public function show() { $new = true; $total_price = $this->model->getTotalPrice(); $id_trans = Get::req('id_transaction', DOTY_INT, 0); $cart_id = Get::gReq('cart', DOTY_MIXED, 0); require_once _lms_ . '/admin/models/TransactionAlms.php'; $trman = new TransactionAlms(); if (!empty($_GET['cancel'])) { $new = false; } if (!$new && !$this->checkCartTransaction($id_trans, $cart_id)) { UIFeedback::error(Lang::t('_INVALID_TRANSACTION', 'cart')); } else { if (isset($_GET['cancel']) && $_GET['cancel'] == 1) { $trman->deleteTransaction($id_trans, true); UIFeedback::error(Lang::t('_TRANSACTION_ABORTED', 'cart')); } else { if (isset($_GET['ok']) && $_GET['ok'] == 1) { UIFeedback::info(Lang::t('_COURSE_ACTIVATION_SUCCESS', 'cart')); } } } if (isset($_GET['error']) && $_GET['error'] == 1) { $new = false; UIFeedback::error(Lang::t('_TRANSACTION_CREATION_ERROR', 'cart')); } if ($new) { $_SESSION['cart_id'] = time() . substr(uniqid('cart'), 0, 20); } $this->render('show', array('total_price' => $total_price, 'paypal_url' => $this->getPaypalUrl())); }
public static function checkStep() { $ajax_validate = Get::gReq('ajax_validate', DOTY_INT, 0); $form_submit = Get::pReq('submit_form', DOTY_INT, 0); if ($ajax_validate) { $current_step = Get::pReq('step', DOTY_INT, 0); $sc = self::loadStepController($current_step); $sc->ajax_validate(); die; } if ($form_submit == 1) { self::goToNextStep(); } self::checkFirstStep(); }
public function getGoogleUserInfo() { $res = array(); $res['email'] = Get::gReq('openid_ext1_value_contact_email', DOTY_STRING); $res['firstname'] = Get::gReq('openid_ext1_value_namePerson_first', DOTY_STRING); $res['lastname'] = Get::gReq('openid_ext1_value_namePerson_last', DOTY_STRING); return $res; }
function socialConnectLogin($uid = false, $network_code = false) { require_once _base_ . '/lib/lib.usermanager.php'; $res = ''; $lang = DoceboLanguage::createInstance('login'); $user_manager = new UserManager(); if (!empty($uid) && !empty($network_code)) { session_regenerate_id(); $_SESSION['connect_social']['uid'] = $uid; $_SESSION['connect_social']['network_code'] = $network_code; } $can_connect = false; if (isset($_SESSION['connect_social']) && isset($_SESSION['connect_social']['uid']) && !empty($_SESSION['connect_social']['uid'])) { // read data from session, in case we are on the second step (login attempt) $uid = $_SESSION['connect_social']['uid']; $network_code = $_SESSION['connect_social']['network_code']; $can_connect = true; } // check form submission: if (isset($_POST['undo'])) { // go back to index Util::jump_to('index.php'); } else { if (isset($_POST['login']) && !$can_connect) { // we don't have the social uid to be connected with user account.. Util::jump_to('index.php?modname=login&op=social_connect_login&err=2'); } else { if (isset($_POST['login'])) { // login and connect account $user = DoceboUser::createDoceboUserFromLogin(Get::pReq('login_userid', DOTY_STRING), Get::pReq('login_pwd', DOTY_STRING), 'public_area'); if ($user) { DoceboUser::setupUser($user); $social = new Social(); $social->connectAccount($network_code, $uid); unset($_SESSION['connect_social']); Util::jump_to('index.php?r=lms/elearning/show'); } else { Util::jump_to('index.php?modname=login&op=social_connect_login&err=1'); } } } } switch (Get::gReq('err', DOTY_INT, 0)) { case 1: $res .= UIFeedback::error(Lang::t('_NOACCESS', 'login'), true); break; case 2: $res .= UIFeedback::error(Lang::t('_NO_SOCIAL_ACCOUNT_TO_CONNECT', 'login') . ' <a href="index.php">' . Lang::t('_TRY_AGAIN', 'login') . '</a>', true); break; } $GLOBALS['page']->add(getTitleArea($lang->def('_LOGIN'), 'login') . '<div class="std_block">' . getBackUi('index.php', $lang->def('_BACK')), 'content'); if ($can_connect) { $res .