Exemple #1
function viewComments($dvd = 0)
    $dbh = new Database();
    $sth = $dbh->prepare("SELECT id FROM " . DB_PREFIX . "comments WHERE dvd = ? ORDER BY id DESC");
    $commentCount = 0;
    while ($id = $sth->fetchColumn()) {
        $comment = new Comment();
        include '../views/showDVD/singleComment.php';
Exemple #2
  *   addOrUpdateComment.
  *   Updates or creates a Comment
  *   @param array $comment
  *   @return Comment $obj with User relationship loaded
 public function addOrUpdateComment(array $comment)
     $obj = new Comment();
     $obj->text = $comment['text'];
     $obj->user_id = $comment['user']['id'];
     $obj->doc_id = $this->doc_id;
     if (isset($comment['id'])) {
         $obj->id = $comment['id'];
     $obj->parent_id = $this->id;
     return $obj;
 public function load($iCommentID)
     $connection = new Connection();
     $sSQL = "SELECT CommentID, Comment, UserID, RecipeID, CreatedAt, OriginalID\n                     FROM tbcomment\n                     WHERE CommentID=" . $iCommentID;
     $resultSet = $connection->query($sSQL);
     $row = $connection->fetch_array($resultSet);
     //store data into attributes:
     $this->iCommentID = $row["CommentID"];
     $this->sComment = $row["Comment"];
     $this->iUserID = $row["UserID"];
     $this->iRecipeID = $row["RecipeID"];
     $this->tCreatedAt = $row["CreatedAt"];
     $this->iOriginalID = $row["OriginalID"];
     $sSQL = "SELECT CommentID \n                    FROM tbcomment\n                    WHERE OriginalID=" . $iCommentID;
     $resultSet = $connection->query($sSQL);
     while ($row = $connection->fetch_array($resultSet)) {
         $iCommentID = $row["CommentID"];
         $oComment = new Comment();
         $this->aReplies[] = $oComment;
 public function load($iRecipeID)
     $connection = new Connection();
     $sSQL = "SELECT RecipeID, Title, AuthorNotes, Ingredients, Directions, ImagePath, CreatedAt, UserID, RecipeTypeID\n                     FROM tbrecipe\n                     WHERE RecipeID = " . $iRecipeID;
     $resultSet = $connection->query($sSQL);
     $row = $connection->fetch_array($resultSet);
     //store into attributes:
     $this->iRecipeID = $row["RecipeID"];
     $this->sTitle = $row["Title"];
     $this->sAuthorNotes = $row["AuthorNotes"];
     $this->sIngredients = $row["Ingredients"];
     $this->sDirections = $row["Directions"];
     $this->sImagePath = $row["ImagePath"];
     $this->tCreatedAt = $row["CreatedAt"];
     $this->iUserID = $row["UserID"];
     $this->iRecipeTypeID = $row["RecipeTypeID"];
     // get all likes from recipe:
     $sSQL = "SELECT LikeID\n                     FROM tblike\n                     WHERE RecipeID = " . $iRecipeID;
     $resultSet = $connection->query($sSQL);
     while ($row = $connection->fetch_array($resultSet)) {
         $iLikeID = $row["LikeID"];
         $oLike = new Like();
         $this->aLikes[] = $iLikeID;
     // get all comments on a recipe:
     $sSQL = "SELECT CommentID\n                    FROM tbcomment\n                    WHERE RecipeID = " . $iRecipeID . " ORDER BY CreatedAt DESC";
     $resultSet = $connection->query($sSQL);
     while ($row = $connection->fetch_array($resultSet)) {
         $iCommentID = $row["CommentID"];
         $oComment = new Comment();
         $this->aComments[] = $oComment;
Exemple #5

$comment = new Comment();
if ($comment->user_id == Auth::user_id()) {
    if (Input::posted()) {
        $comment->content = Input::get('message');
Sticky::set('message', $comment->content);
include VIEWS . 'header.php';
include VIEWS . 'edit_comment.php';
include VIEWS . 'footer.php';
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
* @author [creator, or "Original Author"]
* @license http://bit.ly/aVWqRV PayAsYouGo License
* @copyright Copyright (c) 2010 Broadband Mechanics
* @package PeopleAggregator
$login_required = TRUE;
$use_theme = 'Beta';
//TODO : Remove this when new UI is completely implemented.
