Exemple #1
  * Default display method for featured listings
  * @since	4.0
  * @access	public
  * @param	string
  * @return	
 public function display($tmpl = null)
     // Set the meta tags for this page
     // Add the RSS headers on the page
     // Add breadcrumbs on the site menu.
     // Get the model
     $model = EB::model('Featured');
     // Get a list of featured posts
     $posts = $model->getPosts();
     // Get the pagination
     $pagination = $model->getPagination();
     // Format the posts
     $posts = EB::formatter('list', $posts);
     // Set the page title
     $title = EB::getPageTitle(JText::_('COM_EASYBLOG_FEATURED_PAGE_TITLE'));
     $this->setPageTitle($title, $pagination, $this->config->get('main_pagetitle_autoappend'));
     // Get the current url
     $return = EBR::_('index.php?option=com_easyblog', false);
     $this->set('return', $return);
     $this->set('posts', $posts);
     $this->set('pagination', $pagination);
 public function display($tmpl = null)
     // Checks if rss is enabled
     if (!$this->config->get('main_rss')) {
     // Get the archives model
     $model = EB::model('Archive');
     // Get a list of posts
     $posts = $model->getPosts();
     // Format the posts
     $posts = EB::formatter('list', $posts);
     // Set the link for this feed
     $this->doc->link = EBR::_('index.php?option=com_easyblog&view=archive');
     if (!$posts) {
     foreach ($posts as $post) {
         $image = '';
         if ($post->getImage('medium', true, true)) {
             $image = '<img src=' . $post->getImage('medium', true, true) . '" alt="' . $post->title . '" />';
         $item = new JFeedItem();
         $item->title = $post->title;
         $item->link = $post->getPermalink();
         $item->description = $image . $post->getIntro();
         $item->date = $post->getCreationDate()->format();
         $item->category = $post->getPrimaryCategory()->getTitle();
         $item->author = $post->author->getName();
         $item->authorEmail = $this->getRssEmail($post->author);
Exemple #3
 public function get()
     $input = JFactory::getApplication()->input;
     $model = EasyBlogHelper::getModel('Blog');
     //$id = $input->get('id', null, 'INT');
     $id = 0;
     $search = $input->get('search', '', 'STRING');
     $featured = $input->get('featured', 0, 'INT');
     $tags = $input->get('tags', 0, 'INT');
     $user_id = $input->get('user_id', 0, 'INT');
     $posts = array();
     // If we have an id try to fetch the user
     $blog = EasyBlogHelper::table('Blog');
     $modelPT = EasyBlogHelper::getModel('PostTag');
     if ($tags) {
         $rows = $model->getTaggedBlogs($tags);
     } else {
         if ($featured) {
             $rows = $this->getfeature_Blog();
             $sorting = $this->plugin->params->get('sorting', 'featured');
         } else {
             if ($user_id) {
                 $blogs = EasyBlogHelper::getModel('Blog');
                 $rows = $blogs->getBlogsBy('blogger', $user_id, 'latest');
             } else {
                 //to get latest blog
                 //$sorting	= $this->plugin->params->get( 'sorting' , 'latest' );
                 //$rows 	= $model->getBlogsBy( $sorting , '' , $sorting , 0, EBLOG_FILTER_PUBLISHED, $search );
                 $rows = $model->getBlogsBy('', '', 'latest', 0, EBLOG_FILTER_PUBLISHED, null, true, array(), false, false, true, '', '', null, 'listlength', false);
                 //$rows = EB::formatter('list', $rows, false);
     $rows = EB::formatter('list', $rows, false);
     //data mapping
     foreach ($rows as $k => $v) {
         //$item = EB::helper( 'simpleschema' )->mapPost($v,'', 100, array('text'));
         $scm_obj = new EasyBlogSimpleSchema_plg();
         $item = $scm_obj->mapPost($v, '', 100, array('text'));
         $item->tags = $modelPT->getBlogTags($item->postid);
         $item->isowner = $v->created_by == $this->plugin->get('user')->id ? true : false;
         if ($v->blogpassword != '') {
             $item->ispassword = true;
         } else {
             $item->ispassword = false;
         $item->blogpassword = $v->blogpassword;
         $model = EasyBlogHelper::getModel('Ratings');
         $ratingValue = $model->getRatingValues($item->postid, 'entry');
         $item->rate = $ratingValue;
         $item->isVoted = $model->hasVoted($item->postid, 'entry', $this->plugin->get('user')->id);
         if ($item->rate->ratings == 0) {
             $item->rate->ratings = -2;
         $posts[] = $item;
Exemple #4
 public function display($tmpl = null)
     $dispatcher = JDispatcher::getInstance();
     $mainframe = JFactory::getApplication();
     $document = JFactory::getDocument();
     $config = EasyBlogHelper::getConfig();
     //for trigger
     $params = $mainframe->getParams('com_easyblog');
     $joomlaVersion = EasyBlogHelper::getJoomlaVersion();
     $blogId = $this->input->get('id', 0, 'int');
     if (empty($blogId)) {
         return JError::raiseError(404, JText::_('COM_EASYBLOG_BLOG_NOT_FOUND'));
     $my = JFactory::getUser();
     $blog = EB::table('Blog');
     $post = EB::post($blogId);
     // Check if blog is password protected.
     $protected = $this->isProtected($post);
     if ($protected !== false) {
     // If the blog post is already deleted, we shouldn't let it to be accessible at all.
     if ($post->isTrashed()) {
         return JError::raiseError(404, JText::_('COM_EASYBLOG_ENTRY_BLOG_NOT_FOUND'));
     // Check if the blog post is trashed
     if (!$post->isPublished() && $this->my->id != $post->created_by && !EB::isSiteAdmin()) {
         return JError::raiseError(404, JText::_('COM_EASYBLOG_ENTRY_BLOG_NOT_FOUND'));
     // Check for team's privacy
     $allowed = $this->checkTeamPrivacy($post);
     if ($allowed === false) {
         return JError::raiseError(404, JText::_('COM_EASYBLOG_TEAMBLOG_MEMBERS_ONLY'));
     // Check if the blog post is accessible.
     $accessible = $post->isAccessible();
     if (!$accessible->allowed) {
         echo $accessible->error;
     // Format the post
     $post = EB::formatter('entry', $post);
     $tags = $post->getTags();
     $theme = EB::template();
     $theme->set('post', $post);
     $theme->set('tags', $tags);
     $blogHtml = $theme->output('site/blogs/entry/pdf');
     $pageTitle = EasyBlogHelper::getPageTitle($config->get('main_title'));
     $document->setTitle($post->title . $pageTitle);
     // Fix phoca pdf plugin.
     if (method_exists($document, 'setArticleText')) {
     echo $blogHtml;
Exemple #5
 public function display($tmpl = null)
     // Get the model
     $model = EB::model('Search');
     $posts = $model->getData();
     $posts = EB::formatter('list', $posts);
     $this->set('posts', $posts);
     return parent::display();
Exemple #6
  * Default feed display method
  * @since	5.0
  * @access	public
  * @param	string
  * @return
 public function display($tmpl = null)
     // Ensure that rss is enabled
     if (!$this->config->get('main_rss')) {
         return JError::raiseError(404, JText::_('COM_EASYBLOG_FEEDS_DISABLED'));
     $id = $this->input->get('id', '', 'cmd');
     $category = EB::table('Category');
     // Private category shouldn't allow to access.
