/** * 获取参数值 * @param $name * @return bool|mixed|string */ public function __get($name) { global $zbp; if ($name == 'SourceType') { if ($this->Source == 'system') { return 'system'; } elseif ($this->Source == 'user') { return 'user'; } elseif ($this->Source == 'theme') { return 'theme'; } elseif ($this->Source == 'plugin_' . $zbp->theme) { return 'theme'; } else { return 'plugin'; } } if ($name == 'NoRefresh') { return (bool) $this->Metas->norefresh; } if ($name == 'Name' && $this->Source == 'system') { switch ($this->FileName) { case 'calendar': return $zbp->lang['msg']['calendar']; case 'controlpanel': return $zbp->lang['msg']['control_panel']; case 'searchpanel': return $zbp->lang['msg']['search']; default: return $zbp->lang['msg']['module_' . $this->FileName]; } } return parent::__get($name); }
/** * @param $name * @return mixed|string */ public function __get($name) { global $zbp; if ($name == 'Url') { foreach ($GLOBALS['hooks']['Filter_Plugin_Tag_Url'] as $fpname => &$fpsignal) { $fpsignal = PLUGIN_EXITSIGNAL_NONE; $fpreturn = $fpname($this); if ($fpsignal == PLUGIN_EXITSIGNAL_RETURN) { return $fpreturn; } } $backAttr = $zbp->option['ZC_ALIAS_BACK_ATTR']; $u = new UrlRule($zbp->option['ZC_TAGS_REGEX']); $u->Rules['{%id%}'] = $this->ID; $u->Rules['{%alias%}'] = rawurlencode($this->Alias == '' ? $this->{$backAttr} : $this->Alias); return $u->Make(); } if ($name == 'Template') { $value = $this->data[$name]; if ($value == '') { $value = $zbp->option['ZC_INDEX_DEFAULT_TEMPLATE']; } return $value; } return parent::__get($name); }
/** * 获取参数值 * @param $name * @return bool|mixed|string */ public function __get($name) { global $zbp; if ($name == 'SourceType') { if ($this->Source == 'system') { return 'system'; } elseif ($this->Source == 'user') { return 'user'; } elseif ($this->Source == 'theme') { return 'theme'; } elseif ($this->Source == 'plugin_' . $zbp->theme) { return 'theme'; } else { return 'plugin'; } } if ($name == 'NoRefresh') { $n = 'module_norefresh_' . $this->FileName; if ($zbp->cache->HasKey($n) == true) { return true; } else { return false; } } return parent::__get($name); }
function __get($property) { if ($property == 'PostCount') { if (is_null($this->_PostCount)) { global $DB; $this->_PostCount = $DB->formdata->count(array('id' => $this->ID, 'field_id' => 'poster'), 'value'); } return $this->_PostCount; } else { return parent::__get($property); } }
public function __get($sKey) { $mGet = parent::__get($sKey); if ($mGet !== null) { return $mGet; } if (isset($_SESSION['user'][$sKey])) { return $_SESSION['user'][$sKey]; } else { return null; } }
public function __get($key) { if (substr($key, 0, 6) == 'scale_') { $factor = substr($key, 6); if (($split = strpos($factor, '_')) !== FALSE) { $x = substr($factor, 0, $split); $y = substr($factor, $split + 1); } else { $x = $factor; $y = 0; } return $this->scale($x, $y); } return parent::__get($key); }
public function __get($name) { global $zbp; if ($name == 'SourceType') { if ($this->Source == 'system') { return 'system'; } elseif ($this->Source == 'user') { return 'user'; } elseif ($this->Source == 'theme') { return 'theme'; } else { return 'plugin'; } } return parent::__get($name); }
