public function register(Application $application)
     $applicationConfig = $application['app_config'];
     $providerConfig = $applicationConfig['service_providers']['salvo'];
     //load twig extensions
     $application['twig']->addExtension(new Extension\Twig($application));
     //see if we need to register the unit test namespace
     if (defined('UNIT_TESTING') && UNIT_TESTING === true) {
         $applicationConfig['autoloader']->registerNamespace('SalvoTests', __DIR__ . '/../vendor/salvo/salvo/tests');
     //barrage configuration file is required for barrage to work
     if (!isset($providerConfig['barrage_configuration_file_path'])) {
         throw new \Exception('Configuration file path not given for Barrage');
     } else {
         if (!file_exists(SALVO_ROOT_PATH . '/' . $providerConfig['barrage_configuration_file_path'])) {
             $filePath = SALVO_ROOT_PATH . '/' . $providerConfig['barrage_configuration_file_path'];
             throw new \Exception("Unable to locate the configuration file given for Barrage ({$filePath})");
     \Salvo\Barrage\Configuration::load(SALVO_ROOT_PATH . '/' . $providerConfig['barrage_configuration_file_path']);
     //barrage console configuration file is required for barrage to work
     if (!isset($providerConfig['barrage_console_configuration_file_path'])) {
         throw new \Exception('Console configuration file path not given for Barrage');
     } else {
         if (!file_exists(SALVO_ROOT_PATH . '/' . $providerConfig['barrage_console_configuration_file_path'])) {
             $filePath = SALVO_ROOT_PATH . '/' . $providerConfig['barrage_console_configuration_file_path'];
             throw new \Exception("Unable to locate the console configuration file given for Barrage ({$filePath})");
     \Salvo\Barrage\Configuration::load(SALVO_ROOT_PATH . '/' . $providerConfig['barrage_console_configuration_file_path']);
  * @static
  * @param $configurationName
  * @return IDataSource
 public static function buildFromConfiguration($configurationName)
     //get the connection data object
     $connectionData = ConnectionDataFactory::buildFromConfiguration($configurationName);
     //figure out which driver we need to build the data source object from
     $dataSourceConfiguration = Configuration::getDataSourceConfiguration($configurationName);
     $dataSourceClassName = 'Salvo\\Barrage\\DataSource\\Relational\\Driver\\' . $dataSourceConfiguration['driver'] . '\\' . 'DataSource';
     return $dataSourceClassName::getInstance($connectionData);
 public function __construct()
     $host = '';
     $username = '******';
     $password = '';
     $database = '';
     $testDatabaseConnection = Mysql\DataSource::getInstance(new Mysql\ConnectionData($host, $username, $password, $database));
     \Salvo\Barrage\Configuration::load(__DIR__ . '/../../configuration.yml');
  * @static
  * @param $configurationName
  * @return IConnectionData
 public static function buildFromConfiguration($configurationName)
     $dataSourceConfiguration = Configuration::getDataSourceConfiguration($configurationName);
     $connectionDataClassName = 'Salvo\\Barrage\\DataSource\\Relational\\Driver\\' . $dataSourceConfiguration['driver'] . '\\' . 'ConnectionData';
     $host = $dataSourceConfiguration['host'];
     $username = $dataSourceConfiguration['username'];
     $password = $dataSourceConfiguration['password'];
     $database = $dataSourceConfiguration['database'];
     $port = !empty($dataSourceConfiguration['port']) ? $dataSourceConfiguration['port'] : null;
     $options = !empty($dataSourceConfiguration['options']) ? $dataSourceConfiguration['options'] : array();
     return new $connectionDataClassName($host, $username, $password, $database, $port, $options);
  * Constructor
  * @param string $host The host of the server
  * @param string $username The connection username
  * @param string $password The connection password
  * @param string $database The database to connect to by default
  * @param int|null $port The port the server is listen to
  * @param array $options PDO options
  * @return \Salvo\Barrage\DataSource\Relational\Driver\Mysql\ConnectionData
 public function __construct($host, $username, $password, $database, $port = null, $options = array())
     $this->host = $host;
     $this->username = $username;
     $this->password = $password;
     $this->database = \Salvo\Barrage\Configuration::getRealDatabaseName($database);
     $this->port = !empty($port) ? $port : self::DEFAULT_PORT;
     $convertedOptions = array();
     if (!empty($options)) {
         foreach ($options as $option => $value) {
             $convertedOptions[constant($option)] = $value;
     $this->options = $convertedOptions;
  * Create an array will the valid items for search and replacing with templates
