/** * Generate Health Status Alerts default object for condition * @return string PHP code for handlerObject */ public function generateDefaultHandlerObject() { $audit = new Audit(); $audit->auditId = $this->condition; $audit->populate(); $handlerName = Handler::normalizeHandlerName($this->name); $healthStatusHandler = ''; $objectClass = $audit->objectClass; if (strlen($objectClass) > 0 && class_exists($objectClass)) { $tmp = new $objectClass(); $healthStatusHandler .= <<<EOL \t\tif (\$auditOrm->objectClass == '{$objectClass}' && \$auditOrm->type == '{$audit->type}') { \t\t\treturn true; \t\t} EOL; } $handlerObject = <<<EOL class {$handlerName}HealthStatusHandlerObject extends HealthStatusHandlerObjectAbstract { \t//abstract requires at least this method \tpublic static function matchAudit(HealthStatusHandler \$handler,Audit \$auditOrm) { {$healthStatusHandler} \t\treturn false; \t} \tpublic static function fulfill(HealthStatusHandler \$handler,\$patientId) { \t} \tpublic static function patientMatch(HealthStatusHandler \$handler,\$patientId) { \t} } EOL; return $handlerObject; }
public function processResendOutboundFaxAction() { $messagingId = (int) $this->_getParam('messagingId'); $faxNumber = $this->_getParam('faxNumber'); $messaging = new Messaging(); if ($messagingId > 0) { $messaging->messagingId = $messagingId; $messaging->populate(); } if ($messagingId->auditId > 0) { $messaging->faxNumber = ''; if (is_numeric($faxNumber) && strlen($faxNumber) > 9) { $messaging->faxNumber = $faxNumber; } $messaging->resend = 1; $messaging->persist(); $audit = new Audit(); $audit->auditId = $messagingAudit->auditId; $audit->populate(); $audit->startProcessing = '0000-00-00 00:00:00'; $audit->endProcessing = '0000-00-00 00:00:00'; $audit->persist(); } $json = Zend_Controller_Action_HelperBroker::getStaticHelper('json'); $json->suppressExit = true; $json->direct(true); }
/** * Generate Health Status Alerts default object for condition * @return string PHP code for conditionObject */ public function generateHSADefaultConditionObject() { $audit = new Audit(); $audit->auditId = $this->condition; $audit->populate(); $handlerName = self::normalizeHandlerName($this->name); $conditionHandler = ''; $dataIntegrationDatasource = ''; $objectClass = $audit->objectClass; if (strlen($objectClass) > 0 && class_exists($objectClass)) { $tmp = new $objectClass(); $conditionHandler .= <<<EOL \t\tif (\$auditOrm->objectClass == '{$objectClass}' && \$auditOrm->type == '{$audit->type}') { \t\t\treturn true; \t\t} EOL; $dataIntegrationDatasource .= <<<EOL \t\tif (class_exists('{$objectClass}')) { \t\t\t\$orm = new {$objectClass}(); EOL; foreach ($tmp->_primaryKeys as $key) { $dataIntegrationDatasource .= <<<EOL \t\t\t\$orm->{$key} = {$audit->objectId}; EOL; } $dataIntegrationDatasource .= <<<EOL \t\t\t\$orm->populate(); \t\t\t\$ret = \$orm->toArray(); \t\t} EOL; } $conditionObject = <<<EOL class {$handlerName}ConditionHandler extends DataIntegrationConditionHandlerAbstract { \t//abstract requires at least this method \tpublic static function matchAudit(Audit \$auditOrm) { {$conditionHandler} \t\treturn false; \t} \tpublic static function fulfill(HealthStatusAlert \$alert) { \t\t\$alert->status = 'fulfilled'; \t\t\$alert->persist(); \t} \tpublic static function patientMatch(Handler \$handler,Patient \$patient) { \t\t// get/retrieve patient alert using personId of \$patient and handlerId of \$handler \t\t\$alert = new HealthStatusAlert(); \t\t\$alert->populateByHandlerPatientId(\$handler->handlerId,\$patient->personId); \t\tif (strlen(\$alert->status) > 0) { \t\t\t//return true; \t\t} \t\tif (\$alert->status == 'active' || \$alert->status == 'fulfilled' || \$alert->status == 'ignored') { \t\t\treturn false; \t\t} \t\treturn true; \t} } class {$handlerName}DataIntegrationDatasource extends DataIntegrationDatasourceAbstract { \t//abstract requires at least this method \tpublic static function sourceData(Audit \$auditOrm) { \t\t\$ret = array(); {$dataIntegrationDatasource} \t\treturn \$ret; \t} } EOL; return $conditionObject; }