Exemple #1
  * @param Registry $registry
  * @return Audit
 public static function getInstance($registry)
     if (empty(Audit::$instance)) {
         Audit::$instance = new Audit($registry);
     return Audit::$instance;
Exemple #2
 function __construct()
     $this->user = new \DB\SQL\Mapper($this->db, 'users');
     $this->audit = \Audit::instance();
     $this->bcrypt = \BCrypt::instance();
 private function addPlugin()
     $audit = \Audit::instance();
     $this->f3->set('SESSION.flash', array());
     // process form if > 0 plugins have been selected
     if ($this->f3->exists('POST.plugins') && count($this->f3->get('POST.plugins')) > 0) {
         foreach ($this->f3->get('POST.plugins') as $package) {
             // validate plugin
             if ($this->plugins->getPackage($package) !== false) {
                 $this->f3->push('SESSION.flash', array('type' => 'warning', 'msg' => '"' . $package . '" is already installed. Skipping.'));
             } else {
                 if (!($config = $this->plugins->getRemoteConfig($package))) {
                     $this->f3->push('SESSION.flash', array('type' => 'danger', 'msg' => '"' . $package . '" could not be installed. (missing mytcg.json config file)'));
                 } else {
                     if (!isset($config['name']) || !isset($config['author']) || !isset($config['version']) || !isset($config['description'])) {
                         $this->f3->push('SESSION.flash', array('type' => 'danger', 'msg' => '"' . $package . '" could not be installed. (invalid mytcg.json config file)'));
             // process install if there are no errors
             if (count($this->f3->get('SESSION.flash')) === 0) {
                 if ($this->plugins->install($package, $this->plugins)) {
                     $this->f3->push('SESSION.flash', array('type' => 'success', 'msg' => '"' . $package . '" has been installed successfully!'));
                 } else {
                     $this->f3->push('SESSION.flash', array('type' => 'danger', 'msg' => '"' . $package . '" could not be installed.'));
 private function process()
     $audit = \Audit::instance();
     $this->f3->set('SESSION.flash', array());
     // validate form
     if (!preg_match("/^[\\w\\- ]{2,30}\$/", $this->f3->get('POST.name'))) {
         $this->f3->push('SESSION.flash', array('type' => 'warning', 'msg' => 'Invalid name.'));
     if (!$audit->email($this->f3->get('POST.email'), FALSE)) {
         $this->f3->push('SESSION.flash', array('type' => 'warning', 'msg' => 'Invalid email address'));
     if (!empty($this->f3->get('POST.url')) && !$audit->url($this->f3->get('POST.url'))) {
         $this->f3->push('SESSION.flash', array('type' => 'warning', 'msg' => 'Invalid URL.'));
     if (empty($this->f3->get('POST.message'))) {
         $this->f3->push('SESSION.flash', array('type' => 'warning', 'msg' => 'Please include a message!'));
     // honey pot
     if ($this->f3->get('POST.username') !== '') {
         $this->f3->push('SESSION.flash', array('type' => 'warning', 'msg' => 'Please do not use autofill or similar tools!'));
     // if there are no errors, process the form
     if (count($this->f3->get('SESSION.flash')) === 0) {
         $this->f3->set('POST.level', $this->f3->get('member')->level + 1);
         $mailer = new Mailer();
         $message = $mailer->message()->setSubject($this->f3->get('tcgname') . ': Contact Form')->setFrom(array($this->f3->get('noreplyemail') => 'MyTCG'))->setTo(array($this->f3->get('tcgemail')))->setReplyTo(array($this->f3->get('POST.email')))->setBody(Template::instance()->render('app/templates/emails/contact.htm'), 'text/html');
         if ($mailer->send($message)) {
             $this->f3->push('SESSION.flash', array('type' => 'success', 'msg' => 'Your form has been sent. Thanks for contacting us!'));
         } else {
             $this->f3->push('SESSION.flash', array('type' => 'danger', 'msg' => 'There was a problem processing your request. Please try again or contact us for assistance!'));
Exemple #5
 public static function setActive()
     if (!\Audit::instance()->isbot()) {
         if (class_exists('\\Activity\\Models\\Actors')) {
             $actor = \Activity\Models\Actors::fetch();
             if ($actor->isExcluded()) {
         if (\Dsc\System::instance()->get('input')->get('ping', null, 'int') != 1) {
             $fw = \Base::instance();
             $path = $fw->hive()['PATH'];
             switch ($path) {
                 // ignore certain paths, even if they aren't specifically pings
                 case strpos($path, '/minify/') === 0 ? true : false:
                 case "/minify/css":
                 case "/minify/js":
                     (new \Dsc\Mongo\Collections\Sessions())->store();
Exemple #6
  * validate email address
  * @param string $val
  * @param string $context
  * @param bool $mx
  * @return bool
 function email($val, $context = null, $mx = true)
     $valid = true;
     if (!$context) {
         $context = 'error.validation.email';
     if (!empty($val)) {
         if (!\Audit::instance()->email($val, false)) {
             $val = NULL;
             if (!$this->f3->exists($context . '.invalid', $errText)) {
                 $errText = 'e-mail is not valid';
             $this->f3->error(400, $errText);
             $valid = false;
         } elseif ($mx && !\Audit::instance()->email($val, true)) {
             $val = NULL;
             if (!$this->f3->exists($context . '.host', $errText)) {
                 $errText = 'unknown mail mx.host';
             $this->f3->error(400, $errText);
             $valid = false;
     if (!$valid) {
         \Flash::instance()->setKey($context, 'has-error');
     return $valid;
Exemple #7
  * validate and set a email address for this user
  * @param $email
