function resetModifications() { $typeRepas = new CTypeRepas(); $typeRepas->load($this->typerepas_id); $service = new CService(); $service->load($this->service_id); $service->loadRefsBack(); foreach ($service->_ref_chambres as $chambre_id => &$chambre) { $chambre->loadRefsBack(); foreach ($chambre->_ref_lits as $lit_id => &$lit) { $lit->loadAffectations($this->date); foreach ($lit->_ref_affectations as $affectation_id => &$affectation) { $affectation->loadRefSejour(); $affectation->loadMenu($this->date, array($this->typerepas_id => null)); $sejour =& $affectation->_ref_sejour; $date_entree = substr($affectation->entree, 0, 10); $date_sortie = substr($affectation->sortie, 0, 10); $heure_entree = substr($affectation->entree, 11, 5); $heure_sortie = substr($affectation->sortie, 11, 5); if (!$sejour->sejour_id || $sejour->type == "ambu" || $this->date == $date_entree && $heure_entree > $typeRepas->fin || $this->date == $date_sortie && $heure_sortie < $typeRepas->debut) { } else { $repas =& $affectation->_list_repas[$this->date][$this->typerepas_id]; if ($repas->modif) { $repas->modif = 0; $repas->_no_synchro = true; $repas->store(); } } } } } }
protected static function _getAllConfigs($class, $key, $value) { // Chargement des etablissements $group = new CGroups(); /** @var CGroups[] $groups */ $groups = $group->loadList(); // Chargement des services $service = new CService(); $services = $service->loadList(); // Chargement de toutes les configs /** @var self $config */ $config = new $class(); /** @var self[] $all_configs */ $all_configs = $config->loadList(); if ($all_configs == null) { return null; } /** @var self[] $configs_default */ // Creation du tableau de valeur par defaut (quelque soit l'etablissement) foreach ($all_configs as $_config) { if (!$_config->service_id && !$_config->group_id) { $configs_default[$_config->{$key}] = $_config; } else { if ($_config->service_id) { $configs_service[$_config->service_id][$_config->{$key}] = $_config->{$value}; } else { $configs_group[$_config->group_id][$_config->{$key}] = $_config->{$value}; } } } $configs = array(); // Parcours des etablissements foreach ($groups as $group_id => $group) { $group->loadRefsServices(); // Parcours des services foreach ($group->_ref_services as $service_id => $_service) { foreach ($configs_default as $_config_default) { $configs[$group_id][$service_id][$_config_default->{$key}] = $_config_default->{$value}; if (isset($configs_group[$group_id][$_config_default->{$key}])) { $configs[$group_id][$service_id][$_config_default->{$key}] = $configs_group[$group_id][$_config_default->{$key}]; } if (isset($configs_service[$service_id][$_config_default->{$key}])) { $configs[$group_id][$service_id][$_config_default->{$key}] = $configs_service[$service_id][$_config_default->{$key}]; } } } // Si aucun service foreach ($configs_default as $_config_default) { if (isset($configs_group[$group_id][$_config_default->{$key}])) { $configs[$group_id]["none"][$_config_default->{$key}] = $configs_group[$group_id][$_config_default->{$key}]; } else { $configs[$group_id]["none"][$_config_default->{$key}] = $_config_default->{$value}; } } } return $configs; }
/** * @see parent::getPerm() */ function getPerm($permType) { if (!$this->_ref_stock || !$this->_ref_service) { $this->loadRefsFwd(); } if ($this->_ref_service) { return $this->_ref_stock->getPerm($permType) && $this->_ref_service->getPerm($permType); } return $this->_ref_stock->getPerm($permType); }
/** * Charge complètement un service pour l'affichage des affectations * * @param CService $service le service concerné * @param string $date le filtre de date sur les affectations * @param string $mode forcer le chargement des affectations effectuées * @param int $praticien charge les séjours pour un praticien en particulier * @param string $type charge les séjours pour un type d'hospitalisation * @param int $prestation_id charge la prestation éventuellement associée à chaque séjour * * * @return void */ function loadServiceComplet(&$service, $date, $mode, $praticien_id = "", $type = "", $prestation_id = "", $with_dossier_medical = true) { $service->_nb_lits_dispo = 0; $dossiers = array(); $systeme_presta = CAppUI::conf("dPhospi prestations systeme_prestations", CGroups::loadCurrent()); $lits = $service->loadRefsLits(); foreach ($lits as $_lit) { $_lit->_ref_affectations = array(); $_lit->checkDispo($date); } $affectations = $service->loadRefsAffectations($date, $mode, false, true); $sejours = CMbObject::massLoadFwdRef($affectations, "sejour_id"); CMbObject::massLoadFwdRef($sejours, "patient_id"); CMbObject::massLoadFwdRef($sejours, "prestation_id"); CMbObject::massLoadFwdRef($sejours, "praticien_id"); if (CModule::getActive("dPImeds")) { CSejour::massLoadNDA($sejours); } foreach ($affectations as $_affectation) { $sejour = $_affectation->loadRefSejour(); if ($praticien_id) { if ($sejour->praticien_id != $praticien_id) { unset($affectations[$_affectation->_id]); continue; } } if ($type) { if ($sejour->type != $type) { unset($affectations[$_affectation->_id]); continue; } } $lits[$_affectation->lit_id]->_ref_affectations[$_affectation->_id] = $_affectation; $_affectation->loadRefsAffectations(true); $_affectation->checkDaysRelative($date); $aff_prev = $_affectation->_ref_prev; if ($aff_prev->_id) { if ($aff_prev->lit_id) { $aff_prev->loadRefLit(); } else { $aff_prev->loadRefService(); } } $aff_next = $_affectation->_ref_next; if ($aff_next->_id) { if ($aff_next->lit_id) { $aff_prev->loadRefLit(); } else { $aff_prev->loadRefService(); } } $sejour->loadRefPrestation(); $sejour->loadRefsOperations(); $sejour->loadNDA(); $sejour->loadRefPraticien(); $sejour->loadRefPatient(); if ($with_dossier_medical) { $sejour->_ref_patient->loadRefDossierMedical(false); $dossiers[] = $sejour->_ref_patient->_ref_dossier_medical; } // Chargement des droits CMU $sejour->getDroitsCMU(); foreach ($sejour->_ref_operations as $_operation) { $_operation->loadExtCodesCCAM(); } $_affectation->_ref_lit = $lits[$_affectation->lit_id]; $_affectation->loadRefLit(); $_affectation->_ref_lit->_ref_chambre->_nb_affectations++; if ($systeme_presta == "expert" && $prestation_id) { $sejour->loadLiaisonsForDay($prestation_id, $date); } } foreach ($lits as $_lit) { array_multisort(CMbArray::pluck($_lit->_ref_affectations, "_ref_sejour", "entree"), SORT_ASC, $_lit->_ref_affectations); } if ($with_dossier_medical) { CDossierMedical::massCountAntecedentsByType($dossiers, "deficience"); } if (!$service->externe) { foreach ($service->_ref_chambres as $_chambre) { $_chambre->checkChambre(); $service->_nb_lits_dispo += $_chambre->_nb_lits_dispo; } } }
