function print_result() { global $response, $page_size; if ($response['ids']) { $rows = min($response['rows'], 1000); foreach ($response['ids'] as $id) { switch ($_REQUEST['w']) { case 'posts': $obj = Post::from_db($id); break; case 'comments': $obj = Comment::from_db($id); break; case 'links': default: $obj = Link::from_db($id); } if (!$obj) { continue; } $obj->basic_summary = true; switch ($_REQUEST['w']) { case 'posts': $obj->print_summary(800); break; case 'comments': if ($obj->type == 'admin' && !$current_user->admin) { continue; } // link_object $obj->print_summary(800); break; case 'links': default: $obj->print_summary(); } } } do_pages($rows, $page_size); }
function save_comment($comment, $link) { global $db, $current_user, $globals, $site_key; $data = array(); if ($comment->id == 0) { $res = Comment::save_from_post($link, false); // New comment } else { $res = check_and_save($comment, $link); // Edit, others requirements } if (is_a($res, "Comment", false)) { $comment = Comment::from_db($res->id); $comment->link_object = $link; $data['html'] = $comment->print_summary(null, true, true); $data['error'] = ''; } else { $data['html'] = ''; $data['error'] = $res; } echo json_encode($data); }
function get_comment($id) { global $globals; $comment = Comment::from_db($id); if (!$comment) { return false; } $obj = array(); $obj['id'] = (int) $comment->id; $obj['date'] = (int) $comment->date; $obj['votes'] = intval($comment->votes); $obj['karma'] = intval($comment->karma); $obj['link_id'] = (int) $comment->link_id; $obj['order'] = (int) $comment->order; $obj['user'] = $comment->username; //$obj['content'] = $comment->to_html($comment->content); $obj['content'] = html_entity_decode($comment->content); return $obj; }
echo '<div id="newswrap">'."\n"; $link->print_summary(); switch ($tab_option) { case 1: case 2: echo '<div class="comments">'; if($tab_option == 1) do_comment_pages($link->comments, $current_page); $comments = $db->get_col("SELECT SQL_CACHE comment_id FROM comments WHERE comment_link_id=$link->id ORDER BY $order_field $limit"); if ($comments) { echo '<ol class="comments-list">'; foreach($comments as $comment_id) { if (($comment = Comment::from_db($comment_id))) { echo '<li>'; $comment->print_summary($link, 2500, true); echo '</li>'; } echo "\n"; } echo "</ol>\n"; } if($tab_option == 1) do_comment_pages($link->comments, $current_page); Comment::print_form($link); echo '</div>' . "\n"; // Highlight a comment if it is referenced by the URL. // currently double border, width must be 3 at least
function print_answers($id, $level, $visited = false) { // Print answers to the comment global $db, $page_size; if (!$visited) { $visited = array(); $visited[] = $id; } $printed = array(); $sql = "SELECT conversation_from FROM conversations, comments WHERE conversation_type='comment' and conversation_to = {$id} and comment_id = conversation_from ORDER BY conversation_from asc LIMIT {$page_size}"; $answers = $db->get_col($sql); if ($answers) { $type = 'comment'; echo '<div style="padding-left: 6%">' . "\n"; echo '<ol class="comments-list">'; foreach ($answers as $dbanswer) { if (in_array($dbanswer, $visited)) { continue; } $answer = Comment::from_db($dbanswer); $answer->url = $answer->get_relative_individual_permalink(); echo '<li>'; $answer->print_summary($link); if ($level > 0) { $res = print_answers($answer->id, $level - 1, array_merge($visited, $answers)); $visited = array_merge($visited, $res); } $printed[] = $answer->id; $visited[] = $answer->id; echo '</li>'; } echo "</ol>\n"; echo '</div>' . "\n"; if ($level == 0) { $ids = implode(',', $printed); Haanga::Load('get_total_answers_by_ids.html', compact('type', 'ids')); } } return $printed; }
function print_comment_list($comments, $user) { global $globals, $current_user; $comment = new Comment(); $timestamp_read = 0; $last_link = 0; $ids = array(); foreach ($comments as $dbcomment) { $comment = Comment::from_db($dbcomment->comment_id); // Don't show admin comment if it's her own profile. if ($comment->type == 'admin' && !$current_user->admin && $user->id == $comment->author) { continue; } if ($last_link != $dbcomment->link_id) { $link = Link::from_db($dbcomment->link_id, null, false); // Read basic echo '<h4>'; echo '<a href="' . $link->get_permalink() . '">' . $link->title . '</a>'; echo ' [' . $link->comments . ']'; echo '</h4>'; $last_link = $link->id; } if ($comment->date > $timestamp_read) { $timestamp_read = $comment->date; } echo '<ol class="comments-list">'; echo '<li>'; $comment->link_object = $link; $comment->print_summary(2000, false); echo '</li>'; echo "</ol>\n"; $ids[] = $comment->id; } Haanga::Load('get_total_answers_by_ids.html', array('type' => 'comment', 'ids' => implode(',', $ids))); // Return the timestamp of the most recent comment return $timestamp_read; }