  * @return mixed
 public function set_email($email)
     if (\Audit::instance()->email($email) == false) {
         // no valid email address
     return $email;
 function __construct()
     $f3 = Base::instance();
     $db = new DB\SQL($f3->get('db_dns') . $f3->get('db_name'), $f3->get('db_user'), $f3->get('db_pass'));
     $audit = \Audit::instance();
     $this->f3 = $f3;
     $this->db = $db;
     $this->audit = $audit;
 protected function install()
     $audit = \Audit::instance();
     $this->f3->set('SESSION.flash', array());
     if (!$this->f3->exists('POST.tag') || $this->f3->get('POST.tag') === '') {
         $this->f3->push('SESSION.flash', array('type' => 'warning', 'msg' => 'Invalid request. Please try again.'));
     // process form if there are no errors
     if (count($this->f3->get('SESSION.flash')) === 0) {
 public function edit($id = '')
     		Edit form
     $members = new Members($this->db);
     $this->f3->set('member', $members->read(array('id=?', $id), [])[0]);
     $this->f3->set('SESSION.flash', array());
     $this->f3->set('status', array('Active', 'Hiatus'));
     $cards = new Cards($this->db);
     $this->f3->set('decks', $cards->allAlpha());
     $this->f3->set('months', array('Jan', 'Feb', 'Mar', 'Apr', 'May', 'Jun', 'Jul', 'Aug', 'Sep', 'Oct', 'Nov', 'Dec'));
     // form submitted
     if ($this->f3->exists('POST.edit')) {
         $audit = \Audit::instance();
         // validate form
         if (!preg_match("/^[\\w\\-]{2,30}\$/", $this->f3->get('POST.name'))) {
             $this->f3->push('SESSION.flash', array('type' => 'warning', 'msg' => 'Invalid name. Only letters, numbers, underscores (_), and dashes (-) are allowed.'));
         if (!$audit->email($this->f3->get('POST.email'), FALSE)) {
             $this->f3->push('SESSION.flash', array('type' => 'warning', 'msg' => 'Invalid email address'));
         if (!$audit->url($this->f3->get('POST.url'))) {
             $this->f3->push('SESSION.flash', array('type' => 'warning', 'msg' => 'Invalid trade post URL.'));
         if (!in_array($this->f3->get('POST.birthday'), $this->f3->get('months'))) {
             $this->f3->push('SESSION.flash', array('type' => 'warning', 'msg' => 'Invalid birthday'));
         if ($cards->count(array('id=?', $this->f3->get('POST.collecting'))) == 0) {
             $this->f3->push('SESSION.flash', array('type' => 'warning', 'msg' => 'Invalid collecting deck.'));
         if ($this->f3->get('member')->status !== 'Pending' && !in_array($this->f3->get('POST.status'), $this->f3->get('status'))) {
             $this->f3->push('SESSION.flash', array('type' => 'warning', 'msg' => 'Invalid status.'));
         // if there are no errors, process the form
         if (count($this->f3->get('SESSION.flash')) === 0) {
             $this->f3->set('collectingID', $this->f3->get('POST.collecting'));
             $this->f3->set('POST.collecting', $cards->getById($this->f3->get('POST.collecting'))->filename);
             if ($members->edit($this->f3->get('POST.id'))) {
                 $this->f3->push('SESSION.flash', array('type' => 'success', 'msg' => 'Member ' . $this->f3->get('POST.name') . ' edited!'));
             } else {
                 $this->f3->push('SESSION.flash', array('type' => 'danger', 'msg' => 'There was a problem processing your request. Please try again!'));
     $this->f3->set('content', 'app/views/mytcg/members_edit.htm');
     echo Template::instance()->render('app/templates/admin.htm');
 public function save($f3)
     if (!$this->configuration->load()) {
         $audit = \Audit::instance();
         $values = $f3->get('POST');
         if (!strlen($values['site-name']) || !strlen($values['password']) || !strlen($values['repeat-password']) || $values['password'] != $values['repeat-password'] || !$audit->email($values['admin-email'])) {
             $f3->set('SESSION.form_values', $values);
             $messages = array();
             if (!$audit->email($values['admin-email'])) {
                 $messages[] = 'The email must be a valid email';
             if (!strlen($values['password'])) {
                 $messages[] = 'The password field are required';
             if ($values['password'] != $values['repeat-password']) {
                 $messages[] = 'The password must be equal';
             if (!strlen($values['site-name'])) {
                 $messages[] = 'The site name are required';
             $f3->set('SESSION.form_messages', $messages);
         } else {
             $configuration = $this->configuration;
             $user = array("firstName" => "Administrator", "lastName" => "", "userName" => "admin", "password" => password_hash($values['password'], PASSWORD_DEFAULT), "email" => $values['admin-email'], "phone" => "", "country" => "", "city" => "", "address" => "");
             $f3->set('users', new \DB\Jig\Mapper($this->db, 'users.json'));
             $f3->get('users')->copyFrom((array) $user);
             $users = $f3->get('users')->save();
             $users = $this->db->read('users.json');
             $user_id = key($users);
             $configuration = array('system_name' => $values['site-name'], 'theme' => 'basic', 'date_format' => 'YYYY');
             $f3->set('sysconfig', new \DB\Jig\Mapper($this->db, 'sysconfig.json'));
             $f3->get('sysconfig')->copyFrom((array) $configuration);
             $f3->set('roles', new \DB\Jig\Mapper($this->db, 'roles.json'));
             $role = array('role' => 'Administrator', 'status' => 1, 'users' => array($user_id), 'qty' => 0);
             $f3->get('roles')->copyFrom((array) $role);
             $f3->set('roles', new \DB\Jig\Mapper($this->db, 'roles.json'));
             $role = array('role' => 'Guest', 'status' => 1, 'users' => array(), 'qty' => 0);
             $f3->get('roles')->copyFrom((array) $role);
