Exemple #1
function upload_file_to_client_pdf($file_to_send)
    //Function reads a text file and converts to pdf.
    global $STMT_TEMP_FILE_PDF;
    $pdf = new Cezpdf('LETTER');
    //pdf creation starts
    $pdf->ezSetMargins(36, 0, 36, 0);
    $pdf->selectFont($GLOBALS['fileroot'] . "/library/fonts/Courier.afm");
    $pdf->ezSetY($pdf->ez['pageHeight'] - $pdf->ez['topMargin']);
    $countline = 1;
    $file = fopen($file_to_send, "r");
    //this file contains the text to be converted to pdf.
    while (!feof($file)) {
        $OneLine = fgets($file);
        //one line is read
        if (stristr($OneLine, "\f") == true && !feof($file)) {
            $pdf->ezSetY($pdf->ez['pageHeight'] - $pdf->ez['topMargin']);
            str_replace("\f", "", $OneLine);
        if (stristr($OneLine, 'REMIT TO') == true || stristr($OneLine, 'Visit Date') == true) {
            //lines are made bold when 'REMIT TO' or 'Visit Date' is there.
            $pdf->ezText('<b>' . $OneLine . '</b>', 12, array('justification' => 'left', 'leading' => 6));
        } else {
            $pdf->ezText($OneLine, 12, array('justification' => 'left', 'leading' => 6));
    $fh = @fopen($STMT_TEMP_FILE_PDF, 'w');
    //stored to a pdf file
    if ($fh) {
        fwrite($fh, $pdf->ezOutput());
    header("Pragma: public");
    //this section outputs the pdf file to browser
    header("Expires: 0");
    header("Cache-Control: must-revalidate, post-check=0, pre-check=0");
    header("Content-Type: application/force-download");
    header("Content-Length: " . filesize($STMT_TEMP_FILE_PDF));
    header("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=" . basename($STMT_TEMP_FILE_PDF));
    header("Content-Description: File Transfer");
    // flush the content to the browser. If you don't do this, the text from the subsequent
    // output from this script will be in the file instead of sent to the browser.
    //added to exit from process properly in order to stop bad html code -ehrlive
    // sleep one second to ensure there's no follow-on.
Exemple #2
 public function bukti($a)
     $pdfku = new Cezpdf("A5", 'landscape');
     $pdfku->addInfo('Title', 'List Barang');
     $pdfku->ezSetCmMargins("3", "3", "3", "3");
     $barang = $this->barang->detail_peminjaman($a);
     $pdfku->addText(120, $pdfku->y + 30, 18, "Bukti Peminjaman Inventaris Laboratorium");
     $pdfku->addText(160, $pdfku->y + 10, 15, "Komputasi Berbasis Jaringan (KBJ)");
     $cols_db = array('id_barang' => 'ID Barang', 'nama_barang' => 'Nama Barang');
     $option_db = array('showHeadings' => 2, 'shaded' => 0, 'xPos' => 'center', 'xOrientation' => 'center', 'fontSize' => 12, 'cols' => array('id_barang' => array('justification' => 'center', 'width' => '120'), 'nama_barang' => array('justification' => 'center', 'width' => '120')));
     $pdfku->ezTable($barang, $cols_db, '', $option_db);
     $pdfku->addText(100, $pdfku->y - 40, 12, "Mengetahui ");
     $pdfku->addText(90, $pdfku->y - 60, 12, "Administrator Lab");
     $pdfku->addText(400, $pdfku->y - 60, 12, "Kepala Laboratorium");
     $pdfku->addText(80, $pdfku->y - 130, 10, "__________________");
     $pdfku->addText(400, $pdfku->y - 130, 10, "__________________");
  * Crea un pdf con el estado de cuenta de el cliente especificado
  * @param Array $args,  $args['id_cliente'=>12[,'tipo_venta'=> 'credito | contado | saldo'] ], por default obtiene todas las compras del cliente
 public static function imprimirEstadoCuentaCliente($args)
     //verificamos que se haya especificado el id del cliente
     if (!isset($args['id_cliente'])) {
         Logger::log("Error al obtener el estado de cuenta, no se ha especificado un cliente.");
         die('{"success": false, "reason": "Error al obtener el estado de cuenta, no se ha especificado un cliente."}');
     //verificamos que el cliente exista
     if (!($cliente = ClienteDAO::getByPK($args['id_cliente']))) {
         Logger::log("Error al obtener el estado de cuenta, no se tiene registro del cliente {$args['id_cliente']}.");
         die('{"success": false, "reason": "Error al obtener el estado de cuenta, no se tiene registro del cliente ' . $args['id_cliente'] . '"}');
     //obtenemos los datos del emisor
     $estado_cuenta = estadoCuentaCliente($args);
     //buscar los datos del emisor
     if (!($emisor = PosConfigDAO::getByPK('emisor'))) {
         Logger::log("no encuentro los datos del emisor");
         die("no encuentro los datos del emisor");
     $emisor = json_decode($emisor->getValue())->emisor;
     $sucursal = SucursalDAO::getByPK($_SESSION['sucursal']);
     if (!$sucursal) {
         die("Sucursal invalida");
     include_once 'librerias/ezpdf/class.pdf.php';
     include_once 'librerias/ezpdf/class.ezpdf.php';
     $pdf = new Cezpdf();
     //margenes de un centimetro para toda la pagina
     $pdf->ezSetMargins(1, 1, 1, 1);
      * LOGO
     if (!($logo = PosConfigDAO::getByPK('url_logo'))) {
         Logger::log("Verifique la configuracion del pos_config, no se encontro el camṕo 'url_logo'");
         die("Verifique la configuracion del POS, no se encontro el url del logo");
     //detectamos el tipo de imagen del logo
     if (substr($logo->getValue(), -3) == "jpg" || substr($logo->getValue(), -3) == "JPG" || substr($logo->getValue(), -4) == "jpeg" || substr($logo->getValue(), -4) == "JPEG") {
         $pdf->addJpegFromFile($logo->getValue(), puntos_cm(2), puntos_cm(25.5), puntos_cm(3.5));
     } elseif (substr($logo->getValue(), -3) == "png" || substr($logo->getValue(), -3) == "PNG") {
         $pdf->addPngFromFile($logo->getValue(), puntos_cm(2), puntos_cm(25.5), puntos_cm(3.5));
     } else {
         Logger::log("Verifique la configuracion del pos_config, la extension de la imagen del logo no es compatible");
         die("La extension de la imagen usada para el logo del negocio no es valida.");
     /*     * ************************
      * ************************* */
     $e = "<b>" . self::readableText($emisor->nombre) . "</b>\n";
     $e .= formatAddress($emisor);
     $e .= "RFC: " . $emisor->rfc . "\n\n";
     //datos de la sucursal
     $e .= "<b>Lugar de expedicion</b>\n";
     $e .= self::readableText($sucursal->getDescripcion()) . "\n";
     $e .= formatAddress($sucursal);
     $datos = array(array("emisor" => $e));
     $opciones_tabla = array();
     $opciones_tabla['showLines'] = 0;
     $opciones_tabla['showHeadings'] = 0;
     $opciones_tabla['shaded'] = 0;
     $opciones_tabla['fontSize'] = 8;
     $opciones_tabla['xOrientation'] = 'right';
     $opciones_tabla['xPos'] = puntos_cm(7.3);
     $opciones_tabla['width'] = puntos_cm(11);
     $opciones_tabla['textCol'] = array(0, 0, 0);
     $opciones_tabla['titleFontSize'] = 12;
     $opciones_tabla['rowGap'] = 3;
     $opciones_tabla['colGap'] = 3;
     $pdf->ezTable($datos, "", "", $opciones_tabla);
     $cajero = UsuarioDAO::getByPK($_SESSION['userid'])->getNombre();
     $datos = array(array("col" => "<b>Cajero</b>"), array("col" => self::readableText($cajero)), array("col" => "<b>Cliente</b>"), array("col" => self::readableText($cliente->getRazonSocial())), array("col" => "<b>Limite de  Credito</b>"), array("col" => FormatMoney($estado_cuenta->limite_credito, DONT_USE_HTML)), array("col" => "<b>Saldo</b>"), array("col" => FormatMoney($estado_cuenta->saldo, DONT_USE_HTML)));
     $opciones_tabla['xPos'] = puntos_cm(12.2);
     $opciones_tabla['width'] = puntos_cm(6);
     $opciones_tabla['showLines'] = 0;
     $opciones_tabla['shaded'] = 2;
     $opciones_tabla['shadeCol'] = array(1, 1, 1);
     //$opciones_tabla['shadeCol2'] = array(0.054901961, 0.756862745, 0.196078431);
     $opciones_tabla['shadeCol2'] = array(0.8984375, 0.95703125, 0.99609375);
     $pdf->ezTable($datos, "", "", $opciones_tabla);
     //roundRect($pdf, puntos_cm(12.2), puntos_cm(28.8), puntos_cm(6), puntos_cm(4.25));
     $elementos = array(array('id_venta' => 'Venta', 'fecha' => 'Fecha', 'sucursal' => 'Sucursal', 'cajero' => 'Cajero', 'tipo_venta' => 'Tipo', 'tipo_pago' => 'Pago', 'total' => 'Total', 'pagado' => 'Pagado', 'saldo' => 'Saldo'));
     foreach ($estado_cuenta->array_ventas as $venta) {
         $array_venta = array();
         $array_venta['id_venta'] = $venta['id_venta'];
         $array_venta['fecha'] = $venta['fecha'];
         $array_venta['sucursal'] = self::readableText($venta['sucursal']);
         $array_venta['cajero'] = self::readableText($venta['cajero']);
         $array_venta['cancelada'] = self::readableText($venta['cancelada']);
         $array_venta['tipo_venta'] = self::readableText($venta['tipo_venta']);
         $array_venta['tipo_pago'] = self::readableText($venta['tipo_pago']);
         $array_venta['total'] = FormatMoney($venta['total'], DONT_USE_HTML);
         $array_venta['pagado'] = FormatMoney($venta['pagado'], DONT_USE_HTML);
         $array_venta['saldo'] = FormatMoney($venta['saldo'], DONT_USE_HTML);
         array_push($elementos, $array_venta);
     $pdf->ezText("", 8, array('justification' => 'center'));
     $opciones_tabla['xPos'] = puntos_cm(2);
     $opciones_tabla['width'] = puntos_cm(16.2);
