        # Display message
        $action = 'flash';
        $flash_next = $XML_SERVER . '&action=detail&msg=' . $msg;
        $flash_text = Aastra_get_label('Message forwarded to the selected user(s).', $language);
# Post-process action
switch ($action) {
    # Error message
    case 'error':
        # New text screen
        require_once 'AastraIPPhoneTextScreen.class.php';
        $object = new AastraIPPhoneTextScreen();
        $object->addSoftkey($err_key[0], $err_key[1], $err_key[2]);
        # Flash message
    # Flash message
    case 'flash':
        # New formatted text screen
        require_once 'AastraIPPhoneFormattedTextScreen.class.php';
        $object = new AastraIPPhoneFormattedTextScreen();
        $size = Aastra_size_display_line();
        if (strlen($flash_text) > $size) {
            $temp = wordwrap($flash_text, $size, "\n", True);
            $lines = explode("\n", $temp);
         $input->setURL($XML_SERVER_PATH . 'contactdir.php?user='******'&searchmethod=onetouch');
         $input->addSoftkey('1', 'T9', $XML_SERVER_PATH . 'contactdir.php?user='******'&searchmethod=t9');
         //$input->addSoftkey('2', 'History', $XML_SERVER_PATH.'contactdir.php?user='******'&searchmethod=t9&history=show');
         $input->addSoftkey('5', 'Back', $XML_SERVER_PATH . 'contactdir.php?user='******'4', 'Search', 'SoftKey:Submit');
         $input->addSoftkey('6', 'BKSpace', 'SoftKey:BackSpace');
         $input->addSoftkey('3', 'Exit', 'SoftKey:Exit');
     case 'help':
         $text->setTitle('Contact Directory');
         $text->setText('To search for contacts, use one of the following methods: One-touch: allows you to press each key once for the desired letter (i.e. to spell boy: \'2\' for \'b\', \'6\' for \'o\', \'9\' for \'y\'). T9: hit each number untill the desired letter appears on the screen (i.e. to spell boy: \'22\' for \'b\', \'666\' for \'o\', \'999\' for \'y\').');
         $text->addSoftkey('3', 'Back', $XML_SERVER_PATH . 'contactdir.php?user='******'Contact Directory');
         $text->setText('Chose input method to use for search:');
         $text->addSoftkey('1', 'One-Touch', $XML_SERVER_PATH . 'contactdir.php?user='******'&searchmethod=onetouch');
         $text->addSoftkey('2', 'T9', $XML_SERVER_PATH . 'contactdir.php?user='******'&searchmethod=t9');
         $text->addSoftkey('3', 'Help', $XML_SERVER_PATH . 'contactdir.php?user='******'&searchmethod=help');
         $text->addSoftkey('6', 'Exit', 'SoftKey:Exit');