/** * Find the host from a context object * * @param CMbObject|string $context The context (séjour, rpu, service, etablissement) * * @return CGroups|CService|CFunctions|string */ static function guessHost($context) { if ($context === "global") { return "global"; } // Etablissement, service ou cabinet (deja un HOST) if ($context instanceof CGroups || $context instanceof CService || $context instanceof CFunctions || $context instanceof CBlocOperatoire) { return $context; } // Séjour d'urgence if ($context instanceof CSejour && $context->type == "urg") { $rpu = $context->loadRefRPU(); if ($rpu && $rpu->_id) { $context = $rpu; } } // Sejour if ($context instanceof CSejour) { $affectation = $context->loadRefCurrAffectation(); if (!$affectation->_id) { $affectation = $context->loadRefFirstAffectation(); } return $affectation->loadRefService(); } // Urgences if ($context instanceof CRPU) { /** @var CService $service */ $service = null; if ($context->box_id) { return $context->loadRefBox()->loadRefService(); } $sejour = $context->loadRefSejour(); $affectation = $sejour->loadRefCurrAffectation(); if (!$affectation->_id) { $affectation = $sejour->loadRefFirstAffectation(); } $service = $affectation->loadRefService(); if ($service && $service->_id) { return $service; } // Recherche du premier service d'urgences actif $group_id = CGroups::loadCurrent()->_id; $where = array("group_id" => "= '{$group_id}'", "urgence" => "= '1'", "cancelled" => "= '0'"); $service = new CService(); $service->loadObject($where, "nom"); return $service; } // Utiliser le contexte de la consultation dans la cas des dossiers d'anesth if ($context instanceof CConsultAnesth) { $context = $context->loadRefConsultation(); } // Utiliser le contexte du cabinet dans le cas des consultations if ($context instanceof CConsultation) { return $context->loadRefPlageConsult()->loadRefChir()->loadRefFunction(); } return CGroups::loadCurrent(); }
$filter->convalescence = CValue::getOrSession("convalescence"); $filter->_specialite = CValue::getOrSession("_specialite"); $filter->_filter_type = CValue::getOrSession("_filter_type"); $filter->_ccam_libelle = CValue::getOrSession("_ccam_libelle", "1"); $filter->_coordonnees = CValue::getOrSession("_coordonnees"); $filter->_notes = CValue::getOrSession("_notes"); $filter->_by_date = CValue::getOrSession("_by_date"); $listPrat = new CMediusers(); $listPrat = $listPrat->loadPraticiens(PERM_READ); $listSpec = new CFunctions(); $listSpec = $listSpec->loadSpecialites(PERM_READ); // Récupération de la liste des services $where = array(); $where["externe"] = "= '0'"; $where["cancelled"] = "= '0'"; $service = new CService(); $services = $service->loadGroupList($where); $yesterday = CMbDT::date("-1 day", $today); $tomorrow = CMbDT::date("+1 day", $today); $j2 = CMbDT::date("+2 day", $today); $j3 = CMbDT::date("+3 day", $today); $week_deb = CMbDT::date("last sunday", $today); $week_fin = CMbDT::date("next sunday", $week_deb); $week_deb = CMbDT::date("+1 day", $week_deb); $next_week_deb = CMbDT::date("+1 day", $week_fin); $next_week_fin = CMbDT::date("next sunday", $next_week_deb); $yesterday_deb = "{$yesterday} 06:00:00"; $yesterday_fin = "{$yesterday} 21:00:00"; $today_deb = "{$today} 06:00:00"; $today_fin = "{$today} 21:00:00"; $tomorrow_deb = "{$tomorrow} 06:00:00";
/** * Get others PV1 QPD element * * @param DOMNode $node QPD element * * @return array */ function getOtherRequestSejour(DOMNode $node) { // Recherche du service $service = new CService(); $ds = $service->getDS(); $where_returns = array(); if ($service_name = $this->getDemographicsFields($node, "CSejour", "3.1")) { $service_name = preg_replace("/\\*+/", "%", $service_name); $where["code"] = $ds->prepare("LIKE %", $service_name); $ids = array_unique($service->loadIds($where, null, 100)); // FIXME prendre les affectations en compte $where_returns["sejour.service_id"] = $ds->prepareIn($ids); } // Praticien if (($attending_doctor_name = $this->getDemographicsFields($node, "CSejour", "7.2.1")) || ($attending_doctor_name = $this->getDemographicsFields($node, "CSejour", "17.2.1"))) { $user = new CUser(); $attending_doctor_name = preg_replace("/\\*+/", "%", $attending_doctor_name); $where["user_last_name"] = $ds->prepare("LIKE %", $attending_doctor_name); $ids = array_unique($user->loadIds($where, null, 100)); $where_returns["sejour.praticien_id"] = $ds->prepareIn($ids); } // Médecin adressant if ($referring_doctor_name = $this->getDemographicsFields($node, "CSejour", "8.2.1")) { $medecin = new CMedecin(); $referring_doctor_name = preg_replace("/\\*+/", "%", $referring_doctor_name); $where["nom"] = $ds->prepare("LIKE %", $referring_doctor_name); $ids = array_unique($medecin->loadIds($where, null, 100)); $where_returns["sejour.adresse_par_prat_id"] = $ds->prepareIn($ids); } return $where_returns; }
} $categories = CPrescription::getCategoriesForPeriod($service_id, $date, $real_time); if (!count($categories_id_pancarte)) { $categories_id_pancarte = array("med"); foreach ($categories as $_categorie) { foreach ($_categorie as $_elts) { $categories_id_pancarte = array_merge($categories_id_pancarte, array_keys($_elts)); } } } $filter_line = new CPrescriptionLineMedicament(); $filter_line->debut = $date; // Récupération de la liste des services $where = array(); $where["externe"] = "= '0'"; $where["cancelled"] = "= '0'"; $service = new CService(); $services = $service->loadGroupList($where); // Smarty template $smarty = new CSmartyDP(); $smarty->assign("service", $service); $smarty->assign("filter_line", $filter_line); $smarty->assign("services", $services); $smarty->assign("service_id", $service_id); $smarty->assign("date", $date); $smarty->assign('day', CMbDT::date()); $smarty->assign('real_time', $real_time); $smarty->assign("categories", $categories); $smarty->assign("date_min", ""); $smarty->assign("categories_id_pancarte", $categories_id_pancarte); $smarty->display('vw_pancarte_service.tpl');