public function __get($name) { global $zbp; if ($name == 'Url') { $u = new UrlRule($zbp->option['ZC_TAGS_REGEX']); $u->Rules['{%id%}'] = $this->ID; $u->Rules['{%alias%}'] = $this->Alias == '' ? urlencode($this->Name) : $this->Alias; return $u->Make(); } if ($name == 'Template') { $value = $this->Data[$name]; if ($value == '') { $value = $zbp->option['ZC_INDEX_DEFAULT_TEMPLATE']; } return $value; } return parent::__get($name); }
/** * 获取参数值 * @param $name * @return bool|mixed|string */ public function __get($name) { global $zbp; if ($name == 'SourceType') { if ($this->Source == 'system') { return 'system'; } elseif ($this->Source == 'user') { return 'user'; } elseif ($this->Source == 'theme') { return 'theme'; } elseif ($this->Source == 'plugin_' . $zbp->theme) { return 'theme'; } else { return 'plugin'; } } if ($name == 'NoRefresh') { return (bool) $this->Metas->norefresh; } return parent::__get($name); }
/** * @param $name * @return mixed|string */ public function __get($name) { global $zbp; if ($name == 'Url') { $u = new UrlRule($zbp->option['ZC_AUTHOR_REGEX']); $u->Rules['{%id%}'] = $this->ID; $u->Rules['{%alias%}'] = $this->Alias == '' ? rawurlencode($this->Name) : $this->Alias; return $u->Make(); } if ($name == 'Avatar') { foreach ($GLOBALS['hooks']['Filter_Plugin_Mebmer_Avatar'] as $fpname => &$fpsignal) { $fpreturn = $fpname($this); if ($fpreturn) { $fpsignal = PLUGIN_EXITSIGNAL_NONE; return $fpreturn; } } if ($this->_avatar) { return $this->_avatar; } $s = $zbp->usersdir . 'avatar/' . $this->ID . '.png'; if (is_readable($s)) { $this->_avatar = $zbp->host . 'zb_users/avatar/' . $this->ID . '.png'; return $this->_avatar; } $this->_avatar = $zbp->host . 'zb_users/avatar/0.png'; return $this->_avatar; } if ($name == 'LevelName') { return $zbp->lang['user_level_name'][$this->Level]; } if ($name == 'EmailMD5') { return md5($this->Email); } if ($name == 'StaticName') { if ($this->Alias) { return $this->Alias; } return $this->Name; } if ($name == 'Template') { $value = $this->data[$name]; if ($value == '') { $value = $zbp->option['ZC_INDEX_DEFAULT_TEMPLATE']; } return $value; } if ($name == 'PassWord_MD5Path') { return md5($this->Password . $zbp->guid); } if ($name == 'IsGod') { if ($this->_isgod === true || $this->_isgod === false) { return $this->_isgod; } else { $sql = $zbp->db->sql->Select($zbp->table['Member'], '*', array(array('=', 'mem_Level', 1)), 'mem_ID ASC', 1, null); $am = $zbp->GetListType('Member', $sql); if ($am[0]->ID == $this->ID) { $this->_isgod = true; } else { $this->_isgod = false; } return $this->_isgod; } } return parent::__get($name); }
/** * @param $name * @return int|mixed|null|string */ public function __get($name) { global $zbp; if ($name == 'Url') { foreach ($GLOBALS['hooks']['Filter_Plugin_Category_Url'] as $fpname => &$fpsignal) { $fpsignal = PLUGIN_EXITSIGNAL_NONE; $fpreturn = $fpname($this); if ($fpsignal == PLUGIN_EXITSIGNAL_RETURN) { return $fpreturn; } } $backAttr = $zbp->option['ZC_ALIAS_BACK_ATTR']; $u = new UrlRule($zbp->option['ZC_CATEGORY_REGEX']); $u->Rules['{%id%}'] = $this->ID; $u->Rules['{%alias%}'] = rawurlencode($this->Alias == '' ? $this->{$backAttr} : $this->Alias); return $u->Make(); } if ($name == 'Symbol') { if ($this->ParentID == 0) { return; } else { $l = $this->Level; return str_repeat(' ', $l * 2 - 1) . '└'; } } if ($name == 'Level') { return $this->GetDeep($this); } if ($name == 'SymbolName') { return $this->Symbol . htmlspecialchars($this->Name); } if ($name == 'Parent') { if ($this->ParentID == 0) { return null; } else { return $zbp->categorys[$this->ParentID]; } } if ($name == 'Template') { $value = $this->data[$name]; if ($value == '') { $value = $zbp->option['ZC_INDEX_DEFAULT_TEMPLATE']; } return $value; } if ($name == 'LogTemplate') { $value = $this->data[$name]; if ($value == '') { $value = $zbp->option['ZC_POST_DEFAULT_TEMPLATE']; } return $value; } return parent::__get($name); }
