function saveNewsArticle($data, Form $form)
     try {
         if ($data['newsID']) {
         } else {
         return Controller::curr()->redirect('/news-add/?saved=1');
     } catch (EntityValidationException $ex1) {
         $messages = $ex1->getMessages();
         $msg = $messages[0];
         $form->addErrorMessage('Headline', $msg['message'], 'bad');
         SS_Log::log($msg['message'], SS_Log::ERR);
         // Load errors into session and post back
         Session::set("", $data);
         return $this->redirectBack();
     } catch (Exception $ex) {
         $form->addErrorMessage('Headline', 'Server Error', 'bad');
         SS_Log::log($ex->getMessage(), SS_Log::ERR);
         // Load errors into session and post back
         Session::set("", $data);
         return $this->redirectBack();
 function SaveDeployment($data, $form)
     $id = convert::raw2sql($data['DeploymentID']);
     // Only loaded if it belongs to current user
     $Deployment = $form->controller->LoadDeployment($id);
     // If a deployment wasn't returned, we'll create a new one
     if (!$Deployment) {
         $Deployment = new Deployment();
         $Deployment->OrgID = Member::currentUser()->getCurrentOrganization()->ID;
         $newDeploy = true;
     $survey = $form->controller->GetCurrentSurvey();
     $Deployment->DeploymentSurveyID = $survey->ID;
     $Deployment->UpdateDate = SS_Datetime::now()->Rfc2822();
     $Deployment->OrgID = $survey->OrgID;
     $survey->CurrentStep = 'MoreDeploymentDetails';
     $survey->HighestStepAllowed = 'MoreDeploymentDetails';
     $survey->UpdateDate = SS_Datetime::now()->Rfc2822();
     // If it is a new deployment and it is public, we send an email...
     if (isset($newDeploy) && $Deployment->IsPublic === 1) {
         global $email_new_deployment;
         global $email_from;
         $email = EmailFactory::getInstance()->buildEmail($email_from, $email_new_deployment, 'New Deployment');
         $email->populateTemplate(array('Deployment' => $Deployment));
     Session::set('CurrentDeploymentID', $Deployment->ID);
     Controller::curr()->redirect($form->controller->Link() . 'MoreDeploymentDetails');
  * @param array $data
  * @return SS_HTTPResponse|void
 function doChangePassword(array $data)
     try {
         $token = Session::get('AutoLoginHash');
         $member = $this->password_manager->changePassword($token, @$data['NewPassword1'], @$data['NewPassword2']);
         $back_url = isset($_REQUEST['BackURL']) ? $_REQUEST['BackURL'] : '/';
         return OpenStackIdCommon::loginMember($member, $back_url);
     } catch (InvalidResetPasswordTokenException $ex1) {
     } catch (EmptyPasswordException $ex2) {
         $this->sessionMessage(_t('Member.EMPTYNEWPASSWORD', "The new password can't be empty, please try again"), "bad");
     } catch (PasswordMismatchException $ex3) {
         $this->sessionMessage(_t('Member.ERRORNEWPASSWORD', "You have entered your new password differently, try again"), "bad");
     } catch (InvalidPasswordException $ex4) {
         $this->sessionMessage(sprintf(_t('Member.INVALIDNEWPASSWORD', "We couldn't accept that password: %s"), nl2br("\n" . $ex4->getMessage())), "bad");
  * This method returns the default configuration array structure of the 
  * default map. It is used to initialize the OpenLayer JavaScript classes
  * after the page has been loaded.