     $privacy = $category->checkPrivacy();
     if (!$privacy->allowed) {
         return JError::raiseError(500, JText::_('COM_EASYBLOG_NOT_ALLOWED_HERE'));
     // Get the nested categories
     $category->childs = null;
     EB::buildNestedCategories($category->id, $category);
     $linkage = '';
     EB::accessNestedCategories($category, $linkage, '0', '', 'link', ', ');
     $catIds = array();
     $catIds[] = $category->id;
     EB::accessNestedCategoriesId($category, $catIds);
     $category->nestedLink = $linkage;
     $model = EB::model('Blog');
     $sort = $this->input->get('sort', $this->config->get('layout_postorder'), 'cmd');
     $posts = $model->getBlogsBy('category', $catIds, $sort);
     $posts = EB::formatter('list', $posts);
     $this->doc->link = EBR::_('index.php?option=com_easyblog&view=categories&id=' . $id . '&layout=listings');
     $this->doc->setDescription(JText::sprintf('COM_EASYBLOG_FEEDS_CATEGORY_DESC', $this->escape($category->getTitle())));
     if (!$posts) {
     $uri = JURI::getInstance();
     $scheme = $uri->toString(array('scheme'));
     $scheme = str_replace('://', ':', $scheme);
     foreach ($posts as $post) {
         $image = '';
         if ($post->hasImage()) {
             $image = '<img src="' . $post->getImage('medium', true, true) . '" width="250" align="left" />';
         $item = new JFeedItem();
         $item->title = $this->escape($post->title);
         $item->link = $post->getPermalink();
         $item->description = $image . $post->getIntro();
         // replace the image source to proper format so that feed reader can view the image correctly.
         $item->description = str_replace('src="//', 'src="' . $scheme . '//', $item->description);
         $item->description = str_replace('href="//', 'href="' . $scheme . '//', $item->description);
         $item->date = $post->getCreationDate()->toSql();
         $item->category = $post->getPrimaryCategory()->getTitle();
         $item->author = $post->author->getName();
         $item->authorEmail = $this->getRssEmail($post->author);
     // exit;
Exemple #7
  * Default method to render listings in json format.
  * @since	5.0
  * @access	public
  * @param	string
  * @return	
 public function display($tmpl = null)
     // Get the sorting options
     $sort = $this->input->get('sort', $this->config->get('layout_postorder'));
     $model = EB::model('Blog');
     $posts = $model->getBlogsBy('', '', $sort, 0, EBLOG_FILTER_PUBLISHED, null, true);
     // Format the posts
     $posts = EB::formatter('list', $posts);
     $this->set('posts', $posts);
     return parent::display();
Exemple #8
 public function execute()
     if (!$this->items) {
         return $this->items;
     // cache teamblogs
     $teams = array();
     // Load up the blogs model
     $model = EB::model('TeamBlogs');
     // Get the current user's group id's
     $gid = EB::getUserGids();
     foreach ($this->items as $item) {
         $team = EB::table('TeamBlog');
         // Check if the logged in user is a member of the group
         $team->isMember = $team->isMember($this->my->id, $gid);
         $team->isActualMember = $team->isMember($this->my->id, $gid, false);
         $team->members = $model->getAllMembers($team->id, 5);
         // total member count ( including actual members and users from asociated joomla group.)
         $team->memberCount = $team->getAllMembersCount();
         // post count associated with this teamblog.
         $team->postCount = $team->getPostCount();
         // Get the list of blog posts form this team
         $blogs = array();
         if ($team->access != EBLOG_TEAMBLOG_ACCESS_MEMBER || $team->isMember || EB::isSiteAdmin()) {
             $blogs = $model->getPosts($team->id, EASYBLOG_TEAMBLOG_LISTING_NO_POST);
             $blogs = EB::formatter('list', $blogs);
         $team->blogs = $blogs;
         // Get the list of tags
         // $team->tags = $team->getTags();
         // Get categories used in this team
         // $team->categories = $team->getCategories();
         // Determines if the team is featured
         if (isset($item->isfeatured)) {
             $team->isFeatured = $item->isfeatured;
         } else {
             $team->isFeatured = EB::isFeatured('teamblog', $team->id);
         // check if team description is emtpy or not. if yes, show default message.
         if (empty($team->description)) {
             $team->description = JText::_('COM_EASYBLOG_TEAMBLOG_NO_DESCRIPTION');
         // Determines if the viewer is subscribed to this team
         $team->isTeamSubscribed = $model->isTeamSubscribedEmail($team->id, $this->my->email);
         // If the user is subscribed, we need to get his subscription id
         $team->subscription_id = $team->isTeamSubscribed;
         $teams[] = $team;
     return $teams;
  * Displays a list of blog posts from a specific team
  * @since	4.0
  * @access	public
  * @param	string
  * @return
 public function listings()
     // Get the team id that is being accessed now
     $id = $this->input->get('id', 0, 'int');
     $team = EB::table('TeamBlog');
     if (!$id || !$team->id) {
         return JError::raiseError(404, JText::_('COM_EASYBLOG_TEAMBLOG_INVALID_ID'));
     // set meta tags for teamblog view
     EB::setMeta($id, META_TYPE_TEAM);
     $gid = EB::getUserGids();
     $isMember = $team->isMember($this->my->id, $gid);
     $team->isMember = $isMember;
     $team->isActualMember = $team->isMember($this->my->id, $gid, false);
     // Add rss feed link
     if ($team->access == EBLOG_TEAMBLOG_ACCESS_EVERYONE || $team->isMember) {
         $this->doc->addHeadLink($team->getRSS(), 'alternate', 'rel', array('type' => 'application/rss+xml', 'title' => 'RSS 2.0'));
         $this->doc->addHeadLink($team->getAtom(), 'alternate', 'rel', array('type' => 'application/atom+xml', 'title' => 'Atom 1.0'));
     // check if team description is emtpy or not. if yes, show default message.
     if (empty($team->description)) {
         $team->description = JText::_('COM_EASYBLOG_TEAMBLOG_NO_DESCRIPTION');
     // Set the breadcrumbs for this view
     // Retrieve the model
     $model = EB::model('TeamBlogs');
     $posts = $model->getPosts($team->id);
     $posts = EB::formatter('list', $posts);
     // Get the pagination
     $pagination = $model->getPagination();
     // Retrieve team's information
     $members = $model->getTeamMembers($team->id);
     // Determines if the team blog is featured
     $team->isFeatured = EB::isFeatured('teamblog', $team->id);
     // Set the page title
     $title = EB::getPageTitle($team->title);
     $this->setPageTitle($title, $pagination, $this->config->get('main_pagetitle_autoappend'));
     // Check if subscribed
     $isTeamSubscribed = $model->isTeamSubscribedEmail($team->id, $this->my->email);
     // Get the current url
     $return = $team->getPermalink();
     $this->set('return', $return);
     $this->set('team', $team);
     $this->set('members', $members);
     $this->set('pagination', $pagination->getPagesLinks());
     $this->set('posts', $posts);
     $this->set('isTeamSubscribed', $isTeamSubscribed);
Exemple #10
 public static function getItems($params)
     $model = EB::model('Blog');
     // Determines if we should display featured or latest entries
     $type = $params->get('showposttype', 'featured');
     // Determines if we should filter by category
     $categoryId = $params->get('catid');
     $result = array();
     if ($categoryId) {
         $categoryId = (int) $categoryId;
     if ($type == 'latest' && !$categoryId) {
         $result = $model->getBlogsBy('', '', 'latest', $params->get('count'), EBLOG_FILTER_PUBLISHED, null, true, array(), false, false, false);
     if ($type == 'latest' && $categoryId) {
         $result = $model->getBlogsBy('category', $categoryId, 'latest', $params->get('count'), EBLOG_FILTER_PUBLISHED, null, true, array(), false, false, false);
     // If not latest posttype, show featured post.