include_once "web/includes/page.php";
require_once "api/Comment/Comment.php";
require_once "api/Permissions/PermissionsHandler.class.php";
if ($_GET['comment_id']) {
    $comment_id = trim($_GET['comment_id']);
    $comment = new Comment();
    if ($comment->parent_type == TYPE_USER) {
        $recipient_id = $comment->parent_id;
        $redirect_url = PA::$url . PA_ROUTE_USER_PUBLIC . "/" . $comment->parent_id;
    } else {
        if ($comment->parent_type == TYPE_CONTENT) {
            $redirect_url = PA::$url . PA_ROUTE_CONTENT . "/cid=" . $comment->content_id;
        } else {
            if (!empty($_REQUEST['back_page'])) {
                $redirect_url = $_REQUEST['back_page'];
    $cid = $comment->content_id;
    //Content id for which comment has been posted.
    $params = array('comment_info' => array('user_id' => $comment->user_id, 'content_id' => $comment->content_id, 'recipient_id' => $recipient_id), 'permissions' => 'delete_comment');
function render_main_page_area($user)
    global $admin_password;
    $page_url = PA::$url . "/comment_management.php";
    $paging_url = "{$page_url}?";
    // url to pass to the pager object
    $msg = "";
    $path_info = @$_SERVER['PATH_INFO'];
    // see if the user is logged in as an admin
    if ($path_info == "/login") {
        if (@$_REQUEST['admin_password'] == $admin_password) {
            $_SESSION['comment_management_is_admin'] = TRUE;
        } else {
            $msg = "Incorrect password!  Try again...";
    } else {
        if ($path_info == "/logout") {
            $_SESSION['comment_management_is_admin'] = FALSE;
            $msg = "You are now logged out (of admin mode).";
    $is_admin = @$_SESSION['comment_management_is_admin'];
    $limit_set = NULL;
    // set this to an array with keys 'comment_id' to limit display to those keys
    $current_search_terms = NULL;
    // current search terms
    switch ($path_info) {
        case '/analyze_comment':
            $comment_id = (int) @$_REQUEST['comment'];
            if (!$is_admin) {
                $msg = "Sorry, only administrators can analyze comments at the moment :(";
            } elseif ($comment_id) {
                $cmt = new Comment();
                $msg = "<p>Analysis of comment {$comment_id}:</p><hr/><p>" . nl2br(htmlspecialchars($cmt->comment)) . "</p><hr/><ul>";
                $hosts = $cmt->get_link_hosts();
                foreach ($hosts as $domain => $links) {
                    $msg .= "<li><b>" . htmlspecialchars($domain) . "</b> (<a href=\"{$page_url}/analyze_domain?domain=" . htmlspecialchars($domain) . "\">analyze</a>): ";
                    $dom = new SpamDomain($domain);
                    if ($dom->blacklisted) {
                        $msg .= " BLACKLISTED";
                    $msg .= "<ul>";
                    foreach ($links as $link) {
                        list($url, $linktexts) = $link;
                        $msg .= "<li>" . htmlspecialchars($url) . " -> " . implode(" | ", array_map("htmlspecialchars", $linktexts)) . "</li>";
                    $msg .= "</ul></li>";
                $msg .= "</ul><hr/>";
        case '/search':
            $current_search_terms = @$_REQUEST['q'];
            if (!$is_admin) {
                $msg = "Sorry, only administrators can search comments at the moment :(";
            } elseif ($current_search_terms) {
                $paging_url = "{$page_url}/search?q=" . urlencode($current_search_terms) . "&";
                $limit_set = Comment::search($current_search_terms);
        case '/stats':
            $msg = "<p>Stats:</p>";
            list($n) = Dal::query_one("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM {comments}");
            list($n_deleted) = Dal::query_one("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM {comments} WHERE is_active=0");
            $n_active = $n - $n_deleted;
            $msg .= "<li>{$n} comments ({$n_active} active / {$n_deleted} deleted)</li>";
            list($n_ham) = Dal::query_one("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM {comments} WHERE is_active=1 AND spam_state=0");
            $n_spam = $n_active - $n_ham;
            $msg .= "<li>{$n_spam} active+spam / {$n_ham} active+not spam</li>";
            list($n_no_class) = Dal::query_one("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM {comments} WHERE is_active=1 AND akismet_spam IS NULL");
            $msg .= "<li>{$n_no_class} active comments not (yet?) classified by Akismet</li>";
