this->time}2.png' alt='{$this->lang->stats_reg_by_month}' />");
function LineGraph($w, $h, $title, $data1, $data2, $datax, $output)
    // Create the graph. These two calls are always required
    $graph = new Graph($w, $h, "auto");
    // Adjust the margin
    $graph->img->SetMargin(40, 100, 20, 40);
    // Create the linear plot
    $lineplot = new LinePlot($data1);
    $lineplot2 = new LinePlot($data2);
    // Add the plot to the graph
    $graph->title->SetFont(FF_FONT1, FS_BOLD);
    $graph->yaxis->title->SetFont(FF_FONT1, FS_BOLD);
    $graph->xaxis->title->SetFont(FF_FONT1, FS_BOLD);
    $graph->legend->SetPos(0.01, 0.88, 'right', 'center');
    // Display the graph
 public function toPdf($titulo, $consulta, $encabezado)
     //$data1y = array(4,8,6);
     $this->pdf->FPDF('P', 'mm', 'Letter');
     $this->pdf->SetFont('Arial', 'B', 16);
     $this->pdf->Cell(180, 32, $titulo, 0, 0, 'C');
     $this->pdf->SetFont('Arial', 'B', 13);
     //$graph = new \Graph(270, 200, 'auto');
     // Se define el array de datos
     $datosy = array(25, 16, 24, 5, 8, 31);
     // Creamos el grafico
     $grafico = new \Graph(500, 250);
     // Ajustamos los margenes del grafico-----    (left,right,top,bottom)
     $grafico->SetMargin(40, 30, 30, 40);
     // Creamos barras de datos a partir del array de datos
     $bplot = new \BarPlot($datosy);
     // Configuramos color de las barras
     //Añadimos barra de datos al grafico
     // Queremos mostrar el valor numerico de la barra
     // Configuracion de los titulos
     $grafico->title->Set('Ingreso de paquetes');
     $grafico->yaxis->title->Set('Ingresos ($)');
     $grafico->title->SetFont(FF_FONT1, FS_BOLD);
     $grafico->yaxis->title->SetFont(FF_FONT1, FS_BOLD);
     $grafico->xaxis->title->SetFont(FF_FONT1, FS_BOLD);
     $nombreGrafico = "Barras";
     // Se muestra el grafico
     //img = $grafico->Stroke(_IMG_HANDLER);
     //Aqui agrego la imagen que acabo de crear con jpgraph
     $this->pdf->Image("{$nombreGrafico}.png", $this->pdf->GetX() + 20, $this->pdf->GetY(), 120, 90);
     return $this->pdf;
Exemple #18
function draw_graph($xarr, $arr)
    require_once "jpgraph/jpgraph.php";
    require_once "jpgraph/jpgraph_line.php";
    require_once "jpgraph/jpgraph_bar.php";
    require_once "jpgraph/jpgraph_log.php";
    // Create the graph. These two calls are always required
    $graph = new Graph(350, 250, "auto");
    // Create the linear plot
    $lineplot = new BarPlot($arr, $xarr);
    // Add the plot to the graph
    // Display the graph
function createSpline($ydata = "")
    $xdata = array(2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16);
    if (!$ydata) {
        $ydata = array(5, 1, 9, 6, 4, 3, 4, 2);
    // Get the interpolated values by creating
    // a new Spline object.
    $spline = new Spline($xdata, $ydata);
    // For the new data set we want 40 points to
    // get a smooth curve.
    list($newx, $newy) = $spline->Get(50);
    // Create the graph
    $g = new Graph(380, 300);
    $g->SetMargin(30, 20, 40, 30);
    //$g->title->Set("Natural cubic splines");
    //$g->subtitle->Set('(Control points shown in red)');
    // We need a linlin scale since we provide both
    // x and y coordinates for the data points.
    $xlable = array('', 'AA', 'AA', 'AB', 'AB', 'BB', 'BB', 'BC', 'BC', 'CC', 'CC', 'CD', 'CD', 'DD', 'DD', 'FF', 'FF', '');
    // We want 1 decimal for the X-label
    //$g -> xaxis -> SetLabelFormat('%d');
    // We use a scatterplot to illustrate the original
    // contro points.
    $splot = new ScatterPlot($ydata, $xdata);
    // And a line plot to stroke the smooth curve we got
    // from the original control points
    $lplot = new LinePlot($newy, $newx);
    // Add the plots to the graph and stroke
Exemple #20
function draw_graph($datay, $data2y, $label_x)
    include_once "src/jpgraph.php";
    include_once "src/jpgraph_line.php";
    // A nice graph with anti-aliasing
    $graph = new Graph(800, 600, "auto");
    $graph->img->SetMargin(40, 180, 40, 40);
    $graph->title->Set("Nodes and Comment Count By Duration");
    // Use built in font
    $graph->title->SetFont(FF_FONT1, FS_BOLD);
    // Slightly adjust the legend from it's default position in the
    // top right corner.