     if ($type == 'featured') {
         if ($categoryId == 0) {
             $categoryId = '';
         $result = $model->getFeaturedBlog($categoryId);
     // If there's nothing to show at all, don't display anything
     if (!$result) {
         return $result;
     $results = EB::formatter('list', $result);
     // Randomize items
     if ($params->get('autoshuffle')) {
     $contentKey = $params->get('contentfrom', 'content');
     $textcount = $params->get('textlimit', '200');
     $posts = array();
     foreach ($results as $result) {
         $content = $result->getContent();
         // Get the content from the selected source
         if ($contentKey == 'intro') {
             $content = $result->getIntro(true);
         // Truncate the content
         if (JString::strlen(strip_tags($content)) > $textcount) {
             $content = JString::substr(strip_tags($content), 0, $textcount) . '...';
         $result->content = $content;
         $posts[] = $result;
     return $posts;
  * Displays the default archives view
  * @since	4.0
  * @access	public
  * @param	string
  * @return
 public function display($tpl = null)
     // Get the archives model
     $model = EB::model('Archive');
     // Get a list of posts
     $posts = $model->getPosts();
     // Format the posts
     $posts = EB::formatter('list', $posts);
     // Get the pagination
     $pagination = $model->getPagination();
     $this->set('posts', $posts);
     $this->set('pagination', $pagination);
Exemple #12
 function display($tmpl = null)
     if (!$this->config->get('main_rss')) {
     $id = $this->input->get('id', '', 'cmd');
     $team = EB::table('TeamBlog');
     // if ($team->access != EBLOG_TEAMBLOG_ACCESS_EVERYONE ) {
     // 	return;
     // }
     $sort = JRequest::getCmd('sort', $this->config->get('layout_postorder'));
     $model = EB::model('Blog');
     $data = $model->getBlogsBy('teamblog', $id, $sort);
     // $model = EB::model('TeamBlogs');
     // $posts = $model->getPosts($team->id);
     // $posts = EB::formatter('list', $posts);
     $document = JFactory::getDocument();
     $document->link = EBR::_('index.php?option=com_easyblog&view=latest');
     $document->setTitle(JText::sprintf('COM_EASYBLOG_FEEDS_TEAMBLOGS_TITLE', $team->title));
     $document->setDescription(JText::sprintf('COM_EASYBLOG_FEEDS_TEAMBLOGS_DESC', $team->title));
     if (empty($data)) {
     $uri = JURI::getInstance();
     $scheme = $uri->toString(array('scheme'));
     $scheme = str_replace('://', ':', $scheme);
     $data = EB::formatter('list', $data);
     foreach ($data as $post) {
         $image = '';
         if ($post->hasImage()) {
             $image = '<img src="' . $post->getImage('medium', true, true) . '" width="250" align="left" />';
         $item = new JFeedItem();
         $item->title = $this->escape($post->title);
         $item->link = $post->getPermalink();
         $item->description = $image . $post->getIntro();
         // replace the image source to proper format so that feed reader can view the image correctly.
         $item->description = str_replace('src="//', 'src="' . $scheme . '//', $item->description);
         $item->description = str_replace('href="//', 'href="' . $scheme . '//', $item->description);
         $item->date = $post->getCreationDate()->toSql();
         $item->category = $post->getPrimaryCategory()->getTitle();
         $item->author = $post->author->getName();
         $item->authorEmail = $this->getRssEmail($profile);
Exemple #13
  * Main display for the blog entry view
  * @since	4.0
  * @access	public
  * @param	string
  * @return
 public function display($tpl = null)
     // Get the blog post id from the request
     $id = $this->input->get('id', 0, 'int');
     // Load the blog post now
     $post = EB::post($id);
     // If blog id is not provided correctly, throw a 404 error page
     if (!$id || !$post->id) {
         return JError::raiseError(404, JText::_('COM_EASYBLOG_ENTRY_BLOG_NOT_FOUND'));
     // If the settings requires the user to be logged in, do not allow guests here.
     if ($this->my->guest && $this->config->get('main_login_read')) {
         return EB::requireLogin();
     // Check if blog is password protected.
     $protected = $this->isProtected($post);
     if ($protected !== false) {
     // If the blog post is already deleted, we shouldn't let it to be accessible at all.
     if ($post->isTrashed()) {
         return JError::raiseError(404, JText::_('COM_EASYBLOG_ENTRY_BLOG_NOT_FOUND'));
     // Check if the blog post is trashed
     if (!$post->isPublished() && $this->my->id != $post->created_by && !EB::isSiteAdmin()) {
         return JError::raiseError(404, JText::_('COM_EASYBLOG_ENTRY_BLOG_NOT_FOUND'));
     // Check for team's privacy
     $allowed = $this->checkTeamPrivacy($post);
     if ($allowed === false) {
         return JError::raiseError(404, JText::_('COM_EASYBLOG_TEAMBLOG_MEMBERS_ONLY'));
     // Check if the blog post is accessible.
     $accessible = $post->isAccessible();
     if (!$accessible->allowed) {
         echo $accessible->error;
     // Increment the hit counter for the blog post.