             echo Template::instance()->render('templates/setup-created.html');
     } else {
         echo Template::instance()->render('templates/setup-created.html');
Exemple #12
 protected function postSite()
     if (!\Audit::instance()->isbot()) {
         $actor = \Activity\Models\Actors::fetch();
         $app = \Base::instance();
         // Track the site visit if it hasn't been done today for this actor
         if (empty($actor->last_visit) || $actor->last_visit < date('Y-m-d', strtotime('today'))) {
             \Activity\Models\Actions::track('Visited Site');
             $actor->set('last_visit', date('Y-m-d', strtotime('today')))->set('visited', time())->save();
         if ($this->input->get('ping', null, 'int') != 1) {
 public function generic_request(\Base $f3)
     $web = \Web::instance();
     $this->response->data['SUBPART'] = 'websaccre_generic_request.html';
     $audit_instance = \Audit::instance();
     if ($f3->get('VERB') == 'POST') {
         $error = false;
         if ($f3->devoid('POST.url')) {
             $error = true;
             \Flash::instance()->addMessage('Please enter a url e.g. http://africahackon.com', 'warning');
         } else {
             $audited_url = $audit_instance->url($f3->get('POST.url'));
             if ($audited_url == TRUE) {
                 Shared Hosting Servers Have an issue ..safemode and openbasedir setr and curl gives error enable the lines below and comment out the $request_successful one 
                 $options = array('follow_location'=>FALSE);
                 //handle POST data
                 $postReceive = $f3->get('Post.postReceive');
                 $postData = explode("&", $postReceive);
                 $postData = array_map("trim", $postData);
                 $address = $f3->get('POST.url');
                 if ($f3->get('POST.means') == "POST") {
                     $options = array('method' => $f3->get('POST.means'), 'content' => http_build_query($postData));
                 } else {
                     $options = array('method' => $f3->get('POST.means'));
                 $request_successful = $web->request($address, $options);
                 if (!$request_successful) {
                     \Flash::instance()->addMessage('You have entered an invalid URL try something like: http://africahackon.com', 'warning');
                 } else {
                     $result_body = $request_successful['body'];
                     $result_headers = $request_successful['headers'];
                     $engine = $request_successful['engine'];
                     $headers_max = implode("\n", $result_headers);
                     $myFinalRequest = "Headers: \n\n" . $headers_max . "\n\n Body:\n\n" . $result_body . "\n\n Engine Used: " . $engine;
                     $this->response->data['content'] = $myFinalRequest;
             } else {
                 \Flash::instance()->addMessage('You have entered an invalid URL try something like: http://africahackon.com', 'danger');
  * Handles Your little Hurl.it like service to make requests to remote servers using various methods
  * @package Controller
 public function generic_request(\Base $f3)
     $web = \Web::instance();
     $this->response->data['SUBPART'] = 'websaccre_generic_request.html';
     $audit_instance = \Audit::instance();
     if ($f3->get('VERB') == 'POST') {
         $error = false;
         if ($f3->devoid('POST.url')) {
             $error = true;
             \Flash::instance()->addMessage('Please enter a url e.g. http://africahackon.com', 'warning');
         } else {
             $audited_url = $audit_instance->url($f3->get('POST.url'));
             if ($audited_url == TRUE) {
                 //handle POST data
                 $postReceive = $f3->get('POST.postReceive');
                 $createPostArray = parse_str($postReceive, $postData);
                 if (ini_get('safe_mode')) {
                     $follow_loc = FALSE;
                 } else {
                     $follow_loc = TRUE;
                 $address = $f3->get('POST.url');
                 if ($f3->get('POST.means') == "POST") {
                     $options = array('method' => $f3->get('POST.means'), 'content' => http_build_query($postData), 'follow_location' => $follow_loc);
                     $request_successful = $web->request($address, $options);
                 } elseif ($f3->get('POST.means') == "GET" or $f3->get('POST.means') == "TRACE" or $f3->get('POST.means') == "OPTIONS" or $f3->get('POST.means') == "HEAD") {
                     $options = array('method' => $f3->get('POST.means'), 'follow_location' => $follow_loc);
                     $request_successful = $web->request($address, $options);
                 } else {
                     \Flash::instance()->addMessage('Unsupported Header Method', 'danger');
                 if (!$request_successful) {
                     \Flash::instance()->addMessage('Something went wrong your request could not be completed.', 'warning');
                 } else {
                     $result_body = $request_successful['body'];
                     $result_headers = $request_successful['headers'];
                     $engine = $request_successful['engine'];
                     $headers_max = implode("\n", $result_headers);
                     $myFinalRequest = "Headers: \n\n" . $headers_max . "\n\n Body:\n\n" . $result_body . "\n\n Engine Used: " . $engine;
                     $this->response->data['content'] = $myFinalRequest;
             } else {
                 \Flash::instance()->addMessage('You have entered an invalid URL try something like: http://africahackon.com', 'danger');
Exemple #15
 function __construct()
     global $f3;
     $this->f3 = $f3;
     $this->log = new Log('error.log');
