Exemple #1

//Bootstrap SPF
require 'includes/master.inc.php';
// Set the headers so the image gets created
// Lets check if we should be creating a image and we will only be able to do specific types
if (isset($_REQUEST['action']) && $_REQUEST['action'] == 'captcha') {
    header("Content-Disposition:inline ;filename=captcha.jpg");
    Captcha::createImage(100, 50, 5);
// Wallpaper request, I will decide later if we will be allowing only registered users to download
if (isset($_REQUEST['action']) && $_REQUEST['action'] == 'get_wallpaper' && isset($_REQUEST['width']) && !empty($_REQUEST['width']) && isset($_REQUEST['height']) && !empty($_REQUEST['height']) && isset($_REQUEST['img']) && !empty($_REQUEST['img'])) {
    $img = new GD();
    $imgSaveName = str_replace('.jpg', "_wallpaper_" . $_REQUEST['width'] . "_" . $_REQUEST['height'] . ".jpg", $_REQUEST['img']);
    header("Content-Disposition:inline ;filename=" . $imgSaveName);
    $img->resizeToResolution($_REQUEST['img'], $_REQUEST['width'], $_REQUEST['height']);