  * @static
  * @param $type
  * @param $database
  * @param $table
  * @param $class
  * @param $namespace
  * @return array
  * @throws \Exception
 private static function buildSearchReplaceArray($type, $database, $table, $class, $namespace)
     $database = Configuration::getTrueDatabaseName($database);
     $builderConfiguration = Configuration::getOption('model_builder');
     $tableConfiguration = $builderConfiguration['relational']['databases'][$database]['tables'];
     $tableAlias = !empty($tableConfiguration[$table]['alias']) ? $tableConfiguration[$table]['alias'] : $table;
     $dataSource = DataSourceFactory::buildFromConfiguration('default');
     $parsingTokens = array();
     $stringReplaceArray = array();
     if ($type == 'full') {
         foreach (self::$templateTokens as $tokens) {
             $parsingTokens = array_merge($parsingTokens, $tokens);
     } else {
         if (array_key_exists($type, self::$templateTokens)) {
             $parsingTokens = self::$templateTokens[$type];
         } else {
             throw new \Exception("Invalid type ({$type}) for building token list");
     $autoIncrementField = null;
     $primaryKeyArray = array();
     $tableArray = array('name' => $table, 'alias' => $tableAlias);
     $fieldsArray = array();
     $skipSaveMembersArray = !empty($tableConfiguration[$table]['skip_save_members']) ? $tableConfiguration[$table]['skip_save_members'] : array();
     $tableFieldDetails = $dataSource->getTableFieldsDetails($table, $database);
     foreach ($tableFieldDetails as $fieldDetails) {
         if ($fieldDetails['auto_increment'] === true) {
             $autoIncrementField = $fieldDetails['field'];
         if ($fieldDetails['key_type'] == 'primary') {
             $primaryKeyArray[] = $fieldDetails['field'];
         $memberNameParts = explode('_', RegexHelper::toUnderscore($fieldDetails['field']));
         $memberName = '';
         foreach ($memberNameParts as $part) {
             $memberName .= ucwords(strtolower($part));
         $memberName = lcfirst($memberName);
         $fieldsArray[$memberName] = array('name' => $fieldDetails['field']);
         if (in_array($fieldDetails['field_type'], array('enum', 'set'))) {
             $fieldsArray[$memberName]['values'] = $dataSource->getFieldValues($table, $fieldDetails['field'], $database);
     //add in join fields
     if (!empty($tableConfiguration[$table]['join_fields'])) {
         foreach ($tableConfiguration[$table]['join_fields'] as $joinTable => $fields) {
             foreach ($fields as $options) {
                 $memberName = !empty($options['member_name']) ? $options['member_name'] : $options['field'];
                 $field = $options['field'];
                 $as = $options['field'];
                 if (!empty($options['as'])) {
                     $as = $options['as'];
                 } else {
                     if (!empty($options['member_name'])) {
                         $as = $options['member_name'];
                 $joinFieldData = array('name' => $field, 'join_table' => $joinTable);
                 if ($as != $options['field']) {
                     $joinFieldData['name'] .= ' AS ' . $as;
                 $fieldsArray[$memberName] = $joinFieldData;
     foreach ($parsingTokens as $token) {
         $trueValue = null;
         switch ($token) {
             case 'namespace':
                 $trueValue = $namespace;
             case 'class':
                 $trueValue = $class;
             case 'database':
                 $trueValue = $database;
             case 'primaryKeyArray':
                 $trueValue = self::arrayToPhpCodeString($primaryKeyArray);
             case 'autoIncrementField':
                 $trueValue = $autoIncrementField;
             case 'tableArray':
                 $trueValue = self::arrayToPhpCodeString($tableArray);
             case 'joinsArray':
                 $joinsArray = array();
                 if (!empty($tableConfiguration[$table]['joins'])) {
                     foreach ($tableConfiguration[$table]['joins'] as $joinTable => $config) {
                         $temp['alias'] = !empty($tableConfiguration[$joinTable]['alias']) ? $tableConfiguration[$joinTable]['alias'] : $joinTable;
                         $temp['type'] = !empty($config['type']) ? $config['type'] : 'inner';
                         $temp['on'] = "`{$temp['alias']}`.`{$config['join_field']}` = `{$tableAlias}`.`{$config['field']}`";
                         if (!empty($config['database'])) {
                             $temp['database'] = $config['database'];
                         $joinsArray[$joinTable] = $temp;
                 $trueValue = self::arrayToPhpCodeString($joinsArray);
             case 'fieldsArray':
