  * Executes the widget.
 public function run()
     if ($this->pagination->getPageCount() == $this->pagination->getCurrentPage() + 1) {
     $showMoreUrl = CHtml::normalizeUrl(Yii::app()->createUrl('comment/comment/show', array('contentModel' => get_class($this->object), 'contentId' => $this->object->getPrimaryKey(), 'page' => $this->pagination->getCurrentPage() + 2)));
     $moreCount = $this->pagination->getPageSize();
     if ($this->pagination->getPageCount() == $this->pagination->getCurrentPage() + 2) {
         $moreCount = $this->pagination->getItemCount() - $this->pagination->getPageSize() - $this->pagination->getOffset();
     $this->render('showMore', array('object' => $this->object, 'pagination' => $this->pagination, 'id' => get_class($this->object) . "_" . $this->object->getPrimaryKey(), 'showMoreUrl' => $showMoreUrl, 'moreCount' => $moreCount));
  * Handles all incoming requests for the entire site that are not previous defined in CUrlManager
  * Requests come in, are verified, and then pulled from the database dynamically
  * Shows all blog posts for a particular category_id
  * @param $id	- The content ID that we want to pull from the database
  * @return $this->render() - Render of page that we want to display
 public function actionIndex($id = NULL)
     // Run a pre check of our data
     // Retrieve the data
     $category = Categories::model()->findByPk($id);
     $this->breadcrumbs = Categories::model()->getParentCategories($id);
     // Parse Metadata
     $meta = Categories::model()->parseMeta($category->metadata);
     $this->setPageTitle(Yii::t('ciims.controllers.Categories', '{{app_name}} | {{label}}', array('{{app_name}}' => Cii::getConfig('name', Yii::app()->name), '{{label}}' => $category->name)));
     $layout = isset($meta['layout']) ? $meta['layout']['value'] : 'default';
     // Set the layout
     $data = array();
     $pages = array();
     $itemCount = 0;
     $pageSize = Cii::getConfig('categoryPaginationSize', 10);
     $criteria = Content::model()->getBaseCriteria()->addCondition('type_id >= 2')->addCondition("category_id = " . $id)->addCondition('password = ""');
     $criteria->limit = $pageSize;
     $criteria->order = 'created DESC';
     $itemCount = Content::model()->count($criteria);
     $pages = new CPagination($itemCount);
     $pages->pageSize = $pageSize;
     $criteria->offset = $criteria->limit * $pages->getCurrentPage();
     $data = Content::model()->findAll($criteria);
     $this->render('index', array('id' => $id, 'category' => $category, 'data' => $data, 'itemCount' => $itemCount, 'pages' => $pages, 'meta' => array('description' => $category->getDescription())));
Exemple #3
 public function actionShow()
     $uid = Ibos::app()->user->uid;
     $docid = EnvUtil::getRequest("id");
     $version = EnvUtil::getRequest("version");
     if (empty($docid)) {
         $this->ajaxReturn("", "JSONP");
     $officialDocEntity = new ICOfficialdoc($docid);
     $officialDoc = $officialDocEntity->getAttributes();
     if ($version) {
         $versionData = OfficialdocVersion::model()->fetchByAttributes(array("docid" => $docid, "version" => $version));
         $officialDoc = array_merge($officialDoc, $versionData);
     if (!empty($officialDoc)) {
         if (!OfficialdocUtil::checkReadScope($uid, $officialDoc)) {
             $this->error(Ibos::lang("You do not have permission to read the officialdoc"), $this->createUrl("default/index"));
         $data = ICOfficialdoc::getShowData($officialDoc);
         OfficialdocReader::model()->addReader($docid, $uid);
         Officialdoc::model()->updateClickCount($docid, $data["clickcount"]);
         $page = EnvUtil::getRequest("page");
         $criteria = new CDbCriteria();
         $pages = new CPagination(OfficialdocUtil::getCharacterLength($data["content"]));
         $pages->pageSize = 2000;
         $tmpContent = OfficialdocUtil::subHtml($data["content"], $pages->getCurrentPage() * $pages->getPageSize(), ($pages->getCurrentPage() + 1) * $pages->getPageSize());
         $data["content"] = $tmpContent;
         if (!empty($page) && $page != 1) {
             $data["content"] = "<div><div style=\"border-bottom:4px solid #e26f50;margin-top:60px;\"></div><div style=\"border-top:1px solid #e26f50;margin-top:4px;\"><div><p style=\"text-align:center;\"></p><div id=\"original-content\" style=\"min-height:400px;font:16px/2 fangsong,simsun;color:#666;\"><table cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\" width=\"95%\" align=\"center\"><tbody><tr><td class=\"p1\"><span><p>" . $tmpContent . "</p>";
             $data["content"] = OfficialdocUtil::subHtml($data["content"], 0, $pages->pageSize * 2);
         $params = array("data" => $data, "pages" => $pages, "dashboardConfig" => Yii::app()->setting->get("setting/docconfig"));
         if ($data["rcid"]) {
             $params["rcType"] = RcType::model()->fetchByPk($data["rcid"]);
     } else {
         $params = "";
     $this->ajaxReturn($params, "JSONP");
  * 部门列表
 public function actionList($page = 1)
     $count = IMDepartment::model()->count();
     $pager = new CPagination($count);
     $pager->pageSize = Yii::app()->params['perPage'];
     if (empty($page)) {
         $pager->currentPage = 1;
     $list = IMDepartment::model()->findAll(array('order' => 'id DESC', 'offset' => $pager->getCurrentPage() * $pager->getPageSize(), 'limit' => $pager->pageSize));
     foreach ($list as $v) {
         $data[] = $v->attributes;
     $this->render('list', array('list' => $data, 'pager' => $pager));
Exemple #5
 public function actionIndex()
     $c = array('conditions' => array('status' => array('==' => 1)));
     $total = WebArticlesModel::model()->count($c);
     $pager = new CPagination($total);
     $itemOnPaging = 5;
     $pager->pageSize = 10;
     $curr_page = $pager->getCurrentPage();
     $limit = $pager->getLimit();
     $offset = $pager->getOffset();
     $c = array('conditions' => array('status' => array('==' => 1)), 'sort' => array('_id' => EMongoCriteria::SORT_DESC), 'limit' => $limit, 'offset' => $offset);
     $data = FeedModel::model()->findAll($c);
     $this->render('index', compact('data', 'pager', 'itemOnPaging'));
Exemple #6
 public function actionIndex()
     $criteria = new EMongoCriteria();
     #$criteria->order = 'username desc'; //按什么字段来排序
     $model = Admin::model();
     $count = $model->count($criteria);
     //count() 函数计算数组中的单元数目或对象中的属性个数。
     $pager = new CPagination($count);
     $pager->pageSize = 12;
     $criteria->offset($pager->getCurrentPage() * $pager->pageSize);
     $list = $model->findAll($criteria);
     $this->render('index', array('list' => $list, 'pages' => $pager));
 public function actionView()
     $playlistId = Yii::app()->request->getParam('id');
     $playlist = WapPlaylistModel::model()->published()->findByPk($playlistId);
     $user_msisdn = $playlist->msisdn;
     if (!$playlist) {
         $this->forward("/site/error", true);
     $songsOfPlaylist = WapPlaylistModel::model()->getSongs($playlistId);
     //samge user
     $countPlSameUser = WapPlaylistModel::model()->countPlaylistByPhone($this->userPhone);
     $playlistPages = new CPagination($countPlSameUser);
     $pageSize = Yii::app()->params['pageSize'];
     $currentPage = $playlistPages->getCurrentPage();
     $playlistsSameUser = WapPlaylistModel::model()->getSamePlaylistByPhone($playlist->id, $this->userPhone, $currentPage * $pageSize, $pageSize);
     $errorCode = 'success';
     $errorDescription = '';
     //for show price
     $checkPlay = WapUserTransactionModel::model()->checkCharging24h($this->userPhone, $this->userPhone, $playlistId, 'play_album');
     $userSub = $this->userSub;
     if ($checkPlay) {
         $playPrice = 0;
     } else {
         if ($userSub) {
             $playPrice = 0;
     if ($checkPlay) {
         $playPrice = 0;
     // 		$registerText = WapAlbumModel::model()->getCustomMetaData('REG_TEXT');
     $this->itemName = $playlist->name;
     $this->artist = "Chacha";
     $this->thumb = UserModel::model()->getThumbnailUrl('s1', $playlist->user_id);
     $this->url = URLHelper::buildFriendlyURL("playlist", $playlist->id, Common::makeFriendlyUrl($playlist->name));
     $this->description = $playlist->name;
     $this->render('view', array('playlist' => $playlist, 'songsOfPlaylist' => $songsOfPlaylist, 'playlistsSameUser' => $playlistsSameUser, 'playlistPages' => $playlistPages, 'errorCode' => $errorCode, 'errorDescription' => $errorDescription, 'userSub' => $userSub, 'user_msisdn' => $user_msisdn));
Exemple #8
 public static function fetchAllArray($limit = 20)
     $limit = (int) $limit;
     $cmd = app()->getDb()->createCommand()->select('count(*)')->from(TABLE_FILTER_KEYWORD);
     $count = (int) $cmd->queryScalar();
     if ($count == 0) {
         return array();
     $cmd = app()->getDb()->createCommand()->from(TABLE_FILTER_KEYWORD)->order('id asc');
     if ($limit > 0) {
     $pages = new CPagination($count);
     $page = $pages->getCurrentPage();
     $offset = $page * $limit;
     if ($offset >= 0) {
     $rows = $cmd->queryAll();
     return array('rows' => $rows, 'pages' => $pages);
Exemple #9
 public function actionIndex()
     $keyword = Yii::app()->request->getParam('keyword', '');
     $page = Yii::app()->request->getParam('page', 1);
     // Find all records witch have first name starring on a, b and c, case insensitive search
     $keyRegexPattern = self::formatKeywordsPatternSearch($keyword);
     if (empty($keyRegexPattern)) {
         $data = null;
     } else {
         $regexObj = new MongoRegex($keyRegexPattern);
         $c = array('conditions' => array('status' => array('==' => 1), 'title' => array('==' => $regexObj)));
         $total = WebArticlesModel::model()->count($c);
         $pager = new CPagination($total);
         $itemOnPaging = 5;
         $pager->pageSize = 10;
         $curr_page = $pager->getCurrentPage();
         $limit = $pager->getLimit();
         $offset = $pager->getOffset();
         $c = array('conditions' => array('status' => array('==' => 1), 'title' => array('==' => $regexObj)), 'limit' => $limit, 'offset' => $offset);
         $data = WebArticlesModel::model()->findAll($c);
     $this->render('index', compact('data', 'pager', 'itemOnPaging', 'keyword', 'limit'));
Exemple #10
  * Print out array of models for the jqGrid rows.
