Exemple #1
function tpl_list_heading($colname, $format = "<th%s>%s</th>")
    global $proj, $page;
    $imgbase = '<img src="%s" alt="%s" />';
    $class = '';
    $html = eL($colname);
    if ($colname == 'comments' || $colname == 'attachments') {
        $html = sprintf($imgbase, $page->get_image(substr($colname, 0, -1)), $html);
    if (Get::val('order') == $colname) {
        $class = ' class="orderby"';
        $sort1 = Get::safe('sort', 'desc') == 'desc' ? 'asc' : 'desc';
        $sort2 = Get::safe('sort2', 'desc');
        $order2 = Get::safe('order2');
        $html .= '&nbsp;&nbsp;' . sprintf($imgbase, $page->get_image(Get::val('sort')), Get::safe('sort'));
    } else {
        $sort1 = 'desc';
        if (in_array($colname, array('project', 'tasktype', 'category', 'openedby', 'assignedto'))) {
            $sort1 = 'asc';
        $sort2 = Get::safe('sort', 'desc');
        $order2 = Get::safe('order');
    $new_order = array('order' => $colname, 'sort' => $sort1, 'order2' => $order2, 'sort2' => $sort2);
    $html = sprintf('<a title="%s" href="%s">%s</a>', eL('sortthiscolumn'), Filters::noXSS(CreateURL('index', $proj->id, null, array_merge($_GET, $new_order))), $html);
    return sprintf($format, $class, $html);
Exemple #2
 function show()
     global $page, $db, $user, $fs, $proj;
     $page->setTitle($fs->prefs['page_title'] . L('reports'));
     $events = array(1 => L('taskopened'), 13 => L('taskreopened'), 2 => L('taskclosed'), 3 => L('taskedited'), 14 => L('assignmentchanged'), 29 => L('events.useraddedtoassignees'), 4 => L('commentadded'), 5 => L('commentedited'), 6 => L('commentdeleted'), 7 => L('attachmentadded'), 8 => L('attachmentdeleted'), 11 => L('relatedadded'), 12 => L('relateddeleted'), 9 => L('notificationadded'), 10 => L('notificationdeleted'), 17 => L('reminderadded'), 18 => L('reminderdeleted'));
     $user_events = array(30 => L('created'), 31 => L('deleted'));
     $page->assign('events', $events);
     $page->assign('user_events', $user_events);
     $sort = strtoupper(Get::enum('sort', array('desc', 'asc')));
     $where = array();
     $params = array();
     $orderby = '';
     switch (Get::val('order')) {
         case 'type':
             $orderby = "h.event_type {$sort}, h.event_date {$sort}";
         case 'user':
             $orderby = "user_id {$sort}, h.event_date {$sort}";
         case 'date':
             $orderby = "h.event_date {$sort}, h.event_type {$sort}";
     foreach (Get::val('events', array()) as $eventtype) {
         $where[] = 'h.event_type = ?';
         $params[] = $eventtype;
     $where = '(' . implode(' OR ', $where) . ')';
     if ($proj->id) {
         $where = $where . 'AND (t.project_id = ?  OR h.event_type > 29) ';
         $params[] = $proj->id;
     if (($fromdate = Req::val('fromdate')) || Req::val('todate')) {
         $where .= ' AND ';
         $todate = Req::val('todate');
         if ($fromdate) {
             $where .= ' h.event_date > ?';
             $params[] = Flyspray::strtotime($fromdate) + 0;
         if ($todate && $fromdate) {
             $where .= ' AND h.event_date < ?';
             $params[] = Flyspray::strtotime($todate) + 86400;
         } else {
             if ($todate) {
                 $where .= ' h.event_date < ?';
                 $params[] = Flyspray::strtotime($todate) + 86400;
     $histories = array();
     if (count(Get::val('events'))) {
         if (Get::num('event_number') > 0) {
         $histories = $db->x->getAll("SELECT h.*, t.*, p.project_prefix\n                                             FROM {history} h\n                                        LEFT JOIN {tasks} t ON h.task_id = t.task_id\n                                        LEFT JOIN {projects} p ON t.project_id = p.project_id\n                                            WHERE {$where}\n                                         ORDER BY {$orderby}", null, $params);
     $page->assign('histories', $histories);
     $page->assign('sort', $sort);
Exemple #3
 function show()
     global $page, $db, $fs, $proj, $user;
     $page->setTitle($fs->prefs['page_title'] . L('roadmap'));
     // Get milestones
     $list_id = $db->x->GetOne('SELECT list_id FROM {fields} WHERE field_id = ?', null, $proj->prefs['roadmap_field']);
     $milestones = array();
     if ($list_id) {
         $milestones = $db->x->getAll('SELECT list_item_id AS version_id, item_name AS version_name
                                         FROM {list_items} li
                                        WHERE list_id = ? AND version_tense = 3
                                     ORDER BY list_position ASC', null, $list_id);
     $data = array();
     foreach ($milestones as $row) {
         // Get all tasks related to a milestone
         $all_tasks = $db->x->getAll('SELECT  percent_complete, is_closed, t.*
                                    FROM  {tasks} t
                               LEFT JOIN  {field_values} fv ON (fv.task_id = t.task_id AND field_id = ?)
                                   WHERE  field_value = ? AND project_id = ?', null, array($proj->prefs['roadmap_field'], $row['version_id'], $proj->id));
         $all_tasks = array_filter($all_tasks, array($user, 'can_view_task'));
         $percent_complete = 0;
         foreach ($all_tasks as $task) {
             if ($task['is_closed']) {
                 $percent_complete += 100;
             } else {
                 $percent_complete += $task['percent_complete'];
         $percent_complete = round($percent_complete / max(count($all_tasks), 1));
         if (count($all_tasks)) {
             $tasks = $db->x->getAll('SELECT t.task_id, item_summary, detailed_desc, mark_private, fs.field_value AS field' . $fs->prefs['color_field'] . ',
                                           opened_by, content, task_token, t.project_id, prefix_id
                                    FROM {tasks} t
                               LEFT JOIN {cache} ca ON (t.task_id = ca.topic AND ca.type = ? AND t.last_edited_time <= ca.last_updated)
                               LEFT JOIN {field_values} f ON f.task_id = t.task_id
                               LEFT JOIN {field_values} fs ON (fs.task_id = t.task_id AND fs.field_id = ?)
                                   WHERE f.field_value = ? AND f.field_id = ? AND t.project_id = ? AND is_closed = 0', null, array('rota', $fs->prefs['color_field'], $row['version_id'], $proj->prefs['roadmap_field'], $proj->id));
             $count = count($tasks);
             for ($i = 0; $i < $count; $i++) {
                 if (!$user->can_view_task($tasks[$i])) {
         $data[] = array('id' => $row['version_id'], 'open_tasks' => isset($tasks) ? $tasks : array(), 'percent_complete' => $percent_complete, 'all_tasks' => $all_tasks ? $all_tasks : array(), 'name' => $row['version_name']);
     if (Get::val('txt')) {
         $page = new FSTpl();
         header('Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8');
         $page->assign('data', $data);
     } else {
         $page->assign('data', $data);
 static function render($text, $type = null, $id = null, $instructions = null)
     global $conf, $baseurl, $db;
     // Unfortunately dokuwiki also uses $conf
     $fs_conf = $conf;
     $conf = array();
     // Dokuwiki generates some notices
     error_reporting(E_ALL ^ E_NOTICE);
     if (!$instructions) {
         include_once BASEDIR . '/plugins/dokuwiki/inc/parser/parser.php';
     require_once BASEDIR . '/plugins/dokuwiki/inc/common.php';
     require_once BASEDIR . '/plugins/dokuwiki/inc/parser/xhtml.php';
     // Create a renderer
     $Renderer = new Doku_Renderer_XHTML();
     if (!is_string($instructions) || strlen($instructions) < 1) {
         $modes = p_get_parsermodes();
         $Parser = new Doku_Parser();
         // Add the Handler
         $Parser->Handler = new Doku_Handler();
         // Add modes to parser
         foreach ($modes as $mode) {
             $Parser->addMode($mode['mode'], $mode['obj']);
         $instructions = $Parser->parse($text);
         // Cache the parsed text
         if (!is_null($type) && !is_null($id)) {
             $fields = array('content' => serialize($instructions), 'type' => $type, 'topic' => $id, 'last_updated' => time());
             $keys = array('type', 'topic');
             //autoquote is always true on db class
             $db->Replace('{cache}', $fields, $keys);
     } else {
         $instructions = unserialize($instructions);
     $Renderer->smileys = getSmileys();
     $Renderer->entities = getEntities();
     $Renderer->acronyms = getAcronyms();
     $Renderer->interwiki = getInterwiki();
     $conf = $fs_conf;
     $conf['cachedir'] = FS_CACHE_DIR;
     // for dokuwiki
     $conf['fperm'] = 0600;
     $conf['dperm'] = 0700;
     // Loop through the instructions
     foreach ($instructions as $instruction) {
         // Execute the callback against the Renderer
         call_user_func_array(array(&$Renderer, $instruction[0]), $instruction[1]);
     $return = $Renderer->doc;
     // Display the output
     if (Get::val('histring')) {
         $words = explode(' ', Get::val('histring'));
         foreach ($words as $word) {
             $return = html_hilight($return, $word);
     return $return;
Exemple #5
 function _onsubmit()
     global $proj;
     // only meant for global fields...
     if (!count(Get::val('ids', array()))) {
         return array(ERROR_RECOVER, L('notasksselected'), CreateUrl('index'));
     $proj = new Project(0);
     $return = $this->handle('action', Req::val('action'));
     $proj = new Project(0);
     return $return;
Exemple #6
 function area_notes()