     $this->db = new \DB\SQL('mysql:host=' . $this->dbinfo['dbhost'] . ';port=' . $this->dbinfo['dbport'] . ';dbname=' . $this->dbinfo['dbname'], $this->dbinfo['dbuser'], $this->dbinfo['dbpass']);
     $this->smtp = new SMTP($this->EmailInfo['host'], $this->EmailInfo['port'], $this->EmailInfo['scheme'], $this->EmailInfo['user'], $this->EmailInfo['pass']);
     $this->smtp->set('Errors-to', '');
     $this->smtp->set('From', '');
     $this->smtp->set('CC', '');
     $this->smtp->set('In-Reply-To', '');
     $this->geo = \Web\Geo::instance();
     $this->md = \Markdown::instance();
     $this->audit = \Audit::instance();
     $this->theme = new theme();
     $this->request['ip-address'] = $this->get_remote_address();
 public function request()
     $affiliates = new Affiliates($this->db);
     if ($this->f3->exists('POST.request')) {
         $audit = \Audit::instance();
         $this->f3->set('SESSION.flash', array());
         // validate form
         if (!preg_match("/^[\\w\\- ]{2,30}\$/", $this->f3->get('POST.name'))) {
             $this->f3->push('SESSION.flash', array('type' => 'warning', 'msg' => 'Invalid name.'));
         if (!$audit->email($this->f3->get('POST.email'), FALSE)) {
             $this->f3->push('SESSION.flash', array('type' => 'warning', 'msg' => 'Invalid email address'));
         if (!preg_match("/^.{2,30}\$/", $this->f3->get('POST.tcgname'))) {
             $this->f3->push('SESSION.flash', array('type' => 'warning', 'msg' => 'Invalid TCG Name.'));
         if (!$audit->url($this->f3->get('POST.url'))) {
             $this->f3->push('SESSION.flash', array('type' => 'warning', 'msg' => 'Invalid URL.'));
         if (!$audit->url($this->f3->get('POST.button'))) {
             $this->f3->push('SESSION.flash', array('type' => 'warning', 'msg' => 'Invalid button URL.'));
         // process form if there are no errors
         if (count($this->f3->get('SESSION.flash')) === 0) {
             $this->f3->set('POST.status', 'Pending');
             $mailer = new Mailer();
             $message = $mailer->message()->setSubject($this->f3->get('tcgname') . ': Affiliation Request')->setFrom(array($this->f3->get('noreplyemail') => 'MyTCG'))->setTo(array($this->f3->get('tcgemail')))->setReplyTo(array($this->f3->get('POST.email')))->setBody(Template::instance()->render('app/themes/' . $this->f3->get('theme') . '/templates/emails/affiliation.htm'), 'text/html');
             // send email & save to db
             if ($mailer->send($message) && $affiliates->add()) {
                 $this->f3->push('SESSION.flash', array('type' => 'success', 'msg' => 'Your affiliation request has been sent successfully!'));
             } else {
                 $this->f3->push('SESSION.flash', array('type' => 'danger', 'msg' => 'There was a problem processing your request. Please try again or contact us for assistance!'));
 public function cookie_based_lfi($method, $blankurl, $url, $payload)
     $web = \Web::instance();
     $f3 = \Base::instance();
     $options = array('method' => $method, 'header' => array('Accept: */*', 'User-Agent: Mth3l3m3ntFramework/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; HackingtoshTuxu 4.0; .NET CLR 1.1.4322)', 'Cookie: ' . $payload, 'Connection: Close', 'Pragma: no-cache', 'Cache-Control: no-cache'));
     $audit_instance = \Audit::instance();
     if ($f3->get('VERB') == 'POST') {
         $error = false;
         if ($blankurl) {
             $error = true;
             \Flash::instance()->addMessage('Please enter a url e.g. http://africahackon.com', 'warning');
         } else {
             $audited_url = $audit_instance->url($url);
             if ($audited_url == TRUE) {
                 $request_successful = $web->request($url, $options);
                 if (!$request_successful) {
                     \Flash::instance()->addMessage('You have entered an invalid URL try something like: http://africahackon.com', 'warning');
                 } else {
                     $result_body = $request_successful['body'];
                     $result_headers = $request_successful['headers'];
                     $response_header = $result_headers["0"];
                     $engine = $request_successful['engine'];
                     $headers_max = implode("\n", $result_headers);
                     if (strpos($response_header, '200 OK') !== false) {
                         $myFinalRequest = "Headers: \n\n" . $headers_max . "\n\n Body:\n\n" . $result_body . "\n\n Engine Used: " . $engine;
                         $this->response->data['content'] = $myFinalRequest;
                     } else {
                         $this->response->data['content'] = "Not Exploitable Application Returned the response below: \n\n " . $headers_max;
                     //convert array header to string
             } else {
                 \Flash::instance()->addMessage('You have entered an invalid URL try something like: http://africahackon.com', 'danger');
Exemple #18
 public function index()
     $cards = new Cards($this->db);
     $members = new Members($this->db);
     $this->f3->set('months', array('Jan', 'Feb', 'Mar', 'Apr', 'May', 'Jun', 'Jul', 'Aug', 'Sep', 'Oct', 'Nov', 'Dec'));
     if ($this->f3->exists('POST.join')) {
         $audit = \Audit::instance();
         $this->f3->set('SESSION.flash', array());
         // validate form
         if (!preg_match("/^[\\w\\-]{2,30}\$/", $this->f3->get('POST.name'))) {
             $this->f3->push('SESSION.flash', array('type' => 'warning', 'msg' => 'Invalid name. Only letters, numbers, underscores (_), and dashes (-) are allowed.'));
         if ($members->count(array('name=?', $this->f3->get('POST.name'))) != 0) {
             $this->f3->push('SESSION.flash', array('type' => 'warning', 'msg' => 'Your name is already taken by another player. Please select a different name and try again!'));
