Exemple #1
 * Eliminar el recurso por id ó index
 * @param  string $route
 * @param  mixed  $resource
 * @param  string $label
 * @return Callable
function delete_resource($routeParams = [], $label = 'Eliminar')
    $form = Form::open(['route' => $routeParams, 'method' => 'delete', 'class' => 'inline', 'id' => 'delete']);
    $form .= Form::submit($label, ['class' => 'btn btn-danger']);
    $form .= Form::close();
    return $form;
 function delete_to_route_with_lang($params)
     $form = Form::open(['route' => $params, 'method' => 'delete']);
     $form .= Form::submit(trans('messages.button_delete'), ['class' => 'btn btn-danger btn-sm', 'onclick' => 'return confirm("' . trans('messages.delete_confirm') . '");']);
     $form .= Form::close();
     return $form;
function delete_form($urlParams, $label = '削除')
    $form = Form::open(['method' => 'DELETE', 'url' => $urlParams]);
    $form .= Form::submit($label, ['class' => 'btn btn-danger']);
    $form .= Form::close();
    return $form;
Exemple #4
  * Button generator for buttons used for @destroy actions
  * @return string
 public function buttonDestroy($route, $extra)
     $button = $this->open('destroy', $route, $extra);
     $button .= \Form::submit('Delete');
     $button .= \Form::close();
     return $button;
Exemple #5
 * Delete form
 * @param $params
 * @param string $label
 * @return string
function deleteForm($params, $label = 'Delete')
    $html = Form::open(['method' => 'DELETE', 'route' => $params, 'class' => 'delete-form']);
    $html .= Form::submit($label, ['class' => 'btn btn-danger btn-delete']);
    $html .= Form::close();
    return $html;
  * Returns resource operations for the datatables or nested sets
  * @param $resource
  * @param $id
  * @param $class
  * @return string
 function get_ops($resource, $id, $class = "btn")
     if ($class == "btn") {
         $show_class = "btn btn-xs bg-navy";
         $edit_class = "btn btn-xs bg-olive";
         $delete_class = "btn btn-xs btn-danger destroy";
     } else {
         $show_class = "inline-show";
         $edit_class = "inline-edit";
         $delete_class = "inline-delete";
     $show_path = route('admin.' . $resource . '.show', ['id' => $id]);
     $edit_path = route('admin.' . $resource . '.edit', ['id' => $id]);
     $delete_path = route('admin.' . $resource . '.destroy', ['id' => $id]);
     $ops = '<ul class="list-inline no-margin-bottom">';
     $ops .= '<li>';
     $ops .= '<a class="' . $show_class . '" href="' . $show_path . '"><i class="fa fa-search"></i> ' . trans('admin.ops.show') . '</a>';
     $ops .= '</li>';
     $ops .= '<li>';
     $ops .= '<a class="' . $edit_class . '" href="' . $edit_path . '"><i class="fa fa-pencil-square-o"></i> ' . trans('admin.ops.edit') . '</a>';
     $ops .= '</li>';
     $ops .= '<li>';
     $ops .= Form::open(['method' => 'DELETE', 'url' => $delete_path]);
     $ops .= Form::submit('&#xf1f8; ' . trans('admin.ops.delete'), ['onclick' => "return confirm('" . trans('admin.ops.confirmation') . "');", 'class' => $delete_class]);
     $ops .= Form::close();
     $ops .= '</li>';
     $ops .= '</ul>';
     return $ops;
Exemple #7
 function delete_to_route($routeName, $id)
     $form = Form::open(['route' => [$routeName, $id], 'method' => 'delete']);
     $form .= Form::submit(Message::DELETE_BUTTON, ['class' => 'btn btn-danger', 'onclick' => 'return confirm("' . Message::DELETE_CONFIRM . '");']);
     $form .= Form::close();
     return $form;
Exemple #8
 public function run($static = false)
     $form = new Form();
     if (!$form->submit()) {
         // Error
         return false;
     $data = $form->fetch();
     $login = $data['login'];
     $password = Hash::create('sha256', $data['password'], PASS_HASH_KEY);
     $query = "SELECT userid, login, role FROM user WHERE login = :login AND password = :password";
     if (!($result = $this->db->select($query, array(':login' => $login, ':password' => $password)))) {
         return false;
     Session::set('userid', $result[0]['userid']);
     Session::set('login', $result[0]['login']);
