tableExists() public méthode

public tableExists ( $table ) : boolean
Résultat boolean
  * Determine whether an existing installation of MediaWiki is present in
  * the configured administrative connection. Returns true if there is
  * such a wiki, false if the database doesn't exist.
  * Traditionally, this is done by testing for the existence of either
  * the revision table or the cur table.
  * @return bool
 public function needsUpgrade()
     $status = $this->getConnection();
     if (!$status->isOK()) {
         return false;
     if (!$this->db->selectDB($this->getVar('wgDBname'))) {
         return false;
     return $this->db->tableExists('cur', __METHOD__) || $this->db->tableExists('revision', __METHOD__);
Exemple #2
  * Migrate the database up to the greatest defined value
 public static function up()
     // check to see if the "migration" table exists
     if (!Database::tableExists(static::$table_name)) {
         // if not, create it
         Database::execute("CREATE TABLE " . static::$table_name . " (id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY ASC, last INTEGER);");
         // initialize the value
         Database::execute("INSERT INTO " . static::$table_name . " VALUES ( 1, 0 );");
     // get the current migration counter
     $value = Database::query("SELECT last FROM " . static::$table_name . " WHERE id=1;");
     $value = $value[0]['last'];
     // get the list of migration classes from the config
     $migrations = Config::get('migrations.migrations');
     // make a list of classes to rollback, just in case of error
     $rollback = array();
     // do the following in a try/catch block so we can roll back if need be
     try {
         while ($value < max(array_keys($migrations))) {
             // increment the counter
             // if a migration exists for the incremented counter, then run it
             if (array_key_exists($value, $migrations)) {
                 // get the class name
                 $class = $migrations[$value];
                 if ($class) {
                     // run the migration "up" method
                     // add this class to the list of rollbacks, just in case
                     $rollback[] = $class;
                 } else {
                     throw new Exception("Missing migration class '{$class}' for entry {$value}");
             } else {
                 throw new Exception("Missing migration number: {$value}");
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         // we need to rollback
         // reverse the rollback array, since items were added to the end
         $rollback = array_reverse($rollback);
         // step through and roll back
         foreach ($rollback as $class) {
         // and rethrow the exception
         throw $e;
     // if we get here, then everything succeeded
     // save the last migration counter
     Database::execute("UPDATE " . static::$table_name . " SET last=:last WHERE id=1;", array(':last' => $value));
  * Enable profiling table when it's turned on
 protected function doEnableProfiling()
     global $wgProfiler;
     if (!$this->doTable('profiling')) {
     $profileToDb = false;
     if (isset($wgProfiler['output'])) {
         $out = $wgProfiler['output'];
         if ($out === 'db') {
             $profileToDb = true;
         } elseif (is_array($out) && in_array('db', $out)) {
             $profileToDb = true;
     if ($profileToDb && !$this->db->tableExists('profiling', __METHOD__)) {
         $this->applyPatch('patch-profiling.sql', false, 'Add profiling table');
Exemple #4
 function checkTables()
     if (!parent::tableExists('baseline')) {
         $text = "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `baseline` (\n  `id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,\n  `filepath` varchar(255) NOT NULL,\n  `hash` varchar(32) NOT NULL,\n  `state` tinyint(4) NOT NULL,\n  `date_added` datetime NOT NULL,\n  `date_checked` datetime NOT NULL,\n  PRIMARY KEY (`id`),\n  KEY `Filepath` (`filepath`)\n) ENGINE=MyISAM  DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 AUTO_INCREMENT=8154";
         $ok = parent::runQuery($text);
         if ($ok) {
             Logfile::writeWhen("Table 'baseline' created");
         } else {
             Logfile::writeError("Table creation 'baseline' FAILED");
     if (!parent::tableExists('tested')) {
         $text = "CREATE TABLE `tested` (\n  `tested` datetime NOT NULL,\n  `total` int(11),\n  `new` int(11),\n  `changed` int(11),\n  `deleted` int(11),\n  `emailsent` tinyint(1) DEFAULT NULL\n) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8";
         $ok = parent::runQuery($text);
         if ($ok) {
             Logfile::writeWhen("Table 'tested' created");
         } else {
             Logfile::writeError("Table creation 'tested' FAILED");
Exemple #5
 /** exdoc
  * This function restores a database (overwriting all data in
  * any existing tables) from an EQL object dump.  Returns true if
  * the restore was a success and false if something went horribly wrong
  * (unable to read file, etc.)  Even if true is returned, there is a chance
  * that some errors were encountered.  Check $errors to be sure everything
  * was fine.
  * @param Database $db The database to restore to
  * @param string $file The filename of the EQL file to restore from
  * @param array $errors A referenced array that stores errors.  Whatever
