Exemple #1
 protected function _checkName($n)
     $Result = parent::_checkName($n);
     $Extension = pathinfo($Result, 4);
     $Name = pathinfo($Result, 8);
     $Result = Gdn_Format::Clean($Name) . '.' . Gdn_Format::Clean($Extension);
     $Result = trim($Result, '.');
     return $Result;
Exemple #2
 function GenerateCleanTargetName($TargetFolder, $Name, $Extension = '', $TempFile = False, $bForceOverwriteExisting = False)
     if ($Extension == '') {
         $Extension = pathinfo($Name, 4);
         $Name = pathinfo($Name, 8);
     $Extension = Gdn_Format::Clean($Extension);
     $BaseName = Gdn_Format::Clean($Name);
     // check for file with same name
     $TestName = $BaseName;
     $TargetFile = $TargetFolder . DS . $TestName . '.' . $Extension;
     if (!file_exists($TargetFile)) {
         return $TargetFile;
     $IsSameFile = $TempFile != False && file_exists($TempFile) && Crc32File($TempFile) == Crc32File($TargetFile);
     if ($IsSameFile || $bForceOverwriteExisting) {
         return $TargetFile;
     $Count = 0;
     $NameSuffix = '';
     do {
         //if (++$Count > 100) $NameSuffix = mt_rand(100, 9999);
         if (++$Count > 250) {
             throw new Exception('Cannot generate unique name for file.');
         // make sure that iteration will end
         $TargetFile = $TargetFolder . '/' . $TestName . $NameSuffix . '.' . $Extension;
         $FileExists = file_exists($TargetFile);
         if ($FileExists && file_exists($TempFile) && md5_file($TargetFile) == md5_file($TempFile)) {
         $NameSuffix = '-' . $Count;
     } while ($FileExists);
     return $TargetFile;
Exemple #3
  * CleanupString function from Vanilla I
 function CleanupString($String)
     return Gdn_Format::Clean($String);