protected function send()
     /** @var EEmailManager $emailManager */
     $emailManager = Yii::app()->emailManager;
     $emailManager->email($emailManager->fromEmail, 'EmailManager subject', 'EmailManager message');
     $this->codeGuy->seeInDatabase('email_spool', array('subject' => 'EmailManager subject'));
     $this->assertEquals(EmailSpool::model()->unpack(EmailSpool::model()->pack('EmailManager message')), 'EmailManager message');
 protected function update()
     $date = time();
     $emailSpool = EmailSpool::model()->findByPk($this->emailSpool->id);
     $emailSpool->transport = 'the transport changed';
     $emailSpool->template = 'the template changed';
     $emailSpool->priority = 100;
     $emailSpool->status = 'the status changed';
     $emailSpool->model_name = 'the model_name changed';
     $emailSpool->model_id = 'the model_id changed';
     $emailSpool->to_address = 'the to_address changed';
     $emailSpool->from_address = 'the from_address changed';
     $emailSpool->subject = 'the subject changed';
     $emailSpool->message = 'the message changed';
     $emailSpool->sent = $date;
     $emailSpool->created = $date;
     $save = $emailSpool->save();
     $this->codeGuy->seeInDatabase('email_spool', array('transport' => 'the transport changed', 'template' => 'the template changed', 'priority' => 100, 'status' => 'the status changed', 'model_name' => 'the model_name changed', 'model_id' => 'the model_id changed', 'to_address' => 'the to_address changed', 'from_address' => 'the from_address changed', 'subject' => 'the subject changed', 'message' => 'the message changed', 'sent' => $date, 'created' => $date));
  * Deliver pending EmailSpool records.
 public function spool($limit = 10)
     $done = 0;
     // find all the spooled emails
     $emailSpools = EmailSpool::model()->findAll(array('condition' => 't.status=:status', 'params' => array(':status' => 'pending'), 'order' => 't.priority DESC, t.created ASC', 'limit' => $limit));
     foreach ($emailSpools as $emailSpool) {
         // update status to processing
         $emailSpool->status = 'processing';
         // build the message
         $swiftMessage = $emailSpool->unpack($emailSpool->message);
         // send the email
         $sent = $this->deliver($swiftMessage, $emailSpool->transport);
         // update status and save
         $emailSpool->status = $sent ? 'emailed' : 'error';
         $emailSpool->sent = time();
     return $done;
Exemple #4

 * @var $this EmailStatsController
 * @author Brett O'Donnell <*****@*****.**>
 * @author Zain Ul abidin <*****@*****.**>
 * @copyright 2013 Mr PHP
 * @link
 * @license BSD-3-Clause
 * @package yii-email-module
Yii::app()->user->setState('index.emailStats', Yii::app()->request->requestUri);
$this->pageTitle = Yii::t('email', 'Stats');
$tabs = array();
$transports = Yii::app()->emailManager->transports;
foreach ($transports as $transportName => $transport) {
    $attributes = array();
    for ($day = 0; $day < 90; $day++) {
        $date = date('Y-m-d', strtotime('-' . $day . 'days'));
        $criteria = new CDbCriteria();
        $criteria->compare('transport', $transportName);
        $criteria->addBetweenCondition('created', strtotime(date('Y-m-d 00:00:00', strtotime($date))), strtotime(date('Y-m-d 23:59:59', strtotime($date))));
        $count = EmailSpool::model()->count($criteria);
        $attributes[] = array('label' => $date, 'value' => $count);
    $tabs[] = array('label' => $transportName, 'content' => $this->widget('DetailView', array('data' => false, 'attributes' => $attributes), true));
$tabs[0]['active'] = true;
$this->widget('bootstrap.widgets.TbTabs', array('tabs' => $tabs));