/** * Automatically generate some values if they are NULL **/ function __get($var) { $value = parent::__get($var); if ($value === NULL) { switch ($var) { case 'caption': $name = $this->name; if ($name !== null) { $value = ucwords($this->name); } break; } } return $value; }
public function __get($name) { global $zbp; switch ($name) { case 'Category': return $zbp->GetCategoryByID($this->CateID); break; case 'Author': return $zbp->GetMemberByID($this->AuthorID); break; case 'StatusName': return $zbp->lang['post_status_name'][$this->Status]; break; case 'Url': if ($this->Type == ZC_POST_TYPE_ARTICLE) { $u = new UrlRule($zbp->option['ZC_ARTICLE_REGEX']); } else { $u = new UrlRule($zbp->option['ZC_PAGE_REGEX']); } $u->Rules['{%id%}'] = $this->ID; if ($this->Alias) { $u->Rules['{%alias%}'] = $this->Alias; } else { $u->Rules['{%alias%}'] = urlencode($this->Title); } $u->Rules['{%year%}'] = $this->Time('Y'); $u->Rules['{%month%}'] = $this->Time('m'); $u->Rules['{%day%}'] = $this->Time('d'); if ($this->Category->Alias) { $u->Rules['{%category%}'] = $this->Category->Alias; } else { $u->Rules['{%category%}'] = urlencode($this->Category->Name); } if ($this->Author->Alias) { $u->Rules['{%author%}'] = $this->Author->Alias; } else { $u->Rules['{%author%}'] = urlencode($this->Author->Name); } return $u->Make(); break; case 'Tags': return $zbp->LoadTagsByIDString($this->Tag); break; case 'TagsCount': return substr_count($this->Tag, '{'); break; case 'TagsName': return $this->TagsToNameString; case 'Template': $value = $this->Data[$name]; if ($value == '') { $value = GetValueInArray($this->Category->GetDataArray(), 'LogTemplate'); if ($value == '') { $value = $zbp->option['ZC_POST_DEFAULT_TEMPLATE']; } } return $value; case 'CommentPostUrl': foreach ($GLOBALS['Filter_Plugin_Post_CommentPostUrl'] as $fpname => &$fpsignal) { $fpreturn = $fpname($this); if ($fpreturn) { return $fpreturn; } } $key = '&key=' . md5($zbp->guid . $this->ID . date('Y-m-d')); return $zbp->host . 'zb_system/cmd.php?act=cmt&postid=' . $this->ID . $key; break; case 'ValidCodeUrl': return $zbp->validcodeurl . '?id=cmt'; break; case 'Prev': static $_prev = null; if ($_prev !== null) { return $_prev; } $articles = $zbp->GetPostList(array('*'), array(array('=', 'log_Type', 0), array('=', 'log_Status', 0), array('<', 'log_PostTime', $this->PostTime)), array('log_PostTime' => 'DESC'), array(1), null); if (count($articles) == 1) { $_prev = $articles[0]; } else { $_prev = ''; } return $_prev; break; case 'Next': static $_next = null; if ($_next !== null) { return $_next; } $articles = $zbp->GetPostList(array('*'), array(array('=', 'log_Type', 0), array('=', 'log_Status', 0), array('>', 'log_PostTime', $this->PostTime)), array('log_PostTime' => 'ASC'), array(1), null); if (count($articles) == 1) { $_next = $articles[0]; } else { $_next = ''; } return $_next; break; default: return parent::__get($name); break; } }