     global $user, $fs, $page, $db;
     $page->assign('saved_notes', $db->x->getAll('SELECT * FROM {notes} WHERE user_id = ?', null, $user->id));
     if (Req::num('note_id') && Get::val('action') != 'deletenote') {
         $note = $db->x->getRow('SELECT note_id, message_subject, message_body, n.last_updated, content, n.syntax_plugins
                                FROM {notes} n
                           LEFT JOIN {cache} c ON note_id = topic AND type = ? AND n.last_updated < c.last_updated
                               WHERE user_id = ? AND note_id = ?', null, array('note', $user->id, Req::num('note_id')));
         $page->assign('show_note', $note);
Exemple #7
 function show($area = null)
     global $page, $fs, $db, $proj, $user, $conf;
     $perpage = '20';
     if (isset($user->infos['tasks_perpage'])) {
         $perpage = $user->infos['tasks_perpage'];
     $pagenum = max(1, Get::num('pagenum', 1));
     $offset = $perpage * ($pagenum - 1);
     // Get the visibility state of all columns
     $visible = explode(' ', trim($proj->id ? $proj->prefs['visible_columns'] : $fs->prefs['visible_columns']));
     if (!is_array($visible) || !count($visible) || !$visible[0]) {
         $visible = array('id');
     list($tasks, $id_list) = Backend::get_task_list($_GET, $visible, $offset, $perpage);
     $page->assign('tasks', $tasks);
     $page->assign('offset', $offset);
     $page->assign('perpage', $perpage);
     $page->assign('pagenum', $pagenum);
     $page->assign('visible', $visible);
     // List of task IDs for next/previous links
     $_SESSION['tasklist'] = $id_list;
     $page->assign('total', count($id_list));
     // Javascript replacement
     if (Get::val('toggleadvanced')) {
         $advanced_search = intval(!Req::val('advancedsearch'));
         Flyspray::setCookie('advancedsearch', $advanced_search, time() + 60 * 60 * 24 * 30);
         $_COOKIE['advancedsearch'] = $advanced_search;
     // Update check {{{
     if (Get::has('hideupdatemsg')) {
     } else {
         if ($conf['general']['update_check'] && $user->perms('is_admin') && $fs->prefs['last_update_check'] < time() - 60 * 60 * 24 * 3) {
             if (!isset($_SESSION['latest_version'])) {
                 $latest = Flyspray::remote_request('http://flyspray.org/version.txt', GET_CONTENTS);
                 //if for some silly reason we get and empty response, we use the actual version
                 $_SESSION['latest_version'] = empty($latest) ? $fs->version : $latest;
                 $db->x->execParam('UPDATE {prefs} SET pref_value = ? WHERE pref_name = ?', array(time(), 'last_update_check'));
     if (isset($_SESSION['latest_version']) && version_compare($fs->version, $_SESSION['latest_version'], '<')) {
         $page->assign('updatemsg', true);
     // }}}
     $page->setTitle($fs->prefs['page_title'] . $proj->prefs['project_title'] . ': ' . L('tasklist'));
Exemple #8
 function show()
     global $page, $db, $fs, $proj, $user;
     $page->setTitle($fs->prefs['page_title'] . L('changelog'));
     // Get milestones
     $list_id = $db->x->GetOne('SELECT list_id FROM {fields} WHERE field_id = ?', null, $proj->prefs['roadmap_field']);
     if (!$list_id) {
         trigger_error('Roadmap / changelog has not been configured in the project management area.', E_USER_ERROR);
     $milestones = $db->x->getAll('SELECT list_item_id AS version_id, item_name AS version_name
                                 FROM {list_items} li
                                WHERE list_id = ? AND (version_tense = 1 OR version_tense = 2) AND show_in_list = 1
                             ORDER BY list_position ASC', null, $list_id);
     $data = array();
     $reasons = implode(',', explode(' ', $proj->prefs['changelog_reso']));
     while ((list(, $row) = each($milestones)) && $reasons) {
         $tasks = $db->x->getAll('SELECT t.task_id, percent_complete, item_summary, detailed_desc, mark_private, fs.field_value AS field' . $fs->prefs['color_field'] . ',
                                       opened_by, task_token, t.project_id, prefix_id, li.item_name AS res_name, li.list_item_id AS res_id
                                FROM {tasks} t
                           LEFT JOIN {field_values} f ON f.task_id = t.task_id
                           LEFT JOIN {field_values} fs ON (fs.task_id = t.task_id AND fs.field_id = ?)
                           LEFT JOIN {list_items} li ON t.resolution_reason = li.list_item_id
                               WHERE f.field_value = ? AND f.field_id = ? AND t.project_id = ? AND is_closed = 1
                                     AND t.resolution_reason IN (' . $reasons . ')
                            ORDER BY t.resolution_reason DESC', null, array($fs->prefs['color_field'], $row['version_id'], $proj->prefs['roadmap_field'], $proj->id));
         $tasks = array_filter($tasks, array($user, 'can_view_task'));
         if (count($tasks)) {
             $resolutions = array();
             foreach ($tasks as $task) {
                 $resolutions[$task['res_name']] = isset($resolutions[$task['res_name']]) ? $resolutions[$task['res_name']] + 1 : 1;
             $data[] = array('tasks' => $tasks, 'name' => $row['version_name'], 'resolutions' => $resolutions);
     if (Get::val('txt')) {
         $page = new FSTpl();
         header('Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8');
         $page->assign('data', $data);
     } else {
         $page->assign('data', $data);
Exemple #9
  * show 
  * @access public
  * @return void
 function show()
     global $proj, $page, $fs;
     // Get the visibility state of all columns
     $visible = explode(' ', trim($proj->id ? $proj->prefs['visible_columns'] : $fs->prefs['visible_columns']));
     list($tasks, $id_list) = Backend::get_task_list($_GET, $visible, 0);
     $page = new FSTpl();
     $page->assign('tasks', $tasks);
     $page->assign('visible', $visible);
     if (Get::val('type') == 'iCal') {
         $datecols = array('dateopened' => 'date_opened', 'lastedit' => 'max_date', 'dateclosed' => 'date_closed');
         header('Content-Type: text/calendar; charset=utf-8');
         header('Content-Disposition: filename="export.ics"');
         $page->assign('datecols', $datecols);
     } else {
         header('Content-Type: text/csv; charset=utf-8');
         header('Content-Disposition: filename="export.csv"');
     * @param PageBuilder $pageBuilder
     * @return MessageListTable
    function MessageListTable(&$pagebuilder)
        $this->_pagebuilder =& $pagebuilder;
        $this->_proc =& $pagebuilder->_proc;
        $this->sortField = Get::val('s_fld', 0);
        $this->sortOrder = Get::val('s_ord', 0);
        $this->page = $this->_proc->sArray[PAGE];
        $this->_proc->account->DefaultOrder = $this->sortField + $this->sortOrder;
        $this->folders =& $this->_proc->GetFolders();
        if (isset($this->_proc->sArray[SEARCH_ARRAY][S_TEXT]) && strlen($this->_proc->sArray[SEARCH_ARRAY][S_TEXT]) > 0) {
            if ($this->_proc->sArray[SEARCH_ARRAY][S_FOLDER] > -2) {
                $this->folder =& $this->folders->GetFolderById((int) $this->_proc->sArray[FOLDER_ID]);
                $this->folders =& new FolderCollection();
            } else {
                $this->folder = null;
            $field = $this->_proc->sArray[SEARCH_ARRAY][S_MODE] == 'onlyheaders';
            $condition = ConvertUtils::ConvertEncoding($this->_proc->sArray[SEARCH_ARRAY][S_TEXT], $this->_proc->account->GetUserCharset(), $this->_proc->account->DbCharset);
            $this->messCount = (int) $this->_proc->processor->SearchMessagesCount($condition, $this->folders, $field);
            $this->messageCollection =& $this->_proc->processor->SearchMessages($this->page, $condition, $this->folders, $field, $this->messCount);
        } else {
            $cfolder =& $this->_proc->GetCurrentFolder();
            if ($cfolder) {
                $this->folder =& $cfolder;
                $this->messCount = (int) $this->folder->MessageCount;
                if ($this->_proc->account->MailsPerPage * ($this->page - 1) >= $this->messCount) {
                    $this->page = (int) ceil($this->messCount / $this->_proc->account->MailsPerPage);
                $this->page = $this->page < 1 ? $this->page = 1 : $this->page;
                $this->messageCollection =& $this->_proc->processor->GetMessageHeaders($this->page, $this->folder);
            } else {
                $this->folder = null;
                $this->messCount = 0;
                $this->page = 1;
                $this->messageCollection =& new WebMailMessageCollection();
        if ($this->folder && $this->folders) {
        if ($this->messageCollection === null) {
            $this->folder = null;
            $this->messCount = 0;
            $this->page = 1;
            $this->messageCollection =& new WebMailMessageCollection();
        $jsTempString = $this->_proc->currentFolder && $this->_proc->currentFolder->Type == FOLDERTYPE_Drafts ? 'BaseForm.Form.action = "' . BASEFILE . '?' . SCREEN . '=' . SCREEN_NEWOREDIT . '";' : 'BaseForm.Form.action = "' . BASEFILE . '?' . SCREEN . '=' . SCREEN_FULLSCREEN . '";';
        $flagjs = '
		var line = InboxLines.GetLinesById(id);
		if (line.Flagged) {
			InboxLines.SetParams([id], "Flagged", false, false);
		} else {
			InboxLines.SetParams([id], "Flagged", true, false);
        if ($this->_proc->account->MailProtocol != MAILPROTOCOL_IMAP4 && $this->_proc->currentFolder && $this->_proc->currentFolder->SyncType == FOLDERSYNC_DirectMode) {
            $flagjs = '';
function CheckThisLine(e, trobj)
	var id = trobj.id;

