public function execute() { $post = $this->items; // Get the blogger object $post->author = $post->getAuthor(); // Determines if the post is featured $post->isFeatured = $post->isFeatured(); // determines if this is a teamblog post $post->team_id = $post->source_type == EASYBLOG_POST_SOURCE_TEAM ? $post->source_id : '0'; // Format microblog postings if ($post->posttype) { $this->formatMicroblog($post); } else { $post->posttype = 'standard'; } // We want to format all the content first before the theme displays the content $post->text = $post->getContent('entry'); // Get the total comments $post->totalComments = EB::comment()->getCommentCount($post); // Get custom fields for this blog post $post->fields = $post->getCustomFields(); // Assign the category object into the blog $post->categories = $post->getCategories(); $post->category = $post->getPrimaryCategory(); // Get the post assets $post->assets = $post->getAssets(); // Retrieve list of tags $post->tags = $post->getTags(); return $post; }
/** * Saves a comment item * * @since 4.0 * @access public */ public function save() { // Check for request forgeries EB::checkToken(); // Check for acl rules. $this->checkAccess('comment'); // Get the comment id $id = $this->input->get('id', 0, 'int'); // Get the comment object $comment = EB::table('Comment'); $comment->load($id); // Get the posted data $post = $this->input->getArray('post'); // Bind the post data $comment->bind($post); // Try to save the comment $state = $comment->store(); if (!$state) { $this->info->set($comment->getError(), 'error'); return $this->app->redirect('index.php?option=com_easyblog&view=comments&layout=form&id=' . $comment->id); } // If the comment is published and no notifications sent yet, we need to send it out if ($comment->published && !$comment->sent) { $comment->comment = EB::comment()->parseBBCode($comment->comment); $comment->comment = nl2br($comment->comment); // Get the blog object associated with the comment $post = $comment->getBlog(); // Process the emails now $comment->processEmails(false, $post); // Update the sent flag to sent, so we will never notify more than once $comment->updateSent(); } $this->info->set('COM_EASYBLOG_COMMENTS_SAVED', 'success'); $task = $this->getTask(); $redirect = 'index.php?option=com_easyblog&view=comments'; if ($task == 'apply') { $redirect .= '&layout=form&id=' . $comment->id; } return $this->app->redirect($redirect); }
/** * Format a list of stdclass objects into comment objects * * @since 4.0 * @access public * @param string * @return */ public function format($items) { if (!$items) { return $items; } $my = JFactory::getUser(); $model = EB::model('Comment'); $comments = array(); foreach ($items as $item) { $comment = EB::table('Comment'); $comment->bind($item); // Load the author $comment->getAuthor(); // Set the raw comments for editing $comment->raw = $comment->comment; // Set the comment depth if (isset($item->depth)) { $comment->depth = $item->depth; } // Format the comment $comment->comment = nl2br($comment->comment); $comment->comment = EB::comment()->parseBBCode($comment->comment); $comment->likesAuthor = ''; $comment->likesCount = 0; $comment->isLike = false; if ($this->config->get('comment_likes')) { $data = EB::getLikesAuthors($comment->id, 'comment', $my->id); $comment->likesAuthor = $data->string; $comment->likesCount = $data->count; $comment->isLike = $model->isLikeComment($comment->id, $my->id); } // Determine if the current user liked the item or not $comments[] = $comment; } return $comments; }
/** * Retrieves the comment count for a post. * * @since 5.0 * @access public * @param string * @return */ public static function getCommentCount($id) { $post = EB::post($id); $count = EB::comment()->getCommentCount($post); return $count; }
