Exemple #1
             print $langs->trans("CompanyHasAbsoluteDiscount", price($absolute_discount), $langs->transnoentities("Currency" . $conf->currency));
             print '. ';
         } else {
             if ($object->statut < 1 || $object->type == Facture::TYPE_CREDIT_NOTE || $object->type == Facture::TYPE_DEPOSIT) {
                 $text = $langs->trans("CompanyHasAbsoluteDiscount", price($absolute_discount), $langs->transnoentities("Currency" . $conf->currency));
                 print '<br>' . $text . '.<br>';
             } else {
                 $text = $langs->trans("CompanyHasAbsoluteDiscount", price($absolute_discount), $langs->transnoentities("Currency" . $conf->currency));
                 $text2 = $langs->trans("AbsoluteDiscountUse");
                 print $form->textwithpicto($text, $text2);
     } else {
         // Remise dispo de type remise fixe (not credit note)
         print '<br>';
         $form->form_remise_dispo($_SERVER["PHP_SELF"] . '?facid=' . $object->id, GETPOST('discountid'), 'remise_id', $soc->id, $absolute_discount, $filterabsolutediscount, $resteapayer, ' (' . $addabsolutediscount . ')');
 } else {
     if ($absolute_creditnote > 0) {
         if ($object->statut == 0 && $object->type != Facture::TYPE_CREDIT_NOTE && $object->type != Facture::TYPE_DEPOSIT) {
             print ' (' . $addabsolutediscount . ')<br>';
         } else {
             print '. ';
     } else {
         print '. ';
 if ($absolute_creditnote > 0) {
     // If validated, we show link "add credit note to payment"
     if ($object->statut != 1 || $object->type == Facture::TYPE_CREDIT_NOTE || $object->type == Facture::TYPE_DEPOSIT) {
Exemple #2
 } else {
     print $langs->trans("CompanyHasNoRelativeDiscount");
 print '. ';
 $absolute_discount = $soc->getAvailableDiscounts('', 'fk_facture_source IS NULL');
 $absolute_creditnote = $soc->getAvailableDiscounts('', 'fk_facture_source IS NOT NULL');
 $absolute_discount = price2num($absolute_discount, 'MT');
 $absolute_creditnote = price2num($absolute_creditnote, 'MT');
 if ($absolute_discount) {
     if ($object->statut > 0) {
         print $langs->trans("CompanyHasAbsoluteDiscount", price($absolute_discount), $langs->transnoentities("Currency" . $conf->monnaie));
     } else {
         // Remise dispo de type non avoir
         $filter = 'fk_facture_source IS NULL';
         print '<br>';
         $html->form_remise_dispo($_SERVER["PHP_SELF"] . '?id=' . $object->id, 0, 'remise_id', $soc->id, $absolute_discount, $filter);
 if ($absolute_creditnote) {
     print $langs->trans("CompanyHasCreditNote", price($absolute_creditnote), $langs->transnoentities("Currency" . $conf->monnaie)) . '. ';
 if (!$absolute_discount && !$absolute_creditnote) {
     print $langs->trans("CompanyHasNoAbsoluteDiscount") . '.';
 print '</td></tr>';
 // Date
 print '<tr><td>';
 print '<table class="nobordernopadding" width="100%"><tr><td>';
 print $langs->trans('Date');
 print '</td>';
 if ($action != 'editdate' && $object->brouillon) {
Exemple #3
                 print '<br>'.$text.'.<br>';
                 print $html->textwithpicto($text,$text2);
         // Remise dispo de type non avoir
         $filter='fk_facture_source IS NULL';
         print '<br>';
 if ($absolute_creditnote > 0)
     // If validated, we show link "add credit note to payment"
     if ($fac->statut != 1 || $fac->type == 2 || $fac->type == 3)
         if ($fac->statut == 0 && $fac->type != 3)
             print $html->textwithpicto($text,$langs->trans("CreditNoteDepositUse"));
         else print $langs->trans("CompanyHasCreditNote",price($absolute_creditnote),$langs->transnoentities("Currency".$conf->monnaie)).'.';
 } else {
     print $langs->trans("CompanyHasNoRelativeDiscount");
 print '. ';
 $absolute_discount = $soc->getAvailableDiscounts('', 'fk_facture_source IS NULL');
 $absolute_creditnote = $soc->getAvailableDiscounts('', 'fk_facture_source IS NOT NULL');
 $absolute_discount = price2num($absolute_discount, 'MT');
 $absolute_creditnote = price2num($absolute_creditnote, 'MT');
 if ($absolute_discount) {
     if ($commande->statut > 0) {
         print $langs->trans("CompanyHasAbsoluteDiscount", price($absolute_discount), $langs->transnoentities("Currency" . $conf->currency));
     } else {
