date() public static méthode

For instructions on how the format string works:
public static date ( string $Timestamp = '', string $Format = '' ) : string
$Timestamp string A timestamp or string in Mysql DateTime format. ie. YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS
$Format string The format string to use. Defaults to the application's default format.
Résultat string
  * Build HTML.
  * @return string HTML.
 public function toString()
     if ($this->_UserData->numRows() == 0) {
         return '';
     $String = '';
     <div class="Box">
     echo panelHeading(t('In this Discussion'));
         <ul class="PanelInfo">
     foreach ($this->_UserData->Result() as $User) {
         echo anchor(wrap(wrap(Gdn_Format::date($User->DateLastActive, 'html')), 'span', array('class' => 'Aside')) . ' ' . wrap(wrap(val('Name', $User), 'span', array('class' => 'Username')), 'span'), userUrl($User));
     $String = ob_get_contents();
     return $String;
  * Output 'edited' notice.
  * @param $Sender
 protected function drawEdited($Sender)
     $Record = $Sender->data('Discussion');
     if (!$Record) {
         $Record = $Sender->data('Record');
     if (!$Record) {
     $PermissionCategoryID = val('PermissionCategoryID', $Record);
     $Data = $Record;
     $RecordType = 'discussion';
     $RecordID = val('DiscussionID', $Data);
     // But override if comment
     if (isset($Sender->EventArguments['Comment']) || val('RecordType', $Record) == 'comment') {
         $Data = $Sender->EventArguments['Comment'];
         $RecordType = 'comment';
         $RecordID = val('CommentID', $Data);
     $UserCanEdit = Gdn::session()->checkPermission('Vanilla.' . ucfirst($RecordType) . 's.Edit', true, 'Category', $PermissionCategoryID);
     if (is_null($Data->DateUpdated)) {
     // Do not show log link if no log would have been generated.
     $elapsed = Gdn_Format::toTimestamp(val('DateUpdated', $Data)) - Gdn_Format::toTimestamp(val('DateInserted', $Data));
     $grace = c('Garden.Log.FloodControl', 20) * 60;
     if ($elapsed < $grace) {
     $UpdatedUserID = $Data->UpdateUserID;
     $UserData = Gdn::userModel()->getID($UpdatedUserID);
     $Edited = array('EditUser' => val('Name', $UserData, t('Unknown User')), 'EditDate' => Gdn_Format::date($Data->DateUpdated, 'html'), 'EditLogUrl' => url("/log/record/{$RecordType}/{$RecordID}"), 'EditWord' => 'at');
     $DateUpdateTime = Gdn_Format::toTimestamp($Data->DateUpdated);
     if (date('ymd', $DateUpdateTime) != date('ymd')) {
         $Edited['EditWord'] = 'on';
     $Format = t('PostEdited.Plain', 'Post edited by {EditUser} {EditWord} {EditDate}');
     if ($UserCanEdit) {
         $Format = t('PostEdited.Log', 'Post edited by {EditUser} {EditWord} {EditDate} (<a href="{EditLogUrl}">log</a>)');
     echo '<div class="PostEdited">' . formatString($Format, $Edited) . '</div>';
Exemple #3
     * Writes a discussion in table row format.
    function writeDiscussionRow($Discussion, $Sender, $Session)
        if (!property_exists($Sender, 'CanEditDiscussions')) {
            $Sender->CanEditDiscussions = val('PermsDiscussionsEdit', CategoryModel::categories($Discussion->CategoryID)) && c('Vanilla.AdminCheckboxes.Use');
        $CssClass = CssClass($Discussion);
        $DiscussionUrl = $Discussion->Url;
        if ($Session->UserID) {
            $DiscussionUrl .= '#latest';
        $Sender->EventArguments['DiscussionUrl'] =& $DiscussionUrl;
        $Sender->EventArguments['Discussion'] =& $Discussion;
        $Sender->EventArguments['CssClass'] =& $CssClass;
        $First = UserBuilder($Discussion, 'First');
        if ($Discussion->LastUserID) {
            $Last = UserBuilder($Discussion, 'Last');
        } else {
            $Last = $First;
        $Sender->EventArguments['FirstUser'] =& $First;
        $Sender->EventArguments['LastUser'] =& $Last;
        $DiscussionName = $Discussion->Name;
        // If there are no word character detected in the title treat it as if it is blank.
        if (!preg_match('/\\w/u', $DiscussionName)) {
            $DiscussionName = t('Blank Discussion Topic');
        $Sender->EventArguments['DiscussionName'] =& $DiscussionName;
        static $FirstDiscussion = true;
        if (!$FirstDiscussion) {
        } else {
            $FirstDiscussion = false;
        $Discussion->CountPages = ceil($Discussion->CountComments / $Sender->CountCommentsPerPage);
        $FirstPageUrl = DiscussionUrl($Discussion, 1);
        $LastPageUrl = DiscussionUrl($Discussion, val('CountPages', $Discussion)) . '#latest';
        <tr id="Discussion_<?php 
        echo $Discussion->DiscussionID;
" class="<?php 
        echo $CssClass;
        echo AdminCheck($Discussion, array('<td class="CheckBoxColumn"><div class="Wrap">', '</div></td>'));
            <td class="DiscussionName">
                <div class="Wrap">
         <span class="Options">
        echo OptionsList($Discussion);
        echo BookmarkButton($Discussion);
        echo anchor($DiscussionName, $DiscussionUrl, 'Title') . ' ';
        echo NewComments($Discussion);
        if ($Sender->data('_ShowCategoryLink', true)) {
            echo CategoryLink($Discussion, ' ' . t('in') . ' ');
        // Other stuff that was in the standard view that you may want to display:
        echo '<div class="Meta Meta-Discussion">';
        echo '</div>';
        //			if ($Source = val('Source', $Discussion))
        //				echo ' '.sprintf(t('via %s'), t($Source.' Source', $Source));
            <td class="BlockColumn BlockColumn-User FirstUser">
                <div class="Block Wrap">
        echo userPhoto($First, array('Size' => 'Small'));
        echo userAnchor($First, 'UserLink BlockTitle');
        echo '<div class="Meta">';
        echo anchor(Gdn_Format::date($Discussion->FirstDate, 'html'), $FirstPageUrl, 'CommentDate MItem');
        echo '</div>';
            <td class="BigCount CountComments">
                <div class="Wrap">
        // Exact Number
        // echo number_format($Discussion->CountComments);
        // Round Number
        echo BigPlural($Discussion->CountComments, '%s comment');
            <td class="BigCount CountViews">
                <div class="Wrap">
        // Exact Number
        // echo number_format($Discussion->CountViews);
        // Round Number
        echo BigPlural($Discussion->CountViews, '%s view');
            <td class="BlockColumn BlockColumn-User LastUser">
                <div class="Block Wrap">
        if ($Last) {
            echo userPhoto($Last, array('Size' => 'Small'));
            echo userAnchor($Last, 'UserLink BlockTitle');
            echo '<div class="Meta">';
            echo anchor(Gdn_Format::date($Discussion->LastDate, 'html'), $LastPageUrl, 'CommentDate MItem');
            echo '</div>';
        } else {
            echo '&nbsp;';
    function writeTableRow($Row, $Depth = 1)
        $Children = $Row['Children'];
        $WriteChildren = FALSE;
        if (!empty($Children)) {
            if ($Depth + 1 >= c('Vanilla.Categories.MaxDisplayDepth')) {
                $WriteChildren = 'list';
            } else {
                $WriteChildren = 'rows';
        $H = 'h' . ($Depth + 1);
        <tr class="<?php 
        echo CssClass($Row);
            <td class="CategoryName">
                <div class="Wrap">
        echo GetOptions($Row);
        echo CategoryPhoto($Row);
        echo "<{$H}>";
        echo anchor(htmlspecialchars($Row['Name']), $Row['Url']);
        Gdn::controller()->EventArguments['Category'] = $Row;
        echo "</{$H}>";
                    <div class="CategoryDescription">
        echo $Row['Description'];
        if ($WriteChildren === 'list') {
                        <div class="ChildCategories">
            echo wrap(t('Child Categories') . ': ', 'b');
            echo CategoryString($Children, $Depth + 1);
            <td class="BigCount CountDiscussions">
                <div class="Wrap">
        //            echo "({$Row['CountDiscussions']})";
        echo BigPlural($Row['CountAllDiscussions'], '%s discussion');
            <td class="BigCount CountComments">
                <div class="Wrap">
        //            echo "({$Row['CountComments']})";
        echo BigPlural($Row['CountAllComments'], '%s comment');
            <td class="BlockColumn LatestPost">
                <div class="Block Wrap">
        if ($Row['LastTitle']) {
            echo userPhoto($Row, array('Size' => 'Small', 'Px' => 'Last'));
            echo anchor(SliceString(Gdn_Format::text($Row['LastTitle']), 100), $Row['LastUrl'], 'BlockTitle LatestPostTitle', array('title' => html_entity_decode($Row['LastTitle'])));
                        <div class="Meta">
            echo userAnchor($Row, 'UserLink MItem', 'Last');
                            <span class="Bullet">•</span>
            echo anchor(Gdn_Format::date($Row['LastDateInserted'], 'html'), $Row['LastUrl'], 'CommentDate MItem');
            if (isset($Row['LastCategoryID'])) {
                $LastCategory = CategoryModel::categories($Row['LastCategoryID']);
                echo ' <span>', sprintf('in %s', anchor($LastCategory['Name'], CategoryUrl($LastCategory, '', '//'))), '</span>';
        if ($WriteChildren === 'rows') {
            foreach ($Children as $ChildRow) {
                WriteTableRow($ChildRow, $Depth + 1);
                <td class="Alt"><?php 
        if ($Invitation->AcceptedName == '') {
            echo t('Pending');
        } else {
            echo t('Accepted');
        if (!$Invitation->DateExpires) {
            echo t('Never expires', 'Never');
        } else {
            echo Gdn_Format::date($Invitation->DateExpires, 'html');
        //      <td><?php echo $Invitation->Code; <!--</td>-->
echo $this->Form->close();
Exemple #6
  * Get number of available invites a user has.
