public function __construct() { parent::__construct(); $this->layout = 'painel'; $this->Funcionario = new Funcionario(); $this->Endereco = new Endereco(); }
/** * __construct * * @param CakeRequest $request * @param CakeResponse $response */ public function __construct($request = null, $response = null) { parent::__construct($request, $response); $this->constructClasses(); $this->Components->trigger('initialize', array(&$this)); $this->_set(array('cacheAction' => false, 'viewPath' => 'Errors')); }
public function __construct() { parent::__construct(); add_filter('wp_edit_nav_menu_walker', array(&$this, 'addMenuEditWalker'), 10, 2); add_action('wp_update_nav_menu_item', array(&$this, 'beforeSave'), 10, 3); add_filter('wp_setup_nav_menu_item', array(&$this, 'afterFind')); }
public function __construct() { parent::__construct(); $this->layout = "painel"; $this->Mesa = new Mesa(); $this->Ambiente = new Ambiente(); }
public function __construct() { $this->safeFunctionsU = array('chat'); $this->safeFunctions = array('chat', 'preferences', 'password', 'notifications', 'users_data'); parent::__construct(); $this->cfg['title'] = $this->lang->line('Gestión'); }
function __construct() { parent::__construct(); $this->subjects = new Subjects(); $this->requirements = new GarantRequirements(); $this->helpLink = HELP_COMMON; }
/** * Constructor. * * @param Zend_Controller_Request_Abstract $request * @param Zend_Controller_Response_Abstract $response * @param array $invokeArgs * @throws Zend_Exception */ public function __construct(Zend_Controller_Request_Abstract $request, Zend_Controller_Response_Abstract $response, array $invokeArgs = array()) { parent::__construct($request, $response, $invokeArgs); $this->loadModuleElements(); if (is_null($this->moduleName)) { throw new Zend_Exception('Please set the module name in AppController'); } $fc = Zend_Controller_Front::getInstance(); $this->view->moduleWebroot = $fc->getBaseUrl() . '/modules/' . $this->moduleName; $this->view->moduleName = $this->moduleName; if (file_exists(BASE_PATH . '/modules/' . $this->moduleName . '/configs/module.ini')) { $config = new Zend_Config_Ini(BASE_PATH . '/modules/' . $this->moduleName . '/configs/module.ini', 'global', true); } elseif (file_exists(BASE_PATH . '/privateModules/' . $this->moduleName . '/configs/module.ini')) { $config = new Zend_Config_Ini(BASE_PATH . '/privateModules/' . $this->moduleName . '/configs/module.ini', 'global', true); } else { throw new Zend_Exception('Unable to find configuration file'); } $this->view->moduleFullName = $config->fullname; $this->view->moduleDescription = $config->description; // Add variables to the view that allow the retrieval of any enabled module // webroots $allModules = Zend_Registry::get('modulesEnable'); foreach ($allModules as &$mod) { $modWebroot = $mod . 'Webroot'; $this->view->{$modWebroot} = $fc->getBaseUrl() . '/modules/' . $mod; } }
function __construct() { $this->name = 'search'; $this->versioning = true; $this->base_view_dir = ROOT_DIR; parent::__construct(); }
public function __construct() { parent::__construct(); $this->layout = 'painel'; $this->Email = new Email(); $this->Email->useTable = 'emails_sistema'; }
public function __construct() { $this->safeFunctionsU = array(); $this->safeFunctions = array('data'); parent::__construct(); $this->cfg['title'] = $this->lang->line('Productos'); }
public function __construct() { parent::__construct(); $this->layout = "painel"; $this->Ambiente = new Ambiente(); $this->Salao = new Salao(); }
public function __construct($default = array()) { parent::__construct($default); // set table $this->table = $this->app->table->account; // get application $this->application = $this->app->zoo->getApplication(); // get Joomla application $this->joomla = $this->app->system->application; // get params $this->params = $this->joomla->getParams(); // get pathway $this->pathway = $this->joomla->getPathway(); // set base url $this->baseurl = $this->app->link(array('controller' => $this->controller), false); $this->cUser = $this->app->storeuser->get(); $this->cart = $this->app->cart; // registers tasks $this->registerTask('customer', 'display'); $this->registerTask('payment', 'display'); $this->registerTask('confirm', 'display'); $this->registerTask('save', 'display'); $this->registerTask('processPayment', 'display'); $this->registerTask('addCoupon', 'display'); $this->registerTask('orderNotification', 'orderNotification'); // $this->taskMap['display'] = null; // $this->taskMap['__default'] = null; }
public function __construct() { parent::__construct(); $this->css = array(); $this->js = array(); $this->User = new Usuario(); }
public function __construct() { $this->ClasseAllow = array('ajustaCadastros'); parent::__construct(); $this->layout = 'painel'; $this->Cliente = new Cliente(); }
/** * @param array $app * @param array $config * @throws AppException */ public function __construct($app, $config = array()) { parent::__construct($app, $config); $this->_jbrequest = $this->app->jbrequest; $task = $this->_jbrequest->getWord('task'); $ctrl = $this->_jbrequest->getCtrl(); if (!method_exists($this, $task)) { throw new AppException('Action method not found! ' . $ctrl . ' :: ' . $task . '()'); } // internal vars $this->application = $this->app->zoo->getApplication(); $this->_params = $this->application->getParams('frontpage'); $this->joomla = $this->app->system->application; $isSite = $this->app->jbenv->isSite(); if (!$isSite) { $this->app->document->addStylesheet("root:administrator/templates/system/css/system.css"); $this->app->jbassets->uikit(true, true); $this->_setToolbarTitle(); } else { $this->params = $this->joomla->getParams(); $this->pathway = $this->joomla->getPathway(); $this->app->jbassets->setAppCSS(); $this->app->jbassets->setAppJS(); } $this->_config = JBModelConfig::model(); }
