Exemple #1
  * Renders the controller
  * @return string The rendered html
 function render()
     if ($this->_response == null) {
         try {
             call_user_func_array(array($this, '_' . $this->action), $this->args);
             // Dereference this object
             foreach (get_object_vars($this) as $var => $value) {
                 ${$var} = $value;
             // Now render view
             include VIEWS . $this->_view . '.php';
             $this->_response = ob_get_contents();
              * If at any point we get a redirect request, start over with the requested controller
              * Hint: if you want to exchange information with the new controller (or change the template) use
              * global variables ($_GLOBAL['template'] = &this->template())
         } catch (Redirect $e) {
             $controller = Controller::load(end(Controller::$redirect));
             $this->_response = $controller->render();
         // Wrap with template if required
         if ($this->_template) {
             $this->_response = $this->_template->render($this->_response);
     return $this->_response;
 static function Router()
     $request = $_ENV['raptorphp.url_request'];
     if ($request == "/") {
         $request = Config::get_value('mainApp');
     $request = str_replace('.', '/', $request);
Exemple #3
 public static function generate($userId)
     $usersRolesModel = Model::load("auth.users_roles")->setQueryResolve(false);
     $roles = $usersRolesModel->getWithField2('user_id', $userId);
     self::$permissionsModel = Model::load('system.permissions');
     $menu = [];
     foreach ($roles as $role) {
         $menu = self::mergeMenus($menu, self::generateMenus($role['role_id']));
     $flatened = self::flatenMenu($menu);
     $sideMenu = Controller::load(array("system", "side_menu", "generate", serialize($menu)));
     file_put_contents("app/cache/menus/side_menu_u{$userId}.html", $sideMenu->content);
     file_put_contents("app/cache/menus/menu_u{$userId}.object", serialize($flatened));
 function testController()
     copy(SITE_PATH . "tests/fixtures/controller_routes.fixture.php", SITE_PATH . "config/_routes.php");
     # test connect
     $request = load_egg("request", 1);
     $request->uri_parts = explode("/", "test/25/delete");
     $request->request_method = "post";
     $routing = new Routing($request, "_routes");
     $request_info = $routing->climb();
     $request->request_info = $request_info;
     $controller = new Controller();
     unlink(SITE_PATH . "config/_routes.php");
     unlink(SITE_PATH . "config/_routes.tmp.php");
 public static function dispatch($request = null)
     $request = self::normalize($request);
     try {
         $class = Inflector::camelize($request['controller']) . 'Controller';
         $controller = Controller::load($class, true);
         return $controller->callAction($request);
     } catch (MissingControllerException $e) {
         if (Controller::hasViewForAction($request)) {
             $controller = new AppController();
             return $controller->callAction($request);
         } else {
             throw $e;
 function testController()
     copy(SITE_PATH . "tests/fixtures/controller_routes.fixture.php", SITE_PATH . "config/_routes.php");
     # test connect
     $request = load_egg("request", 1);
     $request->uri_parts = explode("/", "testz/25/delete");
     $request->request_method = "post";
     $routing = new Routing($request, "_routes");
     $request_info = $routing->climb();
     $request->request_info = $request_info;
     $controller = new Controller();
     $output = ob_get_contents();
     $this->assertEqual($output, "Hello World");
     unlink(SITE_PATH . "config/_routes.php");
     unlink(SITE_PATH . "config/_routes.tmp.php");
 public function index()
     $controlName = 'admincp/controlDashboard';
     if (Cookie::has('userid')) {
         $valid = UserGroups::getPermission(Users::getCookieGroupId(), 'can_view_admincp');
         if ($valid != 'yes') {
             Alert::make('You not have permission to view this page');
         $controlName = 'admincp/controlDashboard';
         $default_adminpage_method = trim(System::getSetting('default_adminpage_method', 'none'));
         if ($default_adminpage_method == 'url') {
             $default_adminpage = trim(System::getSetting('default_adminpage_url', 'admincp/'));
             if ($default_adminpage != 'admincp/' && System::getUri() == 'admincp/') {
                 $beginUri = 'admincp';
                 if ($default_adminpage[0] != '/') {
                     $beginUri .= '/';
                 System::setUri($beginUri . $default_adminpage);
         if ($match = Uri::match('^admincp\\/(\\w+)')) {
             $controlName = 'admincp/control' . ucfirst($match[1]);
     } else {
         $controlName = 'admincp/controlLogin';
         if ($match = Uri::match('^admincp\\/forgotpass')) {
             $controlName = 'admincp/controlForgotpass';
     $codeHead = Plugins::load('admincp_header');
     $codeHead = is_array($codeHead) ? '' : $codeHead;
     $codeFooter = Plugins::load('admincp_footer');
     $codeFooter = is_array($codeFooter) ? '' : $codeFooter;
     // print_r($codeHead);die();
     System::defineGlobalVar('admincp_header', $codeHead);
     System::defineGlobalVar('admincp_footer', $codeFooter);
  * This recursive method is called to generate a structured array representation
  * of the modules in the system. This helps to generate the permissions tree.