  * @param int $UserID
  * @return int
 public function getInvitationCount($UserID)
     // If this user is master admin, they should have unlimited invites.
     if ($this->SQL->select('UserID')->from('User')->where('UserID', $UserID)->where('Admin', '1')->get()->numRows() > 0) {
         return -1;
     // Get the Registration.InviteRoles settings:
     $InviteRoles = Gdn::config('Garden.Registration.InviteRoles', []);
     if (!is_array($InviteRoles) || count($InviteRoles) == 0) {
         return 0;
     // Build an array of roles that can send invitations
     $CanInviteRoles = [];
     foreach ($InviteRoles as $RoleID => $Invites) {
         if ($Invites > 0 || $Invites == -1) {
             $CanInviteRoles[] = $RoleID;
     if (count($CanInviteRoles) == 0) {
         return 0;
     // See which matching roles the user has
     $UserRoleData = $this->SQL->select('RoleID')->from('UserRole')->where('UserID', $UserID)->whereIn('RoleID', $CanInviteRoles)->get();
     if ($UserRoleData->numRows() == 0) {
         return 0;
     // Define the maximum number of invites the user is allowed to send
     $InviteCount = 0;
     foreach ($UserRoleData->result() as $UserRole) {
         $Count = $InviteRoles[$UserRole->RoleID];
         if ($Count == -1) {
             $InviteCount = -1;
         } elseif ($InviteCount != -1 && $Count > $InviteCount) {
             $InviteCount = $Count;
     // If the user has unlimited invitations, return that value
     if ($InviteCount == -1) {
         return -1;
     // Get the user's current invitation settings from their profile
     $User = $this->SQL->select('CountInvitations, DateSetInvitations')->from('User')->where('UserID', $UserID)->get()->firstRow();
     // If CountInvitations is null (ie. never been set before) or it is a new month since the DateSetInvitations
     if ($User->CountInvitations == '' || is_null($User->DateSetInvitations) || Gdn_Format::date($User->DateSetInvitations, '%m %Y') != Gdn_Format::date('', '%m %Y')) {
         // Reset CountInvitations and DateSetInvitations
         $this->SQL->put($this->Name, ['CountInvitations' => $InviteCount, 'DateSetInvitations' => Gdn_Format::date('', '%Y-%m-01')], ['UserID' => $UserID]);
         return $InviteCount;
     } else {
         // Otherwise return CountInvitations
         return $User->CountInvitations;
Exemple #7
  * The callback helper for {@link formatString()}.
  * @param array $Match Either the array of arguments or the regular expression match.
  * @param bool $SetArgs Whether this is a call to initialize the arguments or a matching callback.
  * @return mixed Returns the matching string or nothing when setting the arguments.
  * @access private
 function _formatStringCallback($Match, $SetArgs = false)
     static $Args = array(), $ContextUserID = null;
     if ($SetArgs) {
         $Args = $Match;
         if (isset($Args['_ContextUserID'])) {
             $ContextUserID = $Args['_ContextUserID'];
         } else {
             $ContextUserID = Gdn::session() && Gdn::session()->isValid() ? Gdn::session()->UserID : null;
         return '';
     $Match = $Match[1];
     if ($Match == '{') {
         return $Match;
     // Parse out the field and format.
     $Parts = explode(',', $Match);
     $Field = trim($Parts[0]);
     $Format = trim(val(1, $Parts, ''));
     $SubFormat = strtolower(trim(val(2, $Parts, '')));
     $FormatArgs = val(3, $Parts, '');
     if (in_array($Format, array('currency', 'integer', 'percent'))) {
         $FormatArgs = $SubFormat;
         $SubFormat = $Format;
         $Format = 'number';
     } elseif (is_numeric($SubFormat)) {
         $FormatArgs = $SubFormat;
         $SubFormat = '';
     $Value = valr($Field, $Args, null);
     if ($Value === null && !in_array($Format, array('url', 'exurl', 'number', 'plural'))) {
         $Result = '';
     } else {
         switch (strtolower($Format)) {
             case 'date':
                 switch ($SubFormat) {
                     case 'short':
                         $Result = Gdn_Format::date($Value, '%d/%m/%Y');
                     case 'medium':
                         $Result = Gdn_Format::date($Value, '%e %b %Y');
                     case 'long':
                         $Result = Gdn_Format::date($Value, '%e %B %Y');
                         $Result = Gdn_Format::date($Value);
             case 'html':
             case 'htmlspecialchars':
                 $Result = htmlspecialchars($Value);
             case 'number':
                 if (!is_numeric($Value)) {
                     $Result = $Value;
                 } else {
                     switch ($SubFormat) {
                         case 'currency':
                             $Result = '$' . number_format($Value, is_numeric($FormatArgs) ? $FormatArgs : 2);
                         case 'integer':
                             $Result = (string) round($Value);
                             if (is_numeric($FormatArgs) && strlen($Result) < $FormatArgs) {
                                 $Result = str_repeat('0', $FormatArgs - strlen($Result)) . $Result;
                         case 'percent':
                             $Result = round($Value * 100, is_numeric($FormatArgs) ? $FormatArgs : 0);
                             $Result = number_format($Value, is_numeric($FormatArgs) ? $FormatArgs : 0);
             case 'plural':
                 if (is_array($Value)) {
                     $Value = count($Value);
                 } elseif (StringEndsWith($Field, 'UserID', true)) {
                     $Value = 1;
                 if (!is_numeric($Value)) {
                     $Result = $Value;
                 } else {
                     if (!$SubFormat) {
                         $SubFormat = rtrim("%s {$Field}", 's');
                     if (!$FormatArgs) {
                         $FormatArgs = $SubFormat . 's';
                     $Result = Plural($Value, $SubFormat, $FormatArgs);
             case 'rawurlencode':
                 $Result = rawurlencode($Value);
             case 'text':
                 $Result = Gdn_Format::text($Value, false);
             case 'time':
                 $Result = Gdn_Format::date($Value, '%l:%M%p');
             case 'url':
                 if (strpos($Field, '/') !== false) {
                     $Value = $Field;
                 $Result = Url($Value, $SubFormat == 'domain');
             case 'exurl':
                 if (strpos($Field, '/') !== false) {
                     $Value = $Field;
                 $Result = externalUrl($Value);
             case 'urlencode':
                 $Result = urlencode($Value);
             case 'gender':
                 // Format in the form of FieldName,gender,male,female,unknown[,plural]
                 if (is_array($Value) && count($Value) == 1) {
                     $Value = array_shift($Value);
                 $Gender = 'u';
                 if (!is_array($Value)) {
                     $User = Gdn::userModel()->getID($Value);
                     if ($User) {
                         $Gender = $User->Gender;
                 } else {
                     $Gender = 'p';
                 switch ($Gender) {
                     case 'm':
                         $Result = $SubFormat;
                     case 'f':
                         $Result = $FormatArgs;
                     case 'p':
                         $Result = val(5, $Parts, val(4, $Parts));
                     case 'u':
                         $Result = val(4, $Parts);
             case 'user':
             case 'you':
             case 'his':
             case 'her':
             case 'your':
                 //                    $Result = print_r($Value, true);
                 $ArgsBak = $Args;
                 if (is_array($Value) && count($Value) == 1) {
                     $Value = array_shift($Value);
                 if (is_array($Value)) {
                     if (isset($Value['UserID'])) {
                         $User = $Value;
                         $User['Name'] = formatUsername($User, $Format, $ContextUserID);
                         $Result = userAnchor($User);
                     } else {
                         $Max = c('Garden.FormatUsername.Max', 5);
                         // See if there is another count.