    $graph->legend->Pos(0.05, 0.5, "right", "center");
    // Create the first line
    if ($datay) {
        $p1 = new LinePlot($datay);
        $p1->SetLegend("Nodes Count");
    // ... and the second
    if ($data2y) {
        $p2 = new LinePlot($data2y);
        $p2->SetLegend("Comments Count");
    // Output line
 function plot()
     $graph = new Graph(380, 250);
     $graph->img->SetMargin(50, 30, 40, 40);
     $lineplot = new LinePlot($this->_yaxisValues);
     // Add the plot to the graph
     // Display the graph
Exemple #22
 function grafico_barra()
     $data1y = array(47, 80, 40, 116);
     $data2y = array(61, 30, 82, 105);
     $data3y = array(115, 50, 70, 93);
     // Create the graph. These two calls are always required
     $graph = new Graph(350, 200, 'auto');
     $theme_class = new UniversalTheme();
     $graph->yaxis->SetTickPositions(array(0, 30, 60, 90, 120, 150), array(15, 45, 75, 105, 135));
     $graph->xaxis->SetTickLabels(array('A', 'B', 'C', 'D'));
     $graph->yaxis->HideTicks(false, false);
     // Create the bar plots
     $b1plot = new BarPlot($data1y);
     $b2plot = new BarPlot($data2y);
     $b3plot = new BarPlot($data3y);
     // Create the grouped bar plot
     $gbplot = new GroupBarPlot(array($b1plot, $b2plot, $b3plot));
     // ...and add it to the graPH
     $graph->title->Set("Bar Plots");
     // Display the graph
     $graph_temp_directory = 'temp';
     // in the webroot (add directory to .htaccess exclude)
     $graph_file_name = 'test.png';
     $graph_file_location = $graph_temp_directory . '/' . $graph_file_name;
     // create the graph and write to file
     $data['graph'] = $graph_file_location;
     $this->load->view('supervisor/prueba', $data);
Exemple #23
 public function executeBarGraph()
     //Set the response header to a image JPEG datastream
     // Change this defines to where Your fonts are stored
     DEFINE("TTF_DIR", "/usr/share/fonts/truetype/freefont/");
     // Change this define to a font file that You know that You have
     DEFINE("TTF_SANS", "FreeSans.ttf");
     $util = new util();
     $dataDVDrip = $util->getTotalFormat('DVDrip', 'movies');
     $dataHDrip = $util->getTotalFormat('HDrip', 'movies');
     $data720p = $util->getTotalFormat('720p', 'movies');
     $data1080p = $util->getTotalFormat('1080p', 'movies');
     $datay = array($dataDVDrip, $dataHDrip, $data720p, $data1080p);
     $graph = new Graph(199, 145);
     $graph->SetFrame(true, '#393939');
     $top = 25;
     $bottom = 20;
     $left = 50;
     $right = 20;
     $graph->Set90AndMargin($left, $right, $top, $bottom);
     // Setup labels
     $lbl = array("DVDrip", "HDrip", "720p", "1080p");
     $graph->xaxis->SetLabelAlign('right', 'center', 'right');
     $graph->yaxis->SetLabelAlign('center', 'bottom');
     // Create a bar pot
     $bplot = new BarPlot($datay);
     $bplot->SetFillGradient(array(250, 2, 2), array(109, 2, 2), GRAD_VERT);
     return sfView::NONE;
 public function drawGraph()
     // generate graphic
     $graph = new Graph($this->width, $this->height, "auto");
     $graph->img->SetMargin(0, 0, 1, 0);
     // generate bars
     $bplot = new BarPlot($this->data);
     // format bars
     //show background image if file exists
     if (false === empty($this->bgImg) && file_exists($this->bgImg)) {
