public function initiateTerm($term) { $db = new Database(); if ($db->update('judgeInvitations', array('ShowTerm' => $term == '' || $term == null ? 'NA' : 'yes'), "termInitiated = '" . $term . "'")) { return $db->update('judgeInvitations', array('ShowTerm' => $term == '' || $term == null ? 'NA' : 'no'), "termInitiated != '" . $term . "'"); } else { return false; } }
public function add ($query) { list($place, $item_id) = $this->parse_referer($query); if (!empty($query['parent'])) { $root = Database::get_field('comment', 'root', $query['parent']); if (empty($root)) { $root = $query['parent']; } } else { $root = 0; } $insert = array( 'root' => $root, 'parent' => $query['parent'], 'place' => $place, 'item_id' => $item_id, 'area' => 'main', 'username' => $query['name'], 'email' => $query['email'], 'ip' => Globals::$user_data['ip'], 'cookie' => Globals::$user_data['cookie'], 'text' => Transform_Text::format($query['text']), 'pretty_text' => $query['text'], ); Database::insert('comment', $insert); Database::update($place, $item_id, array('comments' => '++')); $this->redirect_address = $this->referer; }
function addNewEquip($value) { $db = new Database(); $link = $db->connect(); $result = $db->update($link, 'equip_type', array('name' => 2)); return $result; }
/** * Merge page histories * * @param integer $id The page_id * @param Title $newTitle The new title * @return bool */ private function mergePage($row, Title $newTitle) { $id = $row->page_id; // Construct the WikiPage object we will need later, while the // page_id still exists. Note that this cannot use makeTitleSafe(), // we are deliberately constructing an invalid title. $sourceTitle = Title::makeTitle($row->page_namespace, $row->page_title); $sourceTitle->resetArticleID($id); $wikiPage = new WikiPage($sourceTitle); $wikiPage->loadPageData('fromdbmaster'); $destId = $newTitle->getArticleID(); $this->beginTransaction($this->db, __METHOD__); $this->db->update('revision', ['rev_page' => $destId], ['rev_page' => $id], __METHOD__); $this->db->delete('page', ['page_id' => $id], __METHOD__); $this->commitTransaction($this->db, __METHOD__); /* Call LinksDeletionUpdate to delete outgoing links from the old title, * and update category counts. * * Calling external code with a fake broken Title is a fairly dubious * idea. It's necessary because it's quite a lot of code to duplicate, * but that also makes it fragile since it would be easy for someone to * accidentally introduce an assumption of title validity to the code we * are calling. */ DeferredUpdates::addUpdate(new LinksDeletionUpdate($wikiPage)); DeferredUpdates::doUpdates(); return true; }
public static function isAuthenticated() { //TODO //look if Token is present in $_Session Session::get('UserID') ? $auth = 'TRUE' : ($auth = 'FALSE'); if ($auth === 'TRUE') { return TRUE; } else { if (isset($_COOKIE["RemembeR"])) { $db = new Database(); //Get TOKEN from $_COOKIE //hash(Token) and compare with hashed Tokens in the Database $userdata['tokenhash'] = hash('sha1', $_COOKIE["RemembeR"]); echo $userdata['tokenhash']; $arr = $db->select("SELECT id, tokenhash FROM users WHERE tokenhash = :tokenhash LIMIT 1", $userdata); var_dump($arr); if (sizeof($arr[0]['id']) !== 0) { //Set 'UserID' in Session Session::set('UserID', $arr[0]['id']); //Renew Cookie $token = hash("md5", $arr[0]['id'] . Session::get('ID')); $userdata['id'] = $arr[0]['id']; $userdata['tokenhash'] = hash("sha1", $token); $db->update("users", $userdata, "id = :id"); setcookie("RemembeR", $token, time() + 259200, "/", "", false, true); return TRUE; } } } return FALSE; }
/** * @param ResultWrapper $res * @param Database $dbw * @return null|int */ function convertOptionBatch($res, $dbw) { $id = null; foreach ($res as $row) { $this->mConversionCount++; $insertRows = []; foreach (explode("\n", $row->user_options) as $s) { $m = []; if (!preg_match("/^(.[^=]*)=(.*)\$/", $s, $m)) { continue; } // MW < 1.16 would save even default values. Filter them out // here (as in User) to avoid adding many unnecessary rows. $defaultOption = User::getDefaultOption($m[1]); if (is_null($defaultOption) || $m[2] != $defaultOption) { $insertRows[] = ['up_user' => $row->user_id, 'up_property' => $m[1], 'up_value' => $m[2]]; } } if (count($insertRows)) { $dbw->insert('user_properties', $insertRows, __METHOD__, ['IGNORE']); } $dbw->update('user', ['user_options' => ''], ['user_id' => $row->user_id], __METHOD__); $id = $row->user_id; } return $id; }