$ticks[] = array(count($ticks) * 2 - 0.4, utf8_encode(CMbDT::format($date, "%b"))); // Input ////////////////// $where = array("product.product_id" => "= '{$product->_id}'", "" => "BETWEEN '{$date}' AND '{$to}'"); $ljoin = array("product_order_item" => "product_order_item.order_item_id = product_order_item_reception.order_item_id", "product_reference" => "product_reference.reference_id = product_order_item.reference_id", "product" => "product.product_id = product_reference.product_id"); $lot = new CProductOrderItemReception(); /** @var CProductOrderItemReception[] $lots */ $lots = $lot->loadList($where, null, null, null, $ljoin); $total = 0; foreach ($lots as $_lot) { $total += $_lot->quantity; } $max = max($max, $total); $series[0]["data"][] = array(count($series[0]["data"]) * 2 - 0.6, $total); // Hack pour les etablissements qui ont un service "Périmés" $where_services = array("nom" => "= 'Périmés'"); $services_expired = new CService(); $services_expired_ids = $services_expired->loadIds($where_services); // Output ////////////////// $where = array("product_delivery.stock_class" => "= 'CProductStockGroup'", "product_delivery.stock_id" => "= '{$product->_ref_stock_group->_id}'", "product_delivery_trace.date_delivery" => "BETWEEN '{$date}' AND '{$to}'"); if (count($services_expired_ids)) { $where[100] = "(product_delivery.type != 'expired' OR product_delivery.type IS NULL)\r\n AND product_delivery.service_id NOT IN (" . implode(',', $services_expired_ids) . ")"; } else { $where[100] = "product_delivery.type != 'expired' OR product_delivery.type IS NULL"; } $ljoin = array("product_delivery" => "product_delivery.delivery_id = product_delivery_trace.delivery_id"); $trace = new CProductDeliveryTrace(); /** @var CProductDeliveryTrace $traces */ $traces = $trace->loadList($where, null, null, null, $ljoin); $total = 0; foreach ($traces as $_trace) { $total += $_trace->quantity;
/** * $Id$ * * @category Soins * @package Mediboard * @author SARL OpenXtrem <*****@*****.**> * @license GNU General Public License, see * @version $Revision$ * @link */ $service_id = CValue::get("service_id"); // Le service_id en get lors du fetch pour le plan de soins pose problème unset($_GET["service_id"]); $date = CValue::get("date", CMbDT::date()); $service = new CService(); $service->load($service_id); $datetime_min = "{$date} 00:00:00"; $datetime_max = "{$date} 23:59:59"; $datetime_avg = "{$date} " . CMbDT::time(); $date_tolerance = CAppUI::conf("dPurgences date_tolerance"); $date_before = CMbDT::date("-{$date_tolerance} DAY", $date); $date_after = CMbDT::date("+1 DAY", $date); $group = CGroups::loadCurrent(); $sejour = new CSejour(); $where = array(); $ljoin = array(); $ljoin["affectation"] = "sejour.sejour_id = affectation.sejour_id"; $where["sejour.entree"] = "<= '{$datetime_max}'"; $where["sejour.sortie"] = " >= '{$datetime_min}'"; $where["sejour.group_id"] = "= '{$group->_id}'";
CCanDo::checkRead(); // Filtres d'affichage $selSortis = CValue::getOrSession("selSortis", "0"); $order_col = CValue::getOrSession("order_col", "patient_id"); $order_way = CValue::getOrSession("order_way", "ASC"); $date = CValue::getOrSession("date", CMbDT::date()); $type = CValue::getOrSession("type"); $service_id = CValue::getOrSession("service_id"); $prat_id = CValue::getOrSession("prat_id"); $period = CValue::getOrSession("period"); $filterFunction = CValue::getOrSession("filterFunction"); $date_actuelle = CMbDT::dateTime("00:00:00"); $date_demain = CMbDT::dateTime("00:00:00", "+ 1 day"); $hier = CMbDT::date("- 1 day", $date); $demain = CMbDT::date("+ 1 day", $date); $service_id = CService::getServicesIdsPref($service_id); // Récupération de la liste des praticiens $prat = CMediusers::get(); $prats = $prat->loadPraticiens(); $sejour = new CSejour(); $sejour->_type_admission = $type; $sejour->praticien_id = $prat_id; // Création du template $smarty = new CSmartyDP(); $smarty->assign("sejour", $sejour); $smarty->assign("date_demain", $date_demain); $smarty->assign("date_actuelle", $date_actuelle); $smarty->assign("date", $date); $smarty->assign("selSortis", $selSortis); $smarty->assign("order_way", $order_way); $smarty->assign("order_col", $order_col);
public function bind($mobile, $no, $name) { $members = CService::factory("Member")->queryMemberAnd($mobile, $no, $name); if (empty($members)) { $this->setError("can not find this member!"); return array(-1, null); } $arr = array(); foreach ($members as $key => $value) { $cards = D("Card")->getAllCards($value['id']); foreach ($cards as $card) { $info = array("card_id" => $card['card_number']); $club_id = ""; $clubs = array(); $contracts = D("Contract")->getAllContract($card['id']); foreach ($contracts as $contract) { $clbs = D("CardUseclub")->getAllUseClub($contract['card_type_id']); foreach ($clbs as $clb) { $clubs[] = $clb['id']; } } $clubs = array_unique($clubs); $club_id = implode(',', $clubs); $info['club_id'] = $club_id; $arr[] = $info; } } return array(0, $arr); }
$key++; } // suppression des series vides foreach ($series as $_key => $_serie) { if ($_serie['subtotal'] == 0) { unset($series[$_key]); } } $series = array_values($series); break; // Nombre de mutations // Nombre de mutations case "mutations_count": $data[$axe] = array("options" => array("title" => utf8_encode("Nombre de mutations")), "series" => array()); $series =& $data[$axe]['series']; $service = new CService(); $service->group_id = CGroups::loadCurrent()->_id; $service->cancelled = 0; $services = $service->loadMatchingList("nom"); $services["none"] = new CService(); $services["none"]->_view = "Non renseigné"; $where["sejour.mode_sortie"] = "= 'mutation'"; $key = 0; foreach ($services as $_id => $_service) { $series[$key] = array('data' => array(), 'label' => utf8_encode($_service->_view)); $sub_total = 0; foreach ($dates as $i => $_date) { $_date_next = CMbDT::date("+1 {$period}", $_date); $where['sejour.entree'] = "BETWEEN '{$_date}' AND '{$_date_next}'"; $where['sejour.service_sortie_id'] = $_id === "none" ? "IS NULL" : "= '{$_id}'"; $count = $sejour->countList($where, null, $ljoin);