= Get::img('social/' . $network_code . '-24.png') . ' '; $res .= str_replace('[network_code]', Lang::t($network_code, 'social'), Lang::t('_YOU_ARE_CONNECTING_SOCIAL_ACCOUNT', 'social')) . " <b>" . $uid . "</b>"; } $res .= Form::openForm('scl_form', 'index.php?modname=login&op=social_connect_login') . Form::openElementSpace() . Form::getTextfield(Lang::t('_USERNAME', 'login'), 'login_userid', 'login_userid', 255) . Form::getPassword(Lang::t('_PASSWORD', 'login'), 'login_pwd', 'login_pwd', 255) . Form::closeElementSpace() . Form::openButtonSpace() . Form::getButton('login', 'login', Lang::t('_LOGIN', 'login')) . Form::getButton('undo', 'undo', Lang::t('_UNDO', 'login')) . Form::closeButtonSpace() . Form::closeForm(); $GLOBALS['page']->add($res, 'content'); // std_block $GLOBALS['page']->add('</div>', 'content'); // std_block }
function downloadDemoMaterialTask() { require_once _base_ . '/lib/'; $id = Get::gReq('course_id', DOTY_INT); $db = DbConn::getInstance(); $qtxt = "SELECT course_demo FROM %lms_course WHERE idCourse=" . $id; $q = $db->query($qtxt); list($fname) = $db->fetch_row($q); if (!empty($fname)) { sendFile('/appLms/course/', $fname); } else { echo "nothing found"; } die; }
<?php include 'bootstrap.php'; require '../config.php'; $db = mysql_connect($cfg['db_host'], $cfg['db_user'], $cfg['db_pass']); mysql_select_db($cfg['db_name']); mysql_query("SET NAMES 'utf8'"); mysql_query("SET CHARACTER SET 'utf8'"); $enabled_step = 4; $current_step = Get::gReq('cur_step', DOTY_INT); $upg_step = Get::gReq('upg_step', DOTY_INT); if ($_SESSION['start_version'] < 3000 || $_SESSION['start_version'] >= 4000) { echo 'error: version (' . $_SESSION['start_version'] . ') not supported for upgrade: too new (v4)'; die; } if ($current_step != $enabled_step) { echo 'error: procedure must be called from upgrade step ' . $enabled_step . ' only!!'; die; } switch ($upg_step) { case "1": // --- Upgrade db structure -------------------------------------- $fn = _upgrader_ . '/data/sql/pre_upgrade.sql'; importSqlFile($fn); break; case "2": // --- Upgrade learning_module content --------------------------- updateLearningModule(); break; case "3": // --- Upgrade some db data --------------------------------------
function delfbkrule() { checkPerm('view', false, 'storage'); $res = ''; require_once _lms_ . '/lib/lib.questcategory.php'; require_once _lms_ . '/lib/lib.assessment_rule.php'; $rule_id = Get::gReq('item_id', DOTY_INT, 0); $id_test = Get::gReq('idTest', DOTY_INT, 0); $back_url = urldecode(Get::gReq('back_url', DOTY_STRING)); $url_encode = htmlentities(urlencode($back_url)); $url_base = 'index.php?modname=test&idTest=' . $id_test . '&back_url=' . $url_encode . '&op='; $asrule = new AssessmentRuleManager($id_test); if (Get::gReq('confirm', DOTY_INT, 0)) { //TODO: change me $asrule->delete($rule_id); Util::jump_to($url_base . 'feedbackman'); die; } }
public function gettreedata() { $command = Get::req('command', DOTY_ALPHANUM, ""); $show_actions = Get::req('show_actions', DOTY_INT, 1); //$this->show_actions =$show_actions; switch ($command) { case "set_selected_node": $from_widget = Get::gReq('from_widget', DOTY_INT, 0); if (!