 public function actionGridData()
     if (!Yii::app()->request->isPostRequest) {
         throw new CHttpException(400, Yii::t('http', 'Invalid request. Please do not repeat this request again.'));
     // specify request details
     $jqGrid = $this->processJqGridRequest();
     // specify filter parameters
     $company = isset($_GET['company']) ? $_GET['company'] : null;
     if ($company !== 'all' && !ctype_digit($company)) {
         $company = 'all';
     $priority = isset($_GET['priority']) ? $_GET['priority'] : null;
     if ($priority !== 'all' && $priority !== (string) Project::PRIORITY_HIGHEST && $priority !== (string) Project::PRIORITY_HIGH && $priority !== (string) Project::PRIORITY_MEDIUM && $priority !== (string) Project::PRIORITY_LOW && $priority !== (string) Project::PRIORITY_LOWEST) {
         $priority = 'all';
     $state = isset($_GET['state']) ? $_GET['state'] : null;
     if ($state !== 'all' && $state !== 'closed' && $state !== 'open') {
         $state = 'all';
     // criteria
     $criteria = new CDbCriteria();
     $criteria->group = "`t`.`id`";
     // required by together()
     $criteria->select = "`t`.closeDate, `t`.hourlyRate, `t`.openDate, `t`.priority, `t`.title";
     //$criteria->select="`t`.`closeDate`, `t`.`hourlyRate`, `t`.`openDate`, `t`.`priority`, `t`.`title`"; // uncomment in yii-1.1.2
     if ($jqGrid['searchField'] !== null && $jqGrid['searchString'] !== null && $jqGrid['searchOper'] !== null) {
         $field = array('closeDate' => "`t`.`closeDate`", 'hourlyRate' => "`t`.`hourlyRate`", 'openDate' => "`t`.`openDate`", 'priority' => "`t`.`priority`", 'title' => "`t`.`title`", 'company' => "`Project_Company`.`title`");
         $operation = $this->getJqGridOperationArray();
         $keywordFormula = $this->getJqGridKeywordFormulaArray();
         if (isset($field[$jqGrid['searchField']]) && isset($operation[$jqGrid['searchOper']])) {
             $criteria->condition = '(' . $field[$jqGrid['searchField']] . ' ' . $operation[$jqGrid['searchOper']] . ' :keyword)';
             $criteria->params = array(':keyword' => str_replace('keyword', $jqGrid['searchString'], $keywordFormula[$jqGrid['searchOper']]));
             // search by special field types
             if ($jqGrid['searchField'] === 'createTime' && ($keyword = strtotime($jqGrid['searchString'])) !== false) {
                 $criteria->params = array(':keyword' => str_replace('keyword', $keyword, $keywordFormula[$jqGrid['searchOper']]));
                 if (date('H:i:s', $keyword) === '00:00:00') {
                     // visitor is looking for a precision by day, not by second
                     $criteria->condition = '(TO_DAYS(FROM_UNIXTIME(' . $field[$jqGrid['searchField']] . ',"%Y-%m-%d")) ' . $operation[$jqGrid['searchOper']] . ' TO_DAYS(FROM_UNIXTIME(:keyword,"%Y-%m-%d")))';
     if ($company !== 'all') {
         $criteria->params[':companyId'] = $company;
     if ($priority === (string) Project::PRIORITY_HIGHEST) {
         $criteria->params[':priorityHighest'] = Project::PRIORITY_HIGHEST;
     } else {
         if ($priority === (string) Project::PRIORITY_HIGH) {
             $criteria->params[':priorityHigh'] = Project::PRIORITY_HIGH;
         } else {
             if ($priority === (string) Project::PRIORITY_MEDIUM) {
                 $criteria->params[':priorityMedium'] = Project::PRIORITY_MEDIUM;
             } else {
                 if ($priority === (string) Project::PRIORITY_LOW) {
                     $criteria->params[':priorityLow'] = Project::PRIORITY_LOW;
                 } else {
                     if ($priority === (string) Project::PRIORITY_LOWEST) {
                         $criteria->params[':priorityLowest'] = Project::PRIORITY_LOWEST;
     if ($state === 'closed') {
         $criteria->addCondition("`t`.`closeDate` IS NOT NULL");
     } else {
         if ($state === 'open') {
             $criteria->addCondition("(`t`.`closeDate` IS NULL OR TO_DAYS('" . MDate::formatToDb(time(), 'date') . "') < TO_DAYS(`t`.`closeDate`))");
     if (User::isClient()) {
         $criteria->addCondition("`Company_User2Company`.`userId`=:clientId AND `Company_User2Company`.`position`=:clientPosition");
         $criteria->params[':clientId'] = Yii::app()->user->id;
         $criteria->params[':clientPosition'] = Company::OWNER;
     if (User::isConsultant()) {
         $criteria->params[':consultantId'] = Yii::app()->user->id;
     // pagination
     $with = array();
     if (strpos($criteria->condition, 'Project_Company') !== false) {
         $with[] = 'allCompany';
     if (strpos($criteria->condition, 'Company_User2Company') !== false) {
         $with[] = 'allCompany.allUser2Company';
     if (strpos($criteria->condition, 'Task_Consultant') !== false) {
         $with[] = 'allTask.allConsultant';
     if (count($with) >= 1) {
         $pages = new CPagination(Project::model()->with($with)->count($criteria));
     } else {
         $pages = new CPagination(Project::model()->count($criteria));
     $pages->pageSize = $jqGrid['pageSize'] !== null ? $jqGrid['pageSize'] : self::GRID_PAGE_SIZE;
     // sort
     $sort = new CSort('Project');
     $sort->attributes = array('closeDate' => array('asc' => "`t`.`closeDate`", 'desc' => "`t`.`closeDate` desc", 'label' => Project::model()->getAttributeLabel('Closed')), 'hourlyRate' => array('asc' => "`t`.`hourlyRate`", 'desc' => "`t`.`hourlyRate` desc", 'label' => Project::model()->getAttributeLabel('Rate')), 'openDate' => array('asc' => "`t`.`openDate`", 'desc' => "`t`.`openDate` desc", 'label' => Project::model()->getAttributeLabel('Opened')), 'priority' => array('asc' => "`t`.`priority`", 'desc' => "`t`.`priority` desc", 'label' => Project::model()->getAttributeLabel('priority')), 'title' => array('asc' => "`t`.`title`", 'desc' => "`t`.`title` desc", 'label' => Project::model()->getAttributeLabel('title')), 'company' => array('asc' => "`Project_Company`.`title`", 'desc' => "`Project_Company`.`title` desc", 'label' => Company2Project::model()->getAttributeLabel('companyId')));
     $sort->defaultOrder = "`t`.`closeDate` ASC, `t`.`priority` ASC, `t`.`createTime` DESC";
     // find all
     $with = array('allCompany' => array('select' => 'title'));
     if (strpos($criteria->condition, 'Company_User2Company') !== false) {
         $with['allCompany.allUser2Company'] = array('select' => 'id');
     if (strpos($criteria->condition, 'Task_Consultant') !== false) {
         $with['allTask.allConsultant'] = array('select' => 'id');
     $together = strpos($criteria->condition, 'Project_Company') !== false || strpos($criteria->order, 'Project_Company') !== false || strpos($criteria->condition, 'Company_User2Company') !== false || strpos($criteria->condition, 'Task_Consultant') !== false;
     if ($together) {
         $models = Project::model()->with($with)->together()->findAll($criteria);
     } else {
         $models = Project::model()->with($with)->findAll($criteria);
     // create resulting data array
     $data = array('page' => $pages->getCurrentPage() + 1, 'total' => $pages->getPageCount(), 'records' => $pages->getItemCount(), 'rows' => array());
     foreach ($models as $model) {
         $data['rows'][] = array('id' => $model->id, 'cell' => array(isset($model->allCompany[0]->id) ? CHtml::link(CHtml::encode($model->allCompany[0]->title), array('company/show', 'id' => $model->allCompany[0]->id)) : '', CHtml::encode($model->title), CHtml::encode($model->hourlyRate), CHtml::encode($model->getAttributeView('priority')), CHtml::encode(MDate::format($model->openDate, 'medium', null)), CHtml::encode(MDate::format($model->closeDate, 'medium', null)), CHtml::link('<span class="ui-icon ui-icon-zoomin"></span>', array('show', 'id' => $model->id), array('class' => 'w3-ig w3-link-icon w3-border-1px-transparent w3-first ui-corner-all', 'title' => Yii::t('link', 'Show'))) . CHtml::link('<span class="ui-icon ui-icon-pencil"></span>', array('update', 'id' => $model->id), array('class' => 'w3-ig w3-link-icon w3-border-1px-transparent w3-last ui-corner-all', 'title' => Yii::t('link', 'Edit')))));
