function step_3() { $presets = $preset_options = array(); $this->js['product_message'] = __('Please provide a name for your product', OP_SN); $type = op_page_option('theme', 'type'); $membership = $type == 'membership'; op_tpl_assign('page_type', $type); if (($dirs = op_dir_list(OP_PAGES . $type)) === false) { return op_show_error(__('No themes were found. Please check the themes directory is present and contains themes.', OP_SN)); } $themes = $js_options = $landing_themes = array(); foreach ($dirs as $d) { if (($conf = op_load_page_config($d)) !== false) { $themes[] = array('name' => $conf['name'], 'screenshot' => $conf['screenshot'], 'screenshot_thumbnail' => $conf['screenshot_thumbnail'], 'description' => $conf['description'], 'dir' => $d); if ($membership) { $js_options[$d] = isset($conf['membership_type']) ? $conf['membership_type'] : 'content'; } elseif ($type == 'landing') { if (isset($conf['feature_areas'])) { $landing_themes[$d] = $conf['feature_areas']; } } } } usort($themes, 'op_sort_theme_array'); if ($membership) { $presets = array('blank' => __('Blank Page', OP_SN), 'sidebar' => __('Page with sidebar', OP_SN), 'module_listing' => __('Module listings', OP_SN)); $product_id = $category_id = $subcategory_id = 0; if ($product = op_page_option('membership')) { $product_id = op_get_var($product, 'product_id', 0); $category_id = op_get_var($product, 'category_id', 0); $subcategory_id = op_get_var($product, 'subcategory_id', 0); } op_tpl_assign(array('product_select' => $this->_select_html('product', $product_id), 'category_select' => $this->_select_html('category', 0, $product_id), 'subcategory_select' => $this->_select_html('subcategory', 0, $category_id))); $this->js['membership_types'] = $js_options; $blankimg = 'pb_page_blank.png'; $selected = 'blank'; $preset_options = array(); $default = array('width' => 206, 'height' => 147); foreach ($presets as $name => $title) { $li_class = $input_attr = ''; if ($selected == $name) { $input_attr = ' checked="checked"'; $li_class = 'img-radio-selected'; } $preset_options[] = array_merge($default, array('input' => '<input type="radio" name="op[page][preset_option]" value="' . $name . '"' . $input_attr . ' />', 'image' => OP_IMG . 'page_types/' . $blankimg, 'preview_content' => $title, 'li_class' => $li_class)); } } return op_tpl('page_builder/step3', array('themes' => $themes, 'landing_themes' => $landing_themes, 'presets' => $presets, 'preset_options' => $preset_options)); }
</div> <!-- end .op-bsw-header --> <div class="op-bsw-steps"> <div class="op-bsw-steps-content"> <ul class="steps-breadcrumb cf"> <?php $steps = array('Theme', 'Brand', 'Layout', 'Modules', 'Finished'); foreach ($steps as $step => $text) { $num = $step + 1; echo ' <li class="step-' . $num . ($num == $cur_step ? ' selected' : '') . '"><div class="op-bsw-circle">'; if ($num == 5) { echo '<img src="' . OP_IMG . ($cur_step == 5 ? 'checkmark-green.png' : 'checkmark-alt.png') . '" alt="Finished" width="20" height="18" />'; } else { echo '<h1>' . $num . '</h1>'; } echo '</div><span>' . __($text, OP_SN) . '</span></li>'; } ?> </ul> </div> </div> <div class="op-bsw-main-content"> <?php if (isset($notification)) { op_notify($notification); } if (isset($error)) { op_show_error($error); }
function theme_tab() { if (($dirs = op_dir_list(OP_THEMES)) === false) { return op_show_error(__('No themes were found. Please check the themes directory is present and contains themes.', 'optimizepress')); } $themes = array(); foreach ($dirs as $d) { if (($conf = op_load_theme_config($d)) !== false) { $themes[] = array('name' => $conf['name'], 'screenshot' => $conf['screenshot'], 'screenshot_thumbnail' => $conf['screenshot_thumbnail'], 'description' => $conf['description'], 'dir' => $d); } } usort($themes, 'op_sort_theme_array'); return op_tpl('theme_settings/themes', array('themes' => $themes)); }