function test_generate_code() { $t = EE_Transaction::new_instance(); $t->save(); $l = EE_Line_Item::new_instance(array('OBJ_type' => 'Transaction', 'OBJ_ID' => $t->ID())); $this->assertNotNull($l->generate_code()); }
function test_finalize() { $t = EE_Transaction::new_instance(array('STS_ID' => EEM_Transaction::complete_status_code)); $t->save(); $e = EE_Event::new_instance(); $e->save(); $tkt = EE_Ticket::new_instance(); $tkt->save(); $d = EE_Datetime::new_instance(array('EVT_ID' => $e->ID())); $d->save(); $tkt->_add_relation_to($d, 'Datetime'); /** @type EE_Registration_Processor $registration_processor */ $registration_processor = EE_Registry::instance()->load_class('Registration_Processor'); $reg_url = $registration_processor->generate_reg_url_link(1, EE_Line_Item::new_instance(array('LIN_name' => $tkt->name(), 'LIN_desc' => $tkt->description(), 'LIN_unit_price' => $tkt->price(), 'LIN_quantity' => 1, 'LIN_is_taxable' => $tkt->taxable(), 'LIN_order' => 0, 'LIN_total' => $tkt->price(), 'LIN_type' => EEM_Line_Item::type_line_item, 'OBJ_ID' => $tkt->ID(), 'OBJ_type' => 'Ticket'))); $r = EE_REgistration::new_instance(array('EVT_ID' => $e->ID(), 'TXN_ID' => $t->ID(), 'TKT_ID' => $tkt->ID(), 'STS_ID' => EEM_Registration::status_id_pending_payment, 'REG_url_link' => $reg_url)); $r->set_reg_code($registration_processor->generate_reg_code($r)); $registration_processor->update_registration_after_checkout_or_payment($r); $this->assertNotNull($r->reg_code()); $this->assertEquals(EEM_Registration::status_id_approved, $r->status_ID()); }
/** */ function test_filter__removed_subtotals_with_no_ticket_children() { //verify that normal subtotals stay, but subtotals with no ticket children get removed //so create a total $total = EE_Line_Item::new_instance(array('LIN_name' => 'total', 'LIN_code' => 'total', 'LIN_type' => EEM_Line_Item::type_total)); //and a subttoal WITH a ticket (but the subtotal itself was erroneously labelled as quantity 0) $subtotal_with_tkt = EE_Line_Item::new_instance(array('LIN_name' => 'subtotal-with-tkt', 'LIN_code' => 'subttoal-with-tkt', 'LIN_type' => EEM_Line_Item::type_sub_total, 'LIN_quantity' => 0)); $total->add_child_line_item($subtotal_with_tkt); $tkt1 = EE_Line_Item::new_instance(array('LIN_name' => 'tkt1', 'LIN_code' => 'tkt1', 'LIN_type' => EEM_Line_Item::type_line_item, 'OBJ_type' => 'Ticket', 'LIN_quantity' => 1)); $subtotal_with_tkt->add_child_line_item($tkt1); //and another subtotal with a ticket but quantity 0, and another non-ticket line item with quantity 1 $subtotal_without_tkt = EE_Line_Item::new_instance(array('LIN_name' => 'subtotal-without-tkt', 'LIN_code' => 'subttoal-without-tkt', 'LIN_type' => EEM_Line_Item::type_sub_total, 'LIN_quantity' => 0)); $total->add_child_line_item($subtotal_without_tkt); $tkt2 = EE_Line_Item::new_instance(array('LIN_name' => 'tkt2', 'LIN_code' => 'tkt2', 'LIN_type' => EEM_Line_Item::type_line_item, 'OBJ_type' => 'Ticket', 'LIN_quantity' => 0)); $subtotal_without_tkt->add_child_line_item($tkt2); $non_tkt_li = EE_Line_Item::new_instance(array('LIN_name' => 'non_tkt_li', 'LIN_code' => 'non_tkt_li', 'LIN_type' => EEM_Line_Item::type_line_item, 'OBJ_type' => null, 'LIN_quantity' => 1)); $subtotal_without_tkt->add_child_line_item($non_tkt_li); //only the subtotal without a ticket should get filtered out $filter = new EE_Non_Zero_Line_Item_Filter(); $filter->process($total); $totals_children = $total->children(); $this->assertContains($subtotal_with_tkt, $totals_children); $this->assertNotContains($subtotal_without_tkt, $totals_children); }