 public function actionViewType()
     $artistId = Yii::app()->request->getParam('id');
     $artist = ArtistModel::model()->findByPk($artistId);
     $this->artist = $artist->name;
     $this->thumb = ArtistModel::model()->getAvatarUrl($artist->id, 150);
     $this->url = URLHelper::buildFriendlyURL("artist", $artist->id, $artist->url_key);
     if (!$artist) {
         $this->forward("/site/error", true);
     $listType = Yii::app()->request->getParam('list', 'song');
     $countSongsOfArtist = $artist->song_count;
     $countClipsOfArtist = $artist->video_count;
     $countAlbumsOfArtist = $artist->album_count;
     $pageSize = Yii::app()->params['numberSongsPerPage'];
     if ($listType == 'song') {
         // in case that list songs of artist
         $songPages = new CPagination($countSongsOfArtist);
         $currentPage = $songPages->getCurrentPage();
         $songsOfArtist = WapSongModel::model()->getSongsSameSinger(0, $artist->id, $currentPage * $pageSize, $pageSize);
         $this->render('viewtype', array('artist' => $artist, 'listType' => $listType, 'countSongsOfArtist' => $countSongsOfArtist, 'countClipsOfArtist' => $countClipsOfArtist, 'countAlbumsOfArtist' => $countAlbumsOfArtist, 'songsOfArtist' => $songsOfArtist, 'songPages' => $songPages));
     } elseif ($listType == 'clip') {
         // in case that list clips of artist
         $clipPages = new CPagination($countClipsOfArtist);
         $currentPage = $clipPages->getCurrentPage();
         $clipsOfArtist = WapVideoModel::model()->getVideosSameArtist(0, $artist->id, $currentPage * $pageSize, $pageSize);
         $this->render('viewtype', array('artist' => $artist, 'listType' => $listType, 'countSongsOfArtist' => $countSongsOfArtist, 'countClipsOfArtist' => $countClipsOfArtist, 'countAlbumsOfArtist' => $countAlbumsOfArtist, 'clipsOfArtist' => $clipsOfArtist, 'clipPages' => $clipPages));
     } else {
         // in case that list albums of artist
         $albumPages = new CPagination($countAlbumsOfArtist);
         $currentPage = $albumPages->getCurrentPage();
         $albumsOfArtist = WapAlbumModel::model()->getAlbumsSameArtist(0, $artist->id, $currentPage * $pageSize, $pageSize);
         $this->render('viewtype', array('artist' => $artist, 'listType' => $listType, 'countSongsOfArtist' => $countSongsOfArtist, 'countClipsOfArtist' => $countClipsOfArtist, 'countAlbumsOfArtist' => $countAlbumsOfArtist, 'albumsOfArtist' => $albumsOfArtist, 'albumPages' => $albumPages));
  * 群组列表
 public function actionList($page = 1)
     $count = IMGroup::model()->count(array('condition' => 'status = 0'));
     $pager = new CPagination($count);
     $pager->pageSize = Yii::app()->params['perPage'];
     if (empty($page)) {
         $pager->currentPage = 1;
     $list = IMGroup::model()->findAll(array('condition' => 'status = 0', 'order' => 'groupId DESC', 'offset' => $pager->getCurrentPage() * $pager->getPageSize(), 'limit' => $pager->pageSize));
     $data = array();
     if (!empty($list)) {
         foreach ($list as $v) {
             $data[] = $v->attributes;
     $this->render('list', array('list' => $data, 'pager' => $pager));
Exemple #13
  * Print out array of models for the jqGrid rows.
 public function actionGridData()
     if (!Yii::app()->request->isPostRequest) {
         throw new CHttpException(400, Yii::t('http', 'Invalid request. Please do not repeat this request again.'));
     // specify request details
     $jqGrid = $this->processJqGridRequest();
     // specify filter parameters
     $state = isset($_GET['state']) ? $_GET['state'] : null;
     if ($state !== 'all' && $state !== 'closed' && $state !== 'open') {
         $state = 'all';
     // criteria
     $criteria = new CDbCriteria();
     $criteria->group = "`t`.`id`";
     // required by together()
     $criteria->select = "`t`.contactName, `t`.createTime, `t`.deactivationTime, `t`.title, `t`.titleAbbr";
     //$criteria->select="`t`.`contactName`, `t`.`createTime`, `t`.`deactivationTime`, `t`.`title`, `t`.`titleAbbr`"; // uncomment in yii-1.1.2
     if ($jqGrid['searchField'] !== null && $jqGrid['searchString'] !== null && $jqGrid['searchOper'] !== null) {
         $field = array('contactName' => "`t`.`contactName`", 'createTime' => "`t`.`createTime`", 'deactivationTime' => "`t`.`deactivationTime`", 'title' => "`t`.`title`", 'titleAbbr' => "`t`.`titleAbbr`");
         $operation = $this->getJqGridOperationArray();
         $keywordFormula = $this->getJqGridKeywordFormulaArray();
         if (isset($field[$jqGrid['searchField']]) && isset($operation[$jqGrid['searchOper']])) {
             $criteria->condition = '(' . $field[$jqGrid['searchField']] . ' ' . $operation[$jqGrid['searchOper']] . ' :keyword)';
             $criteria->params = array(':keyword' => str_replace('keyword', $jqGrid['searchString'], $keywordFormula[$jqGrid['searchOper']]));
             // search by special field types
             if ($jqGrid['searchField'] === 'createTime' && ($keyword = strtotime($jqGrid['searchString'])) !== false) {
                 $criteria->params = array(':keyword' => str_replace('keyword', $keyword, $keywordFormula[$jqGrid['searchOper']]));
                 if (date('H:i:s', $keyword) === '00:00:00') {
                     // visitor is looking for a precision by day, not by second
                     $criteria->condition = '(TO_DAYS(FROM_UNIXTIME(' . $field[$jqGrid['searchField']] . ',"%Y-%m-%d")) ' . $operation[$jqGrid['searchOper']] . ' TO_DAYS(FROM_UNIXTIME(:keyword,"%Y-%m-%d")))';
     if ($state === 'closed') {
         $criteria->addCondition("(`t`.`isActive` IS NULL OR `t`.`isActive`!=:isActive)");
         $criteria->params[':isActive'] = Company::IS_ACTIVE;
     } else {
         if ($state === 'open') {
             $criteria->params[':isActive'] = Company::IS_ACTIVE;
     if (User::isClient()) {
         $criteria->addCondition("`Company_User2Company`.`userId`=:clientId AND `Company_User2Company`.`position`=:clientPosition");
         $criteria->params[':clientId'] = Yii::app()->user->id;
         $criteria->params[':clientPosition'] = Company::OWNER;
     // pagination
     $with = array();
     if (strpos($criteria->condition, 'Company_User2Company') !== false) {
         $with[] = 'allUser2Company';
     if (count($with) >= 1) {
         $pages = new CPagination(Company::model()->with($with)->count($criteria));
     } else {
         $pages = new CPagination(Company::model()->count($criteria));
     $pages->pageSize = $jqGrid['pageSize'] !== null ? $jqGrid['pageSize'] : self::GRID_PAGE_SIZE;
     // sort
     $sort = new CSort('Company');
     $sort->attributes = array('contactName' => array('asc' => "`t`.`contactName`", 'desc' => "`t`.`contactName` desc", 'label' => Company::model()->getAttributeLabel('contactName')), 'createTime' => array('asc' => "`t`.`createTime`", 'desc' => "`t`.`createTime` desc", 'label' => Company::model()->getAttributeLabel('Opened')), 'deactivationTime' => array('asc' => "`t`.`deactivationTime`", 'desc' => "`t`.`deactivationTime` desc", 'label' => Company::model()->getAttributeLabel('Closed')), 'title' => array('asc' => "`t`.`title`", 'desc' => "`t`.`title` desc", 'label' => Company::model()->getAttributeLabel('title')), 'titleAbbr' => array('asc' => "`t`.`titleAbbr`", 'desc' => "`t`.`titleAbbr` desc", 'label' => Company::model()->getAttributeLabel('Abbr')));
     $sort->defaultOrder = "`t`.`deactivationTime` ASC, `t`.`title` ASC";
     // find all
     $with = array();
     if (strpos($criteria->condition, 'Company_User2Company') !== false) {
         $with['allUser2Company'] = array('select' => 'id');
     $together = strpos($criteria->condition, 'Company_User2Company') !== false;
     if ($together) {
         $models = Company::model()->with($with)->together()->findAll($criteria);
     } else {
         $models = Company::model()->with($with)->findAll($criteria);
     // create resulting data array