         $graph->SetBackgroundImage($this->bgImg, BGIMG_FILLFRAME);
     $bplot->SetFillGradient("gray", "darkgray", GRAD_HOR);
     $graph->yaxis->HideTicks(true, true);
     // show graphic
Exemple #25
 public function getGrafico()
     $em = new EntityManager($_SESSION['project']['conection']);
     $rows = $em->fetchResult();
     $nRegistros = $em->numRows();
     foreach ($rows as $value) {
         $this->datosY[] = $value[$this->columnaY];
         $this->titulosX[] = $value[$this->columnaX];
     $grafico = new Graph($this->ancho, $this->alto);
     // Ajustamos los margenes del grafico-----    (left,right,top,bottom)
     $grafico->SetMargin(40, 30, 30, 40);
     // Creamos barras de datos a partir del array de datos
     $bplot = new BarPlot($this->datosY);
     // Configuramos color de las barras
     //Añadimos barra de datos al grafico
     // Queremos mostrar el valor numerico de la barra
     // Configuracion de los titulos
     $grafico->title->SetFont(FF_FONT1, FS_BOLD);
     $grafico->yaxis->title->SetFont(FF_FONT1, FS_BOLD);
     $grafico->xaxis->title->SetFont(FF_FONT1, FS_BOLD);
     // Se generada el archivo con el gráfico
     $archivo = "docs/docs" . $_SESSION['emp'] . "/tmp/" . md5(date('d-m-Y H:i:s')) . ".png";
     return $archivo;
function generate_image()
    global $percent, $legend;
    // Create the graph. These two calls are always required
    $graph = new Graph(550, 250);
    $graph->ygrid->SetFill(true, '#EFEFEF@0.5', '#BBCCFF@0.5');
    // Add a drop shadow
    // Adjust the margin a bit to make more room for titles
    $graph->img->SetMargin(50, 30, 20, 40);
    // Create a bar pot
    $bplot = new BarPlot($percent);
    // Adjust fill color
    $bplot->value->SetFont(FF_ARIAL, FS_BOLD, 10);
    // Width
    // Setup the titles
    $graph->title->Set("PHP documentation");
    $graph->yaxis->title->Set("Files up to date (%)");
    $graph->title->SetFont(FF_FONT1, FS_BOLD);
    $graph->yaxis->title->SetFont(FF_FONT1, FS_BOLD);
    $graph->xaxis->title->SetFont(FF_FONT1, FS_BOLD);
    // Display the graph
Exemple #27

// content="text/plain; charset=utf-8"
require_once "jpgraph/jpgraph.php";
require_once "jpgraph/jpgraph_bar.php";
$datay = array(10, 29, 3, 6);
// Create the graph.
$graph = new Graph(200, 200);
$graph->SetMargin(25, 10, 20, 25);
// Add 10% grace ("space") at top and botton of Y-scale.
// Create a bar pot
$bplot = new BarPlot($datay);
// .. and add the plot to the graph
// Add band
$band = new PlotBand(HORIZONTAL, BAND_3DPLANE, 15, 35, 'khaki4');
// Set title
$graph->title->SetFont(FF_ARIAL, FS_BOLD, 10);
$graph->title->Set('BAND_3DPLANE, Density=10');
Exemple #28
    $graph = new Graph(850, 350, 0, false);
    $graph->img->SetMargin(60, 60, 30, 70);
    $graph->title->Set("MCP Score Distribution");
    $graph->xaxis->title->Set("Score (rounded)");
    $graph->yaxis->title->Set("No. of messages");
    $graph->legend->Pos(0.52, 0.87, 'center');
    $bar1 = new LinePlot($data_count);
// Creating the page
echo "<TABLE BORDER=\"0\" CELLPADDING=\"10\" CELLSPACING=\"0\" WIDTH=\"100%\">\n";
echo " <TR><TD ALIGN=\"CENTER\"><IMG SRC=\"" . IMAGES_DIR . MS_LOGO . "\" ALT=\"MailScanner Logo\"></TD></TR>";
echo " <TR>\n";
//  Check Permissions to see if the file has been written and that apache to read it.