         if (!$audit->email($this->f3->get('POST.email'), FALSE)) {
             $this->f3->push('SESSION.flash', array('type' => 'warning', 'msg' => 'Invalid email address'));
         if ($members->count(array('email=?', $this->f3->get('POST.email'))) != 0) {
             $this->f3->push('SESSION.flash', array('type' => 'warning', 'msg' => 'Your email address is already in use by another player.'));
         if (!$audit->url($this->f3->get('POST.url'))) {
             $this->f3->push('SESSION.flash', array('type' => 'warning', 'msg' => 'Invalid trade post URL.'));
         if (!preg_match("/^.{6,}\$/", $this->f3->get('POST.password'))) {
             $this->f3->push('SESSION.flash', array('type' => 'warning', 'msg' => 'Your password must contain at least 6 characters.'));
         if ($this->f3->get('POST.password') !== $this->f3->get('POST.password2')) {
             $this->f3->push('SESSION.flash', array('type' => 'warning', 'msg' => 'Your passwords don\'t match!'));
         if (!in_array($this->f3->get('POST.birthday'), $this->f3->get('months'))) {
             $this->f3->push('SESSION.flash', array('type' => 'warning', 'msg' => 'Invalid birthday'));
         if ($cards->count(array('id=?', $this->f3->get('POST.collecting'))) == 0) {
             $this->f3->push('SESSION.flash', array('type' => 'warning', 'msg' => 'Invalid collecting deck.'));
         if ($this->f3->get('POST.refer') !== '' && $members->count(array('name=?', $this->f3->get('POST.refer'))) == 0) {
             $this->f3->push('SESSION.flash', array('type' => 'warning', 'msg' => 'Invalid referral - that player\'s name doesn\'t exist in our database. Please check your spelling and try again!'));
         // honey pot
         if ($this->f3->get('POST.username') !== '') {
             $this->f3->push('SESSION.flash', array('type' => 'warning', 'msg' => 'Please do not use autofill or similar tools!'));
         // process form if there are no errors
         if (count($this->f3->get('SESSION.flash')) === 0) {
             $this->f3->set('POST.status', 'Pending');
             $this->f3->set('POST.level', 1);
             $this->f3->set('POST.membercard', 'No');
             $this->f3->set('POST.mastered', 'None');
             $this->f3->set('POST.wishlist', 'Coming soon.');
             $this->f3->set('POST.biography', 'Coming soon.');
             $this->f3->set('POST.password', password_hash($this->f3->get('POST.password'), PASSWORD_DEFAULT));
             $this->f3->set('collectingID', $this->f3->get('POST.collecting'));
             $this->f3->set('POST.collecting', $cards->getById($this->f3->get('POST.collecting'))->filename);
             $mailer = new Mailer();
             $message = $mailer->message()->setSubject($this->f3->get('tcgname') . ': New Member')->setFrom(array($this->f3->get('noreplyemail') => 'MyTCG'))->setTo(array($this->f3->get('tcgemail')))->setReplyTo(array($this->f3->get('POST.email')))->setBody(Template::instance()->render('app/themes/' . $this->f3->get('theme') . '/templates/emails/newmember.htm'), 'text/html');
             // send email & save to db
             if ($mailer->send($message) && $members->add()) {
                 $this->f3->set('sp', array());
                 // random choice cards
                 for ($i = 0; $i < $this->f3->get('num_startchoice'); $i++) {
                     $this->f3->push('sp', $cards->random(array('id=?', $this->f3->get('collectingID'))));
                 // random regular cards
                 for ($i = 0; $i < $this->f3->get('num_startreg'); $i++) {
                     $this->f3->push('sp', $cards->random(array('worth=?', 1)));
                 // random special cards
                 for ($i = 0; $i < $this->f3->get('num_startspc'); $i++) {
                     $this->f3->push('sp', $cards->random(array('worth=?', 2)));
                 $mailer = new Mailer();
                 $message = $mailer->message()->setSubject($this->f3->get('tcgname') . ': Starter Pack')->setFrom(array($this->f3->get('noreplyemail') => $this->f3->get('tcgname')))->setTo(array($this->f3->get('POST.email')))->setReplyTo(array($this->f3->get('tcgemail')))->setBody(Template::instance()->render('app/templates/emails/starterpack.htm'), 'text/html');
                 $result = $mailer->send($message);
                 // load welcome message
                 $this->f3->set('content', 'app/themes/' . $this->f3->get('theme') . '/views/welcome.htm');
             } else {
                 $this->f3->push('SESSION.flash', array('type' => 'danger', 'msg' => 'There was a problem processing your request. Please try again or contact us for assistance!'));
     if (!$this->f3->exists('content')) {
         $this->f3->set('content', 'app/themes/' . $this->f3->get('theme') . '/views/join.htm');
     $this->f3->set('decks', $cards->allAlpha());
     echo Template::instance()->render('app/themes/' . $this->f3->get('theme') . '/templates/default.htm');
Exemple #19
  * Determine if the provided email is valid and exists
  * Usage: '<index>' => 'valid_email'
  * @param string $field
  * @param array  $input
  * @param null   $param
  * @return mixed
 protected function validate_valid_email($field, $input, $param = null)
     if (!isset($input[$field]) || empty($input[$field])) {
     if (!Audit::instance()->email($input[$field], true)) {
         return array('field' => $field, 'value' => $input[$field], 'rule' => __FUNCTION__, 'param' => $param);
Exemple #20
  * send rally point information by mail
 protected function sendRallyPointMail()
     $recipient = Config::getNotificationMail('RALLY_SET');
     if ($recipient && \Audit::instance()->email($recipient)) {
         $updatedCharacterId = (int) $this->get('updatedCharacterId', true);