     $data = array('page' => $pages->getCurrentPage() + 1, 'total' => $pages->getPageCount(), 'records' => $pages->getItemCount(), 'rows' => array());
     foreach ($models as $model) {
         $data['rows'][] = array('id' => $model->id, 'cell' => array(CHtml::encode($model->title), CHtml::encode($model->titleAbbr), CHtml::encode($model->contactName), CHtml::encode(MDate::format($model->createTime, 'medium', null)), CHtml::encode(MDate::format($model->deactivationTime, 'medium', null)), CHtml::link('<span class="ui-icon ui-icon-zoomin"></span>', array('show', 'id' => $model->id), array('class' => 'w3-ig w3-link-icon w3-border-1px-transparent w3-first ui-corner-all', 'title' => Yii::t('link', 'Show'))) . CHtml::link('<span class="ui-icon ui-icon-pencil"></span>', array('update', 'id' => $model->id), array('class' => 'w3-ig w3-link-icon w3-border-1px-transparent w3-last ui-corner-all', 'title' => Yii::t('link', 'Edit')))));
Exemple #14
 public function getCurrentPage($recalculate = true)
     $page = parent::getCurrentPage($recalculate);
     $page = $page ? ($page + 1) / $this->getPageSize() : $page;
     return (int) $page;
Exemple #15
 public function actionList()
     $this->setPageTitle(Yii::t('ciims.controllers.Content', '{{app_name}} | {{label}}', array('{{app_name}}' => Cii::getConfig('name', Yii::app()->name), '{{label}}' => Yii::t('ciims.controllers.Content', 'All Content'))));
     $pageSize = Cii::getConfig('contentPaginationSize', 10);
     $criteria = Content::model()->getBaseCriteria()->addCondition('type_id >= 2')->addCondition('password = ""');
     $criteria->order = 'published DESC';
     $criteria->limit = $pageSize;
     $itemCount = Content::model()->count($criteria);
     $pages = new CPagination($itemCount);
     $pages->pageSize = $pageSize;
     $criteria->offset = $criteria->limit * $pages->getCurrentPage();
     $data = Content::model()->findAll($criteria);
     $this->render('all', array('data' => $data, 'itemCount' => $itemCount, 'pages' => $pages));
  * Load same album via Ajax
 public function actionLoadAjax()
     $s = CHtml::encode(Yii::app()->request->getParam('s'));
     $albumId = Yii::app()->request->getParam('id', 0);
     $artist_id = (int) Yii::app()->request->getParam('artist_id', 0);
     $genre_id = (int) Yii::app()->request->getParam('genre_id', 0);
     if ($s == 'genre') {
         $countAlbumsSameGenre = WapAlbumModel::model()->countAlbumsSameGenre($albumId, $genre_id);
         $albumPages = new CPagination($countAlbumsSameGenre);
         $pageSize = Yii::app()->params['pageSize'];
         $currentPage = $albumPages->getCurrentPage();
         $data = WapAlbumModel::model()->getAlbumsSameGenre($albumId, $genre_id, $currentPage * $pageSize, $pageSize);
     } else {
         $countAlbumsSameArtist = AlbumArtistModel::model()->countAlbumByArtist($artist_id);
         $albumPages = new CPagination($countAlbumsSameArtist);
         $pageSize = Yii::app()->params['pageSize'];
         $currentPage = $albumPages->getCurrentPage();
         //     		$data = WapAlbumModel::model()->getAlbumsSameArtist($albumId, $artist_id, $currentPage * $pageSize, $pageSize);
         /* NEW */
         $artists = AlbumArtistModel::model()->getArtistsByAlbum($albumId);
         $artistIds = '';
         if ($artists) {
             foreach ($artists as $artist) {
                 $artistIds .= ',' . $artist->artist_id;
         $artistIds = $artistIds != '' ? substr($artistIds, 1) : '';
         $data = $albumsSameArtist = WapAlbumModel::model()->getAlbumbyArtists($artistIds, $pageSize, $currentPage * $pageSize);
         /* END */
     $this->renderPartial('_same', array('albums' => $data), false, true);
Exemple #17
  * Provides basic searching functionality
  * @param int $id   The search pagination id
 public function actionSearch($id = 1)
     $this->setPageTitle(Yii::t('ciims.controllers.Site', '{{app_name}} | {{label}}', array('{{app_name}}' => Cii::getConfig('name', Yii::app()->name), '{{label}}' => Yii::t('ciims.controllers.Site', 'Search'))));
     $this->layout = '//layouts/default';
     $data = array();
     $pages = array();
     $itemCount = 0;
     $pageSize = Cii::getConfig('searchPaginationSize', 10);
     if (Cii::get($_GET, 'q', false)) {
         $criteria = new CDbCriteria();
         $criteria->addCondition('status = 1')->addCondition('published <= UTC_TIMESTAMP()');
         if (strpos($_GET['q'], 'user_id') !== false) {
             $criteria->addCondition('author_id = :author_id')->addCondition("vid=(SELECT MAX(vid) FROM content AS v WHERE v.id=t.id)");
             $criteria->params = array(':author_id' => str_replace('user_id:', '', Cii::get($_GET, 'q', 0)));
         } else {
             $param = Cii::get($_GET, 'q', 0);
             $criteria->addCondition("vid=(SELECT MAX(vid) FROM content AS v WHERE v.id=t.id) AND ((t.content LIKE :param) OR (t.title LIKE :param2))");
             $criteria->params = array(':param' => '%' . $param . '%', ':param2' => '%' . $param . '%');
         $criteria->addCondition('password = ""');
         $criteria->limit = $pageSize;
         $criteria->order = 'id DESC';
         $itemCount = Content::model()->count($criteria);
         $pages = new CPagination($itemCount);
         $pages->pageSize = $pageSize;
         $criteria->offset = $criteria->limit * $pages->getCurrentPage();
         $data = Content::model()->findAll($criteria);
     $this->render('search', array('url' => 'search', 'id' => $id, 'data' => $data, 'itemCount' => $itemCount, 'pages' => $pages));
 public function actionUnwanted_words($page = 1)
     $limit = 20;
     $token = $this->getToken();
     $res = RpcClient_STD_Admin::Instance()->GetUnwantWordList($token, $page, $limit);
     $data = $res['data'];
     $total = isset($data['total']) ? $data['total'] : 0;
     $pages = new CPagination($total);
     $pages->pageSize = $limit;
     $pages->applyLimit(new CDbCriteria());
     $params['list'] = $data['list'] ? $data['list'] : array();
     $params['pages'] = $pages;
     $params['total'] = $total;
     $this->jsApp = array('controller/list', 'Init', array("type" => "unwanted_words", "apis" => array("delete" => "admin/RemoveUnwantWord")));
     //print $pages->getOffset();
     //print $pages->getPageSize();
     $params['current_from'] = $pages->getCurrentPage() * $limit + 1;
     $params['current_to'] = $params['current_from'] + count($params['list']) - 1;
     //             echo '<pre>';
     //             var_dump($params);die;
     //             echo '</pre>';
     $params['current_time'] = date('y-m-d h:i:s', time());
     $this->render('unwanted_words', $params);
  * 员工营业额统计
 public function actionTurnOver()
     $str = Yii::app()->request->getParam('str', $this->companyId);
     $download = Yii::app()->request->getParam('d', 0);
     $beginTime = Yii::app()->request->getParam('begin_time', date('Y-m-d', time()));
     $endTime = Yii::app()->request->getParam('end_time', date('Y-m-d', time()));
     $db = Yii::app()->db;
     $sql = 'select t.* from (select username,sum(reality_total) as total from nb_order where order_status in (3,4,8) and dpid in (' . $str . ') and create_at >="' . $beginTime . ' 00:00:00" and create_at <="' . $endTime . ' 23:59:59" group by username order by lid desc)t';
     if ($download) {
         $models = $db->createCommand($sql)->queryAll();
     $count = $db->createCommand(str_replace('t.*', 'count(*)', $sql))->queryScalar();
     $pages = new CPagination($count);
     $pdata = $db->createCommand($sql . " LIMIT :offset,:limit");
     $pdata->bindValue(':offset', $pages->getCurrentPage() * $pages->getPageSize());
     $pdata->bindValue(':limit', $pages->getPageSize());
     $models = $pdata->queryAll();
     $comName = $this->getComName();
     $this->render('turnover', array('models' => $models, 'pages' => $pages, 'begin_time' => $beginTime, 'end_time' => $endTime, 'comName' => $comName, 'str' => $str));
  * Print out array of models for the jqGrid rows.