  * @return array Configuration array which is processed by JS:initMap
 public function getDefaultMapConfiguration()
     $result = array();
     $mapObject = $this->GetComponent('Map');
     if ($mapObject && $mapObject->ID != 0) {
         $result = $mapObject->getConfigurationArray();
         $cont = Controller::curr();
         $request = $cont->getRequest();
         if ($request) {
             if ($request->getVar('bbox')) {
                 $param = $request->getVar('bbox');
                 $array = preg_split("/[\\s]*[,][\\s]*/", $param);
                 if (sizeof($array) == 4) {
                     $result['Latitude'] = '';
                     $result['Longitude'] = '';
                     $result['Zoom'] = '';
                     $extent['left'] = $array[0];
                     $extent['top'] = $array[1];
                     $extent['right'] = $array[2];
                     $extent['bottom'] = $array[3];
                     $result['Map']['DefaultExtent'] = $extent;
     return $result;
  * A form action that handles populating the record with mock data
  * @param array $data The data that as passed in from the form
  * @param Form $form The Form object that was used
  * @return SSViewer
 public function doAddMockData($data, $form)
     $this->owner->record->fill(array('only_empty' => true, 'include_relations' => false, 'download_images' => false));
     Controller::curr()->getResponse()->addHeader("X-Pjax", "Content");
     $link = Controller::join_links($this->owner->gridField->Link(), "item", $this->owner->record->ID);
     return Controller::curr()->redirect($link);
 public function allMethodNames($custom = false)
     // A friendly hack to make hasMethod returns true
     if (Controller::has_curr()) {
         return array(Controller::curr()->getRequest()->param('Action'));
  * A basic browser detection.
  * * if a browser is not here - assume it's a crawler or a bot. In which case, it shouldn't create a shortlist.
  * @see
  * */
 public static function isBrowser()
     // Regular expression to match common browsers
     $browserlist = '/(opera|aol|msie|firefox|chrome|konqueror|safari|netscape|navigator|mosaic|lynx|amaya|omniweb|avant|camino|flock|seamonkey|mozilla|gecko)+/i';
     $userAgent = strtolower(Controller::curr()->getRequest()->getHeader('User-Agent'));
     return preg_match($browserlist, $userAgent) === 1;
 protected function saveAllRecords(\GridField $grid, $arguments, $data)
     if (isset($data[$grid->Name])) {
         $currValue = $grid->Value();
         $model = singleton($grid->List->dataClass());
         foreach ($grid->getConfig()->getComponents() as $component) {
             if ($component instanceof \GridField_SaveHandler) {
                 $component->handleSave($grid, $model);
         if ($this->publish) {
             // Only use the viewable list items, since bulk publishing can take a toll on the system
             $list = ($paginator = $grid->getConfig()->getComponentByType('GridFieldPaginator')) ? $paginator->getManipulatedData($grid, $grid->List) : $grid->List;
             $list->each(function ($item) {
                 if ($item->hasExtension('Versioned')) {
                     $item->publish('Stage', 'Live');
         if ($model->exists()) {
         if (\Controller::curr() && ($response = \Controller::curr()->Response)) {
             if (!$this->completeMessage) {
                 $this->completeMessage = _t('GridField.DONE', 'Done.');
             $response->addHeader('X-Status', rawurlencode($this->completeMessage));
  * @param IRSVPTemplate $template
  * @param IRSVP $rsvp
  * @param ISummitEvent $event
  * @param string $form_name
  * @return BootstrapForm|PresentationSpeaker
 public function build(IRSVPTemplate $template, IRSVP $rsvp, ISummitEvent $event, $form_name = 'RSVPForm')
     $fields = new FieldList();
     foreach ($template->getQuestions() as $q) {
         $type = $q->Type();
         $builder_class = $type . 'UIBuilder';
         // @IRSVPQuestionTemplateUIBuilder
         $builder = Injector::inst()->create($builder_class);
         $answer = $rsvp ? $rsvp->findAnswerByQuestion($q) : null;
         $field = $builder->build($rsvp, $q, $answer);