protected function _setup_data() { //need to figure out the running total for test purposes so... we're going to create a temp cart and add the tickets to it! EE_Registry::instance()->SSN->clear_session(__CLASS__, __FUNCTION__); $cart = EE_Cart::reset(); //add tickets to cart foreach ($this->tickets as $ticket) { $cart->add_ticket_to_cart($ticket['ticket']); } //setup txn property $this->txn = EE_Transaction::new_instance(array('TXN_timestamp' => time(), 'TXN_total' => 0, 'TXN_paid' => 0, 'STS_ID' => EEM_Transaction::incomplete_status_code, 'TXN_session_data' => NULL, 'TXN_hash_salt' => NULL, 'TXN_ID' => 999999)); //setup reg_objects //note we're setting up a reg object for each attendee in each event but ALSO adding to the reg_object array. $this->reg_objs = array(); $regid = 9999990; foreach ($this->_attendees as $key => $attendee) { //note we need to setup reg_objects for each event this attendee belongs to $regatt = $attendee['att_obj']->ID(); $regtxn = $this->txn->ID(); $regcnt = 1; foreach ($attendee['line_ref'] as $evtid) { foreach ($this->_events[$evtid]['tkt_objs'] as $ticket) { $reg_array = array('EVT_ID' => $evtid, 'ATT_ID' => $regatt, 'TXN_ID' => $regtxn, 'TKT_ID' => $ticket->ID(), 'STS_ID' => EEM_Registration::status_id_pending_payment, 'REG_date' => time(), 'REG_final_price' => $ticket->get('TKT_price'), 'REG_session' => 'dummy_session_id', 'REG_code' => $regid . '-dummy-generated-code', 'REG_url_link' => $regcnt . '-daafpapasdlfakasdfpqasdfasdf', 'REG_count' => $regcnt, 'REG_group_size' => $this->_events[$evtid]['total_attendees'], 'REG_att_is_going' => TRUE, 'REG_ID' => $regid); $REG_OBJ = EE_Registration::new_instance($reg_array); $this->_attendees[$key]['reg_objs'][$regid] = $REG_OBJ; $this->_events[$evtid]['reg_objs'][] = $REG_OBJ; $this->reg_objs[] = $REG_OBJ; $this->tickets[$ticket->ID()]['reg_objs'][$regid] = $REG_OBJ; $regcnt++; $regid++; } } } //setup line items! EE_Registry::instance()->load_helper('Line_Item'); $line_item_total = EEH_Line_Item::create_total_line_item($this->txn); //add tickets foreach ($this->tickets as $tktid => $item) { $qty = $item['count']; $ticket = $item['ticket']; EEH_Line_Item::add_ticket_purchase($line_item_total, $ticket, $qty); } $shipping_line_item = EE_Line_Item::new_instance(array('LIN_name' => __('Shipping Surcharge', 'event_espresso'), 'LIN_desc' => __('Sent via Millenium Falcon', 'event_espresso'), 'LIN_unit_price' => 20, 'LIN_quantity' => 1, 'LIN_is_taxable' => TRUE, 'LIN_total' => 20, 'LIN_type' => EEM_Line_Item::type_line_item)); EEH_Line_Item::add_item($line_item_total, $shipping_line_item); $this->additional_line_items = array($shipping_line_item); //now let's add taxes EEH_Line_Item::apply_taxes($line_item_total); //now we should be able to get the items we need from this object $event_line_items = EEH_Line_Item::get_pre_tax_subtotal($line_item_total)->children(); $line_items = array(); foreach ($event_line_items as $line_id => $line_item) { if (!$line_item instanceof EE_Line_Item || $line_item->OBJ_type() !== 'Event') { continue; } $ticket_line_items = EEH_Line_Item::get_ticket_line_items($line_item); foreach ($ticket_line_items as $ticket_line_id => $ticket_line_item) { if (!