          * @var $character CharacterModel
         $character = $this->rel('updatedCharacterId');
         if (!$character->dry()) {
             $body = [];
             $body[] = "Map:\t\t" . $this->mapId->name;
             $body[] = "System:\t\t" . $this->name;
             $body[] = "Region:\t\t" . $this->region;
             $body[] = "Security:\t" . $this->security;
             $body[] = "Character:\t" . $character->name;
             $body[] = "Time:\t\t" . date('g:i a; F j, Y', strtotime($this->rallyUpdated));
             $bodyMsg = implode("\r\n", $body);
             (new MailController())->sendRallyPoint($recipient, $bodyMsg);
Exemple #21
  * send mail with registration key
  * -> check INVITE in pathfinder.ini
  * @param $f3
  * @throws Exception
 public function sendInvite($f3)
     $data = $f3->get('POST.settingsData');
     $return = (object) [];
     // check invite limit
     // get handed out key count
     $tempRegistrationKeyModel = Model\BasicModel::getNew('RegistrationKeyModel');
     $tempRegistrationKeyModels = $tempRegistrationKeyModel->find(['
         email != "" AND
         active = 1']);
     $totalKeys = 0;
     if (is_object($tempRegistrationKeyModels)) {
         $totalKeys = $tempRegistrationKeyModels->count();
     if ($f3->get('PATHFINDER.REGISTRATION.INVITE') == 1 && $totalKeys < $f3->get('PATHFINDER.REGISTRATION.INVITE_LIMIT')) {
         // key limit not reached
         if (isset($data['email']) && !empty($data['email'])) {
             $email = trim($data['email']);
             // check if mail is valid
             if (\Audit::instance()->email($email)) {
                 // new key for this mail is allowed
                 $registrationKeyModel = $this->findRegistrationKey($email, 0);
                 if ($registrationKeyModel === false) {
                     // check for total number of invites (active and inactive) -> prevent spamming
                     $allRegistrationKeysByMail = $this->findRegistrationKey($email);
                     if ($allRegistrationKeysByMail == false || $allRegistrationKeysByMail->count() < 3) {
                         // get a fresh key
                         $registrationKeyModel = Model\BasicModel::getNew('RegistrationKeyModel');
                             used = 0 AND
                             active = 1 AND
                             email = "" ', ':email' => $email], ['limit' => 1]);
                     } else {
                         $validationError = (object) [];
                         $validationError->type = 'warning';
                         $validationError->message = 'The number of keys is limited by Email. You can not get more keys';
                         $return->error[] = $validationError;
                 } else {
                     $registrationKeyModel = $registrationKeyModel[0];
                 // send "old" key again or send a new key
                 if (is_object($registrationKeyModel)) {
                     $msg = 'Your personal Registration Key: ' . $registrationKeyModel->registrationKey;
                     $mailController = new MailController();
                     $status = $mailController->sendInviteKey($email, $msg);
                     if ($status) {
                         $registrationKeyModel->email = $email;
                         $registrationKeyModel->ip = $this->f3->get('IP');
             } else {
                 $validationError = (object) [];
                 $validationError->type = 'error';
                 $validationError->field = 'email';
                 $validationError->message = 'Email is not valid';
                 $return->error[] = $validationError;
     } else {
         $validationError = (object) [];
         $validationError->type = 'warning';
         $validationError->message = 'The pool of beta keys has been exhausted, please try again in a few days/weeks';
         $return->error[] = $validationError;
     echo json_encode($return);
Exemple #22
 private function deleteGame()
     $audit = \Audit::instance();
     $this->f3->set('SESSION.flash', array());
     // process form if there are no errors
     if (count($this->f3->get('SESSION.flash')) === 0) {
         // delete record
         if ($this->games->delete($this->f3->get('POST.id')) && unlink('storage/jig/games/' . $this->f3->get('POST.id') . '.json')) {
             $this->f3->push('SESSION.flash', array('type' => 'success', 'msg' => 'Game removed successfully!'));
         } else {
             $this->f3->push('SESSION.flash', array('type' => 'danger', 'msg' => 'There was a problem processing the request. Game data may not have been completely removed. Please try again.'));
 private function audit()
     return \Audit::instance();
Exemple #24
  * Obtains the criteria to search, based on a specified resource
  * identifier.
  * This function works out the type of resource being requested (e.g.
  * URL or e-mail), then supplies the appropriate path(s) to search
  * for.
  * @param string $resource the resource identifier
  * @return array an array of criteria paths and their corresponding
  * values
 protected function getResourceCriteria($resource)
     $audit = \Audit::instance();
     if ($audit->url($resource)) {
         return array('openid.identity' => $resource);
     // If it begins with acct: or mailto:, strip it out
     if (stristr($resource, 'acct:') !== false || stristr($resource, 'mailto:') !== false) {
         list(, $email) = explode(':', $resource, 2);
         if ($audit->email($email)) {
             return array('webfinger.acct' => $email, 'userinfo.email' => $email);
     return null;
  * @return Audit
 public static function audit()
     return Audit::instance();
Exemple #26
 private function mcrequest()
     		Process Member Card Request! 