	e = e ? e : window.event;
	if (e.ctrlKey) {
	} else if (e.shiftKey) {
	} else {
		if (Browser.Mozilla) {var elem = e.target;}
		else {var elem = e.srcElement;}
		if (!elem || id == "" || elem.id == "none") {
			return false;
		var loverTag = elem.tagName.toLowerCase();
		if (loverTag == "a") {
		} else if (loverTag == "input") {
		} else if (loverTag == "img") {
			' . $flagjs . '
		} else if (isPreviewPane) {

function CheckThisLineDb(e, trobj)
	var id = trobj.id;

	e = e ? e : window.event;

	if (Browser.Mozilla) {
		var elem = e.target;
	} else {
		var elem = e.srcElement;
	if (!elem || id == "" || elem.id == "none" || elem.tagName.toLowerCase() == "input") {
		return false;

function LoadMessageFull(lineid)
	var parseObj = ParseLineId(lineid);
	var obj = InboxLines.GetLinesById(lineid);

	' . $jsTempString . '
	BaseForm.Form.target = "_self";
	BaseForm.MessId.value = obj.MsgId;
	BaseForm.MessUid.value = obj.MsgUid;
	BaseForm.FolderId.value = obj.MsgFolderId;
	BaseForm.FolderName.value = obj.MsgFolderFullName;
	BaseForm.Charset.value = parseObj.charset;
	BaseForm.Plain.value = "-1";
function LoadMessage(lineid)
	if (tempReq != lineid){
		InfoPanel._isError = false;
		tempReq = lineid;
		var parseObj = ParseLineId(lineid);
		var obj = InboxLines.GetLinesById(lineid);
		BaseForm.MessId.value = obj.MsgId;
		BaseForm.MessUid.value = obj.MsgUid;
		BaseForm.FolderId.value = obj.MsgFolderId;
		BaseForm.FolderName.value = obj.MsgFolderFullName;
		BaseForm.Charset.value = parseObj.charset;
		BaseForm.Plain.value = "-1";

function DoForwardButton()
	var lineobjs = InboxLines.GetCheckedLinesObj();
	if (lineobjs && lineobjs.length == 1) {
		var obj = lineobjs[0];
		var parseObj = ParseLineId(obj.Id);

		BaseForm.Form.action = "' . BASEFILE . '?' . SCREEN . '=' . SCREEN_NEWOREDIT . '";
		BaseForm.Form.target = "_self";
		BaseForm.MessId.value = obj.MsgId;
		BaseForm.MessUid.value = obj.MsgUid;
		BaseForm.FolderId.value = obj.MsgFolderId;
		BaseForm.FolderName.value = obj.MsgFolderFullName;
		BaseForm.Charset.value = parseObj.charset;
		BaseForm.Plain.value = "-1";
		BaseForm.Type.value = "forward";

function DoReplyButton()
	var lineobjs = InboxLines.GetCheckedLinesObj();
	if (lineobjs && lineobjs.length == 1) {
		var obj = lineobjs[0];
		var parseObj = ParseLineId(obj.Id);

		BaseForm.Form.action = "' . BASEFILE . '?' . SCREEN . '=' . SCREEN_NEWOREDIT . '";
		BaseForm.Form.target = "_self";
		BaseForm.MessId.value = obj.MsgId;
		BaseForm.MessUid.value = obj.MsgUid;
		BaseForm.FolderId.value = obj.MsgFolderId;
		BaseForm.FolderName.value = obj.MsgFolderFullName;
		BaseForm.Charset.value = parseObj.charset;
		BaseForm.Plain.value = "-1";
		BaseForm.Type.value = "reply";

function DoReplyAllButton()
	var lineobjs = InboxLines.GetCheckedLinesObj();
	if (lineobjs && lineobjs.length == 1) {
		var obj = lineobjs[0];
		var parseObj = ParseLineId(obj.Id);

		BaseForm.Form.action = "' . BASEFILE . '?' . SCREEN . '=' . SCREEN_NEWOREDIT . '";
		BaseForm.Form.target = "_self";
		BaseForm.MessId.value = obj.MsgId;
		BaseForm.MessUid.value = obj.MsgUid;
		BaseForm.FolderId.value = obj.MsgFolderId;
		BaseForm.FolderName.value = obj.MsgFolderFullName;
		BaseForm.Charset.value = parseObj.charset;
		BaseForm.Plain.value = "-1";
		BaseForm.Type.value = "replytoall";

function ChangeCharset(newCharset)
	var idline = BaseForm.MessId.value + sep + BaseForm.MessUid.value + sep + BaseForm.FolderId.value + sep + BaseForm.Charset.value + sep;
	var newidline = BaseForm.MessId.value + sep + BaseForm.MessUid.value + sep + BaseForm.FolderId.value + sep + newCharset + sep;
	BaseForm.Charset.value = newCharset;
	for (var i=0; i<InboxLines.length; i++) {
		if (InboxLines.lines[i].Id == idline) {
			InboxLines.lines[i].Id = newidline;
			InboxLines.lines[i]._tr.id = newidline;

function ParseLineId(lineid)
	var IdArray = lineid.split(sep);
	if (IdArray.length > 3) {
		var objcharset = (IdArray[3]) ? IdArray[3] : -1;
		return {id: IdArray[0], uid: IdArray[1], folder_id: IdArray[2], charset: objcharset}
	return null;

PageSwitcher.Show(' . $this->page . ', ' . $this->_proc->account->MailsPerPage . ', ' . $this->messCount . ', "document.location.replace(\'?s_ord=' . $this->sortOrder . '&s_fld=' . $this->sortField . '&page=", "\');");
tempReq = "";

function CBaseForm()
	this.Form = document.getElementById("messform");
	this.MessId = document.getElementById("m_id");
	this.MessUid = document.getElementById("m_uid");
	this.FolderId = document.getElementById("f_id");
	this.FolderName = document.getElementById("f_name");
	this.Charset = document.getElementById("charset");
	this.Plain = document.getElementById("plain");
	this.Type = document.getElementById("mtype");
BaseForm = new CBaseForm();
Exemple #11
// see http://www.w3.org/TR/html401/present/styles.html#h-14.2.1
header('Content-Style-Type: text/css');
header('Content-type: text/html; charset=utf-8');
if ($conf['general']['output_buffering'] == 'gzip' && extension_loaded('zlib')) {
    // Start Output Buffering and gzip encoding if setting is present.
} else {
$page = new FSTpl();
// make sure people are not attempting to manually fiddle with projects they are not allowed to play with
if (Req::has('project') && Req::val('project') != 0 && !$user->can_view_project(Req::val('project'))) {
if ($show_task = Get::val('show_task')) {
    // If someone used the 'show task' form, redirect them
    if (is_numeric($show_task)) {
        Flyspray::Redirect(CreateURL('details', $show_task));
    } else {
        Flyspray::Redirect($baseurl . '?string=' . $show_task);
if (Flyspray::requestDuplicated()) {
    // Check that this page isn't being submitted twice
# handle all forms request that modify data
if (Req::has('action')) {
    # enforcing if the form sent the correct anti csrf token
    # only allow token by post
Exemple #12
function tpl_list_heading($colname, $format = "<th%s>%s</th>")
    global $proj, $page;
    $imgbase = '<img src="%s" alt="%s" />';
    $class = $colname;
    $html = eL($colname);
        if ($colname == 'comments' || $colname == 'attachments') {
            $html = sprintf($imgbase, $page->get_image(substr($colname, 0, -1)), $html);
    if ($colname == 'attachments') {
        $html = '<i class="fa fa-paperclip fa-lg" title="' . $html . '"></i>';
    if ($colname == 'comments') {
        $html = '<i class="fa fa-comments fa-lg" title="' . $html . '"></i>';
    if ($colname == 'votes') {
        $html = '<i class="fa fa-star-o fa-lg" title="' . $html . '"></i>';
    if (Get::val('order') == $colname) {
        $class .= ' orderby';
        $sort1 = Get::safe('sort', 'desc') == 'desc' ? 'asc' : 'desc';
        $sort2 = Get::safe('sort2', 'desc');
        $order2 = Get::safe('order2');
        $html .= '&nbsp;&nbsp;' . sprintf($imgbase, $page->get_image(Get::val('sort')), Get::safe('sort'));
    } else {
        $sort1 = 'desc';
        if (in_array($colname, array('project', 'tasktype', 'category', 'openedby', 'assignedto'))) {
            $sort1 = 'asc';
        $sort2 = Get::safe('sort', 'desc');
        $order2 = Get::safe('order');
    $new_order = array('order' => $colname, 'sort' => $sort1, 'order2' => $order2, 'sort2' => $sort2);
    # unneeded params from $_GET for the sort links
    $params = array_merge($_GET, $new_order);
    $html = sprintf('<a title="%s" href="%s">%s</a>', eL('sortthiscolumn'), Filters::noXSS(CreateURL('tasklist', $proj->id, null, $params)), $html);
    return sprintf($format, ' class="' . $class . '"', $html);
Exemple #13

