public function beforeAction()
     // auto find model entry when id passed
     if (isset($this->params['id'])) {
         if (!$this->{$this->name}->fromId($this->params['id'])) {
             return false;
         $this->data->set($this->name, $this->{$this->name});
     // send invalid logins (invalid user group) back to loing page
     if (!$this->UserLogin->loggedin() && empty($this->publicActions)) {
     // change language on users locale
     if (isset($this->I18n) && $this->UserLogin->loggedin() && $this->User->hasField('locale')) {
     // if mobile layout selected, use other action view files
     if ($this->layout == 'mobile') {
         // and increase number of returned model entries
         if (!empty($this->{$this->name})) {
             $this->{$this->name}->perPage = 50;
             if (!in_array($this->action, array('edit', 'view'))) {
                 $this->{$this->name}->depth = 0;
         $this->action .= '.mobile';
     return parent::beforeAction();
 public function beforeAction()
     if ($this->UserLogin->loggedin()) {
         $this->BlogPost->findConditions = array();
     return parent::beforeAction();
 public function beforeAction()
     if (!in_array($this->action, $this->publicAccessActions) and !$this->Security->hasPermission('administradores_root')) {
 public function beforeAction()
     // find all nodes if logged in @todo add PermissionCheck to this
     if (isset($this->Node) && $this->UserLogin->loggedin()) {
         $this->Node->findConditions = array();
     return parent::beforeAction();
 public function beforeAction()
     if (empty($this->params['unique_id'])) {
         return false;
     if (!($this->MediaFile = $this->MediaFile->findByUniqueId($this->params['unique_id']))) {
         return false;
     return parent::beforeAction();
 function beforeAction()