public function process() { $tag = $this->get('tag'); $type = $this->get('type'); if (empty($tag)) { throw new Error_Api('Пропущено обязательное поле: tag', Error_Api::MISSING_INPUT); } if (empty($type)) { throw new Error_Api('Пропущено обязательное поле: type', Error_Api::MISSING_INPUT); } if (!array_key_exists($type, $this->types)) { throw new Error_Api('Неправильно заполнено поле: type', Error_Api::INCORRECT_INPUT); } $color = $this->types[$type]; $tag = trim(undo_safety($tag)); $args = array($tag, '|' . $tag . '|', $tag); $exists = Database::get_field('tag', 'alias', 'name = ? or locate(?, variants) or alias = ?', $args); if ($exists) { $alias = $exists; } else { $alias = Transform_Meta::make_alias($tag); Database::insert('tag', array('alias' => $alias, 'name' => $tag, 'variants' => '|')); $this->add_error(Error_Api::UNKNOWN_TAG); } Database::update('tag', array('color' => $color), 'alias = ?', $alias); $this->set_success(true); $this->add_answer('tag', $alias); }
public function save() { if (!$this->tableName || !$this->databaseFields) { return; } $invalid = false; $values = array(); foreach ($this->databaseFields as $fieldName) { if (isset($this->{$fieldName})) { if (is_object($this->{$fieldName})) { $values[$fieldName] = $this->{$fieldName}->id; } else { $values[$fieldName] = $this->{$fieldName}; } } } if (!$invalid) { if ($this->id == null) { $this->id = Database::insert($this->tableName, $values); } else { Database::update($this->tableName, $this->id, $values); } $this->saved = true; } }
protected function test_links($links) { $this->worker->enable_limit(self::MAX_DOWNLOAD_SIZE)->add($links)->exec(); foreach ($links as $id => $link) { $status = $this->test_result($link); if ($status === false) { continue; } Database::update('post_url', array('status' => $status, 'lastcheck' => Database::unix_to_date()), $id); if ($status == self::STATUS_UNKNOWN) { $this->create_unknown_file($link); } } $this->worker->flush(); $keys = array_keys($links); $post_ids = Database::join('post_link_url', 'plu.link_id =')->join('post_url', 'plu.url_id =')->get_vector('post_link', 'post_id', Database::array_in('', $keys), $keys); $post_ids = array_unique($post_ids); foreach ($post_ids as $post_id) { $status = new Model_Post_Status($post_id); $status->load()->calculate()->commit(); } $update_ids = Database::join('post_update_link_url', 'pulu.link_id =')->join('post_url', 'pulu.url_id =')->get_vector('post_update_link', 'update_id', Database::array_in('', $keys), $keys); $update_ids = array_unique($update_ids); foreach ($update_ids as $update_id) { $status = new Model_Post_Update_Status($update_id); $status->load()->calculate()->commit(); } }
function update($criteria, $new_object, $options = []) { if (!isset($new_object['rmts']) && !isset($new_object['upts'])) { $new_object['upts'] = $_SERVER['REQUEST_TIME']; } return parent::update($criteria, $new_object, $options); }
function editEquip($value, $id) { $db = new Database(); $link = $db->connect(); $result = $db->update($link, 'equip_type', array('name' => $value), 'type_id=' . $id); return $result; }
public function init($database, $dbName, $public, $version) { # Check dependencies self::dependencies(isset($this->settings, $public, $version)); # Call plugins $this->plugins(__METHOD__, 0, func_get_args()); # Update if (!isset($this->settings['version']) || $this->settings['version'] !== $version) { if (!Database::update($database, $dbName, @$this->settings['version'])) { Log::error($database, __METHOD__, __LINE__, 'Updating the database failed'); exit('Error: Updating the database failed!'); } } # Clear expired sessions $query = Database::prepare($this->database, "DELETE FROM ? WHERE expires < UNIX_TIMESTAMP(NOW())", array(LYCHEE_TABLE_SESSIONS)); $this->database->query($query); # Return settings $return['config'] = $this->settings; # Remove username and password from response unset($return['config']['username']); unset($return['config']['password']); # Remove identifier from response unset($return['config']['identifier']); # Path to Lychee for the server-import dialog $return['config']['location'] = LYCHEE; # Check if login credentials exist and login if they don't if ($this->noLogin() === true) { $public = false; $return['config']['login'] = false; } else { $return['config']['login'] = true; } # Check login with crypted hash if (isset($_COOKIE['SESSION']) && $this->sessionExists($_COOKIE['SESSION'])) { $_SESSION['login'] = true; $_SESSION['identifier'] = $this->settings['identifier']; $public = false; } if ($public === false) { # Logged in $return['status'] = LYCHEE_STATUS_LOGGEDIN; } else { # Logged out $return['status'] = LYCHEE_STATUS_LOGGEDOUT; # Unset unused vars unset($return['config']['thumbQuality']); unset($return['config']['sortingAlbums']); unset($return['config']['sortingPhotos']); unset($return['config']['dropboxKey']); unset($return['config']['login']); unset($return['config']['location']); unset($return['config']['imagick']); unset($return['config']['medium']); unset($return['config']['plugins']); } # Call plugins $this->plugins(__METHOD__, 1, func_get_args()); return $return; }