?> </div> <?php } ?> <?php if ($params->get('showcommentcount', 0)) { ?> <div class="mod-cell pr-10"> <a href="<?php echo $post->getPermalink(); ?> "> <?php echo EB::string()->getNoun('MOD_TOPBLOGS_COMMENTS', EB::comment()->getCommentCount($post), true); ?> </a> </div> <?php } ?> <?php if ($params->get('showreadmore', true)) { ?> <div class="mod-cell"> <a href="<?php echo $post->getPermalink(); ?> "><?php
/** * Retrieves the formatted comment * * @since 4.0 * @access public * @param string * @return string */ public function getContent($truncate = true) { if ($truncate) { $text = JString::strlen($this->comment) > 150 ? JString::substr($this->comment, 0, 150) . JText::_('COM_EASYBLOG_ELLIPSES') : $this->comment; } else { $text = EB::comment()->parseBBCode($this->comment); } $text = strip_tags($text, '<img>'); return $text; }
<li> <a href="<?php echo EB::_('index.php?option=com_easyblog&view=dashboard&layout=pending'); ?> "> <i class="fa fa-ticket"></i> <?php echo JText::_('COM_EASYBLOG_TOOLBAR_BLOG_POSTS_PENDING'); ?> </a> </li> <?php } ?> <?php if ($this->acl->get('manage_comment') && EB::comment()->isBuiltin()) { ?> <li> <a href="<?php echo EB::_('index.php?option=com_easyblog&view=dashboard&layout=comments'); ?> "> <i class="fa fa-comments"></i> <?php echo JText::_('COM_EASYBLOG_TOOLBAR_COMMENTS'); ?> </a> </li> <?php } ?>
<?php } ?> <div class="eb-post-comment-text"> <?php if (JString::strlen($comment->comment) > 130) { ?> <?php echo JString::substr(strip_tags(EB::comment()->parseBBCode($comment->comment)), 0, 130); ?> <?php } else { ?> <?php echo strip_tags(EB::comment()->parseBBCode($comment->comment)); ?> <?php } ?> </div> <a href="<?php echo $post->getPermalink(); ?> #comment-<?php echo $comment->id; ?> " class="eb-post-comment-date text-muted"><?php echo $comment->getCreated()->format(JText::_('COM_EASYBLOG_DATE_FORMAT_STATISTICS')); ?>
/** * Retrieves total number of comments the author made on the site. * * @since 4.0 * @access public * @param string * @return */ public function getCommentsCount() { if (!EB::comment()->isBuiltin()) { return 0; } $db = EB::db(); $query = 'SELECT COUNT(1) FROM ' . $db->nameQuote('#__easyblog_comment') . ' ' . 'WHERE ' . $db->nameQuote('created_by') . '=' . $db->Quote($this->id) . ' ' . 'AND ' . $db->nameQuote('published') . '=' . $db->Quote(1); $db->setQuery($query); return $db->loadResult(); }
public static function processComment($data, $row, $params) { $row->comment_id = isset($data->comment_id) ? $data->comment_id : ''; $row->comment = isset($data->comment) ? $data->comment : ''; $row->commentor = isset($data->commentor) ? $data->commentor : '0'; $row->comment_title = isset($data->comment_title) ? $data->comment_title : ''; $row->commentor_name = isset($data->commentor_name) ? $data->commentor_name : ''; if ($params->get('showlatestcomment', true)) { if ($row->commentor != 0) { $commentor = EB::user($row->commentor); $row->commentor = $commentor; } else { $obj = new stdClass(); $obj->id = '0'; $obj->nickname = !empty($row->commentor_name) ? $row->commentor_name : JText::_('COM_EASYBLOG_GUEST'); $commentor = EB::table('Profile'); $commentor->bind($obj); $row->commentor = $commentor; } } $comment = strip_tags($row->comment); $commentLength = JString::strlen($comment); $comment = '"' . $comment . '"'; $comment = EB::comment()->parseBBCode($comment); $row->comment = $commentLength > 150 ? JString::substr($comment, 0, 150) . '...' : $comment; return $row; }