     Session::set('role', $result[0]['role']);
     Session::set('loggedIn', true);
     if ($static) {
         header('location:' . URL . 'dashboard');
     echo json_encode('success');
Exemple #9
 function test_submit()
     $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] = 'www.test.com';
     $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'] = 'http://www.test.com/app/foo';
     $form = new Form('post');
     $this->assertEquals($form->method, 'post');
     $this->assertEquals($form->rules, array());
     $this->assertEquals($form->error, 'Cross-site request forgery detected.');
     $form->verify_csrf = false;
     $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'] = 'http://www.other.com/foo.bar';
     $this->assertEquals($form->error, 'Referrer must match the host name.');
Exemple #10
function delete_form($routeParams, $label = 'Delete')
    $form = Form::open(['method' => 'DELETE', 'action' => $routeParams]);
    $form .= Form::submit($label, ['class' => 'btn btn-danger']);
    return $form .= Form::close();
 public function display()
     $form = new Form(2);
     $GLOBALS['editinglanguage'] = new Language($_GET['language']);
     $table = new Table();
     $token = new TableColumn("token", "Token");
     $translation = new TableFunctionColumn("token", Language::DirectTranslate("TRANSLATION"));
     $translation->functionName = "TranslationEditor_GetString";
     $translation->autoWidth = true;
     $languagetoken = new TableColumn("'" . DataBase::Current()->EscapeString($_GET['language']) . "' as language", "Language");
     $languagetoken->value = $_GET['language'];
     $languagetoken->visible = false;
     $table->name = "{'dbprefix'}language_tokens";
     $table->actions = "translation_tokens";
     $table->orderBy = "token";
     $table->size = -1;
     $newModule = Language::DirectTranslateHtml("NEW_MODULE");
     echo "<h2>" . $newModule . "</h2>";
Exemple #12
 protected function setup_form()
     $form = new Petro_Form();
     $form->add_form_action(\Form::submit('submit', 'Submit', array('class' => 'btn btn-primary')));
     $form->add_form_action(\Html::anchor('groups', 'Cancel', array('class' => 'btn')));
     return $form;
  * Display a listing of the resource.
  * @return Response
 public function index()
     echo Form::open(array('url' => 'l/ingreso', 'method' => 'post'));
     echo Form::text('username');
     echo Form::text('password');
     echo Form::submit('enviar');
     echo Form::close();
  * Form Component
 public static function formComponent()
     $_templates = Themes::getTemplates();
     foreach ($_templates as $template) {
         $templates[basename($template, '.template.php')] = basename($template, '.template.php');
     echo '<div class="col-xs-3">' . Form::open() . Form::hidden('csrf', Security::token()) . Form::label('sandbox_form_template', __('Sandbox template', 'sandbox')) . Form::select('sandbox_form_template', $templates, Option::get('sandbox_template'), array('class' => 'form-control')) . Html::br() . Form::submit('sandbox_component_save', __('Save', 'sandbox'), array('class' => 'btn btn-default')) . Form::close() . '</div>';
Exemple #15
 public function get_login()
     echo "Hello! Welcome to the login page!";
     echo Form::open('user/login', 'POST');
     echo Form::text('username');
     echo Form::submit('Click Me!');
     echo Form::close();
 public function get_formulario()
     $variable = Form::open(['url' => '/usuarios/formulario', 'method' => 'post']);
     $variable .= Form::text('campo');
     $variable .= Form::submit('Enviar');
     $variable .= Form::close();
     return $variable;
Exemple #17
 protected function setup_form()
     $form = new Petro_Form(array('class' => 'form-horizontal'));
     $form->add_form_action(\Form::submit('submit', 'Submit', array('class' => 'btn btn-primary')));
     $form->add_form_action(\Html::anchor('clients', 'Cancel', array('class' => 'btn')));
     // $form->sequence(array('status', '<hr/>', 'name_en', 'name', 'code'));