 *  Run me once for every project that uses SVN
# set the timezone
define('IN_FS', true);
require_once '../../header.php';
if (!Get::val('project_id')) {
    die('No project ID specified (use ?project_id=X).');
if (!$proj->prefs['svn_url']) {
    die('No URL to SVN repository entered in PM area.');
$project_prefixes = $db->x->GetCol('SELECT project_prefix FROM {projects}');
$look = array('FS#', 'bug ');
foreach ($project_prefixes as $prefix) {
    $look[] = preg_quote($prefix . '#', '/');
$look = implode('|', $look);
echo '<h2>' . $proj->prefs['project_title'] . '</h2>';
// use backward-compatible column name
$cols = $db->x->getRow('SELECT * FROM {related}');
$col = isset($cols['is_duplicate']) ? 'is_duplicate' : 'related_type';
$revisions = $db->x->GetCol('SELECT topic FROM {cache} WHERE project_id = ? AND type = ?', null, $proj->id, 'svn');
$svninfo = new SVNinfo();
$svninfo->setRepository($proj->prefs['svn_url'], $proj->prefs['svn_user'], $proj->prefs['svn_password']);
$currentRevision = $svninfo->getCurrentRevision();
// retrieve stuff in small portions
Exemple #14

    This script is the AJAX callback that performs a search
    for users, and returns true if the user_name is not given.
define('IN_FS', true);
header('Content-type: text/html; charset=utf-8');
require_once '../../header.php';
$baseurl = dirname(dirname($baseurl)) . '/';
if (Get::has('name')) {
    $searchterm = strtolower(Get::val('name'));
// Get the list of users from the global groups above
$get_users = $db->x->getRow('  SELECT  count(u.user_name) AS anz_u_user, 
                                   count(r.user_name) AS anz_r_user 
                             FROM  {users} u
                        LEFT JOIN  {registrations} r ON u.user_name = r.user_name
                            WHERE  Lower(u.user_name) = ? 
                                   Lower(r.user_name) = ?', null, array($searchterm, $searchterm));
if ($get_users) {
    if ($get_users['anz_u_user'] > '0' || $get_users['anz_r_user'] > '0') {
        $html = 'false|' . eL('usernametaken');
    } else {
        $html = 'true';
echo $html;
Exemple #15
$modes = str_replace('.php', '', array_map('basename', glob_compat(BASEDIR . "/scripts/*.php")));
// yes, we need all of them for now
foreach ($modes as $mode) {
    require_once BASEDIR . '/scripts/' . $mode . '.php';
$do = Req::val('do');
// Any "do" mode that accepts a task_id or id field should be added here.
if (Req::num('task_id')) {
    $project_id = $db->x->GetOne('SELECT  project_id
                                 FROM  {tasks}
                                WHERE task_id = ?', null, Req::num('task_id'));
    $do = Filters::enum($do, array('details', 'depends', 'editcomment'));
} else {
    if ($do == 'admin' && Get::has('switch') && Get::val('project') != '0') {
        $do = 'pm';
    } elseif ($do == 'pm' && Get::has('switch') && Get::val('project') == '0') {
        $do = 'admin';
    } elseif (Get::has('switch') && $do == 'details') {
        $do = 'index';
    if ($do && class_exists('FlysprayDo' . ucfirst($do)) && !call_user_func(array('FlysprayDo' . ucfirst($do), 'is_projectlevel'))) {
        $project_id = 0;
if (!isset($project_id)) {
    // Determine which project we want to see
    if (($project_id = Cookie::val('flyspray_project')) == '') {
        $project_id = $fs->prefs['default_project'];
    $project_id = Req::val('project', Req::val('project_id', $project_id));
Exemple #16
 public function can_view_task($task)
     if ($task['task_token'] && Get::val('task_token') == $task['task_token']) {
         return true;
     // Split into several separate tests so I can keep track on whats happening.
     // Project managers and admins allowed always.
     if ($this->perms('manage_project', $task['project_id']) || $this->perms('is_admin', $task['project_id'])) {
         return true;
     // Allow if "allow anyone to view this project" is checked
     // and task is not private.
     if ($this->perms('others_view', $task['project_id']) && !$task['mark_private']) {
         return true;
     if ($this->isAnon()) {
         // Following checks need identified user.
         return false;
     // Non-private task
     if (!$task['mark_private']) {
         // Can view tasks, always allow
         if ($this->perms('view_tasks', $task['project_id'])) {
             return true;
         // User can view only own tasks
         if ($this->perms('view_own_tasks', $task['project_id']) && !$this->perms('view_groups_tasks', $task['project_id'])) {
             if ($task['opened_by'] == $this->id) {
                 return true;
             if (in_array($this->id, Flyspray::GetAssignees($task['task_id']))) {
                 return true;
             // No use to continue further.
             return false;
         // Ok, user *must* have view_groups_tasks permission,
         // but do the check anyway just in case... there might
         // appear more in the future.
         if ($this->perms('view_groups_tasks', $task['project_id'])) {
             // Two first checks the same as with view_own_tasks permission.
             if ($task['opened_by'] == $this->id) {
                 return true;
             // Fetch only once, could be needed three times.
             $assignees = Flyspray::GetAssignees($task['task_id']);
             if (in_array($this->id, $assignees)) {
                 return true;
             // Must fetch other persons in the group now. Find out
             // how to detect the right group for project and the
             // other persons in it. Funny, found it in $perms.
             $group = $this->perms('project_group', $task['project_id']);
             $others = Project::listUsersIn($group);
             foreach ($others as $other) {
                 if ($other['user_id'] == $task['opened_by']) {
                     return true;
                 if (in_array($other['user_id'], $assignees)) {
                     return true;
             // Check the global group next. Note that for users in that group to be included,
             // the has to be specified at global group level. So even if our permission system
             // works by OR'ing the permissions together, who is actually considered to be in
             // in the same group now depends on whether this permission has been given on global
             // or project level.
             if ($this->perms('view_groups_tasks', 0)) {
                 $group = $this->perms('project_group', 0);
                 $others = Project::listUsersIn($group);
                 foreach ($others as $other) {
                     if ($other['user_id'] == $task['opened_by']) {
                         return true;
                     if (in_array($other['user_id'], $assignees)) {
                         return true;
             // No use to continue further.
             return false;
     // Private task, user must be either assigned to the task
     // or have opened it.
     if ($task['mark_private']) {
         if ($task['opened_by'] == $this->id) {
             return true;
         if (in_array($this->id, Flyspray::GetAssignees($task['task_id']))) {
             return true;
         // No use to continue further.
         return false;
     // Could not find any permission for viewing the task.
     return false;
Exemple #17
 public function addfrom($method = 'get', $vars = array())
     $append = '';
     foreach ($vars as $key) {
         $append .= http_build_query($method == 'get' ? Get::val($key) : Post::val($key)) . '&';
     $append = substr($append, 0, -1);
     $separator = ini_get('arg_separator.output');
     if (strlen($separator) != 0) {
         $append = str_replace($separator, '&', $append);
     if ($this->getinfo('query')) {
         $this->parsed['query'] .= '&' . $append;
     } else {
         $this->parsed['query'] = $append;
Exemple #18
                     ORDER BY t.task_id ASC', array($task_id));
        $duplicates_cleaned = Flyspray::weedOutTasks($user, $db->fetchAllArray($sql));
        $page->assign('duplicates', $duplicates_cleaned);
        $sql = $db->Query('SELECT *
                         FROM {notifications} n
                    LEFT JOIN {users} u ON n.user_id = u.user_id
                        WHERE n.task_id = ?', array($task_id));
        $page->assign('notifications', $db->fetchAllArray($sql));
        $sql = $db->Query('SELECT *
                         FROM {reminders} r
                    LEFT JOIN {users} u ON r.to_user_id = u.user_id
                        WHERE task_id = ?
                     ORDER BY reminder_id', array($task_id));
        $page->assign('reminders', $db->fetchAllArray($sql));
        if ($user->perms('view_comments') || $proj->prefs['others_view'] || $user->isAnon() && $task_details['task_token'] && Get::val('task_token') == $task_details['task_token']) {
        if ($user->perms('manage_project')) {
        if ($proj->prefs['use_effort_tracking']) {
    # endif can_edit_task
# endif can_view_task
Exemple #19
    } else {
        exit('<script>parent.changeLocation("' . LOGINFILE . '?error=2");</script>');
$message = false;
$isNull = true;
$_rtl = in_array($account->DefaultLanguage, explode('|', RTL_ARRAY));
$fromString = $toString = $ccString = $dateString = $subjectString = $attachString = $fullBodyText = '';
$mes_id = Get::val('msg_id', '');
$mes_uid = Get::val('msg_uid', '');
$folder_id = Get::val('folder_id', '');
$folder_name = Get::val('folder_fname', '');
$mes_charset = Get::val('charset', -1);
$bodytype = (int) Get::val('bodytype', 1);
$tempNameFromGet = Get::val('tn', '');
switch ($viewType) {
        $GLOBALS['PRINTFILE'] = true;
        if ($mes_uid || $mes_id) {
            $message = new GetMessageBase($account, $mes_id, $mes_uid, $folder_id, $folder_name, $mes_charset);
            if ($message && $message->msg) {
                $isNull = false;
        if ($isNull) {
        $fromString = $message->PrintFrom(true);
        $toString = $message->PrintTo(true);
        $ccString = $message->PrintCc(true);
Exemple #20
     //Check that the supertask_id is a numeric value
     if (!is_integer((int) Post::val('supertask_id'))) {
     // check that supertask_id is a valid task id
     $sql = $db->Query('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM {tasks}
                        WHERE  task_id = ' . Post::val("supertask_id") . ';');
     if (!$db->fetchOne($sql)) {
     // Log the event in the task history
     Flyspray::logEvent(Get::val('task_id'), 34, Get::val('subtaskid'));
     //finally looks like all the checks are valid so update the supertask_id for the current task
     $db->Query('UPDATE  {tasks}
                    SET  supertask_id = ?
                  WHERE  task_id = ?', array(Post::val('supertask_id'), Post::val('task_id')));
     // set success message
     $_SESSION['SUCCESS'] = L('supertaskmodified');
 case 'task.bulkupdate':
     if (Post::val('updateselectedtasks') == "true") {
         //process quick actions
         switch (Post::val('bulk_quick_action')) {
             case 'bulk_take_ownership':
                 Backend::assign_to_me(Post::val('user_id'), Post::val('ids'));
             case 'bulk_start_watching':
Exemple #21