  *	 variable is passed in this argument will contain all errors encountered
  *	during the parse/restore.
  * @param null $force_version
  * @return bool
  * @node Model:expFile
 public static function restoreDatabase($db, $file, &$errors, $force_version = null)
     $errors = array();
     if (is_readable($file)) {
         $lines = @file($file);
         // Sanity check
         if (count($lines) < 2 || trim($lines[0]) != EQL_HEADER) {
             $errors[] = gt('Not a valid EQL file');
             return false;
         if ($force_version == null) {
             $version = explode(':', trim($lines[1]));
             $eql_version = $version[1] + 0;
         } else {
             $eql_version = $force_version;
         $current_version = EXPONENT + 0;
         $clear_function = '';
         $fprefix = '';
         // Check version and include necessary converters
         //FIXME We reject v1.0 eql files
         if ($eql_version != $current_version) {
             $errors[] = gt('EQL file was Not a valid EQL version');
             return false;
             //			$fprefix = 'expFile::'.implode('',explode('.',$eql_version)).'_';
             //			if (function_exists($fprefix.'clearedTable')) {
             //				$clear_function = $fprefix.'clearedTable';
             //			}
         // make sure the database tables are up to date
         $table = '';
         $table_function = '';
         for ($i = 2; $i < count($lines); $i++) {
             $line_number = $i;
             $line = trim($lines[$i]);
             if ($line != '') {
                 $pair = explode(':', $line);
                 $pair[1] = implode(':', array_slice($pair, 1));
                 $pair = array_slice($pair, 0, 2);
                 if ($pair[0] == 'TABLE') {
                     $table = $pair[1];
                     if ($fprefix != '') {
                         $table_function = $fprefix . $table;
                     if ($db->tableExists($table)) {
                         if ($clear_function != '') {
                             $clear_function($db, $table);
                     } else {
                         //						if (!file_exists(BASE.'framework/core/definitions/'.$table.'.php')) {
                         $errors[] = sprintf(gt('Table "%s" not found in the system (line %d)'), $table, $line_number);
                         //						} else if (!is_readable(BASE.'framework/core/definitions/'.$table.'.php')) {
                         //							$errors[] = sprintf(gt('Data definition file for %s (%s) is not readable (line %d)'),$table,'framework/core/definitions/'.$table.'.php',$line_number);
                         //						} else {
                         //							$dd = include(BASE.'framework/core/definitions/'.$table.'.php');
                         //							$info = (is_readable(BASE.'framework/core/definitions/'.$table.'.info.php') ? include(BASE.'framework/core/definitions/'.$table.'.info.php') : array());
                         //							$db->createTable($table,$dd,$info);
                         //						}
                 } else {
                     if ($pair[0] == 'RECORD') {
                         // Here we need to check the conversion scripts.
                         $pair[1] = str_replace('\\r\\n', "\r\n", $pair[1]);
                         $object = unserialize($pair[1]);
                         if (function_exists($table_function)) {
                             $table_function($db, $object);
                         } else {
                             $db->insertObject($object, $table);
                     } else {
                         $errors[] = sprintf(gt('Invalid specifier type "%s" (line %d)'), $pair[0], $line_number);
         if ($eql_version != $current_version) {
             $errors[] = gt('EQL file was Not a valid EQL version');
             return false;
         return true;
     } else {
         $errors[] = gt('Unable to read EQL file');
         return false;
Exemple #6
  * database connection test.
 public function test_database_connection()
     $name = "test_database_connection";
     $db = new Database();
     if ($db->tableExists($name)) {
     // table exists
     test($db->tableExists($name) == FALSE);
     // quote
     // @Attention 반드시 아래의 quote 가 통과를 해야 한다.
     $ret_str = $db->quote("str");
     test($ret_str == "'str'", '', 'Quote failed...');
     $ret_str = $db->quote("st'r");
     test($ret_str == "'st''r'", '', 'Quote failed...');
     // table drop
     test($db->tableExists($name) == FALSE);
 public static function createHashColumn($table, $columnName)
     // Sanitize
     $table = Sanitize::variable($table);
     $columnName = Sanitize::variable($columnName);
     $prefix = Sanitize::word(substr($table, 0, 4) . ucfirst(substr($columnName, 0, 6)));
     // Make sure table exists
     if (Database::tableExists($table)) {
         $colExists = false;
         // Add the hash column if it doesn't exist
         if (!Database::columnExists($table, $columnName)) {
             $colExists = Database::addColumn($table, $columnName . '_crc', "int(10) unsigned not null", 0);
         if ($colExists) {
             // Create a Trigger
             self::exec('CREATE TRIGGER ' . $prefix . '_ins BEFORE INSERT ON ' . $table . ' FOR EACH ROW BEGIN SET NEW.' . $columnName . '_crc=crc32(NEW.' . $columnName . '); END;');