                         $ExtraCount = valr($Field . '_Count', $Args, 0);
                         $Count = count($Value);
                         $Result = '';
                         for ($i = 0; $i < $Count; $i++) {
                             if ($i >= $Max && $Count > $Max + 1) {
                                 $Others = $Count - $i + $ExtraCount;
                                 $Result .= ' ' . t('sep and', 'and') . ' ' . plural($Others, '%s other', '%s others');
                             $ID = $Value[$i];
                             if (is_array($ID)) {
                             if ($i == $Count - 1) {
                                 $Result .= ' ' . T('sep and', 'and') . ' ';
                             } elseif ($i > 0) {
                                 $Result .= ', ';
                             $Special = array(-1 => T('everyone'), -2 => T('moderators'), -3 => T('administrators'));
                             if (isset($Special[$ID])) {
                                 $Result .= $Special[$ID];
                             } else {
                                 $User = Gdn::userModel()->getID($ID);
                                 if ($User) {
                                     $User->Name = formatUsername($User, $Format, $ContextUserID);
                                     $Result .= userAnchor($User);
                 } else {
                     $User = Gdn::userModel()->getID($Value);
                     if ($User) {
                         // Store this name separately because of special 'You' case.
                         $Name = formatUsername($User, $Format, $ContextUserID);
                         // Manually build instead of using userAnchor() because of special 'You' case.
                         $Result = anchor(htmlspecialchars($Name), userUrl($User));
                     } else {
                         $Result = '';
                 $Args = $ArgsBak;
                 $Result = $Value;
     return $Result;
  * Create or update a comment.
  * @since 2.0.0
  * @access public
  * @param int $DiscussionID Unique ID to add the comment to. If blank, this method will throw an error.
 public function comment($DiscussionID = '')
     // Get $DiscussionID from RequestArgs if valid
     if ($DiscussionID == '' && count($this->RequestArgs)) {
         if (is_numeric($this->RequestArgs[0])) {
             $DiscussionID = $this->RequestArgs[0];
     // If invalid $DiscussionID, get from form.
     $DiscussionID = is_numeric($DiscussionID) ? $DiscussionID : $this->Form->getFormValue('DiscussionID', 0);
     // Set discussion data
     $this->DiscussionID = $DiscussionID;
     $this->Discussion = $Discussion = $this->DiscussionModel->getID($DiscussionID);
     // Is this an embedded comment being posted to a discussion that doesn't exist yet?
     $vanilla_type = $this->Form->getFormValue('vanilla_type', '');
     $vanilla_url = $this->Form->getFormValue('vanilla_url', '');
     $vanilla_category_id = $this->Form->getFormValue('vanilla_category_id', '');
     $Attributes = array('ForeignUrl' => $vanilla_url);
     $vanilla_identifier = $this->Form->getFormValue('vanilla_identifier', '');
     $isEmbeddedComments = $vanilla_url != '' && $vanilla_identifier != '';
     // Only allow vanilla identifiers of 32 chars or less - md5 if larger
     if (strlen($vanilla_identifier) > 32) {
         $Attributes['vanilla_identifier'] = $vanilla_identifier;
         $vanilla_identifier = md5($vanilla_identifier);
     if (!$Discussion && $isEmbeddedComments) {
         $Discussion = $Discussion = $this->DiscussionModel->getForeignID($vanilla_identifier, $vanilla_type);
         if ($Discussion) {
             $this->DiscussionID = $DiscussionID = $Discussion->DiscussionID;
             $this->Form->setValue('DiscussionID', $DiscussionID);
     // If so, create it!
     if (!$Discussion && $isEmbeddedComments) {
         // Add these values back to the form if they exist!
         $this->Form->addHidden('vanilla_identifier', $vanilla_identifier);
         $this->Form->addHidden('vanilla_type', $vanilla_type);
         $this->Form->addHidden('vanilla_url', $vanilla_url);
         $this->Form->addHidden('vanilla_category_id', $vanilla_category_id);
         $PageInfo = fetchPageInfo($vanilla_url);
         if (!($Title = $this->Form->getFormValue('Name'))) {
             $Title = val('Title', $PageInfo, '');
             if ($Title == '') {
                 $Title = t('Undefined discussion subject.');
                 if (!empty($PageInfo['Exception']) && $PageInfo['Exception'] === "Couldn't connect to host.") {
                     $Title .= ' ' . t('Page timed out.');
         $Description = val('Description', $PageInfo, '');
         $Images = val('Images', $PageInfo, array());
         $LinkText = t('EmbededDiscussionLinkText', 'Read the full story here');
         if (!$Description && count($Images) == 0) {
             $Body = formatString('<p><a href="{Url}">{LinkText}</a></p>', array('Url' => $vanilla_url, 'LinkText' => $LinkText));
         } else {
             $Body = formatString('
         <div class="EmbeddedContent">{Image}<strong>{Title}</strong>
            <p><a href="{Url}">{LinkText}</a></p>
            <div class="ClearFix"></div>
         </div>', array('Title' => $Title, 'Excerpt' => $Description, 'Image' => count($Images) > 0 ? img(val(0, $Images), array('class' => 'LeftAlign')) : '', 'Url' => $vanilla_url, 'LinkText' => $LinkText));
         if ($Body == '') {
             $Body = $vanilla_url;
         if ($Body == '') {
             $Body = t('Undefined discussion body.');
         // Validate the CategoryID for inserting.
         $Category = CategoryModel::categories($vanilla_category_id);
         if (!$Category) {
             $vanilla_category_id = c('Vanilla.Embed.DefaultCategoryID', 0);
             if ($vanilla_category_id <= 0) {
                 // No default category defined, so grab the first non-root category and use that.
                 $vanilla_category_id = $this->DiscussionModel->SQL->select('CategoryID')->from('Category')->where('CategoryID >', 0)->get()->firstRow()->CategoryID;
                 // No categories in the db? default to 0
                 if (!$vanilla_category_id) {
                     $vanilla_category_id = 0;
         } else {
             $vanilla_category_id = $Category['CategoryID'];
         $EmbedUserID = c('Garden.Embed.UserID');
         if ($EmbedUserID) {
             $EmbedUser = Gdn::userModel()->getID($EmbedUserID);
         if (!$EmbedUserID || !$EmbedUser) {
             $EmbedUserID = Gdn::userModel()->getSystemUserID();
         $EmbeddedDiscussionData = array('InsertUserID' => $EmbedUserID, 'DateInserted' => Gdn_Format::toDateTime(), 'DateUpdated' => Gdn_Format::toDateTime(), 'CategoryID' => $vanilla_category_id, 'ForeignID' => $vanilla_identifier, 'Type' => $vanilla_type, 'Name' => $Title, 'Body' => $Body, 'Format' => 'Html', 'Attributes' => dbencode($Attributes));
         $this->EventArguments['Discussion'] =& $EmbeddedDiscussionData;
         $DiscussionID = $this->DiscussionModel->SQL->insert('Discussion', $EmbeddedDiscussionData);
         $ValidationResults = $this->DiscussionModel->validationResults();
         if (count($ValidationResults) == 0 && $DiscussionID > 0) {
             $this->Form->addHidden('DiscussionID', $DiscussionID);
             // Put this in the form so reposts won't cause new discussions.
             $this->Form->setFormValue('DiscussionID', $DiscussionID);
             // Put this in the form values so it is used when saving comments.