  * It individually loads every module and extracts the list of permissions
  * from it. The output from this method is passed to the drawPermissions
  * method for the purpose of generating the permissions tree.
  * @param $path     The directory path where the modules are stored
  * @param $prefix     A prefix which should be removed from the path name when
  *                    generating the modules path which is to be used in the
  *                    Controller::load() method.
  * @return Array
 private function getPermissionList($path, $prefix)
     global $redirectedPackage;
     $redirected = false;
     $redirectedPackage = "";
     if (file_exists($path . "/package_redirect.php")) {
         include $path . "/package_redirect.php";
         $originalPath = $path;
         $path = $redirect_path;
         $d = dir($path);
         $redirected = true;
         $redirects = Cache::get("permission_redirects");
         if ($redirects == null) {
             $redirects = array();
         $redirects[] = array("from" => $originalPath, "to" => $path);
         Cache::add("permission_redirects", $redirects);
     } else {
         $redirects = Cache::get("permission_redirects");
         if (is_array($redirects)) {
             foreach ($redirects as $redirect) {
                 if (substr_count($path, $redirect["from"]) > 0) {
                     $redirected = true;
                     $originalPath = $path;
                     $path = str_replace($redirect["from"], $redirect["to"], $path);
         $d = dir($path);
     $list = array();
     while (false !== ($entry = $d->read())) {
         if ($entry != "." && $entry != ".." && is_dir("{$path}/{$entry}")) {
             if ($redirected) {
                 $urlPath = substr("{$originalPath}/{$entry}", strlen($prefix));
                 $modulePath = explode("/", substr(substr("{$originalPath}/{$entry}", strlen($prefix)), 1));
                 $module = Controller::load($modulePath, false);
             } else {
                 $urlPath = str_replace("//", "/", substr("{$path}/{$entry}", strlen($prefix)));
                 $modulePath = explode("/", substr(substr("{$path}/{$entry}", strlen($prefix)), 1));
                 if ($modulePath[0] == '') {
                 $module = Controller::load($modulePath, false);
             if ($module->showInMenu()) {
                 $permissions = $module->getPermissions();
                 $list[] = array("title" => ucwords(str_replace("_", " ", $entry)), "path" => $urlPath, "children" => $children, "permissions" => $permissions);
     array_multisort($list, SORT_ASC);
     return $list;
Exemple #9
        } else {
            $my_class = $a_requests[1];
        // autoload model
        require_once BASEPATH . 'models/' . $my_class . '_model.php';
        // load controller
        require_once BASEPATH . 'controllers/' . $my_class . '.php';
        $my_class = ucfirst($my_class);
        $my_ct = new $my_class();
        // TODO: parse rest of a_requests
        if ($a_requests[2]) {
 * helper functions for xss and sql injection
function clean($s_data)
    // strip ';'
    $s_data = str_replace("%3B", '', $s_data);
    $s_data = str_replace("%3b", '', $s_data);
    $s_data = str_replace(";", '', $s_data);
    return $s_data;
$c = new Controller();
Exemple #10
 public static function getModels($path = "app/modules")
     $prefix = "app/modules";
     $d = dir($path);
     $list = array();
     // Go through every file in the module directory
     while (false !== ($entry = $d->read())) {
         // Ignore certain directories
         if ($entry != "." && $entry != ".." && is_dir("{$path}/{$entry}")) {
             // Extract the path, load the controller and test weather this
             // role has the rights to access this controller.