            list($n_akismet_del) = Dal::query_one("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM {comments} WHERE is_active=0 AND akismet_spam=1");
            $msg .= "<li>{$n_akismet_del} comments flagged as spam by akismet and deleted</li>";
        case '/add_spam_term':
            $spam_term = @$_REQUEST['term'];
            if (!$is_admin) {
                $msg = "Sorry, only administrators can add spam terms at the moment.";
            } elseif ($spam_term) {
                // find the comments
                $matches = Comment::search($spam_term);
                $n_deleted = count($matches);
                // add the term
                // and delete the comments
                $blk_size = 1000;
                $F_fetch_ids = create_function('$item', 'return $item["comment_id"];');
                for ($i = 0; $i < count($matches); $i += $blk_size) {
                    Comment::set_spam_state(array_map($F_fetch_ids, array_slice($matches, $i, $blk_size)), SPAM_STATE_SPAM_WORDS);
                $msg = "Added <b>" . htmlspecialchars($spam_term) . '</b> to the spam term database, and deleted ' . $n_deleted . ' comments containing it.';
        case '/analyze_domain':
            $domain = @$_REQUEST['domain'];
            if (!$is_admin) {
                $msg = "Sorry, only administrators can analyze domains.";
            } else {
                $msg .= "<p>analysis of domain " . htmlspecialchars($domain) . ":</p><ul>";
                $domain = new SpamDomain($domain);
                foreach ($domain->find_associated_domains() as $r) {
                    $msg .= "<li>" . $r['domain'] . " (" . $r['domain_id'] . "): " . $r['match_count'] . " matches</li>";
                $msg .= "</ul>";
        case '/blacklist_domain':
            $domain = @$_REQUEST['domain'];
            if (!$is_admin) {
                $msg = "Sorry, only administrators can blacklist domains.";
            } elseif (!trim($domain)) {
                $msg = "Invalid domain";
            } else {
                $dom = new SpamDomain($domain);
                foreach ($dom->find_associated_domains() as $assoc_domain) {
            // FALL THROUGH TO /common_domains
        // FALL THROUGH TO /common_domains
        case '/common_domains':
            if (!$is_admin) {
                $msg = "Sorry, only administrators can do this.";
            } else {
                list($total_domains, $total_blacklisted_domains) = SpamDomain::count_domains();
                $msg .= "<p>Most common domains (out of total {$total_domains}, {$total_blacklisted_domains} blacklisted) in comments:</p><ul>";
                foreach (SpamDomain::get_most_common_domains() as $dom) {
                    $msg .= "<li>" . $dom['active_count'] . " times: " . $dom['domain'] . ' ' . ($dom['blacklisted'] ? 'BLACKLISTED' : '') . ' (<a href="' . $page_url . '/blacklist_domain?domain=' . $dom['domain'] . '">blacklist domain</a> | <a href="' . $page_url . '/analyze_domain?domain=' . $dom['domain'] . '">analyze domain</a>)</li>';
                $msg .= "</ul>";
        case '/akismet_verify_key':
            global $akismet_key;
            if (!$is_admin) {
                $msg = "Sorry, only administrators can access Akismet at the moment.";
            } elseif (!$akismet_key) {
                $msg .= '<p>No Akismet key has been configured - Akismet is not active.</p>';
            } else {
                // global var $_base_url has been removed - please, use PA::$url static variable
                $msg .= "<p>verifying akismet key: {$akismet_key}</p>";
                $ak = new Akismet($akismet_key);
                $msg .= "<p>result: " . var_export($ak->verify_key(PA::$url . PA_ROUTE_USER_PUBLIC . '/' . $user->user_id), TRUE) . "</p>";
        case '/akismet_check_spam':
            if (!$is_admin) {
                $msg = "Sorry, only administrators can access Akismet at the moment.";
            } else {
                global $akismet_key;
                $msg .= "<p>checking comment for spam</p>";
                $cmt = new Comment();
                try {
                    $cmt->load((int) $_REQUEST['comment']);
                } catch (PAException $e) {
                    if ($e->getCode() != COMMENT_NOT_EXIST) {
                        throw $e;
                    $msg .= "<p>Comment already deleted.</p>";
                $msg .= "<p>result: " . var_export($cmt->akismet_spam, TRUE) . "</p>";