             $this->setJson('DiscussionID', $DiscussionID);
             $this->Discussion = $Discussion = $this->DiscussionModel->getID($DiscussionID, DATASET_TYPE_OBJECT, array('Slave' => false));
             // Update the category discussion count
             if ($vanilla_category_id > 0) {
                 $this->DiscussionModel->updateDiscussionCount($vanilla_category_id, $DiscussionID);
     // If no discussion was found, error out
     if (!$Discussion) {
         $this->Form->addError(t('Failed to find discussion for commenting.'));
      * Special care is taken for embedded comments.  Since we don't currently use an advanced editor for these
      * comments, we may need to apply certain filters and fixes to the data to maintain its intended display
      * with the input format (e.g. maintaining newlines).
     if ($isEmbeddedComments) {
         $inputFormatter = $this->Form->getFormValue('Format', c('Garden.InputFormatter'));
         switch ($inputFormatter) {
             case 'Wysiwyg':
                 $this->Form->setFormValue('Body', nl2br($this->Form->getFormValue('Body')));
     $PermissionCategoryID = val('PermissionCategoryID', $Discussion);
     // Setup head
     // Setup comment model, $CommentID, $DraftID
     $Session = Gdn::session();
     $CommentID = isset($this->Comment) && property_exists($this->Comment, 'CommentID') ? $this->Comment->CommentID : '';
     $DraftID = isset($this->Comment) && property_exists($this->Comment, 'DraftID') ? $this->Comment->DraftID : '';
     $this->EventArguments['CommentID'] = $CommentID;
     $this->EventArguments['DraftID'] = $DraftID;
     // Determine whether we are editing
     $Editing = $CommentID > 0 || $DraftID > 0;
     $this->EventArguments['Editing'] = $Editing;
     // If closed, cancel & go to discussion
     if ($Discussion && $Discussion->Closed == 1 && !$Editing && !$Session->checkPermission('Vanilla.Discussions.Close', true, 'Category', $PermissionCategoryID)) {
     // Add hidden IDs to form
     $this->Form->addHidden('DiscussionID', $DiscussionID);
     $this->Form->addHidden('CommentID', $CommentID);
     $this->Form->addHidden('DraftID', $DraftID, true);
     // Check permissions
     if ($Discussion && $Editing) {
         // Permission to edit
         if ($this->Comment->InsertUserID != $Session->UserID) {
             $this->permission('Vanilla.Comments.Edit', true, 'Category', $Discussion->PermissionCategoryID);
         // Make sure that content can (still) be edited.
         $EditContentTimeout = c('Garden.EditContentTimeout', -1);
         $CanEdit = $EditContentTimeout == -1 || strtotime($this->Comment->DateInserted) + $EditContentTimeout > time();
         if (!$CanEdit) {
             $this->permission('Vanilla.Comments.Edit', true, 'Category', $Discussion->PermissionCategoryID);
         // Make sure only moderators can edit closed things
         if ($Discussion->Closed) {
             $this->permission('Vanilla.Comments.Edit', true, 'Category', $Discussion->PermissionCategoryID);
         $this->Form->setFormValue('CommentID', $CommentID);
     } elseif ($Discussion) {
         // Permission to add
         $this->permission('Vanilla.Comments.Add', true, 'Category', $Discussion->PermissionCategoryID);
     if ($this->Form->authenticatedPostBack()) {
         // Save as a draft?
         $FormValues = $this->Form->formValues();
         $FormValues = $this->CommentModel->filterForm($FormValues);
         if (!$Editing) {
         if ($DraftID == 0) {
             $DraftID = $this->Form->getFormValue('DraftID', 0);
         $Type = GetIncomingValue('Type');
         $Draft = $Type == 'Draft';
         $this->EventArguments['Draft'] = $Draft;
         $Preview = $Type == 'Preview';
         if ($Draft) {
             $DraftID = $this->DraftModel->save($FormValues);
             $this->Form->addHidden('DraftID', $DraftID, true);
         } elseif (!$Preview) {
             // Fix an undefined title if we can.
             if ($this->Form->getFormValue('Name') && val('Name', $Discussion) == t('Undefined discussion subject.')) {
                 $Set = array('Name' => $this->Form->getFormValue('Name'));
                 if (isset($vanilla_url) && $vanilla_url && strpos(val('Body', $Discussion), t('Undefined discussion subject.')) !== false) {
                     $LinkText = t('EmbededDiscussionLinkText', 'Read the full story here');
                     $Set['Body'] = formatString('<p><a href="{Url}">{LinkText}</a></p>', array('Url' => $vanilla_url, 'LinkText' => $LinkText));
                 $this->DiscussionModel->setField(val('DiscussionID', $Discussion), $Set);
             $Inserted = !$CommentID;
             $CommentID = $this->CommentModel->save($FormValues);
             // The comment is now half-saved.
             if (is_numeric($CommentID) && $CommentID > 0) {
                 if (in_array($this->deliveryType(), array(DELIVERY_TYPE_ALL, DELIVERY_TYPE_DATA))) {
                     $this->CommentModel->save2($CommentID, $Inserted, true, true);
                 } else {
                     $this->jsonTarget('', url("/post/comment2.json?commentid={$CommentID}&inserted={$Inserted}"), 'Ajax');
                 // $Discussion = $this->DiscussionModel->getID($DiscussionID);
                 $Comment = $this->CommentModel->getID($CommentID, DATASET_TYPE_OBJECT, array('Slave' => false));
                 $this->EventArguments['Discussion'] = $Discussion;
                 $this->EventArguments['Comment'] = $Comment;
             } elseif ($CommentID === SPAM || $CommentID === UNAPPROVED) {
                 $this->StatusMessage = t('CommentRequiresApprovalStatus', 'Your comment will appear after it is approved.');
             if ($CommentID > 0 && $DraftID > 0) {
         // Handle non-ajax requests first:
         if ($this->_DeliveryType == DELIVERY_TYPE_ALL) {
             if ($this->Form->errorCount() == 0) {
                 // Make sure that this form knows what comment we are editing.
                 if ($CommentID > 0) {
                     $this->Form->addHidden('CommentID', $CommentID);
                 // If the comment was not a draft
                 if (!$Draft) {
                     // Redirect to the new comment.
                     if ($CommentID > 0) {
                     } elseif ($CommentID == SPAM) {
                         $this->setData('DiscussionUrl', DiscussionUrl($Discussion));
                         $this->View = 'Spam';
                 } elseif ($Preview) {
                     // If this was a preview click, create a comment shell with the values for this comment
                     $this->Comment = new stdClass();
                     $this->Comment->InsertUserID = $Session->User->UserID;
                     $this->Comment->InsertName = $Session->User->Name;
                     $this->Comment->InsertPhoto = $Session->User->Photo;
                     $this->Comment->DateInserted = Gdn_Format::date();
                     $this->Comment->Body = val('Body', $FormValues, '');
                     $this->Comment->Format = val('Format', $FormValues, c('Garden.InputFormatter'));
                     $this->addAsset('Content', $this->fetchView('preview'));
                 } else {
                     // If this was a draft save, notify the user about the save
                     $this->informMessage(sprintf(t('Draft saved at %s'), Gdn_Format::date()));
         } else {
             // Handle ajax-based requests
             if ($this->Form->errorCount() > 0) {
                 // Return the form errors
             } else {
                 // Make sure that the ajax request form knows about the newly created comment or draft id
                 $this->setJson('CommentID', $CommentID);
                 $this->setJson('DraftID', $DraftID);
                 if ($Preview) {
                     // If this was a preview click, create a comment shell with the values for this comment
                     $this->Comment = new stdClass();
                     $this->Comment->InsertUserID = $Session->User->UserID;
                     $this->Comment->InsertName = $Session->User->Name;
                     $this->Comment->InsertPhoto = $Session->User->Photo;
                     $this->Comment->DateInserted = Gdn_Format::date();
                     $this->Comment->Body = val('Body', $FormValues, '');
                     $this->Comment->Format = val('Format', $FormValues, c('Garden.InputFormatter'));
                     $this->View = 'preview';
                 } elseif (!$Draft) {
                     // If the comment was not a draft
                     // If Editing a comment
                     if ($Editing) {
                         // Just reload the comment in question
                         $this->Offset = 1;
                         $Comments = $this->CommentModel->getIDData($CommentID, array('Slave' => false));
                         $this->setData('Comments', $Comments);
                         $this->setData('Discussion', $Discussion);
                         // Load the discussion
                         $this->ControllerName = 'discussion';
                         $this->View = 'comments';
                         // Also define the discussion url in case this request came from the post screen and needs to be redirected to the discussion
                         $this->setJson('DiscussionUrl', DiscussionUrl($this->Discussion) . '#Comment_' . $CommentID);
                     } else {
                         // If the comment model isn't sorted by DateInserted or CommentID then we can't do any fancy loading of comments.