<?php /** * $Id$ * * @category Admissions * @package Mediboard * @author SARL OpenXtrem <*****@*****.**> * @license GNU General Public License, see * @version $Revision$ * @link */ CCanDo::checkRead(); // Chargement du séjour s'il y en a un $sejour = new CSejour(); $sejour->load(CValue::get("sejour_id")); $service_id = $sejour->service_sortie_id; $service = new CService(); $service->load($service_id); // Chargement des services $order = "nom"; $services = $service->loadList(null, $order); // Création du template $smarty = new CSmartyDP(); $smarty->assign("service", $service); $smarty->assign("services", $services); $smarty->display("inc_vw_services.tpl");
<?php /* $Id: do_delivery_aed.php 6067 2009-04-14 08:04:15Z phenxdesign $ */ /** * @package Mediboard * @subpackage soins * @version $Revision: 6067 $ * @author SARL OpenXtrem * @license GNU General Public License, see */ $service_id = CValue::get('service_id'); $date_min = CValue::get('date_min'); $date_max = CValue::get('date_max'); $service = new CService(); $orders = array(); if ($service->load($service_id) && $date_min && $date_max) { $stocks = $service->loadBackRefs('product_stock_services'); if ($stocks) { foreach ($stocks as $stock) { $stock->loadRefsFwd(); $stock_group = CProductStockGroup::getFromCode($stock->_ref_product->code); $target_quantity = $stock->order_threshold_optimum ? $stock->order_threshold_optimum : $stock->order_threshold_max; if (CAppUI::conf('dPstock CProductStockService infinite_quantity') != 1) { $effective_quantity = $stock->quantity; $where = array('product_delivery.date_dispensation' => "BETWEEN '{$date_min} 00:00:00' AND '{$date_max} 23:59:59'", 'product_delivery.stock_id' => " = '{$stock_group->_id}'", 'product_delivery.stock_class' => " = '{$stock_group->_class}'", 'product.category_id' => " = '" . CAppUI::conf('dPmedicament CBcbProduitLivretTherapeutique product_category_id') . "'"); $ljoin = array('product_stock_group' => 'product_delivery.stock_id = product_stock_group.stock_id', 'product' => 'product.product_id = product_stock_group.product_id'); $delivery = new CProductDelivery(); $deliveries = $delivery->loadList($where, null, null, null, $ljoin); foreach ($deliveries as $delivery) { if ($delivery->order == 1 && $delivery->quantity > 0) { $effective_quantity += $delivery->quantity;
$services = array(); $services_type = array("Urgences" => CService::loadServicesUrgence(), "UHCD" => CService::loadServicesUHCD()); if (CAppUI::conf("dPurgences view_rpu_uhcd")) { // Affichage des services UHCD et d'urgence $services = CService::loadServicesUHCDRPU(); } elseif ($sejour->type == "comp" && $sejour->UHCD) { // UHCD pour un séjour "comp" et en UHCD $services = $services_type["UHCD"]; unset($services_type["Urgences"]); } else { // Urgences pour un séjour "urg" $services = $services_type["Urgences"]; unset($services_type["UHCD"]); } if ($imagerie_etendue) { $service_imagerie = CService::loadServicesImagerie(); $services_type["Imagerie"] = $service_imagerie; $services = array_merge($services, $services_type["Imagerie"]); } $module_orumip = CModule::getActive("orumip"); $orumip_active = $module_orumip && $module_orumip->mod_active; $nb_printers = 0; if (CModule::getActive("printing")) { // Chargement des imprimantes pour l'impression d'étiquettes $user_printers = CMediusers::get(); $function = $user_printers->loadRefFunction(); $nb_printers = $function->countBackRefs("printers"); } $list_mode_entree = array(); if (CAppUI::conf("dPplanningOp CSejour use_custom_mode_entree")) { $mode_entree = new CModeEntreeSejour();
/** * Mapping et enregistrement de l'affectation * * @param CSejour $newVenue Admit * @param array $data Datas * @param CMovement $movement Movement * * @return CAffectation|string|null */ function mapAndStoreAffectation(CSejour $newVenue, $data, CMovement $movement = null) { $sender = $this->_ref_sender; if ($newVenue->annule) { return null; } $PV1_3 = $this->queryNode("PV1.3", $data["PV1"]); $affectation = new CAffectation(); $affectation->sejour_id = $newVenue->_id; $event_code = $this->_ref_exchange_hl7v2->code; // Récupération de la date de réalisation de l'évènement // Dans le cas spécifique de quelques évènements, on récupère le code sur le ZBE $datetime = $this->queryTextNode("EVN.6/TS.1", $data["EVN"]); if (array_key_exists("ZBE", $data) && $data["ZBE"] && CMbArray::in($event_code, array("A01", "A02", "A04", "A15", "Z80", "Z84"))) { $datetime = $this->queryTextNode("ZBE.2/TS.1", $data["ZBE"]); } switch ($event_code) { // Cas d'une suppression de mutation ou d'une permission d'absence case "A12": case "A52": // Quand on a un mouvement (provenant d'un ZBE) if (array_key_exists("ZBE", $data) && $data["ZBE"]) { if (!$movement) { return null; } $affectation->load($movement->affectation_id); if (!$affectation->_id) { return "Le mouvement '{$movement->_id}' n'est pas lié à une affectation dans Mediboard"; } } else { $affectation->entree = $datetime; $affectation->loadMatchingObject(); if (!$affectation->_id) { return null; } } // Pas de synchronisation $affectation->_no_synchro = true; if ($msgAffectation = $affectation->delete()) { return $msgAffectation; } return null; // Annulation admission // Annulation admission case "A11": if (!$movement) { return null; } $affectation = $newVenue->getCurrAffectation($datetime); // Si le mouvement n'a pas d'affectation associée, et que l'on a déjà une affectation dans MB if (!$movement->affectation_id && $affectation->_id) { return "Le mouvement '{$movement->_id}' n'est pas lié à une affectation dans Mediboard"; } // Si on a une affectation associée, alors on charge celle-ci if ($movement->affectation_id) { $affectation = $movement->loadRefAffectation(); } // Pas de synchronisation $affectation->_no_synchro = true; if ($msg = $affectation->delete()) { return $msg; } return null; // Annuler le retour du patient // Annuler le retour du patient case "A53": if (!