    Checks if a related tasks belongs to a different project.
define('IN_FS', true);
require_once '../../header.php';
$relatedproject = $db->x->GetOne('SELECT  project_id
                                 FROM  {tasks}
                                WHERE  task_id = ?', null, Get::val('related_task'));
if (Get::val('project') == $relatedproject || !$relatedproject) {
    echo 'ok';
Exemple #22
require_once WM_ROOTPATH . 'class_account.php';
require_once WM_ROOTPATH . 'classic/base_defines.php';
$log =& new Logger();
if (!Session::has(ACCOUNT_ID)) {
    echo '<script>parent.changeLocation("' . LOGINFILE . '?error=1");</script>';
$_SESSION['attachtempdir'] = Session::val('attachtempdir', md5(session_id()));
$account =& Account::LoadFromDb(Session::val(ACCOUNT_ID), -1);
if (!$account) {
    echo '<script>parent.changeLocation("' . LOGINFILE . '?error=2");</script>';
$isNull = false;
$isError = false;
switch (Get::val('mode', 'none')) {
    case 'preview':
        $mes_id = Post::val('m_id');
        $mes_uid = Post::val('m_uid');
        $folder_id = Post::val('f_id');
        $folder_name = Post::val('f_name');
        $folder_name = 'defaultname';
        $mes_charset = Post::val('charset', -1);
        if (isset($_POST['m_id'])) {
            require_once WM_ROOTPATH . 'classic/class_getmessagebase.php';
            $error = '';
            $message =& new GetMessageBase($account, $mes_id, $mes_uid, $folder_id, $folder_name, $mes_charset);
            if (!$message->msg) {
                $isNull = true;
                $isError = true;
Exemple #23
 // ##################
 case 'removesubtask':
     //check if the user has permissions to remove the subtask
     if (!$user->can_edit_task($task)) {
         //TODO: create a better error message
     //set the subtask supertask_id to 0 removing parent child relationship
     $db->Query("UPDATE {tasks} SET supertask_id=0 WHERE task_id = ?", array(Post::val('subtaskid')));
     //write event log
     Flyspray::logEvent(Get::val('task_id'), 33, Post::val('subtaskid'));
     //post success message to the user
     $_SESSION['SUCCESS'] = L('subtaskremovedmsg');
     //redirect the user back to the right task
     Flyspray::Redirect(CreateURL('details', Get::val('task_id')));
     // ##################
     // removing a dependency
     // ##################
 // ##################
 // removing a dependency
 // ##################
 case 'removedep':
     if (!$user->can_edit_task($task)) {
         //TODO: create a better error message
     $result = $db->Query('SELECT  * FROM {dependencies}
                            WHERE  depend_id = ?', array(Post::val('depend_id')));
     $_SESSION['SUCCESS'] = L('dependadded');
     // ##################
     // removing a dependency
     // ##################
 // ##################
 // removing a dependency
 // ##################
 case 'removedep':
     if (!$user->can_edit_task($task)) {
     $result = $db->Query('SELECT  * FROM {dependencies}
                            WHERE  depend_id = ?', array(Get::val('depend_id')));
     $dep_info = $db->FetchRow($result);
     $db->Query('DELETE FROM {dependencies} WHERE depend_id = ? AND task_id = ?', array(Get::val('depend_id'), $task['task_id']));
     if ($db->AffectedRows()) {
         $notify->Create(NOTIFY_DEP_REMOVED, $dep_info['task_id'], $dep_info['dep_task_id']);
         $notify->Create(NOTIFY_REV_DEP_REMOVED, $dep_info['dep_task_id'], $dep_info['task_id']);
         Flyspray::logEvent($dep_info['task_id'], 24, $dep_info['dep_task_id']);
         Flyspray::logEvent($dep_info['dep_task_id'], 25, $dep_info['task_id']);
     $_SESSION['SUCCESS'] = L('depremovedmsg');
     // ##################
     // user requesting a password change
     // ##################
 // ##################
 // user requesting a password change
 // ##################
 case 'lostpw.sendmagic':
Exemple #25
if (!$user->id && Get::val('user_id') && Get::val('auth')) {
    $user = new User(Get::val('user_id'));
    if (Get::val('auth') != md5($user->infos['user_pass'] . $user->infos['register_date'])) {
        $user = new User();
$page = new FSTpl();
// Set up the basic XML head
header('Content-type: text/html; charset=utf-8');
$max_items = Get::num('num', 10) == 10 ? 10 : 20;
$sql_project = ' 1=1 ';
if ($proj->id) {
    $sql_project = sprintf(' t.project_id = %d', $proj->id);
$feed_type = Get::enum('feed_type', array('rss1', 'rss2', 'atom'), 'rss2');
switch (Get::val('topic')) {
    case 'clo':
        $orderby = 'date_closed';
        $closed = 't.is_closed = 1';
        $topic = 1;
        $title = 'Recently closed tasks';
    case 'edit':
        $orderby = 'last_edited_time';
        $closed = '1=1';
        $topic = 2;
        $title = 'Recently edited tasks';
        $orderby = 'date_opened';
        $closed = '1=1';
Exemple #26