                         $OrderBy = valr('0.0', $this->CommentModel->orderBy());
                         //                     $Redirect = !in_array($OrderBy, array('c.DateInserted', 'c.CommentID'));
                         //							$DisplayNewCommentOnly = $this->Form->getFormValue('DisplayNewCommentOnly');
                         //                     if (!$Redirect) {
                         //                        // Otherwise load all new comments that the user hasn't seen yet
                         //                        $LastCommentID = $this->Form->getFormValue('LastCommentID');
                         //                        if (!is_numeric($LastCommentID))
                         //                           $LastCommentID = $CommentID - 1; // Failsafe back to this new comment if the lastcommentid was not defined properly
                         //                        // Don't reload the first comment if this new comment is the first one.
                         //                        $this->Offset = $LastCommentID == 0 ? 1 : $this->CommentModel->GetOffset($LastCommentID);
                         //                        // Do not load more than a single page of data...
                         //                        $Limit = c('Vanilla.Comments.PerPage', 30);
                         //                        // Redirect if the new new comment isn't on the same page.
                         //                        $Redirect |= !$DisplayNewCommentOnly && PageNumber($this->Offset, $Limit) != PageNumber($Discussion->CountComments - 1, $Limit);
                         //                     }
                         //                     if ($Redirect) {
                         //                        // The user posted a comment on a page other than the last one, so just redirect to the last page.
                         //                        $this->RedirectUrl = Gdn::request()->Url("discussion/comment/$CommentID/#Comment_$CommentID", true);
                         //                     } else {
                         //                        // Make sure to load all new comments since the page was last loaded by this user
                         //								if ($DisplayNewCommentOnly)
                         $this->Offset = $this->CommentModel->GetOffset($CommentID);
                         $Comments = $this->CommentModel->GetIDData($CommentID, array('Slave' => false));
                         $this->setData('Comments', $Comments);
                         $this->setData('NewComments', true);
                         $this->ClassName = 'DiscussionController';
                         $this->ControllerName = 'discussion';
                         $this->View = 'comments';
                         //                     }
                         // Make sure to set the user's discussion watch records
                         $CountComments = $this->CommentModel->getCount($DiscussionID);
                         $Limit = is_object($this->data('Comments')) ? $this->data('Comments')->numRows() : $Discussion->CountComments;
                         $Offset = $CountComments - $Limit;
                         $this->CommentModel->SetWatch($this->Discussion, $Limit, $Offset, $CountComments);
                 } else {
                     // If this was a draft save, notify the user about the save
                     $this->informMessage(sprintf(t('Draft saved at %s'), Gdn_Format::date()));
                 // And update the draft count
                 $UserModel = Gdn::userModel();
                 $CountDrafts = $UserModel->getAttribute($Session->UserID, 'CountDrafts', 0);
                 $this->setJson('MyDrafts', t('My Drafts'));
                 $this->setJson('CountDrafts', $CountDrafts);
     } elseif ($this->Request->isPostBack()) {
         throw new Gdn_UserException(t('Invalid CSRF token.', 'Invalid CSRF token. Please try again.'), 401);
     } else {
         // Load form
         if (isset($this->Comment)) {
             $this->Form->setData((array) $this->Comment);
     // Include data for FireEvent
     if (property_exists($this, 'Discussion')) {
         $this->EventArguments['Discussion'] = $this->Discussion;
     if (property_exists($this, 'Comment')) {
         $this->EventArguments['Comment'] = $this->Comment;
     if ($this->deliveryType() == DELIVERY_TYPE_DATA) {
         if ($this->data('Comments') instanceof Gdn_DataSet) {
             $Comment = $this->data('Comments')->firstRow(DATASET_TYPE_ARRAY);
             if ($Comment) {
                 $Photo = $Comment['InsertPhoto'];
                 if (strpos($Photo, '//') === false) {
                     $Photo = Gdn_Upload::url(changeBasename($Photo, 'n%s'));
                 $Comment['InsertPhoto'] = $Photo;
             $this->Data = array('Comment' => $Comment);
     } else {
         require_once $this->fetchViewLocation('helper_functions', 'Discussion');
         // Render default view.
" class="Item">
        <div class="ItemContent">
            <div class="Message"><?php 
    echo SliceString(Gdn_Format::text(Gdn_Format::to($Comment->Body, $Comment->Format), false), 250);
            <div class="Meta">
                <span class="MItem"><?php 
    echo t('Comment in', 'in') . ' ';
    echo anchor(Gdn_Format::text($Comment->DiscussionName), $Permalink);
                <span class="MItem"><?php 
    printf(t('Comment by %s'), userAnchor($User));
                <span class="MItem"><?php 
    echo anchor(Gdn_Format::date($Comment->DateInserted), $Permalink);
Exemple #10
    echo $Class == '' ? '' : ' class="' . $Class . '"';
        <div id="Item_<?php 
    echo $CurrentOffset;
" class="ConversationMessage">
            <div class="Meta">
         <span class="Author">
    echo userPhoto($Author, 'Photo');
    echo userAnchor($Author, 'Name');
                <span class="MItem DateCreated"><?php 
    echo Gdn_Format::date($Message->DateInserted, 'html');
            <div class="Message">
    echo Gdn_Format::to($Message->Body, $Format);
    $this->EventArguments['Message'] =& $Message;
Exemple #11
        if ($LastPhoto) {
            echo '<div class="Author Photo">' . $LastPhoto . '</div>';
        echo anchor(htmlspecialchars($Names), $Url);
    if ($Subject = val('Subject', $Conversation)) {
        if ($Names) {
            echo Bullet(' ');
        echo '<span class="Subject">' . anchor(htmlspecialchars($Subject), $Url) . '</span>';
    echo '</h3>';
            <div class="Excerpt"><?php 
    echo anchor(htmlspecialchars($Message), $Url, 'Message');
            <div class="Meta">
    echo ' <span class="MItem CountMessages">' . sprintf(Plural($Conversation->CountMessages, '%s message', '%s messages'), $Conversation->CountMessages) . '</span> ';
    if ($Conversation->CountNewMessages > 0) {
        echo ' <strong class="HasNew"> ' . plural($Conversation->CountNewMessages, '%s new', '%s new') . '</strong> ';
    echo ' <span class="MItem LastDateInserted">' . Gdn_Format::date($Conversation->LastDateInserted) . '</span> ';
Exemple #12
    function writeActivityComment($Comment, $Activity)
        $Session = Gdn::session();
        $Author = UserBuilder($Comment, 'Insert');
        $PhotoAnchor = userPhoto($Author, 'Photo');
        $CssClass = 'Item ActivityComment ActivityComment';
        if ($PhotoAnchor != '') {
            $CssClass .= ' HasPhoto';
        <li id="ActivityComment_<?php 
        echo $Comment['ActivityCommentID'];
" class="<?php 
        echo $CssClass;
        if ($PhotoAnchor != '') {
                <div class="Author Photo"><?php 
            echo $PhotoAnchor;
            <div class="ItemContent ActivityComment">
        echo userAnchor($Author, 'Title Name');
                <div class="Excerpt"><?php 
        echo Gdn_Format::to($Comment['Body'], $Comment['Format']);
                <div class="Meta">
                    <span class="DateCreated"><?php 
        echo Gdn_Format::date($Comment['DateInserted'], 'html');
        if (ActivityModel::canDelete($Activity)) {
            echo anchor(t('Delete'), "dashboard/activity/deletecomment?id={$Comment['ActivityCommentID']}&tk=" . $Session->TransientKey() . '&target=' . urlencode(Gdn_Url::Request()), 'DeleteComment');
Exemple #13
            $PhotoAnchor = anchor(img($Activity['Photo'], array('class' => 'ProfilePhoto PhotoWrapMedium')), $Activity['PhotoUrl'], 'PhotoWrap PhotoWrapMedium');
        } else {
            $PhotoAnchor = '';
            <div class="Author Photo"><?php 
        echo $PhotoAnchor;
            <div class="ItemContent Activity">
        echo $Activity['Headline'];
                <div class="Meta">
                    <span class="MItem DateCreated"><?php 
        echo Gdn_Format::date($Activity['DateUpdated']);
        <li class="Item Center">
    echo anchor(sprintf(t('All %s'), t('Notifications')), '/profile/notifications');
} else {
Exemple #14

if (!defined('APPLICATION')) {
$Loop = 1;
echo '<div class="Feed">';
foreach ($this->Feed->channel->item as $Item) {
    if ($Loop > $this->MaxLength) {
    $Title = val('title', $Item);
    $Link = val('link', $Item);
    $PubDate = strtotime(val('pubDate', $Item));
    if ($this->FeedFormat == 'extended') {
        $Description = val('description', $Item);
        // Cut off after the first subheading.