     $validator = null;
     if ($rsvp) {
         $fields->add(new HiddenField('rsvp_id', 'rsvp_id', $rsvp->getIdentifier()));
     $fields->add(new HiddenField('event_id', 'event_id', $event->getIdentifier()));
     $fields->add(new HiddenField('summit_id', 'summit_id', $event->Summit()->getIdentifier()));
     $fields->add(new HiddenField('seat_type', 'seat_type', $event->getCurrentRSVPSubmissionSeatType()));
     $fields->add(new LiteralField('hr', '<hr>'));
     $actions = new FieldList(FormAction::create('submit_rsvp')->setTitle('Send RSVP')->addExtraClass('rsvp_submit'));
     $form = new BootstrapForm(Controller::curr(), $form_name . '_' . $event->getIdentifier(), $fields, $actions, $validator);
     $form->setAttribute('class', 'rsvp_form');
     return $form;
 function StartSurvey($data, $form)
     //Check for existing member email address
     if ($member = Member::get()->filter('Email', Convert::raw2sql($data['Email']))->first()) {
         //Set error message
         $form->AddErrorMessage('Email', "Sorry, that email address already exists. Please choose another or login with that email.", 'bad');
         //Set form data from submitted values
         Session::set("", $data);
         //Return back to form
         return Controller::curr()->redirectBack();
     //Otherwise create new member and log them in
     $Member = new Member();
     //Find or create the 'user' group
     if (!($userGroup = Group::get()->filter('Code', 'users')->first())) {
         $userGroup = new Group();
         $userGroup->Code = "users";
         $userGroup->Title = "Users";
     //Add member to user group
     $BackURL = Controller::curr()->Link('AboutYou');
     return OpenStackIdCommon::loginMember($Member, $BackURL);
 function save($data, $form)
     $response = new OSLogoProgramResponse();
     // Combine these two fields so we just store a manually typed name in
     // $data[OtherCompany]
     if ($data['NonSponsorCompany']) {
         $response->OtherCompany = $data['NonSponsorCompany'];
     // Now set the official company name for the email
     $data['CompanyName'] = 'Not Provided';
     if ($response->OtherCompany) {
         $response->CompanyName = $response->OtherCompany;
     } elseif ($response->CompanyID != 0) {
         $company = Company::get()->byID($response->CompanyID);
         if ($company) {
             $response->CompanyName = $company->Name;
     // Email the logo email list
     $Subject = "Contact Form for Commercial Logo Inquiries";
     $email = EmailFactory::getInstance()->buildEmail($data['Email'], OS_LOGO_PROGRAM_FORM_TO_EMAIL, $Subject);
     if ($response->Program === 'Powered') {
         Controller::curr()->setMessage('success', 'Thanks for your interest in licensing the OpenStack Powered logo. Please review the interoperability standards at  <a href="" class="alert-link"></a> page and submit test results according to the instructions.');
     return Controller::curr()->redirect(Controller::curr()->Link("thanks"));
  * Update any requests to limit the results to the current site
 public function augmentSQL(SQLQuery &$query, DataQuery &$dataQuery = null)
     $ctrl = null;
     if (Controller::has_curr()) {
         $ctrl = Controller::curr();
     if (Subsite::$disable_subsite_filter) {
     if ($dataQuery->getQueryParam('Subsite.filter') === false) {
     if ($ctrl && get_class(Controller::curr()) == 'Security') {
     // Don't run on delete queries, since they are always tied to
     // a specific ID.
     if ($query->getDelete()) {
     // If you're querying by ID, ignore the sub-site - this is a bit ugly...
     // if(!$query->where || (strpos($query->where[0], ".\"ID\" = ") === false && strpos($query->where[0], ".`ID` = ") === false && strpos($query->where[0], ".ID = ") === false && strpos($query->where[0], "ID = ") !== 0)) {
     if (!$query->filtersOnID()) {
         if (Subsite::$force_subsite) {
             $subsiteID = Subsite::$force_subsite;
         } else {
             $subsiteID = (int) Subsite::currentSubsiteID();
         $froms = $query->getFrom();
         $froms = array_keys($froms);
         $tableName = array_shift($froms);
         $query->addWhere("\"{$tableName}\".\"SubsiteID\" IN ({$subsiteID})");