 public function actionGridData()
     if (!Yii::app()->request->isPostRequest) {
         throw new CHttpException(400, Yii::t('http', 'Invalid request. Please do not repeat this request again.'));
     // specify request details
     $jqGrid = $this->processJqGridRequest();
     // specify filter parameters
     $company = isset($_GET['company']) ? $_GET['company'] : null;
     if ($company !== 'all' && !ctype_digit($company)) {
         $company = 'all';
     $paymentMethod = isset($_GET['paymentMethod']) ? $_GET['paymentMethod'] : null;
     if ($paymentMethod !== 'all' && $paymentMethod !== (string) CompanyPayment::CASH && $paymentMethod !== (string) CompanyPayment::CHECK && $paymentMethod !== (string) CompanyPayment::CREDIT_CARD && $paymentMethod !== (string) CompanyPayment::PAYPAL && $paymentMethod !== (string) CompanyPayment::WIRE) {
         $paymentMethod = 'all';
     // criteria
     $criteria = new CDbCriteria();
     $criteria->group = "`t`.`id`";
     // required by together()
     $criteria->select = "`t`.amount, `t`.paymentDate, `t`.paymentMethod, `t`.paymentNumber";
     //$criteria->select="`t`.`amount`, `t`.`paymentDate`, `t`.`paymentMethod`, `t`.`paymentNumber`"; // uncomment in yii-1.1.2
     if ($jqGrid['searchField'] !== null && $jqGrid['searchString'] !== null && $jqGrid['searchOper'] !== null) {
         $field = array('amount' => "`t`.`amount`", 'paymentDate' => "`t`.`paymentDate`", 'paymentMethod' => "`t`.`paymentMethod`", 'paymentNumber' => "`t`.`paymentNumber`", 'company' => "`CompanyPayment_Company`.`title`");
         $operation = $this->getJqGridOperationArray();
         $keywordFormula = $this->getJqGridKeywordFormulaArray();
         if (isset($field[$jqGrid['searchField']]) && isset($operation[$jqGrid['searchOper']])) {
             $criteria->condition = '(' . $field[$jqGrid['searchField']] . ' ' . $operation[$jqGrid['searchOper']] . ' :keyword)';
             $criteria->params = array(':keyword' => str_replace('keyword', $jqGrid['searchString'], $keywordFormula[$jqGrid['searchOper']]));
             // search by special field types
             if ($jqGrid['searchField'] === 'createTime' && ($keyword = strtotime($jqGrid['searchString'])) !== false) {
                 $criteria->params = array(':keyword' => str_replace('keyword', $keyword, $keywordFormula[$jqGrid['searchOper']]));
                 if (date('H:i:s', $keyword) === '00:00:00') {
                     // visitor is looking for a precision by day, not by second
                     $criteria->condition = '(TO_DAYS(FROM_UNIXTIME(' . $field[$jqGrid['searchField']] . ',"%Y-%m-%d")) ' . $operation[$jqGrid['searchOper']] . ' TO_DAYS(FROM_UNIXTIME(:keyword,"%Y-%m-%d")))';
     if ($company !== 'all') {
         $criteria->params[':companyId'] = $company;
     if ($paymentMethod === (string) CompanyPayment::CASH) {
         $criteria->params[':cash'] = CompanyPayment::CASH;
     } else {
         if ($paymentMethod === (string) CompanyPayment::CHECK) {
             $criteria->params[':check'] = CompanyPayment::CHECK;
         } else {
             if ($paymentMethod === (string) CompanyPayment::CREDIT_CARD) {
                 $criteria->params[':creditCard'] = CompanyPayment::CREDIT_CARD;
             } else {
                 if ($paymentMethod === (string) CompanyPayment::PAYPAL) {
                     $criteria->params[':paypal'] = CompanyPayment::PAYPAL;
                 } else {
                     if ($paymentMethod === (string) CompanyPayment::WIRE) {
                         $criteria->params[':wire'] = CompanyPayment::WIRE;
     if (User::isClient()) {
         $criteria->addCondition("`Company_User2Company`.`userId`=:clientId AND `Company_User2Company`.`position`=:clientPosition");
         $criteria->params[':clientId'] = Yii::app()->user->id;
         $criteria->params[':clientPosition'] = Company::OWNER;
     // pagination
     $with = array();
     if (strpos($criteria->condition, 'CompanyPayment_Company') !== false) {
         $with[] = 'company';
     if (strpos($criteria->condition, 'Company_User2Company') !== false) {
         $with[] = 'company.allUser2Company';
     if (count($with) >= 1) {
         $pages = new CPagination(CompanyPayment::model()->with($with)->count($criteria));
     } else {
         $pages = new CPagination(CompanyPayment::model()->count($criteria));
     $pages->pageSize = $jqGrid['pageSize'] !== null ? $jqGrid['pageSize'] : self::GRID_PAGE_SIZE;
     // sort
     $sort = new CSort('CompanyPayment');
     $sort->attributes = array('amount' => array('asc' => "`t`.`amount`", 'desc' => "`t`.`amount` desc", 'label' => CompanyPayment::model()->getAttributeLabel('amount')), 'paymentDate' => array('asc' => "`t`.`paymentDate`", 'desc' => "`t`.`paymentDate` desc", 'label' => CompanyPayment::model()->getAttributeLabel('Date')), 'paymentMethod' => array('asc' => "`t`.`paymentMethod`", 'desc' => "`t`.`paymentMethod` desc", 'label' => CompanyPayment::model()->getAttributeLabel('Method')), 'paymentNumber' => array('asc' => "`t`.`paymentNumber`", 'desc' => "`t`.`paymentNumber` desc", 'label' => CompanyPayment::model()->getAttributeLabel('Number')), 'company' => array('asc' => "`CompanyPayment_Company`.`title`", 'desc' => "`CompanyPayment_Company`.`title` desc", 'label' => CompanyPayment::model()->getAttributeLabel('companyId')));
     $sort->defaultOrder = "`t`.`paymentDate` DESC";
     // find all
     $with = array('company' => array('select' => 'title'));
     if (strpos($criteria->condition, 'Company_User2Company') !== false) {
         $with['company.allUser2Company'] = array('select' => 'id');
     $together = strpos($criteria->condition, 'Company_User2Company') !== false;
     if ($together) {
         $models = CompanyPayment::model()->with($with)->together()->findAll($criteria);
     } else {
         $models = CompanyPayment::model()->with($with)->findAll($criteria);
     // create resulting data array
     $data = array('page' => $pages->getCurrentPage() + 1, 'total' => $pages->getPageCount(), 'records' => $pages->getItemCount(), 'rows' => array());
     foreach ($models as $model) {
         $data['rows'][] = array('id' => $model->id, 'cell' => array(isset($model->company->id) ? CHtml::link(CHtml::encode($model->company->title), array('company/show', 'id' => $model->company->id)) : '', CHtml::encode(MDate::format($model->paymentDate, 'medium', null)), CHtml::encode($model->amount), CHtml::encode($model->getAttributeView('paymentMethod')), CHtml::encode($model->paymentNumber), CHtml::link('<span class="ui-icon ui-icon-zoomin"></span>', array('show', 'id' => $model->id), array('class' => 'w3-ig w3-link-icon w3-border-1px-transparent w3-first ui-corner-all', 'title' => Yii::t('link', 'Show'))) . CHtml::link('<span class="ui-icon ui-icon-pencil"></span>', array('update', 'id' => $model->id), array('class' => 'w3-ig w3-link-icon w3-border-1px-transparent w3-last ui-corner-all', 'title' => Yii::t('link', 'Edit')))));
Exemple #21
  * Print out array of models for the jqGrid rows.
 public function actionGridData()
     if (!Yii::app()->request->isPostRequest) {
         throw new CHttpException(400, Yii::t('http', 'Invalid request. Please do not repeat this request again.'));
     // specify request details
     $jqGrid = $this->processJqGridRequest();
     // specify filter parameters
     $company = isset($_GET['company']) ? $_GET['company'] : null;
     if ($company !== 'all' && !ctype_digit($company)) {
         $company = 'all';
     $consultant = isset($_GET['consultant']) ? $_GET['consultant'] : null;
     if ($consultant !== 'all' && $consultant !== 'me' && !ctype_digit($consultant)) {
         $consultant = 'all';
     if (Yii::app()->user->checkAccess(User::CONSULTANT)) {
         $consultant = 'me';
     $manager = isset($_GET['manager']) ? $_GET['manager'] : null;
     if ($manager !== 'all' && !ctype_digit($manager)) {
         $manager = 'all';
     $project = isset($_GET['project']) ? $_GET['project'] : null;
     if ($project !== 'all' && !ctype_digit($project)) {
         $project = 'all';
     $task = isset($_GET['task']) ? $_GET['task'] : null;
     if ($task !== 'all' && !ctype_digit($task)) {
         $task = 'all';
     // criteria
     $criteria = new CDbCriteria();
     $criteria->group = "`t`.`id`";
     // required by together()
     $criteria->select = "`t`.billedMinute, `t`.spentMinute, `t`.timeDate, `t`.title";
     //$criteria->select="`t`.`billedMinute`, `t`.`spentMinute`, `t`.`timeDate`, `t`.`title`"; // uncomment in yii-1.1.2
     if ($jqGrid['searchField'] !== null && $jqGrid['searchString'] !== null && $jqGrid['searchOper'] !== null) {
         $field = array('billedMinute' => "`t`.`billedMinute`", 'spentMinute' => "`t`.`spentMinute`", 'timeDate' => "`t`.`timeDate`", 'title' => "`t`.`title`", 'consultant' => "`Time_Consultant`.`screenName`", 'manager' => "`Time_Manager`.`screenName`", 'task' => "`Time_Task`.`title`", 'company' => "`Task_Company`.`title`", 'project' => "`Task_Project`.`title`");
         $operation = $this->getJqGridOperationArray();
         $keywordFormula = $this->getJqGridKeywordFormulaArray();
         if (isset($field[$jqGrid['searchField']]) && isset($operation[$jqGrid['searchOper']])) {
             $criteria->condition = '(' . $field[$jqGrid['searchField']] . ' ' . $operation[$jqGrid['searchOper']] . ' :keyword)';
             $criteria->params = array(':keyword' => str_replace('keyword', $jqGrid['searchString'], $keywordFormula[$jqGrid['searchOper']]));
             // search by special field types