                 $trueValue = self::arrayToPhpCodeString($fieldsArray);
             case 'dataSourceConfiguration':
                 $trueValue = 'default';
             case 'skipSaveMembersArray':
                 $trueValue = self::arrayToPhpCodeString($skipSaveMembersArray);
             case 'fields':
                 $trueValue = '';
                 foreach ($fieldsArray as $member => $options) {
                     if (!empty($trueValue)) {
                         $trueValue .= "\n";
                     } else {
                         $trueValue .= "\n\n";
                     $trueValue .= "    protected \${$member};";
                 throw new \Exception("Token passed ({$token}) is not a valid token");
         $stringReplaceArray[self::$tokenWrapper . $token . self::$tokenWrapper] = $trueValue;
     return $stringReplaceArray;
 public function __construct()
     $this->trueDatabase1 = Configuration::getRealDatabaseName($this->database1);
     $this->trueDatabase2 = Configuration::getRealDatabaseName($this->database2);
  * @test
 public function getTrueDatabaseName()
     $this->assertEquals('TrueTest', \Salvo\Barrage\Configuration::getTrueDatabaseName('TrueTest2'));
  * The implementation of what the command should do when executed
  * @param \Symfony\Component\Console\Input\InputInterface $input
  * @param \Symfony\Component\Console\Output\OutputInterface $output
 public function execute(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output)
     $builderConfiguration = Configuration::getOption('model_builder');
     $basePath = $builderConfiguration['base_source_path'];
     $basePath = substr($basePath, 0, 1) === DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR ? $basePath : __DIR__ . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $basePath;
     /*echo "\n\n";
     		echo "\n\n";
     $defaultNamespace = $builderConfiguration['relational']['default_namespace'];
     $dataSource = DataSourceFactory::buildFromConfiguration('default');
     $options = $input->getOptions();
     $databases = $options['database'] ? array($options['database']) : array();
     if (empty($databases)) {
         foreach ($builderConfiguration['relational']['databases'] as $databaseName => $databaseOptions) {
             $databases[] = $databaseName;
     foreach ($databases as $database) {
         $tableConfiguration = $builderConfiguration['relational']['databases'][$database]['tables'];
         $table = $input->getArgument('table');
         if (!empty($table)) {
             $tables = array($input->getArgument('table'));
         } else {
             $tables = $dataSource->getTables($database);
         $dialog = $this->getHelperSet()->get('dialog');
         $output->writeln("Writing models for {$database} database:");
         foreach ($tables as $table) {
             if (isset($tableConfiguration[$table])) {
                 $classDefault = !empty($tableConfiguration[$table]['class_name']) ? $tableConfiguration[$table]['class_name'] : null;
                 //todo: add in the ability to get class name during this process if one if not set
                 $class = $options['default'] === true ? $classDefault : $options['class'];
                 if (!empty($class)) {
                     $namespace = $options['default'] === true ? $builderConfiguration['relational']['default_namespace'] : $options['namespace'];
                     $namespace .= "\\{$database}";
                     while (empty($namespace)) {
                         if ($namespace === null) {
                             $output->writeln('You must specify a namespace for the class');
                         $message = "What would you like the namespace name for class {$class} to be";
                         if (!empty($defaultNamespace)) {
                             $message .= ' [' . $defaultNamespace . ']';
                         $namespace = $dialog->ask($output, "{$message}? ");
                         if (!empty($defaultNamespace) && empty($namespace)) {
                             $namespace = $defaultNamespace;
                     if (empty($database)) {
                         $output->writeln("ERROR: Can't build model without database being specified int he command of in the connection\\s configuration");
                     $namespaceParts = explode('\\', $namespace);
                     $extraFilePath = implode('/', $namespaceParts);
                     $filePath = "{$basePath}/{$extraFilePath}/{$class}.php";
                     //make sure that directory exists
                     if (!is_dir("{$basePath}/{$extraFilePath}")) {
                         //todo: make directory mode configurable
                         mkdir("{$basePath}/{$extraFilePath}", 0777, true);