            if (preg_match("~^/delete/(\\d+)\$~", $path_info, $m)) {
                list(, $cid) = $m;
                if (!$is_admin) {
                    $msg = "Sorry, only administrators can delete comments at the moment :(";
                } else {
                    try {
                        $c = new Comment();
                        $c->load((int) $cid);
                        $msg = "Comment deleted.";
                    } catch (PAException $e) {
                        if ($e->code == COMMENT_NOT_EXIST) {
                            $msg = "Comment already deleted.";
                        } else {
                            throw $e;
    $per_page = 20;
    // how many comments to show on a page
    // paging
    if ($limit_set !== NULL) {
        $total_comments = count($limit_set);
    } else {
        $total_comments = Comment::count_all_comments($is_admin ? 0 : $user->user_id);
    $pager = new pager($total_comments, $per_page, $paging_url);
    $paging = $pager->getButList(8) . " (total {$total_comments} comments)";
    // main comment list
    if ($limit_set !== NULL) {
        $show_start = max(0, min(($pager->page - 1) * $per_page, $total_comments));
        $show_count = min($per_page, $total_comments - $show_start);
        $limit_set_ids = array_map(create_function('$item', 'return $item["comment_id"];'), array_slice($limit_set, $show_start, $show_count));
        $cmts = Comment::get_selected($limit_set_ids);
    } else {
        $cmts = Comment::get_all_comments($is_admin ? 0 : $user->user_id, $per_page, $pager->page);
    $comments = "";
    foreach ($cmts as $cmt) {
        //      $comments .= "<li>".htmlspecialchars(var_export($cmt, TRUE))."</li>";
        $akismet_result = $cmt['akismet_spam'] ? "spam" : "?";
        $comments .= "<tr><td>" . $cmt['comment_id'] . "</td><td>" . $cmt['content_id'] . "</td><td>" . esc_wbr($cmt['name']) . "</td><td>" . esc_wbr($cmt['email']) . "</td><td>" . esc_wbr($cmt['homepage']) . "</td><td>" . esc_wbr($cmt['subject']) . "</td><td>" . esc_wbr($cmt['comment']) . " {$akismet_result} <a href=\"{$page_url}/analyze_comment?comment=" . $cmt['comment_id'] . "\">analyze</a></td><td>" . esc_wbr($cmt['ip_addr']) . "</td><td>" . '<form method="POST" action="' . PA::$url . '/comment_management.php/delete/' . $cmt['comment_id'] . '?page=' . $pager->page . '"><input type="submit" value="X"></form> <a href="' . $page_url . '/akismet_check_spam?comment=' . $cmt['comment_id'] . '">ak</a></td></tr>';
    if ($is_admin) {
        if ($current_search_terms) {
            $current_search = '<form method="POST" action="' . $page_url . '/add_spam_term"><p>Currently displaying results for: <b>' . htmlspecialchars($current_search_terms) . '</b>. <a href="' . $page_url . '">Show all comments</a>.  <input type="hidden" name="term" value="' . htmlspecialchars($current_search_terms) . '"><input type="submit" value="Blacklist this term"></p></form>';
        } else {
            $current_search = "";
        $your_permissions = <<<EOS
\t<form method="POST" action="{$page_url}/logout"><p>You are an administrator, so all comments in the site will be displayed.  <input type="submit" value="Log out"></p></form>

\t<p><a href="{$page_url}/akismet_verify_key">Verify Akismet key</a> | <a href="{$page_url}/common_domains">Show most common domains</a> | <a href="{$page_url}/stats">Spam statistics</a></p>

\t<form method="GET" action="{$page_url}/search"><p>Search comment content: <input type="text" id="search_q" name="q" size="20"><input type="submit" value="Search"/></p></form>
\t<script language="javascript"><!--
\t    document.getElementById("search_q").focus();
        // --></script>
    } else {
        $your_permissions = <<<EOS
<p>Showing comments on your blog and groups for which you are moderator.</p>

<form method="POST" action="{$page_url}/login"><p>Or enter the admin password here to adminster the whole site: <input type="password" name="admin_password" size="20"/><input type="submit" value="Log in"/></p></form>
    $page_title = "Manage comments";
    global $akismet_key;
    if ($akismet_key) {
        $page_title .= " (Akismet active)";
    } else {
        $page_title .= " (Akismet not configured)";
    $page_html = <<<EOS
<div class="pane comment_manage_pane">


<div id="msg" class="fade">{$msg}</div>



<table class="bulk_comment_summary"><tr>

</div><!-- comment_manage_pane -->
    return $page_html;
Exemple #8
  * test #9.