     $pdf->ezTable($elementos, "", "Estado de Cuenta", $opciones_tabla);
     //roundRect($pdf, puntos_cm(2), puntos_cm(24.3), puntos_cm(16.2), puntos_cm(3.2));
     /*     * ************************
      * notas de abajo
      * ************************* */
     $pdf->setStrokeColor(0.3359375, 0.578125, 0.89453125);
     $pdf->line(puntos_cm(2), puntos_cm(1.3), puntos_cm(18.2), puntos_cm(1.3));
     $pdf->addText(puntos_cm(2), puntos_cm(1.0), 7, "Fecha de impresion: " . date("d/m/y") . " " . date("H:i:s"));
     //$pdf->addJpegFromFile("../www/media/logo_simbolo.jpg", puntos_cm(15.9), puntos_cm(.25), 25);
     $pdf->addText(puntos_cm(16.7), puntos_cm(0.6), 8, "caffeina.mx");
Exemple #4
 public function set_y($y)
         $teamList[] = $tid;
     if (strstr($key, 'team50_')) {
         $parts = explode('_', $key);
         $tid = $parts[1];
         $teamList[] = $tid;
 $diplomaType = $_POST['diplomaType'];
 //echo("select * from tblSwimmer where id in (" . implode(',', $swimmerList) . ")");
 $rsSwimmers = $db->diplomaSwimmers($id, $swimmerList);
 $pdf = new Cezpdf();
 if ($diplomaType == 'HASI') {
     $logo = $pdf->openObject();
     $pdf->ezSetMargins(0, 0, 200, 200);
     $pdf->ezImage('diploma/logo.jpg', 0, 195, 'none', 'left');
     $border = $pdf->openObject();
     $pdf->ezSetMargins(0, 0, 23.8, 0);
     $pdf->ezImage('diploma/border.jpg', 0, 547.4, 'none', 'left');
     $pdf->ezSetMargins(0, 0, 30, 30);
     $firstPage = true;
     $swimmername = '';
     $clubname = '';
     $date = date('d-m-Y', strtotime($aryCompo['date']));
     $currentswimmer = -1;
     while ($swimmer = $db->fetch_array($rsSwimmers)) {
        if ($arySwimmer['devices'] != '') {
            if ($hasnote === FALSE) {
                $aryRow['note'] = $note + 1 . ')';
                $hasnote = TRUE;
                $aryNotes[$note] = array('no' => $note + 1 . ')', 'text' => _('Hjælpemidler') . ' ' . $arySwimmer['distance'] . ': ' . $arySwimmer['devices']);
            } else {
                $aryNotes[$note]['text'] .= "\n" . _('Hjælpemidler') . ' ' . gettext_dist($arySwimmer['distance']) . ': ' . $arySwimmer['devices'];
        $aryRow[$arySwimmer['distance']] = $arySwimmer['time'];
    if (is_array($aryRow)) {
        $aryData[$cnt] = $aryRow;
    $pdf = new Cezpdf();
    $pdf->ezText(_("Deltagerliste") . " " . $aryCompo['name'] . " - " . date('d-m-Y', strtotime($aryCompo['date'])), 18, array('justification' => 'center'));
    $pdf->ezTable($aryData, array('Navn' => _('Navn'), 'Klub' => _('Klub'), '25' => _('25m'), '50' => _('50m'), '100' => _('100m'), 'note' => _('Note')), '', array('xPos' => 57, 'xOrientation' => 'right', 'width' => 481));
    // 'Nr'=>'Nr',
    if ($note >= 0) {
        $pdf->ezTable($aryNotes, array('no' => '', 'text' => ''), '', array('showHeadings' => 0, 'showLines' => 0, 'shaded' => 0, 'xPos' => 57, 'xOrientation' => 'right', 'width' => 481, 'fontSize' => 10, 'titleFontSize' => 12, 'cols' => array('no' => array('width' => 30, 'justification' => 'center'))));
Exemple #7
  * Creates a PDF document and sends this pricelist to the client
  * Unfortunately, ezpdf does not return anything after printing the
  * document, so there's no way to tell whether it has succeeded.
  * Thus, you should not rely on the return value, except when it is
  * false -- in that case, loading of some data failed.
  * @return  boolean           False on failure, true on supposed success
 function send_as_pdf()
     global $objInit, $_ARRAYLANG;
     if (!$this->load()) {
         return \Message::error($_ARRAYLANG['TXT_SHOP_PRICELIST_ERROR_LOADING']);
     $objPdf = new \Cezpdf('A4');
     $objPdf->setEncryption('', '', array('print'));
     $objPdf->selectFont(\Cx\Core\Core\Controller\Cx::instanciate()->getCodeBaseLibraryPath() . '/ezpdf/fonts/' . $this->font);
     $objPdf->ezSetMargins(0, 0, 0, 0);
     // Reset margins
     $marginTop = 30;
     $biggerCountTop = $biggerCountBottom = 0;
     $arrHeaderLeft = $arrHeaderRight = $arrFooterLeft = $arrFooterRight = array();
     if ($this->header) {
         // header should be shown
         $arrHeaderLeft = explode("\n", $this->header_left);
         $arrHeaderRight = explode("\n", $this->header_right);
         $countLeft = count($arrHeaderLeft);
         $countRight = count($arrHeaderRight);
         $biggerCountTop = $countLeft > $countRight ? $countLeft : $countRight;
         $marginTop = $biggerCountTop * 14 + 36;
     // Bottom margin
     $marginBottom = 20;
     $arrFooterRight = array();
     if ($this->footer) {
         // footer should be shown
         // Old, obsolete:
         $this->footer_left = str_replace('<--DATE-->', date(ASCMS_DATE_FORMAT_DATE, time()), $this->footer_left);
         $this->footer_right = str_replace('<--DATE-->', date(ASCMS_DATE_FORMAT_DATE, time()), $this->footer_right);
         // New:
         $this->footer_left = str_replace('[DATE]', date(ASCMS_DATE_FORMAT_DATE, time()), $this->footer_left);
         $this->footer_right = str_replace('[DATE]', date(ASCMS_DATE_FORMAT_DATE, time()), $this->footer_right);
         $arrFooterLeft = explode("\n", $this->footer_left);
         $arrFooterRight = explode("\n", $this->footer_right);
         $countLeft = count($arrFooterLeft);
         $countRight = count($arrFooterRight);
         $biggerCountBottom = $countLeft > $countRight ? $countLeft : $countRight;
         $marginBottom = $biggerCountBottom * 20 + 20;
     // Borders
     if ($this->border) {
         $linesForAllPages = $objPdf->openObject();
         $objPdf->setStrokeColor(0, 0, 0, 1);
         $objPdf->rectangle(10, 10, 575.28, 821.89);
         $objPdf->addObject($linesForAllPages, 'all');
     // Header
     $headerArray = array();
     $startpointY = 0;
     if ($this->header) {
         $headerForAllPages = $objPdf->openObject();
         for ($i = 0; $i < $biggerCountTop; ++$i) {
             $headerArray[$i] = array('left' => isset($arrHeaderLeft[$i]) ? $arrHeaderLeft[$i] : '', 'right' => isset($arrHeaderRight[$i]) ? $arrHeaderRight[$i] : '');
         $tempY = $objPdf->ezTable($headerArray, '', '', array('showHeadings' => 0, 'fontSize' => $this->font_size_header, 'shaded' => 0, 'width' => 540, 'showLines' => 0, 'xPos' => 'center', 'xOrientation' => 'center', 'cols' => array('right' => array('justification' => 'right'))));
         $tempY -= 5;
         if ($this->border) {
             $objPdf->setStrokeColor(0, 0, 0);
             $objPdf->line(10, $tempY, 585.28, $tempY);
         $startpointY = $tempY - 5;
         $objPdf->addObject($headerForAllPages, 'all');
     // Footer
     $pageNumbersX = $pageNumbersY = $pageNumbersFont = 0;
     if ($this->footer) {
         $footerForAllPages = $objPdf->openObject();
         $tempY = $marginBottom - 5;
         if ($this->border) {
             $objPdf->setStrokeColor(0, 0, 0);
             $objPdf->line(10, $tempY, 585.28, $tempY);
         // length of the longest word
         $longestWord = 0;
         foreach ($arrFooterRight as $line) {
             if ($longestWord < strlen($line)) {
                 $longestWord = strlen($line);
         for ($i = $biggerCountBottom - 1; $i >= 0; --$i) {
             if (empty($arrFooterLeft[$i])) {
                 $arrFooterLeft[$i] = '';
             if (empty($arrFooterRight[$i])) {
                 $arrFooterRight[$i] = '';
             if ($arrFooterLeft[$i] == '<--PAGENUMBER-->' || $arrFooterLeft[$i] == '[PAGENUMBER]') {
                 $pageNumbersX = 65;
                 $pageNumbersY = $tempY - 18 - $i * $this->font_size_footer;
                 $pageNumbersFont = $this->font_size_list;
             } else {
                 $objPdf->addText(25, $tempY - 18 - $i * $this->font_size_footer, $this->font_size_footer, $arrFooterLeft[$i]);
             if ($arrFooterRight[$i] == '<--PAGENUMBER-->' || $arrFooterRight[$i] == '[PAGENUMBER]') {
                 $pageNumbersX = 595.28 - 25;
                 $pageNumbersY = $tempY - 18 - $i * $this->font_size_footer;
                 $pageNumbersFont = $this->font_size_list;
             } else {
                 // Properly align right
                 $width = $objPdf->getTextWidth($this->font_size_footer, $arrFooterRight[$i]);
                 $objPdf->addText(595.28 - $width - 25, $tempY - 18 - $i * $this->font_size_footer, $this->font_size_footer, $arrFooterRight[$i]);
         $objPdf->addObject($footerForAllPages, 'all');
     // Page numbers
     if (isset($pageNumbersX)) {
         $objPdf->ezStartPageNumbers($pageNumbersX, $pageNumbersY, $pageNumbersFont, '', $_ARRAYLANG['TXT_SHOP_PRICELIST_FORMAT_PAGENUMBER'], 1);
     // Margins
     $objPdf->ezSetMargins($marginTop, $marginBottom, 30, 30);
     // Product table
     if (isset($startpointY)) {
     $objInit->backendLangId = $this->lang_id;
     $_ARRAYLANG = $objInit->loadLanguageData('Shop');
     $currency_symbol = Currency::getActiveCurrencySymbol();
     $category_ids = $this->category_ids();
     if ($category_ids == '*') {
         $category_ids = null;
     $count = 1000;
     // Be sensible!
     // Pattern is "%" because all-empty parameters will result in an
     // empty array!