             if ($jqGrid['searchField'] === 'createTime' && ($keyword = strtotime($jqGrid['searchString'])) !== false) {
                 $criteria->params = array(':keyword' => str_replace('keyword', $keyword, $keywordFormula[$jqGrid['searchOper']]));
                 if (date('H:i:s', $keyword) === '00:00:00') {
                     // visitor is looking for a precision by day, not by second
                     $criteria->condition = '(TO_DAYS(FROM_UNIXTIME(' . $field[$jqGrid['searchField']] . ',"%Y-%m-%d")) ' . $operation[$jqGrid['searchOper']] . ' TO_DAYS(FROM_UNIXTIME(:keyword,"%Y-%m-%d")))';
     if ($company !== 'all') {
         $criteria->params[':companyId'] = $company;
     if ($consultant !== 'all') {
         if ($consultant === 'me') {
             $criteria->params[':consultantId'] = Yii::app()->user->id;
         } else {
             $criteria->params[':consultantId'] = $consultant;
     if ($manager !== 'all') {
         $criteria->params[':managerId'] = $manager;
     if ($project !== 'all') {
         $criteria->params[':projectId'] = $project;
     if ($task !== 'all') {
         $criteria->params[':taskId'] = $task;
     if (Yii::app()->user->checkAccess(User::CLIENT)) {
         $criteria->addCondition("`Company_User2Company`.`userId`=:clientId AND `Company_User2Company`.`position`=:clientPosition");
         $criteria->params[':clientId'] = Yii::app()->user->id;
         $criteria->params[':clientPosition'] = Company::OWNER;
     // pagination
     $with = array();
     if (strpos($criteria->condition, 'Task_Company') !== false) {
         $with[] = 'task.company';
     if (strpos($criteria->condition, 'Time_Consultant') !== false) {
         $with[] = 'consultant';
     if (strpos($criteria->condition, 'Time_Manager') !== false) {
         $with[] = 'manager';
     if (strpos($criteria->condition, 'Task_Project') !== false) {
         $with[] = 'task.project';
     if (strpos($criteria->condition, 'Time_Task') !== false) {
         $with[] = 'task';
     if (strpos($criteria->condition, 'Company_User2Company') !== false) {
         $with[] = 'task.company.allUser2Company';
     if (count($with) >= 1) {
         $pages = new CPagination(Time::model()->with($with)->count($criteria));
     } else {
         $pages = new CPagination(Time::model()->count($criteria));
     $pages->pageSize = $jqGrid['pageSize'] !== null ? $jqGrid['pageSize'] : self::GRID_PAGE_SIZE;
     // sort
     $sort = new CSort('Time');
     $sort->attributes = array('billedMinute' => array('asc' => "`t`.`billedMinute`", 'desc' => "`t`.`billedMinute` desc", 'label' => Time::model()->getAttributeLabel('Bld')), 'spentMinute' => array('asc' => "`t`.`spentMinute`", 'desc' => "`t`.`spentMinute` desc", 'label' => Time::model()->getAttributeLabel('Spt')), 'timeDate' => array('asc' => "`t`.`timeDate`", 'desc' => "`t`.`timeDate` desc", 'label' => Time::model()->getAttributeLabel('Date')), 'title' => array('asc' => "`t`.`title`", 'desc' => "`t`.`title` desc", 'label' => Time::model()->getAttributeLabel('title')), 'consultant' => array('asc' => "`Time_Consultant`.`screenName`", 'desc' => "`Time_Consultant`.`screenName` desc", 'label' => Time::model()->getAttributeLabel('consultantId')), 'manager' => array('asc' => "`Time_Manager`.`screenName`", 'desc' => "`Time_Manager`.`screenName` desc", 'label' => Time::model()->getAttributeLabel('managerId')), 'task' => array('asc' => "`Time_Task`.`title`", 'desc' => "`Time_Task`.`title` desc", 'label' => Time::model()->getAttributeLabel('taskId')), 'company' => array('asc' => "`Task_Company`.`title`", 'desc' => "`Task_Company`.`title` desc", 'label' => Task::model()->getAttributeLabel('companyId')), 'project' => array('asc' => "`Task_Project`.`title`", 'desc' => "`Task_Project`.`title` desc", 'label' => Task::model()->getAttributeLabel('projectId')));
     $sort->defaultOrder = "`t`.`timeDate` DESC, `t`.`createTime` DESC";
     // find all
     $with = array('consultant' => array('select' => 'screenName'), 'manager' => array('select' => 'screenName'), 'task' => array('select' => 'title'), 'task.company' => array('select' => 'title'), 'task.project' => array('select' => 'title'));
     if (strpos($criteria->condition, 'Company_User2Company') !== false) {
         $with['task.company.allUser2Company'] = array('select' => 'id');
     $together = strpos($criteria->condition, 'Company_User2Company') !== false;
     if ($together) {
         $models = Time::model()->with($with)->together()->findAll($criteria);
     } else {
         $models = Time::model()->with($with)->findAll($criteria);
     // create resulting data array
     $data = array('page' => $pages->getCurrentPage() + 1, 'total' => $pages->getPageCount(), 'records' => $pages->getItemCount(), 'rows' => array());
     foreach ($models as $model) {
         $data['rows'][] = array('id' => $model->id, 'cell' => array(isset($model->task->company->id) ? CHtml::link(CHtml::encode($model->task->company->title), array('company/show', 'id' => $model->task->company->id)) : '', isset($model->task->project->id) ? CHtml::link(CHtml::encode($model->task->project->title), array('project/show', 'id' => $model->task->project->id)) : '', isset($model->task->id) ? CHtml::link(CHtml::encode($model->task->title), array('task/show', 'id' => $model->task->id)) : '', isset($model->manager->id) ? CHtml::link(CHtml::encode($model->manager->screenName), array('user/show', 'id' => $model->manager->id)) : '', isset($model->consultant->id) ? CHtml::link(CHtml::encode($model->consultant->screenName), array('user/show', 'id' => $model->consultant->id)) : '', CHtml::encode(MDate::format($model->timeDate, 'medium', null)), CHtml::encode($model->getAttributeView('spentMinute')), CHtml::encode($model->getAttributeView('billedMinute')), CHtml::encode($model->title), Yii::app()->user->checkAccess('time/show') ? CHtml::link('<span class="ui-icon ui-icon-zoomin"></span>', array('show', 'id' => $model->id), array('class' => 'w3-ig w3-link-icon w3-border-1px-transparent w3-first ui-corner-all', 'title' => Yii::t('link', 'Show'))) . CHtml::link('<span class="ui-icon ui-icon-pencil"></span>', array('update', 'id' => $model->id), array('class' => 'w3-ig w3-link-icon w3-border-1px-transparent ui-corner-all', 'title' => Yii::t('link', 'Edit'))) . CHtml::link('<span class="ui-icon ui-icon-trash"></span>', array('delete', 'id' => $model->id), array('class' => 'w3-ig w3-link-icon w3-border-1px-transparent w3-last ui-corner-all', 'title' => Yii::t('link', 'Delete the record number {id}', array('{id}' => $model->id)))) : CHtml::link('<span class="ui-icon ui-icon-zoomin"></span>', array('show', 'id' => $model->id), array('class' => 'w3-ig w3-link-icon w3-border-1px-transparent w3-first w3-last ui-corner-all', 'title' => Yii::t('link', 'Show')))));
Exemple #22
  * Print out array of models for the jqGrid rows.
 public function actionGridData()
     if (!Yii::app()->request->isPostRequest) {
         throw new CHttpException(400, Yii::t('http', 'Invalid request. Please do not repeat this request again.'));
     // specify request details
     $jqGrid = $this->processJqGridRequest();
     // specify filter parameters
     $accessType = isset($_GET['accessType']) ? $_GET['accessType'] : null;
     if ($accessType !== 'all' && $accessType !== (string) User::MEMBER && $accessType !== (string) User::CLIENT && $accessType !== (string) User::CONSULTANT && $accessType !== (string) User::MANAGER && $accessType !== (string) User::ADMINISTRATOR) {
         $accessType = 'all';
     $state = isset($_GET['state']) ? $_GET['state'] : null;
     if ($state !== 'all' && $state !== 'active' && $state !== 'inactive') {
         $state = 'all';
     // criteria
     $criteria = new CDbCriteria();
     if ($jqGrid['searchField'] !== null && $jqGrid['searchString'] !== null && $jqGrid['searchOper'] !== null) {
         $field = array('accessType' => "`t`.`accessType`", 'createTime' => "`t`.`createTime`", 'email' => "`t`.`email`", 'screenName' => "`t`.`screenName`", 'deactivationTime' => "`User_UserDetails`.`deactivationTime`", 'occupation' => "`User_UserDetails`.`occupation`");
         $operation = $this->getJqGridOperationArray();
         $keywordFormula = $this->getJqGridKeywordFormulaArray();
         if (isset($field[$jqGrid['searchField']]) && isset($operation[$jqGrid['searchOper']])) {
             $criteria->condition = '(' . $field[$jqGrid['searchField']] . ' ' . $operation[$jqGrid['searchOper']] . ' :keyword)';
             $criteria->params = array(':keyword' => str_replace('keyword', $jqGrid['searchString'], $keywordFormula[$jqGrid['searchOper']]));
             // search by special field types
             if ($jqGrid['searchField'] === 'createTime' && ($keyword = strtotime($jqGrid['searchString'])) !== false) {
                 $criteria->params = array(':keyword' => str_replace('keyword', $keyword, $keywordFormula[$jqGrid['searchOper']]));
                 if (date('H:i:s', $keyword) === '00:00:00') {
                     // visitor is looking for a precision by day, not by second
                     $criteria->condition = '(TO_DAYS(FROM_UNIXTIME(' . $field[$jqGrid['searchField']] . ',"%Y-%m-%d")) ' . $operation[$jqGrid['searchOper']] . ' TO_DAYS(FROM_UNIXTIME(:keyword,"%Y-%m-%d")))';
     if ($accessType === (string) User::MEMBER) {
         $criteria->params[':member'] = User::MEMBER;
     } else {
         if ($accessType === (string) User::CLIENT) {
             $criteria->params[':client'] = User::CLIENT;
         } else {
             if ($accessType === (string) User::CONSULTANT) {
                 $criteria->params[':consultant'] = User::CONSULTANT;