if (is_readable($filename)) {
    echo " <TD ALIGN=\"CENTER\"><IMG SRC=\"" . $filename . "\" ALT=\"Graph\"></TD>";
} else {
    echo "<TD ALIGN=\"CENTER\"> File isn't readable. Please make sure that " . CACHE_DIR . " is readable and writable by MailWatch.";
// Create the table
echo " </TR>\n";
echo " <TR>\n";
echo "  <TD ALIGN=\"CENTER\">\n";
Exemple #29
 public function bytes_s()
     require_once 'jpgraph/jpgraph.php';
     require_once 'jpgraph/jpgraph_line.php';
     require_once 'jpgraph/jpgraph_date.php';
     $size = $this->uri->segment(3);
     $server_id = $this->uri->segment(4);
     $time = $this->uri->segment(5);
     $server = $this->server->get_record_by_id($server_id);
     $start = time() - $time;
     $mcount = $time / 60;
     $data = array();
     $xdata = array();
     for ($i = 0; $i < $mcount; ++$i) {
         $time = $start + $i * 60;
         $xdata[$i] = $time;
         $date_min = date('YmdHi', $time);
         $query = $this->db->query("select Bytes_sent from mysql_status_ext_history where server_id='{$server_id}' and YmdHi = '" . $date_min . "'; ");
         if ($query->num_rows() > 0) {
             $row = $query->row();
             $yresult = $row->Bytes_sent;
         } else {
             $yresult = '0';
         $ydata[$i] = $yresult;
     // Create the graph. These two calls are always required
     if ($size == 'small') {
         $width = 400;
         $height = 260;
     } else {
         if ($size = 'large') {
             $width = 1280;
             $height = 400;
     $graph = new Graph($width, $height);
     $graph->img->SetMargin(40, 20, 20, 40);
     $dplot = new LinePlot($ydata, $xdata);
     // Add the plot to the graph
     $grapha_title = $server['host'] . ":" . $server['port'] . " " . $server['application'] . " Sent Flow(KB)";
     $graph->title->SetFont(FF_FONT1, FS_BOLD);
     $graph->yaxis->title->SetFont(FF_FONT1, FS_BOLD);
     $graph->xaxis->title->SetFont(FF_FONT1, FS_BOLD);
Exemple #30
  * Draw the XY type graph (can have > 1 plots)
  * @param BizObj $bizObj object reference of bizobj
  * @param array $xmlArr xml array reference
  * @return void
 public function xyGraphRender(&$bizObj, &$xmlArr)
     include_once JPGRAPH_DIR . '/jpgraph.php';
     $graph = new Graph($xmlArr["ATTRIBUTES"]["WIDTH"], $xmlArr["ATTRIBUTES"]["HEIGHT"], "auto");
     list($m1, $m2, $m3, $m4) = explode(',', $xmlArr["ATTRIBUTES"]["MARGIN"]);
     $graph->img->SetMargin($m1, $m2, $m3, $m4);
     // get the data set
     foreach ($xmlArr['DATASET']['DATA'] as $dtmp) {
         if ($xmlArr['DATASET']['DATA']['ATTRIBUTES']) {
             $dtmp = $xmlArr['DATASET']['DATA'];
         $fieldName = $dtmp["ATTRIBUTES"]["FIELD"];
         if ($fieldName) {
             $fields[$fieldName] = $fieldName;
     $labelFld = $xmlArr['XAXIS']['ATTRIBUTES']['LABELFIELD'];
     $recArray =& $this->getPlotData($bizObj, $fields, $labelFld);
     $i = 0;
     foreach ($xmlArr['DATASET']['DATA'] as $dtmp) {
         if ($xmlArr['DATASET']['DATA']['ATTRIBUTES']) {
             $dtmp = $xmlArr['DATASET']['DATA'];
         $data = $recArray[$dtmp["ATTRIBUTES"]["FIELD"]];
         $plot = $this->renderXYPlot($data, $dtmp);
         if ($plot) {
     // render titles
     $this->_drawString($graph->title, $xmlArr['TITLE']['ATTRIBUTES']['FONT'], $xmlArr['TITLE']['ATTRIBUTES']['COLOR']);
     // render xaxis
     $this->_drawAxis($graph->xaxis, $recArray[$labelFld], $xmlArr['XAXIS']['ATTRIBUTES']['FONT'], $xmlArr['XAXIS']['ATTRIBUTES']['COLOR'], $xmlArr['XAXIS']['ATTRIBUTES']['LABELANGLE'], $xmlArr['XAXIS']['ATTRIBUTES']['TITLE'], $xmlArr['XAXIS']['ATTRIBUTES']['TITLEFONT'], $xmlArr['XAXIS']['ATTRIBUTES']['TITLECOLOR'], $xmlArr['XAXIS']['ATTRIBUTES']['TITLEMARGIN']);
     // render yaxis
     $this->_drawAxis($graph->yaxis, null, $xmlArr['YAXIS']['ATTRIBUTES']['FONT'], $xmlArr['YAXIS']['ATTRIBUTES']['COLOR'], $xmlArr['YAXIS']['ATTRIBUTES']['LABELANGLE'], $xmlArr['YAXIS']['ATTRIBUTES']['TITLE'], $xmlArr['YAXIS']['ATTRIBUTES']['TITLEFONT'], $xmlArr['YAXIS']['ATTRIBUTES']['TITLECOLOR'], $xmlArr['YAXIS']['ATTRIBUTES']['TITLEMARGIN']);
     // render legend
     $this->_drawLegend($graph->legend, $xmlArr['LAGEND']['ATTRIBUTES']['POSITION'], $xmlArr['LAGEND']['ATTRIBUTES']['LAYOUT'], $xmlArr['legend']['ATTRIBUTES']['FONT'], $xmlArr['LAGEND']['ATTRIBUTES']['COLOR'], $xmlArr['legend']['ATTRIBUTES']['FILLCOLOR']);