/** * @param $name * @return int|mixed|null|string */ public function __get($name) { global $zbp; if ($name == 'Url') { $u = new UrlRule($zbp->option['ZC_CATEGORY_REGEX']); $u->Rules['{%id%}'] = $this->ID; $u->Rules['{%alias%}'] = $this->Alias == '' ? urlencode($this->Name) : $this->Alias; return $u->Make(); } if ($name == 'Symbol') { if ($this->ParentID == 0) { return; } else { $l = $this->Level; if ($l == 1) { return ' └'; } elseif ($l == 2) { return ' └'; } elseif ($l == 3) { return ' └'; } return; } } if ($name == 'Level') { if ($this->ParentID == 0) { $this->RootID = 0; return 0; } if ($zbp->categorys[$this->ParentID]->ParentID == 0) { $this->RootID = $this->ParentID; return 1; } if ($zbp->categorys[$zbp->categorys[$this->ParentID]->ParentID]->ParentID == 0) { $this->RootID = $zbp->categorys[$this->ParentID]->ParentID; return 2; } if ($zbp->categorys[$zbp->categorys[$zbp->categorys[$this->ParentID]->ParentID]->ParentID]->ParentID == 0) { $this->RootID = $zbp->categorys[$zbp->categorys[$this->ParentID]->ParentID]->ParentID; return 3; } return 0; } if ($name == 'SymbolName') { return $this->Symbol . htmlspecialchars($this->Name); } if ($name == 'Parent') { if ($this->ParentID == 0) { return null; } else { return $zbp->categorys[$this->ParentID]; } } if ($name == 'Template') { $value = $this->data[$name]; if ($value == '') { $value = $zbp->option['ZC_INDEX_DEFAULT_TEMPLATE']; } return $value; } if ($name == 'LogTemplate') { $value = $this->data[$name]; if ($value == '') { $value = $zbp->option['ZC_POST_DEFAULT_TEMPLATE']; } return $value; } return parent::__get($name); }
function __get($property) { if (in_array($property, array('module', 'page', 'type', 'size', 'row', 'place', 'content'))) { $ipn = '_' . $property; if ($this->{$ipn} === false) { $this->ld(); } return $this->{$ipn}; } elseif ($property == 'settings') { if ($this->_settings === false) { $this->ld(); } return $this->_settings; } else { return parent::__get($property); } }
/** * Returns the data of a given property. Unrecognized properties are forwarded to it's parent. * @see solidbase/lib/Base#__get($property) */ function __get($property) { switch ($property) { case 'language': return $this->language(); case 'parentID': return @self::$PARENTS[$this->ID]; case 'parentIDs': return $this->parents(false); case 'parent': if (isset(self::$PARENTS[$this->ID]) && self::$PARENTS[$this->ID]) { global $Controller; return $Controller->{(string) self::$PARENTS[$this->ID]}(OVERRIDE); } else { return false; } case 'parents': return $this->parents(); case 'place': if (isset(self::$PLACES[$this->ID])) { return self::$PLACES[$this->ID]; } else { return false; } case 'link': return $this->{'_' . $property}; case 'children': case 'next': case 'previous': return $this->{$property}(); break; default: return parent::__get($property); } }
public function &__get($var) { if (array_key_exists($var, $this->sqlExpressions)) { return $this->sqlExpressions[$var]; } else { if (array_key_exists($var, $this->relations)) { return $this->getRelation($var); } else { return parent::__get($var); } } }
