  * Resamples the image to the maximum Height and Width
 public function resampleImage()
     $extension = strtolower($this->owner->getExtension());
     if ($this->owner->getHeight() > $this->getMaxX() || $this->owner->getWidth() > $this->getMaxY()) {
         $original = $this->owner->getFullPath();
         $resampled = $original . '.tmp.' . $extension;
         $gd = new GD($original);
         if ($gd->hasImageResource()) {
             $gd = $gd->resizeRatio($this->getMaxX(), $this->getMaxY());
             if ($gd) {
                 rename($resampled, $original);
 public function ScaleUpload()
     /* don't use Image->exists() as it is implemented differently for Image */
     if ($this->owner->ID > 0 || $this->getBypass()) {
         // only run with new images
     $extension = $this->owner->getExtension();
     if ($this->owner->getHeight() > $this->getMaxHeight() || $this->owner->getWidth() > $this->getMaxWidth() || $this->getAutoRotate() && preg_match('/jpe?g/i', $extension)) {
         $original = $this->owner->getFullPath();
         /* temporary location for image manipulation */
         $resampled = TEMP_FOLDER . '/resampled-' . mt_rand(100000, 999999) . '.' . $extension;
         $gd = new GD($original);
         /* Backwards compatibility with SilverStripe 3.0 */
         $image_loaded = method_exists('GD', 'hasImageResource') ? $gd->hasImageResource() : $gd->hasGD();
         if ($image_loaded) {
             /* Clone original */
             $transformed = $gd;
             /* If rotation allowed & JPG, test to see if orientation needs switching */
             if ($this->getAutoRotate() && preg_match('/jpe?g/i', $extension)) {
                 $switch_orientation = $this->exifRotation($original);
                 if ($switch_orientation) {
                     $transformed = $transformed->rotate($switch_orientation);
             /* Resize to max values */
             if ($transformed && ($transformed->getWidth() > $this->getMaxWidth() || $transformed->getHeight() > $this->getMaxHeight())) {
                 $transformed = $transformed->resizeRatio($this->getMaxWidth(), $this->getMaxHeight());
             /* Write to tmp file and then overwrite original */
             if ($transformed) {
                 file_put_contents($original, file_get_contents($resampled));