Exemple #1
        // end for complistsubtask
    // end if subtask
// close task loop
// add a grey bar and output the hours worked
$tmp = $strings["Total_Hours_Worked"] . ": " . $sum;
$ok = 0;
while (!$ok) {
    $thisPageNum = $pdf->ezPageCount;
    $pdf->setColor(0.9, 0.9, 0.9);
    $pdf->filledRectangle($pdf->ez['leftMargin'], $pdf->y - $pdf->getFontHeight(12) + $pdf->getFontDecender(12), $pdf->ez['pageWidth'] - $pdf->ez['leftMargin'] - $pdf->ez['rightMargin'], $pdf->getFontHeight(12));
    $pdf->ezText($tmp, 12, array('justification' => 'left'));
    if ($pdf->ezPageCount == $thisPageNum) {
        $ok = 1;
    } else {
        // then we have moved onto a new page, bad bad, as the background rectangle will be on the old one
// begin include gantt graph in pdf
$graphPDF = ganttPDF($reportName, $listTasks);
$pdf->ezImage($graphPDF, -5, 510, "", "left");