public function __get($name) { global $zbp; if ($name == 'Author') { $m = $zbp->GetMemberByID($this->AuthorID); if ($m->ID == 0) { $m->Name = $this->Name; $m->Email = $this->Email; $m->HomePage = $this->HomePage; } return $m; } if ($name == 'Comments') { $array = array(); foreach ($zbp->comments as $comment) { if ($comment->ParentID == $this->ID) { $array[] =& $zbp->comments[$comment->ID]; } } return $array; } if ($name == 'Level') { if ($this->ParentID == 0) { return 0; } $c1 = $zbp->GetCommentByID($this->ParentID); if ($c1->ParentID == 0) { return 1; } $c2 = $zbp->GetCommentByID($c1->ParentID); if ($c2->ParentID == 0) { return 2; } $c3 = $zbp->GetCommentByID($c2->ParentID); if ($c3->ParentID == 0) { return 3; } return 4; } if ($name == 'Post') { $p = $zbp->GetPostByID($this->LogID); return $p; } return parent::__get($name); }
/** * @param $name * @return Member|mixed|string */ public function __get($name) { global $zbp; if ($name == 'Url') { foreach ($GLOBALS['hooks']['Filter_Plugin_Upload_Url'] as $fpname => &$fpsignal) { return $fpname($this); } return $zbp->host . 'zb_users/' . $this->Dir . rawurlencode($this->Name); } if ($name == 'Dir') { foreach ($GLOBALS['hooks']['Filter_Plugin_Upload_Dir'] as $fpname => &$fpsignal) { return $fpname($this); } return 'upload/' . date('Y', $this->PostTime) . '/' . date('m', $this->PostTime) . '/'; } if ($name == 'FullFile') { return $zbp->usersdir . $this->Dir . $this->Name; } if ($name == 'Author') { return $zbp->GetMemberByID($this->AuthorID); } return parent::__get($name); }
function __get($prop) { // if ($value = parent::__get($prop)) return $value; // lazy load relations if (isset(static::$hasOne[$prop]) && !isset($this->{$prop})) { $this->hasOne($prop); } isset(static::$richJoin[$prop]) ? $extraCols = (array) static::$richJoin[$prop] : ($extraCols = []); if (isset(static::$manyToMany[$prop]) && !isset($this->{$prop})) { $this->manyToMany($prop, $extraCols); } if (isset(static::$hasMany[$prop]) && !isset($this->{$prop})) { $this->hasMany($prop); } return parent::__get($prop); }
/** * @param $name * @return array|int|mixed|null|string */ public function __get($name) { global $zbp; switch ($name) { case 'Category': return $zbp->GetCategoryByID($this->CateID); break; case 'Author': return $zbp->GetMemberByID($this->AuthorID); break; case 'StatusName': return $zbp->lang['post_status_name'][$this->Status]; break; case 'Url': foreach ($GLOBALS['hooks']['Filter_Plugin_Post_Url'] as $fpname => &$fpsignal) { $fpsignal = PLUGIN_EXITSIGNAL_NONE; $fpreturn = $fpname($this); if ($fpsignal == PLUGIN_EXITSIGNAL_RETURN) { return $fpreturn; } } $u = new UrlRule($zbp->GetPostType_UrlRule($this->Type)); $u->Rules['{%id%}'] = $this->ID; if ($this->Alias) { $u->Rules['{%alias%}'] = $this->Alias; } else { if ($zbp->option['ZC_POST_ALIAS_USE_ID_NOT_TITLE'] == false) { $u->Rules['{%alias%}'] = rawurlencode($this->Title); } else { $u->Rules['{%alias%}'] = $this->ID; } } $u->Rules['{%year%}'] = $this->Time('Y'); $u->Rules['{%month%}'] = $this->Time('m'); $u->Rules['{%day%}'] = $this->Time('d'); if ($this->Category->Alias) { $u->Rules['{%category%}'] = $this->Category->Alias; } else { $u->Rules['{%category%}'] = rawurlencode($this->Category->Name); } if ($this->Author->Alias) { $u->Rules['{%author%}'] = $this->Author->Alias; } else { $u->Rules['{%author%}'] = rawurlencode($this->Author->Name); } return $u->Make(); break; case 'Tags': return $zbp->LoadTagsByIDString($this->Tag); break; case 'TagsCount': return substr_count($this->Tag, '{'); break; case 'TagsName': return $this->TagsToNameString(); case 'Template': $value = $this->data[$name]; if ($value == '') { $value = GetValueInArray($this->Category->GetData(), 'LogTemplate'); if ($value == '') { $value = $zbp->GetPostType_Template($this->Type); } } return $value; case 'CommentPostUrl': foreach ($GLOBALS['hooks']['Filter_Plugin_Post_CommentPostUrl'] as $fpname => &$fpsignal) { $fpreturn = $fpname($this); if ($fpsignal == PLUGIN_EXITSIGNAL_RETURN) { $fpsignal = PLUGIN_EXITSIGNAL_NONE; return $fpreturn; } } $key = '&key=' . $zbp->GetCmtKey($this->ID); return $zbp->host . 