 function Link()
     $brandspage = Controller::curr()->data();
     if ($brandspage->ProductGroupID && ($group = $brandspage->ProductGroup())) {
         return $group->Link() . "?Brand=" . $this->ID;
 function saveLink($data, $form)
     $url = $data['HostedMediaURL'];
     $EventID = Session::get('UploadMedia.PresentationID');
     if ($EventID) {
         $Event = VideoPresentation::get()->byID($EventID);
     // Attach a protocol if needed
     if (substr($url, 0, 7) != 'http://' && substr($url, 0, 8) != 'https://') {
         $url = 'http://' . $url;
     if (!filter_var($url, FILTER_VALIDATE_URL)) {
         $form->sessionMessage('That does not appear to be a valid URL', 'bad');
         return $this->controller()->redirectBack();
     } elseif (!$Event) {
         $data["HasError"] = TRUE;
         return $this->controller()->Customise($data);
     } else {
         $Event->HostedMediaURL = $url;
         $Event->MediaType = 'URL';
         Session::set('UploadMedia.Success', TRUE);
         Session::set('UploadMedia.URL', $url);
         Session::set('UploadMedia.Type', 'URL');
         Controller::curr()->redirect($form->controller()->link() . 'Success');
 public function getHTMLFragments($gridField)
     $model = Injector::inst()->create($gridField->getModelClass());
     $parent = SiteTree::get()->byId(Controller::curr()->currentPageID());
     if (!$model->canCreate()) {
         return array();
     $children = $this->getAllowedChildren($parent);
     if (count($children) > 1) {
         $pageTypes = DropdownField::create("PageType", "Page Type", $children, $model->defaultChild());
         $pageTypes->setFieldHolderTemplate("GridFieldSiteTreeAddNewButton_holder")->addExtraClass("gridfield-dropdown no-change-track");
         if (!$this->buttonName) {
             $this->buttonName = _t('GridFieldSiteTreeAddNewButton.AddMultipleOptions', 'Add new', "Add button text for multiple options.");
     } else {
         $keys = array_keys($children);
         $pageTypes = HiddenField::create('PageType', 'Page Type', $keys[0]);
         if (!$this->buttonName) {
             $this->buttonName = _t('GridFieldSiteTreeAddNewButton.Add', 'Add new {name}', 'Add button text for a single option.', array($children[$keys[0]]));
     $state = $gridField->State->GridFieldSiteTreeAddNewButton;
     $state->currentPageID = $parent->ID;
     $state->pageType = $parent->defaultChild();
     $addAction = new GridField_FormAction($gridField, 'add', $this->buttonName, 'add', 'add');
     $addAction->setAttribute('data-icon', 'add')->addExtraClass("no-ajax ss-ui-action-constructive dropdown-action");
     $forTemplate = new ArrayData(array());
     $forTemplate->Fields = new ArrayList();
     Requirements::css(LUMBERJACK_DIR . "/css/lumberjack.css");
     Requirements::javascript(LUMBERJACK_DIR . "/javascript/GridField.js");
     return array($this->targetFragment => $forTemplate->renderWith("GridFieldSiteTreeAddNewButton"));
 function processPayment($data, $form)
     //sanity checks for credentials
     if (!$this->Config()->get("API_UserName") || !$this->Config()->get("API_Password") || !$this->Config()->get("API_Signature")) {
         user_error('You are attempting to make a payment without the necessary credentials set', E_USER_ERROR);
     $data = $this->Order()->BillingAddress()->toMap();
     $paymenturl = $this->getTokenURL($this->Amount->Amount, $this->Amount->Currency, $data);
     $this->Status = "Pending";
     if ($paymenturl) {
         //redirect to payment gateway
         $page = new Page();
         $page->Title = 'Redirection to PayPal...';
         $page->Logo = '<img src="' . $this->Config()->get("logo") . '" alt="Payments powered by PayPal"/>';
         $page->Form = $this->PayPalForm();
         $controller = new Page_Controller($page);
         $form = $controller->renderWith('PaymentProcessingPage');
         return new Payment_Processing($form);
         return new Payment_Processing();
     $this->Message = _t('PayPalExpressCheckoutPayment.COULDNOTBECONTACTED', "PayPal could not be contacted");
     $this->Status = 'Failure';
     return new Payment_Failure($this->Message);
  * Handles the add action for the given DataObject.