    This script is the AJAX callback that performs a search
    for users, and returns them in an ordered list.
define('IN_FS', true);
header('Content-type: text/html; charset=utf-8');
require_once '../../header.php';
if (!$user->can_view_userlist()) {
$searchterm = '%' . Get::val('user') . '%';
// Get the list of users from the global groups above
$join = $where = '';
if (Get::val('onlyassignees')) {
    $join = 'LEFT JOIN {users_in_groups} uig ON u.user_id = uig.user_id
             LEFT JOIN {groups} g ON uig.group_id = g.group_id';
    $where = '(g.show_as_assignees = 1 OR g.is_admin = 1) AND ';
$users = $db->x->getAll("SELECT u.user_id, u.real_name, u.user_name\n                           FROM {users} u\n                          {$join}\n                          WHERE {$where} (u.user_name LIKE ? OR u.real_name LIKE ?)", null, array($searchterm, $searchterm));
header('Content-Type: text/xml');
echo '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?><results>';
foreach ($users as $row) {
    $row = array_map(array('Filters', 'noXSS'), $row);
    echo sprintf('<rs id="%s" info="%s">%s</rs>', $row['user_id'], $row['real_name'], $row['user_name']);
echo '</results>';
     * @param PageBuilder $pageBuilder
     * @return ContactsPanel
    function CNewMessagePanel(&$pagebuilder)
        $this->Type = Post::val('mtype', 'mes');
        $this->To = '';
        $this->_pagebuilder =& $pagebuilder;
        $this->_proc =& $pagebuilder->_proc;
        $this->From = $this->_getFromEmail();
        if ($this->_proc->account->AllowDhtmlEditor) {
            $editorResize = 'HTMLEditor.Resize(width - 1, height - 2);';
            $editorReplace = 'HTMLEditor.Replace();';
        } else {
            $editorResize = '
						plainEditor.style.height = (height - 1) + "px";
						plainEditor.style.width = (width - 2) + "px";
            $editorReplace = '';
        $this->inputs = '';
        $contacts = null;
        if (Post::has('contacts') && is_array(Post::val('contacts'))) {
            $contactsArray = array_keys(Post::val('contacts'));
            $contacts =& $this->_proc->db->LoadContactsById($contactsArray);
        if (Post::has('groupid')) {
            $group =& $this->_proc->db->SelectGroupById(Post::val('groupid', -1));
            $contacts =& $this->_proc->db->SelectAddressGroupContacts(Post::val('groupid', -1));
        if ($contacts) {
            foreach ($contacts->Instance() as $contact) {
                if (!$contact->Email) {
                $this->To .= $contact->Name ? '"' . $contact->Name . '" <' . $contact->Email . '>, ' : $contact->Email . ',';
            $this->To = trim(trim($this->To), ',');
        if (Post::has('mailto')) {
            $this->To = Post::val('mailto', '');
        if (Get::has('to')) {
            $this->To = (string) trim(Get::val('to', ''));
        $message = null;
        $isHtml = $this->_proc->account->AllowDhtmlEditor;
        $this->attacmentsHtml = '';
var bcc, bcc_mode, bcc_mode_switcher;

var plainCont = null;
var plainEditor = null;
var HTMLEditor = null;
var EditAreaUrl = "edit-area.php";
var prevWidth = 0;
var prevHeight = 0;
var rowIndex = 0;

function ResizeElements(mode) 
	var width = GetWidth();
	if (width < 684)
		width = 684;
	width = width - 40;
	var height = Math.ceil(width/3);
	if (prevWidth != width && prevHeight != height) {
		prevWidth = width;
		prevHeight = height;
		if (plainCont != null) {
			plainCont.style.height = height + "px";
			plainCont.style.width = width + "px";
			' . $editorResize . '

function WriteEmails(str, field)
	var mailInput;
	if (field == 2) {
		mailInput = document.getElementById("toCC");
	} else if (field == 3) {
		mailInput = document.getElementById("toBCC");
	} else {
		mailInput = document.getElementById("toemail");
	if (mailInput) {
		mailInput.value = (mailInput.value == "") ? str : mailInput.value + ", " + str;

function LoadAttachmentHandler(attachObj)
	var attachtable = document.getElementById("attachmentTable");
	if (attachObj)
		var imageLink = GetFileParams(attachObj.FileName);
		var tr = attachtable.insertRow(rowIndex++);
		tr.id = "tr_" + attachObj.TempName;
		var td = tr.insertCell(0);
		td.className = "wm_attachment";
		var innerHtml = \'<img src="./images/icons/\' + imageLink.image + \'" />\';
		innerHtml += \'<input type="hidden" name="attachments[\' + attachObj.TempName + \']" value="\' + attachObj.FileName + \'">\';
		innerHtml += HtmlEncode(attachObj.FileName) + \' (\' + GetFriendlySize(attachObj.Size) + \') <a href="#" id="\' + attachObj.TempName + \'" onclick="return  DeleteAttach(this.id);">' . JS_LANG_Delete . '</a>\';
		td.innerHTML = innerHtml;

function ChangeBCCMode()
	if (bcc_mode == "hide") {
		bcc_mode = "show";
		bcc.className = "";
		bcc_mode_switcher.innerHTML = Lang.HideBCC;
	} else {
		bcc_mode = "hide";
		bcc.className = "wm_hide";
		bcc_mode_switcher.innerHTML = Lang.ShowBCC;
	' . $editorReplace . '
	return false;

function UpdateIdUid(id, uid)
	var idf = document.getElementById("m_id");
	var uidf = document.getElementById("m_uid");
	if (idf && uidf) {
		idf.value = id;
		uidf.value = uid;

var Rep_m, Err_m;
var hiddensaveiframe;
var pop3Pr = ' . ($pagebuilder->_proc->account->MailProtocol == MAILPROTOCOL_POP3 ? 'true' : 'false') . ';
function DoSaveButton()
	if (pop3Pr)
		if (!hiddensaveiframe) {
			hiddensaveiframe = CreateChildWithAttrs(document.body, "iframe", [["name", "hiddensaveiframe"], ["class", "wm_hide"]]);
	var form = document.getElementById("messageForm");
	form.action = "' . ACTIONFILE . '?action=save&req=message";
	form.target = (pop3Pr) ? "hiddensaveiframe" : "";

	if (submitSaveMessage()) {

function DoSendButton()
	var toemail = document.getElementById("toemail");
	var ccemail = document.getElementById("toCC");
	var bccemail = document.getElementById("toBCC");
	var subject = document.getElementById("subject");
	var mailIsCorrect = false;
	if ((toemail && toemail.value.length > 3) || (ccemail && ccemail.value.length > 3) || (bccemail && bccemail.value.length > 3)) { 
		mailIsCorrect = true;
	if (mailIsCorrect) {
		if (subject && subject.value.length < 1 && !confirm(Lang.ConfirmEmptySubject)) {
			return false;
		var form = document.getElementById("messageForm");
		form.action = "' . ACTIONFILE . '?action=send&req=message";
		form.target = "";
		if (submitSaveMessage()) {
	} else {

function DeleteAttach(idline)
	var trtable = document.getElementById("tr_" + idline);
	if (trtable)
		trtable.className = "wm_hide";
	return false;

function ShowPictures()
	var showPictureTable = document.getElementById("showpicturestable");

	if (HTMLEditor) {
		var temp = HTMLEditor.GetText().ReplaceStr("wmx_src", "src");
		temp = temp.ReplaceStr("wmx_background", "background");
		if (showPictureTable) {
			showPictureTable.className = "wm_hide";


bcc_mode = "hide";
bcc = document.getElementById("bcc");
bcc_mode_switcher = document.getElementById("bcc_mode_switcher");

plainEditor = document.getElementById("editor_area");
plainCont = document.getElementById("editor_cont");

Rep_m = new CReport("Rep_m");