if ($previous) { $extra = "AND comment_id not in ({$previous})"; } $now = intval(time() / 60) * 60; $coef = 0.8; $min_karma = $globals['comment_highlight_karma'] * 2; $min_value = $globals['comment_highlight_karma']; $min_length = 400; $sql_value = "comment_karma*(1-({$now}-unix_timestamp(comment_date))*{$coef}/({$hours}*3600)) as value"; $where_value = "comment_karma*(1-({$now}-unix_timestamp(comment_date))*{$coef}/({$hours}*3600)) > {$min_value}"; $sql = "select comment_id, karma, {$sql_value} from comments, sub_statuses where id = {$my_id} AND status in ('published') AND comment_date > date_sub(now(), interval {$hours} hour) and LENGTH(comment_content) > {$min_length} and comment_karma > {$min_karma} AND {$where_value} AND comment_link_id = link {$extra} order by value desc limit 1"; $res = $db->get_row($sql); if (!$res) { exit(0); } $comment = Comment::from_db($res->comment_id); if (!$comment) { exit(2); } $image = false; if ($comment->media_size > 0) { $media = new Upload('comment', $comment->id); if ($media->read()) { $image = $media->pathname(); $maxlen -= 24; } } $url = $globals[scheme] . '//' . get_server_name() . $comment->get_relative_individual_permalink(); syslog(LOG_INFO, "Meneame, posting comment {$url}"); // Store in cache if ($previous) {
if (isset($all[$id])) { foreach ($all[$id] as $e) { $leaves[$e] = true; } } } if (isset($leaves[$id])) { unset($leaves[$id]); } //$obj->basic_summary = true; switch ($type) { case 'posts': $obj = Post::from_db($id); break; case 'comments': $obj = Comment::from_db($id); break; } if (!$obj || $obj->type == 'admin' && !$current_user->admin) { continue; } if ($obj->author == $id1) { echo '<div style="margin-top: -10;margin-left: 10px; width:70%">'; } else { echo '<div style="margin-top: -10;margin-left:30%">'; } $obj->print_summary(); echo "</div>\n"; $thread[] = $id; if ($show_thread) { continue;
} if (!empty($_GET['id'])) { $keys = preg_split('/-/', $_GET['id'], -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY); if (count($keys) == 2) { $link = intval($keys[0]); $order = intval($keys[1]); $id = $db->get_var("select comment_id from comments where comment_link_id={$link} and comment_order={$order}"); if (!$id > 0) { die; } } else { $id = intval($keys[0]); } } else { die; } $comment = Comment::from_db($id); if (!$comment) { die; } echo '<div class="comment-body">'; if ($comment->type != 'admin') { if ($comment->avatar) { echo '<img class="avatar" src="' . get_avatar_url($comment->author, $comment->avatar, 40) . '" width="40" height="40" alt="avatar" style="float:left; margin: 0 5px 4px 0;"/>'; } echo '<strong><span style="color:#3D72C3">' . $comment->username . '</span></strong>, karma: ' . $comment->karma . '<br/>'; } else { echo '<strong>' . get_server_name() . '</strong><br/>'; } $comment->print_text(1000); echo '</div>';
if (!$search) { check_redirect_to_feedburner(); } /**** END WARNING ******/ if (!empty($sql)) { $comments = $db->get_col($sql); } if (!$comments && $if_modified) { header('HTTP/1.1 304 Not Modified'); exit; } do_header($title); if ($comments) { foreach ($comments as $comment_id) { $comment = Comment::from_db($comment_id); if (!$comment) { continue; } $link = Link::from_db($comment->link); if (!$link) { continue; } $comment->link_permalink = $link->get_permalink(); if ($comment->type == 'admin') { if ($individual_user) { continue; } else { $comment->username = get_server_name(); } }
<?php // The source code packaged with this file is Free Software, Copyright (C) 2005-2011 by // Ricardo Galli <gallir at gmail dot com>and Menéame Comunicacions // It's licensed under the AFFERO GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE unless stated otherwise. // You can get copies of the licenses here: // // AFFERO GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE is also included in the file called "COPYING". // Use the alternate server for api, if it exists //$globals['alternate_db_server'] = 'backend'; include '../config.php'; $id = intval($_GET['id']); if (!$id) { die; } // Print answers to the comment $sql = "SELECT conversation_from as comment_id FROM conversations, comments WHERE conversation_type='comment' and conversation_to = {$id} and comment_id = conversation_from ORDER BY conversation_from asc"; $res = $db->get_col($sql); if ($res) { header('Content-Type: text/html; charset=UTF-8'); foreach ($res as $answer) { $comment = Comment::from_db($answer); $comment->basic_summary = true; $comment->not_ignored = true; $comment->prefix_id = "{$id}-"; // This a trick in order not to confuse with other ids $comment->print_summary(false, 2500); echo "\n"; } }