     $this->sidebars->add('New Client!', '<form action="#">' . 'Edit Client: This is the demo sidebar section inspired ' . 'by the <a href="#">ActiveAdmin</a> package for ruby' . '</form>');
     return $form;
    function defaultAction()
        $subjects = array(1 => array('id' => 1, 'title' => s('General question')), 2 => array('id' => 2, 'title' => s('Bug report')), 3 => array('id' => 3, 'title' => s('Collaboration or partership')), 4 => array('id' => 4, 'title' => s('Idea')), 5 => array('id' => 5, 'title' => s('Other')));
        $html = '';
        $errors = array();
        $is_posted = request_int('is_posted');
        $jump_to = 'feedback_name';
        if ($is_posted) {
            if (!count($errors) && !request_str('email')) {
                $errors[] = s('Please, enter your email');
                $jump_to = 'feedback_email';
            if (!count($errors) && request_str('email') && !filter_var(request_str('email'), FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL)) {
                $errors[] = s('Please, provide correct email address. For example: john@gmail.com');
                $jump_to = 'feedback_email';
            if (!count($errors) && !request_str('message')) {
                $errors[] = s('Enter the message.');
                $jump_to = 'feedback_password';
            if (!count($errors)) {
                $data = array('{name}' => request_str('name'), '{email}' => request_str('email'), '{subject}' => $subjects[request_int('subject_id')]['title'], '{message}' => request_str('message'));
                $message = str_replace(array_keys($data), array_values($data), 'Name: {name}
Email: {email}

Subject: {subject}


' . $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] . ' ' . date('r'));
                core::$sql->insert(array('message' => core::$sql->s($message), 'insert_stamp' => core::$sql->i(time())), DB . 'feedback');
                require_once '../mod/lib.mail.php';
                foreach (array('*****@*****.**') as $email) {
                    mail_send(request_str('name'), request_str('email'), $email, 'Metro4all.org - ' . $subjects[request_int('subject_id')]['title'], $message, false);
                go(Core::$config['http_home'] . 'feedback/?action=ok');
        $page = new PageCommon(s('Feedback'));
        $html .= $page->start();
        $html .= '<div class="row"><div class="col-md-offset-2 col-md-8"><h2>' . s('Feedback') . '</h2>';
        if (count($errors)) {
            $html .= '<div class="alert alert-danger"><p>' . escape($errors[0]) . '</p></div>';
        $form = new Form('feedback', false, 'post');
        $html .= '<div class="well">' . $form->start() . $form->addVariable('is_posted', 1) . $form->addString('name', s('Name'), $is_posted ? request_str('name') : '') . $form->addString('email', s('E-mail'), $is_posted ? request_str('email') : '', array('is_required' => true)) . $form->addSelect('subject_id', s('Subject'), $is_posted ? request_int('subject_id') : 1, array('data' => $subjects)) . $form->addText('message', s('Message'), $is_posted ? request_str('message') : '', array('is_required' => true, 'style' => 'height:200px')) . $form->submit(s('Send')) . '</div>';
        $html .= '<script> $(document).ready(function() { $("#' . $jump_to . '").focus(); }); </script>';
        $html .= '</div></div>';
        $html .= $page->stop();
        return $html;
 public function updateSlideshow($contentID)
     $form = new Form();
     if (!$form->submit()) {
         $error = $form->fetchError();
         $this->_returnError(reset($error), key($error));
         return false;
     $data = $form->fetch();
     // Form passed
     $this->db->update('slideshow', $data, '`contentID` =' . $contentID);
     return array('error' => false, 'results' => $data);
 public function getContent()
     //@todo automate module simple configuration for Model's columns or settings (conf)
     if (Input::get('illuminatocomments_conf')) {
         $this->conf->set(['GRADES' => Input::has('enable_grades')]);
         $this->conf->set(['COMMENTS' => Input::has('enable_comments')]);