$ticket_line_item instanceof EE_Line_Item) { continue; } $this->tickets[$ticket_line_item->OBJ_ID()]['line_item'] = $ticket_line_item; $this->tickets[$ticket_line_item->OBJ_ID()]['sub_line_items'] = $ticket_line_item->children(); $line_items[$ticket_line_item->ID()]['children'] = $ticket_line_item->children(); $line_items[$ticket_line_item->ID()]['EE_Ticket'] = $this->tickets[$ticket_line_item->OBJ_ID()]['ticket']; } } $this->line_items_with_children = $line_items; $this->tax_line_items = $line_item_total->tax_descendants(); //add proper total to transaction object. $grand_total = $line_item_total->recalculate_total_including_taxes(); $this->grand_total_line_item = $line_item_total; $this->txn->set_total($grand_total); //add additional details for each registration foreach ($this->reg_objs as $reg) { $this->_registrations[$reg->ID()]['tkt_obj'] = $this->tickets[$reg->get('TKT_ID')]['ticket']; $this->_registrations[$reg->ID()]['evt_obj'] = $this->_events[$reg->get('EVT_ID')]['event']; $this->_registrations[$reg->ID()]['reg_obj'] = $reg; $this->_registrations[$reg->ID()]['ans_objs'] = $this->_attendees[$reg->get('ATT_ID')]['ans_objs']; $this->_registrations[$reg->ID()]['att_obj'] = $this->_attendees[$reg->get('ATT_ID')]['att_obj']; $this->_registrations[$reg->ID()]['dtt_objs'] = $this->tickets[$reg->get('TKT_ID')]['dtt_objs']; } //events and attendees $this->events = $this->_events; $this->attendees = $this->_attendees; $this->registrations = $this->_registrations; $attendees_to_shift = $this->_attendees; //setup primary attendee property $this->primary_attendee_data = array('fname' => $this->_attendees[999999991]['att_obj']->fname(), 'lname' => $this->_attendees[999999991]['att_obj']->lname(), 'email' => $this->_attendees[999999991]['att_obj']->email(), 'att_obj' => $this->_attendees[999999991]['att_obj'], 'reg_obj' => array_shift($attendees_to_shift[999999991]['reg_objs'])); //reg_info property //note this isn't referenced by any shortcode parsers so we'll ignore for now. $this->reg_info = array(); //let's set a reg_obj for messengers expecting one. $this->reg_obj = array_pop($this->_attendees[999999991]['reg_objs']); //the below are just dummy items. $this->user_id = 1; $this->ip_address = ''; $this->user_agent = ''; $this->init_access = time(); $this->last_access = time(); }
/** * get_redeemable_scope_promos * searches the cart for any items that this promotion applies to * * @since 1.0.0 * * @param EE_Line_Item $parent_line_item the line item to create the new promotion line item under * @param EE_Promotion $promotion the promotion object that the line item is being created for * @param string $promo_name * @param bool $affects_tax * @return \EE_Line_Item * @throws \EE_Error */ public function generate_promotion_line_item(EE_Line_Item $parent_line_item, EE_Promotion $promotion, $promo_name = '', $affects_tax = false) { // verify EE_Line_Item if (!$parent_line_item instanceof EE_Line_Item) { throw new EE_Error(__('A valid EE_Line_Item object is required to generate a promotion line item.', 'event_espresso')); } // verify EE_Promotion if (!$promotion instanceof EE_Promotion) { throw new EE_Error(__('A valid EE_Promotion object is required to generate a promotion line item.', 'event_espresso')); } $promo_name = !empty($promo_name) ? $promo_name : $promotion->name(); $promo_desc = $promotion->price()->desc(); $promo_desc .= $promotion->code() != '' ? ' ( ' . $promotion->code() . ' )' : ''; // generate promotion line_item $line_item = EE_Line_Item::new_instance(array('LIN_code' => 'promotion-' . $promotion->ID(), 'TXN_ID' => $parent_line_item->TXN_ID(), 'LIN_name' => apply_filters('FHEE__EE_Promotion_Scope__generate_promotion_line_item__LIN_name', $promo_name, $promotion), 'LIN_desc' => $promo_desc, 'LIN_unit_price' => $promotion->is_percent() ? 0 : $promotion->amount(), 'LIN_percent' => $promotion->is_percent() ? $promotion->amount() : 0, 'LIN_is_taxable' => $affects_tax, 'LIN_order' => $promotion->price()->order() + EE_Promotion_Scope::$_counter, 'LIN_total' => $promotion->calculated_amount_on_value($parent_line_item->total()), 'LIN_quantity' => 1, 'LIN_parent' => $parent_line_item->ID(), 'LIN_type' => $this->get_promotion_line_item_type(), 'OBJ_ID' => $promotion->ID(), 'OBJ_type' => 'Promotion')); EE_Promotion_Scope::$_counter++; return $line_item; }