     $audit = \Audit::instance();
     $members = new Members($this->db);
     $this->f3->set('member', $members->read(array('id=?', $this->f3->get('SESSION.userID')), [])[0]);
     $this->f3->set('SESSION.flash', array());
     // validate the form!
     if (!$audit->url($this->f3->get('POST.image'))) {
         $this->f3->push('SESSION.flash', array('type' => 'warning', 'msg' => 'Invalid image URL.'));
     // if there are no errors, process the form
     if (count($this->f3->get('SESSION.flash')) === 0) {
         $mailer = new Mailer();
         $message = $mailer->message()->setSubject($this->f3->get('tcgname') . ': Member Card Request (' . $this->f3->get('member')->name . ')')->setFrom(array($this->f3->get('noreplyemail') => 'MyTCG'))->setTo(array($this->f3->get('tcgemail')))->setReplyTo(array($this->f3->get('member')->email))->setBody(Template::instance()->render('app/templates/emails/mcrequest-notif.htm'), 'text/html');
         if ($mailer->send($message)) {
             $this->f3->push('SESSION.flash', array('type' => 'success', 'msg' => 'Your member card request has been sent!'));
         } else {
             $this->f3->push('SESSION.flash', array('type' => 'danger', 'msg' => 'There was a problem processing your request. Please try again or contact us for assistance!'));
  * Handles Decoding Functions
  * @param \Base $f3
 public function decoder_multi(\Base $f3)
     $this->response->data['SUBPART'] = 'dencoder_decoder_multi.html';
     $audit_instance = \Audit::instance();
     if ($f3->get('VERB') == 'POST') {
         $error = false;
         if ($f3->devoid('POST.encoded')) {
             $error = true;
             \Flash::instance()->addMessage('Please enter Some text to decode e.g. 0xaaaa ', 'warning');
         } else {
             $encoded_text_string = $f3->get('POST.encoded');
             $encodedFormat = $f3->get('POST.encodedFormat');
             switch ($encodedFormat) {
                 case "base64":
                     $decoded = trim($encoded_text_string);
                     if (base64_encode(base64_decode($decoded)) === $decoded) {
                         $decoded = base64_decode($decoded, true);
                         $this->response->data['content'] = $decoded;
                     } else {
                         \Flash::instance()->addMessage('Please enter a valid base 64 string e.g. dGVzdG1l ', 'warning');
                 case "hex":
                     $decoded = trim($encoded_text_string);
                     if (is_numeric('0x' . $decoded)) {
                         if (function_exists('hex2bin')) {
                             $decoded = hex2bin($decoded);
                             $this->response->data['content'] = $decoded;
                         } else {
                             \Flash::instance()->addMessage('Seems you are missing the hex2bin function , this is common with PHP 5.3 and below \\n Sorry I can\'t work this . ', 'warning');
                     } else {
                         \Flash::instance()->addMessage('Invalid Hexadecimal String detected, check for trailing spaces or invalid characters then try again.', 'warning');
                 case "hex_0x":
                     $clear_prefix = str_replace("0x", "", $encoded_text_string);
                     $clear_prefix = trim($clear_prefix);
                     if (is_numeric('0x' . $clear_prefix)) {
                         if (function_exists('hex2bin')) {
                             $decoded = hex2bin($clear_prefix);
                             $this->response->data['content'] = $decoded;
                         } else {
                             \Flash::instance()->addMessage('Seems you are missing the hex2bin function , this is common with PHP 5.3 and below \\n Sorry I can\'t work this . ', 'warning');
                     } else {
                         \Flash::instance()->addMessage('Invalid Hexadecimal String detected, check for trailing spaces or invalid characters then try again.', 'warning');
                 case "hex_slash_x":
                     $clear_prefix = str_replace("\\x", "", $encoded_text_string);
                     $clear_prefix = trim($clear_prefix);
                     if (is_numeric('0x' . $clear_prefix)) {
                         if (function_exists('hex2bin')) {
                             $decoded = hex2bin($clear_prefix);
                             $this->response->data['content'] = $decoded;
                         } else {
                             \Flash::instance()->addMessage('Seems you are missing the hex2bin function , this is common with PHP 5.3 and below \\n Sorry I can\'t work this . ', 'warning');
                     } else {
                         \Flash::instance()->addMessage('Invalid Hexadecimal String detected, check for trailing spaces or invalid characters then try again.', 'warning');
                 case "rot13":
                     $decoded = str_rot13(trim($encoded_text_string));
                     $this->response->data['content'] = $decoded;
                     \Flash::instance()->addMessage('Seems You have Broken something or text is invalid \\n I can\'t process', 'warning');
Exemple #28
 private function deleteCards()
     $audit = \Audit::instance();
     $this->f3->set('SESSION.flash', array());
     // determine whether to update the cards or upcoming table
     switch ($this->f3->get('POST.status')) {
         case "Upcoming":
             $cards = $this->upcoming;
         case "Released":
             $cards = $this->cards;
     // process form if there are no errors
     if (count($this->f3->get('SESSION.flash')) === 0) {
         // delete record
         if ($cards->delete($this->f3->get('POST.id'))) {
             $this->f3->push('SESSION.flash', array('type' => 'success', 'msg' => 'Deck record removed successfully!'));
         } else {
             $this->f3->push('SESSION.flash', array('type' => 'danger', 'msg' => 'There was a problem processing the request. Please try again.'));
 private function approveAffiliate($affiliates)
     		Process Approve Affiliate Form! 