$movement) { return null; } $affectation->load($movement->affectation_id); if (!$affectation->_id) { return "Le mouvement '{$movement->_id}' n'est pas lié à une affectation dans Mediboard"; } $affectation->effectue = 0; // Pas de synchronisation $affectation->_no_synchro = true; $affectation->_eai_sender_guid = $sender->_guid; if ($msg = $affectation->store()) { return $msg; } return $affectation; // Cas d'un départ pour une permission d'absence // Cas d'un départ pour une permission d'absence case "A21": $affectation->entree = $datetime; $affectation->loadMatchingObject(); // Si on ne retrouve pas une affectation // Création de l'affectation // et mettre à 'effectuee' la précédente si elle existe sinon création de celle-ci if (!$affectation->_id) { $service_externe = CService::loadServiceExterne($sender->group_id); if (!$service_externe->_id) { return "CService-externe-none"; } $affectation->service_id = $service_externe->_id; $return_affectation = $newVenue->forceAffectation($affectation, true); //$datetime, $affectation->lit_id, $affectation->service_id); if (is_string($return_affectation)) { return $return_affectation; } $affectation = $return_affectation; } return $affectation; // Cas d'un retour pour une permission d'absence // Cas d'un retour pour une permission d'absence case "A22": $service_externe = CService::loadServiceExterne($sender->group_id); if (!$service_externe->_id) { return "CService-externe-none"; } // Recherche de l'affectation correspondant à une permission d'absence $search = new CAffectation(); $where = array(); $where["sejour_id"] = "= '{$newVenue->_id}'"; $where["service_id"] = "= '{$service_externe->_id}'"; $where["effectue"] = "= '0'"; $where["entree"] = "<= '{$datetime}'"; $where["sortie"] = ">= '{$datetime}'"; $search->loadObject($where); // Si on ne la retrouve pas on prend la plus proche if (!$search->_id) { $where = array(); $where["sejour_id"] = "= '{$newVenue->_id}'"; $where["service_id"] = "= '{$service_externe->_id}'"; $where["effectue"] = "= '0'"; $search->loadObject($where); } $search->effectue = 1; $search->sortie = $datetime; $search->_eai_sender_guid = $sender->_guid; if ($msg = $search->store()) { return $msg; } return $search; // Cas mutation // Cas mutation case "A02": $affectation->entree = $datetime; $affectation->loadMatchingObject(); // Si on ne retrouve pas une affectation // Création de l'affectation // et mettre à 'effectuee' la précédente si elle existe sinon création de celle-ci if (!$affectation->_id) { // Récupération du Lit et UFs $this->getPL($PV1_3, $affectation, $newVenue); $return_affectation = $newVenue->forceAffectation($affectation, true); //$datetime, $affectation->lit_id, $affectation->service_id); if (is_string($return_affectation)) { return $return_affectation; } $affectation = $return_affectation; } break; // Cas modification // Cas modification case "Z99": if (!$movement) { return null; } // Si on a une affectation associée, alors on charge celle-ci if ($movement->affectation_id) { $affectation = $movement->loadRefAffectation(); } else { // On recherche l'affectation "courante" // Si qu'une affectation sur le séjour $newVenue->loadRefsAffectations(); if (count($newVenue->_ref_affectations) == 1) { $affectation = reset($newVenue->_ref_affectations); } else { // On recherche l'affectation "courante" $affectation = $newVenue->getCurrAffectation($datetime); } // Sinon on récupère et on met à jour la première affectation if (!$affectation->_id) { $affectation->sejour_id = $newVenue->_id; $affectation->entree = $newVenue->entree; $affectation->sortie = $newVenue->sortie; } } break; // Tous les autres cas on récupère et on met à jour la première affectation // Tous les autres cas on récupère et on met à jour la première affectation default: $newVenue->loadRefsAffectations(); $affectation = $newVenue->_ref_first_affectation; if (!$affectation->_id) { $affectation->sejour_id = $newVenue->_id; $affectation->entree = $newVenue->entree; $affectation->sortie = $newVenue->sortie; } } // Si pas d'UF/service/chambre/lit on retourne une affectation vide if (!$PV1_3) { if ($msgVenue = self::storeUFMedicaleSoinsSejour($data, $newVenue)) { return $msgVenue; } return $affectation; } if ($this->queryTextNode("PL.1", $PV1_3) == $sender->_configs["handle_PV1_3_null"]) { if ($msgVenue = self::storeUFMedicaleSoinsSejour($data, $newVenue)) { return $msgVenue; } return $affectation; } // Si pas de lit on affecte le service sur le séjour if (!$this->queryTextNode("PL.3", $PV1_3)) { $affectation_uf = new CAffectationUniteFonctionnelle(); // On essaye de récupérer le service dans ce cas depuis l'UF d'hébergement $date_deb = $affectation->_id ? CMbDT::date($affectation->sortie) : CMbDT::date($newVenue->sortie); $date_fin = $affectation->_id ? CMbDT::date($affectation->entree) : CMbDT::date($newVenue->entree); $uf = CUniteFonctionnelle::getUF($this->queryTextNode("PL.1", $PV1_3), "hebergement", $newVenue->group_id, $date_deb, $date_fin); if ($uf->code && $uf->_id) { $affectation_uf->uf_id = $uf->_id; $affectation_uf->object_class = "CService"; $affectation_uf->loadMatchingObject(); } // Dans le cas où l'on retrouve un service associé à l'UF d'hébergement if ($affectation_uf->_id) { $newVenue->service_id = $affectation_uf->object_id; $newVenue->uf_hebergement_id = $affectation_uf->uf_id; } $uf_med = $this->mappingUFMedicale($data, $newVenue, $affectation); $newVenue->uf_medicale_id = $uf_med ? $uf_med->_id : null; $uf_soins = $this->mappingUFSoins($data, $newVenue, $affectation); $newVenue->uf_soins_id = $uf_soins ? $uf_soins->_id : null; // On ne check pas la cohérence des dates des consults/intervs $newVenue->_skip_date_consistencies = true; $newVenue->_eai_sender_guid = $sender->_guid; if ($msgVenue = self::storeUFMedicaleSoinsSejour($data, $newVenue)) { return $msgVenue; } // Si on a pas d'UF on retourne une affectation vide if (!$uf->_id || !$affectation_uf->_id) { return $affectation; } } // Récupération du Lit et UFs $this->getPL($PV1_3, $affectation, $newVenue); $uf_med = $this->mappingUFMedicale($data, $newVenue, $affectation); $affectation->uf_medicale_id = $uf_med ? $uf_med->_id : null; $uf_soins = $this->mappingUFSoins($data, $newVenue, $affectation); $affectation->uf_soins_id = $uf_soins ? $uf_soins->_id : null; $affectation->_eai_sender_guid = $sender->_guid; if ($msg = $affectation->store()) { return $msg; } return $affectation; }