             $url_path = substr(Application::$prefix, 0, strlen(Application::$prefix) - 1) . substr("{$path}/{$entry}", strlen($prefix));
             $module_path = explode("/", substr(substr("{$path}/{$entry}", strlen($prefix)), 1));
             $module = Controller::load($module_path, false);
             $list = $module->name;
             //$children = $this->generateMenus($role_id,"$path/$entry");
     array_multisort($list, SORT_ASC);
     return $list;
Exemple #11
 public static function get($routeName = '', $controllerName)
     $uri = System::getUri();
     $varObject = '';
     // if(!isset($controllerName[1]))
     // {
     //     // Alert::make('Page not found');
     //     return false;
     // }
     $subFunc = 'index';
     if (isset($routeName[1])) {
         if (!stristr('\\/', $routeName)) {
             $routeName = str_replace('/', '\\/', $routeName);
         if (isset($uri) && !preg_match('/' . $routeName . '/i', $uri)) {
             return false;
     if (isset($uri) && preg_match('/(.*?)\\@(\\w+)/i', $controllerName, $matches)) {
         $controllerName = $matches[1];
         $subFunc = $matches[2];
     if (is_object($controllerName)) {
         (object) ($varObject = $controllerName);
         $controllerName = '';
     } else {
         Controller::load($controllerName, $subFunc);
Exemple #12
 /** Determine which controller to select, a site's controller being preferential. */
 protected static function process_controller()
     /** Break the current URI into components for controller selection */
     $parts = trim($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], '/');
     $index = strpos($parts, '?');
     if ($index !== false) {
         $parts = substr($parts, 0, $index);
     $parts = explode('/', $parts);
     /** Decode the parts. */
     foreach ($parts as $k => $v) {
         $parts[$k] = urldecode($v);
     /** Check to see if the URI was passed as GET information */
     if (isset($_GET['q']) !== FALSE) {
         $parts = explode('/', trim($_GET['q'], '/'));
     /** Check to see if this is an API request */
     if ($parts[0] === 'api') {
         self::set_system('api_request', true);
     /** Globally define the URI parts for arbitrary use */
     self::$config['args'] = $parts;
     /** Associated '/' with the default controller */
     if ($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] === '/') {
     /** The uri class value to help differentiate the current body */
     self::set_system('uri_class', implode(' ', self::get_args()));
     /** Initialize matching variables */
     $controller = isset($parts[0]) ? $parts[0] : 'default';
     /** Testing to see if we can find a matching controller for this uri portion */
     if ($controller != 'core') {
         $controller = Controller::load($controller);
     /** Load the default if we could not retrieve the controller */
     if ($controller === false) {
         $controller = Controller::load('default');
     /** Determine the best method to match within the detected controller using what remains of the URI  */
     $method = isset($parts[1]) ? $parts[1] : 'run';
     /** Run the associated method (defaults to 'default->run') */
     if (method_exists($controller, $method)) {
     } elseif (method_exists($controller, 'run')) {
     } else {
         $controller = Controller::load('default');
Exemple #13
 public function nest($controller, $args, $parameters = null)
     if (is_string($controller)) {
         global $redirectedPackage;
         $path = explode(".", $controller);
         $path[0] = $path[0] == '' ? $redirectedPackage : $path[0];
         $controller = Controller::load($path, false, $args[1]);
     if (is_array($parameters)) {
     return $this->useNestedController($controller, $args);
Exemple #14
 public function delete()
     $id = Core::get_args(2) && is_int(intval(Core::get_args(2))) ? Core::get_args(2) : false;
     if ($id !== false) {
         $user_ctrl = Controller::load('user');
         $auth = $user_ctrl->auth($this->name, 'delete');
         /** Ensure the user is logged in */
         if ($auth) {
             /** Load the model */
             $model = Model::load($this->model);
             /** Retrieve the item the user wants to delete */
             $item = $model->get(array('where' => array($model->getPrimaryKey() => $id)));
             if (is_array($item)) {
                 $item = current($item);
                 /** Attempt the delete operation */
                 if (isset($_GET['confirm']) && $_GET['confirm'] === 'true' && is_array($item)) {
                     $result = $model->del(array('where' => array($model->getPrimaryKey() => $id)));
                     if ($result) {