     $arrProduct = Products::getByShopParams($count, 0, null, $category_ids, null, '%', null, null, '`category_id` ASC, `name` ASC');
     $arrCategoryName = ShopCategories::getNameArray();
     $arrOutput = array();
     foreach ($arrProduct as $product_id => $objProduct) {
         $categoryIds = explode(',', $objProduct->category_id());
         $arrCategoryNames = array();
         foreach ($categoryIds as $categoryId) {
             $arrCategoryNames[] = $arrCategoryName[$categoryId];
         //$objProduct = new Product();
         $arrOutput[$product_id] = array('product_name' => self::decode($objProduct->name()), 'category_name' => self::decode(implode(', ', $arrCategoryNames)), 'product_code' => self::decode($objProduct->code()), 'product_id' => self::decode($objProduct->id()), 'price' => ($objProduct->discount_active() ? "S " . Currency::formatPrice($objProduct->discountprice()) : Currency::formatPrice($objProduct->price())) . ' ' . $currency_symbol);
     $objPdf->ezTable($arrOutput, array('product_name' => '<b>' . self::decode($_ARRAYLANG['TXT_SHOP_PRODUCT_NAME']) . '</b>', 'category_name' => '<b>' . self::decode($_ARRAYLANG['TXT_SHOP_CATEGORY_NAME']) . '</b>', 'product_code' => '<b>' . self::decode($_ARRAYLANG['TXT_SHOP_PRODUCT_CODE']) . '</b>', 'product_id' => '<b>' . self::decode($_ARRAYLANG['TXT_ID']) . '</b>', 'price' => '<b>' . self::decode($_ARRAYLANG['TXT_SHOP_PRICE']) . '</b>'), '', array('showHeadings' => 1, 'fontSize' => $this->font_size_list, 'width' => 530, 'innerLineThickness' => 0.5, 'outerLineThickness' => 0.5, 'shaded' => 2, 'shadeCol' => array(hexdec(substr($this->row_color_1, 0, 2)) / 255, hexdec(substr($this->row_color_1, 2, 2)) / 255, hexdec(substr($this->row_color_1, 4, 2)) / 255), 'shadeCol2' => array(hexdec(substr($this->row_color_2, 0, 2)) / 255, hexdec(substr($this->row_color_2, 2, 2)) / 255, hexdec(substr($this->row_color_2, 4, 2)) / 255), 'cols' => array('product_name' => array('width' => 255), 'category_name' => array('width' => 130), 'product_code' => array('width' => 50), 'product_id' => array('width' => 40, 'justification' => 'right'), 'price' => array('width' => 55, 'justification' => 'right'))));
     // Never reached
     return true;
Exemple #8
    $dist = 25;
$_SESSION['distance'] = $dist;
if (!isset($_SESSION["round" . $dist])) {
    $_SESSION["round" . $dist] = 0;
if (isset($_POST["round"])) {
    $_SESSION["round" . $dist] = (int) (0 . $_POST['round']);
$round = $_SESSION["round" . $dist];
if ($aryCompo = $db->getCompetition($id)) {
    //		$rsHeats = mysql_query("select * from tblRace where competitionId = '$id' and distance = '$dist' and type = '$round' order by number");
    $pdf = new Cezpdf();
    $roundname = _('Stafet');
    $pdf->ezText($aryCompo['name'] . " - " . date('d-m-Y', strtotime($aryCompo['date'])), 18, array('justification' => 'center'));
    $pdf->ezText($roundname . ' ' . gettext_dist($dist), 16, array('justification' => 'center'));
    $pdf->ezText('', 16, array('justification' => 'center'));
    $rsSwimmers = $db->teamList($id, $dist);
    $aryData = array();
    $lane = 1;
    $startTime = 0;
    while ($arySwimmers = $db->fetch_array($rsSwimmers)) {
        if ($startTime == 0) {
            $startTime = $arySwimmers['time'];
        $aryData[] = array('Bane' => $lane, 'Klub' => $arySwimmers['cname'], 'Starttal' => round($startTime - $arySwimmers['time']));
        $teamSwimmers = $db->teamSwimmers($arySwimmers['id']);
        while ($swimmer = $db->fetch_array($teamSwimmers)) {
            $aryData[] = array('Bane' => '', 'Klub' => '- ' . $swimmer['name'], 'Starttal' => '');
Exemple #9
 // company name and details pulled from the my store address and phone number
 // in admin configuration mystore
 $y -= 10;
 // logo image  set to right of the above .. change first number to move sideways
 //$pdf->addJpegFromFile(BATCH_PRINT_INC . 'templates/' . 'invoicelogo.jpg',365,730,85,85);
 // extra info boxs to be used by staff
 $pdf->setStrokeColor(0, 0, 0);
 $pdf->Rectangle(300, 745, 250, 70);
 $pdf->addText(310, 785, GENERAL_FONT_SIZE, TEXT_PACKED_BY);
 $pdf->addText(310, 760, GENERAL_FONT_SIZE, TEXT_VERIFIED_BY);
 // line between header order number and order date
 $pdf->line(LEFT_MARGIN, $y, LINE_LENGTH, $y);
 $dup_y = $y;
 // order number
 $y = $pdf->ezText("<b>" . TEXT_ORDER_NUMBER . " </b>" . $orders['orders_prefix'] . $orders['orders_id'] . "\n\n", SUB_HEADING_FONT_SIZE);
 // order date
 if ($_POST['show_order_date']) {
     $pdf->ezText("<b>" . TEXT_ORDER_DATE . " </b>" . date(TEXT_ORDER_FORMAT, strtotime($order->info['date_purchased'])) . "\n\n", SUB_HEADING_FONT_SIZE, array('justification' => 'right'));
 // sold to info in left rectangle
 $pdf->addText(LEFT_MARGIN, $y, SUB_HEADING_FONT_SIZE, "<b>" . ENTRY_SOLD_TO . "</b>");
 $pos = $y;
 $pdf->addText($indent, $pos -= GENERAL_LEADING, GENERAL_FONT_SIZE, $order->billing['name']);
 if ($order->billing['company'] && $order->billing['company'] != 'NULL') {
     $pdf->addText($indent, $pos -= GENERAL_LEADING, GENERAL_FONT_SIZE, $order->billing['company']);
Exemple #10
 function ihr_pdf_einzeln(Cezpdf &$pdf, $p_id)
     $kk = new kontenrahmen();
     $kontenrahmen_id = $kk->get_kontenrahmen('Geldkonto', $this->p_ihr_gk_id);
     $bb = new buchen();
     $kontostand11 = $bb->kontostand_tagesgenau_bis($this->p_ihr_gk_id, "01.01.{$this->p_jahr}");
     if (!$kontostand11) {
         $kontostand11 = $this->get_kontostand_manuell($this->p_ihr_gk_id, $this->p_jahr . "-01-01");
     $kontostand11_a = nummer_punkt2komma_t($kontostand11);
     $ze = 0;
     $tab_arr[$ze]['TEXT'] = "I. Anfangsbestand 01.01.{$this->p_jahr}";
     $tab_arr[$ze]['SOLL'] = "{$kontostand11_a} € ";
     $tab_arr[$ze]['IST'] = "{$kontostand11_a} € ";
     $soll_summe_wp = $this->get_soll_betrag_wp(6040, $this->p_wplan_id);
     $soll_summe_wp_a = nummer_punkt2komma_t($soll_summe_wp);
     $tab_arr[$ze]['TEXT'] = "II. Soll-Zuführung zur Rücklage laut WP";
     $tab_arr[$ze]['SOLL'] = "";
     $tab_arr[$ze]['IST'] = "{$soll_summe_wp_a} € ";
     $iii_arr[] = $this->III_tab_anzeigen_pdf($p_id);
     if (is_array($iii_arr)) {
         $iii_arr = $iii_arr[0];
         for ($a = 0; $a < sizeof($iii_arr); $a++) {
             $text3 = $iii_arr[$a]['TEXT'];
             $ist3 = $iii_arr[$a]['IST'];
             $tab_arr[$ze]['TEXT'] = $text3;
             $tab_arr[$ze]['IST'] = $ist3;
     $soll_endbestand = $kontostand11 + $soll_summe_wp;
     $soll_endbestand_a = nummer_punkt2komma_t($soll_endbestand);
     $tab_arr[$ze]['TEXT'] = "IV. Soll-Endbestand 31.12.{$this->p_jahr}";
     $tab_arr[$ze]['SOLL'] = "";
     $tab_arr[$ze]['IST'] = "{$soll_endbestand_a} € ";
     $n_jahr = $this->p_jahr + 1;
     $kontostand11 = $bb->kontostand_tagesgenau_bis($this->p_ihr_gk_id, "01.01.{$n_jahr}");
     if (!$kontostand11) {
         $kontostand11 = $this->get_kontostand_manuell($this->p_ihr_gk_id, $this->p_jahr . "-12-31");
     $kontostand11_a = nummer_punkt2komma_t($kontostand11);
     $tab_arr[$ze]['TEXT'] = "V. Endbestand 31.12.{$this->p_jahr}";
     $tab_arr[$ze]['SOLL'] = "";
     $tab_arr[$ze]['IST'] = "{$kontostand11_a} € ";
     $this->footer_zahlungshinweis = $bpdf->zahlungshinweis;
     $pdf->setColor(0.6, 0.6, 0.6);
     $pdf->filledRectangle(50, 690, 500, 15);
     $pdf->setColor(0, 0, 0);
     // $pdf->ezSetY(650);
     $datum = date("d.m.Y");
     $p = new partners();
     $pdf->ezText("{$p->partner_ort}, den {$datum}", 10, array('justification' => 'right'));
     $o = new objekt();
     $pdf->ezText(" <b>Entwicklung der Instandhaltungsrücklage {$this->p_jahr} | OBJEKT: {$o->objekt_kurzname}</b>", 10, array('justification' => 'full'));
     // seitennummerirung beenden
     $p = new partners();
     $cols = array('TEXT' => "", 'IST' => "IST-BETRAG");
     $pdf->ezTable($tab_arr, $cols, "", array('rowGap' => 1.5, 'showLines' => 1, 'showHeadings' => 1, 'shaded' => 1, 'shadeCol' => array(0.9, 0.9, 0.9), 'titleFontSize' => 7, 'fontSize' => 10, 'xPos' => 'left', 'xOrientation' => 'right', 'width' => 500, 'cols' => array('TEXT' => array('justification' => 'left'), 'SOLL' => array('justification' => 'right', 'width' => 100), 'IST' => array('justification' => 'right', 'width' => 100))));
     $d = new detail();
     $anteile_g = $d->finde_detail_inhalt('OBJEKT', $this->p_objekt_id, 'Gesamtanteile');
     $einheiten_arr = $this->einheiten_weg_tabelle_arr($this->p_objekt_id);
     $anz_einheiten = count($einheiten_arr);
     $anz_konten = count($tab_arr);
     $gkkk = new geldkonto_info();
     $datum_heute = date("d.m.Y");
     $kontostand_aktuell = nummer_punkt2komma_t($bb->kontostand_tagesgenau_bis($this->p_ihr_gk_id, "{$datum_heute}"));
     for ($a = 0; $a < $anz_einheiten; $a++) {
         $e_kn = $einheiten_arr[$a]['EINHEIT_KURZNAME'];
         $einheit_id = $einheiten_arr[$a]['EINHEIT_ID'];
         $einheit_anteile = $d->finde_detail_inhalt('EINHEIT', $einheit_id, 'WEG-Anteile');
         $pdf->setColor(0.6, 0.6, 0.6);
         $pdf->filledRectangle(50, 690, 500, 15);
         $pdf->setColor(0, 0, 0);
         $pdf->ezText("{$p->partner_ort}, den {$datum}", 10, array('justification' => 'right'));
         $pdf->ezText("<b> Anteil in der Instandhaltungsrücklage für {$e_kn} | OBJEKT: {$o->objekt_kurzname} {$this->p_jahr}</b>", 10, array('justification' => 'full'));
         $pdf->ezText("<b>Geldkontobezeichnung:</b> {$gkkk->geldkonto_bez}", 9);
         $pdf->ezText("<b>Geldinstitut:</b> {$gkkk->kredit_institut}", 9);
         $pdf->ezText("<b>IBAN:</b> {$gkkk->IBAN1}", 9);
         $pdf->ezText("<b>BIC:</b> {$gkkk->BIC}", 9);