Err_m = new CError("Err_m", "' . ConvertUtils::ClearJavaScriptString($this->_pagebuilder->SkinName(), '"') . '");
        $m_id = -1;
        $m_uid = '';
        if (Post::has('m_id')) {
            $mes_id = Post::val('m_id');
            $mes_uid = Post::val('m_uid');
            $folder_id = Post::val('f_id');
            $folder_name = Post::val('f_name');
            $folder_name = 'defaultname';
            $mes_charset = Post::val('charset', -1);
            $message = new GetMessageBase($this->_proc->account, $mes_id, $mes_uid, $folder_id, $folder_name, $mes_charset);
            $m_id = (int) $mes_id;
            $m_uid = $mes_uid;
        $this->inputs = '<input type="hidden" id="m_id" name="m_id" value="' . ConvertUtils::AttributeQuote($m_id) . '"><input type="hidden" id="m_uid" name="m_uid" value="' . ConvertUtils::AttributeQuote($m_uid) . '">';
        $withSignature = false;
        switch ($this->_proc->account->SignatureOptions) {
            case SIGNATURE_OPTION_AddToAll:
                $withSignature = true;
            case SIGNATURE_OPTION_AddToNewOnly:
                $withSignature = $this->Type == 'mes';
            case SIGNATURE_OPTION_DontAdd:
                $withSignature = false;
        if ($message) {
            if ($this->Type != 'forward' && $this->Type != 'reply' && $this->Type != 'replytoall') {
                $withSignature = false;
            $this->_pagebuilder->AddInitText('SetPriority(' . $message->msg->GetPriorityStatus() . ');');
            switch ($this->Type) {
                    $this->To = $message->PrintTo(true);
                    $this->CC = $message->PrintCC(true);
                    $this->BCC = '';
                    $this->Subject = $message->PrintSubject(true);
                case 'forward':
                    $this->To = '';
                    $this->CC = '';
                    $this->BCC = '';
                    $this->Subject = JS_LANG_Fwd . ': ' . $message->PrintSubject(true);
                case 'reply':
                    $replyto = trim($message->PrintReplyTo(true));
                    $this->To = strlen($replyto) > 0 ? $replyto : $message->PrintFrom(true);
                    $this->CC = '';
                    $this->BCC = '';
                    $this->Subject = JS_LANG_Re . ': ' . $message->PrintSubject(true);
                case 'replytoall':
                    $emailCollection =& $message->msg->GetAllRecipients(false, true);
                    $temp = '';
                    if ($emailCollection) {
                        foreach ($emailCollection->Instance() as $value) {
                            $email =& $value;
                            if ($email->Email != $this->_proc->account->Email) {
                                $temp .= $email->Email . ', ';
                    $this->To = trim(trim($temp), ',');
                    $this->CC = '';
                    $this->BCC = '';
                    $this->Subject = JS_LANG_Re . ': ' . $message->PrintSubject(true);
            if ($this->_proc->account->AllowDhtmlEditor) {
                switch ($this->Type) {
                    case 'forward':
                    case 'reply':
                    case 'replytoall':
                        if ($message->account->ViewMode == VIEW_MODE_PREVIEW_PANE_NO_IMG || $message->account->ViewMode == VIEW_MODE_WITHOUT_PREVIEW_PANE_NO_IMG) {
                            $isHtml = true;
                            $this->Body = ConvertUtils::HtmlBodyWithoutImages($message->msg->GetRelpyAsHtml(true));
                            if (isset($GLOBALS[GL_WITHIMG]) && $GLOBALS[GL_WITHIMG]) {
                                $GLOBALS[GL_WITHIMG] = false;
                                $this->isSafety = false;
                        } else {
                            $isHtml = true;
                            $this->Body = ConvertUtils::HtmlBodyWithoutImages($message->msg->GetRelpyAsHtml(true));
                        if ($message->account->ViewMode == VIEW_MODE_PREVIEW_PANE_NO_IMG || $message->account->ViewMode == VIEW_MODE_WITHOUT_PREVIEW_PANE_NO_IMG) {
                            if ($message->msg->HasHtmlText()) {
                                $isHtml = true;
                                $this->Body = ConvertUtils::HtmlBodyWithoutImages($message->msg->GetCensoredHtmlWithImageLinks(true));
                                if (isset($GLOBALS[GL_WITHIMG]) && $GLOBALS[GL_WITHIMG]) {
                                    $GLOBALS[GL_WITHIMG] = false;
                                    $this->isSafety = false;
                            } elseif ($message->msg->HasPlainText()) {
                                $isHtml = false;
                                $this->Body = $message->msg->GetNotCensoredTextBody(true);
                        } else {
                            if ($message->msg->HasHtmlText()) {
                                $isHtml = true;
                                $this->Body = $message->msg->GetCensoredHtmlWithImageLinks(true);
                            } elseif ($message->msg->HasPlainText()) {
                                $isHtml = false;
                                $this->Body = $message->msg->GetNotCensoredTextBody(true);
            } else {
                $isHtml = false;
                switch ($this->Type) {
                    case 'forward':
                    case 'reply':
                    case 'replytoall':
                        $this->Body = $message->msg->GetRelpyAsPlain(true);
                        $this->Body = $message->msg->GetNotCensoredTextBody(true);
            if ($message->HasAttachments() && $this->Type != 'reply' && $this->Type != 'replytoall') {
                $attachments =& $message->msg->Attachments;
                if ($attachments != null && $attachments->Count() > 0) {
                    foreach (array_keys($attachments->Instance()) as $key) {
                        $attachment =& $attachments->Get($key);
                        $tempname = $message->msg->IdMsg . '-' . $key . '_' . $attachment->GetTempName();
                        //$filename = ConvertUtils::ConvertEncoding($attachment->GetFilenameFromMime(), $GLOBALS[MailInputCharset], $message->account->GetUserCharset());
                        $filename = ConvertUtils::WMHtmlSpecialChars($attachment->GetFilenameFromMime());
                        $filesize = GetFriendlySize(strlen($attachment->MimePart->GetBinaryBody()));
                        $fs =& new FileSystem(INI_DIR . '/temp', $message->account->Email, $message->account->Id);
                        $attfolder =& new Folder($message->account->Id, -1, Session::val('attachtempdir', md5(session_id())));
                        $fs->SaveAttach($attachment, $attfolder, $tempname);
                        $this->attacmentsHtml .= '
<tr id="tr_' . ConvertUtils::AttributeQuote($tempname) . '"><td class="wm_attachment"><img src="./images/icons/' . GetAttachImg($filename) . '" />
<input type="hidden" name="attachments[' . ConvertUtils::AttributeQuote($tempname) . ']" value="' . ConvertUtils::AttributeQuote($filename) . '"> ' . $filename . '
 (' . $filesize . ') 						
<a href="#" id="' . ConvertUtils::AttributeQuote($tempname) . '" onClick="return  DeleteAttach(this.id);">' . JS_LANG_Delete . '</a></td></tr>';
        } else {
        $signature = '';
        if ($withSignature) {
            if ($this->_proc->account->AllowDhtmlEditor) {
                $signature = $this->_proc->account->SignatureType == 0 ? nl2br($this->_proc->account->Signature) : $this->_proc->account->Signature;
                $signature = $isHtml ? $signature : strip_tags(nl2br($signature));
            } else {
                $signature = $this->_proc->account->SignatureType == 0 ? strip_tags($this->_proc->account->Signature) : strip_tags($this->_proc->account->Signature);
        $this->Body = $signature . $this->Body;
        if ($this->_proc->account->AllowDhtmlEditor) {
            $setText = $isHtml ? 'HTMLEditor.SetHtml(mess);' : 'HTMLEditor.SetText(mess);';
		function submitSaveMessage()
			var hiddenkey = document.getElementById("ishtml");
			if (HTMLEditor._htmlMode) {
				plainEditor.value = HTMLEditor.GetText();
				hiddenkey.value = "1";
			} else {
				hiddenkey.value = "0";
			if (bcc_mode == "hide")
				document.getElementById("toBCC").value = "";
			return true;
		function EditAreaLoadHandler() { HTMLEditor.LoadEditArea();	}
		function CreateLinkHandler(url) { HTMLEditor.CreateLinkFromWindow(url); }
		function DesignModeOnHandler(rer) {
			var mess = "' . ConvertUtils::ReBuildStringToJavaScript($this->Body, '"') . '";
			if (mess.length == 0) {
				mess = "<br />";
			' . $setText . '
		HTMLEditor = new CHtmlEditorField(true);
		HTMLEditor.SetPlainEditor(plainEditor, document.getElementById("mode_switcher"));
        } else {
		function submitSaveMessage()
			var hiddenkey = document.getElementById("ishtml");
			hiddenkey.value = "0";
			if (bcc_mode == "hide") {
				document.getElementById("toBCC").value = "";
			return true;
Exemple #28
require_once WM_ROOTPATH . 'classic/class_getmessagebase.php';