{ $ccmu1 = CValue::first($sejour1->_ref_rpu->ccmu, "9"); $ccmu2 = CValue::first($sejour2->_ref_rpu->ccmu, "9"); if ($ccmu1 == "P") { $ccmu1 = "1"; } if ($ccmu2 == "P") { $ccmu2 = "1"; } return $ccmu2 - $ccmu1; } uasort($listSejours, "ccmu_cmp"); } // Chargement des boxes d'urgences $boxes = array(); foreach (CService::loadServicesUHCD() as $service) { foreach ($service->_ref_chambres as $chambre) { foreach ($chambre->_ref_lits as $lit) { $boxes[$lit->_id] = $lit; } } } // Si admin sur le module urgences, alors modification autorisée du diagnostic // infirmier depuis la main courante. $module = new CModule(); $module->mod_name = "dPurgences"; $module->loadMatchingObject(); $admin_urgences = $module->canAdmin(); // Création du template $smarty = new CSmartyDP(); $smarty->assign("boxes", $boxes);
* * @package Mediboard * @subpackage Hospi * @author SARL OpenXtrem <*****@*****.**> * @license GNU General Public License, see * @version $Revision$ */ CCanDo::checkRead(); $group = CGroups::loadCurrent(); $ds = CSQLDataSource::get("std"); $service_id = CValue::getOrSession("service_id", 0); $bloc_id = CValue::getOrSession("bloc_id", 0); $date_suivi = CValue::getOrSession("date_suivi", CMbDT::date()); $listOps = array(); // Liste des services $service = new CService(); $where = array(); $where["group_id"] = "= '{$group->_id}'"; $where["cancelled"] = "= '0'"; $order = "nom"; $services = $service->loadListWithPerms(PERM_READ, $where, $order); // Liste des blocs $bloc = new CBlocOperatoire(); $where = array(); $where["group_id"] = "= '{$group->_id}'"; $order = "nom"; $blocs = $bloc->loadListWithPerms(PERM_READ, $where, $order); // Listes des interventions $operation = new COperation(); $ljoin = array("plagesop" => "`operations`.`plageop_id` = `plagesop`.`plageop_id`", "sallesbloc" => "`operations`.`salle_id` = `sallesbloc`.`salle_id`", "sejour" => "`operations`.`sejour_id` = `sejour`.`sejour_id`"); $where = array();
/** * $Id: offline_prescriptions_multipart.php 27852 2015-04-03 09:55:15Z alexis_granger $ * * @package Mediboard * @subpackage Soins * @author SARL OpenXtrem <*****@*****.**> * @license GNU General Public License, see * @version $Revision: 27852 $ */ ob_clean(); CApp::setMemoryLimit("1024M"); CApp::setTimeLimit(240); $service_id = CValue::get("service_id"); $date = CValue::get("date", CMbDT::date()); $service = new CService(); $service->load($service_id); $datetime_min = "{$date} 00:00:00"; $datetime_max = "{$date} 23:59:59"; $datetime_avg = "{$date} " . CMbDT::time(); $sejour = new CSejour(); $where = array(); $ljoin = array(); $ljoin["affectation"] = "sejour.sejour_id = affectation.sejour_id"; $where["sejour.entree"] = "<= '{$datetime_max}'"; $where["sejour.sortie"] = " >= '{$datetime_min}'"; $where["affectation.entree"] = "<= '{$datetime_max}'"; $where["affectation.sortie"] = ">= '{$datetime_min}'"; $where["affectation.service_id"] = " = '{$service_id}'"; /** @var CSejour[] $sejours */ $sejours = $sejour->loadList($where, null, null, "sejour.sejour_id", $ljoin);
/** * Affichage du graphique de la réparition des patients par service * * @param date $debut Début de la période * @param date $fin Fin de la période * @param int $prat_id Filtre sur un praticien * @param int $service_id Filtre sur un service * @param string $type_adm Filtre sur le type d'admission * @param int $func_id Filtre sur un cabinet * @param int $discipline_id Filtre sur une discipline * @param int $septique Filtre sur les patients septiques * @param string $type_data Choix du type de données * * @return array */ function graphPatParService($debut = null, $fin = null, $prat_id = 0, $service_id = 0, $type_adm = "", $func_id = 0, $discipline_id = 0, $septique = 0, $type_data = "prevue") { if (!$debut) { $debut = CMbDT::date("-1 YEAR"); } if (!$fin) { $fin = CMbDT::date(); } $group_id = CGroups::loadCurrent()->_id; $prat = new CMediusers(); $prat->load($prat_id); $discipline = new CDiscipline(); $discipline->load($discipline_id); $ticks = array(); $serie_total = array('label' => 'Total', 'data' => array(), 'markers' => array('show' => true), 'bars' => array('show' => false)); for ($i = $debut; $i <= $fin; $i = CMbDT::date("+1 MONTH", $i)) { $ticks[] = array(count($ticks), CMbDT::transform("+0 DAY", $i, "%m/%Y")); $serie_total['data'][] = array(count($serie_total['data']), 0); } $where = array(); if ($service_id) { $where["service_id"] = "= '{$service_id}'"; } $service = new CService(); $services = $service->loadGroupList($where); $sejour = new CSejour(); $listHospis = array(1 => "Hospi complètes + ambu") + $sejour->_specs["type"]->_locales; $total = 0; $series = array(); // Patients placés foreach ($services as $service) { $serie = array('data' => array(), 'label' => utf8_encode($service->nom)); $query = "SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT sejour.sejour_id) AS total, service.nom AS nom,\r\n DATE_FORMAT(affectation.entree, '%m/%Y') AS mois,\r\n DATE_FORMAT(affectation.entree, '%Y%m') AS orderitem\r\n FROM sejour\r\n LEFT JOIN users_mediboard ON sejour.praticien_id = users_mediboard.user_id\r\n LEFT JOIN affectation ON sejour.sejour_id = affectation.sejour_id\r\n LEFT JOIN service ON affectation.service_id = service.service_id\r\n WHERE\r\n sejour.annule = '0' AND\r\n sejour.group_id = '{$group_id}' AND\r\n affectation.entree < '{$fin} 23:59:59' AND\r\n affectation.sortie > '{$debut} 00:00:00' AND\r\n service.service_id = '{$service->_id}'"; if ($type_data == "reelle") { $query .= "\nAND sejour.entree_reelle BETWEEN '{$debut} 00:00:00' AND '{$fin} 23:59:59'"; } if ($prat_id) { $query .= "\nAND sejour.praticien_id = '{$prat_id}'"; } if ($discipline_id) { $query .= "\nAND users_mediboard.discipline_id = '{$discipline_id}'"; } if ($septique) { $query .= "\nAND sejour.septique = '{$septique}'"; } if ($type_adm) { if ($type_adm == 1) { $query .