     // Format the post
     $post = EB::formatter('entry', $post);
     $theme = EB::template();
     $theme->set('post', $post);
     $output = $theme->output('site/blogs/entry/default.print');
     echo $output;
Exemple #14
  * Default display method for my blog listings
  * @since	4.0
  * @access	public
  * @param	string
  * @return
 public function display($tmpl = null)
     // Require user to be logged in to access this page
     // Get the default sorting behavior
     $sort = $this->input->get('sort', $this->config->get('layout_postorder'), 'cmd');
     // Load up the author profile
     $author = EB::user($this->my->id);
     // Set meta tags for blogger
     EB::setMeta($this->my->id, META_ID_BLOGGERS);
     // Set the breadcrumbs
     $this->setPathway(JText::_('COM_EASYBLOG_BLOGGERS_BREADCRUMB'), EB::_('index.php?option=com_easyblog&view=blogger'));
     $menu = JFactory::getApplication()->getMenu();
     $categoryInclusion = array();
     if ($menu) {
         $active = $menu->getActive();
         $categoryInclusion = $active->params->get('inclusion');
     $model = EB::model('Blog');
     $posts = $model->getBlogsBy('blogger', $author->id, $sort, 0, EBLOG_FILTER_PUBLISHED, false, false, array(), false, false, true, array(), $categoryInclusion);
     // Get the pagination
     $pagination = $model->getPagination();
     // Set the page title
     $title = $author->getName() . ' - ' . EB::getPageTitle(JText::_('COM_EASYBLOG_MY_BLOG_PAGE_TITLE'));
     $this->setPageTitle($title, $pagination, $this->config->get('main_pagetitle_autoappend'));
     // Format the posts
     $posts = EB::formatter('list', $posts);
     // Add the RSS headers on the page
     // Determines if the viewer already subscribed to the author
     $subscribed = false;
     $bloggerModel = EB::model('Blogger');
     if ($bloggerModel->isBloggerSubscribedUser($author->id, $this->my->id, $this->my->email)) {
         $subscribed = true;
     // Get the current url
     $return = EBR::_('index.php?option=com_easyblog', false);
     $this->set('return', $return);
     $this->set('subscribed', $subscribed);
     $this->set('author', $author);
     $this->set('posts', $posts);
     $this->set('sort', $sort);
     $this->set('pagination', $pagination);
Exemple #15
 public function display($tpl = null)
     // Ensure that rss is enabled
     if (!$this->config->get('main_rss')) {
     // Get the default sorting behavior
     $sort = $this->input->get('sort', $this->config->get('layout_postorder'), 'cmd');
     // Load up the author profile
     $author = EB::user($this->my->id);
     // Get the blogs model
     $model = EB::model('Blog');
     $posts = $model->getBlogsBy('blogger', $author->id, $sort);
     $this->doc->link = EB::_('index.php?option=com_easyblog&view=myblog');
     $this->doc->setDescription(JText::sprintf('COM_EASYBLOG_FEEDS_MYBLOG_DESC', $author->user->name));
     // If there's no data, skip this altogether
     if (!$posts) {
     $uri = JURI::getInstance();
     $scheme = $uri->toString(array('scheme'));
     $scheme = str_replace('://', ':', $scheme);
     $posts = EB::formatter('list', $posts);
     foreach ($posts as $post) {
         $image = '';
         if ($post->hasImage()) {
             $image = '<img src="' . $post->getImage('medium', true, true) . '" width="250" align="left" />';
         $item = new JFeedItem();
         $item->title = $this->escape($post->title);
         $item->link = $post->getPermalink();
         $item->description = $image . $post->getIntro();
         // replace the image source to proper format so that feed reader can view the image correctly.
         $item->description = str_replace('src="//', 'src="' . $scheme . '//', $item->description);
         $item->description = str_replace('href="//', 'href="' . $scheme . '//', $item->description);
         $item->date = $post->getCreationDate()->toSql();
         $item->category = $post->getPrimaryCategory()->getTitle();
         $item->author = $post->author->getName();
         $item->authorEmail = $this->getRssEmail($post->author);
Exemple #16
 public function display($tmpl = null)
     // Check if rss is enabled
     if (!$this->config->get('main_rss')) {
         return JError::raiseError(404, JText::_('COM_EASYBLOG_FEEDS_DISABLED'));
     // Check if the author's id is provided
     $id = $this->input->get('id', '', 'cmd');
     if (!$id) {
         return JError::raiseError(404, JText::_('COM_EASYBLOG_FEEDS_INVALID_AUTHOR_ID'));
     $author = EB::user($id);
     $model = EB::model('Blog');
     $posts = $model->getBlogsBy('blogger', $author->id);
     $posts = EB::formatter('list', $posts);
     $this->doc->link = $author->getPermalink();
     $this->doc->setTitle(JText::sprintf('COM_EASYBLOG_FEEDS_BLOGGER_TITLE', $author->getName()));
     if (!$posts) {
     $uri = JURI::getInstance();
     $scheme = $uri->toString(array('scheme'));
     $scheme = str_replace('://', ':', $scheme);
     foreach ($posts as $post) {
         $image = '';
         if ($post->hasImage()) {
             $image = '<img src="' . $post->getImage('medium', true, true) . '" width="250" align="left" />';
         $item = new JFeedItem();
         $item->title = $this->escape($post->title);
         $item->link = $post->getPermalink();
         $item->description = $image . $post->getIntro();
         // replace the image source to proper format so that feed reader can view the image correctly.
         $item->description = str_replace('src="//', 'src="' . $scheme . '//', $item->description);
         $item->description = str_replace('href="//', 'href="' . $scheme . '//', $item->description);
         $item->date = $post->getCreationDate()->toSql();
         $item->category = $post->getPrimaryCategory()->getTitle();
         $item->author = $post->author->getName();
         $item->authorEmail = $this->getRssEmail($profile);
Exemple #17
  * Displays the default archives view
  * @since	4.0
  * @access	public
  * @param	string
  * @return
 public function display($tpl = null)
     // Get the archives model
     $model = EB::model('Archive');
     // Get a list of posts
     $posts = $model->getPosts();
     // Format the posts
     $posts = EB::formatter('list', $posts);
     // Get the pagination
     $pagination = $model->getPagination();
     // meta
     // Update the title of the page if navigating on different pages to avoid Google marking these title's as duplicates.
     $title = EB::getPageTitle(JText::_('COM_EASYBLOG_ARCHIVE_PAGE_TITLE'));
     parent::setPageTitle($title, $pagination, $this->config->get('main_pagetitle_autoappend'));
     $this->set('posts', $posts);
     $this->set('pagination', $pagination);
Exemple #18
 public function display($tmpl = null)
     // Checks if rss is enabled
     if (!$this->config->get('main_rss')) {
     // Get the archives model
     $model = EB::model('Archive');
     // Get a list of posts
     $posts = $model->getPosts();
     // Format the posts
     $posts = EB::formatter('list', $posts);
     // Set the link for this feed
     $this->doc->link = EBR::_('index.php?option=com_easyblog&view=archive');
     if (!$posts) {
     $uri = JURI::getInstance();
     $scheme = $uri->toString(array('scheme'));
     $scheme = str_replace('://', ':', $scheme);
     foreach ($posts as $post) {
         $image = '';
         if ($post->hasImage()) {
             $image = '<img src=' . $post->getImage('medium', true, true) . '" alt="' . $post->title . '" />';
         $item = new JFeedItem();
         $item->title = $post->title;
         $item->link = $post->getPermalink();
         $item->description = $image . $post->getIntro();
         // replace the image source to proper format so that feed reader can view the image correctly.
