function getInfoClass() { $os = determineOS(); $class = 'OS_' . $os; $file = 'class.' . $class . '.php'; require $file; return new $class(); }
function getLoadMy() { $os = determineOS(); $class = 'OS_' . $os; $file = 'class.' . $class . '.php'; require $file; $info = new $class(); return $info->getLoad(); }
// we're not using english anyway and the english translation indeed exists) if (is_file(LOCAL_PATH . 'lang/en.php') && $settings['language'] != 'en') { $lang = array_merge(get_var_from_file(LOCAL_PATH . 'lang/en.php', 'lang'), get_var_from_file(LOCAL_PATH . 'lang/' . $settings['language'] . '.php', 'lang')); } else { require_once LOCAL_PATH . 'lang/' . $settings['language'] . '.php'; } // Bullshit happens if date.timezone isn't set in php 5.3+ if (!ini_get('date.timezone')) { @ini_set('date.timezone', 'Etc/UTC'); } // Don't just blindly assume we have the ob_* functions... if (!function_exists('ob_start')) { $settings['compress_content'] = false; } // Determine our OS $os = determineOS(); // Cannot? if ($os == false) { exit("Unknown/unsupported operating system\n"); } // Get info $getter = parseSystem($os, $settings); $info = $getter->getAll(); // Store current timestamp for alternative output formats $info['timestamp'] = date('c'); // Extensions runExtensions($info, $settings); // Make sure we have an array of what not to show $info['contains'] = array_key_exists('contains', $info) ? (array) $info['contains'] : array(); // From the command prompt? Ncurses motha f***a! if (defined('LINFO_CLI')) {