} else {
    if (strlen($excerpt) > 100) {
        $excerpt = substr($excerpt, 100) . " ...";
    $excerpt = encode($excerpt);
if (!filter_ip($userdetail['ip'])) {
    tb_xml_error("Your IP address is banned from sending trackbacks.");
if (replace_filter($excerpt) || replace_filter($title) || replace_filter($blog_name)) {
    tb_xml_error("The trackback content contains some words that are not welcomed on our site. You may edit your post and send it again. Sorry for the inconvenience.");
$trytb = $DMF->numRows($DMF->query("SELECT * FROM " . $DBPrefix . "trackbacks WHERE ip='" . getip() . "' AND postTime+30>='" . time() . "'"));
if ($trytb > 0) {
$spam = $settingInfo['isTbApp'];
// 1为开启审核
if ($spam == 0 or strpos($url, ";" . $settingInfo['ttSiteList']) >= 1) {
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} else {
    $isApp = 0;
$sql = "INSERT INTO " . $DBPrefix . "trackbacks (logId,tbTitle,blogSite,blogUrl,content,postTime,ip,isApp) VALUES ('{$tid}',\"{$title}\",\"{$blog_name}\",\"{$url}\",\"{$excerpt}\"," . time() . ",'" . getip() . "','{$isApp}')";
if ($isApp == 1) {
    add_bloginfo("tbNums", "adding", 1);
    $DMF->query("UPDATE " . $DBPrefix . "logs SET quoteNums=quoteNums+1 WHERE id='{$tid}'");
    $weburl = substr($weburl, 0, $posurl);
if (!filter_url($weburl)) {
    tb_xml_error("Your Web address is banned from sending trackbacks.");
if (replace_filter($excerpt) || replace_filter($title) || replace_filter($blog_name)) {
    tb_xml_error("The trackback content contains some words that are not welcomed on our site. You may edit your post and send it again. Sorry for the inconvenience.");
$trytb = $DMC->numRows($DMC->query("SELECT * FROM " . $DBPrefix . "trackbacks WHERE blogUrl like '%{$weburl}%' AND postTime+600>='" . time() . "'"));
if ($trytb > 0) {
    tb_xml_error("Same Blog try to send after 10 minutes!");
$trytb = $DMC->numRows($DMC->query("SELECT * FROM " . $DBPrefix . "trackbacks WHERE ip='" . getip() . "' AND postTime+30>='" . time() . "'"));
if ($trytb > 0) {
    tb_xml_error("Same IP try to send after 30 seconds !");
$spam = $settingInfo['isTbApp'];
// 0为开启审核
if ($spam == 1 or strpos($url, ";" . $settingInfo['ttSiteList']) >= 1) {
    $isApp = 1;
} else {
    $isApp = 0;
$sql = "INSERT INTO " . $DBPrefix . "trackbacks (logId,tbTitle,blogSite,blogUrl,content,postTime,ip,isApp) VALUES ('{$tid}','{$title}','{$blog_name}','{$url}','{$excerpt}'," . time() . ",'" . getip() . "','{$isApp}')";
if (strpos(";{$settingInfo['ajaxstatus']};", "T") > 0) {