        $Description = array_shift(explode('<h', $Description));
        echo wrap(wrap(anchor($Title, $Link), 'h2') . wrap(Gdn_Format::date($PubDate), 'div', ['class' => 'Date']) . wrap($Description, 'div', ['class' => 'FeedDescription']), 'div', ['class' => 'FeedItem ExtendedFormat']);
    } else {
        echo wrap('<span class="Sprite SpriteRarr SpriteRarrDown">&rarr;</span>' . anchor($Title, $Link) . wrap(Gdn_Format::date($PubDate), 'div', ['class' => 'Date']), 'div', ['class' => 'FeedItem NormalFormat']);
echo '</div>';
Exemple #15
                <div class="ItemContent">
                    <b class="Subject"><?php 
        echo anchor($Subject, "/messages/{$Row['ConversationID']}#Message_{$Row['LastMessageID']}");
        $Excerpt = sliceString(Gdn_Format::plainText($Row['LastBody'], $Row['LastFormat']), 80);
        echo wrap(nl2br(htmlspecialchars($Excerpt)), 'div', array('class' => 'Excerpt'));
                    <div class="Meta">
        echo ' <span class="MItem">' . plural($Row['CountMessages'], '%s message', '%s messages') . '</span> ';
        if ($Row['CountNewMessages'] > 0) {
            echo ' <strong class="HasNew"> ' . plural($Row['CountNewMessages'], '%s new', '%s new') . '</strong> ';
        echo ' <span class="MItem">' . Gdn_Format::date($Row['LastDateInserted']) . '</span> ';
        <li class="Item Center">
    echo anchor(sprintf(t('All %s'), t('Messages')), '/messages/inbox');
} else {
Exemple #16
        // Only make a blockquote if we got a reason.
        if ($User->DiscoveryText) {
            echo Gdn_Format::text($User->DiscoveryText);
        // Opportunity for plugins to do arbitrary appending.
        echo ipAnchor($User->InsertIPAddress);
        echo Gdn_Format::date($User->DateInserted);
                    <td class="options">
                        <div class="btn-group">
        echo anchor(dashboardSymbol('checkmark'), '/user/approve/' . $User->UserID, 'ApproveApplicant btn btn-icon', ['aria-label' => t('Approve'), 'title' => t('Approve')]);
        echo anchor(dashboardSymbol('delete'), '/user/decline/' . $User->UserID . '/' . $Session->TransientKey(), 'DeclineApplicant btn btn-icon', ['aria-label' => t('Decline'), 'title' => t('Decline')]);
Exemple #17
               <div class="ItemContent Category"><div class="Options">' . getOptions($Category, $this) . '</div>' . Gdn_Format::text($Category->Name) . '</div>
                $Alt = FALSE;
            } else {
                $LastComment = UserBuilder($Category, 'Last');
                $AltCss = $Alt ? ' Alt' : '';
                $Alt = !$Alt;
                $CatList .= '<li id="Category_' . $CategoryID . '" class="' . $CssClass . '">
               <div class="ItemContent Category">' . '<div class="Options">' . getOptions($Category, $this) . '</div>' . CategoryPhoto($Category) . '<div class="TitleWrap">' . anchor(Gdn_Format::text($Category->Name), CategoryUrl($Category), 'Title') . '</div>
                  <div class="CategoryDescription">' . $Category->Description . '</div>
                  <div class="Meta">
                     <span class="MItem RSS">' . anchor(img('applications/dashboard/design/images/rss.gif', array('alt' => T('RSS Feed'))), '/categories/' . $Category->UrlCode . '/feed.rss', '', array('title' => T('RSS Feed'))) . '</span>
                     <span class="MItem DiscussionCount">' . sprintf(PluralTranslate($Category->CountDiscussions, '%s discussion html', '%s discussions html', t('%s discussion'), t('%s discussions')), BigPlural($Category->CountDiscussions, '%s discussion')) . '</span>
                     <span class="MItem CommentCount">' . sprintf(PluralTranslate($Category->CountComments, '%s comment html', '%s comments html', t('%s comment'), t('%s comments')), BigPlural($Category->CountComments, '%s comment')) . '</span>';
                if ($Category->LastTitle != '') {
                    $CatList .= '<span class="MItem LastDiscussionTitle">' . sprintf(t('Most recent: %1$s by %2$s'), anchor(Gdn_Format::text(sliceString($Category->LastTitle, 40)), $Category->LastUrl), userAnchor($LastComment)) . '</span>' . '<span class="MItem LastCommentDate">' . Gdn_Format::date($Category->LastDateInserted) . '</span>';
                // If this category is one level above the max display depth, and it
                // has children, add a replacement string for them.
                if ($MaxDisplayDepth > 0 && $Category->Depth == $MaxDisplayDepth - 1 && $Category->TreeRight - $Category->TreeLeft > 1) {
                    $CatList .= '{ChildCategories}';
                $CatList .= '</div>
// If there are any remaining child categories that have been collected, do
// the replacement one last time.
    foreach ($this->UserData->Format('Text')->result() as $User) {
        echo $this->Form->CheckBox('Applicants[]', '', array('value' => $User->UserID));
                <td class="Alt">
        printf(t('<strong>%1$s</strong> (%2$s) %3$s'), $User->Name, Gdn_Format::Email($User->Email), Gdn_Format::date($User->DateInserted));
        $this->EventArguments['User'] = $User;
        echo '<blockquote>' . $User->DiscoveryText . '</blockquote>';
        $this->EventArguments['User'] = $User;
        echo anchor(t('Approve'), '/user/approve/' . $User->UserID . '/' . $Session->TransientKey()) . ' ' . anchor(t('Decline'), '/user/decline/' . $User->UserID . '/' . $Session->TransientKey());
    function writeDiscussion($Discussion, &$Sender, &$Session)
        $CssClass = CssClass($Discussion);
        $DiscussionUrl = $Discussion->Url;
        $Category = CategoryModel::categories($Discussion->CategoryID);
        if ($Session->UserID) {
            $DiscussionUrl .= '#latest';
        $Sender->EventArguments['DiscussionUrl'] =& $DiscussionUrl;
        $Sender->EventArguments['Discussion'] =& $Discussion;
        $Sender->EventArguments['CssClass'] =& $CssClass;
        $First = UserBuilder($Discussion, 'First');
        $Last = UserBuilder($Discussion, 'Last');
        $Sender->EventArguments['FirstUser'] =& $First;
        $Sender->EventArguments['LastUser'] =& $Last;
        $DiscussionName = $Discussion->Name;
        if ($DiscussionName == '') {
            $DiscussionName = t('Blank Discussion Topic');
        $Sender->EventArguments['DiscussionName'] =& $DiscussionName;
        static $FirstDiscussion = TRUE;
        if (!$FirstDiscussion) {
        } else {
            $FirstDiscussion = FALSE;
        $Discussion->CountPages = ceil($Discussion->CountComments / $Sender->CountCommentsPerPage);
        <li id="Discussion_<?php 
        echo $Discussion->DiscussionID;
" class="<?php 
        echo $CssClass;
        if (!property_exists($Sender, 'CanEditDiscussions')) {
            $Sender->CanEditDiscussions = val('PermsDiscussionsEdit', CategoryModel::categories($Discussion->CategoryID)) && c('Vanilla.AdminCheckboxes.Use');
        //   WriteOptions($Discussion, $Sender, $Session);
            <span class="Options">
        echo OptionsList($Discussion);
        echo BookmarkButton($Discussion);

            <div class="ItemContent Discussion">
                <div class="Title">
        echo AdminCheck($Discussion, array('', ' ')) . anchor($DiscussionName, $DiscussionUrl);
                <div class="Meta Meta-Discussion">
                    <span class="MItem MCount ViewCount"><?php 
        printf(PluralTranslate($Discussion->CountViews, '%s view html', '%s views html', t('%s view'), t('%s views')), BigPlural($Discussion->CountViews, '%s view'));
         <span class="MItem MCount CommentCount"><?php 
        printf(PluralTranslate($Discussion->CountComments, '%s comment html', '%s comments html', t('%s comment'), t('%s comments')), BigPlural($Discussion->CountComments, '%s comment'));
         <span class="MItem MCount DiscussionScore Hidden"><?php 
        $Score = $Discussion->Score;
        if ($Score == '') {
            $Score = 0;
        printf(Plural($Score, '%s point', '%s points', BigPlural($Score, '%s point')));
        echo NewComments($Discussion);
        if ($Discussion->LastCommentID != '') {
            echo ' <span class="MItem LastCommentBy">' . sprintf(t('Most recent by %1$s'), userAnchor($Last)) . '</span> ';
            echo ' <span class="MItem LastCommentDate">' . Gdn_Format::date($Discussion->LastDate, 'html') . '</span>';
        } else {
            echo ' <span class="MItem LastCommentBy">' . sprintf(t('Started by %1$s'), userAnchor($First)) . '</span> ';
            echo ' <span class="MItem LastCommentDate">' . Gdn_Format::date($Discussion->FirstDate, 'html');
            if ($Source = val('Source', $Discussion)) {
                echo ' ' . sprintf(t('via %s'), t($Source . ' Source', $Source));
            echo '</span> ';
        if ($Sender->data('_ShowCategoryLink', true) && c('Vanilla.Categories.Use') && $Category) {
            echo wrap(Anchor(htmlspecialchars($Discussion->Category), CategoryUrl($Discussion->CategoryUrlCode)), 'span', array('class' => 'MItem Category ' . $Category['CssClass']));
  * Set the date range.