         // Remise dispo de type non avoir
         $filter = 'fk_facture_source IS NULL';
         print '<br>';
         $form->form_remise_dispo($_SERVER["PHP_SELF"] . '?id=' . $commande->id, 0, 'remise_id', $soc->id, $absolute_discount, $filter);
 if ($absolute_creditnote) {
     print $langs->trans("CompanyHasCreditNote", price($absolute_creditnote), $langs->transnoentities("Currency" . $conf->currency)) . '. ';
 if (!$absolute_discount && !$absolute_creditnote) {
     print $langs->trans("CompanyHasNoAbsoluteDiscount") . '.';
 print '</td></tr>';
 // Date
 print '<tr><td>' . $langs->trans('Date') . '</td>';
 print '<td colspan="2">' . dol_print_date($commande->date, 'daytext') . '</td>';
 print '<td width="50%">' . $langs->trans('Source') . ' : ' . $commande->getLabelSource() . '</td>';
 print '</tr>';
 // Delivery date planned
             print '. ';
         } else {
             if ($object->statut < 1 || $object->type == Facture::TYPE_CREDIT_NOTE || $object->type == Facture::TYPE_DEPOSIT) {
                 $text = $langs->trans("CompanyHasAbsoluteDiscount", price($absolute_discount), $langs->transnoentities("Currency" . $conf->currency));
                 print '<br>' . $text . '.<br>';
             } else {
                 $text = $langs->trans("CompanyHasAbsoluteDiscount", price($absolute_discount), $langs->transnoentities("Currency" . $conf->currency));
                 $text2 = $langs->trans("AbsoluteDiscountUse");
                 print $form->textwithpicto($text, $text2);
     } else {
         // Remise dispo de type remise fixe (not credit note)
         $filter = 'fk_facture_source IS NULL';
         print '<br>';
         $form->form_remise_dispo($_SERVER["PHP_SELF"] . '?facid=' . $object->id, 0, 'remise_id', $soc->id, $absolute_discount, $filter, $resteapayer, ' - ' . $addabsolutediscount);
 } else {
     if ($absolute_creditnote > 0) {
         if ($object->statut == 0 && $object->type != Facture::TYPE_CREDIT_NOTE && $object->type != Facture::TYPE_DEPOSIT) {
             print ' - ' . $addabsolutediscount . '<br>';
         } else {
             print '.';
     } else {
         print '. ';
 if ($absolute_creditnote > 0) {
     // If validated, we show link "add credit note to payment"
     if ($object->statut != 1 || $object->type == Facture::TYPE_CREDIT_NOTE || $object->type == Facture::TYPE_DEPOSIT) {
Exemple #6
             print $langs->trans("CompanyHasAbsoluteDiscount", price($absolute_discount), $langs->transnoentities("Currency" . $conf->currency)) . '. ';
         } else {
             if ($object->statut < 1 || $object->type == Facture::TYPE_CREDIT_NOTE || $object->type == Facture::TYPE_DEPOSIT) {
                 $text = $langs->trans("CompanyHasAbsoluteDiscount", price($absolute_discount), $langs->transnoentities("Currency" . $conf->currency));
                 print '<br>' . $text . '.<br>';
             } else {
                 $text = $langs->trans("CompanyHasAbsoluteDiscount", price($absolute_discount), $langs->transnoentities("Currency" . $conf->currency));
                 $text2 = $langs->trans("AbsoluteDiscountUse");
                 print $form->textwithpicto($text, $text2);
     } else {
         // Remise dispo de type non avoir
         $filter = 'fk_facture_source IS NULL';
         print '<br>';
         $form->form_remise_dispo($_SERVER["PHP_SELF"] . '?id=' . $object->id, 0, 'remise_id', $object->thirdparty->id, $absolute_discount, $filter, $resteapayer);
 if ($absolute_creditnote > 0) {
     // If validated, we show link "add credit note to payment"
     if ($object->statut != 1 || $object->type == Facture::TYPE_DEPOSIT || $object->type == Facture::TYPE_CREDIT_NOTE) {
         if ($object->statut == 0 && $object->type != Facture::TYPE_DEPOSIT) {
             $text = $langs->trans("CompanyHasCreditNote", price($absolute_creditnote), $langs->transnoentities("Currency" . $conf->currency));
             print $form->textwithpicto($text, $langs->trans("CreditNoteDepositUse"));
         } else {
             print $langs->trans("CompanyHasCreditNote", price($absolute_creditnote), $langs->transnoentities("Currency" . $conf->currency)) . '.';
     } else {
         // Remise dispo de type avoir
         $filter = 'fk_facture_source IS NOT NULL';
         if (!$absolute_discount) {