         $item->description = str_replace('src="//', 'src="' . $scheme . '//', $item->description);
         $item->description = str_replace('href="//', 'href="' . $scheme . '//', $item->description);
         $item->date = $post->getCreationDate()->format();
         $item->category = $post->getPrimaryCategory()->getTitle();
         $item->author = $post->author->getName();
         $item->authorEmail = $this->getRssEmail($post->author);
Exemple #19
  * Displays blog posts from a specific category
  * @since	4.0
  * @access	public
  * @param	string
  * @return	
 public function listings()
     // Get the main category
     $id = $this->input->get('id', 0, 'int');
     $category = EB::table('Category');
     // Check for the category privacy
     if (!$category->checkPrivacy()) {
         // @TODO: Display proper error message
     $catIds = array();
     $catIds[] = $category->id;
     EB::accessNestedCategoriesId($category, $catIds);
     $model = EB::model('Category');
     $posts = $model->getPosts($catIds);
     $posts = EB::formatter('list', $posts);
     $this->set('category', $category);
     $this->set('posts', $posts);
     return parent::display();
Exemple #20
 public function display($tmpl = null)
     // Get the blog post
     $id = $this->input->get('id', 0, 'int');
     // Load the blog post now
     $blog = EB::table('Blog');
     // If blog id is not provided correctly, throw a 404 error page
     if (!$id || !$blog->id) {
         return JError::raiseError(404, JText::_('COM_EASYBLOG_ENTRY_BLOG_NOT_FOUND'));
     // If the settings requires the user to be logged in, do not allow guests here.
     if ($this->my->id <= 0 && $this->config->get('main_login_read')) {
         $url = EB::_('index.php?option=com_easyblog&view=entry&id=' . $id . '&layout=login', false);
         return $this->app->redirect($url);
     // Check if blog is password protected.
     if ($this->config->get('main_password_protect') && !empty($blog->blogpassword) && !$blog->verifyPassword()) {
         return JError::raiseError(404, JText::_('COM_EASYBLOG_ENTRY_BLOG_NOT_FOUND'));
     // If the blog post is already deleted, we shouldn't let it to be accessible at all.
     if ($blog->isTrashed()) {
         return JError::raiseError(404, JText::_('COM_EASYBLOG_ENTRY_BLOG_NOT_FOUND'));
     // Check if the blog post is trashed
     if (!$blog->isPublished() && $my->id != $blog->created_by && !EB::isSiteAdmin()) {
         return JError::raiseError(404, JText::_('COM_EASYBLOG_ENTRY_BLOG_NOT_FOUND'));
     // If the viewer is the owner of the blog post, display a proper message
     if ($this->my->id == $blog->created_by && !$blog->isPublished()) {
     if (EB::isSiteAdmin() && !$blog->isPublished()) {
     $blog = EB::formatter('post', $blog);
     $this->set('post', $blog);
     return parent::display();
Exemple #21
 public static function getPosts($params)
     // Get the default sorting and ordering
     $sort = $params->get('sorting', 'latest');
     $order = $params->get('ordering', 'desc');
     // Get the total number of posts to display
     $limit = (int) trim($params->get('count', 0));
     // Determines if the user wants to filter items by specific ategories
     $catId = $params->get('catid');
     $categories = array();
     if ($catId) {
         $categories = explode(',', $catId);
     $model = EB::model('Category');
     $result = $model->getPosts($categories, $limit);
     $posts = array();
     if (!$result) {
         return $posts;
     $posts = EB::formatter('list', $result);
     return $posts;
 function display($tmpl = null)
     if (!$this->config->get('main_rss')) {
     $id = $this->input->get('id', '', 'cmd');
     $tag = EB::table('Tag');
     $sort = 'latest';
     $model = EB::model('Blog');
     $data = $model->getTaggedBlogs($id);
     $document = JFactory::getDocument();
     $document->link = EBR::_('index.php?option=com_easyblog&view=latest');
     $document->setTitle(JText::sprintf('COM_EASYBLOG_FEEDS_TAGS_TITLE', htmlentities($tag->title)));
     $document->setDescription(JText::sprintf('COM_EASYBLOG_FEEDS_TAGS_DESC', htmlentities($tag->title)));
     if (empty($data)) {
     $data = EB::formatter('list', $data);
     foreach ($data as $post) {
         $image = '';
         if ($post->getImage('medium', true, true)) {
             $image = '<img src="' . $post->getImage('medium', true, true) . '" width="250" align="left" />';
         $item = new JFeedItem();
         $item->title = $this->escape($post->title);
         $item->link = $post->getPermalink();
         $item->description = $image . $post->getIntro();
         $item->date = $post->getCreationDate()->toSql();
         $item->category = $post->getPrimaryCategory()->getTitle();
         $item->author = $post->author->getName();
         $item->authorEmail = $this->getRssEmail($profile);
 public function display($tpl = null)
     // Ensure that rss is enabled
     if (!$this->config->get('main_rss')) {
     // Get sorting options
     $sort = $this->input->get('sort', $this->config->get('layout_postorder'), 'cmd');
     // Get the blogs model
     $model = EB::model('Blog');
     $posts = $model->getBlogsBy('', '', $sort, 0, EBLOG_FILTER_PUBLISHED, null, true);
     $this->doc->link = EB::_('index.php?option=com_easyblog&view=latest');
     $this->doc->setDescription(JText::sprintf('COM_EASYBLOG_FEEDS_LATEST_DESC', JURI::root()));
     // If there's no data, skip this altogether
     if (!$posts) {
     $posts = EB::formatter('list', $posts);
     foreach ($posts as $post) {
         $image = '';
         if ($post->getImage('medium', true, true)) {
             $image = '<img src="' . $post->getImage('medium', true, true) . '" width="250" align="left" />';
         $item = new JFeedItem();
         $item->title = $this->escape($post->title);
         $item->link = $post->getPermalink();
         $item->description = $image . $post->getIntro();
         $item->date = $post->getCreationDate()->toSql();
         $item->category = $post->getPrimaryCategory()->getTitle();
         $item->author = $post->author->getName();
         $item->authorEmail = $this->getRssEmail($post->author);
Exemple #24
 public function execute()
     if (!$this->items) {
         return $this->items;
     $limit = EB::call('Pagination', 'getLimit', array(EBLOG_PAGINATION_CATEGORIES));
     // lets cache these categories
     $categories = array();
     // Get the category model
     $model = EB::model('Category');
     foreach ($this->items as $row) {
         // We want to load the table objects
         $category = EB::table('Category');
         // binding the extra info
         if (isset($row->cnt)) {
             $category->cnt = $row->cnt;
         // Format the childs
         $category->childs = array();
         // Build childs list
         EB::buildNestedCategories($category->id, $category, false, true);
         // Parameterize initial subcategories to display. Ability to configure from backend.
         $nestedLinks = '';
         $subcategoryLimit = $this->app->getCfg('list_limit') == 0 ? 5 : $this->app->getCfg('list_limit');
         if (count($category->childs) > $subcategoryLimit) {
             $initialNestedLinks = '';
             $initialRow = new stdClass();
             $initialRow->childs = array_slice($category->childs, 0, $subcategoryLimit);
             EB::accessNestedCategories($initialRow, $initialNestedLinks, '0', '', 'link', ', ');
             $moreNestedLinks = '';
             $moreRow = new stdClass();
             $moreRow->childs = array_slice($category->childs, $initialLimit);
             EB::accessNestedCategories($moreRow, $moreNestedLinks, '0', '', 'link', ', ');
             // Hide more nested links until triggered
             $nestedLinks .= $initialNestedLinks;
             $nestedLinks .= '<span class="more-subcategories-toggle"> ' . JText::_('COM_EASYBLOG_AND') . ' <a href="javascript:void(0);" onclick="eblog.categories.loadMore( this );">' . JText::sprintf('COM_EASYBLOG_OTHER_SUBCATEGORIES', count($row->childs) - $initialLimit) . '</a></span>';
             $nestedLinks .= '<span class="more-subcategories" style="display: none;">, ' . $moreNestedLinks . '</span>';
         } else {
             EB::accessNestedCategories($category, $nestedLinks, '0', '', 'link', ', ');
         // Set the nested links
         $category->nestedLink = $nestedLinks;
         // Get a list of nested categories and itself.