         for ($b = 0; $b < $anz_konten; $b++) {
             $tab_arr_e[$b]['TEXT'] = $tab_arr[$b]['TEXT'];
             $tab_arr_e[$b]['IST'] = $tab_arr[$b]['IST'];
             $tab_arr_e[$b]['ANTEIL'] = nummer_punkt2komma_t(nummer_komma2punkt(str_replace('.', '', $tab_arr[$b]['IST'])) / $anteile_g * $einheit_anteile) . " € ";
         $cols = array('TEXT' => "", 'IST' => "IST-BETRAG");
         $pdf->ezTable($tab_arr, $cols, "", array('rowGap' => 1.5, 'showLines' => 1, 'showHeadings' => 1, 'shaded' => 1, 'shadeCol' => array(0.9, 0.9, 0.9), 'titleFontSize' => 7, 'fontSize' => 10, 'xPos' => 'left', 'xOrientation' => 'right', 'width' => 500, 'cols' => array('TEXT' => array('justification' => 'left'), 'SOLL' => array('justification' => 'right', 'width' => 100), 'IST' => array('justification' => 'right', 'width' => 100))));
         $cols = array('TEXT' => "", 'IST' => "IST-BETRAG", 'ANTEIL' => "IHR ANTEIL");
         $pdf->ezTable($tab_arr_e, $cols, "", array('rowGap' => 1.5, 'showLines' => 1, 'showHeadings' => 1, 'shaded' => 1, 'shadeCol' => array(0.9, 0.9, 0.9), 'titleFontSize' => 7, 'fontSize' => 10, 'xPos' => 'left', 'xOrientation' => 'right', 'width' => 500, 'cols' => array('TEXT' => array('justification' => 'left'), 'ANTEIL' => array('justification' => 'right', 'width' => 100), 'IST' => array('justification' => 'right', 'width' => 100))));
         /* WEG LAUTERSTR 2014 */
         $cols_laut = array('TXT' => "", 'BETRAG' => "");
         $tab_laut[0]['TXT'] = "Kontostand des IHR-Geldkontos vom {$datum_heute}";
         $tab_laut[0]['BETRAG'] = "{$kontostand_aktuell} € ";
         $pdf->ezTable($tab_laut, $cols_laut, "Zusatzinformationen", array('rowGap' => 1.5, 'showLines' => 1, 'showHeadings' => 0, 'shaded' => 1, 'shadeCol' => array(0.9, 0.9, 0.9), 'titleFontSize' => 7, 'fontSize' => 10, 'xPos' => 'left', 'xOrientation' => 'right', 'width' => 500, 'cols' => array('TXXT' => array('justification' => 'left'), 'BETRAG' => array('justification' => 'right', 'width' => 100))));
function upload_file_to_client_pdf($file_to_send)
    //Function reads a HTML file and converts to pdf.
    global $STMT_TEMP_FILE_PDF;
    global $srcdir;
    if ($GLOBALS['statement_appearance'] == '1') {
        require_once "{$srcdir}/html2pdf/vendor/autoload.php";
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        echo readfile($file_to_send, "r");
        //this file contains the HTML to be converted to pdf.
        //echo $file;
        $content = ob_get_clean();
        // Fix a nasty html2pdf bug - it ignores document root!
        global $web_root, $webserver_root;
        $i = 0;
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        $wsrlen = strlen($webserver_root);
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        $content_pdf = $pdf2->Output($STMT_TEMP_FILE_PDF, 'F');
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        //this file contains the text to be converted to pdf.
        while (!feof($file)) {
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            //one line is read
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                //lines are made bold when 'REMIT TO' or 'Visit Date' is there.
                $pdf->ezText('<b>' . $OneLine . '</b>', 12, array('justification' => 'left', 'leading' => 6));
            } else {
                $pdf->ezText($OneLine, 12, array('justification' => 'left', 'leading' => 6));
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        //stored to a pdf file
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            fwrite($fh, $pdf->ezOutput());
    header("Pragma: public");
    //this section outputs the pdf file to browser
    header("Expires: 0");
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    header("Content-Type: application/force-download");
    header("Content-Length: " . filesize($STMT_TEMP_FILE_PDF));
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    header("Content-Description: File Transfer");
    // flush the content to the browser. If you don't do this, the text from the subsequent
    // output from this script will be in the file instead of sent to the browser.
    //added to exit from process properly in order to stop bad html code -ehrlive
    // sleep one second to ensure there's no follow-on.
Exemple #12
    $stud_id = api_is_allowed_to_edit() ? null : $stud_id;
    $allcat = $cats[0]->get_subcategories($stud_id, $course_code, $session_id);
    $alleval = $cats[0]->get_evaluations($stud_id, true);
    $alllink = $cats[0]->get_links($stud_id, true);
    if (isset($_GET['exportpdf'])) {
        $datagen = new GradebookDataGenerator($allcat, $alleval, $alllink);
        $header_names = array(get_lang('Name'), get_lang('Description'), get_lang('Weight'), get_lang('Date'), get_lang('Results'));
        $data_array = $datagen->get_data(GradebookDataGenerator::GDG_SORT_NAME, 0, null, true);
        $newarray = array();
        foreach ($data_array as $data) {
            $newarray[] = array_slice($data, 1);
        $pdf = new Cezpdf();
        $pdf->selectFont(api_get_path(LIBRARY_PATH) . 'ezpdf/fonts/Courier.afm');
        $pdf->ezSetMargins(30, 30, 50, 30);
        $pdf->ezText(get_lang('FlatView') . ' (' . api_convert_and_format_date(null, DATE_FORMAT_SHORT) . ' ' . api_convert_and_format_date(null, TIME_NO_SEC_FORMAT) . ')', 12, array('justification' => 'center'));
        $pdf->line(50, 790, 550, 790);
        $pdf->line(50, 40, 550, 40);
        $pdf->ezTable($newarray, $header_names, '', array('showHeadings' => 1, 'shaded' => 1, 'showLines' => 1, 'rowGap' => 3, 'width' => 500));
} else {
    //Student view
    //in any other case (no search, no pdf), print the available gradebooks
    // Important note: loading a category will actually load the *contents* of
    // this category. This means that, to show the categories of a course,
    // we have to show the root category and show its subcategories that
    // are inside this course. This is done at the time of calling
function creaPDF($ids, $tmpName, $path, $PATHQR, $tmp = "")
    require dirname(dirname(dirname(__FILE__))) . '/f4/configuracion/utils.php';
    require dirname(dirname(dirname(__FILE__))) . '/f4/configuracion/importeco.php';
    require dirname(dirname(dirname(__FILE__))) . "/gui/QRCode/qr_imgV2.php";
    $data = "";
    $facturaController = new FacturaController($path);
    $selloController = new SelloController($path);
    $empresaController = new EmpresaController($path);
    $sucursalController = new SucursalController($path);
    $FWK_PDFFONTS = 'pdf/fonts/';
    $FWK_PDFDEFAULTFONT = 'pdf/fonts/Helvetica.afm';
    $FWK_PDFCOURIERFONT = 'pdf/fonts/Courier.afm';
    // Obtener factura y sus anexos
    $TIPOSCOMPROBANTEMXP = array(1 => "Factura", 3 => "Nota de Cr.", 2 => "NOTA DE DEBITO");
    $idconsulta = "";
    $idconsulta = explode(",", trim($ids));
    foreach ($idconsulta as $valor) {
        if (is_null($valor) || $valor == "") {
    $contadorTotalPaginas = count($idconsulta);
    $contadorPagina = 1;
    // Crea el documento pdf
    $pdf = new Cezpdf('LETTER', 'portrait');
    foreach ($idconsulta as $idfactura) {
        $data['idfactura'] = $idfactura;
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        $row_factura = $factura['respuesta'];
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        $data['idempresa'] = $factura['respuesta']['idempresa'];
        $data['idsello'] = $factura['respuesta']['idsello'];
        $version = $factura['respuesta']['version'];
        $addenda = $facturaController->execute('datosAddenda', $data);
        $row_addenda = $addenda['respuesta'];
        $empresa = $empresaController->execute('allId', $data);
        $row_empresa = $empresa['respuesta'];
        $sello = $selloController->execute('obtenerPorIdsello', $data);
        $row_sello = $sello['respuesta'];
        $data['sucursal'] = $sello['respuesta']['sucursal'];
        $sucursal = $sucursalController->execute('nombreSucIdempresa', $data);
        $row_sucursal = $sucursal['respuesta'];
        $xmlArray = xml2array(base64_decode($row_factura['factura']));
        $attr = "_attr";
        if ($version === "3.2") {
            $NSP = "cfdi:";
        } else {
            $NSP = "";
        $comprobante = $NSP . "Comprobante";
        $emisor = $NSP . "Emisor";
        $emisorDomFiscal = $NSP . "DomicilioFiscal";
        $emisorExpedidoEn = $NSP . "ExpedidoEn";
        $receptor = $NSP . "Receptor";
        $domicilio = $NSP . "Domicilio";
        $concepto = $NSP . "Conceptos";
        $conceptoTag = $NSP . "Concepto";
        $impuestos = $NSP . "Impuestos";
        $traslado = $NSP . "Traslados";
        $trasladoTag = $NSP . "Traslado";
        $retencion = $NSP . "Retenciones";
        $retencionTag = $NSP . "Retencion";
        $comprobanteNode = null;
        $emisorNode = null;
        $emisordomicilioNode = null;
        $expedidoNode = null;
        $receptorNode = null;
        $receptordomicilioNode = null;
        $conceptoNode = null;
        $impuestosNode = null;
        $trasladoNode = null;
        $retencionNode = null;
        // -------------------------------------------------chs --------------------------------------------------------------
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        $receptorNode = $xmlArray[$comprobante][$receptor . $attr];
        $receptordomicilioNode = $xmlArray[$comprobante][$receptor][$domicilio . $attr];
        $conceptos = $xmlArray[$comprobante][$concepto];
        $impuestosNode = $xmlArray[$comprobante][$impuestos . $attr];