  * Loading a valid, existing key overrides all the attributes with the
  * loaded values. The load() function returns true, indicating that
  * data was found.
  * @depends testSaveEmptyObject
  * @depends testSetAttributes
 public function testLoadExistent()
     global $testTripId1, $testCommentId1, $testUserId1;
     global $testTripId2, $testCommentId2, $testUserId2;
     // create a first instance
     $object = new Comment($testTripId1, $testCommentId1);
     $object->setCommentText('comment text');
     $this->assertEquals(1, $this->countTestRows());
     // Get the automatically created attributes for this instance
     $created1 = $object->getCreated();
     $updated1 = $object->getUpdated();
     $hash1 = $object->getHash();
     // create a second instance
     $object = new Comment($testTripId2, $testCommentId2);
     $object->setCommentText('comment text 2');
     $this->assertEquals(2, $this->countTestRows());
     // Get the automatically created attributes for this instance, and
     // make sure they are different from those of the first instance.
     $created2 = $object->getCreated();
     $updated2 = $object->getUpdated();
     $hash2 = $object->getHash();
     $this->assertNotEquals($created1, $created2);
     $this->assertNotEquals($updated1, $updated2);
     $this->assertNotEquals($hash1, $hash2);
     // Load the first object, which overrides all the attributes
     $this->assertTrue($object->load($testTripId1, $testCommentId1));
     $this->assertEquals($testTripId1, $object->getTripId());
     $this->assertEquals($testCommentId1, $object->getCommentId());
     $this->assertEquals($created1, $object->getCreated());
     $this->assertEquals($updated1, $object->getUpdated());
     $this->assertEquals($testUserId1, $object->getUserId());
     $this->assertEquals('-test-reference-id-1', $object->getReferenceId());
     $this->assertEquals('comment text', $object->getCommentText());
     $this->assertEquals('Y', $object->getDeleted());
     $this->assertEquals($hash1, $object->getHash());
     // Load the second object, which overrides all the attributes
     $this->assertTrue($object->load($testTripId2, $testCommentId2));
     $this->assertEquals($testTripId2, $object->getTripId());
     $this->assertEquals($testCommentId2, $object->getCommentId());
     $this->assertEquals($created2, $object->getCreated());
     $this->assertEquals($updated2, $object->getUpdated());
     $this->assertEquals($testUserId2, $object->getUserId());
     $this->assertEquals('-test-reference-id-2', $object->getReferenceId());
     $this->assertEquals('comment text 2', $object->getCommentText());
     $this->assertEquals('N', $object->getDeleted());
     $this->assertEquals($hash2, $object->getHash());
    list($remaining) = Dal::query_one("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM comments WHERE is_active=1 AND akismet_spam IS NULL");
    return (int) $remaining;
echo "Looking for comments which have not been checked for spam yet.\n";
$ct = get_remaining();
echo "... {$ct} comments to check.  Checking them...\n";
$checked = 0;
while ($checked < $ct) {
    $remaining = get_remaining();
    echo "Progress: {$checked} checked out of total {$ct} (remaining: {$remaining})\n";
    if (!$remaining) {
        echo "No comments left to classify!\n";
    $sth = Dal::query("SELECT comment_id FROM comments WHERE is_active=1 AND akismet_spam IS NULL LIMIT 10");
    while ($r = Dal::row($sth)) {
        list($comment_id) = $r;
        echo "- checking comment {$comment_id}... ";
        $c = new Comment();
        $c->load((int) $comment_id);
        if (!$c->homepage) {
            $c->homepage = "";
        echo var_export($c->akismet_spam, TRUE) . "\n";
 function testAddDeleteContentComments()
     //    Dal::register_query_callback("explain_query");
     echo "getting a user\n";
     $user = Test::get_test_user();
     echo "test user = {$user->first_name} {$user->last_name}\n";
     echo "adding some content\n";
     $post = new BlogPost();