                     } else {
                 } elseif (is_array($item)) {
                 /** Display the result */
             } else {
                 /** Entry not found! */
             /** The user does not have permission to delete this entry. */
         } else {
     } else {
Exemple #15
 public function auth($controller, $method, $user = null, $content = null)
     /** If the user is not explicitly suppplied, attempt to use the 
         user array stored in the current session, otherwise use default 
         values for anonymous users from the config defaults alone */
     if (!isset($user) && isset($_SESSION['user'])) {
         $user = $_SESSION['user'];
     $perms = Core::get_permissions();
     /** Get default permission or set the permission to false */
     $permission = isset($perms['anonymous'][$controller][$method]) ? $perms['anonymous'][$controller][$method] : false;
     /** Update the permission if the user's auth value is defined */
     if (isset($user['auth'][$controller][$method])) {
         $permission = $user['auth'][$controller][$method];
     /** Handle the ownership pragma */
     if ($permission === 'own') {
         /** Do we have a user and the model entry to test? */
         if (isset($content) && isset($user)) {
             /** Retrieve an instance of the specified controller */
             $ctrl = Controller::load($controller);
             /** Determine if the controller has an associated model */
             isset($ctrl->model) ? true : die('The associated model for controller ' . $controller . ' does not have an associated model set!  Auth cannot proceed!');
             /** Retrieve an instance of the controllers associated model */
             $mdl = Model::load($ctrl->model);
             /** Retrieve the supplied user identifier based upon the model */
             $uid = false;
             foreach ($mdl->getSchema() as $k => $v) {
                 if (isset($v['user']) && $v['user']) {
                     $uid = $content[$k];
             /** Check to see if a user flag was present within the schema */
             if ($uid === false) {
                 die('No user flag detected within the schema for model ' . $ctrl->model . '! Auth cannot proceed!');
             /** Determine if the user identifiers match. */
             $permission = $user['uid'] == $uid ? true : false;
         } else {
             $permission = false;
     } elseif (is_array($permission)) {
         /** The permission is bound to an arbitrary list of groups */
         foreach ($user['groups'] as $key => $val) {
             if (in_array($key, $permission)) {
                 $permission = true;
         if (is_array($permission)) {
             $permission = false;
     return $permission;
Exemple #16
  * Outputs the application. This method is the final stage in the application
  * lifecyle which calls all the template files and outputs the
  * final application in HTML. 
 public static function render()
     $t = Application::$templateEngine;
     if ($_GET["q"] == "") {
         $_GET["q"] = Application::$defaultRoute;
     $path = explode("/", $_GET["q"]);
     Application::$template = "main.tpl";
     $t->assign('prefix', Application::$prefix);
     $module = Controller::load($path);
     if (Application::$cli) {
     if (Application::$template == "" || strtolower($_SERVER['HTTP_X_REQUESTED_WITH']) == 'xmlhttprequest') {
         header("x-controller-label: {$module->label}");
         header("x-controller-description: {$module->description}");
         echo $module->content;
     } else {
         $t->assign('content', $module->content);
         $t->assign('module_name', $module->label);
         $t->assign('module_description', $module->description);
         $t->assign('side_menu_hidden', self::$sideMenuHidden);
         foreach (array_keys(Application::$menus) as $key) {
             $t->assign($key, Menu::getContents($key));
         $t->assign('stylesheets', Application::$stylesheets);
         $t->assign('styles', $t->fetch('stylesheets.tpl'));
         $t->assign('javascripts', Application::$javascripts);
         $t->assign('scripts', $t->fetch('javascripts.tpl'));
         $t->assign('title', Application::$title);
         $t->assign('session', $_SESSION);
         $t->assign('info', array_merge(is_array($_SESSION['notes']) ? $_SESSION['notes'] : array(), self::$notes));
Exemple #17

define('_ROOT', rtrim(dirname(dirname(__FILE__)), '/') . '/', true);
define('_CORE', _ROOT, true);
define('APPLICATION', 'cms/', true);
$ini_session = ini_get('session.save_path');
include _CORE . APPLICATION . 'bootstrap.php';
// argurment 1:  rewrite url ?
// argument 2:  use mod rewrite ?