         $filterCategories = array($category->id);
         EB::accessNestedCategoriesId($category, $filterCategories);
         // Get a list of blog posts from this category
         $blogs = array();
         if (EB::cache()->exists($category->id, 'cats')) {
             $data = EB::cache()->get($category->id, 'cats');
             if (isset($data['post'])) {
                 $blogs = $data['post'];
         } else {
             $blogs = $model->getPosts($filterCategories, $limit);
         // Format the blog posts
         $blogs = EB::formatter('list', $blogs);
         // Assign other attributes to the category object
         $category->blogs = $blogs;
         // Get the total number of posts in the category
         if (!isset($category->cnt)) {
             $category->cnt = $model->getTotalPostCount($filterCategories);
         // Get a list of active authors within this category.
         $category->authors = $category->getActiveBloggers();
         // Check isCategorySubscribed
         $category->isCategorySubscribed = $model->isCategorySubscribedEmail($category->id, $this->my->email);
         $categories[] = $category;
     return $categories;
  * Displays a list of blog posts on the site filtered by a category.
  * @since	4.0
  * @access	public
  * @param	string
  * @return
 public function listings()
     // Retrieve sorting options
     $sort = $this->input->get('sort', $this->config->get('layout_postorder'), 'cmd');
     $id = $this->input->get('id', 0, 'int');
     // Try to load the category
     $category = EB::table('Category');
     // If the category isn't found on the site throw an error.
     if (!$id || !$category->id) {
         return JError::raiseError(404, JText::_('COM_EASYBLOG_CATEGORY_NOT_FOUND'));
     // Set the meta description for the category
     EB::setMeta($category->id, META_TYPE_CATEGORY);
     // Set a canonical link for the category page.
     // Get the privacy
     $privacy = $category->checkPrivacy();
     if ($privacy->allowed || EB::isSiteAdmin() || !$this->my->guest && $this->config->get('main_allowguestsubscribe')) {
         $this->doc->addHeadLink($category->getRSS(), 'alternate', 'rel', array('type' => 'application/rss+xml', 'title' => 'RSS 2.0'));
         $this->doc->addHeadLink($category->getAtom(), 'alternate', 'rel', array('type' => 'application/atom+xml', 'title' => 'Atom 1.0'));
     // Set views breadcrumbs
     // Set the breadcrumb for this category
     if (!EBR::isCurrentActiveMenu('categories', $category->id)) {
         // Always add the final pathway to the category title.
         $this->setPathway($category->title, '');
     //get the nested categories
     $category->childs = null;
     // Build nested childsets
     EB::buildNestedCategories($category->id, $category, false, true);
     // Parameterize initial subcategories to display. Ability to configure from backend.
     $nestedLinks = '';
     $initialLimit = $this->app->getCfg('list_limit') == 0 ? 5 : $this->app->getCfg('list_limit');
     if (count($category->childs) > $initialLimit) {
         $initialNestedLinks = '';
         $initialRow = new stdClass();
         $initialRow->childs = array_slice($category->childs, 0, $initialLimit);
         EB::accessNestedCategories($initialRow, $initialNestedLinks, '0', '', 'link', ', ');
         $moreNestedLinks = '';
         $moreRow = new stdClass();
         $moreRow->childs = array_slice($category->childs, $initialLimit);
         EB::accessNestedCategories($moreRow, $moreNestedLinks, '0', '', 'link', ', ');
         // Hide more nested links until triggered
         $nestedLinks .= $initialNestedLinks;
         $nestedLinks .= '<span class="more-subcategories-toggle" data-more-categories-link> ' . JText::_('COM_EASYBLOG_AND') . ' <a href="javascript:void(0);">' . JText::sprintf('COM_EASYBLOG_OTHER_SUBCATEGORIES', count($category->childs) - $initialLimit) . '</a></span>';
         $nestedLinks .= '<span class="more-subcategories" style="display: none;" data-more-categories>, ' . $moreNestedLinks . '</span>';
     } else {
         EB::accessNestedCategories($category, $nestedLinks, '0', '', 'link', ', ');
     $catIds = array();
     $catIds[] = $category->id;
     EB::accessNestedCategoriesId($category, $catIds);
     $category->nestedLink = $nestedLinks;
     // Get the category model
     $model = EB::model('Category');
     // Get total posts in this category
     $category->cnt = $model->getTotalPostCount($category->id);
     // Get teamblog posts count
     // $teamBlogCount = $model->getTeamBlogCount($category->id);
     $limit = EB::call('Pagination', 'getLimit', array(EBLOG_PAGINATION_CATEGORIES));
     // Get the posts in the category
     $data = $model->getPosts($catIds, $limit);
     // Get the pagination
     $pagination = $model->getPagination();
     // Get allowed categories
     $allowCat = $model->allowAclCategory($category->id);
     // Format the data that we need
     $posts = array();
     // Ensure that the user is really allowed to view the blogs
     if (!empty($data)) {
         $posts = EB::formatter('list', $data);
     // Check isCategorySubscribed
     $isCategorySubscribed = $model->isCategorySubscribedEmail($category->id, $this->my->email);
     // If this category has a different theme, we need to output it differently
     if (!empty($category->theme)) {
     // Set the page title
     $title = EB::getPageTitle(JText::_($category->title));
     $this->setPageTitle($title, $pagination, $this->config->get('main_pagetitle_autoappend'));
     // Set the return url
     $return = base64_encode($category->getExternalPermalink());
     // Get the pagination
     $pagination = $pagination->getPagesLinks();
     $this->set('allowCat', $allowCat);
     $this->set('category', $category);
     $this->set('sort', $sort);
     $this->set('posts', $posts);
     $this->set('return', $return);
     $this->set('pagination', $pagination);
     // $this->set('teamBlogCount', $teamBlogCount);
     $this->set('privacy', $privacy);
     $this->set('isCategorySubscribed', $isCategorySubscribed);
Exemple #26
  * Retrieves a list of blog posts by specific month
  * @since	5.0
  * @access	public
  * @param	string
  * @return
 public function getArchivePostByMonth($month = '', $year = '', $showPrivate = false)
     $db = EB::db();
     $user = JFactory::getUser();
     $config = EB::config();
     // used for privacy
     $queryWhere = '';
     $queryExclude = '';
     $queryExcludePending = '';
     $excludeCats = array();
     if ($user->id == 0) {
         $showPrivate = false;
     // Blog privacy setting
     // @integrations: jomsocial privacy
     $privateBlog = '';
     if (EB::easysocial()->exists() && $config->get('integrations_easysocial_privacy') && !EB::isSiteAdmin()) {
         $esPrivacyQuery = EB::easysocial()->buildPrivacyQuery('a');
         $privateBlog .= $esPrivacyQuery;
     } else {
         if ($config->get('main_jomsocial_privacy') && EB::jomsocial()->exists() && !EB::isSiteAdmin()) {
             $friendsModel = CFactory::getModel('Friends');
             $friends = $friendsModel->getFriendIds($user->id);
             // Insert query here.