= "\nAND (sejour.type = 'comp' OR sejour.type = 'ambu')"; } else { $query .= "\nAND sejour.type = '{$type_adm}'"; } } $query .= "\nGROUP BY mois ORDER BY orderitem"; $result = $sejour->_spec->ds->loadlist($query); foreach ($ticks as $i => $tick) { $f = true; foreach ($result as $r) { if ($tick[1] == $r["mois"]) { $serie["data"][] = array($i, $r["total"]); $serie_total["data"][$i][1] += $r["total"]; $total += $r["total"]; $f = false; break; } } if ($f) { $serie["data"][] = array(count($serie["data"]), 0); } } $series[] = $serie; } // Patients non placés if (!$service_id) { $serie = array('data' => array(), 'label' => utf8_encode("Non placés")); $query = "SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT sejour.sejour_id) AS total, 'Non placés' AS nom,\r\n DATE_FORMAT(sejour.entree_{$type_data}, '%m/%Y') AS mois,\r\n DATE_FORMAT(sejour.entree_{$type_data}, '%Y%m') AS orderitem\r\n FROM sejour\r\n LEFT JOIN users_mediboard ON sejour.praticien_id = users_mediboard.user_id\r\n LEFT JOIN affectation ON sejour.sejour_id = affectation.sejour_id\r\n WHERE \r\n sejour.annule = '0' AND\r\n sejour.group_id = '{$group_id}' AND\r\n sejour.entree_{$type_data} < '{$fin} 23:59:59' AND\r\n sejour.sortie_{$type_data} > '{$debut} 00:00:00' AND\r\n\r\n affectation.affectation_id IS NULL"; if ($prat_id) { $query .= "\nAND sejour.praticien_id = '{$prat_id}'"; } if ($discipline_id) { $query .= "\nAND users_mediboard.discipline_id = '{$discipline_id}'"; } if ($septique) { $query .= "\nAND sejour.septique = '{$septique}'"; } if ($type_adm) { if ($type_adm == 1) { $query .= "\nAND (sejour.type = 'comp' OR sejour.type = 'ambu')"; } else { $query .= "\nAND sejour.type = '{$type_adm}'"; } } $query .= "\nGROUP BY mois ORDER BY orderitem"; $resultNP = $sejour->_spec->ds->loadlist($query); foreach ($ticks as $i => $tick) { $f = true; foreach ($resultNP as $r) { if ($tick[1] == $r["mois"]) { $serie["data"][] = array($i, $r["total"]); $serie_total["data"][$i][1] += $r["total"]; $total += $r["total"]; $f = false; break; } } if ($f) { $serie["data"][] = array(count($serie["data"]), 0); } } $series[] = $serie; } $series[] = $serie_total; $subtitle = "{$total} passages"; if ($prat_id) { $subtitle .= " - Dr {$prat->_view}"; } if ($discipline_id) { $subtitle .= " - {$discipline->_view}"; } if ($type_adm) { $subtitle .= " - " . $listHospis[$type_adm]; } if ($septique) { $subtitle .= " - Septiques"; } $options = array('title' => utf8_encode("Nombre de patients par service - {$type_data}"), 'subtitle' => utf8_encode($subtitle), 'xaxis' => array('labelsAngle' => 45, 'ticks' => $ticks), 'yaxis' => array('min' => 0, 'autoscaleMargin' => 1), 'bars' => array('show' => true, 'stacked' => true, 'barWidth' => 0.8), 'HtmlText' => false, 'legend' => array('show' => true, 'position' => 'nw'), 'grid' => array('verticalLines' => false), 'spreadsheet' => array('show' => true, 'csvFileSeparator' => ';', 'decimalSeparator' => ',', 'tabGraphLabel' => utf8_encode('Graphique'), 'tabDataLabel' => utf8_encode('Données'), 'toolbarDownload' => utf8_encode('Fichier CSV'), 'toolbarSelectAll' => utf8_encode('Sélectionner tout le tableau'))); return array('series' => $series, 'options' => $options); }
* @subpackage Hospi * @author SARL OpenXtrem <*****@*****.**> * @license GNU General Public License, see * @version $Revision$ */ CCanDo::checkRead(); // Récupération des paramètres $date = CValue::getOrSession("date", CMbDT::dateTime()); $services_ids = CValue::getOrSession("services_ids"); $services_ids = CService::getServicesIdsPref($services_ids); if (!$services_ids) { $smarty = new CSmartyDP(); $smarty->display("inc_no_services.tpl"); CApp::rip(); } $service = new CService(); $services = $service->loadAll($services_ids, "nom"); $services_noms = array(); foreach ($services as $serv) { /* @var CService $serv*/ $services_noms[$serv->_id] = $serv->nom; } $chambres = array(); $grilles = array(); $ensemble_lits_charges = array(); $conf_nb_colonnes = CAppUI::conf("dPhospi nb_colonnes_vue_topologique"); foreach ($services as $serv) { $grille = null; $grille = array_fill(0, $conf_nb_colonnes, array_fill(0, $conf_nb_colonnes, 0)); $chambres = $serv->loadRefsChambres(false); foreach ($chambres as $ch) {
if ($rpu && $rpu->_id) { // Mise en session du rpu_id $_SESSION["dPurgences"]["rpu_id"] = $rpu->_id; $rpu->loadRefSejourMutation(); $affectation = $sejour->loadRefCurrAffectation(); $affectation->loadRefService(); // Urgences pour un séjour "urg" if ($sejour->type == "urg") { $services = CService::loadServicesUrgence(); } // UHCD pour un séjour "comp" et en UHCD if ($sejour->type == "comp" && $sejour->UHCD) { $services = CService::loadServicesUHCD(); } if ($affectation->_ref_service && $affectation->_ref_service->radiologie == "1") { $services = CService::loadServicesImagerie(); } if (CAppUI::conf("dPplanningOp CSejour use_custom_mode_sortie")) { $mode_sortie = new CModeSortieSejour(); $where = array("actif" => "= '1'"); $list_mode_sortie = $mode_sortie->loadGroupList($where); } } $where = array(); $where["entree"] = "<= '" . CMbDT::dateTime() . "'"; $where["sortie"] = ">= '" . CMbDT::dateTime() . "'"; $where["function_id"] = "IS NOT NULL"; $affectation = new CAffectation(); /** @var CAffectation[] $blocages_lit */ $blocages_lit = $affectation->loadList($where); $where["function_id"] = "IS NULL";