     $audit = \Audit::instance();
     $this->f3->set('SESSION.flash', array());
     // process form if there are no errors
     if (count($this->f3->get('SESSION.flash')) === 0) {
         $this->f3->set('POST.status', 'Active');
         // save to db
         if ($affiliates->edit($this->f3->get('POST.id'))) {
             $mailer = new Mailer();
             $message = $mailer->message()->setSubject($this->f3->get('tcgname') . ': Affiliation Approved')->setFrom(array($this->f3->get('noreplyemail') => $this->f3->get('tcgname')))->setTo(array($affiliates->read(array('id=?', $this->f3->get('POST.id')), [])[0]->email))->setReplyTo(array($this->f3->get('tcgemail')))->setBody(Template::instance()->render('app/templates/emails/affiliate-approved.htm'), 'text/html');
             // send email & save to db
             if ($mailer->send($message)) {
                 $this->f3->push('SESSION.flash', array('type' => 'success', 'msg' => 'Approval email sent.'));
             $this->f3->push('SESSION.flash', array('type' => 'success', 'msg' => 'Affiliate approved!'));
         } else {
             $this->f3->push('SESSION.flash', array('type' => 'danger', 'msg' => 'There was a problem processing the request. Please try again.'));
 public function settings()
     if ($this->f3->exists('SESSION.userID')) {
         $cards = new Cards($this->db);
         $members = new Members($this->db);
         $this->f3->set('status', array('Active', 'Hiatus'));
         $this->f3->set('decks', $cards->allAlpha());
         $this->f3->set('member', $members->read(array('id=?', $this->f3->get('SESSION.userID')), [])[0]);
         if ($this->f3->exists('POST.update')) {
             $audit = \Audit::instance();
             $this->f3->set('SESSION.flash', array());
             // validate form
             if (!$audit->email($this->f3->get('POST.email'), FALSE)) {
                 $this->f3->push('SESSION.flash', array('type' => 'warning', 'msg' => 'Invalid email address.'));
             if ($this->f3->get('POST.email') != $this->f3->get('member')->email && $members->count(array('email=?', $this->f3->get('POST.email'))) != 0) {
                 $this->f3->push('SESSION.flash', array('type' => 'warning', 'msg' => 'Your email address is already in use by another player.'));
             if (!$audit->url($this->f3->get('POST.url'))) {
                 $this->f3->push('SESSION.flash', array('type' => 'warning', 'msg' => 'Invalid trade post URL.'));
             if ($this->f3->get('POST.password') !== '' && !preg_match("/^.{6,}\$/", $this->f3->get('POST.password'))) {
                 $this->f3->push('SESSION.flash', array('type' => 'warning', 'msg' => 'Your password must contain at least 6 characters.'));
             if ($this->f3->get('POST.password') !== '' && $this->f3->get('POST.password') !== $this->f3->get('POST.password2')) {
                 $this->f3->push('SESSION.flash', array('type' => 'warning', 'msg' => 'Your passwords don\'t match!'));
             if ($this->f3->get('member')->status !== 'Pending' && !in_array($this->f3->get('POST.status'), $this->f3->get('status'))) {
                 $this->f3->push('SESSION.flash', array('type' => 'warning', 'msg' => 'Invalid status.'));
             if ($cards->count(array('id=?', $this->f3->get('POST.collecting'))) == 0) {
                 $this->f3->push('SESSION.flash', array('type' => 'warning', 'msg' => 'Invalid collecting deck.'));
             if (!preg_match("/^.{0,875}\$/", $this->f3->get('POST.biography')) || !preg_match("/^.{0,875}\$/", $this->f3->get('POST.wishlist'))) {
                 $this->f3->push('SESSION.flash', array('type' => 'warning', 'msg' => 'Please limit your Profile details to 875 characters.'));
             // process form if there are no errors
             if (count($this->f3->get('SESSION.flash')) === 0) {
                 if ($this->f3->get('member')->status == 'Pending') {
                     // If they're pending, don't let them change their status!
                     $this->f3->set('POST.status', 'Pending');
                 if ($this->f3->exists('POST.password') && $this->f3->get('POST.password') != '') {
                     // if password was changed, hash it
                     $this->f3->set('POST.password', password_hash($this->f3->get('POST.password'), PASSWORD_DEFAULT));
                 } else {
                 $this->f3->set('collectingID', $this->f3->get('POST.collecting'));
                 $this->f3->set('POST.collecting', $cards->getById($this->f3->get('POST.collecting'))->filename);
                 // update settings in db
                 if ($members->edit($this->f3->get('SESSION.userID'), array('email', 'url', 'status', 'password', 'level', 'collecting', 'wishlist', 'biography'))) {
                     $this->f3->push('SESSION.flash', array('type' => 'success', 'msg' => 'Your settings have been updated!'));
                     $this->f3->set('member', $members->read(array('id=?', $this->f3->get('SESSION.userID')), [])[0]);
                 } else {
                     $this->f3->push('SESSION.flash', array('type' => 'danger', 'msg' => 'There was a problem processing your request. Please try again or contact us for assistance!'));
         $this->f3->set('content', 'app/themes/' . $this->f3->get('theme') . '/views/settings.htm');
         echo Template::instance()->render('app/themes/' . $this->f3->get('theme') . '/templates/default.htm');
     } else {