                     if (file_exists($filePath)) {
                         $phpCode = \Salvo\Barrage\Utility\ModelBuilder::updateModelClass($filePath, $database, $table, $class, $namespace);
                     } else {
                         $phpCode = \Salvo\Barrage\Utility\ModelBuilder::buildModelClass($database, $table, $class, $namespace);
                     $this->writeFile($filePath, $phpCode);
                     $output->writeln("Writing model for the {$table} table as class {$class} to {$filePath}");
  * Generate a sql where condition
  * @param $key
  * @param $options
  * @param $fromAlias
  * @return string
  * @throws \Salvo\Barrage\DataSource\Relational\Exception\RelationalSqlException
 private function getWhereCondition($key, $options, $fromAlias)
      * Allows us to parse simple sql like where statements when used as values for fields.  Supported conditional types:
      * =
      * !=
      * >
      * >=
      * <
      * <=
      * like
      * notlike
      * in
      * notin
      * between
     if (empty($options) && $options !== null) {
         return '';
     if (is_string($options)) {
         $statementParts = explode(' ', trim($options), 2);
         switch ($statementParts[0]) {
             case '=':
             case '!=':
             case '>':
             case '>=':
             case '<':
             case '<=':
             case 'like':
             case 'notlike':
                 $options = array('condition' => $statementParts[0], 'value' => str_replace("'", '', $statementParts[1]));
             case 'in':
             case 'notin':
                 $condition = $statementParts[0] == 'in' ? '=' : '!=';
                 $values = explode(',', $statementParts[1]);
                 $options = array('condition' => $condition, 'value' => $values);
             case 'between':
                 $values = explode(' and ', $statementParts[1]);
                 $options = array('condition' => $statementParts[0], 'value' => $values);
     if (is_array($options) && !isset($options['value'])) {
         $options = array('value' => $options);
     if (is_array($options) && (!empty($options['value']) || $options['value'] === null)) {
         $condition = !empty($options['condition']) ? $options['condition'] : '=';
         $alias = !empty($options['database']) ? \Salvo\Barrage\Configuration::getRealDatabaseName($options['database']) : $fromAlias;
         $value = $options['value'];
         if (!$this->validateWhereCondition($condition)) {
             throw new RelationalSqlException("Invalid where condition given : {$condition}");
         switch ($condition) {
             case '=':
                 if ($value !== null) {
                     $condition = is_array($value) ? 'IN' : $condition;
                     $value = is_array($value) ? '(' . $this->arrayToCleanStringSql($value) . ')' : " '{$value}'";
                     $condition = $condition . $value;
                 } else {
                     $condition = 'IS NULL';
             case '!=':
                 if ($value !== null) {
                     $condition = is_array($value) ? 'NOT IN' : $condition;
                     $value = is_array($value) ? '(' . $this->arrayToCleanStringSql($value) . ')' : " '{$value}'";
                     $condition = $condition . $value;
                 } else {
                     $condition = 'IS NOT NULL';
             case 'between':
                 if (empty($value[0]) || empty($value[1])) {
                     throw new RelationalSqlException("Between requires the value that is passed is an array with 2 values");
                 $value1 = $this->cleanQuote($value[0]);
                 $value2 = $this->cleanQuote($value[1]);
                 $condition = strtoupper($condition) . ' ' . $value1 . ' AND ' . $value2;
                 $value = $this->cleanQuote($value);
                 $condition = strtoupper($condition) . ' ' . $value;
     } else {
         $alias = $fromAlias;
         			$value = $this->arrayToCleanStringSql($options);
         			$condition = '= ' . $value;
         		else */
         if ($options === null) {
             $condition = 'IS NULL';
         } else {
             $value = $this->cleanQuote($options);
             $condition = '= ' . $value;
     //if the dot character (.) is not present, assume it is associated to the main table otherwise, assume the key is fully qualified and escaped properly
     if (strpos($key, '.') === false) {
         return "`{$alias}`.`{$key}` {$condition}";
     } else {
         return $key . ' ' . $condition;
 protected function getDatabaseName($database)
     $database = !empty($database) ? $database : $this->defaultDatabase;
     //return $database;
     return \Salvo\Barrage\Configuration::getRealDatabaseName($database);