/** * Package metadata updates. * * @param Database $db * @param array $updates * @return bool * @throws TypeError */ function processUpdates(Database $db, array $updates = []) : bool { $db->beginTransaction(); foreach ($updates as $update) { $db->update('airship_package_cache', ['skyport_metadata' => \json_encode($update['metadata'])], ['packagetype' => $update['package']['type'], 'supplier' => $update['package']['supplier'], 'name' => $update['package']['name']]); } return $db->commit(); }
public static function fin_notificaciones() { ///$configdb = new Mysql('localhost','root','','corsione'); $configdb = new Database(); $configdb->connect(); $configdb->update('notificaciones', array('estado' => "1"), 'estado="0"'); $res = $configdb->getResult(); }
protected function update_lifetime() { $domain = preg_replace('/^[^\.]+/ui', '', $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME']); setcookie($this->name, $this->hash, time()+3600*24*60, '/', $domain); // Фиксируем факт обновления в БД Database::update('cookie', ['lastchange' => time()], 'cookie = ?', $this->hash); }
protected function do_delete($data) { if (!isset($data['id']) || !is_numeric($data['id']) || !Database::get_count('game', 'id_user = ? and id = ? and state != ?', array($this->user, $data['id'], 4))) { return array('success' => false); } Database::update('game', array('state' => 4), 'id_user = ? and id = ?', array($this->user, $data['id'])); return array('success' => true); }
public function update($question) { $db = new Database(); $success = $db->update('Questions', array('Text' => $question->Text), "id = " . $question->id); if (!$success) { return array('success' => false, 'msg' => $db->getResult()); } return array('success' => $success, 'data' => $question); }
public function updateTemplate($template) { $db = new Database(); $success = $db->update('emailTemplates', array('TemplateTitle' => $template->TemplateTitle, 'Subject' => $template->Subject, 'Body' => $template->Body), "TemplateID = " . $template->TemplateID); if (!$success) { return array('success' => false, 'msg' => $db->getResult()); } return array('success' => true, 'data' => $template); }
public function save_sort() { $db = new Database(); foreach ($_GET['item'] as $position => $id) { $db->update('forum_cats', array('position' => $position), "id = '{$id}'"); } die('Item sort order saved'); # success }
/** * Sets the number of active users in the site_stats table */ protected function doActiveUsersInit() { $activeUsers = $this->db->selectField('site_stats', 'ss_active_users', false, __METHOD__); if ($activeUsers == -1) { $activeUsers = $this->db->selectField('recentchanges', 'COUNT( DISTINCT rc_user_text )', ['rc_user != 0', 'rc_bot' => 0, "rc_log_type != 'newusers'"], __METHOD__); $this->db->update('site_stats', ['ss_active_users' => intval($activeUsers)], ['ss_row_id' => 1], __METHOD__, ['LIMIT' => 1]); } $this->output("...ss_active_users user count set...\n"); }
public function insert() { $this->set('pretty_date', Transform_Text::rudate()); $this->set('sortdate', ceil(microtime(true) * 1000)); $this->set('area', def::area(0)); parent::insert(); Database::update('post', array('update_count' => '++'), $this->get('post_id')); $this->add_children(); return $this; }
public function set($key, $value, User $user = null) { $receipt = null; $this->record[$key] = $value; Database::update('albums', array($key => $value), 'id=' . $this->record['id']); if (isset($user)) { $receipt = AuditTrail::createAuditTrailForChange($user, 'album', $this->record['id'], $key, $this->record[$key], $value); } return $receipt; }
public function delete($id, $id_host) { include_once '../db.php'; $db = new Database(); $db->connect(); $rows = array(); $rows[activo] = 0; $db->update('pagos', $rows, 'id=' . $id); $this->updateVencimiento($id_host, 0); return 1; }
public function save($settings) { $db = new Database(); if (!file_put_contents('../resources/' . basename($settings->MapImage), file_get_contents($settings->MapImage))) { return false; } $db->select('Settings', 'Term'); $term = $db->getResult(); $db->update('Settings', array('Term' => $settings->Term, 'StudentsPerJudge' => $settings->StudentsPerJudge, 'Date' => $settings->Date, 'Time' => $settings->Time, 'Location' => $settings->Location, 'Subject' => $settings->Subject, 'EmailText' => str_replace('"', '\\"', $settings->EmailText), 'SrProjectURL' => $settings->SrProjectURL, 'SrProjectToken' => $settings->SrProjectToken, 'MapImage' => $settings->MapImage, 'GradesPosted' => $settings->GradesPosted ? 1 : 0, 'AllowJudgesToLogin' => $settings->AllowJudgesToLogin ? 1 : 0), "Term = '" . $term['Term'] . "'"); return true; }