$from_widget) { $node_id = Get::req('node_id', DOTY_INT, -1); $this->_setSelectedNode($node_id); } break; case "expand": $node_id = Get::req('node_id', DOTY_INT, -1); $initial = Get::req('initial', DOTY_INT, 0) > 0 ? true : false; if ($initial) { //get selected node from session and set the expanded tree $node_id = $this->_getSelectedNode(); $nodes = $this->model->getKbInitialNodes($node_id, true); //create actions for every node if ($show_actions) { $this->_assignActions($nodes); } //set output if (is_array($nodes)) { $output = array('success' => true, 'nodes' => $nodes, 'initial' => $initial); } else { $output = array('success' => false); } } else { //extract node data $nodes = $this->model->getKbNodes($node_id, false, false, true); //create actions for every node if ($show_actions) { for ($i = 0; $i < count($nodes); $i++) { $nodes[$i]['options'] = $this->_getNodeActions($nodes[$i]); } } //set output $output = array('success' => true, 'nodes' => $nodes, 'initial' => $initial); } echo $this->json->encode($output); break; case "getmodform": if (!$this->permissions['mod']) { $output = array('success' => false, 'message' => $this->_getErrorMessage('no permission')); echo $this->json->encode($output); return; } $output = array(); $id = Get::req('node_id', DOTY_INT, -1); if ($id < 0) { $output = array('success' => false, 'message' => Lang::t('_INVALID_INPUT')); } else { if ($id == 0) { $root_name = Get::sett('title_organigram_chart', Lang::t('_ORG_CHART', 'organization_chart')); $body = Form::openForm('modfolder_form', "ajax.adm_server.php?r=alms/kb/modrootfolder") . '<p id="addfolder_error_message"></p>' . Form::getTextfield(Lang::t('_ROOT_RENAME', 'organization_chart'), 'modfolder_root', 'modfolder_root', 50, $root_name) . Form::closeForm(); } else { $languages = Docebo::langManager()->getAllLanguages(true); //getAllLangCode(); $std_lang = getLanguage(); $form_content = Form::getHidden('modfolder_id', 'node_id', $id); $translations = $this->model->getFolderTranslations($id, true); foreach ($languages as $language) { $lang_code = $language['code']; $lang_name = $language['description']; $translation = isset($translations[$lang_code]) ? $translations[$lang_code] : ""; $form_content .= Form::getTextfield($lang_name, 'modfolder_' . $lang_code, 'modfolder[' . $lang_code . ']', 50, $translation); } $body = Form::openForm('modfolder_form', "ajax.adm_server.php?r=alms/kb/modfolder") . '<p id="addfolder_error_message"></p>' . $form_content . Form::closeForm(); } $output = array('success' => true, 'body' => $body); } echo $this->json->encode($output); break; case "delete": $this->delfolder(); break; case "options": $id = Get::req('node_id', DOTY_INT, -1); $output = array(); if ($id <= 0) { $output['success'] = false; } else { $output['success'] = true; $output['options'] = $this->_getNodeActions($id); } echo $this->json->encode($output); } //end switch command }
public function disconnect() { $field = false; $network = Get::gReq('network', DOTY_STRING); $social = new Social(); $social->disconnectAccount($network); Util::jump_to('index.php?r=lms/elearning/show'); }
function send_newsletter($send_id) { checkPerm('view'); require_once _base_ . '/lib/lib.json.php'; $json = new Services_JSON(); $path = '/appCore/newsletter/'; //access control $nl_sendpercycle = Get::sett("nl_sendpercycle", 1); //-TP// funAdminAccess('OP'); //@set_time_limit(60*15); // 15 minutes! $out =& $GLOBALS['page']; $out->setWorkingZone("content"); $lang =& DoceboLanguage::createInstance('admin_newsletter', 'framework'); $out->add(getTitleArea($lang->def("_NEWSLETTER"), "newsletter")); $out->add("<div class=\"std_block\">\n"); $info = get_send_info($send_id); $sel_groups = $info["sel_groups"]; $sel_lang = $info["sel_lang"]; $tot = $info["tot"]; $sub = $info["sub"]; $msg = $info["msg"]; $msg = str_replace("{site_base_url}", getSiteBaseUrl(), $msg); $fromemail = $info["fromemail"]; $file_array = $json->decode($info['file']); $attach = array(); foreach ($file_array as $file) { $attach[] = '../files' . $path . $file; } $cycle = Get::gReq("cycle", DOTY_INT, 0); // Items per cycle $ipc = $nl_sendpercycle; if (($cycle + 1) * $ipc < $tot) { $sendcomplete = 0; } else { $sendcomplete = 1; } $limit = $cycle * $ipc . ", " . $ipc; $arr_st = getSendToIdst($send_id, $limit); $acl_manager = Docebo::user()->getAclManager(); if (!empty($sel_lang) && $sel_lang != _ANY_LANG_CODE) { $user_info = $acl_manager->getUsersByLanguage($sel_lang, $arr_st); } else { // Send to all languages $user_info = $acl_manager->getUsers($arr_st); } $send_type = $info["send_type"]; switch ($send_type) { case "email": $tempemail = array(); foreach ($user_info as $info) { // Send the email: ------------------------------ $email = $info[ACL_INFO_EMAIL]; if ($email != "") { $tempemail[] = $email; } // ---------------------------------------------- } require_once _base_ . '/lib/lib.mailer.php'; $mailer = DoceboMailer::getInstance(); if (count($attach)) { $mailer->SendMail($fromemail, $tempemail, $sub, $msg, $attach, array(MAIL_REPLYTO => $fromemail, MAIL_SENDER_ACLNAME => false)); } else { $mailer->SendMail($fromemail, $tempemail, $sub, $msg, false, array(MAIL_REPLYTO => $fromemail, MAIL_SENDER_ACLNAME => false)); } break; case "sms": // Collect users sms numbers require_once $GLOBALS["where_framework"] . "/lib/lib.field.php"; $acl_man =& Docebo::user()->getACLManager(); $field_man = new FieldList(); $arr_sms_recipients = array(); $send_to_field = Get::sett('sms_cell_num_field'); $users_sms = $field_man->showFieldForUserArr($arr_st, array($send_to_field)); $users_info = $acl_man->getUsers($arr_st); while (list(, $user_dett) = each($users_info)) { // recover media setting $idst_user = $user_dett[ACL_INFO_IDST]; if ($users_sms[$idst_user][$send_to_field] != '') { $arr_sms_recipients[$idst_user] = $users_sms[$idst_user][$send_to_field]; } } require_once $GLOBALS["where_framework"] . "/lib/lib.sms.php"; $sms_manager = new SmsManager(); $sms_manager->sendSms($msg, $arr_sms_recipients); break; } if ($sendcomplete) { require_once _base_ . '/lib/lib.upload.php'; if (count($attach)) { foreach ($attach as $file) { sl_open_fileoperations(); sl_unlink(str_replace('../files', '', $file)); sl_close_fileoperations(); } } $url = "index.php?modname=newsletter&op=complete"; Util::jump_to($url); } else { $url = "index.php?modname=newsletter&op=pause&ipc=" . $ipc . "&cycle=" . ($cycle + 1) . "&id_send=" . $send_id; Util::jump_to($url); } $out->add("</div><br />\n"); $out->add("<form action=\"index.php?modname=newsletter&op=newsletter\" method=\"post\">\n"); $out->add("<div class=\"std_block\">\n" . '<input type="hidden" id="authentic_request_newsletter" name="authentic_request" value="' . Util::getSignature() . '" />'); $out->add("<input class=\"button\" type=\"submit\" value=\"" . $lang->def("_BACK") . "\" />\n"); $out->add("</div>\n"); $out->add("</form>\n"); }
public static function setLanguage() { $lang = Get::gReq('set_lang', DOTY_STRING, ''); if (!empty($lang)) { $_SESSION['sel_lang'] = $lang; self::init(); StepManager::loadCurrentStep(); ob_clean(); $res = array(); $res['intro'] = Lang::t('_INSTALLER_INTRO_TEXT'); $res['title'] = Lang::t('_INTRODUCTION'); $res['btn'] = Lang::t('_NEXT') . ' »'; require_once _base_ . '/lib/lib.json.php'; $json = new Services_JSON(); echo $json->encode($res); session_write_close(); die; } if (!isset($_SESSION['sel_lang'])) { $_SESSION['sel_lang'] = 'english'; } }