/** * Retrieves a list of comments from a blog post * * @since 4.0 * @access public * @param string * @return */ public function getBlogComment($id, $limitFrontEnd = 0, $sort = 'asc', $lite = false) { $db = EB::db(); $config = EB::getConfig(); $sort = $config->get('comment_sort', 'asc'); if ($lite) { $query = 'SELECT a.* FROM `#__easyblog_comment` a'; $query .= ' INNER JOIN #__users AS c ON a.`created_by` = c.`id`'; $query .= ' WHERE a.`post_id` = ' . $db->Quote($id); $query .= ' AND a.`published` = 1'; } else { $query = 'SELECT a.*, (count( - 1) AS `depth` FROM `#__easyblog_comment` AS a'; $query .= ' INNER JOIN `#__easyblog_comment` AS b'; $query .= ' LEFT JOIN `#__users` AS c ON a.`created_by` = c.`id`'; $query .= ' WHERE a.`post_id` = ' . $db->Quote($id); $query .= ' AND b.`post_id` = ' . $db->Quote($id); $query .= ' AND a.`published` = 1'; $query .= ' AND b.`published` = 1'; $query .= ' AND a.`lft` BETWEEN b.`lft` AND b.`rgt`'; $query .= ' GROUP BY a.`id`'; } // prepare the query to get total comment $queryTotal = 'SELECT COUNT(1) FROM ('; $queryTotal .= $query; $queryTotal .= ') AS x'; // continue the query. $limit = $this->getState('limit'); $limitstart = $this->getState('limitstart'); switch ($sort) { case 'desc': $query .= ' ORDER BY a.`rgt` desc'; break; default: $query .= ' ORDER BY a.`lft` asc'; break; } if ($limitFrontEnd > 0) { $query .= ' LIMIT ' . $limitFrontEnd; } else { $query .= ' LIMIT ' . $limitstart . ',' . $limit; } if ($limitFrontEnd <= 0) { $db->setQuery($queryTotal); $this->_total = $db->loadResult(); jimport('joomla.html.pagination'); $this->_pagination = EB::pagination($this->_total, $limitstart, $limit); } // the actual content sql $db->setQuery($query); $result = $db->loadObjectList(); if (!$result) { return $result; } // Format the comments $result = EB::comment()->format($result); return $result; }
private function prepareNewCommentStream(&$item) { $comment = EB::table('Comment'); $comment->load($item->contextId); // Format the likes for the stream $likes = Foundry::likes(); $likes->get($comment->id, 'blog', 'comments'); $item->likes = $likes; $url = EBR::_('index.php?option=com_easyblog&view=entry&id=' . $comment->post_id, true, null, false, true); // Apply comments on the stream $item->comments = Foundry::comments($item->contextId, 'blog', 'comments', SOCIAL_APPS_GROUP_USER, array('url' => $url)); $post = EB::post($comment->post_id); $date = EB::date($post->created); // Parse the bbcode from EasyBlog $comment->comment = EB::comment()->parseBBCode($comment->comment); $this->set('comment', $comment); $this->set('date', $date); $this->set('permalink', $url); $this->set('blog', $post); $this->set('actor', $item->actor); $item->title = parent::display('streams/' . $item->verb . '.title'); $item->content = parent::display('streams/' . $item->verb . '.content'); $item->opengraph->addDescription($comment->comment); }
/** * Get total number of comments for this blog post * * @access public * @param null * @return int */ public function getTotalComments() { if (!isset(self::$commentCounts[$this->id])) { $count = EB::comment()->getCommentCount($this); self::$commentCounts[$this->id] = $count; } return self::$commentCounts[$this->id]; }
/** * Allows caller to update comments via ajax * * @since 4.0 * @access public * @param string * @return */ public function update() { $ajax = EB::ajax(); // Get the comment object $id = $this->input->get('id', 0, 'int'); $comment = EB::table('Comment'); $comment->load($id); if (!$id || !$comment->id) { return $ajax->reject(JText::_('COM_EASYBLOG_NO_PERMISSION_TO_EDIT_COMMENT')); } if (!EB::isSiteAdmin() && ($this->acl->get('edit_comment') || $this->my->id != $comment->created_by) && !$this->acl->get('manage_comment')) { return $ajax->reject(JText::_('COM_EASYBLOG_NO_PERMISSION_TO_EDIT_COMMENT')); } // Get the updated comment $message = $this->input->get('message', '', 'default'); if (!$message) { return $ajax->reject(JText::_('COM_EASYBLOG_COMMENTS_EMPTY_COMMENT_NOT_ALLOWED')); } $comment->comment = $message; // Update the comment $comment->store(); // Format the output back $output = nl2br($message); $output = EB::comment()->parseBBCode($output); return $ajax->resolve($output, $message); }