public function update_category($cid, $cname) { $db = new Database(); if (!$db->connect()) { return false; } if (!$db->update('categories', array('c_name' => $cname), 'c_id=' . $cid)) { return false; } $db->disconnect(); return true; }
/** * Set a variable value for later retrieval. * @param $name string Name of the variable to set. * @param variant $value Value to set. * @param $caching boolean Set to true to enable use of the Kohana cache. */ public static function set($name, $value, $caching = true) { $db = new Database(); $query = $db->update('variables', array('value' => json_encode(array($value))), array('name' => $name)); if ($query->count() === 0) { // insert record if nothing to update $db->insert('variables', array('name' => $name, 'value' => json_encode(array($value)))); } if ($caching) { $cache = Cache::instance(); $cache->set("variable-{$name}", $value, array('variables')); } }
public static function edit() { $visible = 0; if ($_POST['visible'] == "True") { $visible = 1; } $values = [self::TYPEID => $_POST['typeid'], self::TITLE => $_POST['title'], self::CONTENT => $_POST['content'], self::VISIBLE => $visible]; $where = [self::ID => $_POST['id']]; Database::update(self::TABLE_NAME, $values, $where); Tag::remove($_POST['id']); //TODO detect tags, and add them //Tag::add($_POST['id'], *); }
public function init($database, $dbName, $public, $version) { # Check dependencies self::dependencies(isset($this->settings, $public, $version)); # Call plugins $this->plugins(__METHOD__, 0, func_get_args()); # Update if (!isset($this->settings['version']) || $this->settings['version'] !== $version) { if (!Database::update($database, $dbName, @$this->settings['version'])) { Log::error($database, __METHOD__, __LINE__, 'Updating the database failed'); exit('Error: Updating the database failed!'); } } # Return settings $return['config'] = $this->settings; # Remove username and password from response unset($return['config']['username']); unset($return['config']['password']); # Remove identifier from response unset($return['config']['identifier']); # Path to Lychee for the server-import dialog $return['config']['location'] = LYCHEE; # Check if login credentials exist and login if they don't if ($this->noLogin() === true) { $public = false; $return['config']['login'] = false; } else { $return['config']['login'] = true; } if ($public === false) { # Logged in $return['status'] = LYCHEE_STATUS_LOGGEDIN; } else { # Logged out $return['status'] = LYCHEE_STATUS_LOGGEDOUT; # Unset unused vars unset($return['config']['thumbQuality']); unset($return['config']['sortingAlbums']); unset($return['config']['sortingPhotos']); unset($return['config']['dropboxKey']); unset($return['config']['login']); unset($return['config']['location']); unset($return['config']['imagick']); unset($return['config']['medium']); unset($return['config']['plugins']); } # Call plugins $this->plugins(__METHOD__, 1, func_get_args()); return $return; }
public function edit_painter_theme ($query) { return; $update = array(); $id = (int) $query['item_id']; foreach ($query as $field => $value) { if (substr($field, 0, 6) == 'field_') { $update[substr($field, 6)] = $value; } } Database::update('painter_themes', $id, $update); }
public function setAccept($judgeId, $studentId, $acceptance) { $db = new Database(); $success = $db->update('JudgeStudentGrade', array('Accepted' => $acceptance ? 1 : 0), 'JudgeId = ' . $judgeId . ' and StudentId = ' . $studentId); $msg = $db->getResult(); if (!$success) { return array('success' => false, 'msg' => $msg); } $db->select('JudgeStudentGrade', 'Grade, Accepted', null, 'StudentId = ' . $studentId); $res = $db->getResult(); if (array_key_exists('Grade', $res)) { $res = array($res); } $grade = 0; $reviewed = 0; $accepted = 0; $total = 0; foreach ($res as $judge) { $total++; if (is_null($judge['Accepted'])) { continue; } if (intval($judge['Accepted']) === 1) { $accepted++; $grade += intval($judge['Grade']); } $reviewed++; } if ($total == $reviewed && $accepted > 0) { $grade /= $accepted; $db->update('Students', array('Grade' => $grade), 'id = ' . $studentId); return array('success' => true, 'grade' => $grade); } else { $db->sql('UPDATE Students SET Grade = NULL WHERE id = ' . $studentId . ';'); return array('success' => true, 'grade' => null); } }