             } else {
                 if ($accessType === (string) User::MANAGER) {
                     $criteria->params[':manager'] = User::MANAGER;
                 } else {
                     if ($accessType === (string) User::ADMINISTRATOR) {
                         $criteria->params[':administrator'] = User::ADMINISTRATOR;
     if ($state === 'active') {
         $criteria->addCondition("(`t`.`isActive` IS NULL OR `t`.`isActive`!=:isNotActive)");
         $criteria->params[':isNotActive'] = User::IS_NOT_ACTIVE;
     } else {
         if ($state === 'inactive') {
             $criteria->params[':isNotActive'] = User::IS_NOT_ACTIVE;
     // pagination
     $with = array();
     if (strpos($criteria->condition, 'User_UserDetails') !== false) {
         $with[] = 'details';
     if (count($with) >= 1) {
         $pages = new CPagination(User::model()->with($with)->count($criteria));
     } else {
         $pages = new CPagination(User::model()->count($criteria));
     $pages->pageSize = $jqGrid['pageSize'] !== null ? $jqGrid['pageSize'] : self::GRID_PAGE_SIZE;
     // sort
     $sort = new CSort('User');
     $sort->attributes = array('accessType' => array('asc' => "`t`.`accessLevel`", 'desc' => "`t`.`accessLevel` desc", 'label' => User::model()->getAttributeLabel('accessType')), 'createTime' => array('asc' => "`t`.`createTime`", 'desc' => "`t`.`createTime` desc", 'label' => User::model()->getAttributeLabel('Registered')), 'email' => array('asc' => "`t`.`email`", 'desc' => "`t`.`email` desc", 'label' => User::model()->getAttributeLabel('email')), 'screenName' => array('asc' => "`t`.`screenName`", 'desc' => "`t`.`screenName` desc", 'label' => User::model()->getAttributeLabel('screenName')), 'deactivationTime' => array('asc' => "`User_UserDetails`.`deactivationTime`", 'desc' => "`User_UserDetails`.`deactivationTime` desc", 'label' => UserDetails::model()->getAttributeLabel('Deact')), 'occupation' => array('asc' => "`User_UserDetails`.`occupation`", 'desc' => "`User_UserDetails`.`occupation` desc", 'label' => UserDetails::model()->getAttributeLabel('occupation')));
     $sort->defaultOrder = "`t`.`screenName`";
     // find all
     $models = User::model()->with('details')->findAll($criteria);
     // create resulting data array
     $data = array('page' => $pages->getCurrentPage() + 1, 'total' => $pages->getPageCount(), 'records' => $pages->getItemCount(), 'rows' => array());
     foreach ($models as $model) {
         $data['rows'][] = array('id' => $model->id, 'cell' => array(CHtml::encode($model->screenName), CHtml::encode($model->details->occupation), CHtml::encode($model->email), CHtml::encode(MDate::format($model->createTime, 'medium', null)), CHtml::encode(MDate::format($model->details->deactivationTime, 'medium', null)), CHtml::encode($model->getAttributeView('accessType')), CHtml::link('<span class="ui-icon ui-icon-zoomin"></span>', array('show', 'id' => $model->id), array('class' => 'w3-ig w3-link-icon w3-border-1px-transparent w3-first ui-corner-all', 'title' => Yii::t('link', 'Show'))) . CHtml::link('<span class="ui-icon ui-icon-pencil"></span>', array('update', 'id' => $model->id), array('class' => 'w3-ig w3-link-icon w3-border-1px-transparent w3-last ui-corner-all', 'title' => Yii::t('link', 'Edit')))));
Exemple #23
        if ($route1->is_paid == '0') {
            echo CHtml::link(Yii::t('hostel', 'Pay Fees'), array('/transport/Transportation/Payfees', 'id' => $route1->student_id), array('confirm' => 'Are you sure?'));
        } else {
            echo Yii::t('hostel', 'Paid');
            echo CHtml::link(' Print Receipt', array('/transport/Transportation/print', 'id' => $route1->student_id), array('target' => '_blank'));
} else {
    echo '<tr><td align="center" colspan="6"><strong>' . Yii::t('transport', 'No data available.') . '</strong></div>';
                    <div class="pagecon">
$this->widget('CLinkPager', array('currentPage' => $pages->getCurrentPage(), 'itemCount' => $total, 'pageSize' => $page_size, 'maxButtonCount' => 5, 'header' => '', 'htmlOptions' => array('class' => 'pages')));

Exemple #24
 public function actionIndex()
     $type = Yii::app()->request->getParam('type');
     $state = Yii::app()->request->getParam('State');
     $city = Yii::app()->request->getParam('City');
     $homeajax = Yii::app()->request->getParam('homeajax');
     $pagesize = 12;
     if ($state === '') {
         $province = 'all';
     } elseif ($state === null) {
         $province = '370000';
     } else {
         $province = $state;
     $brand = Yii::app()->request->getParam('brand');
     $type = $type === null ? 1 : $type;
     //1网格  2列表
     $organID = Yii::app()->user->getOrganID();
     $unionid = MallService::getUnioninfo($organID);
     $unionid = $unionid ? $unionid : '-1';
     $dids = MallService::getUnionOrgan(array('UnionID' => $unionid, 'type' => 2));
     $where = ' where Identity=2 and IsBlack="0" and IsFreeze="0" and Status="1"';
     $where .= ' and ID in (' . $dids . ')';
     if ($homeajax == 1) {
         $province = 'all';
         $pagesize = 6;
     if ($province !== 'all') {
         $where .= ' and Province=' . $province;
     if ($city) {
         $where .= ' and City=' . $city;
     if (!empty($brand)) {
         $ids = $this->getdealerbybrand($brand);
         $where .= ' and ID in' . $ids;
     if ($homeajax == 1) {
         $sql = ' select ID,OrganName,Logo from jpd_organ' . $where;
     } else {
         $sql = ' select * from jpd_organ' . $where;
     $sqlcount = ' select count(*) from jpd_organ' . $where;
     $count = Yii::app()->jpdb->createCommand($sqlcount)->queryScalar();
     $sql .= ' order by Sort ASC ';
     $dataProvider = new CSqlDataProvider($sql, array('db' => Yii::app()->jpdb, 'totalItemCount' => $count, 'pagination' => array('pageSize' => $pagesize)));
     $organ = $dataProvider->getData();
     if ($homeajax == 1) {
         echo json_encode($organ);
     if ($organ) {
         foreach ($organ as $key => $val) {
             $a = array();
             $b = array();
             $organ[$key]['OrganName'] = '<a target="_black" href="' . Yii::app()->createUrl('servicer/servicedetail/detail', array('dealer' => $val['ID'])) . '">' . $val['OrganName'] . '</a>';
             $brand = PapBrand::model()->findAll('OrganID=:organ', array(':organ' => $val['ID']));
             $brand_str = "";
             foreach ($brand as $k => $v) {
                 if ($v['BrandName'] === null) {
                 $a[] = $v['BrandName'];
             if ($a) {
                 $brand_str = implode(',', $a);
                 $organ[$key]['brand'] = '<a title="' . $brand_str . '">' . $brand_str . '</a>';
                 $organ[$key]['firstbrand'] = '<a title="' . $brand_str . '">' . $a[0] . '</a>';
             } else {
                 $organ[$key]['brand'] = '暂无';
                 $organ[$key]['firstbrand'] = '主营品牌:暂无';
             $vehicles = DealerVehicles::model()->findAll('OrganID=:organ', array(':organ' => $val['ID']));
             $str = "";
             foreach ($vehicles as $k => $v) {
                 $car = $v['Make'];
                 if ($v['Car']) {
                     $car .= ' ' . $v['Car'];
                     if ($v['Year']) {
                         $car .= ' ' . $v['Year'];
                         if ($v['Model']) {
                             $car .= ' ' . $v['Model'];
                         } else {
                             $car .= ' ' . '全车型';
                     } else {
                         $car .= ' ' . '全年款';
                 } else {
                     $car .= ' ' . '全车系';
                 $b[] = $car;
             if ($b) {
                 $str = implode('; ', $b);
                 //$organ[$key]['vehicles'] = '<a title="' . $str . '">' . $str . '</a>';
                 $organ[$key]['vehicles'] = $str;
             } else {
                 $organ[$key]['vehicles'] = '暂无';
             $organ[$key]['TelPhone'] = $organ[$key]['TelPhone'] ? $organ[$key]['TelPhone'] : '暂无';
     $branddata = $this->getBrand($dids);
     $get = $this->geturlparams($_GET);
     $get['type'] = $type;
     $pages = new CPagination($count);
     $pages->pageSize = $pagesize;
     $page = $pages->getCurrentPage() + 1;
     $totalpage = $pages->getPageCount();
     $start = 1 + ($page - 1) * $pagesize;
     $end = $page < $totalpage ? $start + $pagesize - 1 : $count;
     $footer = '<span class="zdyfooter">第 ' . $start . ' - ' . $end . ' 条, 共 ' . $count . ' 条.</span>';
     $this->render('index', array('dataProvider' => $dataProvider, 'brand' => $branddata, 'get' => $get, 'type' => $type, 'province' => $province, 'city' => $city, 'pages' => $pages, 'footer' => $footer));
Exemple #25
  * hien thi danh sach bai hat/video/album/playlist cua 1 the loai
  * @param type $genreModel
  * @param type $type
 public function showList($genreModel, $type, $genre_id)
     $arr = array('song' => array('modelClass' => 'WapSongModel', 'countGenreFunc' => 'countSongsByGenre', 'getGenreFunc' => 'getSongsByGenre', 'widget' => '', 'text' => 'Bài hát'), 'video' => array('modelClass' => 'WapVideoModel', 'countGenreFunc' => 'countVideosByGenre', 'getGenreFunc' => 'getVideosByGenre', 'widget' => '', 'text' => 'Video'), 'album' => array('modelClass' => 'WapAlbumModel', 'countGenreFunc' => 'countAlbumsByGenre', 'getGenreFunc' => 'getAlbumsByGenre', 'widget' => '', 'text' => 'Album'), 'videoPlaylist' => array('modelClass' => 'VideoPlaylistModel', 'countGenreFunc' => 'countVideoPlaylistByGenre', 'getGenreFunc' => 'getVideoPlaylistByGenre', 'widget' => '', 'text' => 'VideoPlaylist'));