/** * Constructor to always check user * logged in status */ public function __construct($name) { parent::__construct($name); if (is_logged_in() === false) { redirect($controller = 'index'); } }
public function __construct() { parent::__construct(); $this->Atracao = new Atracao(); $this->Evento = new Evento(); $this->layout = 'painel'; }
function __construct() { parent::__construct(); $this->set("modul", "accounting"); $this->set("submodul", "admin"); $this->set("current", "account"); }
public function __construct() { parent::__construct(); if ($this->context->get('user_id')) { $this->redirect('user'); } }
function __construct() { parent::__construct(); $this->requirements = new GarantRequirements(); $this->prequirements = new TeacherRequirements(); $this->crequirements = new PractRequirements(); }
public function __construct($default = array()) { parent::__construct($default); // check ACL if (!$this->app->user->isAdmin()) { throw new ManagerControllerException("Invalid Access Permissions!", 1); } // set base url $this->baseurl = $this->app->link(array('controller' => $this->controller), false); // get application group $this->group = $this->app->request->getString('group'); // if group exists if ($this->group) { // add group to base url $this->baseurl .= '&group=' . $this->group; // create application object $this->application = $this->app->object->create('Application'); $this->application->setGroup($this->group); } // register tasks $this->registerTask('addtype', 'edittype'); $this->registerTask('applytype', 'savetype'); $this->registerTask('applyelements', 'saveelements'); $this->registerTask('applyassignelements', 'saveassignelements'); $this->registerTask('applysubmission', 'savesubmission'); }
/** * __construct * * @param object $request * @param object $response */ public function __construct($request = null, $response = null) { parent::__construct($request, $response); App::uses('OvenConfig', 'Oven.Lib'); new OvenConfig(); App::build(array('View' => array(App::pluginPath('Oven') . 'Lib' . DS . 'View' . DS)), App::PREPEND); }
/** * Controller construct (loads config file) * * @return null */ public function __construct($request = null, $response = null) { parent::__construct($request, $response); Configure::load('Twitter.twitter', 'default', false); $this->consumerKey = Configure::read('Twitter.consumerKey'); $this->consumerSecret = Configure::read('Twitter.consumerSecret'); }
/** * EventController constructor. */ public function __construct() { require 'app/model/EventModel.php'; $this->model = new EventModel(); parent::__construct(); $this->_date = date("j F, Y"); }
public function __construct() { parent::__construct(true); $this->fc->setSessionDefault('order', 'deadline'); $this->fc->setSessionDefault('limit', $GLOBALS['config']['task']['pagination_default']); if (APP_SETUP_USER_MODEL) { $this->fc->setSessionDefault('switch_id', $this->fc->user->getUid()); $this->fc->setSessionDefault('switch_name', $this->fc->user->get('nickname')); $this->switch_id = $this->fc->getSessionVariable('switch_id'); $this->user_id = $this->fc->user->getUid(); } else { $this->switch_id = $this->user_id = 0; } $this->fc->loadModel('TaskModel'); $this->current = TaskSummary::loadCurrent(); if ($this->fc->getReqVar('ajax')) { $this->page->clean('css'); $this->page->clean('js'); } else { $this->page->add('css', array('form.css', 'freak.css', 'list.css', 'tracker.css', 'colorbox.css')); // $this->page->add('js',array('jquery.form.min.js','jquery.colorbox-min.js')); $this->_addJsSettings(); $this->page->add('js', 'freak.js'); } }
public function __construct($default = array()) { parent::__construct($default); // get user $this->user = $this->app->user->get(); // get item id $this->item_id = $this->app->request->getInt('item_id'); // get pathway $this->pathway = $this->app->system->application->getPathway(); // get submission info from Request if (!($submission_id = $this->app->request->getInt('submission_id'))) { // else get submission info from menu item if ($menu = $this->app->menu->getActive()) { $this->menu_params = $this->app->parameter->create($menu->params); $submission_id = $this->menu_params->get('submission'); } } // set submission if ($this->submission = $this->app->table->submission->get((int) $submission_id)) { // set application $this->application = $this->submission->getApplication(); // set template $this->template = $this->application->getTemplate(); // set session form key $this->session_form_key = self::SESSION_PREFIX . 'SUBMISSION_FORM_' . $this->submission->id; } // load administration language files $this->app->system->language->load('', JPATH_ADMINISTRATOR, null, true); $this->app->system->language->load('com_zoo', JPATH_ADMINISTRATOR, null, true); }
public function __construct($request = NULL, $response = NULL) { parent::__construct($request, $response); if (empty($this->translatedSingularName)) { $this->translatedSingularName = __('Client', true); } }
public function __construct() { parent::__construct(true); $this->fc->loadModel('TaskModel'); $this->page->clean('css'); $this->page->clean('js'); }
public function __construct() { parent::__construct(); $this->TiposPagamento = new TiposPagamento(); $this->SituacaoConta = new SituacaoConta(); $this->layout = 'painel'; }
function __construct() { $this->base_dir = APP_DIR; $this->name = 'login'; $this->page_title = 'Login'; parent::__construct(); }