        $traslados = $xmlArray[$comprobante][$impuestos][$traslado];
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        $regimenFiscal = $xmlArray[$comprobante][$emisor]["cfdi:RegimenFiscal_attr"]["Regimen"];
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        // i. Agrega el logo de la empresa
        $pathToLogo = $path == "../" ? "../f4/extensiones/" : "";
        $logofile = "logos/f.jpg";
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        if (isset($sucursal["respuesta"]["sucursal"]) && !empty($sucursal["respuesta"]["sucursal"])) {
            $logofile = "logos/" . strtolower($sucursal["respuesta"]["sucursal"]) . ".jpg";
        if ($comprobanteNode['serie'] == "X") {
            $logofile = "logos/wingu-xpress.jpg";
        $pdf->addJpegFromFile($pathToLogo . $logofile, 30, 705, 140);
        // i. Agrega la leyenda "cancelada"
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            $pdf->setColor(0, 0, 0);
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        $tipoDocto2 = $row_factura['tipodocumento'] == "NOTA CARGO" ? "FACTURA" : "";
        $tipoDocto3 = $row_factura['tipodocumento'] == "NOTA CREDITO" ? "NOTA DE CREDITO" : "";
        $emisor = utf8_decode($emisorNode['nombre'] . "\n" . $emisorNode['rfc']) . "\n";
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        $noExterior = isset($emisordomicilioNode['noExterior']) ? $emisordomicilioNode['noExterior'] : "";
        $emisor .= utf8_decode($emisordomicilioNode['calle'] . " {$noExterior}");
        $emisor .= utf8_decode($emisordomicilioNode['colonia']);
        if (isset($emisordomicilioNode['localidad'])) {
            $emisor .= "\n" . utf8_decode($emisordomicilioNode['localidad']);
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            $emisor .= "\n" . utf8_decode($emisordomicilioNode['municipio']);
        if ($emisordomicilioNode['estado'] != "" && isset($emisordomicilioNode['estado'])) {
            $emisor .= ", " . utf8_decode($emisordomicilioNode['estado']);
        if ($emisordomicilioNode['codigoPostal'] != "" && isset($emisordomicilioNode['codigoPostal'])) {
            $emisor .= "\nCP " . utf8_decode($emisordomicilioNode['codigoPostal']);
        $emisor .= " " . utf8_decode($emisordomicilioNode['pais']);
        $telefono = isset($row_empresa['telefono']) ? $row_empresa['telefono'] : "";
        $emisor .= "\nTel: " . $telefono . "\n";
        $mail = isset($row_empresa['mail']) ? $row_empresa['mail'] : "";
        $emisor .= "\n" . $mail;
        $emisor1 = utf8_decode($emisorNode['nombre']);
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                $tipoSucursal = utf8_decode('Querétaro');
            } else {
                if (utf8_decode($row_sucursal['sucursal']) == "F") {
                    $tipoSucursal = utf8_decode('5/6');
                } else {
                    if (utf8_decode($row_sucursal['sucursal']) == "S") {
                        $tipoSucursal = utf8_decode('Santa Fe');
            $sucursal = "Sucursal " . $tipoSucursal . "\n";
            if (utf8_decode($row_sucursal['sucursal']) != "S") {
                $noInteriorExpedido = isset($expedidoNode['noInterior']) ? $expedidoNode['noInterior'] : "";
                $sucursal .= utf8_decode($expedidoNode['calle'] . " " . $expedidoNode['noExterior'] . " ") . "\n";
                $sucursal .= utf8_decode($expedidoNode['colonia']) . "\n";
                $sucursal .= utf8_decode($expedidoNode['municipio']) . ", " . utf8_decode($expedidoNode['estado']) . "\n";
                $sucursal .= "CP " . utf8_decode($expedidoNode['codigoPostal']) . " " . utf8_decode($expedidoNode['pais']);
        ////////// i. Nombre del emisor
        $colNames = array();
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        ////////// i. Datos del documento
        $foliodocto = rellena("0", 6, $comprobanteNode['folio']);
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        if (!empty($seriedocto)) {
            $foliodocto = $seriedocto . "-" . rellena("0", 6, $comprobanteNode['folio']);
        $fechastr = $comprobanteNode['fecha'];
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        $fechastr = $toksf[2] . "-" . $toksf[1] . "-" . $toksf[0] . " " . $fechatok[1];
        $fechastrcfdi = $row_factura['FechaTimbrado'];
        $ncert = $comprobanteNode['noCertificado'];
        $aprob = $row_factura['noCertificadoSAT'];
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        ////////// i. Datos del cliente
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        $municipio = isset($receptordomicilioNode['municipio']) ? $receptordomicilioNode['municipio'] : "";
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        $formaDePago = isset($comprobanteNode['formaDePago']) ? $comprobanteNode['formaDePago'] : "PAGO EN UNA SOLA EXHIBICION";
        $metodoPago = isset($comprobanteNode['metodoDePago']) ? $comprobanteNode['metodoDePago'] : "No Identificado";
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        ////////// i. Partidas
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        $cantidadArrayConceptos = count($conceptos);
        foreach ($conceptos as $key => $conceptoNode) {
            if (stristr($key, $attr) && $cantidadArrayConceptos == 2) {
                $renglones += 2;
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                $totalCaracteres = 4800;
                if ($totalPalabras >= $totalCaracteres) {
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                    $aux = 1;
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                        if ($i == $pagDesc) {
                            $array[] = $totalPalabras;
                        } else {
                            $val = $aux += $totalCaracteres;
                            $array[] = $val;
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                    foreach ($array as $valor) {
                        $desc[] = substr($descripcion, $o, $valor);
                        $o += $valor - $o;
                    $cont = 1;
                    foreach ($desc as $descripcionexp) {
                        $currentObj["codigo"] = $info_xtra->Consumo->partidas[$partidaCnt - 1]->codigo;
                        $currentObj["cantidad"] = number_format(abs(doubleval($conceptoNode['cantidad'])), 2);
                        //$currentObj["unidad"]= (isset($conceptoNode['unidad'])) ? $conceptoNode['unidad'] :  "No Aplica";
                        $currentObj["unidad"] = $conceptoNode['unidad'];
                        //)) ? $conceptoNode['unidad'] :  "No Aplica";
                        $currentObj["descripcion"] = str_replace("__", "\n", utf8_decode($descripcionexp) . "\n" . utf8_decode($info_xtra->Consumo->partidas[$partidaCnt - 1]->nota));
                        if ($info_xtra->TipoImpresion == "KI2") {
                            $contPartidas = count($info_xtra->Consumo->partidas);
                            for ($i = 1; $i < $contPartidas; $i++) {
                                $currentObj["descripcion"] .= $info_xtra->Consumo->partidas[$i]->codigo . " " . $info_xtra->Consumo->partidas[$i]->cantidad . " " . $info_xtra->Consumo->partidas[$i]->unidad . " " . $info_xtra->Consumo->partidas[$i]->descripcion . " \$" . $info_xtra->Consumo->partidas[$i]->valorUnitario . " \n";
                        $currentObj["unitario"] = number_format($conceptoNode['valorUnitario'], 2);
                        $currentObj["importe"] = number_format(doubleval($conceptoNode['importe']), 2);
                        $for = $cont++;
                        log_action("for:::" . $for);
                        if ($for > 1) {
                            $currentObj["codigo"] = "";
                            $currentObj["cantidad"] = "";
                            $currentObj["unidad"] = "";
                            $currentObj["unitario"] = "";
                            $currentObj["importe"] = "";
                        array_push($tableData, $currentObj);
                } else {
                    $currentObj["codigo"] = $info_xtra->Consumo->partidas[$partidaCnt - 1]->codigo;
                    $currentObj["cantidad"] = number_format(abs(doubleval($conceptoNode['cantidad'])), 2);
                    //$currentObj["unidad"]= (isset($conceptoNode['unidad'])) ? $conceptoNode['unidad'] :  "No Aplica";
                    $currentObj["unidad"] = $conceptoNode['unidad'];
                    //)) ? $conceptoNode['unidad'] :  "No Aplica";
                    $currentObj["descripcion"] = str_replace("__", "\n", utf8_decode($descripcion) . "\n" . utf8_decode($info_xtra->Consumo->partidas[$partidaCnt - 1]->nota));
                    if ($info_xtra->TipoImpresion == "KI2") {
                        $contPartidas = count($info_xtra->Consumo->partidas);
                        for ($i = 1; $i < $contPartidas; $i++) {
                            $currentObj["descripcion"] .= utf8_decode($info_xtra->Consumo->partidas[$i]->codigo . " " . $info_xtra->Consumo->partidas[$i]->cantidad . " " . $info_xtra->Consumo->partidas[$i]->unidad . " " . $info_xtra->Consumo->partidas[$i]->descripcion . " " . $info_xtra->Consumo->partidas[$i]->valorUnitario) . " \n";
                    $currentObj["unitario"] = number_format($conceptoNode['valorUnitario'], 2);
                    $currentObj["importe"] = number_format(doubleval($conceptoNode['importe']), 2);
                    array_push($tableData, $currentObj);
            } else {
                foreach ($conceptoNode as $key1 => $conceptoNode1) {