  * @param $gridField GridField
  * @param $actionName string
  * @param $arguments mixed
  * @param $data array
  * @return null|SS_HTTPResponse
  * @throws UnexpectedValueException
 public function handleAction(GridField $gridField, $actionName, $arguments, $data)
     if ($actionName == 'add') {
         $dbField = $this->getDataObjectField();
         $objClass = $gridField->getModelClass();
          * @var DataObject $obj
         $obj = new $objClass();
         if ($obj->hasField($dbField)) {
             $obj->setCastedField($dbField, $data['gridfieldaddbydbfield'][$obj->ClassName][$dbField]);
             if ($obj->canCreate()) {
                 $id = $gridField->getList()->add($obj);
                 if (!$id) {
                     $gridField->setError(_t('GridFieldAddByDBField.AddFail', 'Unable to save {class} to the database.', 'Unable to add the DataObject.', array('class' => get_class($obj))), 'error');
             } else {
                 return Security::permissionFailure(Controller::curr(), _t('GridFieldAddByDBField.PermissionFail', 'You don\'t have permission to create a {class}.', 'Unable to add the DataObject.', array('class' => get_class($obj))));
         } else {
             throw new UnexpectedValueException(sprintf('Invalid field (%s) on %s.', $dbField, $obj->ClassName));
     return null;
  * Method for allowing a user to reset their password
  * @param {stdClass} $data Data passed from ActionScript
  * @return {array} Returns a standard response array
 public function lostPassword($data)
     $response = CodeBank_ClientAPI::responseBase();
     $response['login'] = true;
     $SQL_email = Convert::raw2sql($data->user);
     $member = Member::get_one('Member', "\"Email\"='{$SQL_email}'");
     // Allow vetoing forgot password requests
     $sng = new MemberLoginForm(Controller::has_curr() ? Controller::curr() : singleton('Controller'), 'LoginForm');
     $results = $sng->extend('forgotPassword', $member);
     if ($results && is_array($results) && in_array(false, $results, true)) {
         $response['status'] = 'HELO';
         $response['message'] = _t('CodeBankAPI.PASSWORD_SENT_TEXT', "A reset link has been sent to '{email}', provided an account exists for this email address.", array('email' => $data['Email']));
     if ($member) {
         $token = $member->generateAutologinTokenAndStoreHash();
         $e = Member_ForgotPasswordEmail::create();
         $e->populateTemplate(array('PasswordResetLink' => Security::getPasswordResetLink($member, $token)));
         $response['status'] = 'HELO';
         $response['message'] = _t('CodeBankAPI.PASSWORD_SENT_TEXT', "A reset link has been sent to '{email}', provided an account exists for this email address.", array('email' => $data->user));
     } else {
         if (!empty($data->user)) {
             $response['status'] = 'HELO';
             $response['message'] = _t('CodeBankAPI.PASSWORD_SENT_TEXT', "A reset link has been sent to '{email}', provided an account exists for this email address.", array('email' => $data->user));
         } else {
             $response['status'] = 'EROR';
             $response['message'] = _t('Member.ENTEREMAIL', 'Please enter an email address to get a password reset link.');
     return $response;
  *	Update the corresponding vanity mapping.
 public function onBeforeWrite()
     // Retrieve the vanity mapping URL, where this is only possible using the POST variable.
     $vanityURL = is_null($URL = Controller::curr()->getRequest()->postVar('VanityURL')) ? $this->owner->VanityMapping()->MappedLink : $URL;
     $mappingExists = $this->owner->VanityMapping()->exists();
     // Determine whether the vanity mapping URL has been updated.
     if ($vanityURL && $mappingExists) {
         if ($this->owner->VanityMapping()->MappedLink !== $vanityURL) {
             // Update the corresponding vanity mapping.
             $this->owner->VanityMapping()->MappedLink = $vanityURL;
     } else {
         if ($vanityURL) {
             // Instantiate the vanity mapping.
             $mapping = singleton('MisdirectionService')->createPageMapping($vanityURL, $this->owner->ID, 2);
             $this->owner->VanityMappingID = $mapping->ID;
         } else {
             if ($mappingExists) {
                 // Remove the corresponding vanity mapping.
  * Modified version of Breadcrumbs, to cater for viewing items.
 public function Breadcrumbs($maxDepth = 20, $unlinked = false, $stopAtPageType = false, $showHidden = false)
     $page = $this;
     $pages = array();
     while ($page && (!$maxDepth || count($pages) < $maxDepth) && (!$stopAtPageType || $page->ClassName != $stopAtPageType)) {
         if ($showHidden || $page->ShowInMenus || $page->ID == $this->ID) {
             $pages[] = $page;
         $page = $page->Parent;
     // Add on the item we're currently showing.