/** * * * @since 5.0 * @access public * @param string * @return */ public function insetCommentActivity($comment, EasyBlogPost $post) { if (!$this->exists()) { return false; } // We do not want to add activities if new comment activity is disabled. if (!$this->config->get('integrations_jomsocial_comment_new_activity')) { return false; } $command = 'easyblog.comment.add'; // Get the post title $title = $this->getPostTitle($post); // Get the permalink $permalink = EBR::getRoutedURL('index.php?option=com_easyblog&view=entry&id=' . $comment->post_id, false, true) . '#comment-' . $comment->id; // Get the content $content = ''; if ($this->config->get('integrations_jomsocial_submit_content')) { $content = $comment->comment; $content = EB::comment()->parseBBCode($content); $content = nl2br($content); $content = strip_tags($content); $content = JString::substr($content, 0, $this->config->get('integrations_jomsocial_comments_length')); } $obj = new stdClass(); $obj->title = JText::sprintf('COM_EASYBLOG_JS_ACTIVITY_COMMENT_ADDED', $permalink, $title); if (!$comment->created_by) { $obj->title = JText::sprintf('COM_EASYBLOG_JS_ACTIVITY_GUEST_COMMENT_ADDED', $permalink, $title); } $obj->content = $content; $obj->cmd = $command; $obj->actor = $comment->created_by; $obj->target = 0; $obj->app = 'easyblog'; $obj->cid = $comment->id; if ($this->config->get('integrations_jomsocial_activity_likes')) { $obj->like_id = $comment->id; $obj->like_type = 'com_easyblog.comments'; } if ($this->config->get('integrations_jomsocial_activity_comments')) { $obj->comment_id = $comment->id; $obj->comment_type = 'com_easyblog.comments'; } // add JomSocial activities CFactory::load('libraries', 'activities'); CActivityStream::add($obj); }
/** * Get total number of comments for this blog post * * @access public * @param null * @return int */ public function getTotalComments() { static $comments = array(); if (!isset($comments[$this->id])) { $count = EB::comment()->getCommentCount($this); $comments[$this->id] = $count; } return $comments[$this->id]; }
/** * Caches the comment counters * * @since 5.0 * @access public * @param string * @return */ public function cacheCommentCount($postIds = array()) { // we only cache the comment if built-in comment enabled. if (!EB::comment()->isBuiltin()) { return; } $model = EB::model('Comment'); $counters = $model->preloadCommentCount($postIds); // Determines if system is running on built in comments $builtIn = EB::comment()->isBuiltin(); foreach ($postIds as $id) { // We can only cache this if the comment is built in if ($builtIn) { $total = isset($counters[$id]) ? $counters[$id] : 0; } else { $post = $this->get($id, 'post'); $tmppost = EB::post(); $tmppost->bind($post, array('force' => true)); $total = EB::comment()->getCommentCount($tmppost); } EasyBlogPost::$commentCounts[$id] = $total; } }
/** * Prepares the comment output * * @since 4.0 * @access public * @param string * @return */ public function prepareComments(&$blog) { $config = EB::config(); $my = JFactory::getUser(); $result = new stdClass(); // add checking if comment system disabled by site owner if ($this->config->get('main_comment') && $blog->allowcomment) { // Retrieve blog comments $comments = EB::comment()->getBlogComment($blog->id); $result->pagination = EB::comment()->pagination; $result->comments = $comments; } // Set the total number of comments for this blog post $blog->totalComments = EB::comment()->getCommentCount($blog); return $result; }
<?php } ?> </div> <?php echo $adsense->beforecomments; ?> <?php echo $post->event->afterDisplayContent; ?> <?php if ($this->config->get('main_comment') && $post->allowcomment && $this->entryParams->get('post_comment_form', true)) { ?> <?php echo EB::comment()->getCommentHTML($post); ?> <?php } ?> </div> <div class="eb-adsense-foot clearfix"> <?php echo $adsense->footer; ?> </div>