     $page = Yii::app()->request->getParam('page', 1);
     $pageSize = Yii::app()->params['pageSize'];
     $headerText = $arr[$type]['text'] . " " . $genreModel->name;
     $genres_ = MainActiveRecord::getGenre();
     $countObject = $arr[$type]['modelClass']::$arr[$type]['countGenreFunc']($genreModel->id);
     $objectPages = new CPagination($countObject);
     $currentPage = $objectPages->getCurrentPage();
     if (!$currentPage) {
         $currentPage = 1;
     $objects = $arr[$type]['modelClass']::$arr[$type]['getGenreFunc']($genreModel->id, ($page - 1) * $pageSize, $pageSize);
     $options = array();
     $options['col'] = $headerText;
     $options['headerText'] = $headerText;
     $this->render('application.views.wap.' . $type . '.list', array($type . 's' => $objects, $type . 'Pages' => $objectPages, 'type' => 'list', 'options' => $options, 'link' => Yii::app()->createUrl('/genre'), 'genres' => $genres_, 'genre_id' => $genre_id, 'pager' => $objectPages, 'headerText' => $headerText));
 public function actionLoadAjax()
     $keyword = trim(yii::app()->request->getParam('q', ''));
     $search_type = $type = trim(yii::app()->request->getParam('type', 'song'));
     $page = intval(yii::app()->request->getParam('page', 1));
     $is_search = Yii::app()->request->getParam('is_search', 1);
     $paging = array('page' => $page, 'recordsPerPage' => !$search_type ? Yii::app()->params['numberPerPage'] : Yii::app()->params['pageSize']);
     switch ($search_type) {
         case 'song':
             $response = SearchHelper::getInstance()->search($keyword, 'song', $paging['recordsPerPage'], $page - 1);
             $results = $this->copyAndCast($response->docs, array('name' => 'name', 'artist_name' => 'artist_name'));
             if ($response->numFound > 0) {
                 $countSong = $response->numFound;
                 $pages = new CPagination($countSong);
                 $pageSize = Yii::app()->params['pageSize'];
                 $pages->params = array('q' => $keyword, 'type' => $type);
                 $topItems = array();
                 $topItemPages = new CPagination(0);
                 $results = $this->getStatistic($results, $type);
             } else {
                 $pages = new CPagination(0);
                 $pageSize = Yii::app()->params['numberPerPage'];
                 $topItemPages = new CPagination($pageSize);
                 $currentPage = $topItemPages->getCurrentPage();
                 $topItems = null;
                 // WapSongModel::model()->getTopSongsWeek($currentPage * $pageSize, $pageSize);;//WapSongModel::getListHot(1,$pageSize,'filter_sync_status');
             $total_results[$type] = array('numFound' => $response->numFound, 'results' => $results, 'topItems' => $topItems, 'pages' => $pages, 'topItemPages' => $topItemPages);
         case 'clip':
             $response = SearchHelper::getInstance()->search($keyword, 'video', $paging['recordsPerPage'], $page - 1);
             $results = $this->copyAndCast($response->docs, array('artist' => 'artist_name'));
             if ($response->numFound > 0) {
                 $countClip = $response->numFound;
                 $pages = new CPagination($countClip);
                 $pageSize = Yii::app()->params['pageSize'];
                 $pages->params = array('q' => $keyword, 'type' => $type);
                 $topItems = array();
                 $topItemPages = new CPagination(0);
                 $results = $this->getStatistic($results, $type);
             } else {
                 $pages = new CPagination(0);
                 $pageSize = Yii::app()->params['numberPerPage'];
                 $topItemPages = new CPagination($pageSize);
                 $currentPage = $topItemPages->getCurrentPage();
                 $topItems = null;
                 //WapVideoModel::model()->getTopVideosWeek($currentPage * $pageSize, $pageSize);//WapVideoModel::getListHot(1,$pageSize,'filter_sync_status');
             $total_results[$type] = array('numFound' => $response->numFound, 'results' => $results, 'topItems' => $topItems, 'pages' => $pages, 'topItemPages' => $topItemPages);
         case 'album':
             $response = SearchHelper::getInstance()->search($keyword, 'album', $paging['recordsPerPage'], $page - 1);
             $results = $this->copyAndCast($response->docs, array('artist' => 'artist_name'));
             if ($response->numFound > 0) {
                 $countAlbum = $response->numFound;
                 $pages = new CPagination($countAlbum);
                 $pageSize = Yii::app()->params['pageSize'];
                 $pages->params = array('q' => $keyword, 'type' => $type);
                 $topItems = array();
                 $topItemPages = new CPagination(0);
                 $results = $this->getStatistic($results, $type);
             } else {
                 $pages = new CPagination(0);
                 $pageSize = Yii::app()->params['numberPerPage'];
                 $topItemPages = new CPagination($pageSize);
                 $currentPage = $topItemPages->getCurrentPage();
                 $topItems = null;
                 //WapAlbumModel::model()->getTopAlbumsWeek($currentPage * $pageSize, $pageSize);//WapAlbumModel::getListHot(1,$pageSize);
             $total_results[$type] = array('numFound' => $response->numFound, 'results' => $results, 'topItems' => $topItems, 'pages' => $pages, 'topItemPages' => $topItemPages);
         case 'artist':
             $response = SearchHelper::getInstance()->search($keyword, 'artist', $paging['recordsPerPage'], $page - 1);
             $results = $this->copyAndCast($response->docs, array('artist' => 'artist_name'));
             if ($response->numFound > 0) {
                 $countArtist = $response->numFound;
                 $pages = new CPagination($countArtist);
                 $pageSize = Yii::app()->params['pageSize'];
                 $pages->params = array('q' => $keyword, 'type' => $type);
                 $topItems = array();
                 $topItemPages = new CPagination(0);
                 $results = $this->getStatistic($results, $type, 'song_count');
             } else {
                 $pages = new CPagination(0);
                 $pageSize = Yii::app()->params['numberPerPage'];
                 $topItemPages = new CPagination($pageSize);
                 $currentPage = $topItemPages->getCurrentPage();
                 $topItems = null;
                 //WapArtistModel::model()->getTopArtists($currentPage * $pageSize, $pageSize);
             $total_results[$type] = array('numFound' => $response->numFound, 'results' => $results, 'topItems' => $topItems, 'pages' => $pages, 'topItemPages' => $topItemPages);
         case 'videoplaylist':
             $response = SearchHelper::getInstance()->search($keyword, 'videoplaylist', $paging['recordsPerPage'], $page - 1);
             $results = $this->copyAndCast($response->docs, array('artist' => 'artist_name'));
             if ($response->numFound > 0) {
                 $countArtist = $response->numFound;
                 $pages = new CPagination($countArtist);
                 $pageSize = Yii::app()->params['pageSize'];
                 $pages->params = array('q' => $keyword, 'type' => $type);
                 $topItems = array();
                 $topItemPages = new CPagination(0);
                 $results = $this->getStatistic($results, $type);
             } else {
                 $pages = new CPagination(0);
                 $pageSize = Yii::app()->params['numberPerPage'];
                 $topItemPages = new CPagination($pageSize);
                 $currentPage = $topItemPages->getCurrentPage();
                 $topItems = null;
                 //WapArtistModel::model()->getTopArtists($currentPage * $pageSize, $pageSize);
             $total_results[$type] = array('numFound' => $response->numFound, 'results' => $results, 'topItems' => $topItems, 'pages' => $pages, 'topItemPages' => $topItemPages);
     $this->layout = false;
     $this->render("_ajaxList", compact('total_results', 'search_type'));
 public function actionLoadAjax()
     $callBack = (int) Yii::app()->request->getParam('call_back', 0);
     $s = CHtml::encode(Yii::app()->request->getParam('s'));
     $id = (int) Yii::app()->request->getParam('id', 0);
     $artist_id = (int) Yii::app()->request->getParam('artist_id', 0);
     $genre_id = (int) Yii::app()->request->getParam('genre_id', 0);
     if ($s == 'genre') {
         $callBackLink = Yii::app()->createUrl("song/loadAjax", array('s' => 'genre', 'genre_id' => $genre_id));
         $count = WapSongModel::model()->countSongsByGenre($genre_id);
         $pager = new CPagination($count);
         $pageSize = Yii::app()->params['pageSize'];
         $currentPage = $pager->getCurrentPage();
         $songs = WapSongModel::model()->getSongsByGenre($genre_id, $pager->getOffset(), $pager->getLimit());
     } else {
         $callBackLink = Yii::app()->createUrl("song/loadAjax", array('s' => 'artist', 'artist_id' => $artist_id));
         $count = WapSongModel::model()->countSongsSameSinger($id, $artist_id);
         $pager = new CPagination($count);
         $pageSize = Yii::app()->params['pageSize'];
         $currentPage = $pager->getCurrentPage();
         $songs = WapSongModel::model()->getSongsSameSinger($id, $artist_id, $pager->getOffset(), $pager->getLimit());
     if ($callBack) {
         $this->renderPartial("_ajaxList", compact('songs', 'pager'), false, true);
     } else {
         $this->renderPartial("_same", compact('songs', 'pager', 'callBackLink'), false, true);