                    log_action(print_r($key1, TRUE));
                    if (stristr($key1, $attr)) {
                        $renglones += 2;
                        $currentObj = array();
                        $currentObj["codigo"] = $info_xtra->Consumo->partidas[$partidaCnt - 1]->codigo;
                        $currentObj["cantidad"] = number_format(abs(doubleval($conceptoNode1['cantidad'])), 2);
                        //$currentObj["unidad"]= (isset($conceptoNode['unidad'])) ? $conceptoNode['unidad'] :  "No Aplica";
                        $currentObj["unidad"] = $conceptoNode1['unidad'];
                        //)) ? $conceptoNode['unidad'] :  "No Aplica";
                        $currentObj["descripcion"] = str_replace("__", "\n", utf8_decode($conceptoNode1['descripcion'] . "\n" . $info_xtra->Consumo->partidas[$partidaCnt - 1]->nota));
                        if ($info_xtra->TipoImpresion == "KI2") {
                            $contPartidas = count($info_xtra->Consumo->partidas);
                            for ($i = 1; $i < $contPartidas; $i++) {
                                $currentObj["descripcion"] .= $info_xtra->Consumo->partidas[$i]->codigo . " " . $info_xtra->Consumo->partidas[$i]->cantidad . " " . $info_xtra->Consumo->partidas[$i]->unidad . " " . $info_xtra->Consumo->partidas[$i]->descripcion . " \$" . $info_xtra->Consumo->partidas[$i]->valorUnitario . " \n";
                        $currentObj["unitario"] = number_format($conceptoNode1['valorUnitario'], 2);
                        $currentObj["importe"] = number_format(doubleval($conceptoNode1['importe']), 2);
                        array_push($tableData, $currentObj);
                //fin foreach 2  chs 20130705
        $currentObj = array();
        $currentObj["codigo"] = "";
        $currentObj["cantidad"] = "";
        $currentObj["unidad"] = "";
        $currentObj["descripcion"] = str_replace("__", "\n", utf8_decode($row_factura["fnotas"]));
        $currentObj["unitario"] = "";
        $currentObj["importe"] = "";
        array_push($tableData, $currentObj);
        if (isset($row_addenda['cl_fld1'])) {
            $currentObj = array();
            $currentObj["cantidad"] = "";
            $currentObj["descripcion"] = $row_addenda['cl_fld1'];
            if (!empty($row_addenda['cl_fld2'])) {
                $currentObj["descripcion"] .= "\n" . $row_addenda['cl_fld2'];
            if (!empty($row_addenda['cl_fld3'])) {
                $currentObj["descripcion"] .= "\n" . $row_addenda['cl_fld3'];
            if (!empty($row_addenda['cl_fld4'])) {
                $currentObj["descripcion"] .= "\n" . $row_addenda['cl_fld4'];
            if (!empty($row_addenda['cl_fld5'])) {
                $currentObj["descripcion"] .= "\n" . $row_addenda['cl_fld5'];
            if (!empty($row_addenda['cl_fld6'])) {
                $currentObj["descripcion"] .= "\n" . $row_addenda['cl_fld6'];
            if (!empty($row_addenda['cl_fld7'])) {
                $currentObj["descripcion"] .= "\n" . $row_addenda['cl_fld7'];
            if (!empty($row_addenda['cl_fld8'])) {
                $currentObj["descripcion"] .= "\n" . $row_addenda['cl_fld8'];
            if (!empty($row_addenda['cl_fld9'])) {
                $currentObj["descripcion"] .= "\n" . $row_addenda['cl_fld9'];
            if (!empty($row_addenda['cl_fld10'])) {
                $currentObj["descripcion"] .= "\n" . $row_addenda['cl_fld10'];
            if (!empty($row_addenda['cl_fld11'])) {
                $currentObj["descripcion"] .= "\n" . $row_addenda['cl_fld11'];
            if (!empty($row_addenda['cl_fld12'])) {
                $currentObj["descripcion"] .= "\n" . $row_addenda['cl_fld12'];
            $currentObj["unitario"] = "";
            $currentObj["importe"] = "";
            array_push($tableData, $currentObj);
        $currentObj = array();
        $currentObj["codigo"] = "";
        $currentObj["cantidad"] = "";
        $currentObj["unidad"] = "";
        $currentObj["descripcion"] = "";
        $currentObj["unitario"] = "";
        $currentObj["importe"] = "";
        if ($info_xtra->TipoImpresion == "KI2") {
            for ($renglones; $renglones < 10 - count($info_xtra->Consumo->partidas) * 0.95; $renglones++) {
                array_push($tableData, $currentObj);
        } else {
            if ($renglones < 10) {
                for ($renglones; $renglones < 10; $renglones++) {
                    array_push($tableData, $currentObj);
        $colNames = array("codigo" => "", "descripcion" => "", "cantidad" => "", "unidad" => "", "unitario" => "", "importe" => "");
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        $pdf->ezTable($tableData, $colNames, "", $options);
        ////////// i. Cantidad con letra
        $cadena = covertirNumLetras(number_format($comprobanteNode['total'], 2, ".", ''));
        if ($comprobanteNode['Moneda'] == "USD") {
            $cadena = str_replace("M.N.", "USD", $cadena);
            $cadena = str_replace("PESOS", "DOLARES", $cadena);
            $cadena = str_replace("PESO", "DOLAR", $cadena);
        $tableData = array(array("dato" => "<b>Nota:</b>\n" . utf8_decode($info_xtra->Consumo->notaAlPie)), array("dato" => "<b>Total con letra</b>\n" . trim($cadena)));
        $colNames = array("dato" => "<b>Cant</b>");
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        $pdf->ezTable($tableData, "", "", $options);
        ////////// i. Totales
        $f_importe = "\$" . number_format($comprobanteNode['subTotal'], 2);
        $f_total = "\$" . number_format($comprobanteNode['total'], 2);
        $tableData = array();
        $rowData = array("leyenda" => "", "cantidad" => "");
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        array_push($tableData, $subtotal);
        foreach ($traslados as $key => $trasladoNode) {
            if ($key === $trasladoTag . $attr) {
                $tasaImpuesto = array();
                $tasaImpuesto_t = number_format($trasladoNode['tasa'], 0);
                $tasaImpuesto["dato"] = $trasladoNode['impuesto'] . " " . $tasaImpuesto_t . "%";
                $tasaImpuesto["valor"] = "\$" . number_format($trasladoNode['importe'], 2);
        if (!empty($retenciones)) {
            foreach ($retenciones as $key => $retencionNode) {
                if ($key === $retencionTag . $attr) {
                    $tasaImpuesto = array();
                    $tasaImpuesto_t = number_format($retencionNode['tasa'], 2);
                    $tasaImpuesto["dato"] = "Ret. " . $retencionNode['impuesto'];
                    $tasaImpuesto["valor"] = "\$" . number_format($retencionNode['importe'], 2);
        //fin if empty
        $iva = array("dato" => "<b>IVA</b>", "valor" => "<b>\$ " . number_format($info_xtra->TotalImpuestosTrasladados, 2) . "</b>");
        array_push($tableData, $iva);
        $total = array("dato" => "<b>Total</b>", "valor" => "<b>" . $f_total . "</b>");
        array_push($tableData, $total);
        $colNames = array("dato" => "<b>Cant</b>", "valor" => "Importe");
        $colOptions = array("dato" => array('justification' => 'right', 'width' => 55), "valor" => array('justification' => 'right', 'width' => 95));
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        $pdf->ezTable($tableData, $colNames, "", $options);
        $rfce = $row_empresa['rfc'];
        $rfcr = $receptorNode['rfc'];
        $total = $comprobanteNode['total'];
        $uuidsat = $row_factura['uuid'];
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        /*QR Code: Para usar qr_imgV2():  qr_imgV2(d,e,s,v,t);
          d= datos        Cadena o datos a ser codificados.
          e= ECC level    Puede ser L,M,Q,H  (default M)
          s= module size  Para imagen JPEG:8; para PNG:4
          v= version      1-40   8 recomendado.
          t= image type   "J":imagen jpeg, "P" o culaquier otra cosa: imagen PNG */
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        ////////// i. Sello
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            $tableData = array(array("dato" => "<b>Sello Digital del Emisor</b>\n" . $row_factura['sello']), array("dato" => "<b>Sello Digital del SAT</b>\n" . $row_factura['selloSAT']));
        } else {
            $tableData = array(array("dato" => "<b>Sello Digital</b>\n" . $row_factura['sello']));
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        } else {
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Exemple #14
    // the cell padding effect
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    // The column sizes are where the product listing columns start on the
    // PDF page, if you make the TABLE HEADER FONT SIZE any larger you will
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    // company name and details pulled from the my store address and phone number
    // in admin configuration mystore
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Exemple #15
  Released under the GNU General Public License
// set paper type and size
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 function get_printable_timeSheet_file($timeSheetID, $timeSheetPrintMode, $printDesc, $format)
     global $TPL;
     $TPL["timeSheetID"] = $timeSheetID;
     $TPL["timeSheetPrintMode"] = $timeSheetPrintMode;
     $TPL["printDesc"] = $printDesc;
     $TPL["format"] = $format;
     $db = new db_alloc();
     if ($timeSheetID) {
         $timeSheet = new timeSheet();
         $person = $timeSheet->get_foreign_object("person");
         $TPL["timeSheet_personName"] = $person->get_name();
         // Display the project name.
