Exemple #1
  * Gets the coordinates of a square position
  * @param string $sq square position on the board
  * @return array x,y coordinates
 static function _get_square_coords($sq)
     #If $sq is not a valid square
     if (Board::square_is_valid($sq) == false) {
         return NULL;
     $x = ord(strtolower(substr($sq, 0, 1))) - ord('a');
     $y = substr($sq, 1, 1) - 1;
     return array($x, $y);
Exemple #2
  * Takes two parameters containing the name of the square to move from and 
  * the name of the square to move to. They should be validated with 
  * "square_is_valid()" in Board before calling. Optionally takes a 
  * third parameter, which can be set to zero to indicate that no legality 
  * checking should be done. In this case, flags indicating 'en passant' pawn 
  * captures or castling will not be set! Only by entirely validating the move 
  * do these flags have any meaning. The default is to validate every move. 
  * @param string $sq1 current position of the piece
  * @param string $sq2 destination of the piece
  * @param bool $validate whether to validate the move 
  * @return MoveListEntry|NULL a MoveListEntry representing the move just made or NULL
  * if any errors occur and the move was not considered  
 public function make_move($sq1, $sq2, $validate = true)
     $move = NULL;
     #Invalid square
     if (Board::square_is_valid($sq1) == false) {
         return NULL;
     if (Board::square_is_valid($sq2) == false) {
         return NULL;
     if ($validate) {
         if ($this->is_move_legal($sq1, $sq2) == false) {
             return NULL;
     $player1 = $this->players[0];
     $player2 = $this->players[1];
     $board = $this->board;
     $piece = $board->get_piece_at($sq1);
     $player = $piece->get_player();
     #if no piece at sq1
     if ($piece == NULL) {
         return NULL;
     $movelist = $this->movelist;
     $capture = $board->get_piece_at($sq2);
     $flags = 0x0;
     if ($validate && $piece instanceof Pawn) {
         if ($player == $player1) {
             if (Board::vert_distance("d8", $sq2) == 0) {
                 $flags = $flags | self::__MOVE_PROMOTE__;
             //Bitwise Or
         } else {
             if (Board::vert_distance("d1", $sq2) == 0) {
                 $flags = $flags | self::__MOVE_PROMOTE__;
             //Bitwise Or
     if ($capture) {
         $flags = $flags | self::__MOVE_CAPTURE__;
         //Bitwise Or
         $board->set_piece_at($sq1, NULL);
         $board->set_piece_at($sq2, $piece);
         $move = $movelist->add_move($piece, $sq1, $sq2, $flags);
         $movenum = $move->get_move_num();
         $this->captures[$player][$movenum] = $capture;
     } else {
         if ($validate && $piece instanceof Pawn && $this->_is_valid_en_passant($piece, $sq1, $sq2)) {
             $last_moved = $movelist->get_last_moved();
             $move = $movelist->get_move($movelist->get_move_num(), $last_moved);
             $capture = $move->get_piece();
             $flags = $flags | self::__MOVE_CAPTURE__;
             $flags = $flags | self::__MOVE_EN_PASSANT__;
             $board->set_piece_at($sq1, NULL);
             $board->set_piece_at($sq2, $piece);
             $move = $movelist->add_move($piece, $sq1, $sq2, $flags);
             $this->analyzed = 0;
             $movenum = $move->get_move_num();
             $this->captures[$player][$movenum] = $capture;
         } else {
             if ($validate && $piece instanceof King) {
                 if ($this->_is_valid_short_castle($piece, $sq1, $sq2)) {
                     $flags = $flags | self::__MOVE_CASTLE_SHORT__;
                 if ($this->_is_valid_long_castle($piece, $sq1, $sq2)) {
                     $flags = $flags | self::__MOVE_CASTLE_LONG__;
             if ($flags & self::__MOVE_CASTLE_SHORT__ || $flags & self::__MOVE_CASTLE_LONG__) {
                 $rook_sq = $king_sq = $rook_sq_new = $king_sq_new = NULL;
                 $rook = $king = NULL;
                 if ($player == $player1) {
                     $rook_sq = $flags & self::__MOVE_CASTLE_SHORT__ ? "h1" : "a1";
                     $rook_sq_new = $flags & self::__MOVE_CASTLE_SHORT__ ? "f1" : "d1";
                     $king_sq = "e1";
                     $king_sq_new = $flags & self::__MOVE_CASTLE_SHORT__ ? "g1" : "c1";
                 } else {
                     $rook_sq = $flags & self::__MOVE_CASTLE_SHORT__ ? "h8" : "a8";
                     $rook_sq_new = $flags & self::__MOVE_CASTLE_SHORT__ ? "f8" : "d8";
                     $king_sq = "e8";
                     $king_sq_new = $flags & self::__MOVE_CASTLE_SHORT__ ? "g8" : "c8";
                 $king = $board->get_piece_at($king_sq);
                 $rook = $board->get_piece_at($rook_sq);
                 $board->set_piece_at($king_sq, NULL);
                 $board->set_piece_at($king_sq_new, $king);
                 $board->set_piece_at($rook_sq, NULL);
                 $board->set_piece_at($rook_sq_new, $rook);
                 $move = $movelist->add_move($piece, $sq1, $sq2, $flags);
                 $movenum = $move->get_move_num();
                 $this->analyzed = 0;
             } else {
                 $board->set_piece_at($sq1, NULL);
                 $board->set_piece_at($sq2, $piece);
                 $move = $movelist->add_move($piece, $sq1, $sq2, $flags);
                 $movenum = $move->get_move_num();
     return $move;