     $html = Form::open(['id' => 'illuminatocomments_form', 'enctype' => 'multipart/form-data', 'url' => URL::full()]);
     $html .= Form::label('enable_grades', 'Enable grades');
     $html .= Form::checkbox('enable_grades', '1', $this->conf->get('GRADES'));
     $html .= Form::label('enable_comments', 'Enable comments');
     $html .= Form::checkbox('enable_comments', '1', $this->conf->get('COMMENTS'));
     $html .= Form::submit('Save', ['name' => 'illuminatocomments_conf', 'id' => 'illuminatocomments_conf']);
     $html .= Form::close();
     return $html;
 function defaultAction()
     $html = '';
     $errors = array();
     $is_posted = request_int('is_posted');
     $jump_to = 'subscription_email';
     if ($is_posted) {
         // $captcha_code = request_str('captcha_code');
         if (!count($errors) && !request_str('email')) {
             $errors[] = s('Please, enter your email');
             $jump_to = 'register_email';
         if (!count($errors) && request_str('email') && !filter_var(request_str('email'), FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL)) {
             $errors[] = s('Please, provide correct email address. For example: john@gmail.com');
             $jump_to = 'register_email';
         // if(captcha_compare(request_str('captcha_code'))) {
         //	captcha_close();
         if (!count($errors)) {
             // file_put_contents('data/subscription.txt', "\r\n" . request_str('email'), FILE_APPEND | LOCK_EX);
             core::$sql->insert(array('email' => core::$sql->s(request_str('email')), 'insert_stamp' => core::$sql->i(time())), DB . 'subscription');
             			        switch (request_int('language_id')) {
             			        	case 1: mail('*****@*****.**', 'subscribe gisconf '.request_str('email'), '*password: Oov4eeph', 'From: news@gisconf.ru'); break;
             			        	case 2: mail('*****@*****.**', 'subscribe gisconf-en '.request_str('email'), '*password: Oov4eeph', 'From: news-en@gisconf.ru'); break;
             go(core::$config['http_home'] . 'subscription/?action=ok');
         // }
         // else
         //	$errors []= 'Неверный код подтверждения';
     $page = new PageCommon(s('Newsletter'));
     $html .= $page->start();
     $html .= '<div class="row"><div class="col-md-offset-1 col-md-6"><h1>' . s('Newsletter') . '</h1>';
     if (count($errors)) {
         $html .= '<div class="alert alert-danger"><p>' . escape($errors[0]) . '</p></div>';
     $form = new Form('subscription', false, 'post');
     $html .= '<div class="well">' . $form->start() . $form->addVariable('is_posted', 1) . $form->addString('email', s('E-mail'), $is_posted ? request_str('email') : '', array('is_required' => true)) . $form->submit(s('Subscribe')) . '</div>';
     $html .= '<script> $(document).ready(function() { $("#' . $jump_to . '").focus(); }); </script>';
     $html .= '</div></div>';
     $html .= $page->stop();
     return $html;
 function email()
     try {
         $l_oValidator = new Form();
     } catch (arrayException $e) {
         $l_sError = $e->getResults();
     if (isset($l_sError['signUpEmail'])) {
         $this->view->emailError = $l_sError['signUpEmail'];
     } else {
         $this->view->emailSuccess = "Signup successful";
 public function editNavLink($contentID)
     // Validate
     $form = new Form();
     if (!$form->submit()) {
         // Error
         $error = $form->fetchError();
         $this->_returnError(reset($error), key($error));
         return false;
     $data = $form->fetch();
     // Form passed
     // Update Content DB Entry
     $this->db->update('content', array('url' => $data['url']), "`contentID` = " . $contentID);
     $this->db->update('navLink', array('name' => $data['name']), "`contentID` = " . $contentID);
     echo json_encode(array('error' => false));
Exemple #24
 public function display()
     $form = new Form(1);
     $table = new Table();
     $token = new TableColumn("token", "Token");
     $token->autoWidth = true;