         $project = new project();
         $TPL["timeSheet_projectName"] = $project->get_value("projectName", DST_HTML_DISPLAY);
         // Get client name
         $client = $project->get_foreign_object("client");
         $TPL["clientName"] = $client->get_value("clientName", DST_HTML_DISPLAY);
         $TPL["companyName"] = config::get_config_item("companyName");
         $TPL["companyNos1"] = config::get_config_item("companyACN");
         $TPL["companyNos2"] = config::get_config_item("companyABN");
         $phone = config::get_config_item("companyContactPhone");
         $fax = config::get_config_item("companyContactFax");
         $phone and $TPL["phone"] = "Ph: " . $phone;
         $fax and $TPL["fax"] = "Fax: " . $fax;
         $db->query(prepare("SELECT max(dateTimeSheetItem) AS maxDate\n                                ,min(dateTimeSheetItem) AS minDate\n                                ,count(timeSheetItemID) as count\n                            FROM timeSheetItem \n                           WHERE timeSheetID=%d ", $timeSheetID));
         $timeSheet->select() || alloc_error("Unable to select time sheet, trying to use id: " . $timeSheetID);
         $TPL["period"] = format_date(DATE_FORMAT, $db->f("minDate")) . " to " . format_date(DATE_FORMAT, $db->f("maxDate"));
         $TPL["img"] = config::get_config_item("companyImage");
         $TPL["companyContactAddress"] = config::get_config_item("companyContactAddress");
         $TPL["companyContactAddress2"] = config::get_config_item("companyContactAddress2");
         $TPL["companyContactAddress3"] = config::get_config_item("companyContactAddress3");
         $email = config::get_config_item("companyContactEmail");
         $email and $TPL["companyContactEmail"] = "Email: " . $email;
         $web = config::get_config_item("companyContactHomePage");
         $web and $TPL["companyContactHomePage"] = "Web: " . $web;
         $TPL["footer"] = config::get_config_item("timeSheetPrintFooter");
         $TPL["taxName"] = config::get_config_item("taxName");
         $default_header = "Time Sheet";
         $default_id_label = "Time Sheet ID";
         $default_contractor_label = "Contractor";
         $default_total_label = "TOTAL AMOUNT PAYABLE";
         if ($timeSheetPrintMode == "money") {
             $default_header = "Tax Invoice";
             $default_id_label = "Invoice Number";
         if ($timeSheetPrintMode == "estimate") {
             $default_header = "Estimate";
             $default_id_label = "Estimate Number";
             $default_contractor_label = "Issued By";
             $default_total_label = "TOTAL AMOUNT ESTIMATED";
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             // Build PDF document
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             $TPL["companyContactAddress"] and $contact_info[] = array($TPL["companyContactAddress"]);
             $TPL["companyContactAddress2"] and $contact_info[] = array($TPL["companyContactAddress2"]);
             $TPL["companyContactAddress3"] and $contact_info[] = array($TPL["companyContactAddress3"]);
             $TPL["companyContactEmail"] and $contact_info[] = array($TPL["companyContactEmail"]);
             $TPL["companyContactHomePage"] and $contact_info[] = array($TPL["companyContactHomePage"]);
             $TPL["phone"] and $contact_info[] = array($TPL["phone"]);
             $TPL["fax"] and $contact_info[] = array($TPL["fax"]);
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                 $pdf->ezImage($image_jpg, 0, sprintf("%d", config::get_config_item("logoScaleX")), 'none');
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                 $y = $pdf->ezText($TPL["companyName"], 27, array("justification" => "right"));
             $nos_y = $line_y + 22;
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             $TPL["companyNos1"] and $y = $pdf->ezText($TPL["companyNos1"], 10, array("justification" => "right"));
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             $ts_info[] = array("one" => "<b>Client:</b>", "two" => $TPL["clientName"], "three" => "<b>Project:</b>", "four" => $TPL["timeSheet_projectName"]);
             $ts_info[] = array("one" => "<b>" . $default_contractor_label . ":</b>", "two" => $TPL["timeSheet_personName"], "three" => "<b>Billing Period:</b>", "four" => $TPL["period"]);
             if ($timeSheetPrintMode == "estimate") {
                 // This line needs to be glued to the above line
                 $temp = array_pop($ts_info);
                 $temp["three"] = "";
                 // Nuke Billing Period for the Estimate version of the pdf.
                 $temp["four"] = "";
                 // Nuke Billing Period for the Estimate version of the pdf.
                 $ts_info[] = $temp;
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             if ($timeSheetPrintMode == "money" || $timeSheetPrintMode == "estimate") {
                 list($rows, $info) = $this->get_timeSheetItem_list_money($TPL["timeSheetID"]);
                 $cols2 = array("desc" => "Description", "units" => "Units", "money" => "Charges", "gst" => $TPL["taxName"]);
                 $taxPercent = config::get_config_item("taxPercent");
                 if ($taxPercent === '') {
                 $rows[] = array("desc" => "<b>TOTAL</b>", "units" => $info["total_units"], "money" => $info["total"], "gst" => $info["total_gst"]);
                 $y = $pdf->ezTable($rows, $cols2, "", $pdf_table_options3);
                 $pdf->ezSetY($y - 20);
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                     $totals[] = array("one" => "TOTAL " . $TPL["taxName"], "two" => $info["total_gst"]);
                 $totals[] = array("one" => "TOTAL CHARGES", "two" => $info["total"]);
                 $totals[] = array("one" => "<b>" . $default_total_label . "</b>", "two" => "<b>" . $info["total_inc_gst"] . "</b>");
                 $y = $pdf->ezTable($totals, $cols3, "", $pdf_table_options4);
             } else {
                 if ($timeSheetPrintMode == "units") {
                     list($rows, $info) = $this->get_timeSheetItem_list_units($TPL["timeSheetID"]);
                     $cols2 = array("desc" => "Description", "units" => "Units");
                     $rows[] = array("desc" => "<b>TOTAL</b>", "units" => "<b>" . $info["total"] . "</b>");
                     $y = $pdf->ezTable($rows, $cols2, "", $pdf_table_options3);
                 } else {
                     if ($timeSheetPrintMode == "items") {
                         list($rows, $info) = $this->get_timeSheetItem_list_items($TPL["timeSheetID"]);
                         $cols2 = array("date" => "Date", "units" => "Units", "multiplier_string" => "Multiplier", "desc" => "Description");
                         $rows[] = array("date" => "<b>TOTAL</b>", "units" => "<b>" . $info["total"] . "</b>");
                         $y = $pdf->ezTable($rows, $cols2, "", $pdf_table_options3);
             $pdf->ezSetY($y - 20);
             $pdf->ezText(str_replace(array("<br>", "<br/>", "<br />"), "\n", $TPL["footer"]), 10);
             $pdf->ezStream(array("Content-Disposition" => "timeSheet_" . $timeSheetID . ".pdf"));
             // Else HTML format
         } else {
             if (file_exists(ALLOC_LOGO)) {
                 $TPL["companyName"] = '<img alt="Company logo" src="' . $TPL["url_alloc_logo"] . '" />';
             $TPL["this_tsp"] = $this;
             $TPL["main_alloc_title"] = "Time Sheet - " . APPLICATION_NAME;
             include_template(dirname(__FILE__) . "/../templates/timeSheetPrintM.tpl");
Exemple #17
 function get_printable_file($_FORM = array())
     global $TPL;
     $db = new db_alloc();
     $TPL["companyName"] = config::get_config_item("companyName");
     $TPL["companyNos1"] = config::get_config_item("companyACN");
     $TPL["companyNos2"] = config::get_config_item("companyABN");
     $TPL["img"] = config::get_config_item("companyImage");
     $TPL["companyContactAddress"] = config::get_config_item("companyContactAddress");
     $TPL["companyContactAddress2"] = config::get_config_item("companyContactAddress2");
     $TPL["companyContactAddress3"] = config::get_config_item("companyContactAddress3");
     $email = config::get_config_item("companyContactEmail");
     $email and $TPL["companyContactEmail"] = "Email: " . $email;
     $web = config::get_config_item("companyContactHomePage");
     $web and $TPL["companyContactHomePage"] = "Web: " . $web;
     $phone = config::get_config_item("companyContactPhone");
     $fax = config::get_config_item("companyContactFax");
     $phone and $TPL["phone"] = "Ph: " . $phone;
     $fax and $TPL["fax"] = "Fax: " . $fax;
     $taskPriorities = config::get_config_item("taskPriorities");
     $projectPriorities = config::get_config_item("projectPriorities");
     // Add requested fields to pdf
     $_FORM["showEdit"] = false;
     $fields["taskID"] = "ID";
     $fields["taskName"] = "Task";
     $_FORM["showProject"] and $fields["projectName"] = "Project";
     $_FORM["showPriority"] || $_FORM["showPriorityFactor"] and $fields["priorityFactor"] = "Pri";
     $_FORM["showPriority"] and $fields["taskPriority"] = "Task Pri";
     $_FORM["showPriority"] and $fields["projectPriority"] = "Proj Pri";
     $_FORM["showCreator"] and $fields["creator_name"] = "Creator";
     $_FORM["showManager"] and $fields["manager_name"] = "Manager";
     $_FORM["showAssigned"] and $fields["assignee_name"] = "Assigned To";
     $_FORM["showDate1"] and $fields["dateTargetStart"] = "Targ Start";
     $_FORM["showDate2"] and $fields["dateTargetCompletion"] = "Targ Compl";
     $_FORM["showDate3"] and $fields["dateActualStart"] = "Start";
     $_FORM["showDate4"] and $fields["dateActualCompletion"] = "Compl";
     $_FORM["showDate5"] and $fields["dateCreated"] = "Created";
     $_FORM["showTimes"] and $fields["timeBestLabel"] = "Best";
     $_FORM["showTimes"] and $fields["timeExpectedLabel"] = "Likely";
     $_FORM["showTimes"] and $fields["timeWorstLabel"] = "Worst";
     $_FORM["showTimes"] and $fields["timeActualLabel"] = "Actual";
     $_FORM["showTimes"] and $fields["timeLimitLabel"] = "Limit";
     $_FORM["showPercent"] and $fields["percentComplete"] = "%";
     $_FORM["showStatus"] and $fields["taskStatusLabel"] = "Status";
     $rows = task::get_list($_FORM);
     $taskListRows = array();
     foreach ((array) $rows as $row) {
         $row["taskPriority"] = $taskPriorities[$row["priority"]]["label"];
         $row["projectPriority"] = $projectPriorities[$row["projectPriority"]]["label"];
         $row["taskDateStatus"] = strip_tags($row["taskDateStatus"]);
         $row["percentComplete"] = strip_tags($row["percentComplete"]);
         $taskListRows[] = $row;
     if ($_FORM["format"] != "html" && $_FORM["format"] != "html_plus") {
         // Build PDF document
         $font1 = ALLOC_MOD_DIR . "util/fonts/Helvetica.afm";
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         $pdf->ezStartPageNumbers(436, 30, 10, 'center', 'Page {PAGENUM} of {TOTALPAGENUM}');
         $TPL["companyContactAddress"] and $contact_info[] = array($TPL["companyContactAddress"]);