     $controller = Controller::curr();
     if ($controller) {
         $request = $controller->getRequest();
         if ($request->param('Action') == 'show') {
             $id = $request->param('ID');
             if ($id) {
                 $object = DataObject::get_by_id($this->getDataClass(), $id);
                 array_unshift($pages, $object);
     $template = new SSViewer('BreadcrumbsTemplate');
     return $template->process($this->customise(new ArrayData(array('Pages' => new ArrayList(array_reverse($pages))))));
 public function overridePartialTemplates($viewer, $templates = array(), $action = null)
     // find the theme from the current page
     $current = Controller::curr();
     $partial = null;
     if ($current->hasMethod('appliedPartialTheme')) {
         $partial = $current->appliedPartialTheme();
     // check for alternative 'sub' templates
     if (!$partial) {
         return $viewer;
     $alts = $this->findAlternate($partial, $templates, $action);
     if ($alts) {
         if (isset($alts['Layout'])) {
             $viewer->setTemplateFile('Layout', $alts['Layout']);
         if (isset($alts['main'])) {
             $viewer->setTemplateFile('main', $alts['main']);
         if (isset($alts['Includes'])) {
             $viewer->setTemplateFile('main', $alts['Includes']);
     return $viewer;
  * Returns a DataList containing Pages.
  * The provided links point to their translated pages.
  * You can use it in templates like this:
  * <% loop LanguageChooser %>
  *   $Title, $Current, and any other vars in your page instance
  * <% end_loop %>
  * @return DataList
 public function LanguageChooser()
     if (!Controller::curr()) {
     if ($langs = Translatable::get_allowed_locales()) {
         $data = ArrayList::create();
         foreach ($langs as $key => $code) {
             if ($code == Translatable::get_current_locale()) {
                 $this->owner->Current = 'current';
             } else {
                 $translation = $this->owner->getTranslation($code);
                 if ($translation) {
                 } else {
                     $page = Translatable::get_one_by_locale("SiteTree", $code, "URLSegment LIKE 'home%'");
                     if ($page) {
         return $data;
     return false;
 function submit($data, $form)
     $member = Member::currentUser();
     if (!$member || !$member->inGroup("ADMIN")) {
         $form->setMessage("You need to be logged as an admin to send this email.", "bad");
         return Controller::curr()->redirectBack();
     $data = Convert::raw2sql($data);
     $page = null;
     if (isset($data["ModuleProductID"])) {
         $page = ModuleProduct::get()->byID(intval($data["ModuleProductID"]));
     if (!$page) {
         $form->setMessage("Can not find the right page for saving this email.", "bad");
         return Controller::curr()->redirectBack();
     $email = new ModuleProductEmail();
     if (Director::is_ajax()) {
         return "mail sent!";
     } else {
         return Controller::curr()->redirect($page->Link());
  *	Update the searchable fields and model admin filtering, allowing CMS searchable content tagging.
 public function updateSearchableFields(&$fields)
     // Instantiate a field containing the existing tags.
     $fields = array_merge(array('Tagging' => array('title' => 'Tags', 'field' => ListboxField::create('Tagging', 'Tags', FusionTag::get()->map('Title', 'Title')->toArray(), ($filtering = Controller::curr()->getRequest()->getVar('q')) && isset($filtering['Tagging']) ? $filtering['Tagging'] : array(), null, true), 'filter' => $this->owner->dbObject('Tagging')->stat('default_search_filter_class'))), $fields);
     // Allow extension.