$lastmonth = CMbDT::date("first day of previous month", $date); $sans_anesth = CValue::getOrSession("sans_anesth", 0); // Sélection du praticien $mediuser = CMediusers::get(); $listPrat = $mediuser->loadPraticiens(PERM_EDIT); foreach ($listPrat as $_prat) { $_prat->loadRefFunction(); } $selPrat = CValue::getOrSession("selPrat", $mediuser->isPraticien() ? $mediuser->user_id : null); $selPraticien = new CMediusers(); $selPraticien->load($selPrat); $group = CGroups::loadCurrent(); if ($selPraticien->isAnesth()) { // Selection des différentes interventions de la journée par service $count_ops = array("ambu" => 0, "comp" => 0, "hors_plage" => 0); $service = new CService(); $services = $service->loadGroupList(); $interv = new COperation(); $order = "operations.chir_id, operations.time_operation"; $ljoin = array("plagesop" => "plagesop.plageop_id = operations.plageop_id", "sejour" => "sejour.sejour_id = operations.sejour_id", "affectation" => "affectation.sejour_id = sejour.sejour_id\r\n AND '{$date}' BETWEEN DATE(affectation.entree)\r\n AND DATE(affectation.sortie)", "lit" => "lit.lit_id = affectation.lit_id", "chambre" => "chambre.chambre_id = lit.chambre_id", "service" => "service.service_id = chambre.service_id"); $where_anesth = "operations.anesth_id = '{$selPraticien->_id}' OR plagesop.anesth_id = '{$selPraticien->_id}'"; if ($sans_anesth) { $where_anesth .= " OR operations.anesth_id IS NULL OR plagesop.anesth_id IS NULL"; } $whereAmbu = array("" => "= '{$date}'", "sejour.type" => "= 'ambu'", "sejour.group_id" => "= '{$group->_id}'"); $whereAmbu[] = $where_anesth; if (!$canceled) { $whereAmbu["operations.annulee"] = " = '0'"; } $whereHospi = array("" => "= '{$date}'", "sejour.type" => "= 'comp'", "sejour.group_id" => "= '{$group->_id}'"); $whereHospi[] = $where_anesth;
/** * Get servoces list * * @return CService[] */ static function getServicesList() { $service = new CService(); $where = array(); if (CAppUI::conf("dPstock host_group_id")) { $where["group_id"] = "IS NOT NULL"; } return $service->loadListWithPerms(PERM_READ, $where, "nom"); }
static function getServicesIdsPref($services_ids = array()) { // Détection du changement d'établissement $group_id = CValue::get("g"); if (!$services_ids || $group_id) { $group_id = $group_id ? $group_id : CGroups::loadCurrent()->_id; $pref_services_ids = json_decode(CAppUI::pref("services_ids_hospi")); // Si la préférence existe, alors on la charge if (isset($pref_services_ids->{"g{$group_id}"})) { $services_ids = $pref_services_ids->{"g{$group_id}"}; $services_ids = explode("|", $services_ids); CMbArray::removeValue("", $services_ids); } else { $service = new CService(); $where = array(); $where["group_id"] = "= '" . CGroups::loadCurrent()->_id . "'"; $where["cancelled"] = "= '0'"; $services_ids = array_keys($service->loadListWithPerms(PERM_READ, $where, "externe, nom")); } } if (is_array($services_ids)) { CMbArray::removeValue("", $services_ids); } global $m; $save_m = $m; foreach (array("dPhospi", "dPadmissions") as $_module) { $m = $_module; CValue::setSession("services_ids", $services_ids); } $m = $save_m; return $services_ids; }
<?php /** * $Id$ * * @package Mediboard * @subpackage Hospi * @author SARL OpenXtrem <*****@*****.**> * @license GNU General Public License, see * @version $Revision$ */ $services_ids = CValue::getOrSession("services_ids"); $readonly = CValue::getOrSession("readonly"); $services_ids = CService::getServicesIdsPref($services_ids); $smarty = new CSmartyDP(); $smarty->assign("readonly", $readonly); $smarty->display("vw_placements.tpl");
* @version $Revision$ */ $services_ids = CValue::getOrSession("services_ids", array()); $services_ids_suggest = CValue::get("services_ids_suggest", null); $view = CValue::get("view"); $ajax_request = CValue::get("ajax_request", 1); if (!is_array($services_ids_suggest) && !is_null($services_ids_suggest)) { $services_ids = explode(",", $services_ids_suggest); } $group_id = CGroups::loadCurrent()->_id; $where = array(); $where["group_id"] = "= '{$group_id}'"; $where["cancelled"] = "= '0'"; $where["secteur_id"] = "IS NULL"; $order = "externe, nom"; $service = new CService(); $all_services = $service->loadList($where, $order); unset($where["secteur_id"]); $services_allowed = $service->loadListWithPerms(PERM_READ, $where, $order); $where = array(); $where["group_id"] = "= '{$group_id}'"; $secteur = new CSecteur(); $secteurs = $secteur->loadList($where, "nom"); foreach ($secteurs as $_secteur) { $_secteur->loadRefsServices(); $keys2 = array_keys($_secteur->_ref_services); $_secteur->_all_checked = count($_secteur->_ref_services) > 0 ? array_values(array_intersect($services_ids, $keys2)) == $keys2 : false; } $services_ids_hospi = CAppUI::pref("services_ids_hospi"); if (!$services_ids_hospi) { $services_ids_hospi = "{}";
* @package Mediboard * @subpackage Hospi * @author SARL OpenXtrem <*****@*****.**> * @license GNU General Public License, see * @version $Revision: 20186 $ */ $date = CValue::getOrSession("date"); // Chargement des praticiens $med = new CMediusers(); $listPrat = $med->loadPraticiens(PERM_READ); $dateEntree = CMbDT::dateTime("23:59:00", $date); $dateSortie = CMbDT::dateTime("00:01:00", $date); $hierEntree = CMbDT::date("- 1 day", $dateEntree); $hierEntree = CMbDT::dateTime("23:59:00", $hierEntree); // Chargement des services $service = new CService(); $whereServices = array(); $whereServices["group_id"] = "= '" . CGroups::loadCurrent()->_id . "'"; $whereServices["cancelled"] = "= '0'"; $services = $service->loadListWithPerms(PERM_READ, $whereServices, "nom"); // Initialisations $totalHospi = 0; $totalAmbulatoire = 0; $totalMedecin = 0; $total_prat = array(); foreach ($listPrat as $key => $prat) { $totalPrat[$prat->_id]["prat"] = $prat; $totalPrat[$prat->_id]["hospi"] = 0; $totalPrat[$prat->_id]["ambu"] = 0; $totalPrat[$prat->_id]["total"] = 0; }
$sejour->loadNDA(); // Cas des urgences $rpu = $sejour->loadRefRPU(); if ($rpu && $rpu->_id) { $rpu->loadRefSejourMutation(); $sejour->loadRefCurrAffectation()->loadRefService(); // Urgences pour un séjour "urg" if ($sejour->type == "urg") { $services = CService::loadServicesUrgence(); } if ($sejour->_ref_curr_affectation->_ref_service->radiologie == "1") { $services = array_merge($services, CService::loadServicesImagerie()); } // UHCD pour un séjour "comp" et en UHCD if ($sejour->type == "comp" && $sejour->UHCD) { $services = CService::loadServicesUHCD(); } if (CAppUI::conf("dPplanningOp CSejour use_custom_mode_sortie")) { $mode_sortie = new CModeSortieSejour(); $where = array("actif" => "= '1'"); $list_mode_sortie = $mode_sortie->loadGroupList($where); } } } $smarty = new CSmartyDP(); $smarty->assign("listAnesths", $listAnesths); $smarty->assign("listChirs", $listChirs); $smarty->assign("services", $services); $smarty->assign("list_mode_sortie", $list_mode_sortie); $smarty->assign("consult", $consult); $smarty->assign("consult_anesth", $consult_anesth);