Exemple #1
	public function importValue(SimpleXMLElement $akv) {
		if (isset($akv->value->fID)) {
			$fIDVal = (string) $akv->value->fID;
			$fID = ContentImporter::getValue($fIDVal);
			if ($fID) {
				return File::getByID($fID);
 public function swapContent($options)
     if ($this->validateClearSiteContents($options)) {
         $pl = new PageList();
         $pages = $pl->get();
         foreach ($pages as $c) {
         $fl = new FileList();
         $files = $fl->get();
         foreach ($files as $f) {
         // clear stacks
         $sl = new StackList();
         foreach ($sl->get() as $c) {
         $home = Page::getByID(HOME_CID);
         $blocks = $home->getBlocks();
         foreach ($blocks as $b) {
         $pageTypes = CollectionType::getList();
         foreach ($pageTypes as $ct) {
         // now we add in any files that this package has
         if (is_dir($this->getPackagePath() . '/content_files')) {
             $fh = new FileImporter();
             $contents = Loader::helper('file')->getDirectoryContents($this->getPackagePath() . '/content_files');
             foreach ($contents as $filename) {
                 $f = $fh->import($this->getPackagePath() . '/content_files/' . $filename, $filename);
         // now we parse the content.xml if it exists.
         $ci = new ContentImporter();
         $ci->importContentFile($this->getPackagePath() . '/content.xml');
 public function install_permissions()
     $ci = new ContentImporter();
     $ci->importContentFile(DIR_BASE_CORE . '/config/install/base/permissions.xml');
 public function importComposerSettings(SimpleXMLElement $sx)
     $db = Loader::db();
     if ($sx['method'] == 'PAGE_TYPE') {
         $ctID = ContentImporter::getValue($sx['pagetype']);
         $cta = CollectionType::getByID($ctID);
     } else {
         if ($sx['method'] == 'PARENT') {
             $cID = ContentImporter::getValue($sx['parent']);
             $c = Page::getByID($cID);
         } else {
     if (isset($sx->items)) {
         foreach ($sx->items->children() as $node) {
             $displayOrder = $db->GetOne('select max(displayOrder) as displayOrder from ComposerContentLayout where ctID = ?', array($this->ctID));
             if ($displayOrder !== false) {
                 if ($displayOrder > 0) {
                 } else {
                     $displayOrder = 1;
             } else {
                 $displayOrder = 0;
             if ($node->getName() == 'attributekey') {
                 $ak = CollectionAttributeKey::getByHandle((string) $node['handle']);
                 $v = array($ak->getAttributeKeyID(), $displayOrder, $this->ctID);
                 $db->Execute('insert into ComposerContentLayout (akID, displayOrder, ctID) values (?, ?, ?)', $v);
             if ($node->getName() == 'block') {
                 $mcID = $this->getMasterCollectionID();
                 $bID = $db->GetOne('select Blocks.bID from CollectionVersionBlocks inner join Blocks on CollectionVersionBlocks.bID = Blocks.bID where cID = ? and Blocks.bName = ?', array($mcID, (string) $node['name']));
                 $v = array($bID, $displayOrder, (string) $node['composer-template'], $this->ctID);
                 $db->Execute('insert into ComposerContentLayout (bID, displayOrder, ccFilename, ctID) values (?, ?, ?, ?)', $v);
 public function import($page, $arHandle, SimpleXMLElement $blockNode)
     $args = array();
     $db = Loader::db();
     // handle the adodb stuff
     $args = $this->getImportData($blockNode);
     $bt = BlockType::getByHandle($this->btHandle);
     $b = $page->addBlock($bt, $arHandle, $args);
     $b->updateBlockInformation(array('bName' => $blockNode['name'], 'bFilename' => $blockNode['custom-template']));
     if ($page->isMasterCollection() && $blockNode['mc-block-id'] != '') {
         ContentImporter::addMasterCollectionBlockID($b, (string) $blockNode['mc-block-id']);