// argument 3: multi language
$controller = new Controller(false, false, false);
$controller->model = new Model();
$controller->model->db->query("SET NAMES 'UTF8'");
Exemple #18
  * Redirect to another location, preserving the partial and
  * output format settings.
  * @param string $url Path to redirect to
  * @param bool $die Whether or not to kill the script
  * @return void
 function redirect($url = '', $die = true)
     if ($this->renderPartial) {
         $url = '/partial/' . ltrim($url, '/');
     if ($this->isRestful()) {
         $_REQUEST = $_POST = $_FILES = $_GET = array();
     if ('html' !== $this->outputFormat) {
         if (strpos($url, '?') !== false) {
             $parts = explode('?', $url, 2);
             $url = array_shift($parts);
             $url .= '.' . $this->outputFormat;
             if ($this->isRestful()) {
                 $params = array();
                 parse_str(array_shift($parts), $params);
                 $_GET = $params;
                 $_REQUEST = $params;
             array_unshift($parts, $url);
             $url = implode('?', $parts);
         } else {
             $url .= '.' . $this->outputFormat;
     if ($this->isRestful() && strpos($url, 'http') !== 0) {
         $url = '/rest/' . ltrim($url, '/');
         $this->flash = array();
     redirect($url, $die);
Exemple #19
  * Outputs the application. This method is the final stage in the application
  * lifecyle which calls all the template files and outputs the
  * final application in HTML. 
 public static function render()
     $t = Application::$templateEngine;
     if ($_GET["q"] == "") {
         $_GET["q"] = Application::$defaultRoute;
     $path = explode("/", $_GET["q"]);
     Application::$template = "main.tpl";
     $t->assign('prefix', Application::$prefix);
     $module = Controller::load($path);
     if (Application::$cli) {
     if (Application::$template == "") {
         print $module->content;
     } else {
         $t->assign('content', $module->content);
         $t->assign('module_name', $module->label);
         $t->assign('module_description', $module->description);
         $t->assign('side_menu_hidden', self::$sideMenuHidden);
         foreach (array_keys(Application::$menus) as $key) {
             $t->assign($key, Menu::getContents($key));
         $t->assign('stylesheets', Application::$stylesheets);
         $t->assign('styles', $t->fetch('stylesheets.tpl'));
         $t->assign('javascripts', Application::$javascripts);
         $t->assign('scripts', $t->fetch('javascripts.tpl'));
         $t->assign('title', Application::$title);
         $t->assign('session', $_SESSION);
         $t->assign('info', array_merge(is_array($_SESSION['notes']) ? $_SESSION['notes'] : array(), self::$notes));
     if (Application::$cli) {
         if (Application::$cliOutput == "") {
             print ob_get_clean();
         } else {
             file_put_contents(Application::$cliOutput, ob_get_clean());
  * @testdox loadModel should throw exception if model doesn't exist
  * @expectedException MissingModelException
 public function testLoadModelShouldThrowExceptionIfModelDoesntExist()
     $controller = Controller::load('MissingModelController', true);
Exemple #21
  * Outputs the application. This calls all the template files and outputs the
  * final application in HTML.
 public static function render()
     $t = Application::$templateEngine;
     if ($_GET["q"] == "") {
         $_GET["q"] = "dashboard";
     $path = explode("/", $_GET["q"]);
     Application::$template = "main.tpl";
     require SOFTWARE_HOME . "app/bootstrap.php";
     $t->assign('prefix', Application::$prefix);
     $module = Controller::load($path);
     if (Application::$cli) {
     if (Application::$template == "") {
         print $module->content;
     } else {
         $t->assign('content', $module->content);
         $t->assign('module_name', $module->label);
         $t->assign('module_description', $module->description);
         foreach (array_keys(Application::$menus) as $key) {
             $t->assign($key, Menu::getContents($key));
         $t->assign('stylesheets', Application::$stylesheets);
         $t->assign('styles', $t->fetch('stylesheets.tpl'));
         $t->assign('javascripts', Application::$javascripts);
         $t->assign('scripts', $t->fetch('javascripts.tpl'));
         $t->assign('title', Application::$title);
     if (Application::$cli) {
         if (Application::$cliOutput == "") {
             print ob_get_clean();
         } else {
             file_put_contents(Application::$cliOutput, ob_get_clean());