     $name = new TableColumn("name", Language::DirectTranslate("NAME"));
     $table->name = "{'dbprefix'}languages";
     $table->actions = "translations";
     $table->orderBy = "name";
     $newTranslation = Language::DirectTranslateHtml("NEW_TRANSLATION");
     echo "<h2>" . $newTranslation . "</h2>";
Exemple #25
    public function index_prefix($searchTerm)
        $structure = $this->structure;
        $create_url = action($structure['controller'] . '@create');
        $this->html = '
			<div class="row">
				<div class="col-md-12">
					<h2>' . $structure['title'] . '</h2>

			<div class="row">
				<div class="col-md-12">
					<div class="block-web col-md-12">';
        $this->html .= \Form::open(array('method' => 'get'));
        $this->html .= '<div class="row">';
        $this->html .= '<div class="col-sm-10">' . \Form::text('search', $searchTerm, array('required', 'class' => 'form-control parsley-validated', 'required', 'parsley-min' => '1', 'placeholder' => 'Search In Items')) . '</div>';
        $this->html .= '<div class="col-sm-2">' . \Form::submit('Search', array('class' => 'control-label btn btn-primary')) . '</div>';
        $this->html .= '</div>';
        $this->html .= \Form::close();
        $this->html .= '

			<div class="row mitter">
				<div class="col-md-12">
					<div class="block-web">
					<div class="header">
						<h3 class="content-header">All ' . str_plural($structure['title']) . '</h3>
						<div class="porlets-content">
							<div class="adv-table editable-table ">
								<div class="clearfix">
									<div class="btn-group">
										<a href="' . $create_url . '" class="btn btn-primary">
											Add New <i class="fa fa-plus"></i>
								<div class="margin-top-10"></div>';
Exemple #26
  * Retorna a instancia do formulario com os campos
  * @param  \Model $Model          Model para insercao no db (ou falso)
  * @param  string  $Action         Acao do formulario
  * @param  array  $FormFields     Campos pra montar o form
  * @param  Nome do controlador  $ControllerName
  * @return string
 public function getForm($Model = false, $Action, $FormFields, $ControllerName)
     $this->Module = $ControllerName;
     $this->Model = $Model;
     if ($Model) {
         $this->Model = $Model;
         // Abre o form com os campos preenchidos
         $data['head'] = \Form::model($Model, array('url' => $Action, 'class' => 'form-horizontal col-md-12'));
     } else {
         // Abre o form padrao
         $data['head'] = \Form::open(array('url' => $Action, 'class' => 'form-horizontal col-md-12'));
     // $data = [];
     foreach ($FormFields as $field_name => $field_config) {
         // Monta o label, adicionando um "*" se o campo for requerido
         // $label = \Form::label($field_config['name'],($this->Module.".{$field_config['name']}.form"));
         $translation = trans($this->Module . ".{$field_config['name']}.form") . (isset($field_config['required']) && $field_config['required'] ? '*' : '');
         if (isset($field_config['trans'])) {
             $translation = $field_config['trans'];
         // Monta a label
         $label = \Form::label($field_config['name'], $translation);
         // Monta o field
         $field = $this->input($field_config);
         // mdd([$label, $field]);
         // Formata o label
         // $label_format = \Html::tag('div', $label->toHtml(), ['class' => 'col-md-3']);
         // Formata o field
         // $field_format = \Html::tag('div', $field->toHtml(), ['class' => 'col-md-9']);
         // Adiciona os items no elemento principal
         // $data[$field_name] = \Html::tag('div', $label_format.$field_format, ['class' => 'form-group col-md-12']);
         $data['fields'][$field_name]['label'] = $label;
         $data['fields'][$field_name]['field'] = $field;
         // mdd($data[$field_name]);
     // Botao de enviar
     $data['submit'] = \Form::submit(trans($this->Module . '.button_save'), ['class' => 'btn btn-success']);
     // Fecha o form
     $data['foot'] = \Form::close();
     // mdd($data);
     return $data;