$log =& CLog::CreateInstance();
if (!Session::has(ACCOUNT_ID)) {
    exit('<script>parent.changeLocation("' . LOGINFILE . '?error=1");</script>');
$_SESSION['attachtempdir'] = Session::val('attachtempdir', md5(session_id()));
$account =& Account::LoadFromDb(Session::val(ACCOUNT_ID, -1));
if (!$account) {
    exit('<script>parent.changeLocation("' . LOGINFILE . '?error=2");</script>');
$isNull = false;
$mes_id = Get::val('msg_id', '');
$mes_uid = Get::val('msg_uid', '');
$folder_id = Get::val('folder_id', '');
$folder_name = Get::val('folder_fname', '');
$mes_charset = Get::val('charset', -1);
if ($mes_uid) {
    $message =& new GetMessageBase($account, $mes_id, $mes_uid, $folder_id, $folder_name, $mes_charset);
    if (!$message->msg) {
        $isNull = true;
} else {
    $isNull = true;
if ($isNull) {
    exit('Null Message');
$fullBodyText = $message->msg->HasHtmlText() ? ConvertUtils::ReplaceJSMethod($message->PrintHtmlBody(true)) : nl2br($message->PrintPlainBody());
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd" />
Exemple #29
if (Get::has('project_id') && Get::val('graph', 'project') == 'project') {
    $today = date('Y-m-d');
    $thirtyone_days = date('U', strtotime("-31 day", strtotime($today)));
    $sixtyone_days = date('U', strtotime("-61 day", strtotime($today)));
    //look 30 + days and if found scale
    $projectCheck = Project::getActivityProjectCount($sixtyone_days, $thirtyone_days, Get::num('project_id'));
    if ($projectCheck > 0) {
        $data = Project::getDayActivityByProject($sixtyone_days, date('U', strtotime(date('Y-m-d'))), Get::num('project_id'));
    } else {
        $data = Project::getDayActivityByProject($thirtyone_days, date('U', strtotime(date('Y-m-d'))), Get::num('project_id'));
    $data = implode(',', $data);
    //User Graph
} else {
    if (Get::has('user_id') && Get::has('project_id') && Get::val('graph') == 'user') {
        $today = date('Y-m-d');
        $thirtyone_days = date('U', strtotime("-31 day", strtotime($today)));
        $sixtyone_days = date('U', strtotime("-61 day", strtotime($today)));
        //look 30 + days and if found scale
        $projectCheck = Project::getActivityProjectCount($sixtyone_days, $thirtyone_days, Get::num('project_id'));
        if ($projectCheck > 0) {
            $data = User::getDayActivityByUser($sixtyone_days, date('U', strtotime(date('Y-m-d'))), Get::num('project_id'), Get::num('user_id'));
        } else {
            $data = User::getDayActivityByUser($thirtyone_days, date('U', strtotime(date('Y-m-d'))), Get::num('project_id'), Get::num('user_id'));
        $data = implode(',', $data);
    } else {
        $data = '';
Exemple #30
  * @return BaseProcessor
 function BaseProcessor()
     if (!Session::has(ACCOUNT_ID)) {
     $accountId = Session::val(ACCOUNT_ID);
     $this->sArray = Session::val(SARRAY, array());
     $this->settings =& Settings::CreateInstance();
     if (!$this->settings || !$this->settings->isLoad) {
     if ($accountId) {
         if (Get::has(CHANGE_ACCID)) {
             $oldaccount =& Account::LoadFromDb(Session::val(ACCOUNT_ID, -1));
             $accountId = Get::val(CHANGE_ACCID);
             if (!isset($_SESSION['attachtempdir'])) {
                 $_SESSION['attachtempdir'] = md5(session_id());
             $fs =& new FileSystem(INI_DIR . '/temp', $oldaccount->Email, $oldaccount->Id);
             $attfolder =& new Folder($oldaccount->Id, -1, $_SESSION['attachtempdir']);
             unset($fs, $attfolder);
             $this->sArray[ACCOUNT_ID] = $accountId;
             $this->account =& Account::LoadFromDb($accountId);
             if (!$this->account || $this->account->IdUser != $oldaccount->IdUser) {
                 $this->account = null;
             } else {
                 $_SESSION[ACCOUNT_ID] = $accountId;
                 $this->sArray = array();
         } else {
             $this->sArray[ACCOUNT_ID] = $accountId;
             $this->account =& Account::LoadFromDb($accountId);
         if (!$this->account) {
     } else {
     if (!isset($this->sArray[ACCOUNT_ID]) || $this->sArray[ACCOUNT_ID] != $accountId) {
         $this->sArray[EDIT_ACCOUNT_ID] = $accountId;
     $this->processor =& new MailProcessor($this->account);
     if (!$this->processor->DbStorage || !$this->processor->DbStorage->Connect()) {
     $this->db =& $this->processor->DbStorage;
     $this->accounts =& $this->GetAccounts();
     $skins =& FileSystem::GetSkinsList();
     $hasDefSettingsSkin = false;
     $normalSkin = false;
     foreach ($skins as $skinName) {
         if ($skinName == $this->settings->DefaultSkin) {
             $hasDefSettingsSkin = true;
         if ($skinName == $this->account->DefaultSkin) {
             $normalSkin = true;
     if (!$normalSkin) {
         $this->account->DefaultSkin = $hasDefSettingsSkin ? $this->settings->DefaultSkin : ($this->account->DefaultSkin = $skins[0]);
     $_SESSION[ATTACH_DIR] = Session::val(ATTACH_DIR, md5(session_id()));
     if (isset($this->sArray[SCREEN])) {
         $screen = Get::val(SCREEN, $this->sArray[SCREEN]);
         $this->sArray[SCREEN] = $screen;
         if ($this->account->AllowChangeSettings == false && ($screen == SET_ACCOUNT_PROF || $screen == SET_ACCOUNT_ADDACC)) {
             $this->sArray[SCREEN] = SCREEN_MAILBOX;
         if (!$this->settings->AllowContacts && $screen == SCREEN_CONTACTS) {
             $this->sArray[SCREEN] = SCREEN_MAILBOX;
     } else {
         $this->sArray[SCREEN] = Get::val(SCREEN, SCREEN_MAILBOX);
     if (isset($this->sArray[FOLDER_ID])) {
         $this->sArray[FOLDER_ID] = Get::val(FOLDER_ID, $this->sArray[FOLDER_ID]);
     } else {
         $this->sArray[FOLDER_ID] = Get::val(FOLDER_ID, -1);
     if (Get::has(FOLDER_ID) || Get::has(SCREEN)) {
         if (isset($this->sArray[SEARCH_ARRAY])) {
     if (Session::has(GOTOFOLDER)) {
         $this->sArray[GOTOFOLDER] = Session::val(GOTOFOLDER, '');
     if (isset($this->sArray[PAGE])) {
         $this->sArray[PAGE] = Get::val(PAGE, $this->sArray[PAGE]);
     } else {
         $this->sArray[PAGE] = 1;
     if (Get::has(S_GETMODE)) {
         $this->sArray[SEARCH_ARRAY][S_TEXT] = Get::val(S_GETMODE, 'mini') == 'mini' ? Post::val('smallLookFor', '') : Post::val('bigLookFor', '');
         if (!empty($this->sArray[SEARCH_ARRAY][S_TEXT])) {
             $this->sArray[SEARCH_ARRAY][S_FOLDER] = Post::val('qfolder', -2);
             $this->sArray[SEARCH_ARRAY][S_MODE] = Post::val('qmmode', 'onlyheaders');
             $this->sArray[FOLDER_ID] = $this->sArray[SEARCH_ARRAY][S_FOLDER];
             $this->sArray[PAGE] = 1;
         } else {
             if (Post::val('qfolder', -2) < 1) {
                 $this->sArray[FOLDER_ID] = -1;
             $this->sArray[PAGE] = 1;
     if (Get::has(S_GETMODECONTACT)) {
         $this->sArray[SEARCH_ARRAY][S_TEXT] = Get::val(S_GETMODECONTACT, 'mini') == 'mini' ? Post::val('smallLookFor', '') : Post::val('bigLookFor', '');
         $this->sArray[CONTACT_ID] = Post::val(CONTACT_ID, -1);
         $this->sArray[CONTACT_PAGE] = 1;
     if (isset($this->sArray[SEARCH_ARRAY][S_FOLDER])) {
         $this->sArray[FOLDER_ID] = $this->sArray[SEARCH_ARRAY][S_FOLDER];
     if (isset($this->sArray[EDIT_ACCOUNT_ID])) {
         $this->sArray[EDIT_ACCOUNT_ID] = Get::val(EDIT_ACCOUNT_ID, $this->sArray[EDIT_ACCOUNT_ID]);
     } else {
         $this->sArray[EDIT_ACCOUNT_ID] = $accountId;
     if (Get::has(EDIT_ACCOUNT_ID)) {
         $this->sArray[SCREEN] = $this->sArray[SCREEN] == SET_ACCOUNT_ADDACC ? SET_ACCOUNT_PROF : $this->sArray[SCREEN];
     $this->sArray[CONTACT_PAGE] = isset($this->sArray[CONTACT_PAGE]) ? Get::val(CONTACT_PAGE, $this->sArray[CONTACT_PAGE]) : Get::val(CONTACT_PAGE, 1);
     $this->sArray[CONTACT_ORD] = isset($this->sArray[CONTACT_ORD]) ? Get::val(CONTACT_ORD, $this->sArray[CONTACT_ORD]) : Get::val(CONTACT_ORD, 0);
     if (isset($this->sArray[CONTACT_FLD])) {
         if (Get::val(CONTACT_FLD, $this->sArray[CONTACT_FLD]) != $this->sArray[CONTACT_FLD]) {
             $this->sArray[CONTACT_ORD] = 0;
         $this->sArray[CONTACT_FLD] = Get::val(CONTACT_FLD, $this->sArray[CONTACT_FLD]);
     } else {
         $this->sArray[CONTACT_FLD] = Get::val(CONTACT_FLD, 0);
     if (isset($_COOKIE['wm_vert_resizer']) || isset($_COOKIE['wm_horiz_resizer']) || isset($_COOKIE['wm_hide_folders'])) {
         if (isset($_COOKIE['wm_vert_resizer']) && strlen($_COOKIE['wm_vert_resizer']) > 0) {
             $this->account->VertResizer = (int) $_COOKIE['wm_vert_resizer'];
             setcookie('wm_vert_resizer', '0', time() - 24 * 3600);
         if (isset($_COOKIE['wm_horiz_resizer']) && strlen($_COOKIE['wm_horiz_resizer']) > 0) {
             $this->account->HorizResizer = (int) $_COOKIE['wm_horiz_resizer'];
             setcookie('wm_horiz_resizer', '0', time() - 24 * 3600);
         if (isset($_COOKIE['wm_hide_folders']) && strlen($_COOKIE['wm_hide_folders']) > 0) {
             $this->account->HideFolders = (bool) $_COOKIE['wm_hide_folders'];
             setcookie('wm_hide_folders', '0', time() - 24 * 3600);