             return self::exec('CREATE TRIGGER ' . $prefix . '_upd BEFORE UPDATE ON ' . $table . ' FOR EACH ROW BEGIN SET NEW.' . $columnName . '_crc=crc32(NEW.' . $columnName . '); END; ');
     return false;
Exemple #8
  * @return bool
 public function exists()
     return self::$db->tableExists($this->name());
Exemple #9
 public function testUnknownTableCorruptsResults()
     $res = $this->db->select('page', '*', ['page_id' => 1]);
     $this->assertInternalType('int', $res->numRows());
Exemple #10
    $class = substr($i, 0, -10);
    if ($class == 'DBObject') {
    $classes[] = $class;
try {
    foreach ($classes as $class) {
        echo 'Checking class ' . $class . "\n";
        $datamap = call_user_func($class . '::getDataMap');
        $table = call_user_func($class . '::getDBTable');
        // Check if table exists
        echo 'Look for table ' . $table . "\n";
        if (Database::tableExists($table)) {
            echo 'Table found, check columns' . "\n";
            $existing_columns = Database::getTableColumns($table);
            echo 'Found ' . count($existing_columns) . ' columns in existing table : ' . implode(', ', $existing_columns) . "\n";
            $required_columns = array_keys($datamap);
            echo 'Found ' . count($required_columns) . ' columns in required table : ' . implode(', ', $required_columns) . "\n";
            $missing = array();
            foreach ($required_columns as $c) {
                if (!in_array($c, $existing_columns)) {
                    $missing[] = $c;
            if (count($missing)) {
                echo 'Found ' . count($missing) . ' missing columns in existing table : ' . implode(', ', $missing) . "\n";
                foreach ($missing as $column) {
                    Database::createTableColumn($table, $column, $datamap[$column]);
  * Update database
 public static function updateStructure()
     $class = static::getClassName();
     Logger::info('Updating ' . $class . ' database structure');
     $datamap = static::getDataMap();
     $table = static::getDBTable();
     // Check if table exists
     Logger::info('Look for table ' . $table);
     if (Database::tableExists($table)) {
         Logger::info('Table found, check columns');
         $existing_columns = Database::getTableColumns($table);
         Logger::info('Found ' . count($existing_columns) . ' columns in existing table : ' . implode(', ', $existing_columns));
         $required_columns = array_keys($datamap);
         Logger::info('Found ' . count($required_columns) . ' columns in required table : ' . implode(', ', $required_columns));
         $missing = array();
         foreach ($required_columns as $c) {
             if (!in_array($c, $existing_columns)) {
                 $missing[] = $c;
         if (count($missing)) {
             Logger::info('Found ' . count($missing) . ' missing columns in existing table : ' . implode(', ', $missing));
             foreach ($missing as $column) {
                 Database::createTableColumn($table, $column, $datamap[$column]);
         $useless = array();
         foreach ($existing_columns as $c) {
             if (!in_array($c, $required_columns)) {
                 $useless[] = $c;
         if (count($useless)) {
             Logger::info('Found ' . count($useless) . ' useless columns in existing table : ' . implode(', ', $useless));
             foreach ($useless as $column) {
                 Database::removeTableColumn($table, $column);
         Logger::info('Check column format');
         foreach ($required_columns as $column) {
             if (in_array($column, $missing)) {
             // Already created with the right format
             $problems = Database::checkTableColumnFormat($table, $column, $datamap[$column], function ($message) {
                 Logger::info("\t" . $message);
             if ($problems) {
                 Logger::info('Column ' . $column . ' has bad format, updating it');
                 Database::updateTableColumnFormat($table, $column, $datamap[$column], $problems);
     } else {
         Logger::info('Table is missing, create it');
         Database::createTable($table, $datamap);
     Logger::info('Done for ' . $class);
Exemple #12
  * Check if the tracking tables exist.
  * @return bool
 public function trackingTablesExist()
     return $this->dbms->tableExists('dbtrack_actions') && $this->dbms->tableExists('dbtrack_data');
Exemple #13
    function execute()
        $this->dbw = $this->getDB(DB_MASTER);
        $logging = $this->dbw->tableName('logging');
        $logging_1_10 = $this->dbw->tableName('logging_1_10');
        $logging_pre_1_10 = $this->dbw->tableName('logging_pre_1_10');
        if ($this->dbw->tableExists('logging_pre_1_10') && !$this->dbw->tableExists('logging')) {
            # Fix previous aborted run
            echo "Cleaning up from previous aborted run\n";
            $this->dbw->query("RENAME TABLE {$logging_pre_1_10} TO {$logging}", __METHOD__);
        if ($this->dbw->tableExists('logging_pre_1_10')) {
            echo "This script has already been run to completion\n";
        # Create the target table
        if (!$this->dbw->tableExists('logging_1_10')) {
            global $wgDBTableOptions;
            $sql = <<<EOT
CREATE TABLE {$logging_1_10} (
  -- Log ID, for referring to this specific log entry, probably for deletion and such.
  log_id int unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment,