             $privateBlog .= ' AND (';
             $privateBlog .= ' (a.`access`= 0 ) OR';
             $privateBlog .= ' ( (a.`access` = 20) AND (' . $db->Quote($user->id) . ' > 0 ) ) OR';
             if (!$friends) {
                 $privateBlog .= ' ( (a.`access` = 30) AND ( 1 = 2 ) ) OR';
             } else {
                 $privateBlog .= ' ( (a.`access` = 30) AND ( a.' . $db->nameQuote('created_by') . ' IN (' . implode(',', $friends) . ') ) ) OR';
             $privateBlog .= ' ( (a.`access` = 40) AND ( a.' . $db->nameQuote('created_by') . '=' . $user->id . ') )';
             $privateBlog .= ' )';
         } else {
             if ($user->id == 0) {
                 $privateBlog .= ' AND a.`access` = ' . $db->Quote(0);
     // Join the query ?
     $privateBlog = $showPrivate ? '' : $privateBlog;
     $isJSGrpPluginInstalled = false;
     $isJSGrpPluginInstalled = JPluginHelper::isEnabled('system', 'groupeasyblog');
     $isEventPluginInstalled = JPluginHelper::isEnabled('system', 'eventeasyblog');
     $isJSInstalled = false;
     // need to check if the site installed jomsocial.
     if (EB::jomsocial()->exists()) {
         $isJSInstalled = true;
     $includeJSGrp = $isJSGrpPluginInstalled && $isJSInstalled ? true : false;
     $includeJSEvent = $isEventPluginInstalled && $isJSInstalled ? true : false;
     // contribution type sql
     $contributor = EB::contributor();
     $contributeSQL = ' AND ( (a.`source_type` = ' . $db->Quote(EASYBLOG_POST_SOURCE_SITEWIDE) . ') ';
     if ($config->get('main_includeteamblogpost')) {
         $contributeSQL .= $contributor::genAccessSQL(EASYBLOG_POST_SOURCE_TEAM, 'a');
     if ($includeJSEvent) {
         $contributeSQL .= $contributor::genAccessSQL(EASYBLOG_POST_SOURCE_JOMSOCIAL_EVENT, 'a');
     if ($includeJSGrp) {
         $contributeSQL .= $contributor::genAccessSQL(EASYBLOG_POST_SOURCE_JOMSOCIAL_GROUP, 'a');
     if (EB::easysocial()->exists()) {
         $contributeSQL .= $contributor::genAccessSQL(EASYBLOG_POST_SOURCE_EASYSOCIAL_GROUP, 'a');
         $contributeSQL .= $contributor::genAccessSQL(EASYBLOG_POST_SOURCE_EASYSOCIAL_EVENT, 'a');
     $contributeSQL .= ')';
     $queryWhere .= $contributeSQL;
     //get teamblogs id.
     $query = '';
     $extraSQL = '';
     // If this is on blogger mode, we need to only pick items from the blogger.
     $blogger = EBR::isBloggerMode();
     if ($blogger !== false) {
         $extraSQL = ' AND a.`created_by` = ' . $db->Quote($blogger);
     $tzoffset = EB::date()->getOffSet(true);
     $query = 'SELECT a.*, DAY( DATE_ADD(a.`created`, INTERVAL ' . $tzoffset . ' HOUR) ) AS day,';
     $query .= ' MONTH( DATE_ADD(a.`created`, INTERVAL ' . $tzoffset . ' HOUR) ) AS month,';
     $query .= ' YEAR( DATE_ADD(a.`created`, INTERVAL ' . $tzoffset . ' HOUR) ) AS year ';
     $query .= ' FROM ' . $db->nameQuote('#__easyblog_post') . ' as a';
     $query .= ' WHERE a.`published` = ' . $db->Quote(EASYBLOG_POST_PUBLISHED) . ' ';
     $query .= ' AND a.' . $db->quoteName('state') . ' = ' . $db->Quote(EASYBLOG_POST_NORMAL) . ' ';
     $query .= $privateBlog . ' ';
     $query .= ' AND (a.`created` > ' . $db->Quote($year . '-' . $month . '-01 00:00:00') . ' AND a.`created` < ' . $db->Quote($year . '-' . $month . '-31 23:59:59') . ') ';
     // If do not display private posts, we need to append additional queries here.
     if (!$showPrivate) {
         // sql for category access
         $catLib = EB::category();
         $catAccessSQL = $catLib->genAccessSQL('a.`id`');
         $query .= ' AND (' . $catAccessSQL . ')';
     $query .= $extraSQL . ' ';
     $query .= $queryWhere;
     $query .= ' ORDER BY a.`created` ASC ';
     // echo $query;exit;
     $result = $db->loadObjectList();
     $postCount = new EasyblogCalendarObject($month, $year);
     if (!empty($result)) {
         foreach ($result as $row) {
             $post = EB::post($row->id);
             // $post->bind($row);
             $post = EB::formatter('entry', $post);
             // var_dump($row);exit;
             if ($postCount->{$year}->{$month}->{$row->day} == 0) {
                 $postCount->{$year}->{$month}->{$row->day} = array($post);
             } else {
                 array_push($postCount->{$year}->{$month}->{$row->day}, $post);
     return $postCount;
Exemple #27
  * Formats the result of the module
  * @since 5.0
 public static function processItems($data, &$params)
     $config = EB::config();
     $app = JFactory::getApplication();
     $appParams = $app->getParams('com_easyblog');
     $limitstart = $app->input->get('limitstart', 0, 'int');
     $result = array();
     $posts = EB::formatter('list', $data, false);
     foreach ($posts as $post) {
         // Default media items
         $post->media = '';
         // If the post doesn't have a blog image try to locate for an image
         if ($post->posttype == 'standard' && !$post->hasImage()) {
             $photoWSize = $params->get('photo_width', 250);
             $photoHSize = $params->get('photo_height', 250);
             $size = array('width' => $photoWSize, 'height' => $photoHSize);
             $post->media = EB::modules()->getMedia($post, $params, $size);
         // Get the comment count
         $post->commentCount = $post->getTotalComments();
         // Determines if this post is password protected or not.
         $requireVerification = false;
         if ($config->get('main_password_protect', true) && !empty($r->blogpassword)) {
             $row->title = JText::sprintf('COM_EASYBLOG_PASSWORD_PROTECTED_BLOG_TITLE', $row->title);
             $requireVerification = true;
         $post->showRating = true;
         $post->protect = false;
         $post->summary = '';
         // Only if verification is necessary, we do not want to show the content
         if ($requireVerification && !EB::verifyBlogPassword($post->blogpassword, $post->id)) {
             $return = base64_encode($post->getPermalink());
             $theme = EB::template();
             $theme->set('post', $post);
             $theme->set('id', $post->id);
             $theme->set('return', $return);
             $post->summary = $theme->output('site/blogs/latest/default.protected');
             $post->showRating = false;
             $post->protect = true;
         // Determines the content source
         $contentSource = $params->get('showintro', -1);
         // Display only the intro
         if ($contentSource == self::SOURCE_INTRO) {
             $post->summary = $post->getIntro(self::POST_STRIP_TAGS, self::POST_TRUNCATE, self::POST_SOURCE_INTRO_COLUMN);
         // Display the main content without intro
         if ($contentSource == self::SOURCE_CONTENT) {
             $post->summary = $post->getContentWithoutIntro('entry', self::POST_TRIGGER_PLUGIN);
         // Remove any html codes from the content
         $post->summary = strip_tags($post->summary);
         // Truncation settings
         $maxLength = $params->get('textcount', 0);
         $length = JString::strlen($post->summary);
         if ($maxLength && $length > $maxLength && !$post->protect) {
             $post->summary = JString::substr($post->summary, 0, $maxLength) . JText::_('COM_EASYBLOG_ELLIPSES');
         $result[] = $post;
     return $result;
Exemple #28
  * Main display for the blog entry view
  * @since	4.0
  * @access	public
  * @param	string
  * @return
 public function preview($tpl = null)
     // Get the blog post id from the request
     $id = $this->input->get('uid', '', 'default');
     // Load the blog post now
     $post = EB::post($id);
     // After the post is loaded, set it into the cache
     // If blog id is not provided correctly, throw a 404 error page
     if (!$id || !$post->id) {
         return JError::raiseError(404, JText::_('COM_EASYBLOG_ENTRY_BLOG_NOT_FOUND'));
     // If the settings requires the user to be logged in, do not allow guests here.