     // now we insert stuff that isn't part of the btTable
     // we have to do this this way because we need a bID
     $this->importAdditionalData($b, $blockNode);
function mk_ajax_import_options()
    include_once THEME_DIR . '/demo-importer/engine/content_importer.php';
    parse_str($_POST["options"], $options);
    if (!empty($options['template'])) {
        $content_importer = new ContentImporter($_POST["options"]);
        $options['template'] = '';
 public function installDashboard()
     $ci = new ContentImporter();
     $ci->importContentFile(DIR_BASE_CORE . '/config/install/base/dashboard.xml');
 function abb_import_demo_action()
     include_once THEME_DIR . '/demo-importer/content_importer.php';
     parse_str($_POST["options"], $options);
     if (!empty($options['template'])) {
         $content_importer = new ContentImporter($_POST["options"]);
         $options['template'] = '';
Exemple #9
	protected function importAttributeSets(SimpleXMLElement $sx) {
		if (isset($sx->attributesets)) {
			foreach($sx->attributesets->attributeset as $as) {
				$akc = AttributeKeyCategory::getByHandle($as['category']);
				$pkg = ContentImporter::getPackageObject($as['package']);
				$set = $akc->addSet((string) $as['handle'], (string) $as['name'], $pkg, $as['locked']);
				foreach($as->children() as $ask) {
					$ak = $akc->getAttributeKeyByHandle((string) $ask['handle']);
					if (is_object($ak)) { 	
 protected function importAdditionalData($b, $blockNode)
     if (isset($blockNode->data)) {
         foreach ($blockNode->data as $data) {
             if (strtoupper($data['table']) != strtoupper($this->getBlockTypeDatabaseTable())) {
                 $table = (string) $data['table'];
                 if (isset($data->record)) {
                     foreach ($data->record as $record) {
                         $aar = new ADODB_Active_Record($table);
                         $aar->bID = $b->getBlockID();
                         foreach ($record->children() as $node) {
                             $nodeName = $node->getName();
                             if (strcasecmp($table, 'btSlideshowImg') === 0 && strcasecmp($nodeName, 'slideshowImgId') === 0) {
                             $aar->{$nodeName} = ContentImporter::getValue((string) $node);
 public function install()
     $pkg = parent::install();
     $ci = new ContentImporter();
     $ci->importContentFile($pkg->getPackagePath() . '/install/blocktypes.xml');
	public function set_site_permissions() {
		$ci = new ContentImporter();
		$ci->importContentFile(DIR_BASE_CORE. '/config/install/base/permissions.xml');
		$fs = FileSet::getGlobal();
		$g1 = Group::getByID(GUEST_GROUP_ID);
		$g2 = Group::getByID(REGISTERED_GROUP_ID);
		$g3 = Group::getByID(ADMIN_GROUP_ID);
		$fs->setPermissions($g1, FilePermissions::PTYPE_NONE, FilePermissions::PTYPE_ALL, FilePermissions::PTYPE_NONE, FilePermissions::PTYPE_NONE, FilePermissions::PTYPE_NONE);
		$fs->setPermissions($g2, FilePermissions::PTYPE_NONE, FilePermissions::PTYPE_ALL, FilePermissions::PTYPE_NONE, FilePermissions::PTYPE_NONE, FilePermissions::PTYPE_NONE);
		$fs->setPermissions($g3, FilePermissions::PTYPE_ALL, FilePermissions::PTYPE_ALL, FilePermissions::PTYPE_ALL, FilePermissions::PTYPE_ALL, FilePermissions::PTYPE_ALL);

		Config::save('SITE', SITE);
		$u = new User();
		$args = array();
		$args['cInheritPermissionsFrom'] = 'OVERRIDE';
		$args['cOverrideTemplatePermissions'] = 1;
		$args['collectionRead'][] = 'gID:' . GUEST_GROUP_ID;
		$args['collectionAdmin'][] = 'gID:' . ADMIN_GROUP_ID;
		$args['collectionRead'][] = 'gID:' . ADMIN_GROUP_ID;
		$args['collectionApprove'][] = 'gID:' . ADMIN_GROUP_ID;
		$args['collectionReadVersions'][] = 'gID:' . ADMIN_GROUP_ID;
		$args['collectionWrite'][] = 'gID:' . ADMIN_GROUP_ID;
		$args['collectionDelete'][] = 'gID:' . ADMIN_GROUP_ID;
		$home = Page::getByID(1, "RECENT");