  -- Symbolic keys for the general log type and the action type
  -- within the log. The output format will be controlled by the
  -- action field, but only the type controls categorization.
  log_type varbinary(10) NOT NULL default '',
  log_action varbinary(10) NOT NULL default '',

  -- Timestamp. Duh.
  log_timestamp binary(14) NOT NULL default '19700101000000',

  -- The user who performed this action; key to user_id
  log_user int unsigned NOT NULL default 0,

  -- Key to the page affected. Where a user is the target,
  -- this will point to the user page.
  log_namespace int NOT NULL default 0,
  log_title varchar(255) binary NOT NULL default '',

  -- Freeform text. Interpreted as edit history comments.
  log_comment varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',

  -- LF separated list of miscellaneous parameters
  log_params blob NOT NULL,

  -- rev_deleted for logs
  log_deleted tinyint unsigned NOT NULL default '0',

  PRIMARY KEY log_id (log_id),
  KEY type_time (log_type, log_timestamp),
  KEY user_time (log_user, log_timestamp),
  KEY page_time (log_namespace, log_title, log_timestamp),
  KEY times (log_timestamp)

) {$wgDBTableOptions}
            echo "Creating table logging_1_10\n";
            $this->dbw->query($sql, __METHOD__);
        # Synchronise the tables
        echo "Doing initial sync...\n";
        $this->sync('logging', 'logging_1_10');
        echo "Sync done\n\n";
        # Rename the old table away
        echo "Renaming the old table to {$logging_pre_1_10}\n";
        $this->dbw->query("RENAME TABLE {$logging} TO {$logging_pre_1_10}", __METHOD__);
        # Copy remaining old rows
        # Done before the new table is active so that $copyPos is accurate
        echo "Doing final sync...\n";
        $this->sync('logging_pre_1_10', 'logging_1_10');
        # Move the new table in
        echo "Moving the new table in...\n";
        $this->dbw->query("RENAME TABLE {$logging_1_10} TO {$logging}", __METHOD__);
        echo "Finished.\n";