     $this->owner->extend('updateTaggingExtensionSearchableFields', $fields);
  * @param ISurveyStep $step
  * @param string $action
  * @param string $form_name
  * @return Form
 public function build(ISurveyStep $step, $action, $form_name = 'SurveyStepForm')
     $fields = new FieldList();
     $form = new ThankYouStepForm(Controller::curr(), $form_name, $fields, $actions = new FieldList(), $step, $validator = array());
     $form->setAttribute('class', 'survey_step_form');
     return $form;
  * @param type $dummy
  * @return void
 public function init(&$dummy)
     $controller = Controller::curr();
     if (get_class($controller) == 'AssetAdmin' || get_class($controller) == 'CMSFileAddController') {
         die('This module disabled usage of AssetAdmin or CMSFileAddController');
 private function Form()
     $fields = FieldList::create(TextField::create('Title'), TextField::create('Subtitle'));
     $actions = FieldList::create(FormAction::create('submit', 'submit'));
     $validator = ZenValidator::create();
     return Form::create(Controller::curr(), 'Form', $fields, $actions, $validator);
 function StartSurvey($data, $form)
     try {
         $data = SQLDataCleaner::clean($data);
         $data['MembershipType'] = 'community';
         Session::set("FormInfo.{$form->FormName()}.data", $data);
         $profile_page = EditProfilePage::get()->first();
         $member = $this->member_manager->registerMobile($data, new MemberRegistrationSenderService());
         //Get profile page
         if (!is_null($profile_page)) {
             //Redirect to profile page with success message
             $request = Controller::curr()->getRequest();
             $back_url = $request->postVar('BackURL');
             $link = $profile_page->Link('?success=1');
             if (!empty($back_url)) {
                 $link .= "&BackURL=" . $back_url;
             return OpenStackIdCommon::loginMember($member, $link);
     } catch (EntityValidationException $ex1) {
         Form::messageForForm($form->FormName(), $ex1->getMessage(), 'bad');
         //Return back to form
         SS_Log::log($ex1->getMessage(), SS_Log::WARN);
         return Controller::curr()->redirectBack();
     } catch (Exception $ex) {
         Form::messageForForm($form->FormName(), "There was an error with your request, please contact your admin.", 'bad');
         //Return back to form
         SS_Log::log($ex->getMessage(), SS_Log::ERR);
         return Controller::curr()->redirectBack();
 public function getCMSFields()
     $fields = parent::getCMSFields();
     $subsites = DataObject::get('Subsite');
     if (!$subsites) {
         $subsites = new ArrayList();
     } else {
         $subsites = ArrayList::create($subsites->toArray());
     $subsites->push(new ArrayData(array('Title' => 'Main site', 'ID' => 0)));
     $fields->addFieldToTab('Root.Main', DropdownField::create("CopyContentFromID_SubsiteID", _t('SubsitesVirtualPage.SubsiteField', "Subsite"), $subsites->map('ID', 'Title'))->addExtraClass('subsitestreedropdownfield-chooser no-change-track'), 'CopyContentFromID');
     // Setup the linking to the original page.
     $pageSelectionField = new SubsitesTreeDropdownField("CopyContentFromID", _t('VirtualPage.CHOOSE', "Choose a page to link to"), "SiteTree", "ID", "MenuTitle");
     if (Controller::has_curr() && Controller::curr()->getRequest()) {
         $subsiteID = Controller::curr()->getRequest()->requestVar('CopyContentFromID_SubsiteID');
     $fields->replaceField('CopyContentFromID', $pageSelectionField);
     // Create links back to the original object in the CMS
     if ($this->CopyContentFromID) {
         $editLink = "admin/pages/edit/show/{$this->CopyContentFromID}/?SubsiteID=" . $this->CopyContentFrom()->SubsiteID;
         $linkToContent = "\n\t\t\t\t<a class=\"cmsEditlink\" href=\"{$editLink}\">" . _t('VirtualPage.EDITCONTENT', 'Click here to edit the content') . "</a>";
         $fields->addFieldToTab("Root.Main", $linkToContentLabelField = new LabelField('VirtualPageContentLinkLabel', $linkToContent), 'Title');
     $fields->addFieldToTab('Root.Main', TextField::create('CustomMetaTitle', $this->fieldLabel('CustomMetaTitle'))->setDescription(_t('SubsitesVirtualPage.OverrideNote', 'Overrides inherited value from the source')), 'MetaTitle');
     $fields->addFieldToTab('Root.Main', TextareaField::create('CustomMetaKeywords', $this->fieldLabel('CustomMetaTitle'))->setDescription(_t('SubsitesVirtualPage.OverrideNote')), 'MetaKeywords');
     $fields->addFieldToTab('Root.Main', TextareaField::create('CustomMetaDescription', $this->fieldLabel('CustomMetaTitle'))->setDescription(_t('SubsitesVirtualPage.OverrideNote')), 'MetaDescription');
     $fields->addFieldToTab('Root.Main', TextField::create('CustomExtraMeta', $this->fieldLabel('CustomMetaTitle'))->setDescription(_t('SubsitesVirtualPage.OverrideNote')), 'ExtraMeta');
     return $fields;
Exemple #30
	function __destruct() {
		// Shift off anything else that's on the stack.  This can happen if something throws
		// an exception that causes a premature TestSession::__destruct() call
		while(Controller::curr() != $this->controller) Controller::curr()->popCurrent();