'zb_system/cmd.php?act=cmt&postid=' . $this->ID . $key; break; case 'ValidCodeUrl': return $zbp->validcodeurl . '?id=cmt'; break; case 'Prev': if ($this->_prev !== '') { return $this->_prev; } foreach ($GLOBALS['hooks']['Filter_Plugin_Post_Prev'] as $fpname => &$fpsignal) { $this->_prev = $fpname($this); if ($this->_prev !== '') { return $this->_prev; } } $articles = $zbp->GetPostList(array('*'), array(array('=', 'log_Type', 0), array('=', 'log_Status', 0), array('<', 'log_PostTime', $this->PostTime)), array('log_PostTime' => 'DESC'), array(1), null); if (count($articles) == 1) { $this->_prev = $articles[0]; } else { $this->_prev = null; } return $this->_prev; break; case 'Next': if ($this->_next !== '') { return $this->_next; } foreach ($GLOBALS['hooks']['Filter_Plugin_Post_Next'] as $fpname => &$fpsignal) { $this->_prev = $fpname($this); if ($this->_prev !== '') { return $this->_prev; } } $articles = $zbp->GetPostList(array('*'), array(array('=', 'log_Type', 0), array('=', 'log_Status', 0), array('>', 'log_PostTime', $this->PostTime)), array('log_PostTime' => 'ASC'), array(1), null); if (count($articles) == 1) { $this->_next = $articles[0]; } else { $this->_next = null; } return $this->_next; break; case 'RelatedList': foreach ($GLOBALS['hooks']['Filter_Plugin_Post_RelatedList'] as $fpname => &$fpsignal) { $fpreturn = $fpname($this); if ($fpsignal == PLUGIN_EXITSIGNAL_RETURN) { $fpsignal = PLUGIN_EXITSIGNAL_NONE; return $fpreturn; } } return GetList($zbp->option['ZC_RELATEDLIST_COUNT'], null, null, null, null, null, array('is_related' => $this->ID)); case 'TopType': $toptype = $this->Metas->toptype; if ($this->IsTop == true && $toptype == null) { $toptype = 'index'; } return $toptype; case 'TypeName': return $zbp->GetPostType_Name($this->Type); default: return parent::__get($name); break; } }
/** * @param $name * @return mixed|string */ public function __get($name) { global $zbp; if ($name == 'Url') { $u = new UrlRule($zbp->option['ZC_AUTHOR_REGEX']); $u->Rules['{%id%}'] = $this->ID; $u->Rules['{%alias%}'] = $this->Alias == '' ? urlencode($this->Name) : $this->Alias; return $u->Make(); } if ($name == 'Avatar') { foreach ($GLOBALS['Filter_Plugin_Mebmer_Avatar'] as $fpname => &$fpsignal) { $fpreturn = $fpname($this); if ($fpreturn) { $fpsignal = PLUGIN_EXITSIGNAL_NONE; return $fpreturn; } } if ($this->_avatar) { return $this->_avatar; } $s = $zbp->usersdir . 'avatar/' . $this->ID . '.png'; if (is_readable($s)) { $this->_avatar = $zbp->host . 'zb_users/avatar/' . $this->ID . '.png'; return $this->_avatar; } $this->_avatar = $zbp->host . 'zb_users/avatar/0.png'; return $this->_avatar; } if ($name == 'LevelName') { return $zbp->lang['user_level_name'][$this->Level]; } if ($name == 'EmailMD5') { return md5($this->Email); } if ($name == 'StaticName') { if ($this->Alias) { return $this->Alias; } return $this->Name; } if ($name == 'Template') { $value = $this->data[$name]; if ($value == '') { $value = $zbp->option['ZC_INDEX_DEFAULT_TEMPLATE']; } return $value; } return parent::__get($name); }