     // Render necessary data on the headers
     // Check if blog is password protected.
     $protected = $this->isProtected($post);
     if ($protected !== false) {
     // Perform validation checks to see if post is valid
     $exception = $post->checkView();
     if ($exception instanceof EasyBlogException) {
         return JError::raiseError(400, $exception->getMessage());
     // If the viewer is the owner of the blog post, display a proper message
     if ($this->my->id == $post->created_by && !$post->isPublished()) {
     if (EB::isSiteAdmin() && !$post->isPublished()) {
     // Format the post
     $post = EB::formatter('entry', $post);
     // Add bloggers breadcrumbs
     if (!EBR::isCurrentActiveMenu('blogger', $post->author->id) && $this->config->get('layout_blogger_breadcrumb')) {
         $this->setPathway($post->author->getName(), $post->author->getPermalink());
     // Add entry breadcrumb
     if (!EBR::isCurrentActiveMenu('entry', $post->id)) {
         $this->setPathway($post->title, '');
     // Load up the blog model
     $model = EB::model('Blog');
     // Get author's recent posts.
     $recent = $this->getRecentPosts($post);
     // Add canonical URLs for the blog post
     if ($this->config->get('main_canonical_entry')) {
         $this->canonical('index.php?option=com_easyblog&view=entry&id=' . $post->id);
     // Prepare navigation object
     $navigation = $this->prepareNavigation($post);
     // Retrieve Google Adsense codes
     $adsense = EB::adsense()->html($post);
     // If a custom theme is setup for entries in the category, set a different theme
     if (!empty($post->category->theme)) {
     // Check if the user subscribed to this post.
     $isBlogSubscribed = $model->isBlogSubscribedEmail($post->id, $this->my->email);
     $theme = EB::template();
     // Prepare related post
     $relatedPosts = array();
     // @TODO: Related posts seems to be missing from the theme file.
     if ($theme->params->get('post_related', true)) {
         $relatedPosts = $model->getRelatedPosts($post->id, $theme->params->get('post_related_limit', 5));
     if (!$post->posttype) {
         $post->posttype = 'standard';
     $this->set('post', $post);
     $this->set('navigation', $navigation);
     $this->set('relatedPosts', $relatedPosts);
     $this->set('recent', $recent);
     $this->set('preview', true);
     $this->set('adsense', $adsense);
     $this->set('isBlogSubscribed', $isBlogSubscribed);
     // Get the menu params associated with this post
     $params = $post->getMenuParams();
     $this->theme->entryParams = $params;
// Include the engine file.
require_once $file;
// Check if Foundry exists
if (!FD::exists()) {
// Include EasyBlog's library
require_once JPATH_ROOT . '/administrator/components/com_easyblog/includes/easyblog.php';
$my = ES::user();
// Load up the module engine
$modules = ES::modules('mod_easysocial_easyblog_posts');
$model = EB::model('Blog');
// Get the module options
$total = (int) $params->get('total', 5);
$sorting = $params->get('sorting', 'latest');
// Let's load the list of posts now
$posts = $model->getBlogsBy('latest', '', $sorting, $total);
// We need to format the blog post accordingly.
$posts = EB::formatter('list', $posts, false);
// Get the author of the blog posts
foreach ($posts as $post) {
    $post->user = ES::user($post->created_by);
// We need these packages
$modules->addDependency('css', 'javascript');
// Get the layout to use.
$layout = $params->get('layout', 'default');
$suffix = $params->get('suffix', '');
require JModuleHelper::getLayoutPath('mod_easysocial_easyblog_posts', $layout);
Exemple #30
  * Default search view for EasyBlog
  * @since	4.0
  * @access	public
  * @param	string
  * @return
 public function display($tmpl = null)
     // Set the meta tags for search
     // Set the page title
     $title = EasyBlogHelper::getPageTitle(JText::_('COM_EASYBLOG_SEARCH_PAGE_TITLE'));
     // Set the view's breadcrumbs
     // Get any existing query
     $query = $this->input->get('query', '', 'default');
     $Itemid = $this->input->get('Itemid', '', 'int');
     $posts = array();
     $pagination = '';
     if (!empty($query)) {
         // Get the model
         $model = EB::model('Search');
         $result = $model->getData();
         $total = count($result);
         if ($total > 0) {
             $searchworda = preg_replace('#\\xE3\\x80\\x80#s', ' ', $query);
             $searchwords = preg_split("/\\s+/u", $searchworda);
             $needle = $searchwords[0];
             $searchwords = array_unique($searchwords);
             // var_dump($result[0]);
             // Format the post
             $posts = EB::formatter('list', $result);
             // var_dump($posts[0]);
             // exit;
             // Remove all unecessary codes from the output
             foreach ($posts as &$row) {
                 // var_dump($row->content);
                 // Strip videos
                 $row->intro = EB::videos()->strip($row->intro);
                 $row->content = EB::videos()->strip($row->content);
                 // strip gallery
                 $row->intro = EB::gallery()->strip($row->intro);
                 $row->content = EB::gallery()->strip($row->content);
                 // strip jomsocial album
                 $row->intro = EB::album()->strip($row->intro);
                 $row->content = EB::album()->strip($row->content);
                 // strip audio
                 $row->intro = EB::audio()->strip($row->intro);
                 $row->content = EB::audio()->strip($row->content);
                 // Format the content so that we can apply our search highlighting
                 $content = preg_replace('/\\s+/', ' ', strip_tags($row->content));
                 if (empty($content)) {
                     $content = preg_replace('/\\s+/', ' ', strip_tags($row->intro));
                 // We only want a snippet of the content
                 $content = JString::substr(strip_tags($content), 0, 350);
                 $pattern = '#(';
                 $x = 0;
                 foreach ($searchwords as $key => $value) {
                     $pattern .= $x == 0 ? '' : '|';
                     $pattern .= preg_quote($value, '#');
                 $pattern .= ')#iu';
                 $row->title = preg_replace($pattern, '<span class="search-highlight">\\0</span>', $row->title);
                 $row->content = preg_replace($pattern, '<span class="search-highlight">\\0</span>', $content);
         $pagination = $model->getPagination();
     $this->set('query', $query);
     $this->set('posts', $posts);
     $this->set('pagination', $pagination);
     $this->set('Itemid', $Itemid);