echo Form::selectRange('numOfUsers', 1, 20, $n) . "   ";
echo Form::label('lNumOfUsers', 'Number of Users');
echo '<br><br>';
isset($request->birthdate) ? $selected = true : ($selected = false);
echo Form::checkbox('birthdate', 'birthdate', $selected);
echo Form::label('lBirthdate', 'Birthdate');
echo '<br>';
isset($request->address) ? $selected = true : ($selected = false);
echo Form::checkbox('address', 'address', $selected);
echo Form::label('lAddress', 'Address');
echo '<br>';
isset($request->profile) ? $selected = true : ($selected = false);
echo Form::checkbox('profile', 'profile', $selected);
echo Form::label('lProfile', 'Profile');
echo '<br><br>';
echo Form::submit('Submit');
{!! Form::close() !!}

    @foreach($users as $user)
      <h3> {{ $user->name }} </h3>
if (isset($request->birthdate)) {
    echo '&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp<b>Birthdate: </b>' . $user->date($format = 'Y-m-d', $max = "now");
    echo '<br>';
      {!! isset($request->address) ? '&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp<b>Address:</b> ' . $user->address . '<br>'  : '' !!}

HTML::macro('discussion', function ($discussion, $article_id, $level) {
    $result = '<div class="discussion-main col-xs-12 ' . ($level < 5 ? 'commentary-new-level' : 'x') . '">
                <div class="discussion-commentary row">
                    <div class="col-xs-3">' . HTML::profilePicture($discussion->user, '100%', '100%', ['class' => 'discussion-profile col-xs-3']) . '</div>
                    <div class="col-xs-9 discussion-right">
                        <span class="discussion-author-info">' . link_to_action('UserController@getProfile', $discussion->user->fullname, ['user_id' => $discussion->user->slug]) . ' <a class="discussion-date"> ' . $discussion->created_at . ' </a></span>
                        <p>' . $discussion->text . '</p>
    if (Auth::check()) {
        $result .= '<div class="col-xs-12 discussion-bottom">
                        <span class="reply-link pull-right">
                            <a onclick="resizeArea(' . $discussion->id . ')" name="reply">Odpovedať</a>';
        if (Auth::user()->hasRole(\App\Models\User::ADMIN_ROLE) || Auth::user()->hasRole(\App\Models\User::TEACHER_ROLE)) {
            $result .= '<br> <a href="' . action('DiscussionController@getDelete', ['id' => $discussion->id]) . '" style="color:red">Zmazať nevhodný komentár</a>';
        $result .= '</span>' . Form::open(['url' => action('DiscussionController@postAddDiscussion'), 'method' => 'post']) . Form::hidden('parent', $discussion->id) . Form::hidden('article_id', $article_id) . '<textarea id="' . $discussion->id . '" class="reply" style="" name="text"></textarea><br>' . Form::submit('Odoslať', ['class' => 'btn btn-ba-style hidden-btn ' . $discussion->id, 'name' => 'action']) . Form::close() . '</div>';
    $children = \App\Models\Discussion::where('parent', '=', $discussion->id)->orderBy('created_at', 'ASC')->get();
    foreach ($children as $child) {
        $result .= HTML::discussion($child, $article_id, $level + 1);
    $result .= '</div>
    return $result;
Exemple #29
        $not_yet[$guest->name] = $guest;

<div class="content-primary">
echo Form::open('mobile/search');
echo Form::input('query', isset($query) ? $query : '', array('type' => 'search', 'placeholder' => 'guest name', 'required' => 'required'));
echo Form::submit('', 'Search');
echo Form::close();
	<ul data-role="listview" data-divider-theme="b" data-inset="true">		
if (count($not_yet)) {
			<li data-role="list-divider">Waiting</li>
    foreach ($not_yet as $name => $guest) {
Exemple #30
		<form method="post">
				<label for="which"><?php 
echo __('Select a :element', array(':element' => __(ucfirst($element->type()))));
$choices = $element->select_list($element->pk());
echo Form::select('element', $choices, $element->id);
echo Form::submit('submit', __('Save Changes'), array('class' => 'submit'));
echo html::anchor(Route::get('kohanut-admin')->uri(array('controller' => 'pages', 'action' => 'edit', 'params' => $page)), __('cancel'));