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         $TPL["companyContactAddress3"] and $contact_info[] = array($TPL["companyContactAddress3"]);
         $TPL["companyContactEmail"] and $contact_info[] = array($TPL["companyContactEmail"]);
         $TPL["companyContactHomePage"] and $contact_info[] = array($TPL["companyContactHomePage"]);
         $TPL["phone"] and $contact_info[] = array($TPL["phone"]);
         $TPL["fax"] and $contact_info[] = array($TPL["fax"]);
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             $pdf->ezImage($image_jpg, 0, sprintf("%d", config::get_config_item("logoScaleX")), 'none');
             $y = 700;
         } else {
             $y = $pdf->ezText($TPL["companyName"], 27, array("justification" => "right"));
         $nos_y = $line_y + 22;
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         $TPL["companyNos1"] and $y = $pdf->ezText($TPL["companyNos1"], 10, array("justification" => "right"));
         $TPL["companyNos2"] and $y = $pdf->ezText($TPL["companyNos2"], 10, array("justification" => "right"));
         $pdf->ezSetY($line_y - 10);
         $y = $pdf->ezText("Task List", 20, array("justification" => "center"));
         $pdf->ezSetY($y - 20);
         $y = $pdf->ezTable($taskListRows, $fields, "", $pdf_table_options3);
         $pdf->ezSetY($y - 20);
         // Else HTML format
     } else {
         echo task::get_list_html($taskListRows, $_FORM);
Exemple #18
 } else {
     $pdf->addPngFromFile(HTTP_CATALOG_SERVER . DIR_WS_CATALOG . 'templates/' . DIR_WS_TEMPLATES_DEFAULT . '/images/' . STORE_LOGO, 30, 730, $w, $h);
 // invoice number and box
 $pdf->setStrokeColor(0, 0, 0);
 $pdf->Rectangle(390, 793, 175, 20);
 $y = $pdf->ezText("<b>" . str_replace($vilains, $cools, TEXT_ORDER_NUMBER) . " </b>" . $orders['orders_prefix'] . $orders['orders_id'] . "\n\n", SUB_HEADING_FONT_SIZE, array('aleft' => '400'));
 // company name and details pulled from the my store address and phone number
 // in admin configuration mystore
 $y += 10;
 $y = $pdf->ezText(STORE_NAME_ADDRESS, COMPANY_HEADER_FONT_SIZE, array('aleft' => '400'));
 $y -= 10;
 // Add in the order titles
 $totalsy = 230;
 for ($j = 0, $n = sizeof($order->totals); $j < $n; $j++) {
     $totaltext = str_replace($vilains, $cools, $order->totals[$j]['title']);
     $fullstop = stripos($totaltext, ".");
     // Cuts shipping title at first '.' and replaces with :
     if ($fullstop != '0') {
         $totaltext = substr($totaltext, 0, $fullstop);
         $totaltext .= ":";
     $pdf->ezText("<b>" . $totaltext . "</b>", PRODUCT_TOTALS_FONT_SIZE, array('justification' => 'right', 'right' => 80));
 // end for
 //Add in the order totals
 $totalsy = 230;
 for ($j = 0, $n = sizeof($order->totals); $j < $n; $j++) {
function creaPDF($colname_factura, $tmpName)
    global $database_f4, $f4, $interface, $setsProlec, $url_dir;
    $FWK_PDFFONTS = 'pdf/fonts/';
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    // Obtener factura y sus anexos
    $TIPOSCOMPROBANTEMXP = array(1 => "Factura", 3 => "Nota de Cr.", 2 => "NOTA DE DEBITO");
    mysql_select_db($database_f4, $f4);
    $query_factura = sprintf("SELECT  facturas.idfactura,  facturas.idempresa,  facturas.idsello,\n\tfacturas.serie, facturas.folio, archivo,\n\tdate_format( facturas.timestampemision, '%%d/%%m/%%Y %%T') as timestampemision,\n\tfacturas.noaprob, facturas.rfccliente, facturas.estatus, facturas.sello, facturas.cadena, facturas.factura,\n\tfacturas.idif, facturas.tipocfd, empresa.bu\n\tFROM facturas inner join empresa on (facturas.idempresa=empresa.idempresa)\n\tWHERE facturas.idfactura = %s", $colname_factura);
    $factura = mysql_query($query_factura, $f4);
    $row_factura = mysql_fetch_assoc($factura);
    $totalRows_factura = mysql_num_rows($factura);
    mysql_select_db($database_f4, $f4);
    $query_partida = sprintf("SELECT * FROM face_partidas WHERE face_factura_idface_factura = %s ORDER BY numero ASC", $row_factura['idif']);
    $partidas = mysql_query($query_partida, $f4);
    $partidasArray = array();
    while ($partRow = mysql_fetch_assoc($partidas)) {
        array_push($partidasArray, $partRow);
    $dom = new DOMDocument();
    $NS = "http://www.sat.gob.mx/cfd/2";
    $NSP = "";
    $xp = new DOMXPath($dom);
    $nsElems = $dom->getElementsByTagNameNS($NS, 'Comprobante');
    if ($nsElems->item(0) != null) {
        $xp->registerNamespace("C", "http://www.sat.gob.mx/cfd/2");
        $NSP = "C:";
    $comprobanteNode = null;
    $elements = $xp->query("/" . $NSP . "Comprobante");
    foreach ($elements as $comprobanteNode) {
    $emisorNode = null;
    $elements = $xp->query("/" . $NSP . "Comprobante/" . $NSP . "Emisor");
    foreach ($elements as $emisorNode) {
    $emisordomicilioNode = null;
    $elements = $xp->query("/" . $NSP . "Comprobante/" . $NSP . "Emisor/" . $NSP . "DomicilioFiscal");
    foreach ($elements as $emisordomicilioNode) {
    $expedidoNode = null;
    $elements = $xp->query("/" . $NSP . "Comprobante/" . $NSP . "Emisor/" . $NSP . "ExpedidoEn");
    foreach ($elements as $expedidoNode) {
    $receptorNode = null;
    $elements = $xp->query("/" . $NSP . "Comprobante/" . $NSP . "Receptor");
    foreach ($elements as $receptorNode) {
    $receptordomicilioNode = null;
    $elements = $xp->query("/" . $NSP . "Comprobante/" . $NSP . "Receptor/" . $NSP . "Domicilio");
    foreach ($elements as $receptordomicilioNode) {
    $conceptoNode = null;
    $conceptos = $xp->query("/" . $NSP . "Comprobante/" . $NSP . "Conceptos/" . $NSP . "Concepto");
    $impuestosNode = null;
    $elements = $xp->query("/" . $NSP . "Comprobante/" . $NSP . "Impuestos");
    foreach ($elements as $impuestosNode) {
    $trasladoNode = null;
    $traslados = $xp->query("/" . $NSP . "Comprobante/" . $NSP . "Impuestos/" . $NSP . "Traslados/" . $NSP . "Traslado");
    $retencionNode = null;
    $retenciones = $xp->query("/" . $NSP . "Comprobante/" . $NSP . "Impuestos/" . $NSP . "Retenciones/" . $NSP . "Retencion");
    mysql_select_db($database_f4, $f4);
    $query_empresa = sprintf("SELECT * FROM empresa WHERE idempresa = %s", $row_factura['idempresa']);
    $empresa = mysql_query($query_empresa, $f4);
    $row_empresa = mysql_fetch_assoc($empresa);
    mysql_select_db($database_f4, $f4);
    $query_sello = sprintf("SELECT * FROM sellos WHERE idsello = %s", $row_factura['idsello']);
    $sello = mysql_query($query_sello, $f4);
    $row_sello = mysql_fetch_assoc($sello);
    mysql_select_db($database_f4, $f4);
    $query_sucursal = "SELECT * FROM sucursales WHERE sucursal = '" . $row_sello['sucursal'] . "'";
    $sucursal = mysql_query($query_sucursal, $f4);
    $row_sucursal = mysql_fetch_assoc($sucursal);
    $totalRows_sucursal = mysql_num_rows($sucursal);
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    $desc2 = 0.0;
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        $emisor .= ", " . utf8_decode($emisordomicilioNode->getAttribute('estado'));
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        $emisor .= "\nCP " . utf8_decode($emisordomicilioNode->getAttribute('codigoPostal'));
    $emisor .= " " . utf8_decode($emisordomicilioNode->getAttribute('pais'));
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        $sucursal .= utf8_decode($expedidoNode->getAttribute('calle') . " " . $expedidoNode->getAttribute('noExterior') . " " . $expedidoNode->getAttribute('noInterior')) . "\n";
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        $sucursal .= utf8_decode($expedidoNode->getAttribute('municipio')) . ", " . utf8_decode($expedidoNode->getAttribute('estado')) . "\n";
        $sucursal .= "CP " . utf8_decode($expedidoNode->getAttribute('codigoPostal')) . " " . utf8_decode($expedidoNode->getAttribute('pais'));
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    $fechastr = $toksf[2] . "-" . $toksf[1] . "-" . $toksf[0] . " " . $fechatok[1];
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    $aprob = $comprobanteNode->getAttribute('anoAprobacion') . "-" . $comprobanteNode->getAttribute('noAprobacion');
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    $currentObj["importe"] = "";
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    ////////// i. Cantidad con letra
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    ////////// i. Totales
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    $f_total = "\$" . number_format($comprobanteNode->getAttribute('total'), 2);
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        array_push($tableData, $tasaImpuesto);
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    array_push($tableData, $total);
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Exemple #20
        $scoretotal_display = isset($scoretotal) ? $scoredisplay->display_score($scoretotal, SCORE_PERCENT) : get_lang('NoResultsAvailable');
        //prepare all necessary variables:
        $organization_name = api_get_setting('Institution');
        $portal_name = api_get_setting('siteName');
        $stud_fn = $user['firstname'];
        $stud_ln = $user['lastname'];
        $certif_text = sprintf(get_lang('CertificateWCertifiesStudentXFinishedCourseYWithGradeZ'), $organization_name, $stud_fn . ' ' . $stud_ln, $category[0]->get_name(), $scorecourse_display);
        $certif_text = str_replace("\\n", "\n", $certif_text);
        $date = api_convert_and_format_date(null, DATE_FORMAT_SHORT);
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        //@todo replace image
        $pdf->ezText($certif_text, 28, array('justification' => 'center'));
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        $pdf->ezText($portal_name, 22, array('justification' => 'right'));
} else {
Exemple #21
 function generate_invoice_file($verbose = false, $getfile = false)
     // Build PDF document
     $font1 = ALLOC_MOD_DIR . "util/fonts/Helvetica.afm";
     $font2 = ALLOC_MOD_DIR . "util/fonts/Helvetica-Oblique.afm";
     $db = new db_alloc();
     // Get client name
     $client = $this->get_foreign_object("client");
     $clientName = $client->get_value("clientName");
     // Get cyber info
     $companyName = config::get_config_item("companyName");
     $companyNos1 = config::get_config_item("companyACN");
     $companyNos2 = config::get_config_item("companyABN");
     $phone = config::get_config_item("companyContactPhone");
     $fax = config::get_config_item("companyContactFax");
     $phone and $phone = "Ph: " . $phone;
     $fax and $fax = "Fax: " . $fax;
     $img = config::get_config_item("companyImage");
     $companyContactAddress = config::get_config_item("companyContactAddress");
     $companyContactAddress2 = config::get_config_item("companyContactAddress2");
     $companyContactAddress3 = config::get_config_item("companyContactAddress3");
     $email = config::get_config_item("companyContactEmail");
     $email and $companyContactEmail = "Email: " . $email;
     $web = config::get_config_item("companyContactHomePage");
     $web and $companyContactHomePage = "Web: " . $web;
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