/** * */ function test_process__2_events_some_taxed_with_discounts() { $grand_total = EE_Line_Item::new_instance(array('LIN_type' => EEM_Line_Item::type_total, 'LIN_name' => 'Total')); $pretax_total = EE_Line_Item::new_instance(array('LIN_type' => EEM_Line_Item::type_sub_total, 'LIN_code' => 'pretax', 'LIN_name' => 'pretax', 'LIN_order' => 1)); $grand_total->add_child_line_item($pretax_total); $tax_total = EE_Line_Item::new_instance(array('LIN_type' => EEM_Line_Item::type_tax_sub_total, 'LIN_code' => 'tax-total', 'LIN_name' => 'tax-total', 'LIN_order' => 1000)); $grand_total->add_child_line_item($tax_total); $a_tax = EE_Line_Item::new_instance(array('LIN_type' => EEM_Line_Item::type_tax, 'LIN_code' => 'tax', 'LIN_name' => 'tax', 'LIN_percent' => 10, 'LIN_order' => 1000)); $tax_total->add_child_line_item($a_tax); $event_A_subtotal = EE_Line_Item::new_instance(array('LIN_type' => EEM_Line_Item::type_sub_total, 'LIN_code' => 'eventA', 'LIN_name' => 'eventA', 'LIN_order' => 1)); $pretax_total->add_child_line_item($event_A_subtotal); $event_B_subtotal = EE_Line_Item::new_instance(array('LIN_type' => EEM_Line_Item::type_sub_total, 'LIN_code' => 'eventB', 'LIN_name' => 'eventB', 'LIN_order' => 2)); $pretax_total->add_child_line_item($event_B_subtotal); $ticket_quantities = array(1 => array('included' => 4, 'not' => 6), 2 => array('included' => 0, 'not' => 2), 3 => array('included' => 1, 'not' => 0)); $ticket_1_li = EE_Line_Item::new_instance(array('LIN_type' => EEM_Line_Item::type_line_item, 'LIN_code' => 'ticket1', 'LIN_name' => 'ticket1', 'OBJ_ID' => 1, 'OBJ_type' => 'Ticket', 'LIN_unit_price' => 10, 'LIN_quantity' => $ticket_quantities[1]['included'] + $ticket_quantities[1]['not'], 'LIN_total' => 100, 'LIN_is_taxable' => false, 'LIN_order' => 1)); $event_A_subtotal->add_child_line_item($ticket_1_li); $ticket_2_li = EE_Line_Item::new_instance(array('LIN_type' => EEM_Line_Item::type_line_item, 'LIN_code' => 'ticket2', 'LIN_name' => 'ticket2', 'OBJ_ID' => 2, 'OBJ_type' => 'Ticket', 'LIN_unit_price' => 50, 'LIN_quantity' => $ticket_quantities[2]['included'] + $ticket_quantities[2]['not'], 'LIN_total' => 50, 'LIN_is_taxable' => true, 'LIN_order' => 2)); $event_A_subtotal->add_child_line_item($ticket_2_li); $percent_discount_li = EE_Line_Item::new_instance(array('LIN_type' => EEM_Line_Item::type_line_item, 'LIN_code' => 'discount-percent', 'LIN_name' => 'discount-percent', 'LIN_unit_price' => 0, 'LIN_percent' => -25, 'LIN_total' => -50, 'LIN_quantity' => 1, 'LIN_order' => 3)); $event_A_subtotal->add_child_line_item($percent_discount_li); $flat_discount_li = EE_Line_Item::new_instance(array('LIN_type' => EEM_Line_Item::type_line_item, 'LIN_code' => 'discount-flat', 'LIN_name' => 'discount-flat', 'LIN_unit_price' => 0, 'LIN_percent' => 0, 'LIN_unit_price' => -10, 'LIN_total' => -10, 'LIN_quantity' => 1, 'LIN_order' => 4)); $event_A_subtotal->add_child_line_item($flat_discount_li); //and add something to event B $ticket_3_li = EE_Line_Item::new_instance(array('LIN_type' => EEM_Line_Item::type_line_item, 'LIN_code' => 'ticket3', 'LIN_name' => 'ticket3', 