  * @param $Sender
  * @throws Exception
 private function configureRange($Sender)
     // Grab the range resolution from the url or form. Default to "day" range.
     $Sender->Range = getIncomingValue('Range');
     if (!in_array($Sender->Range, array(VanillaStatsPlugin::RESOLUTION_DAY, VanillaStatsPlugin::RESOLUTION_MONTH))) {
         $Sender->Range = VanillaStatsPlugin::RESOLUTION_DAY;
     // Define default values for start & end dates
     $Sender->DayStampStart = strtotime('1 month ago');
     // Default to 1 month ago
     $Sender->MonthStampStart = strtotime('12 months ago');
     // Default to 24 months ago
     $Sender->DayDateStart = Gdn_Format::toDate($Sender->DayStampStart);
     $Sender->MonthDateStart = Gdn_Format::toDate($Sender->MonthStampStart);
     // Validate that any values coming from the url or form are valid
     $Sender->DateRange = getIncomingValue('DateRange');
     $DateRangeParts = explode('-', $Sender->DateRange);
     $Sender->StampStart = strtotime(val(0, $DateRangeParts));
     $Sender->StampEnd = strtotime(val(1, $DateRangeParts));
     if (!$Sender->StampEnd) {
         $Sender->StampEnd = strtotime('yesterday');
     // If no date was provided, or the provided values were invalid, use defaults
     if (!$Sender->StampStart) {
         $Sender->StampEnd = time();
         if ($Sender->Range == 'day') {
             $Sender->StampStart = $Sender->DayStampStart;
         if ($Sender->Range == 'month') {
             $Sender->StampStart = $Sender->MonthStampStart;
     // Assign the variables used in the page with the validated values.
     $Sender->DateStart = Gdn_Format::toDate($Sender->StampStart);
     $Sender->DateEnd = Gdn_Format::toDate($Sender->StampEnd);
     $Sender->DateRange = $Sender->DateStart . ' - ' . $Sender->DateEnd;
     // Define the range boundaries.
     $Database = Gdn::database();
     // We use the User table as the boundary start b/c users are always inserted before discussions or comments.
     // We have to put a little kludge in here b/c an older version of Vanilla hard-inserted the admin user with an insert date of Sept 16, 1975.
     $Data = $Database->sql()->select('DateInserted')->from('User')->where('DateInserted >', '1975-09-17')->orderBy('DateInserted', 'asc')->limit(1)->get()->firstRow();
     $Sender->BoundaryStart = Gdn_Format::date($Data ? $Data->DateInserted : $Sender->DateStart, '%Y-%m-%d');
     $Sender->BoundaryEnd = Gdn_Format::date($Sender->DateEnd, '%Y-%m-%d');
Exemple #21
                <div class="ItemContent">
                    <b class="Subject"><?php 
        echo anchor($Row->Name, $Row->Url . '#latest');

                    <div class="Meta">
        echo ' <span class="MItem">' . plural($Row->CountComments, '%s comment', '%s comments') . '</span> ';
        if ($Row->CountUnreadComments === TRUE) {
            echo ' <strong class="HasNew"> ' . t('new') . '</strong> ';
        } elseif ($Row->CountUnreadComments > 0) {
            echo ' <strong class="HasNew"> ' . plural($Row->CountUnreadComments, '%s new', '%s new plural') . '</strong> ';
        echo ' <span class="MItem">' . Gdn_Format::date($Row->DateLastComment) . '</span> ';
        <li class="Item Center">
    echo anchor(sprintf(t('All %s'), t('Bookmarks')), '/discussions/bookmarked');
} else {
    function writeComment($Comment, $Sender, $Session, $CurrentOffset)
        static $UserPhotoFirst = NULL;
        if ($UserPhotoFirst === null) {
            $UserPhotoFirst = c('Vanilla.Comment.UserPhotoFirst', true);
        $Author = Gdn::userModel()->getID($Comment->InsertUserID);
        //UserBuilder($Comment, 'Insert');
        $Permalink = val('Url', $Comment, '/discussion/comment/' . $Comment->CommentID . '/#Comment_' . $Comment->CommentID);
        // Set CanEditComments (whether to show checkboxes)
        if (!property_exists($Sender, 'CanEditComments')) {
            $Sender->CanEditComments = $Session->checkPermission('Vanilla.Comments.Edit', TRUE, 'Category', 'any') && c('Vanilla.AdminCheckboxes.Use');
        // Prep event args
        $CssClass = CssClass($Comment, $CurrentOffset);
        $Sender->EventArguments['Comment'] =& $Comment;
        $Sender->EventArguments['Author'] =& $Author;
        $Sender->EventArguments['CssClass'] =& $CssClass;
        $Sender->EventArguments['CurrentOffset'] = $CurrentOffset;
        $Sender->EventArguments['Permalink'] = $Permalink;
        // DEPRECATED ARGUMENTS (as of 2.1)
        $Sender->EventArguments['Object'] =& $Comment;
        $Sender->EventArguments['Type'] = 'Comment';
        // First comment template event
        <li class="<?php 
        echo $CssClass;
" id="<?php 
        echo 'Comment_' . $Comment->CommentID;
            <div class="Comment">

        // Write a stub for the latest comment so it's easy to link to it from outside.