function get_highlighted_comment($obj) { // Read the object for printing the summary $self = Comment::from_db($obj->id); $self->link_id = $obj->link_id; $self->link_permalink = $obj->link_url; // Simplify text of the comment $self->prepare_summary_text(1000); if ($self->is_truncated) { $self->txt_content .= '...'; $self->is_truncated = false; } $self->media_size = 0; $self->vote = $obj->vote; $self->can_edit = false; return $self; }
do_best_comments(); do_vertical_tags('published'); echo '</div>' . "\n"; /*** END SIDEBAR ***/ echo '<div id="newswrap">' . "\n"; echo '<div class="topheading"><h2>' . _('comentarios más valorados 24 horas') . '</h2></div>'; $last_link = 0; $counter = 0; echo '<div class="comments">'; $min_date = date("Y-m-d H:00:00", time() - 86000); // about 24 hours $comments = $db->get_results("SELECT comment_id, link_id FROM comments, links WHERE comment_date > '{$min_date}' and link_id=comment_link_id ORDER BY comment_karma desc, link_id asc limit 25"); if ($comments) { foreach ($comments as $dbcomment) { $link = Link::from_db($dbcomment->link_id, null, false); $comment = Comment::from_db($dbcomment->comment_id); if ($last_link != $link->id) { echo '<h3>'; echo '<a href="' . $link->get_relative_permalink() . '">' . $link->title . '</a>'; echo '</h3>'; } echo '<ol class="comments-list">'; echo '<li>'; $comment->print_summary($link, 2000, false); echo '</li>'; if ($last_link != $link->id) { $last_link = $link->id; $counter++; } echo "</ol>\n"; }
$fields = clean_input_string($_GET['fields']); // It has to remove parenthesis if (empty($_GET['what'])) { $what = 'link'; } else { $what = $_GET['what']; } $object = false; switch ($what) { case 'link': case 'links': $object = Link::from_db($id, null, false); break; case 'comment': case 'comments': $object = Comment::from_db($id); break; case 'post': case 'posts': $object = Post::from_db($id); break; } if (!$object) { die; } $output = new stdClass(); foreach (preg_split('/,/', $fields, 10, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY) as $f) { if (!in_array($f, $forbidden) && property_exists($object, $f)) { $output->{$f} = $object->{$f}; } }
function get_qanda($link) { include_once mnminclude . 'commenttree.php'; global $db; $results = array(); $a_ids = $db->get_col("select comment_id from comments where comment_link_id = {$link->id} and comment_user_id = {$link->author} order by comment_id asc"); if ($a_ids) { foreach ($a_ids as $a_id) { $a = Comment::from_db($a_id); $qa = new CommentQA($a); $q_ids = $db->get_col("select conversation_to from conversations where conversation_type = 'comment' and conversation_from = {$a_id} and conversation_to > 0 order by conversation_to asc"); if ($q_ids) { foreach ($q_ids as $q_id) { $q = Comment::from_db($q_id); $qa->add_question($q); } } $results[] = $qa; } } return $results; }
<?php // The source code packaged with this file is Free Software, Copyright (C) 2010 by // Ricardo Galli <gallir at gmail dot com>. // It's licensed under the AFFERO GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE unless stated otherwise. // You can get copies of the licenses here: // // AFFERO GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE is also included in the file called "COPYING". include 'config.php'; include mnminclude . 'html1.php'; include_once mnminclude . 'commenttree.php'; $page_size = $globals['page_size'] * 3; $comment = Comment::from_db(intval($globals['path'][1])); if (!$comment) { do_error(_('comentario no encontrado'), 404); } $link = Link::from_db($comment->link, null, false); if ($link->is_discarded()) { $globals['ads'] = false; $globals['noindex'] = true; } elseif ($comment->karma < 50 || mb_strlen($comment->content) < 100) { $globals['noindex'] = true; } $globals['link'] = $link; $globals['permalink'] = $globals['scheme'] . '//' . get_server_name() . $comment->get_relative_individual_permalink(); // Change to a min_value is times is changed for the current link_status if ($globals['time_enabled_comments_status'][$link->status]) { $globals['time_enabled_comments'] = min($globals['time_enabled_comments_status'][$link->status], $globals['time_enabled_comments']); } // Check for comment post if ($_POST['process'] == 'newcomment') {