'OBJ_ID' => 3, 'OBJ_type' => 'Ticket', 'LIN_unit_price' => 35, 'LIN_quantity' => $ticket_quantities[3]['included'] + $ticket_quantities[3]['not'], 'LIN_total' => 35, 'LIN_is_taxable' => true)); $event_B_subtotal->add_child_line_item($ticket_3_li); //also need to make registrations $regs_to_include = $this->_create_regs($ticket_quantities, $grand_total); //ok now let's use the filter $filter = new EE_Specific_Registrations_Line_Item_Filter($regs_to_include); $filtered_total = $filter->process($grand_total); // echo "AFTER tree:"; // EEH_Line_Item::visualize( $grand_total ); //the filter doesn't recalculate totals, and it edits the inputted tree; //hat's ok, the processor does both of those. But we need to manually do it here $this->assertEquals($grand_total, $filtered_total); $grand_total->recalculate_total_including_taxes(); //check ticket 1 $this->assertEquals(4, $ticket_1_li->quantity()); $this->assertEquals(10, $ticket_1_li->unit_price()); $this->assertEquals(40, $ticket_1_li->total()); //check ticket 2 $this->assertEquals(0, $ticket_2_li->quantity()); $this->assertEquals(50, $ticket_2_li->unit_price()); $this->assertEquals(0, $ticket_2_li->total()); //and verify the percent line item's total has changed, but not its percent $this->assertEquals(-25, $percent_discount_li->percent()); $this->assertEquals(-10, $percent_discount_li->total()); //flat discount is tricky. we only show the PART of the flat discount //that applied to the tickets shown. To determine that, we see what //percent of the original discount was of the original total, and then multiply //the new total by that percent. //the original total = ticket1's-total + ticket2's-total + percent-discount // = 100 + 100 - 50 = 150 //flat discount's original percent of total = flat-discount / original total // = -10 / 150 = 0.0666666 //new total = ticket1's-filtered-total + ticket2's-filtered-total + percent-discount-for-filtered-total // = 40 + 0 - 10 = 30 //new flat total = flat discount's original percent of total x new total // = 0.0666666 x 30 = 1.9999999 $this->assertEquals(1, $flat_discount_li->quantity()); $this->assertEquals(-2, $flat_discount_li->unit_price()); $this->assertEquals(-2, $flat_discount_li->total()); //other event's ticket purchase $this->assertEquals(1, $ticket_3_li->quantity()); $this->assertEquals(35, $ticket_3_li->unit_price()); $this->assertEquals(35, $ticket_3_li->total()); }
/** * Creates a new, unsaved line item, but if it's a ticket line item * with a total of 0, or a subtotal of 0, returns null instead * @param EE_Line_Item $line_item * @return EE_Line_Item */ public static function non_empty_line_item(EE_Line_Item $line_item) { if ($line_item->type() === EEM_Line_Item::type_line_item && $line_item->OBJ_type() === 'Ticket' && $line_item->quantity() == 0) { return null; } $new_li_fields = $line_item->model_field_array(); //don't set the total. We'll leave that up to the code that calculates it unset($new_li_fields['LIN_ID']); unset($new_li_fields['LIN_parent']); return EE_Line_Item::new_instance($new_li_fields); }
/** * @group 7358 */ public function test_get_raw() { $l2 = EE_Line_Item::new_instance(array()); $this->assertTrue(1 == $l2->get_raw('LIN_quantity')); $l2->save(); $l2_from_db = EEM_Line_Item::reset()->get_one_by_ID($l2->ID()); //double check its NULL in the DB $qty_col_with_one_result = EEM_Line_Item::instance()->get_col(array(array('LIN_ID' => $l2->ID())), 'LIN_quantity'); $qty_col_in_db = reset($qty_col_with_one_result); $this->assertTrue(1 == $qty_col_in_db); //and now verify get_raw is returning that same value $this->assertTrue(1 == $l2_from_db->get_raw('LIN_quantity')); }