        if ($CurrentOffset == Gdn::controller()->data('_LatestItem')) {
            echo '<span id="latest"></span>';
                <div class="Options">
                <div class="Item-Header CommentHeader">
                    <div class="AuthorWrap">
            <span class="Author">
        if ($UserPhotoFirst) {
            echo userPhoto($Author);
            echo userAnchor($Author, 'Username');
        } else {
            echo userAnchor($Author, 'Username');
            echo userPhoto($Author);
        echo FormatMeAction($Comment);
            <span class="AuthorInfo">
        echo ' ' . WrapIf(htmlspecialchars(val('Title', $Author)), 'span', array('class' => 'MItem AuthorTitle'));
        echo ' ' . WrapIf(htmlspecialchars(val('Location', $Author)), 'span', array('class' => 'MItem AuthorLocation'));
                    <div class="Meta CommentMeta CommentInfo">
            <span class="MItem DateCreated">
        echo anchor(Gdn_Format::date($Comment->DateInserted, 'html'), $Permalink, 'Permalink', array('name' => 'Item_' . $CurrentOffset, 'rel' => 'nofollow'));
        echo DateUpdated($Comment, array('<span class="MItem">', '</span>'));
        // Include source if one was set
        if ($Source = val('Source', $Comment)) {
            echo wrap(sprintf(t('via %s'), t($Source . ' Source', $Source)), 'span', array('class' => 'MItem Source'));
        // DEPRECATED
        // DEPRECATED
        // Include IP Address if we have permission
        if ($Session->checkPermission('Garden.PersonalInfo.View')) {
            echo wrap(IPAnchor($Comment->InsertIPAddress), 'span', array('class' => 'MItem IPAddress'));
                <div class="Item-BodyWrap">
                    <div class="Item-Body">
                        <div class="Message">
        echo FormatBody($Comment);
        if (val('Attachments', $Comment)) {
Exemple #23
    if ($User->Admin > 1) {
        $RolesString = concatSep(', ', $RolesString, t('System'));
    foreach ($Roles as $RoleID => $RoleName) {
        $Query = http_build_query(array('Keywords' => $RoleName));
        $RolesString = concatSep(', ', $RolesString, '<a href="' . url('/user/browse?' . $Query) . '">' . htmlspecialchars($RoleName) . '</a>');
    echo $RolesString;
        <td class="Alt"><?php 
    echo Gdn_Format::date($User->DateFirstVisit, 'html');
    echo Gdn_Format::date($User->DateLastActive, 'html');
    if ($ViewPersonalInfo) {
        echo formatIP($User->LastIPAddress);
    $this->EventArguments['User'] = $User;
Exemple #24
echo formatMeAction($Discussion);
            <span class="AuthorInfo">
echo wrapIf(htmlspecialchars(val('Title', $Author)), 'span', array('class' => 'MItem AuthorTitle'));
echo wrapIf(htmlspecialchars(val('Location', $Author)), 'span', array('class' => 'MItem AuthorLocation'));
            <div class="Meta DiscussionMeta">
            <span class="MItem DateCreated">
echo anchor(Gdn_Format::date($Discussion->DateInserted, 'html'), $Discussion->Url, 'Permalink', array('rel' => 'nofollow'));
echo dateUpdated($Discussion, array('<span class="MItem">', '</span>'));
// Include source if one was set
if ($Source = val('Source', $Discussion)) {
    echo ' ' . wrap(sprintf(t('via %s'), t($Source . ' Source', $Source)), 'span', array('class' => 'MItem MItem-Source')) . ' ';
// Category
if (c('Vanilla.Categories.Use')) {
    echo ' <span class="MItem Category">';
    echo ' ' . t('in') . ' ';
    echo anchor(htmlspecialchars($this->data('Discussion.Category')), categoryUrl($this->data('Discussion.CategoryUrlCode')));
Exemple #25
$TagCount = $this->data('RecordCount');
$Tags = $this->data('Tags');
foreach ($Tags as $Tag) {
    $CssClass = 'TagAdmin';
    $Title = '';
    $Special = FALSE;
    $type = val('Type', $Tag);
    if (empty($type)) {
        $type = t('Tag');
    $userModel = new UserModel();
    $createdBy = $userModel->getID(val('InsertUserID', $Tag));
    $dateInserted = Gdn_Format::date(val('DateInserted', $Tag), '%e %b %Y');
    $count = val('CountDiscussions', $Tag, 0);
    $displayName = TagFullName($Tag);
    if (val('Type', $Tag)) {
        $Special = TRUE;
        $CssClass .= " Tag-Special Tag-{$Tag['Type']}";
        $Title = t('This is a special tag.');
            <tr id="<?php 
    echo "Tag_{$Tag['TagID']}";
" class="<?php 
    echo $CssClass;
Exemple #26

                <div class="Item-Body Media">
    $Photo = userPhoto($Row, array('LinkClass' => 'Img'));
    if ($Photo) {
        echo $Photo;
                    <div class="Media-Body">
                        <div class="Meta">
    echo ' <span class="MItem-Author">' . sprintf(t('by %s'), userAnchor($Row)) . '</span>';
    echo Bullet(' ');
    echo ' <span clsss="MItem-DateInserted">' . Gdn_Format::date($Row['DateInserted'], 'html') . '</span> ';
    if (isset($Row['Breadcrumbs'])) {
        echo Bullet(' ');
        echo ' <span class="MItem-Location">' . Gdn_Theme::Breadcrumbs($Row['Breadcrumbs'], false) . '</span> ';
    if (isset($Row['Notes'])) {
        echo ' <span class="Aside Debug">debug(' . $Row['Notes'] . ')</span>';
                        <div class="Summary">
    echo $Row['Summary'];
 function dateUpdated($Row, $Wrap = null)
     $Result = '';
     $DateUpdated = val('DateUpdated', $Row);
     $UpdateUserID = val('UpdateUserID', $Row);
     if ($DateUpdated) {
         $UpdateUser = Gdn::userModel()->getID($UpdateUserID);
         if ($UpdateUser) {
             $Title = sprintf(T('Edited %s by %s.'), Gdn_Format::dateFull($DateUpdated), val('Name', $UpdateUser));
         } else {
             $Title = sprintf(T('Edited %s.'), Gdn_Format::dateFull($DateUpdated));
         $Result = ' <span title="' . htmlspecialchars($Title) . '" class="DateUpdated">' . sprintf(T('edited %s'), Gdn_Format::date($DateUpdated)) . '</span> ';
         if ($Wrap) {
             $Result = $Wrap[0] . $Result . $Wrap[1];
     return $Result;
Exemple #28
 * Formats a date.
 * @see Gdn_Format::Date()
function smarty_modifier_date($Date, $Format = '')
    return Gdn_Format::date($Date, $Format);
Exemple #29
     * Write a promoted content item in a table or modern view.
     * @param array $row The row to output.
     * @param string $view The view to use.
    function writePromotedContentRow($row, $view)
        $title = htmlspecialchars(val('Name', $row));
        $url = val('Url', $row);
        $body = Gdn_Format::plainText(val('Body', $row), val('Format', $row));
        $categoryUrl = val('CategoryUrl', $row);
        $categoryName = val('CategoryName', $row);
        $date = val('DateUpdated', $row) ?: val('DateInserted', $row);
        $date = Gdn_Format::date($date, 'html');
        $type = val('RecordType', $row, 'post');
        $id = val('CommentID', $row, val('DiscussionID', $row, ''));
        $author = val('Author', $row);
        $username = val('Name', $author);
        $userUrl = val('Url', $author);
        $userPhoto = val('PhotoUrl', $author);
        $cssClass = val('CssClass', $author);
        if ($view == 'table') {
            <tr id="Promoted_<?php 
            echo $type . '_' . $id;
" class="Item PromotedContent-Item <?php 
            echo $cssClass;
                <td class="Name">
                    <div class="Wrap">
                        <a class="Title" href="<?php 
            echo $url;
            echo $title;
                        <span class="MItem Category"><?php 
            echo t('in');
 <a href="<?php 
            echo $categoryUrl;
            echo $categoryName;

                        <div class="Description"><?php 
            echo $body;
                <td class="BlockColumn BlockColumn-User User">
                    <div class="Block Wrap">
                        <a class="PhotoWrap PhotoWrapSmall" href="<?php 
            echo $userUrl;
                            <img class="ProfilePhoto ProfilePhotoSmall" src="<?php 
            echo $userPhoto;
                        <a class="UserLink BlockTitle" href="<?php 
            echo $userUrl;
            echo $username;

                        <div class="Meta">
                            <a class="CommentDate MItem" href="<?php 
            echo $url;
            echo $date;

        } else {

            <li id="Promoted_<?php 
            echo $type . '_' . $id;
" class="Item PromotedContent-Item <?php 
            echo $cssClass;
            if (c('EnabledPlugins.IndexPhotos')) {
                    <a title="<?php 
                echo $username;
" href="<?php 
                echo $userUrl;
" class="IndexPhoto PhotoWrap">
                        <img src="<?php 
                echo $userPhoto;
" alt="<?php 
                echo $username;
                             class="ProfilePhoto ProfilePhotoMedium">
                <div class="ItemContent Discussion">
                    <div class="Title">
                        <a href="<?php 
            echo $url;
            echo $title;
                    <div class="Excerpt"><?php 
            echo $body;
                    <div class="Meta">
                        <span class="MItem DiscussionAuthor"><ahref="<?php 
            echo $userUrl;
            echo $username;
                        <span class="MItem Category"><?php 
            echo t('in');
 <a href="<?php 
            echo $categoryUrl;
            echo $categoryName;

Exemple #30
    if ($Row['RecordName']) {
        echo ' <span class="Meta">', '<span class="Meta-Label">' . sprintf(t('%s by'), t($RecordLabel)) . '</span> ', userAnchor($Row, 'Meta-Value', 'Record');
        if ($RecordUser['Banned']) {
            echo ' <span class="Tag Tag-Ban">' . t('Banned') . '</span>';
        echo ' <span class="Count">' . plural($RecordUser['CountDiscussions'] + $RecordUser['CountComments'], '%s post', '%s posts') . '</span>';
        echo '</span> ';
    // Write custom meta information.
    $CustomMeta = valr('Data._Meta', $Row, false);
    if (is_array($CustomMeta)) {
        foreach ($CustomMeta as $Key => $Value) {
            echo ' <span class="Meta">', '<span class="Meta-Label">' . t($Key) . '</span> ', wrap(Gdn_Format::Html($Value), 'span', array('class' => 'Meta-Value')), '</span>';
    echo '</div>';

                <td class="DateCell"><?php 
    echo Gdn_Format::date($Row['DateInserted'], 'html');