function editcustom($load = false) { checkPerm('mod'); require_once _base_ . '/lib/lib.form.php'; $out =& $GLOBALS['page']; $lang =& DoceboLanguage::createInstance('manmenu'); $mod_perm = checkPerm('mod', true); $page_title = array('index.php?modname=amanmenu&op=mancustom' => $lang->def('_TITLE_MANMENU')); if ($load == false) { $title = $lang->def('_NOTITLE'); $text = $lang->def('_DESCRIPTION'); $page_title[] = $lang->def('_ADDCUSTOM'); $duplicate = Get::gReq('duplicate', DOTY_INT, 0); if ($duplicate > 0) { } } else { $id_custom = importVar('id_custom', true); $query_custom = "\r\n\t\tSELECT title, description \r\n\t\tFROM " . $GLOBALS['prefix_lms'] . "_menucustom\r\n\t\tWHERE idCustom = '" . $id_custom . "'"; list($title, $text) = sql_fetch_row(sql_query($query_custom)); $page_title[] = $lang->def('_MOD'); } $out->add(getTitleArea($page_title, 'manmenu') . '<div class="std_block">' . Form::openForm('addcustom_form', 'index.php?modname=amanmenu&op=savecustom') . Form::openElementSpace() . Form::getTextfield($lang->def('_TITLE'), 'title', 'title', 255, $title)); if ($load != false) { $out->add(Form::getHidden('id_custom', 'id_custom', $id_custom)); } else { $custom = array(0 => $lang->def('_NOT_ASSIGNED')); $query = "\r\n\t\tSELECT idCustom, title \r\n\t\tFROM " . $GLOBALS['prefix_lms'] . "_menucustom \r\n\t\tORDER BY title"; $re_custom = sql_query($query); while (list($id_c, $title_c) = sql_fetch_row($re_custom)) { $custom[$id_c] = $title_c; } $out->add(Form::getDropdown($lang->def('_FROM_CUSTOM'), 'from_custom', 'from_custom', $custom, $duplicate)); } $out->add(Form::getTextarea($lang->def('_DESCRIPTION'), 'description', 'description', $text) . Form::closeElementSpace() . Form::openButtonSpace() . Form::getButton('addcustom', 'addcustom', $load == false ? $lang->def('_INSERT') : $lang->def('_SAVE')) . Form::getButton('undocustom', 'undocustom', $lang->def('_UNDO')) . Form::closeButtonSpace() . Form::closeForm() . '</div>'); }
| License | \ ======================================================================== */ /** * @package course management * @subpackage course catalogue * @category ajax server * @version $Id:$ * */ if (!defined("IN_FORMA") && !defined("IN_AJAX")) { die('You can\'t access directly'); } if ($GLOBALS['current_user']->isAnonymous()) { die('You can\'t access'); } $op = Get::gReq('op', DOTY_ALPHANUM, ''); switch ($op) { case "getselected": require_once _lms_ . '/lib/lib.quest_bank.php'; $qbm = new QuestBankMan(); $quest_category = Get::req('quest_category', DOTY_INT); $quest_difficult = Get::req('quest_difficult', DOTY_INT); $quest_type = Get::req('quest_type', DOTY_ALPHANUM); $re_quest = $qbm->resQuestList($quest_category, $quest_difficult, $quest_type); $value = array(); while (list($id_q) = $qbm->fetch($re_quest)) { $value[] = (int) $id_q; } $json = new Services_JSON(); $output = $json->encode($value); aout($output);
<?php /* ======================================================================== \ | FORMA - The E-Learning Suite | | | | Copyright (c) 2013 (Forma) | | | | License | | | \ ======================================================================== */ include 'bootstrap.php'; require '../config.php'; $enabled_step = 3; $current_step = Get::gReq('cur_step', DOTY_INT); //$upg_step = Get::gReq('upg_step', DOTY_INT); //if ($_SESSION['start_version'] >= 3000 && $_SESSION['start_version'] < 4000) { // echo 'error: version (' . $_SESSION['start_version'] . ') not supported for upgrade: too old (v3)'; // die(); //} // Collapse the upgrade from docebo 3.6xx into this procedure if ($current_step != $enabled_step) { echo 'error: procedure must be called from upgrade step ' . $enabled_step . ' only!!'; die; } if (!empty($_SESSION['to_upgrade_arr'])) { $to_upgrade_arr = $_SESSION['to_upgrade_arr']; } else { $to_upgrade_arr = getToUpgradeArray(); } $last_ver = getVersionIntNumber($GLOBALS['cfg']['endversion']); $fn_config = _base_ . '/config.php';