/** * Verifies that we fix sub line item quantities and line item unit prices * @group 8566 */ function test_recalculate_total_including_taxes__fix_sub_line_item_quantities() { $line_item = EE_Line_Item::new_instance(array('LIN_name' => 'ticket', 'LIN_type' => EEM_Line_Item::type_line_item, 'LIN_quantity' => 2)); $line_item->save(); $flat_sub_line_item = EE_Line_Item::new_instance(array('LIN_name' => 'flat', 'LIN_type' => EEM_Line_Item::type_sub_line_item, 'LIN_unit_price' => 10, 'LIN_quantity' => 1, 'LIN_order' => 1, 'LIN_parent' => $line_item->ID())); $flat_sub_line_item->save(); $percent_sub_line_item = EE_Line_Item::new_instance(array('LIN_name' => 'percent', 'LIN_type' => EEM_Line_Item::type_sub_line_item, 'LIN_quantity' => 0, 'LIN_percent' => -25, 'LIN_order' => 100, 'LIN_parent' => $line_item->ID())); $percent_sub_line_item->save(); $line_item->recalculate_pre_tax_total(); $this->assertEquals(2, $flat_sub_line_item->quantity()); $this->assertEquals(1, $percent_sub_line_item->quantity()); $this->assertEquals(20, $flat_sub_line_item->total()); $this->assertEquals(-5, $percent_sub_line_item->total()); $this->assertEquals(15, $line_item->total()); $this->assertEquals(7.5, $line_item->unit_price()); }
/** * Simply adds global taxes to the cart's taxes (if they were already in there, updates them). * Doesn't calculate the totals for each tax or add the tax totals to the total line item * @return void */ private function _add_taxes_to_cart() { // start with empty array $this->_taxes = array(); // get array of taxes via Price Model $ordered_taxes = EE_Registry::instance()->load_model('Price')->get_all_prices_that_are_taxes(); ksort($ordered_taxes); $taxes_line_item = $this->get_taxes_line_item(); //just to be safe, remove its old tax line items $taxes_line_item->delete_children_line_items(); //loop thru taxes foreach ($ordered_taxes as $order => $taxes) { foreach ($taxes as $tax) { if ($tax instanceof EE_Price) { $taxes_line_item->add_child_line_item(EE_Line_Item::new_instance(array('LIN_name' => $tax->name(), 'LIN_desc' => $tax->desc(), 'LIN_percent' => $tax->amount(), 'LIN_is_taxable' => false, 'LIN_order' => $order, 'LIN_total' => 0, 'LIN_type' => EEM_Line_Item::type_tax, 'OBJ_type' => 'Price', 'OBJ_ID' => $tax->ID()))); } } } }
/** * Overwrites the previous tax by clearing out the old taxes, and creates a new * tax and updates the total line item accordingly * @param EE_Line_Item $total_line_item * @param float $amount * @param string $name * @param string $description * @return EE_Line_Item the new tax line item created */ public static function set_total_tax_to(EE_Line_Item $total_line_item, $amount, $name = NULL, $description = NULL) { //first: remove all tax descendants //add this as a new tax descendant $tax_subtotal = self::get_taxes_subtotal($total_line_item); $tax_subtotal->delete_children_line_items(); $taxable_total = $total_line_item->taxable_total(); $new_tax = EE_Line_Item::new_instance(array('TXN_ID' => $total_line_item->TXN_ID(), 'LIN_name' => $name ? $name : __('Tax', 'event_espresso'), 'LIN_desc' => $description ? $description : '', 'LIN_percent' => $taxable_total ? $amount / $total_line_item->taxable_total() * 100 : 0, 'LIN_total' => $amount, 'LIN_parent' => $tax_subtotal->ID(), 'LIN_type' => EEM_Line_Item::type_tax)); $new_tax->save(); $tax_subtotal->set_total($amount); $tax_subtotal->save(); $total_line_item->recalculate_total_including_taxes(); return $new_tax; }