     $post->author_id = $user->user_id;
     $post->parent_collection_id = -1;
     $post->title = "Test blog post (from testAddDeleteContentComments)";
     $post->body = "<p>This is the post body!</p><p>Foo <b>foo</b> foo</p>";
     $post->allow_comments = 1;
     $post->is_active = 1;
     $post->display_on = DISPLAY_ON_HOMEPAGE;
     echo "... saved as content_id={$post->content_id}\n";
     echo "testing that it is retrievable\n";
     $post_retr = Content::load_content($post->content_id, $user->user_id);
     $this->assertEquals($post_retr->content_id, $post->content_id);
     $this->assertEquals($post_retr->title, $post->title);
     $this->assertEquals($post_retr->body, $post->body);
     $this->assertEquals($post_retr->author_id, $user->user_id);
     $this->assertEquals($post_retr->is_active, 1);
     echo "posting a comment\n";
     $cmt = new Comment();
     $cmt->content_id = $post->content_id;
     $cmt_comment = "This is an automatic comment - on an autogenerated post";
     $cmt->comment = $cmt_comment;
     $cmt->user_id = $user->user_id;
     $cmt->name = $cmt->email = $cmt->homepage = '';
     $cmt->ip_addr = '';
     $cmt->referrer = 'http://example.com/';
     $cmt->user_agent = 'phpunit auto-test';
     echo "... saved as comment_id={$cmt->comment_id}\n";
     echo "testing that the comment is retrievable\n";
     $cmt_retr = new Comment();
     $this->assertEquals($cmt_retr->comment_id, $cmt->comment_id);
     $this->assertEquals($cmt_retr->content_id, $post->content_id);
     $this->assertEquals($cmt_retr->comment, $cmt_comment);
     $this->assertEquals($cmt_retr->is_active, 1);
     echo "testing that we see one comment on the post\n";
     $comments = Comment::get_comment_for_content($post->content_id);
     echo count($comments) . " comments\n";
     $this->assertEquals(count($comments), 1);
     echo "testing that we have no trackbacks on the post\n";
     $trackbacks = Content::get_trackbacks_for_content($post->content_id);
     echo count($trackbacks) . " trackbacks\n";
     $this->assertEquals(count($trackbacks), 0);
     echo "posting ANOTHER comment\n";
     $cmt2 = new Comment();
     $cmt2->content_id = $post->content_id;
     $cmt2_comment = "This is ANOTHER automatic comment - on the same autogenerated post";
     $cmt2->comment = $cmt_comment;
     $cmt2->user_id = $user->user_id;
     $cmt2->name = $cmt2->email = $cmt2->homepage = '';
     $cmt2->ip_addr = '';
     $cmt2->referrer = 'http://example.com/';
     $cmt2->user_agent = 'phpunit auto-test';
     echo "... saved as comment_id={$cmt2->comment_id}\n";
     echo "testing that we see two comments on the post\n";
     $comments = Comment::get_comment_for_content($post->content_id);
     $this->assertEquals(count($comments), 2);
     echo "deleting the first comment\n";
     echo "testing that we see one comment on the post again (not seeing the deleted one)\n";
     $comments = Comment::get_comment_for_content($post->content_id);
     $this->assertEquals(count($comments), 1);
     echo "testing that the first comment (now deleted) is not retrievable\n";
     $cmt_retr_fail = new Comment();
     try {
         // shouldn't get here
     } catch (PAException $e) {
         $this->assertEquals($e->getCode(), COMMENT_NOT_EXIST);
     echo "deleting the post\n";
     echo "testing that the post is not retrievable\n";
     try {
         $post_retr_fail = Content::load_content($post->content_id, $user->user_id);
         // shouldn't get here
     } catch (PAException $e) {
         $this->assertEquals($e->getCode(), CONTENT_NOT_FOUND);
     echo "testing that the last comment is not retrievable\n";
     $cmt_retr_fail = new Comment();
     try {
         // shouldn't get here
     } catch (PAException $e) {
         $this->assertEquals($e->getCode(), COMMENT_NOT_EXIST);
     //    summarize_timed_queries();
Exemple #11
 function show()
     $comment = Comment::load('Comment', $this->parameters['id']);
     $this->redirect('/posts/' . $comment->post_id . '#' . $comment->id);