static function getFields($prefix) { global $currentRequest; $fields = array("title", "reference", "url", "ref_date", "notes", "certainty"); $ret = Base::addFields($prefix, $fields); return $ret; }
static function getFields($prefix) { global $currentRequest; $fields = array("event_id", "etype", "descrip", "person_id", "location_id", "d1type", "date1", "d2type", "date2", "notes"); $ret = Base::addFields($prefix, $fields); $ret .= ", DATE_FORMAT(" . $prefix . ".date1, " . $currentRequest->datefmt . ") AS " . $prefix . "_fdate1"; //$ret .= ", DATE_FORMAT(".$prefix.".date2, ".$currentRequest->datefmt.") AS ".$prefix."_fdate2"; return $ret; }
static function getFields($tbl = 'p', $name = 'n', $birth = 'b', $death = 'd') { global $currentRequest; $fields = array("person_id", "gender"); $ret = Base::addFields($tbl, $fields); $prefix = ""; $tbl_pref = ""; if (strlen($tbl) > 0) { $prefix = $tbl . "_"; $tbl_pref = $tbl . "."; } $ret .= ", DATE_FORMAT(" . $birth . ".date1, " . $currentRequest->datefmt . ") AS " . $prefix . "DOB"; $ret .= ", " . $birth . ".date1 AS " . $prefix . "date_of_birth"; $ret .= ", DATE_FORMAT(" . $death . ".date1, " . $currentRequest->datefmt . ") AS " . $prefix . "DOD"; $ret .= ", " . $death . ".date1 AS " . $prefix . "date_of_death"; $ret .= ", " . Name::getFields($name); return $ret; }
static function getFields($tbl) { global $currentRequest; $fields = array("title", "forenames", "link", "surname", "suffix", "knownas"); return Base::addFields($tbl, $fields); }
function getPersonDetails(&$search, $callback = '') { global $tblprefix, $err_listpeeps, $currentRequest; if ($search->queryType == Q_IND && !isset($search->person_id)) { return; } $use_callback = false; $numargs = func_num_args(); if ($numargs > 1) { $use_callback = true; } $res = array(); // create the query based on the parameters $query = "SELECT DISTINCT "; switch ($search->queryType) { case Q_COUNT: $fields = "COUNT(p.person_id) AS count "; break; default: $flds = array("death_reason", "mother_id", "father_id", "narrative", "updated"); $fields = PersonDetail::getFields() . ", AS p_birth_place" . ", YEAR(b.date1) AS p_year_of_birth" . ", " . Base::addFields("p", $flds) . ", DATE_FORMAT(updated, " . $currentRequest->datefmt . ") AS ddate"; break; } $from = " FROM " . $tblprefix . "people p "; $from .= PersonDetail::getJoins(); $from .= " LEFT JOIN " . $tblprefix . "locations bl ON bl.location_id = b.location_id"; switch ($search->queryType) { case Q_TYPE: case Q_COUNT: $where = " WHERE p.person_id <> -1"; //.$search->person_id; break; default: $where = " WHERE p.person_id = " . $search->person_id; break; } // if the user is not logged in, only show people pre $restrictdate $where .= $this->addPersonRestriction(" AND "); // need the gender if listing for mother or father selection if (isset($search->gender)) { if ($search->gender != 'A') { $where .= " AND gender = '" . $search->gender . "'"; } } if (isset($search->date_of_birth) && $search->date_of_birth != '') { $where .= " AND b.date1 <= '" . $search->date_of_birth . "'"; } if (isset($search->name->surname)) { $where .= " AND ("; $op = " OR "; if (isset($search->name->forenames)) { $firstname = $search->name->forenames; $op = " AND "; } else { $firstname = $search->name->surname; } $lastname = $search->name->surname; $where .= " n.forenames LIKE " . quote_smart($firstname) . $op . " n.surname LIKE " . quote_smart($lastname); $where .= ")"; } if (isset($search->filter)) { $where .= " AND (" . $search->filter . ")"; } $query .= $fields . $from . $where; // and sort the query if (!$use_callback) { if (!isset($search->count)) { $search->count = 10; } } if ($search->queryType != Q_COUNT) { if (isset($search->order)) { $query .= " ORDER BY " . $search->order; } else { $query .= " ORDER BY n.surname, n.forenames, b.date1"; } $this->addLimit($search, $query); } $result = $this->runQuery($query, $err_listpeeps); $search->numResults = 0; while ($row = $this->getNextRow($result)) { switch ($search->queryType) { case Q_COUNT: $search->numResults = $row["count"]; break; default: $search->numResults++; $per = new PersonDetail(); $per->loadFields($row, L_ALL, "p_"); $per->name->loadFields($row, "n_"); $per->name->person_id = $per->person_id; $per->updated = $row["p_updated"]; $per->dupdated = $row["ddate"]; if ($use_callback) { call_user_func($callback, $search, $per); } else { $res[] = $per; } break; } } $this->freeResultSet($result); $search->results = $res; }
static function getFields($prefix) { $fields = array("attendee_id", "event_id", "person_id", "age", "location_id", "profession", "r_status", "loc_descrip", "certified", "notes"); $ret = Base::addFields($prefix, $fields); return $ret; }
static function getFields($tbl) { $fields = array("location_id", "name", "place", "lat", "lng", "centre"); $ret = Base::addFields($tbl, $fields); return $ret; }