protected function send()
     /** @var EEmailManager $emailManager */
     $emailManager = Yii::app()->emailManager;
     $emailManager->email($emailManager->fromEmail, 'EmailManager subject', 'EmailManager message');
     $this->codeGuy->seeInDatabase('email_spool', array('subject' => 'EmailManager subject'));
     $this->assertEquals(EmailSpool::model()->unpack(EmailSpool::model()->pack('EmailManager message')), 'EmailManager message');
  * Creates an EmailSpool based on a Swift_Message.
  * Can optionally relate the EmailSpool to a model_id and model_name by passing an CActiveRecord into $model.
  * @param Swift_Message $swiftMessage
  * @param CActiveRecord|null $model
  * @return EmailSpool
 public function getEmailSpool($swiftMessage, $model = null)
     $emailSpool = new EmailSpool();
     $emailSpool->created = time();
     $emailSpool->status = 'pending';
     $emailSpool->subject = $swiftMessage->getSubject();
     $emailSpool->message = $emailSpool->pack($swiftMessage);
     $emailSpool->to_address = json_encode($swiftMessage->getTo());
     $emailSpool->from_address = json_encode($swiftMessage->getFrom());
     if ($model) {
         $emailSpool->model_name = get_class($model);
         $emailSpool->model_id = is_array($model->getPrimaryKey()) ? implode('-', $model->getPrimaryKey()) : $model->getPrimaryKey();
     return $emailSpool;
Exemple #3

 * @var $this EmailStatsController
 * @author Brett O'Donnell <*****@*****.**>
 * @author Zain Ul abidin <*****@*****.**>
 * @copyright 2013 Mr PHP
 * @link
 * @license BSD-3-Clause
 * @package yii-email-module
Yii::app()->user->setState('index.emailStats', Yii::app()->request->requestUri);
$this->pageTitle = Yii::t('email', 'Stats');
$tabs = array();
$transports = Yii::app()->emailManager->transports;
foreach ($transports as $transportName => $transport) {
    $attributes = array();
    for ($day = 0; $day < 90; $day++) {
        $date = date('Y-m-d', strtotime('-' . $day . 'days'));
        $criteria = new CDbCriteria();
        $criteria->compare('transport', $transportName);
        $criteria->addBetweenCondition('created', strtotime(date('Y-m-d 00:00:00', strtotime($date))), strtotime(date('Y-m-d 23:59:59', strtotime($date))));
        $count = EmailSpool::model()->count($criteria);
        $attributes[] = array('label' => $date, 'value' => $count);
    $tabs[] = array('label' => $transportName, 'content' => $this->widget('DetailView', array('data' => false, 'attributes' => $attributes), true));
$tabs[0]['active'] = true;
$this->widget('bootstrap.widgets.TbTabs', array('tabs' => $tabs));
 public static function sendMail($dbh, $cron, $file, $subject = "[CRON MANAGER] Task Completed")
     require_once (GenConfig::LOCATION == 2 ? System::L_SYSTEM_PATH : System::D_SYSTEM_PATH) . "includes/emailSpool/class.emailSpool.php";
     $email = new EmailSpool();
     $email->fromName = "TrafficSynergy CRON Manager";
     $email->fromAdd = "*****@*****.**";
     $email->toAddress = $cron["email_address"];
     # self::getToAddress($id, $dbh); # can be , seperated ; seperated or array
     $cc = self::getCCAddresses($cron["cron_id"], $dbh);
     $bcc = self::getBCCAddresses($cron["cron_id"], $dbh);
     if (!empty($cc)) {
         $email->ccAddress = $cc;
         # can be , seperated ; seperated or array
     if (!empty($bcc)) {
         $email->bccAddress = $bcc;
         # can be , seperated ; seperated or array
     $email->fileAttach = array($file);
     # array of filenames
     # $email->htmlBody 		= file_get_contents($file); #html body - if you want to send an text email set only the textBody
     $email->textBody = file_get_contents($file);
     #this can be the alt Body or text only body
     $email->priority = 4;
     #1 is low 5 is high default 3
     $email->subject = $subject;
     $email->program = "CronManager";
     $email->key = $cron["cron_id"];
     # $id;    # (Optional) A key to identify this email in the context of the program [idnumber/transactionID]
     $email->ref = "";
     # (Optional) Ref to who send the email. Blank for auto email
     if ($_id = $email->submitEmail()) {
         # returns an unique id that is a reference to the inserted email
         SR_Agent::Log(GenConfig::API, SystemReporter::MSG_MESSAGE, "Mail message sent, id #" . $_id);
         return "Message was sent successfully with ID : %lightblue%{$_id}%white% \n";
     } else {
         SR_Agent::Log(GenConfig::API, SystemReporter::MSG_ERROR, "There was an error sending the message :" . $email->error . "\n");
         return "There was an error sending the message : %red%" . $email->error . "%white%\n";
 protected function search()
     $emailSpool = new EmailSpool('search');
     $emailSpool->transport = 'the transport changed';
     $dataProvider = $emailSpool->search();
     $data = $dataProvider->getData();
     $this->assertEquals($data[0]->transport, 'the transport changed');
     $this->assertEquals($data[0]->template, 'the template changed');
     $this->assertEquals($data[0]->priority, 100);
     $this->assertEquals($data[0]->status, 'the status changed');
     $this->assertEquals($data[0]->model_name, 'the model_name changed');
     $this->assertEquals($data[0]->model_id, 'the model_id changed');
     $this->assertEquals($data[0]->to_address, 'the to_address changed');
     $this->assertEquals($data[0]->from_address, 'the from_address changed');
     $this->assertEquals($data[0]->subject, 'the subject changed');
     $this->assertEquals($data[0]->message, 'the message changed');